Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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i-.i.ji .i 'L.anafssSBSSBmimiwFnssssssm
iKToung .Russian Jew with Passion
'. for an Education.
3t Flrd Ilia Am tilt Inn tad at Tirrnlr
In Frrf Amrrlrt lie la Srhnol
r laa; Illmarlf and
Toiatrr Plater. ,
? Jarqtwa Rleur. a student at tha fnlver
ialiy of Omaha, almost thank Ma ineVy
trs that he was once a hated and irao
fcutwt Jew In Ttuaala when h think of
jwhat It drove him away from,
p Though a youth of 30. hla xpeHnv
.'are numerous and thrilling nough to'n-
t liven a melodrama or a novel, yet he
purauea a very even tenor and works
"ltke the mlarhlef" for hla education.
B Jacqites got to America by dint of hla
f frit, then studied for a year at the-New
JTork university, education belok hla pu
alon. But New "Hnrk la a costly place to
SI live, so Jaoquos hit for the west. He
gtarned hla railroad fare aa fnr .aa Chl
Ccago, then footed It to Omaha. Hare he
la estahlifthed atmoat aa comfortably aa
ft If ha were ait "old Inhabitant." He haa
Job to ray hla way, aome w frlenda,
haa formed church connectlone and la'
happy and hopeful.
Who wouldn't be. after my expert
enceaT" he aaka. "America" he aaya lt:
with a world of meanlnc. "Ruasla? No,
(never again. I want to live aa a free
Hla Jonrney ttrftlna. '
Born In Lithuania, Jarfjiiea attended a
Talmudlo erhool at Minsk until 13 yean
5 of age. Although Jewa were denied en
tranra in the avmnaatum clam., he
atudled them and paaaed examinations.
SThen he made a druggist of hlmaelf. At
B Kertach he was a drug clerk for two
yeara, and left because of the persecu
tions. He found a Job in Berlin, but hav
ing no Tunisian passporta, had to move
on. In Paris he earned enough money to
reach New York. Not only that, but he
j? brought a younger brother nd alstflr with
uhlm. He la now, in addition to keeping
hlmaelf In college, supporting and edu
cating hi slater, whom he wanta to bring
to Omaha alan.
"Ah. this Is the place for tie." says
r Jacques. "All we ask Is a fair chance,
ana we get it nere in mis grana wem
(J anywhere In America, but here, ah, I
Ham very happy."
1 Jacquea Itlrur apeaka seven languages
P Hebrew. Ruaalan. Polish, Bohemtnn,
P German,- English, Yldafsh and .. under-
ftatanda and reads French. He la teach-
Elng a Sunday arhool class and is already
L becoming popular among hla fellowa.
F Having specialized In chemistry, he Is
now worktng toward the tanning induatry.
That the election commlasloner ayatem
In Douglas county does not necessarily
result In the- registration taking care of
Itself Is shown by some figures from the
Sixth precinct of the Pixth ward. M. O.
Cunningham has made a house-to-house
canvas of that precinct and has thereby
ascertained that there are BK males over
n yeara old. The registration for ' the
precinct show 190 registered. The vote at
the primary ahowed something like 155.
This Shows that 'in this preclm-t less than
one-third of the males over XI were regis
tered.' 'Still lea voted at the primaries.- No
figure are obtained as to how many Of
the non-registered young men are natural
ised. .
r&&x We Are Allowing a Discount of 25 on All Picture Framing anAAAA'W
back combs in beau
tiful Inlaid gold design and et
with finest whit" brilliants. Styles
formerly priced at $2 to f 4. These
are truly remarkable values at 50c
? $2 to $4 Combs 50c
Women's b
I This Great
11 ' -"" in 'i "rlww,mM,RMM,lMMM,"eiwiMii
lirWIIW ,sV
I iiinl.ii.inm I IUiia,iliili,l!uiili,,.ii,,i;iiii j,!,' - Illli;;,;,;; , , , ..lui i mi in.iin.illyyy
Buy Blankets Now
Now Is the bent time to pur
chase blankets. Stocks are at
their very best, and prices are
much to jour advantage. Nowhere
can you buy so satisfactorily as
at Drandels.
tore is Spendidly Ready to Supply Every Fall Need f
Women's 50c Union Suits 35c
A special lot of women's fine cotton and lisle
union Bults, made up In cuff and umbrella knee
stylos, In both regular and extra sizes. These are
the regular 50c quality, Saturday, per suit, 35c.
50c Kaysers' Vests 29c
Well known fall weight Kayser Vents for wo
men, made up In Swiss ribbed, plain and crochet
trimmed tops, 50c values Saturday at 2c.
Women's Silk Vests, $1.19
Women's superior quality glove silk vests with
shield reinforcement, bIho silk bloomers. Black:
and light colors. Qualities worth to 2.00, at $1.10.
Boys' and Children's Union Suits
Children's and boys' medium Haht weight union
suits, made In high neck, short sleeves and knee
length suitable for fall wear. Regular 50c quality,
per suit, Saturday, :joc.
Specials in Infants' Wear
Infants' silk and wool
and wool vests In all
sizes, worth up to $1,
Saturday, each, flOr.
Infants' part wool
vesta. In all sixes, worth
up to 60c, Saturday,
each, 10c.
Drugs and Toilet Goods
IVroxMn of Hy
drogen, 1-lb. hot..
Heef, Iron and
Wine, full pint...
20-Mula Team
riorax, D-lb, fka. . . .
Rpsom Salts, l-ll.
pkg. for ,
Ban! I-lunli, :Rq
slae curt for
Hel.llltx Towdera,
10 in box, at
Kirk's Jap Rose
Konp, cake
Sweetheart Toilet
Roap, cake
I Go
Peroxide VanlMh
Ing Cream, 60c slr.e,
4711 White Hose
Boap,. cake
Ingram's Rouge,
60c else
Melorose Face
1'owder, all aluvlta,
Fletcher's Cas
torla. S6o bottle..
Lnstrlte Nail
Enamel, 25c else. .
Lotus Flower Blun
Food, 25c else
Savoy Cucumber
Cream. BOc else. . . .
Formal Autumn Opening Display of
Misses' and Juvenile Millinery
A handsome dressy bat for
the young miss of from 4 to 7
years. Made with soft crown,
trimmed In mercury wing and
satin ribbon. A splen- SODS
did value at only
This formal opening will be a demon
stration of the completeness of our stocks
of fashionable head wear for misses and
little girls.
In no otrier store in the west will you
find a Misses' and Juvenile Millinery Sec
tion that can compare with this. Nowhere
Is there so abundant variety, nowhere
such pretty styles.
We have devoted much of our attention
to the choosing of these hats, for we are
Just aa anxious to have the young girl
pleased with her hat as her mother or
her older sister.
The formal opening Saturday will afford
you an opportunity to Inspect our stocks
at their best. We strongly urge you to
attend, and to bring the children with you.
Every child who visits the Millinery
Section Saturday In company with an
older person, will be presented with an
attractive souvenir.
White plush iire.s hat for
girls of 10 to 14 years. Trim
med in four French roRes of
fine satin. White meBsaline
pump bow. A becoming fH
little hat at.
A few typical styles
display are illustrated
from the autumn
Above picture represents'
blocked stbeline plush sailor
trimmed in band ' bt Roman
stripe silk ribbon for girls of
10 to 15 years. Priced $1 08 MI"a'
at only , A
Plan to Attend This
Opening Saturday
and Children's Millinery Section,
Second Floor.
A novelty mushroom dress
hat, made of white silk plush,
with Bishop crown trimmed in
wreath of silk buds and foli
age, and band of accord- SJC
lan pleated satin O
rr Iadlareatloa aad Blloaneaa
ruae Dr. Kings New Life Pllla. Rid the
fc stomach and bowels of all impurities and
itone up the system. V. All drugglsta.
. Compare the qualities the
prices, and wa .feel confldeut
that you will make your selec
tions here In preference to
28-inch long
switches, made
of fine soft wavy
hair. Ouaranteed.
$12 value, for
Saturday $08
only ...JO
22-lnch long
switches, made
of fine hair, S3
value, special tor
Saturday QO
only ... VOC
Manicuring ;ladiea. and gen-'
tlemen), Hair dressing, ice
pack and oil shampooing. Ap
pointment by phone.
V 25c Handkerchiefs, 12
Lindtay Lighu OZ
Complete for '. .
. 25c mantle J5c
15c mantles JOc
10c maotles 6o
Casseroles 95c
8-inch site, with fancy nlckle
plated frames.
"Wlxard Gag Iron. GO
complete, special. . . . 1
: Bath Tub . Seats
ReguUr 11.69 value, Q f
on sale Saturday , atOC
I T f-J The man
I y L the new fall
Let Your Fall Corset Be a Nemo
"SBaaBBBBaBaBaj aBBsaBaBaBBBaaaBBjBBBBBaai - .
advantages of wearing a Nemo corset are emphasUed In
models lust rernived Tho.- ... i..
nich can be found In no other corset.
They Combine Fashion and Health
Nemo Kopservice corsets are designed to give perfect
comfort, etyllsh carriage and correct figure. They are
practically two corsets in one. The corset body, being
free from the corset skirt and hose supporters, Is self ad
justing and remains In proper position, regardless of at-
muuu ur pose.
Let Us Fit Your Nemo
From our immense stocks of Nemo corsets we can select
one that exactly meets your needs, that will fit you perfectly
and give enduring satisfaction.
Model 5S1 for full figure. Medium or low bnat, with Kon
OHck BUm'"""? it it lnourv front "tMl an(1 Laatlcurvs
Model SOS for slender and medium figures. Figured batiste
In pink and white. l,ow bust, with rubber gore in front Lona
skirt, with ncurve bsrk. Hlaes 20 to 10 at a
50c Silk Stockings at 35c
Women's pure thread silk boot hosiery of su
perior quality. Full fashlorued, with high spliced
heels, double soles and garter tops. Quality such
as sells for 50c, Saturday special, 8.V.
$1 and $1.51) Hose at 69c
Women's pure thread rilk hose. Including silk
to the knee and all silk to the top. Medium and
heavier weights In black, white and colors. Many
are $1 and $1.60 qualities. Choice at 6c.
$1 Silk Stockings at 50c
Women's and children's pure thread silk hose.
Fine ribbed. Black and colors. Regular $1 qual
ity at, pair, 30c.
Hosiery Special at 17c
SBBBaaaaBaaBaaaasaaaBBBBBBBmBB iBasaamBSaaBBBBMiaBBaa. sHaBBa SaasBBSBBBBBBSBBBassaaBs)
Women's silk boot and silk lisle hosiery.
Foamless and fabhloned foot. Some with double
soles, spliced heels. Hosiery worth to 35c, special
Saturday at 17 '..
Misses, Boys' and Childs Hose
Misses', children's and boys' fine and heavy
ribbed hosiery. Some with double knees. Also
Infants' silk lisle and cotton hose. All sises, 15c.
Men's Socks at 19c Pair
Men's fiber silk and Hale thread half hose. In
black, white and colors. Values up to 35c, pair, 10c.
Stationery For School
Tablets, ink and pencil. Sc.
Carter's Ink, mucilege, paste, 5c and up.
Milton and Bradley school paints, 25c.
Ixose leaf note books, 33c to 58c.
Composition books, 5c to 20c.
Pencil boxes, containing pencils, pens, pen
holders, erasers, etc., at 25c to CHc. ,
Rules, erasers, crayons, thumb tacks, school
bags, slates, pen holders, pencil sharpeners, and
all other school stationery.
Women's and men's all linen
handkerchiefs, plain or with fancy
embroidered Initial corners, also
women's sheer llnewcavo hand
kerchiefs with colored hand em
broidered corners, 'and colored
imitation Armenian lace edget.
Handkerchiefs .worth to 25c reg
ularly. Saturday special, 12 He.
S 10c Handkerchiefs, 5c
Women's an men'a wljite In
dia llnon and mercerized hand
kerchiefs wlth embroidered cor
ners and lonK Initials. Regular
10c values. Saturday, ftc.
Leatherette Gloves
The new leatherette gloves are
extremely popular Just now. Two
' clasp style in black, white, cham
ois, biscuit and gray, pair, $1.25.
Other leatherette gloves, 8!c,
59c and 75c.
Chllilren'a ( haniolaotte Glove,
In tan, gray and white, pair, 65c.
One of the exclusive fall hats that
Is shown only at BrandeK an Im
ported model, Just received.
Evelyn Varon silk velvet turban,
as illustrated, in black and all the
Dew shades, f 16.80.
Brandeis "Special" Fall Shoes for Women
These shoes are made to our own specifications
by the foremost shoemakers of the country,
and combine more of smart style and fine quality
than has ever been offered at such moderate prices.
We are making a special showing of these for Satur
day, and urge you to inspect them.
At $3.40
are various styles of soft patent,
gun metal and dull kid leathers, with.
cloth, brocade or dull kid tops. New toes. Kidney,
Spanish or Cuban heels. Plain or tipped toes. Over
gaiter or regular styles. Exceptional at the price.
At $2.85
are women's patent leather, dull
calf or kid button shoes with cloth or
kid toes, also the new Armure weave tops. Plain or
tipped toes. Equal in style and quality to maty
higher price shoes.
At $2.45
you will find a splendid selection of smart
shoes In dull or bright finished leather, with
cloth or kid tops. High or low heels. Broad or narrow toes.
You cannot duplicate them at a similar cost.
Modish Fall Garments for Girls and Misses
The completeness of these stocks and' the correctness of the styles they offer will prove
a source of much gratification to any mother who has a daughter to clothe, as well as
tne aaugnter herself.. "We Wge a visit to this department before nurchaaina the littla
fall garments. - -
Intermediate Size Dresses
These dresaea are designed particularly to
suit the need of big girls of ages IS to 16.
They are made of pretty novelty plaids, plain
serges and combinations In the new Russian
tunic and coatee effects; some with accordiaa
pleated flounces. V5.88 to $15.
Challis Dresses
Dainty, girlish Ideas in the
new tunic effects. Pretty
figured designs In light and
dark colors, for ages to 14
years. 96.54), SM.08, 9 10
and $11.50.
Serge Dress Special
Extremely good serge dresses for girls 6
to 14 years. Made in various styles and
tastefully trimmed. Unusually good values,
at $2.50.
Peter Thompson Dresses'
. These popular little dresses
are shown In extra fine qual
ity serges, made with double
tunlo skirt and prettily trim
med collars and cuffs. Ages
to 14 years. Exceptional, S3.
Little Girls' New Drsses
Do ten s of becoming little dresses suitable
for girls' school wear. Made of fine novelty
cloths, plaids, checks and plain serges, show
ing all the new features, such as set-In
sleeves, single and double tunics, etc. Ages
to 14 years. Priced at $2.98 to $15.
Girls' Skirts
Separate middy skirts,
made of good quality navy
blue serge In styles suitable
for girls. Some with yoke.
Fine showing at $2.50, $2.0H
and $8.08.
dren's Raincoats
We show extra quality rain coats for
children of rubber lined materials In good
plain colon and checks. Fully lined. All
sixes and styles, at $1.50, $2.08, $3.08 and $
Fall Silk Blouses
Many Just Arrived
At $3.98
At $8.98
. nianv vs rt gf
some exceptionally
attractive styles in Roman
stripe silks, made with the new vestee ef
fects, pique collar and gauntlet cuffs.
These are decidedly unusual.
we are showing many
new silk blouses, including
many not offered before. They are of
crepe de chine, satin, charmeuse and lace,
and will find ready sale at the price.
Leather Hand Bags Jjft! QQ
Worth Up to $2 for 1
Saturday you may rhocse from one of
the mobt varied lots of real leather bags
we have ever shown. Every new style and
popular shape In real seal, real goat seal
and real morocco leather bags. Leather
lined. Some have two and three fittings.
Uag actually worth up to $2, Saturday, $1.
$ $4 to $5 Leather $
S Hand Bags, Each
These bass are of real seal, real walrus
and real pin Beat in all the most fashion
able styles and shapes, with two, three aod
evm four linings. Kegular M and
bags. Wonderful valuer, at $-.0H.
:iw?j 1 1
I 1
i f
Pretty Afternoon Frocks Shown at $25
For Saturday we have arranged an exceptionally fine lot of all silk
frocks for afternoon wear at twenty-five dollars. They are all new styles
In basque and tunic effects, made of charmeuse, satin and crepe de chine.
They are smart, refined looking and new In every particular.
ny !
New Serge Dresses
Neat looking, serviceable French
serge dresses with satin, set in
sleeves and Russian tunie satin
overdrape. These are very eicep
tlonal at $10w
Basque Dresses
A fine selection of fashionable
basque dresses In high grade slikj
with long tunicg or coat skirt
fects. for street or afternoon
at $12.60 and $15.
Handsome Fall Suits Shown at $35
A large group of beautiful tailored suits ia exclusive and distinctive
looking styles. Mad In the long flared coat effects, also directoire, red
Ingote and other lata models. Many with fur trimmings which promises
to become so very popular. Made of broadcloth, poplins, gabardines,
American aergea, etc., at $35.
Fall Skirts at $6.98
Long giAlle and tunic skirts of
gabardines, serges and poplins in
numerous smart styles. They are
decidedly stylish In appearance.
Priced for Saturday at ('0.08.
Smart Suits at $19
At this very moderate price there
are handsome suits of good serges,
gabardines and poplins. Made ia
the new redlngote, directoire and
natty tailored modes.
. Brandel style leadership
In fall apparel Is acknowl
sdged by women of fashion
Sale of Silk and Wool Dresses S
Worth $5, $7.50 and $10, Basement
4 80 of these pretty silk and wool dresses for women, misses
and Juniors. They are of serges, crepes, plain and fancy silks taf
fetas, messallnes and fancy plaids. Good, practical styles In long or
short sleeves. Plain tailored or fancy trimmed styles. Many with
lace collars or ribbon sashes. These are makers' samples and will
be closed out Saturday at a fraction of cost of material.
ef- A ,NJ , V
wear, W? V Jj(,
j "v
New Sl!k Petticoats
with Jersey top and all
silk Jersey, in all colors.
Specials at $2.50, $2.08
and $3.08.
Dependable Shoes
or Boys and Girls
Nowhere can you purchase 1uve-
nile footwear so satisfactorily' as
at Brandeis. We specialize upon
good looking,, long wearing, com
fortable shoes for children's school
and dress wear. Any style you
may desire is here, any leather,
any size. AH made on sensible
nature shape lasts. Made with ?
heavy extension soles and carefully
sewn tops. Prices range from
$1.49 to $3.50, according to size. I?
Boston Ferns
All new and healthy plants
4-lnch pots for 19c
6-lnch pots for 80c
Cut Flower Dept.
Pretty New Neckwear S
Vestees of the verv fl npfif nrffanilv with
dainty hand embroidery. $1.50 and $2.25.
Other Vestee In fancy shirred and
tucked nets, with rolling and wired col
lars, are shown at $1.25 and $1.50.
Organdy Vest.ees, tucked, hemstitched
and plain, with cuffs to match, priced, 50c.
New Pique Cellars and Cuffs which are
very stylish now, at 25c and Sc a set.
Pearl and Jet Beads
AH pearl and Jet beads come from Eu
rope, and w hat few are to be had now cost
double and triple former prices. For
tunately our heavy stocks of these were
purchased before the war began, and while
they last, we can offer some exceptional
Fine French pparls, solid
wax filled, uniform or grad
uated, at, strand, 0c.
Very special for Saturday Regular $2
quality strands of French pearl beads, $1.
Pretty Hair Ornaments
We have all the newest fancies in hair
ornaments and are offering the best val
ues in the city:
Spanish pins, fan shape,
hand engraved and bar
piercing. Regular 50c val
ues, Saturday, 2.V.
Large loop hair pins,
deml-blond, set with one row
beautiful brilliants. Special
at 25c.
Jet Karri n, large drops, single ad
double loops and pear shape loops. Spe
cial, at 50c.