Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Nebraska. ;
Last Day Fine and Exhibits
Draw Many People.
core. ley,lliie Per rnt !
la Awarded IHchest Honors
Kresham Boy Takes Special
Gold Medal.
said President i iit-icron. "Yon hir 1 1
rest all 1fit when it coiur to nn acrlcul
tural oxliit'lt
Prominent Mason
Dead at Beatrice
Ex-Mayor of Capital City Lands by
Aid of Secretary Bryan.
l Relieved ir Oppixlllun Will
Br ManV kr Srnnliir IMIrh-ck
W hea irn- ( mnri I P for
( nnflrmatlna.
Nch., Sept.
W. Wright,
11 --I Special
a prominent
p. fat kick.
Telegram.! W
MM"n of llils stMtp. died suddenly ti1
at his homo In till city of ItrUhfs ills
fsc lit' was a psst grand master of
Masonry nnrl pact patron of the Order of
iKpnm a Staff Correspondent.)
" LINCOLN, Sept. 11. (Special.) After
refusing to Five the Mate fair a square
ileal on the weather proposition, the
thrr clerk cotvlecendod to turn loose a full
day of sunshine on the last day.
A fairly rood attendance today suf
ficient to make the record of the week the
equal of last rear, which was ome of tho j
poorest of the last five year;", caused hy
the extreme dry leather and partial fail
ure of crops The attendance for the past
four years was as follows:
J1 1WU14
jsit Ir?.7
"1:112 ik.i;
ini.T 127.1S6
The attandance up to this morning this
year was 114,757.
Corrected figures given out hy Superin
tendent of Gates Jackson tonight make
the total attendance at the state fair this
year 138,117, as follow:
Monday 14.611 Thursday S-'.TST
Tuesday 23.112 Friday
Wednesday .... :i2,630
Collective F.ablblt Prises
With the exception of 1911 and 19)2 this
exceeds any previous year.
On th county collective exhibits pre
miums were awarded as follows:
Eastern division: Pawnee, first; Lan
raster, second; Douglas, third.
Central division: Flllmere. first; Frank
lin, second; Kearney, third.
Western division: Scott's Bluff, first;
lied Willow, second; Brown, third.
Pawnees county scored the highest with
1,80.3 points and Brown county the lowest
with . 469.4 points. Twenty-two counties
Beachey Stars.
Beachey eollpsed all of his previous
flights today, the weather being1 excep
tionally fine fnr good work and on his
recond flight he attained a height of over
,00u feet, turned over and for some dis
tance flew upside down. This afternoon,
in his last night, he gave the people a
thrilling exhibition of flying sufficient to
make them desire to see him return next
Thinks" He Will Be Back.
It is probable that the people will have
the opportunity of seeing him In 1915, for
Btaehey likes the way he was treated .by
the fair management and the enthusiastic
greeting lie received from the crowd. To
a Be( representative he said, after mak
ing his last flUjht, '"Goodby for this time,
but 1 11 se you again next year, I think."
Better Bablea Prise
The prise winners in the better babies
eontest, as awarded by the Judges this
Jn.rnlng, are:
J loyal uale Wilkinson. Bethany 99.0
lement Lowell Harris, Falibury 98
John Donald Zwonechek, Dewltt 98.0
U'extcr A. Bhotts, Route 1. Box 65.
Lincoln 97.6
Ketellle Wioken Kamp, Dorchester.... 97.0
Howard Richard Kidney, Route 6, Box
93. Lincoln 99.5
Inland Raymond, Palmyra....... .i. 99.0
4'larence Gerecke, Herman. 98.5
' IHIam Harts, Roca SK.n
Lewis Jonnings Larson, Normal........
J'orothy Grace -'ield. Route 6, Lin
coln .. 9.5
Virginia Louise Falkner, Box 1194,
Lincoln i 99.0
Janet K. Hannan, Station A, Lincoln.
Ruth Margaret Petra, Pawnee City...
Marerlla Rlghtbower, Fremont
I'lnrence Marie Flnkie, Bennett
Grace Llntt, Lincoln
Ruth Evelyn Bender, Yutan
Margaret Heacrest, Roca
Mary Ellen Baker, Have lock
Arthur Lloyd Van Gordon, Gresham. .100. Ofl
Claude Eldon Davis, Ord 99.0
Kenneth Wlrthel, Kxeter 9S.0
B)ale t'orbln Cameron, Bennett 97.0
Richard 8. Beck, University Place.... 95.5
Ifelbert Reld. Lincoln 9. 5
Charles Talbot Stuart, 1R03 K 98.0
Austin Temple, 1442 Poplar street, Lin
coln 97.5
"Vernon Delbert Fox. 2945 Clinton
street, Uncoln 97.0
WMon Bobbins. S8U North Nine
teenth. Omaha 9.n
Denlce Harriet Green, Klmwood 99
Belle Marie Hershner, 2414 South
F.lahteenth street. Lincoln 99.0
Mary Catherin Huffmann. Merna !
Mary E. Tobln. Lincoln Kfc.O
Ixils Lavone Drake. 926 North Thir
tieth. Uncoln 96.0
Way Beth Ryerson. 2011 South Nine
teenth. Lincoln.... 99.6
Dorothy Worrel I. 1801 South Twenty
seventh, Uncoln 99.0
mivla Moudrv. Lincoln 98.5
Anna Jeanette Lantz. Hlldreth 98.0
Jacquetta Rusho, Taylor 98.6
Special Prises Won
Special prises offered by the fair man
agement to bablea showing up the best
as follows, the special gold
(From a Slsff Cortvunnmlent.)
j WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 (Special' Tele
i KiHin )- Tit- slt ot ex Mayor F. W.
, lirown of l.imolu to Wnshlnston early
J In the week bore substantial fruit today
the Ksstern Star. Me nerved two :miM hen Ms name wax sent io toe pchhi- o
as romitv trcaxurer and had rrsid.d here i President Wilson for postmaster si N.
for thirty fixe vears. He ws-. .V, of! brsska-s capital city. The nomination If
aae ami "leevca'a wl.low. l''" " decided victory for the Pry an
winR of Nebraska democarcy hnthwith-
statnlltiK 'he fight was not between Ihc
Hitchcock nnd Hryan forces, but was a
cl'isli bet seen the Lincoln rnnaivssniau.
"Johnny" Mavulre. mul the secretary of
stale Mr. Matultc baln rconnnf ndc I
Telegram.) At the Thursday evening aes- A v Johnson for the pIhc several,
slot of the Northwest Nebraska Met ho- j milUHI HKO ,! ,,Hl-.tliir upon M noinl-,
dlst conference, belnt; held here. Rev. M. , ,, V(,r tl,. l,iectlon of Sir. Ury.ui.
I Kailer. a returned missionary from the iiH,h,,, i. ....t if the cltv.
Philippines, f poke on christianising the . ,' i,,.,,... the cold I
It's time you busy business and professional men
turned your thoughts to this store and the new
Fall Clothes you 11 soon be needing- r'
We're awaiting to serve you with greater
stocks and greater values than ever before
ALLtANCK. Neh., Sept. 11 (Special
True Blue Serge" an ideal suit
far eastern world. H not be surpris
ing, he said, if tliey adopt the republican
form ot government along with chrla
tianity. On account of the absence of Mrs. Mar
garet Harmony the anniversary of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary society was
presided over by Mrs. O. S. Haker. wito
of the pastor of the Alliance church. Miss
Amy J. Holland, a member of the so- I
clety, gave a talk or missionary woi k in I
This, morning a session was beitun with
a devotional exercise, sfter which llihop j
Henderson addressed the nienilx rn on I
"Methodism and Duties of the Pastors."
After a business session, Mrs. Allie Mo- 1
Laughlln, superintendent of the Metho- i
diet hospital at. Omahn, addressed the
conference, giving an explanation of the
work of that institution and its accom
William Espliu, representing the Crow-
ell Home for Aged and Dependent Meth
odists at Blair, made a report covering
the affairs of the. home. V. . Koards
spoke onho subject of "Home Missions
and cnurch Extension. J. H. Carnes,
superintendent of the Ainswoith district,
made hla report to the conference, show-
(hou'ilcr given M.mulre by the adnilnl- .
stnitluu will result In any opposition on'
the part of Mr. Hitchcock to the prompt,
confirmation of Brow n us it Is regard .-.I i
as a mutter between Mr. Hryan on the
sldo and Mngulre on the other effecting '
their home city and which ought to' rest I
solely lietween thctu so far as the senate
is concerned. s
Mellrlde at lied Cloud.
lOOteil T... .MCniOO) O'UWJ r, n n
I nateil postmaster at Red Cloud In Con
! iinoaiimn Rartnn'u iliMrlct. The noKtnias-
tec general sent a request to Mcnaior j
Hitchcock's office that the nomination be j
acted upon by tne senste as quickly as
possible as the present Incumbent, n ho j
resigned a year ugo. Is anxious to vaoato j
the office by reason of 111 health. j
Among the Iowa postmasters nominated
today were: A. A. Montgomery at Stuart
nd William U Holts at Newell.
Winner' Record Cleared. I
Congressman Barton was successtul In j
having passed by the house today the I
sivoclal bill to clear the war record of A.
9. Winner ot Cambridge, Neb. The bill
had passed the aenate, where It was in
troduced by Senator Norrls, and now
A in pvorylhinif clso You'll l'iiul cims'ul
prnMp difference in serpes "True lMue
Sersres" dominate in the better elassTliey
;ire the only serge tluit is untvinililioiiiilly
uarnnteed not to -fade styles are rijjlit .
and values niiglity tempting.
$10 to $35
Many will wear fancy mixtures
Tartan Plnids for instance take a leading
part in Fashion's Parade their dark, rich
colorings nre right in harmony with Autumn
days shown in Knglish pemi-Knglisli ami
models for .stand pat dressers.
$10 to $40
English model for younger men
Ing a substantial increase in membership ! ftoe to the president. It completely vln-
In his territory, besides new churches be- j
Ing built at Gordon, Atkinson and Juml- j
HASTINGS. Nch., Sert. U.-ISpeclal
Telegram.) The late John O'Connor was
determined that his JlOO.nno estate should
go to John T. Culavln of Omaha If evi
dence which has come to light since his
death Is what it appears to be.
Shortly after O'Connor died a purported
will of his came annoymously to County
Judge Button, naming Culavln as the
beneficiary. It was thrown out because
It had not been witnessed, whereupon
Culavln said he would help to get the
estate for two alleged children of O'Con
nor's, t-ubsequtntly Culavln produced
another will In his favor, hearing on
which is now pending In court.
Today It was discovered that a third
wil had coma anonymously to VV. - A.
YoUng ofthls city clalniltisVoung and
Culavln as the beneficiary.
When this rain of wills will cense no
body can tell. Meanwhile 'about- 150
O'Connors, and Bradys ere claiming the
estate and about fifty have pcsltlvely
Identified the body. Hearing on the sec
ond will was continued until October
idioates Mr. Winner of a technical charge
I of desertion.
Deluge Causes the
Armies Discomfort
PARIS, Sept. 11. According to official
announcement, the fighting to the east of
Paris is apparently developing Into aban
donment of their advanced positions by
the Germans, who are announced to be
retiring along the greater part of the
The French and British evidently have
made a strong offensive movement, caus
ing the German hosts to fall back at some
points as much as forty-five miles.
The most furious onslaughts, some
times from the French and sometimes
from the German side, occurred about
the center of in extensive line In the
vicinity of Vltry Le Francois. Three
great German armlos, commanded
respectively by General Von Kluck. the
Crown Prince Frederick William and tnt
duke of Wurtemburg. formed a Junction.,
and repeatedly hurled their heavy masses
of troops to assault the French positions
with the greatest vigor, but they were
unable to achieve their object of breaking
the allies- center and thus dividing the
Antflo-Vrench armies.
A rainstorm is becoming a deluge and
has csused great discomfort to the trooim.
It has not, however. Interfered with the
operations, though It his caused terrible
suffering, owing to the marshy district. t
Extreme English from Collar to Trouser
Cuff, these are tho type of Clothes knowing
Young nun demand, these are the sort of
Clothes you'll find here in most generous
varieties, shown in all the new and desirable
cloths and patterns.
$10 to $35
The new Hats are
sure enough smart
Fall Cravats
We've further ad
vanced our promi
nence as the leading
Cravat store by this
season's showing at
50c to $1
t J ( 1 II J sa t m ft I I sa . 1 flsM i
y i 7 z ycr
at Howard
Is I
'-Home of Qjjauty clothes''
No need to wear
commonplace head
wear this season.
We've get -the op
posite sort in greatest,
varieties step in for
a look around
$2 to $5
; , - sn ' s M Pin S( -r T"-"TW"w o i
' ,1- f:
Germans Fight to
Guard Their Line
pf Communication j
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCX)LN, Sept. 11. (Special.) Mrs.
Kllsabeth E. Cleland of Lincoln has been
nnolnted preceptress at Peru Normal
school. Mrs. Cleland has been acting as
chaperon of the Kappa Alpha Theta so
ciety of the state university.
J. T. Lane, adjutant of the soldiers'
home at Grand Island, has sent in hla
resignation as adjutant of the home, to
go Into effect September 14. He gives
no reason for his resignation. The board
will fill the vacancy as soon as they can
find someone suitable for the place.
Belgians Come to
Protest to Wilson
ar given
medal being given to Arthur Lloyd
Gordon of Greshara, who passed perfect
with 100 per cent:
W. R. Mellor to rural champion boy. 12:
4o Howard Richard Kidney. Route 6, Box
f3. Lincoln.
C. H. Rudge to rural champion girl, t2'
Dorothv Grace Field. Route 6. Lincoln
Peter loungers to city champion boy,
tS,, to Arthur Lloyd an uoruon
4 irfithani
Uooch Milling company tit city champion
Ulrl. 13. divided between uentce Jiarrteti
.reen. Uinvoon, ana .May netn iij-erson
III South Nineteenth, Uncoln.
Uolri Medsl
Arthur Uoyd Van Gordon, IflO per cent
Hronze Medsls
renlce Harriet Green. 99.6 per cent.
relbert Reed. 9K.5 per cent.
Mav Belli Ryerson, per cent.
Howard Richard Kidney, 99.6 per cent.
Tndlnas re Beachey,
The tribe of Indians which have been
one of the attractions at the grounds
were this morning taken Into the quarter
tretch for the purpose of getting a close
view of Lincoln Beachey and his aero
. pliinc. AVhen they were told by Beachey
iht ths nower of the machine was
"eighty horse," Running Hawk, the main
chief, shrugged his shoulders and re
sponded: 'Kighty ponies pull heap much more."
They were Invited to ride In the ma
chine, but all of them expressed the de
sire to remain on the grounfl. One of
them pointed to an old warrior, who ap
peal ti to be about 60 years old, and said:
"lllm go up. He dlo pretty soon an
how." Th's afternoon at 4 o'clock dlHmantlinK
of the exhibits begin and hy night nnwt
f the stuff had been pulled down and
I.IWe (isl)'l Band.
Conway's band, which hss given such
universal satisfaction, will go from here
to Topeka. where they will play at Un
fair lit that place next week. Like Mr.
Bea hey. Mr. Conway expressed much
pleasure at the treatment he had teceived
and hoixd to return next year.
President Cameron and Secretary Core
of the lov a state fslr arrived this after
noon and were shown through the new
agricultural nail by President Roberts of
the Nebraska Sttte Fair association.
"They will have to give It' to Nebraska."
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Sept. ll.-(Speclnl
Telegram.) Mat Smlthwlck, 43 years old,
a farmer living In the southeast corner
of this county, committed suicide Thurs
day by shooting himself In the head with
a rifle and cutting his lliroHt. Smithwick
was unmarried. Ho sent his house
keeper after the mail and during licr ab
sence commuted the deed. No reason
was given for the act.
Xewa Notes of Nehaetka.
NF.HAWKA. Neb.. Bept. 11. -(Special
The home of K. A. Kirkpatrlck was
robbed last evening of clothing and valu
ables. Miss Lulu Opp and William Black were
married yesterday at Lincoln, where they
went to attend the state fair.
Mrs. Mallnda Chapman died last night
at the home of her daughter mar Weep
ing Water. Mrs. Chapman was near SO
years old and had been a resident of this
place for ten years. Her husband. Will
iam Chapman, was an old soldier ami has
been dead for about four years. She will
be buried at the Wyoming cemetery
NEW YORK, Sept. ll.-The King Of
Belgium's commission, on it way to pro
test against German violation of Belgium
neutrality and alleged Gorman atrocities
In Belgium set foot on American sl
hern today enroute for Washington,
where they will outline their case to
President Wilson. They expected tO( re
main only a few hours In this city and
to reach Washington late toasy. i ne
stesmer Celtic, on which the commission
made trans-Atlantic trip, reached Quaran
tine last night, but did not doctt until
this . morning. . i
Until President Wilson receives the pro
test no part of the text will be made
public, according t. an announcement
made by the commissioners on arrival.
An autograph letter from King AlDert
of Belgium to President Wilson 's In the (
ustnrfy of tho commission, to be presented
by thorn to the president.
IjOXION, Sept. 11. The correspondent
of the Times at Bordeaux sends the fol
lowing: "It Is now beyond doubt that the Ger
man turning movement to the southeast
of Paris has been defeated and there is
a daw nlng , hope that the allies' left,
which has borne a rain ot the enemy's
blows since the fighting at Mons began Is
now about to take Itu revenge.
"The Gcrmsns have been fighting des
perately to guard their line of communi
cation which is in. considerable danger
from the Mier" lift They have been
forced to retrest before the onslaught .of
the British and the withdrawal of the
German right la bound to assist the rt"
the German dr.-sire again to find them- ,
selves obliged, to follow the Imperial j
chancellor's S'Jlce snd "hack" their way i
through. ! fei;
The Gerrnan check in front of the
Meaux and Verdum line hss had its echo
throughout' the field of operations. On
the extreme French right the enemy's
division, bearing down upon Nancy, has
been thnown back beyond tha forest of
0manaVSvUEft' Omaha
1502 S. 10th St.
Phone D. 7556
.11 . r,:r.l, ,y, T;. ; i il ... i i .. . ...-. '
itvtm i S si nwij mis ' sw " J
,1-1 , yv.-.i? t
' ' (S ' SO.OMAHA.NCB ,
v. Powers Won't Stand ,
For Turkey's Move
j PARIS, fc'Pt. 11 The Rome ccrre
! -.....!..,, nf the 1 lavas agency ssys that
dlspati hes from Constantinople announce
that the foreign ambassadors, including
the German representative, yesterday In
formed the Turkish government r"hat the
powers could not ac.-ept abolition!) of the
treaty rights accorded foreigners.!
White House Denies
Will Ask Recall of
Turkish Ambassador
WASHINGTON. Sept Il.-Presldent
Wilson today ssked Secretary Bryan to
call the attention of the Turkish ambas
sador. A. Rustein Bey, to recent state
ments attributed to him in the newspapers
and to Inquire If thev were authorized.
Th Food-Drink for all Ago
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder fonn.
For in(anta,invalidc and growing children.
Purenutritton, upbuilding the whole body.
Invigorates nursing mother sad tha aged.
More hnalth(ul than tea or cofiee.
'he ubatttvte. Ask far HORUCK'S
KloSt MnllMII an.t U I.
K.ndly trade supplicl Kt: XrXx.z
! Telephone Mouth Hdrt. cJn.ut-HTTR.i V ' 'X?T?. l"'H
riion DouglM BfMO. Council BWfm.n aZZ nf
Streets Phono 803S. - "-Sffi-lg g"" U 1
Fept. 11. President
a personal letttr
asking that the attcn-j
Wedilinva at Falrhary.
FA1RBCRV. Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
Miss Zella Griffin and William F. Htone
of Sicbert, Colo., were married at the
(From a Haff Correspindend.)
LINCOLN. Spl. II. iHpec.laU Cv-
ernor Morencaa na inun; -iin;v v
borne of the bride's father. E. P. Griffin. the governor of Iowa for the return to
In this city, Rev. J. T. Parker officiating.
Another September wedding was sol
emnized in this city this neck when MIks
Lulu Forney was married to Marion
Wolfe of Western. The wedding occurred
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. I'. Forne.j . Uev. W. H. Mills
of the Methodist F.pinropal chun h at
I'aykln officiated.
Vei,rka of Karl K. C now. wanted in
Webster county for wife and child deser
Dlssy Head, FloHerinit Heart. Host,
lav ( L-s.
These are signs of kidney snd blsdder
trouble. You'll have headaches, too, back
aches and be tired all over. Don't wait
longer, but begin taking Foley Kidney
Tills at onie. It won't be long before 1
your miserable sick feeling will he gone.
You will sleep well, eat well and grow
strong and active again. They are a
tonic mid your entire sstem as well as
kidneys and bladder will be benefited bv
their use. Try them. For sale by all
dealers. Advertisement.
General Joffre Coacratalated.
BORUF.AI'X. fpt. 11-Presldent Poln
ealre hss dtten a leiler to Minister of
War Millerand aoklns, him to convey the
congratulations of '.he French govern
ment to General Jqffra and the French
army on the hrlllnt successes gained
in co-operation with the English allies
in repulsing the Germans to the esst of
Parts. These sneers are described hy
the minister at certain gauges of definite
Wilson today bent
Pecretsry Bryan
ttnn of the Turkish Ambassador . Rus
tern Bey, be called to the president's re
cent statement to the people of the United I
States on the subject of neutrality. Pub
lish 1 reports that the recall of the am
bassador waa to be asked because of cer
tain of his recent statements were denied
at the White House and the State department.
Bee Wnt Ad Are tha Bst Business
- r-r-.
li JTrt fa
IS f li !
I Your office location !
j a business asset....
A well known, well kept, well I
located and well tenanted !
verbody Reads Bea Want Ada.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON, .fcept il.-SpeelBl Tsle
gram.-K. K. VlllVnherger of Hoone, la ,
appolnt( raJway signal engineer In
connection wlUi th evaluation of railroads
by the Interstate Commerce commission;
salary, U.4ou per annum.
Howard H. Cox of Brook line, 8. .. has
been appointed assistant In forage crops
In the Agricultural department; salary,
11,800 per annum.
An Appetizing, Nutritious
Dinner for 10 cents
Take a 10c package of Faust Ppaghettl,
cook for about minutes with soma ripe
tomatoes and serve with powdered cheese
there's a meal that will delight any
body's palate- a meal that Is tasty, nu
tritious, digestible and cooling.
You ought to make Faust Spsghettl
tha chief meal at least twice a week -as
a side dish It should be on your table
often. It Is rich In gluten a single lOo
package being four times as nutritious as
a pound of the finest tenderloin
Think of the saving!. And the num
berless ways that Faust Spaghetti ran
be rooked! Write for free recipe book
and find out the great variety of dishes
(meals with a smack) that can be made
with Faust Spaghetti, be and 10c pack
ares. MAl'LL BRA.
St. Louis tliMonri
building is bound to be
A business asset
for you and your associates.
wj Bi eatMBi asaasr mmm saar sr aaaaBsav am w aai a.
, (The building that it alwayt new)
is such a building, par excellence.
Arrange for offices with the superintendent
Room 103
Here's a Hidden Message For You!
S-U are the first two letters L-F the last -What are the others?
f t
1 is
l i
! : S
t '
; !
I ' I