-r a thk nKK: omaha. satitkday. skitkmhkr v. iou. WITNESS TELLS OF BELGIUM INVASION German Advance Resembled Flood tide Spreading Like a Fan Toward France. GERMAN SPIED IS MARVELOUS Correspondent Criticises I.ark t Preparation on the Part of the French to ( arc lor Thnf. Woindta In Unttle. VF.W PTJ'T5TTlTWT iCOrtPT TT"n I RETAILERS OF OMAHA. ' LONDON, Sept. 11. A correspondent of tho Associated Press who has been through Belgium send a long: mcgsagn from Rotterdam, which win heavily cen sored throughout, but which appears to be an account of the invasion of Belgium obtained from a Oernian point of Mew. Something; was deleted at the beginning. Tho story follows: "From Brussels the German army poured over southern Relglum Into France Ilka a flood tide, spreading like a fan In the direction of Beaumont, Mau beuge. Mons and adjoining In the south of Belgium with other army corpa pro ceeding from Qembloux, Plnsnt and Ulvet. "They went ever the French border without serious resistance, the French scattering before, them in great disorder, leaving behind much war material and all aorta of personal equipments, their re treat extending as far as the forest ot Moraial, In northern France. German? Loses Fifty Thousand Men. "Several rear guard actions occurred, resulting In considerable losses to both aides, and bringing up the losses of the Germans In Belgium to about &0,00O. '"From the Blnche country southward lit the direction of Maubeuge, Innumer able skirmishes occurred from August 23 to August M. At Bray, Just west of Blnche, the French and English were re pulsed by the Germans. The French re treated to Bonny and Ferens, where, after another skirmish, they fell back through Mr-roes Saint Marie and Merbes Lecha. teau, 10,000 English retiring to .Teumont at the same time. "Engagements In the valley of Bulsslero and Thuln constituted the most determ ined resistance offered by the allies. Atter two days' continuous artillery fire, which swept the surrounding country and de molished almost every structure, the en tire right wing of the allies withdrew far to the southward. They gave the Ger mans an opportunity to sweep through Beaumont and approach Maubeuge from the south. Fight for Three Days. "Meanwhile the other corps had ap proached Maubeuge from the north, en tirely investing the fortress. The English snd French were, on August 23, driven across the Sombre river, where, on tho south bank of the river. In a thirty-mile front, fighting continued for three days. "The correspondent first saw actual fir ing" In the direction of Maubeuge on Au gust 2S, when white puffs of the Ger man shrapnel clouded the horizon, but the forward movement of the German columns was so fast that when the cor respondent reached the scene, of the re cent engagement, the firing line had ad vanced fully ten miles southward. An extensive trench; system laid ' out by the French Infantry marked the French "re treat. . , .,-." V.;,V y German. Burjr Thelr Deod.i ? :'"The German wounded is all - cases) were Immediately cared for. the dead burled as fast as the army continued on the march,-while the French were left unburled and the, wounded In some few cases remained on the battle field for three days before reoelvlng attention. 'Large numbens of the French wounded were bt ought Into Solas Bur Sambre from the surrounding woods, whither many had dragged themselves to escape. Every conceivable kind of building, such as the chateau, school house and Inn was used as a hospital and here the French wounded were accorded the same care as the German wounded. "A large proportion of the French wounded died from lack of prompt at tention and long exposure In the open without food or dniuk. No cases were observed where French medical men were left behind to take care of their wounded. The German medical corpa waa fully oc cupied with the treatment of its own wounded and was hastened onward by the forced marches of extraordinary speed and duration made by the Germans. "The French dead, In all eorts of con veyances, were a common sight, and square and cemeteries, with unfinished graves, gave mute evidence of a hurried Trench retreat. "Dove-shaped German aeroplanes whir red constantly over the country and oc casionally one saw French aviators far enough aloft to be out of range of the special German guns designed for the de struction of air craft. -. ii i GERMAN REPORT ON FIGHT EASTOF PARIS I'HARIjKS R. SHERMAN. BELGIANS RECOUNT GERMANCRUELTIES Count Lichtervelde, Secretary of the Belgian Commission, Tells of Atrocities WOUNDED COLONEL IS SHOT F.leven Men Point ' of Driven Into Ditch i lint one t and Then Their llrnlns Rralrn Unt lth Halls of (inns. Aerial Dnel Fatal to Two "I saw a duel between French and Ger man machines, both of which were dis abled In a hard battle. After coming downward in giant circles, the two ma chines plunged to the earth almost side by side . and were completely shattered and the aviators were instantly killed. While aloft both pilots and their assls-J tants kept up a lively 'exchange of re volver shots, which at first were Inef fectual, and then simultaneously, they reached their marks. After vain efforts by the aviators to regain control, both machines fell to the earth like meteors." NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-A partial list of the alleged Gorman atrocities In Belgium, against which the Belgian king has sent a protect to President Wilson was made public today by Count Louis De Lichter velde, secretary of the Belgian commis sion bearing the protest. The commission reached this city on Its way to Washington. "At Llnsmeau, when the Germans en tered the village, two uniformed gen darmes attacked the Germans," the count said. "In revenge the village was Invaded on the night of August 10. Two farms were destroyed; Hie crops were de stroyed or carried away; six houses were burned and all the men were compelled to hand over their arms. "It was found that none had been dis charged recently, and finally the men were separated Into three detachments. Two of the detachments disappeared. A third, consisting of eleven men, was driven at the point of the bayonet Into a ditch and whtn they were piled In, the German soldiers set on them and beat their brains out with the butt -ends of their rifles. The eleven battered bodies were found later by Belgian troops. . Blew Colonel's Head Off. "On August 12, aftet ne battte of Velen, Colonel von Damme, commander of a Belgian regiment, van lying wounded on the battlefield, lie was unable to move. Several German soldiers found him, and, placing their revolvers against his mouth, blew his head off. "At Boucelles the German troops went Into battle carrying we Belgian flag. "On August 10 the German cavalry raided tho town of Velen while the Inhab itants slept. One instance of what they did may be cited In the case of a man named Degllmme, whose house was fired and looted. He and his wife were taken from the house half naked. She was dragged away in one direction, he in another. She was released when two miles away and told to run. When she ran the German soldiers fired at her, but she escaped the bullets and staggered back to the site of her ruined home In a pitiable condition. Her husband also wan released and fired on when he ran. Ho was found moi tally wounded next day on the road outside the town." Count Lichtervelde said he had read the statement attributed to the German em peror, in which it was said that harsh treatment of Belgians was made neces rary in some cases because Belgian elv- I lllans fired on German soldiers. "I don't see how It is possible for a man to He so," Count De Lichtervelde said. First Official Statement from Berlin Says that Kaiser's Men Held ! Their Own. j GUNS AND PRISONERS TAKEN i Sllaht Progress on Ron to f hatenn Satin In tKtrrnlne Made by German, hnt Part of Advance la Lost ' WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. The, German embassy loday received tho ; followInK wireless from Merlin: "Headquarters on Thursday In Its 1 ! tlrmt nfriolal niMirl IHV ttlt In ft . battle east of Paris the Germans held their own In a heavy two days' , fight against superior forces attack-1 'inn between Meaux Montmtratle and' I from the direction of Tarls. We , ' raptured fifty guns and several , ' thousand prisoners, but retired the , ; flank when the advance of strong i hostile columns was reported. The j 1 enemy failed to pursue. "Headquarters also reports fight ing west of Verdun and on the east ern scene of war. "Vienna reports that the Auatrl ans have assumed the offensive In the region of Lemberg. This marks the second stage of a nine-day battle in which 450,000 Infantry, 4,000 cavalry, many machine guns and 2,000 field pieces were engaged on the Russian side. Insist Dim Dam Ballets rA. On Sunday night the Austrian an nihilated the entire Hervlan tlmok dlvlalnn near Mltrowitia. The military attaches of the neutral powers with the German troops officially state that the enemies of Germany are using dum dum bullets. The vanguard of the right wing of the German troops advancing over the Marne river eastward from Paris were attacked by superior forces, but the attack was stopped, the German vanguard being taken back, the enem'es, however, not following. The Germans captured fifty guns and sev eial thousand men." The French embassy today received from Bordeaux the following dispatch, dated September 11, but presumably writ ten last night: "Today at IS o'clock ( p. m.) from indica tions given by the war department marked advances against the German right wing have been gained by our troops. To the north of La Felt Sous Jouarre, the first (Serman army was obliged to recrosa the Marne and yesterday night below a line formed by the river Idhina and Mesy and Fere en Tardenols. The Marne valley was free from German troops, according to reports by the British aviation corps. Our troops at Champaign were forced by the third German army to retire to Gour gancon and .Salons, but purt of what we lost was regained. anii.ui mi in in m i hi in i m If ill f-Al!"VVr-'rr Dualities and Assortments that Insure the Ut- 1 most Satisfaction. Pricings that Mean Real Economies on All Your Fall and Winter Needs. Comparisons Are Appreciated. LpL w RELIAnLC 'gror-r. J The lew Craze Two Other Styles it Same Price Trimmed Turbans (Like Cut) s2.98 Close fitting velvet turbans clever ly trimmed In pheasant tails as above, and In gold or gros grain ribbons, well worth M-00, special sale price 82.08 Soft Crown Velvet Sailors jr 11 J- Aaw "L I like cut, the most A wanted and be- j-j Z com'n8 blocks of f C lv th season, regu v v ,ar I2-50 values, on sale Saturday t 81.60 Velvet Poppies, in white or black 10 CJold and Silver Popple, $1.00 values 4 0 lllack Velvet Matlors, with maline edge, regular $2 values. . 81.29 Attack Fifth German Army. "The fifth German army before Vsssln court In the Argonne was attacked by our troops. We progressed slightly. The fort Genicourt In the Meuse was attacked by the Germans. ''Slight progress was made on the road to Chateau Sallna In Lorraine by the sixth German ariny In the forest of I'hampenolx. Fart of that advance was lost. "As for Maubeuge we have no official confirmation of Its having been taken. The garrison was not half what German agencies say." RETAILERS ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR Lewis Asks Recount of Primary Ballots Because he was denlel a recount of the votes cast at the recent prlmuHrs. Arion Lew's, defeated democratic candidate for the legislature, yesterday before Election t'omm'ssioner Moorhcad, filed an applica tion for a rehearing. Mr. Lewis vas but thirty-one votes behind his nearest com ix t tor on the democrulc primary ticket. Jnmes Brennan. He alleges that errors were msdc and that If a recount und re hearing Is granted, he can show that he secured the nomination over Brennan. MISS DORMAN'S ARRIVAL DELAYED UNTIL MONDAY Miss Marjorie Dor mar, secretary of the Wage-tamers" league of New York City who, It was announced, would glva an ntl-suffrage speech before the working girls at the Toung Women's Christian association, missed her train In Chicago and will not arrive until Monday mqrnlng. Mis. J. W. Crumpacker, local repre sentative of the Anti-Suffrage society, as to S)eak in her place, but as there were only three women present the meet ing waa postponed. Arrangements for the meeting Saturday night have been called off. Anti-Suffragettes Send $3,200 Check to Red Cross Society Anti-suffragettes of Omaha yesterday sent a check for $3,!C0 to the Red Cross society, representing the collections so far to the fund they have been raising during the last few days In response to the appeal of the president, Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge. The public Is asked to con tinue its subscriptions, rending the money to Mrs. C. F. McGrew, treasurer, or de positing it in the boxes placed by the so ciety. ' ' At a- meeting of tha Associated Retail ers of Omaha last night at the Paxton hotel the fo'lowlns officers were elected for the ensuing year: Charles R. Sher man, president; A. T. Benson, vice presi dent; V. 8. King, treasurer, and J. W, Metcalfe, secretary. Fos the boaid of directors were named George Brandets, Louis Nash, T. F. Qnln lan, H. A. Thompson, Robert Uoseniwelg, W. J. Brandt and John H. Husele. Resolutions were also passed favoring the block scheme of decorating as advo cated by Ak-Sar-Ben for the fsll festival, and also that overdrawn checks be re ported to the headquarters in the event they are received by any retailers. TEAMSTER INJURED WHEN HIS. TEAM RUNS AWAY Opie Huston,- a driver lor a distillery, was badly cut and bruised about the head and body early last night when his team 'an away and he was thrown to the pave ment in an alley on Seventh street be tween raclflc and Pierce streets. His In juries were dressed at the police station nd he was later sent home. The horses, after they broke away, ran at headlong speed until' they crashed Into the railing of a railway culvert on Pa cific street. MISS WETZEL MAROONED AT STUTTGART, GERMANY Miss Marie Wet if I. the only public school teaclier caught in the war sone who did not return In time for the open ing of the fall term, la marooned at Stuttgart, Germany, according to woid j Just received In Omaha. She Is visiting I relatives, and says sh . does not know when she will be able to return, fhe was assigned to Lincoln school, and her place Is beiig filled by a substitute. I Proper School Shoes For Misses and Children Nothing is more important than proper shoes for the misses and children attend ins; school. Shoes fit as D rex el fits them, made as Drexel shoes are made make studying easy. Don't let an Inexperienced ,man fit your children's feet, they may make them crlples for life. Our line of high shoe, for misses and children Is now complete. Every shoe Is Drexel quality. Come In Sat urday and make us respon sible for your children's feat. $2.25 $2.50 $3.00 Remarkable Underpricings 1 Saturday in Ladies Furnishings and Underwear TTeavy Rllk Msle Vnion Suit, tight knee, to $5.00 values, on sale at 81.08 lilies' Lisle I'nlon Suits that sold to $1.D0. knee or ankle length, long or short sleeved, on sale at 49 Hand Crochet Lisle VestM, to 75c values, on sale at 35p and 25C MiLsIiu Gowns, special, and OS Children's I'ndorwear, medium weight, at about half worth. New Outing Gowns I'nder priced Umbrellas Half and Less Men's and Indies', with silk or silk and linen covers, big assort ment, up to $3.00 values, on sale Saturday, nt, each.. $1.45 and 98o Women's Bilk Stockings, to f 2 SO values, till colors, at BBO Woman's Bilk Boot Stockings, white, blark and colors, in three big lots. at. pair. 4o, 35o and 8 So A big showing of women's Wayne knit hose and children's I'ony 1iose. The best at every price. Woman's Bw.ater Coats, most complete line shown In yenrs, splendid values, attl.tS up to $10 Children's 8 to 11 Misses' 11 to 2 Young Women's 24 to 6'. Genuine velour calf, rock oak sole bottoms. Drexel 1419 Far nam St Cook and Serve in the Same Dish. Cooking casseroU ii now pop tttar the country over. .You can do it perfectly in Guernsey Earthenware. Counestrrved in this ware become tht most sttractivs of your dinneri. You serve piping hot, and the foods rstain all the full natural flavors. Guernsey Earthenware It different. It sat rich lustrous finish, that adds to tht attractiveness of your table, makes it distinctive. Come in todsy and see Guernsey. If you wsnt aa earthenware lining for social receireri, we caa supply you in Guernsey. Casrole and I lean Pots, like rut, pecial ...81.00 inc. Welsbach Mantles, 90 daj' guarantee II)4 25c Can Glob st 10 C The Most Wonderful Dusincss in Women's Ready-to-Vicar Garments tfr si r if i An mm wu nave tvur miuwii is viiia Some of the reasons are readily apparent: 1st Crown Jewel Suits reduced to $23.75 2d Broader assortments than ever at each price. 3d Thre additional expert fitters in attendance. 4th We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. t !27ft F.lcRAitt Ctiwn Jeuel Tailored Suits, Just received. In tha new gabardines, cheviots, chiffon, broadcloths, etc., 25 dis tinctive designs In almost unlimited variety of choicest new coloring, slies 16 to 4(5, and equal to mont ?35.00 stills High C1;ish Tailored Suits, Copies of Imported models; nearijr all exclusive designs; made to sell nt and well worth b0 and $.r": the most beautiful and popular colorings and fabrics, on sale at, choice. A Hovy of Other lleaiitlful Suits Shown Superbly beautiful In design, superior In quality, $30. S 15. SI0. 805 nl P l-'HscinatinK New Modes in Ureases anil tJowns Ideas that re flect with accuracy the styles rm seen bv best authorities In women's apparel. $10.50. 825. 820.75 833- 8 40. 15 and up. SHM'lal Sntunlny, Pretty Ilaxque Dresses, In combination cloths and satin: Kplendld assortment of the newest colorings, on sale, at, choice 812.50 Special Saturday, Waists worth to f5 to close, choice 81. 50 Pretty lingeries, dainty lawns and crepes, greatest values shown this season, at. 81. Children's Karly Fall Coats, made to sell to $5.00, to close at one price 81.05 Children's lYctty School lres Plaids, checks and r. ! 7 fancies, sires 2 to 14 years, on sale, choice 03 .A'.j'y $ mm & r iH AHL 111 'JMk mmm " a-V 1 1 I I I $23.75 - , $35.00 Monday, Sept. 14 to Sept. 1H. Our (ireat Annual Kali Plsplay and Sale of Fine l4tces, Silks, Dress Trimmings, (Monday, Kvenlnn (.owns and Irescs, Coats and Suits Itcpresentlnn authentic and ex-J Sept. 14 to elusive styles from the world's best makers. All ore. cordially Invited. Sept. 18. -. Ellon's Hats About Half We secured the surplus and sample of our Knstern Commission Mouse st a surprisingly low Cash lrlce. Saturday w. eff.ri Sf.n'a Btlff or Soft Tslt Hats Good styles snd colors, made to sell at 12.0ft and $2.60. all at one prli'e S1.B5 Boys' and Children's Hats, Sto, 60c aad 11,00 Hest lot of values shown in omatia st the prices. JOHsT B. STETSOW HATS Complete showing of the new full styles at pop ular prl. es S1.B0 VP leather Trav.Unf Bars $2. B0 to $12. R0 values, makers' samples, S1.4B to fS.BB 916.00 Trunks at SlO.OO 8trona 3-ply baaswooi veneered canvas covered, linen lined, with two trays and heavy leather straps a danily. SPECIAL PRICES ON SHOES SATURDAY in thk iu;hy hhok hkctiox. Shoes of all kinds are going- tip In price snd some factories are not going to send their men out this season. Wie have not disturbed the prices tn our regular lines, but can't tell when we will be forced to do so. Men's $4.50 $4.00 and $3.50 values. In all leathers and newest styles, tan or black,- J0 C JiQ and Effc blucher or button sJJO.Olj pO PCi.OV Men's $3.00 shoes, button or blutcher, In all leathers, tan or black 81.08 Women's Patent Colt Button, Oun Metal Button, Welt or turn soles, $4.60 and $4.00 values, Cuban, spool or common-sense heels, nice, nifty shoes - 83.00 and 82.50 Women's Patents, gun metals and vlcl kid, In good staple styles, regular $3.00 values 81.08 Women's $1.60 Patent tip. rubber heel Juliets; women's $1.50 common-sense rubber heel Juliets; Women's $1.50 Velvet Mary Jane slippers 81.00 Infants' and Child's kid button, regular $1.00 snd 7Ec values, two lots, two prices -75t nd 504? tJrover and tjueen Quality shoes for women. Stetson and Crossctt shoes for men. nsiL cxrAJtajrca or MEN'S SILK SHIRTS A splendid assortment of all silk and silk madras shirts, also pongees that sold to $4.00, all sizes and colors, choice t ....' -.08 Men's 9l.no and 2.00 Shirts, best fRbrlcs, colors and styles, all guaranteed perfect, to close In two lots, choice at 60s and AU Men's Work Shirts, 50c val ues, all colors snd sizes, " on 35 Men's Hosiery, all weaves and colors, 35c and 50c quali ties, on sale 25 Sample Hath Itohes, to $10 values, Saturday st 82.08. 83.08. 84.08 and 85.08. IHl.OO I'nion Suits, all styles, nil Blzes, on sale at 404? $;t and 91 Union Suits, medium end llfht weights, at 81.08 nd 81.45 Silk l'our-ln-lland Ties, made to sell at 50c and $1, shown at 45 snd 25 Muslin NlKht (Jowns, sizes 15 lo 20, regular $1.00 values, . at 40 Night Shirts and Pajamas, $2 and $3 values, all styles and colors, at 81.45 and... 98. Special Sale of Framed Pictures 3d Floor 59c Pictures (Jilt aiul dark frames, big lines of subject 8, at .35c Imported Japanese Pic tures Neat frames, big line of subjects, 18c val ues, at 2 for 25c Pictures Worth to $li.OH Hx 20, 12x20, 12x10 size, brown or gilt frames ........ 81.00 $1.50 Size Cedar Oil Mop and 50c Size Cedar Oil Polish Special Saturday .93c 6-ft. step ladders, spe. . 00c i Feather dusters ...'. ..19c Wool wall dusters 4t)c J Wool dusterg a&c 6-Plece set Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons. J . 79c. Stove polishing brushes i5c Block Silk or Black Jack stove polish '. ,5c 25c package Electro Silicon Creajn sliver polish .......10c 2fic size Window rubbers ....19c Carpet Beaters . . c Warranted Iron frame wringers. .. .91.98 Warranted wood frame wringers. . . .92.49 Folding clothes racks 98c WASH I NCI MACHINK8. Round Sun Washer ...92.08 .9V9H-410 "Undergear" Washers. .97.98 We sell Motor, One Minute, Ilefc-al, IN-nter and National Washing Machines, "White Mlly" and 'Kloi trlc I-ady" electric washers. V O. K. Washers. In Toy Department 4th Floor 69c Extension Roller Skates Steel Hollers, on sale at 49c Badger Coaster Wagon, Jr. At $2.50 Dressed Character IMIs 7fC lvalues, 16Vj iDcheg htgh.50t Drug Specials For Saturday 2c .Isr Merilhnlatuni ITie Hires' Hoi, I ileer, 3 for IvOu Hul llnuatlra $l.i0 Moillck's Maltfvl Milk 60c Mine. Ise'liell's I'cnvuVr. 11.00 f lienolplinlax Wafers 60tr Hempre Ctlovlne II 00 lauactlc Pills 26c ('raves' Tooth Paste .. 'thr l.iislrlle Nail l'ollsli ... 2f,r l'.rui.'in Fure t'veam,.'. 12 .ifS 2-t. Mailewell Comb Wrter Bottle lfte 980 890 6 So 9So SSo aso 85o 10O 14o toe inHtl"!'. SI. 80 14.60 Combination Wellington Kvrlnae, R-uaranteed 6 years; special S3 .00 Wtl Hams' Shaving- Soap, 2 bars Bo 36c bottle Bay Rum or Witch IIas-1 for iso 60c Htlllman'a KTeokle Cream. .S8o 75c 1'iimpelan Massage Cream 4Bo. 6(le Charles Flesh Kood SSo 76c ku a run teed Itubber Uluves; Mlwt.-il go 100 li'lnkle's Cascara Pills 10o Truthful Advertising Furniture Dept. Sale One Day Each Item Is us good as repri (len'e'l; iinihlnK deceptive ill any way; re.vl everv Hem. Larue continuous post liniss or A. with 6 fillers: alvertised usuail.' for $13.f.0 to $15. on sale . . Sll.f'O 2-lnrh post braxa beds. ftraUhl lines 30 J. 1 nth post Vfrnls Muitin Imls, heavy fillers, continuous; on this sals .... .fS.7S 2-Inrh continuous post Vernls Mar tin hels . . . M-yS Oenulns felt mattress, full welKht art tick. advertled on special sule for $7.0. on sale S5.03 Kelt combination mattress, unv sire S4.0O Hest link springs, any til.e. . . .8J.60 l.arnt pillows, art th-k. per pair. 11 IJolmer rolls, the must perfect mado SI. 33 Large, all oak dreesi r, bev -lleU mir ror, at S9.60 46-1 noli top round extension dinlntc table, quarter sawed oak, henvy base $13.60 Same table, plain, all oak $9.60 Uoiden or fiuned oak buffet . w-ll mwle. heavy tops $30 aad $35 Real leather seat dlnlnx chairs, ea'h S3.00 Bed Linen Specials Kheetu, extra lartre size, hem stitched, made from best sheet ing manufactured, regular $I.JU quality, each $1.00 Hemstitched Pillow Cases to ins till, else 45x3k, 4."ic iiisllt. each aave Astiorted lot Seamless Sheets, lull Ii. values to $1.0ii, eacl)....?8o KrlriKed or Hemmed Crochet Red Hpreads, assorted colors, regular $2.7.'i. each $1.98 srsciAx MAuaAimm ran I1TUBDAT BAXXS Hew Leather Goods A new line of "pin seal. Morocco and walrus bags, with strap and Jannler handles; regular $2.00 to i.0 values, at.. $1.00 axtS $9.9$ Silk Xaad Bass A beautiful Una for svlcctloii. $3.00 and $3.00 val ues; on sale Huturdav $1.00 w Partr Cases a beautiful line completely fitted- for aelec tlon. $1.00, $3.00, $9.50 to $5.00 Special sale h'aturday on toadies' Neckwear, l aiuy Ribbons. Veil ings, etc. 15 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 id wnsav $1.35 48-lb. sacks bast high frads Dour, . mads from Mo. 1 sslsotsd whsat DottUng- finer for brsad. piss or cakss 10 bars Beat-'Kin-All, IHamond C, Lenox or laundry Queen White Ijiundrv BoaD best Whits or Yellow corn- 80 brat Rolled White Rreakfs.st 10 lbs meal I lbs. Oatmeal .850 4 lbs. band picked Navy Deans... 9M Tha beat IHimestlc Macaroni. Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pkg TWO 1- lb. cans Assorted Soups THO Corn Flakes, pkg So 2- 1 b. cans Karly June Peas 10- 2-lb. csiis fancy Hweet Hugar Torn for TVo Yeast Foam. pkg. o ( lbs. best Bulk 1-aundry Ktarch..95o 6 rakes Mllexo Hrourlng 8oap..,.15o fancy tjueen oilvea, iiuart 4oo Fresh, crlap (linger Knns. lb So Ilershey'a Hreakfast L'ocoa, lo 80o (iolden baiitoa Coffee, lb 92 Ho ztra raooy Blbarta rraostons reaohss, frlday, pa boa sOo 4-baskst crates ItaUaa Blue rinms for 903 TANCrr COLOBADO CAB. f SAM, ros UiVT, A.t MB LB.. W It lbs. Red River Karly Ohio Rota tors to the peck SSo Demand 16 lbs.; tha law requires it. 4 bunches fresh fleets or Carrots. So Jersey Sweat 1'otatoas. lb So Jsrsry Mwset Potatoes, market bas ket 3 CM Kgg Plants, each S V, o-fto $ brads fresh Hothouse Leaf Lettucs for So Irce market basket CJreen I'eppers for 88o 2 stalks fresh Celery Bo hum lies Kohl Hahbl So S bunches fresh Parsley So Large market basket Hrets IBo Large market basket Rod Onions 3Bo Head Lettuce, per head 10o Ballflowsr Apples, basbsl boxes, at, par box $1.S Tokay Orapa Bpoclal Batorday V to J lb. baskets, fancy Call- Qfl. fornia Tokay Urapes, basket WU Per pound so Concord Grapes, for Jelly, basket. 18o TKH BBST STBICTLT VBBHK SCKrB, HB DOZXaT The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, lb 33o Young America Cheese, lb SSo Tha best Domestic Swiss Cheese. 86o 26c Try AY!9 First IT PAYS Spring Chickens Down Again This Week The best fresh dressed 1914 Milk Fed Hprlng Chickens nothing finer at any price. We have only Uia best and one price to 4 C I everybody; Saturday. QjQ Bprlar iamb BaU aturday Genuine 1K14 Spring Lamb Hindquar ters, per lb 13-to Genuine 1M Hprlng Lamb. Fore quarters, per lb ,.10o First iuallty Small Pork Shoulder. per lb 134,0 First quality Fmall Pork Hutta 140 First ouallty Steer Round Steak, per pound lTVfco First iiuallty Steer Shoulder Steak. per lb 13-o Home Mad Bulk Sausatrs, lb. ...lOo Smoked Moat Spoclala for Saturday First iiuallty Skinned Hams. lb. 18-t First quality Small Picnic Hams, at, per lb ISHo First quality No. 1 Lean Bacon, per pound 8ava First quality Bai k Bacon. lb...lWa Dry Salt Pork, lb lSUo Our aim is quality at tho right pries for the people. i !. I