Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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iers Report
in, ion five vsixmoxs Tinim'-sLx pages.
BRITISH "BULLDOGS" OUT .OF COMMISSION Officers of the English army in Trance who were on the firing
line against the Germans photographed at Havre, where they are being treated for wounds received in some of the many
battles in which tbey were engaged.
Victorious Progress of the German
Leader in prnsiia Continues,
Says Berlin.
Twenty-Second Army Corps Unable
to Assist Russians' Defeated
Left Wing.
Are Taken in Course of Battle
'from the' Main Force of
the Russians.
JJerlin Remains in Dark as to the
Battle Near Paris.
Commander of Saxon Force Con
, arratulated on Achievements of
Army br Emperor- Prince
Captares a Fortress.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. The
Oerman embassy today received the
following wireless from Berlin:
"General Htndenburg'g victorious
progress in east Prussia continues.
The Russians attempted to relieve
the pressure on their defeated left
wing by launching the Twenty'
econd army corps against General
Jlindenburg's flank, but, .according
to official reports, were defeated
Several batteries were captured from
the main Russian forces.
"There was no newt until 11
O'clock' from the western front.
rhere the struggle - presumably la
Continuing. The Saxon army under
General von Hausen sewm to have
fought brilliantly.". ;. .-. ' ... ' -v
. BERLIN. Sept 12. (Via Copenhagen
and London.) No details of the battles
eastward of Paris and around Verdun
iav boon received either from the gen
eral staff or the correspondents attached
to headquarters.
A telegram has been made public. which
was sent by Emperor William to the
king of Saxony, congratulating him on
the achievements of his army on Septem
ber . . after hot fighting. - The telegram
throws little light on the fighting near
Paris. The army referred to Is that
under the Saxon general. Von Hausen,
--hich is In an intermediate position be
tween the armies of General Von Buelow
on the right and Duke Albrecht of Wuer
tafaberg on the left. Its line of march
led southward over Rerhel, so it presum
ably occupied a position on the left wing
or the left center of the' German forces
near Paris, the right wing of which ef
fected a retirement before superior flank
ing forces.
The captured guns and prisoners men
tioned In yesterday's headquarters report
are presumably the fruit of the success
Mentioned - In the emperor's congratula
tion. - r
The German counter stroke to the
Anglo-French offensive near Parts, was
delivered by the army of Crown Prince
Frederick William, which captured a for-
CQontinued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Wounded Soldier
Woman in Disguise
PARIS, Sept 12. Among the weunded
brought to Noiey-Le-Bec. a town in the
Department of the Seine and near the
Ouroq canal, was a young laundress In a
soldier's uniform. Phe had followed a
company of Zouves and had fought along
side of them In" the trenches. Her iden
tity was not discovered until she was
Before sending her to the rear the com
manding officer oomjfUmented her on
her bravery.
The Weather
Forecast till T p. m. Sunday I
For Omaha, Council Bluffs andVlcinlty
Unsettled, cooler. ,
Temperature at Oaaaha Testerday,
Caaanaratlva IaJ Record.
1914. IMS. 1912. 1911.
Highest yesterday 65 7S 78 W
lwest yesterday.. ...... 6fi 61 SI tf
Mean temperature , W 3f 7 78
I'reiiDltatlOG U6 .0 .00
Tfmir(ur and piecipltatioa departures
from th nwrxuil:
Js'onnal temperature si
tvficlency for the day 1
Total exreas since March 1.... 403
Ni.rmal prtx-lpltalton 13 inch
Iieflcienc-y fur the day 6s inch
Total rainfall alni e March I. ...18 M Inches
irrn I . ice Man h 1 a Incnra
Kscess for cor. period in 113... 7.03 inches
ju:eaa tor tor. period in 1M.'... XM inches
Hours. Dec
f'J 6 a. m... ...M
kt ' a. m. ,;...6S
J 7 a. m.., M
p a. m
P t a. ni.... ... .6A
i 10 a. m 62
, 11a. m : M
13 ra 65
t 1 p. m o
r 3 p. m til
C 8 p. m 64
J 4 p. m M
$ p. m. M
p. m 4
7 p.
rrl' P ';')
f - ui " rtt,
I4-MI5T- - Jl - ;fi( .;4 ;wvi;'- iS3a J4
A i ". -'4 '4 I " '
' f i r 'J!''i'. . V,-,-. at. f r ,v , t i t It
Teutojli Still Kara Chance to Endan-
danfef Bear of the Sixth
French Army Corps. .
Invaders , Seem to Be Parpoeely
Avoldtns;- Battle Near Antwerp
and Are Moving; loath to
' HeJp Ont at Marne. '
LONDON Sept 12. News of a dectolve
character from the' east of. VI try-L-
Francols, where the army of Saxony and
parts of the armies commanded by the
prince of Wurtemberg and General Von
Buelow are fiercely struggling to break
through the French right and center still
hangs fire and the anxiety of both forces
grows keener as It Is recognized the result
of the battle In this quarter Is likely ; to
have a decisive effect on the whole line:
. Should the Germans smash through' the;
center of the French line In this district
they would turn the line of French fron
tier forts and seriously endanger the rear
of General Castleman's Sixth army corps
already engaged up to the hilt with a
corresponding - host of Germans - before
It Is f ally realised here that the driving
back of the German right wing and right
center in no' way is conclusive and that
as the Franco-British forces raille4 after
their long retreat, so may the Germans
turn and-retrieve their present reverses.-
First-Steve ef Straaale. ...
The publio 'Is warned-that the present
situation merely' is the first phase of , a
great battle and that the battle Itself. U
only the first stage of a titanic struggle
between the nations Which- will continue
so long as the main armies remain Intact
as they are at present. .
The latest unofficial reports from the
plains of Champagne tell of considerably
larger numbers it German guns and pris
oners being captured than were mentioned
in the last official communication.
Belgian official reports speak, of a rout
of the Germans by troops moving south
ward from Antwerp, but while there Is no
reason that the Invaders are evacuating
parts of Belgian territory, it It seems
probable that tney are purposeIy avoiding
battle as the main object of their south
ward move la to be In the fighting sons of
the Marne and to relieve pressure.
Belgians Accused
of Barbarous Acts
NEW TORK, Sept. 12.-Gouglng out of
eyes, cutting out of tongues, cutting off
of limbs, murdering of those ready to be
taken to hospitals and treacherous as
saults were among the atrocities per
formed on wounded German soldiers in
Belgium by the lower classes ' of Bel
gians, according to a letter written by
Prince Henry of Rouss, under date of
August U, to Count von Bernstorff, Ger
man ambassador to the United States.
The letter, which was received yester
day and made public today, says 4 Part:
1 hope that we have already protested
to the government at Brussels against the
frightful atrocities which were committed
and are still being committed dally by
the lower class of the Belgian population
against our brave soldiers, and especially
against wounded ones. It seems that the
Belgian government is either helpless or
.1.. Hno. n.1 , L nnu t Km l.a.l aKnii hmm
I things, which sre worse than the cruelties
committed during the Balkan war."
"' 11 ,. 111 'W
What an Omaha Tourist Noted
rt' Along the Fringe of Eurppe's War
: Curing the last week of July a party of
NebrAskans touring the aoritlneat rode
through the valley of the Rhine, from
Heidelberg to Dussetdorf, too absorbed by
the pleasures of the trip and the scenery
of city and country to give a thought to
the possibility of war.
.They touched elbows with members of
the German Red Cross corps la Heidel
berg. . and tipped glasses wtth hearty
"hochs". wtth a multitude which shooed
away the night owls In the famous castle
of Heidelberg wtth music, . song . and
feasting. Mayence, Wetsbaden,. Coblents,
Bonn and Cologne gave no sign of the ap
proaching storm, excepting small groups
of people reading ' bulletins ' about the
Austro-Servlan rumpus.- Harvesters were
at work in the fields, reaping nature's re.
wards for the husbandman,-while in the
cities the normal . currents of trade and
Industry .were' unruffled by threatening
clouds. Thus the Nebraska pilgrims lour
neyed northward unconscious of -trouble
Iremendoui Struggle Betwaen Ger
mam and Allies Continue With '
. . out Definite Newt.
Caar Gives Ont lte-wa Aboat Aus
trian, nnt Dees Hot TaTk of
. Res alt of Efforts Against
the Raises.
' IiONPON, - Sept. U. Three tremendous
struggles are waging along as many bat
tls lines, and from none of them comes a
report of a decisive result
The mystery' of the western operation
Is complicated by the news from Berlin,
which Ignores General von Kluck'a ef
forts on the German right, while Indicat
ing the German attack on Verdun Is suo
oeedlng successfully.
Official thanks, conveyed to the Ba
varian Sixth corps, seem to indicate that
that army Is merely expected to prevent
the sending of allies' reinforcements
northward.' If the Gemaa attack on the
southerly exposure of the Verdun forts,
assisted by the great siege gnus, suc
ceeds, the complete Investment of 'Ver
dun will ensue.
' The situation along; the Russian borders
is becoming as obscure as are the western
operations. Berlin reports that the victory
of General von Hlndenburg will clear
(.Continued on Page Two, Column fix.)
Cardinals Asked
by the Pope to Try
to . Secure Peace
ROMB, Sept 1L-CVU London. Sept 12 )
The Trlbuna says that Pope Benedict
XV has entrusted to the foreign cardinals
the task of con fid entail y urging their
governments to cease hostilities and con
voke a peace conference.
The papal delegate at Washington has
also been Instructed to urge the assist
ance of Washington la bringing about
ahead, -their thoughts aJone -oiVfoaeure
benti The Jolt was near at hand.
Ideals of Pejtee.
The last day of July the pilgrims de
voted the greater part of aa afternoon at
The Hague, exploring the new Temple of
Peace, projected by Cur Nicholas of Rus
sia, financed . by Andrew Carnegie and
decorated by all the nations of the world.
The official guide.. In. a foreword to the
visitors about to follow him through the
building, : explained : Its significance In
these words:
. "Everything here helps to symbolize the
ideals of peace embodied In this palace.
It seems as If, -after a long night of sor
row and pain, we see the daws of a fresh
and ' beautiful day when the peoples of
the earth . will embrace each .other as
brothers." Filled with these bright an
gelic Ideals we viewed with wondering
eyes the artlStlo decorations of the, big
and . little Halls of Justice, the Interna
tional Arbitration court room, the 'great
(Continued on Page Six, Column One.)
Belgians Cut Up
German Corps and
Take Prisoners
IvONDON, Sept 12- The Belgian lega
tion announced today that the Belgian
army had again taken the offensive,
which was being pushed satisfactorily. An
extended ' sortie was made September 10
and the Germans everywhere were forced
to retire. . Malines and Aerachot were
i The Belgian legation stated that Bel
gians had destroyed the railway between
Xxnivaln and Ttroement, thus cutting off
the German communications between
Brussels and Liege.
An'Ostend dispatch to the Exchange
Telegraph company says:
, The Belgian troops have Juet gained
an important success st Ortenberg, be
tween Louvain and Brussels, cutting up
a German corps and taking a number of
prisoners. The line toward Liege has
been occupied by the Belgians."
For the Ghristmas Ship
PIIOSSER. Neb., Bept. ll. To th Editor of The. Be: I saw
tbe article, "To the Children of America," In The Sunday Bee, and '
think It a beautiful plan, almost too good to be true.
My husband is the Methodist minister in this little town, and I
have charge of the primary department of the Sunday school. I .
think if you will send me particulars about the things for the
"Christmas ship" that I can Interest the Sunday school children In
getting together a large box for them. Aloo I am well acquainted
with several other Sunday schools in towns near here and might be
able to see that they seat similar boxes. The particular Sunday
schools I have In mind are In Juniata, Kenesaw and Rosedale.
I would like to know what kind of "presents" to send and where -'
and when to send them. Kindly let me know as soon as possible so
(hat I may begin working.
With best wishes for great success,
, MRS. J. 8. MERCER.
' K1 1 tor's Note .Details are being worked out and will be
announced in due time. This is one of nnmerons letters endors
ing (he idea; we would be glad to hear from others.
Aeroplane Throw Black Powder to
' Show location of the British
Disastrous Effect of Fire of German
Ganaej-e Directed Aanalast British
fortifications Shows Kxeell-
enee ef Marksmanship.
LONDON, Pept. 1 Vt. A British private
who was wounded in fight during the re
treat from Mons tells the following story
of the batUe there:
; ','It was Sunday and the British regi
ments at Mons were ' merrymaking and
enjoying themselves In leisure along the
streets.. Belgian women, returning . from
church, handed the sollders their - prayer
books as souvenirs while the Belgian men
gsve the men cigarettes and ' tobacco,
which were even .more welcome.
"About noon, when the .men were be
ginning to think about dinner, a German
aeroplane appeared overhead and . began
throwing out a cloud of black powder,
which Is one of their favorite methods of
assisting distant batteries to get the
"No sooner had the powder cloud ap
peared than shrapnel began-to burst over
head and In a moment all was confusion
and ' uproar. But it did not take the
regiments long to get Into fighting trim
and race through the city to the scene
of operations, which was on the other side
of the. small .canal In .the-suburbs.'
"Here our outposts were engaging the
enemy -fiercely. - The outposts lost very
heavily, much of the damage being done
by sheila The rifle fire was Ineffective,
although at times the Hues of contenders
nere not more than 800 yards apart
"The first reinforcements to arrive were
placed at the glass factory, the walla of
which were loopholed and . we doggedly
held that position until nightfall when we
fixed bayonets and lay in wait In case
the enemy made an attempt to rush the
position in the darkness.
Brldace, Blows Up.
"About midnight orders came to retire
over the canal and two companies were
left behind to keep tho enemy in check
(Continued On Pags Two, Column Four.)
War Summary
The French War office an
nounced at S - o'clock yesterday
afternoon that the Germans In
Krance wer retreating generally
and only offering a feeble resist
ance. A British official announce
ment says that their troops have
crossed the river Ourcq and Satur
day morning were pursuing the
German right, whose retreat was
rapid, it la declared the French
army had all the artillery of one
German army corps.
I'p to late yesterday no state
ment had been Issued by the Ger
man War office. The Istest offi
cial German report . said their
forces hed captured a fortress
southwest of Verdun, and new
dispatches Indicate a purpose on
the part of the German general
staff to surround and eut off from
the line of the allies the strongly
forttried city of Verdun.
News dispatches Indicate that
the Russians have not over
whelmed the Austrian In Qallcla,
as had been claimed, rresn ana
stubborn fighting In that Austrian
province Is reported, and this has
given rise to the speculation that
the German corps brought from
the west may have been thrown
Into Austria to support the Aus
trian instead of proceeding to
east Prussia to reinforce the Ger-'
mans already there.
The situation In east Prussia Is
in doubt, but there Is nothing to
indicate that the Russians have
made any notable advance west
since their reverse at Allensteln.
They were last reported attacking
Koenlgsberg, while the German
troops were said to be moving to
ward that stronghold:
Advices received by the French
embassy at Washington tell of tbe
retirement of tbe German center
east of Pads, but these obviously
refer to fighting of yesterday, or
earlier, the details of which, were
made known In official dispatches
from Paris last night- - - -
A. dispatch from Rome - gays
that Pope Benedict . XV has
charged foreign cardinals to urge
their governments to cease hos
tilities and convoke a peace con
ference. - -
A newg dispatch from Petro-
grad says that the Servians are
continuing successfully the offen
si ve operations against Austria;
Retirement Made Necessary by Con
tinned Retreat of German
Right Wing.
Germane Expected to Pat Vn a Hard
Plant fa the Forests of Aseonne,
Where General Joffre First
Stopped These.
LONDON. Sept. 11. -(9:80 p, m.) The
German armies, which" a week ago today
commenced a series of violent attempts
to break through .the French oenter, have
found their efforts futile., and evacu
ating Vltry-ie-Franeols, which was th
pivot of their oflenelve and where they
had fortified already strong ' natural po
sitions, . have retired northward.
This' retirement, was made Imperative
by the continued retreat of the Oerman
right wing, . which is now somewhere
northwest of Rhdms, and the defeat of
an army corps which wss operstlng Just
sast of Vitry-le-Francois around Revlgny
and Bermaise, ' and which. In Its hurry
to Join the retirement, left a quantity of
war material behind.
' The Germane in the Arsonne district,
likewise have begun to fall back, so that
the pressure on the forts to the south
east of Verdun, which a Berlin report
said the Germans had commenced to
bombard, should be relieved. In Lorraln,
too, the French claim to have won fur
ther surceases and to have been able to
straighten out their line along that
frontier. They have oecupled the terri
tory east of the forest Champenoux, Ger
bervlller, Resatnvtller and Saint Die. thus
getting in closer touch with their troops
which, since the early days of the war,
have held a bt of German territory in
front of Col mar.
Meantalaa Real Obstacles.
Apparently the Germans, who sent th
best of their army further west to take
part in the advance on Paris, have found
the mountains of Moselle and Vosges,
where the French were In strong posi
tions, too hard a nut to crack.
While the French report say that th
French army is following up all these
succesees, it would appear that their most
serious driving movement is taking place
against tbe German right wing which.
since Saturday last, has traveled north
faster thsn it went south. .
On Friday this wing, which la composed
of General von Kluck'a army and part
of Genersl von Buelow's corps, occupied
a line which follows the river Veale and
the railway from Folssons. through
Flames, to tbe mountains immediately
south of Rhelms.
Move Farther North.
Today, however, these troops must have
gone still further north or east, as th
General Situation East of Pari Hal
Changed to Advantage of Al
lies in Last Few Days.
French Drive First German Army
Back Forty-Five Miles Between
Villert and Soiasom.
Aeroplanes Give Reports that Re
treat of the Germans Has Been
Very Rapid.
Fifth German Army Fail! in Attempt
at Right Wing.
Dlsststroae Retreat for Dnal Farces
. Wkua Kntlre Army 1 Driven
Back to West of the
Daelster River. q
Ml LAX, Italy. Sept. ia.V!a
Paris.) A dispatch to the Corriere
Delia Sera from Basel, Switzerland,
says that the Germans are evacuating
southern Alsace.
LONDON, Sept. 12.- According- to
official announcement made here,
the Third French army has captured
all the artillery of one German army
corps. Aeroplanes report that the
enemy's retreat is very rapid.
LONDON, Sept. 13. "Our troopa
have crossed the river Ourcq and are
moving this (Saturday) morning in
rapid pursuit of the enemy," Is an
announcement given ont today by
the official press bureau.
PARIS, Sept. 11 -It was offi
cially announced here this afternoon
that the German forces to the east
of Paris are generally retreating and
that they are offering only a feeble
resistance to tho French, and. British,
The official communication sayaj
"On our left wing- the Germans
have begun a general retreating
movement between the Olse and the"
Marne. Yesterday their front lay
between Solssons Bralne and Flsmea
and the mountain of Reims. Their
cavalry seems to be exhausted. , The
Anglo-French forces, which, pursued
them, encountered on September 11
only feeble resistance.
'At th center of our right wing the
Oermans have evacuated Vltry-L-Franco
la, wher they bad fortified themselves.
ana also they have evacuated th valley
of th SauU river. Attacked at Bermatsa
(Continued on Page Two, Column titx.)
German Prisoners.
Tell of Suffering in '
Eight Before Foe
PARI. Sept M.-Forty German oris. '
oners. aU wounded by bayonet thm.t. '
have arrived here and given a bint of 1
how tbe German suffered in the retreat
across th rivers Ourcq and Marne. It
appears that the Oerman force sent t .
thst region to face the Paris army pro.
iccung me iiank or the allies was an
Important on and had been strongly en
trenched. When General Joffr. the French commander-in-chief,
ordered an attack a
flere engagement of artillery opened and
lasted two days without interruption.
Aviator Captain Bellenger finally gave
the exact location of th German bat-
tertea and soon thereafter they were an
nihilated by the French three-Inch guns.
Then can the rout, according to par
tlclpanta The Oermans. pursued at th
point of the bayonet, crossed the Ourcq
in disorder, leaving cases of ammunition,
cloaks, knapsacks and cartridges. The
losses of the Germans were terrible and,
thle point of the valley of the Ourcq la
still covered with the unburied dead. Th
French also suffered serious casualties,
but mostly in wounded.
The Bees
War Manual
Map; Ptctar$,
Statistic ef
Army and Navy Strength
all indexed
Just what you want
Coupon on page 2
(.Continued on Page Three, Column Four.)