Till; BEK: OMAHA. SATl'HDAV. SKITKMHEK 12. 1014 15 nr. u, i statk FARM nXCM LA OS FOR U.K Muillin. MONTANA CARET ACT LANDS-Vo ai-rea now open to entry In the lamoui Valler valley. An excellent opportunity for the homeseekor seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. The rich all, exhilarating climate and ahunrtance of water for Irrigation assures maximum crop return Great for grain, alfalfa, timothy, and for stock farming. Ideal apot for home. Write today fr booklet and particulars. Valler Farm Bale company. Valier. Wont . Box No 17 MlaneMM. FOR SAI.E Two farms one-half mile eonth from Zimmerman, Sherburne county, Minneeota. 140 arrea and 1S acrea. No buildings. Partly Improved. C. Meyer, Fuffalo, Minn. Nebraska. MR. TENANT FARMER Price of Live Stock and Oraln are High, Indication point to still higher price next year. Now I the time to buy land. LOU) will make your first pay ment on a nice 80 If well Irri gated, rlrh land In the Scott a Bluff country like the one le ortberf below. You can get good term a on balance. Ko. 199. A beautiful 90. smooth a a floor. eay to trrlgat", the nwl pro ductive soil In the world -water to cover It, threw feet deep every Irrigation season. Insuring full crop. About three-fourths of It ha Just been broken and I In fine shape for a crop of fall wheat that most grain men think will 1 bring 11.50 per Mmhel next year. Balance can he broken and put Into alfalfa Hnd cata next spring. It Is well located and you can buy It today for fin per acre on good terms. Have some fine quarter sec- tiops If you want mure land. Send for freo copy Scott's Bluff number of Land Owner TODAY. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block. Omaha. Can You Beat It? M acres, Sarpy county, 20 miles of Omaha: b-'t acres under cultivation, 25 acres timber and pasture and thin land; good 4-room house, barn, cornorib and well. The land under cultivation will show for Itself. If cleared of timber there would be a good 70 acree aa good produc tive land, year In and year out, as ever laid outdoors. For Immediate sale. The price la ecandaloualy low today, and for certain reason It will greatly enhance In iVaiue. Do not answer this unless you want a good, cheap farm. Trice $3,750; 750 cash. tl.uon more March 1, 1915, bal ance $2,000. i per cent. No trade consid ered whatsoever ORIN . MERRILL COMPANY, K. K. Cor. 23d and M St., So. Omaha FOR SALE Reasonable. 2tt net, Hayts county, Nebraska. Phone So. 4s3, owner, j FARM FOB'sALB-By owner. Choice J farm of 100 acres, 7a miles from umstia; 5,(Kfl Improvement: Rood terms. Address John Shannon. Wayne, Neb. Box C. KIMBAb COUNTY FARMS. All tillable 4S0-acre farm nine miles from Kimball. 200 acrea under cultiva tion. 2,0o9 fine young trees In orchard and round buildings. Fine house and barn and out-tulldlngs. Wftl and mill. Land is all fenced ajid cross fenced. Mile to school. Mall delivered within one mile aix times a week. Price $24 per acre. This Is a bargain. Also have other choice Improved and unimproved farms. BANK OF KIMBALL, Kimball, Neb. Watch for the Klmiiai county exhibit at the state fair. BARGAINS in pasture lands in the cat tle hills of Sheridan county, Nebraska. 15 to $7 per acre for a shirt t me. 1540 and 2,-ncre tracts. C. A. STARR, Rtrasbiirfrer, Sheridan county, Nebraska. Wisconsin Upper Wisconsin He., -i u.iu Ktuuui li'i., ill lU unicn. ketuem Wanted, lanua lor sale at low i-il'ts, u:i easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on VIaconsin Central Land Grant. Statu acres wanted. Write about our1 grazing lands, ii intorccted In fruit lands, ask lur book I.-1 on Api-le Orchards in Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Soo Line Hy., Minneapolis. Minn. Mtsoellnneons. IF INTEKKo'i rD in lamr In southern Iowa anu southern Minnesota write inoj F. L. joiies Land I'ompany, Wlntersei. la , J for tin ir i ft of farms j OI K farm list will convince you mat we have the cheapest land, considering i oil, climate,, water, markets. Kuitou j k.v., Seneca, .mo. HOIIKSKKKKHS' opportunity, one-half crop payment plan, no cash required; 20,000 acres choice land to select front In North Dakntu. Many farms and land in Minnesota for sale. Write Edwin Stevens, 3u2 Floneer Bids., St. Paul, Minn. o REAL ESTATE LOAN'S CITY and Xarm loans, 5, 5'a. 8 per cent. J.H. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam, Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peterii Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska foiuia. O'KEEKK REAL ESTATE CO., 10H Omaha Nat l. Doiiglaa 2715. (iAHVJN BROS Ln. m and up? SEE us first tf you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Vad, Wead Bldg.. lath and Farnam Sta. HARRISON & MORTON. 91t Om Nat'L MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Nat l Bank Bldg. ficCITY LOANS. Bemla-Carlberg Co.. "310-SU Brandeis Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED ME HAVE customers for medium and high-priced houses, both for sale and for rent, and would be glad to hear from ownera who desire to aell or rent. Will be glad to call and see you. Phone Douglaa 3S2. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 644 Brandele Bldg Omaha, Neb. HAVE over fifty buyers w(h from $.i"0 to all cash for modern 6, 6 or 7-room homes from $2,0H0 lo H.OO. Call us at once. Osborne Realty Co., 701-3 Omaha Natl. Bark Bldg. Doug. 1474. HAVE customer with M.000 first payment on Dundee 6 or 8-room modern home. $J.oOO to $4,500. Address P. 248, Bee. h E A iTe STAT EFO KE XCH A N G E Pianos for otner musical Instru'ta L". )17. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. a modern abstract office. 30u fc. 17th SU Phone Dougiaa 4i7 REED Abstract Co. oldest abstract of flea in Nebraska- 20$ Brandt-Is Theatar. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE ti - 6 mm A New, Strictly Modern 6-Room Bungalow. Easy Monthly Payraenta. This beautiful, well-constructed bunga low Is located 1 block from car line and 1 blocks from school. Principal roums in oak; nil cement basement, guaranteed furnace. House conveniently arranged and complete In every detail. Telephone Doug, gat for further de icrlptiun. Bankers Realty Investment Co., Ornund Floor Bea Bldg Telephone Doug. 2!c'i. NEW. 7-room houae lor sule by owner. 2L WcLsttr ti. ItKAL KSTATK ACREAGK Opening Sale Saturday and Sunday Benson Gardens--"Little Farms" $10 Cash, $10 a Month Sale commences (odsy of this new Irsct the Tost Farm platted u Benson Gardens "Little Farms" acres and half acres. 6 Blocks To Car Line School and stores; finest acre in this first plat. On paved road. A at once. Don't wait, hut come and make your choice at once. Nothing offered in acres can beat these. Fine For a Country Home Close to the city. An ideal place to raise poultry and garden truck and at the same time be close to the city. Salesmen at end of Benson car a all day rain or shine to show you these tracts. Prices: Half acres, $475 and up; acres. $775 and up. HASTIXOS & HEY PEN i14 Harney St. KKAL KSTATK NO K Til SIDK rat- T 1 r Vi i. u' y, x . . - J . ft ... . ' a. - i ,a i t,0 ..kill .rvti.Hil ja .tl.Mi' .i, Bungalow CAN BE HUIUHT ON EASY MONTHLY PAY MENTS. This house, located In one of Omaha's now Beautifully Developed Building Addi tions where building restrictions Insure pood homes In surrounding neighborhood The house Is substantially built, has all modern conveniences and is very con veniently arranged; Is 14 blocks from car line. Telephone Doug. 202S for further de rcrlpt'on. Bankers Realty Investment Co., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. Telephone Doug. 292 Beautiful New Home Almost Finished Two blocka from Hanacom Park, three blocks from Field club; located at MW Walnut St.', In our choice Fleldcrest ad dition. This home ia one of the most beautiful we have built this year, and if you are In the market for a 7-room, up-to-dato home, with four nice bedrooms and bnth on second floor, and large attic, be sure and inspect this one. Trice, 1.260, au'oJct to paving. Terms. Norris & Norris 401 Pee Bldg. Fhone Doug. 4270. Thla House Is For Sale on F.asv Monthly Payments. Five Uooms and Screened-in Sleeping Porch. THIS HOCSE Jl'S-T FINISHED. This all modern house Is blocka from car line has 3 room downstairs, with screened-in sleeping porch and two rooms upstairs, with bath. Telephone Douglas 2026 for further de scription. Bankers Realty Investment Co., Oround Floor Bee Bldg. Telephone Doug. 2928. Three Best Lots In Clearmont Add. To trade in on good home, close In. as first payment. Must be six or seven rooms, modern, new or nearly new. Three lots will be considered at a rash figure. Put cash price on what you have to offer. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. t. Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. I WANT to sell my $2,500 equity In my fine 8-room house. 70s north 30th St. i It is better than moat new houses and I I will sell It cheap; I wish you could see It. ! Kdna L. Oihbs. 636 So. 20th. T. 15ti2.-o : REAL ESTATE tiOt'TH SIDE MODERN house, almost new, hardwood finish; corner lot; $3 f). Owner, S18 8. 25th. Phone Tyler 21iyj Best Buy Field Club District, $4,700 Six-room, modem, 2-slory house, hand somely finished and decorated and In tip top condition. Oak finish downstairs; garage; east front lota; one-half block from Wool worth Ava.; paving paid. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1636. 208-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg. $4.5on7 For quick cash sale Income property, Hanscom Park district; 12 per cent. Call owner, Harney M17. "EAL ESTATE SIBLRBAN Dundee. Dundee Lot On 4Mh St.. flrat lot south of 61$ N. 41-th St., ran be yours for K per month. Price Is $100. This lot Is several fett be low the street grade, but at tl.la price It is a bargain. Be sure to see today. Creigh, Sons & Co. I none Wuglsi 2u0. 608 Bee Bldg. KKAL K.STATF, ACKF.ACiK tracts around Omaha. Only 80 acres number of these pieces will be taken NINE ACRES AND -room house, full basement, barn, chicken house, very fine shape, Immedi ate possession, three blocka to car. Rent J5 per month P.1RKETT & COMPANY. 421 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas K3.T REAL tiSTAXfc. SCllURBAN Uenson. Trade for Benson Home Thin will sell for cash, but owners will take Omaha cottage as part pay. If you have some money. Built for a Home Nine-room, very modern square, nearly new. east front. thr; no-foot lots, garage: lam; only 2 blocks to car and school; ft, "On Is cash pr.ee, wbl carry back f,t,G'l, per cent. bend or bring numbers of your property. U'Keol'e Koal Estate Co. 101S Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2716. Evenings or Sundays. H. ft',14 or II XL. South Omnha. $50 CASH, a month, buys 15H S. 13th St., South Omnha, Just a little south of 13th and Missouri Ave,, 4 rooms, with stairway to floored attic, electric lights, nice cellar, east front lot. Interior decorated. Price, 11, 6(0. Can rent adjoining pasture for cow. C. (J. CAIJLBEKG, 310-S1? Brandela Theater Rldg. HKAL KSTATE WEST SIDE Choice New 8-Room Residence Near Sfith and Burt Sts. Thla house was hulit by day work for a home and has the best of material and workman ship, combined with the most modern plans and conveniences. Has asphaltlc shingle roof, practically everlasting. Sid ing or sningies and stucco. Great big front porch. Itrge living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases. Extra big dining room, with costly built-in sideboard. Four hedrooma and enclosed sleeping porch. South front lot, with beautiful shade trees. Paving paid. Price $5,750. Much less than value of house or lot. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. a-w-12-l4 State Hank Bldg. Do You Want a Garden Tract One that will soon he n part of DUNDEE. Ask any Man what he thinks of buying property near Dundee ' 30 Lots to select from between Happy Hollow and Country Club, Just west of Dundee. Price, $75 to $295. $1.00 Down. $1.00 Per Week. Without Interest. If you can't go In the day time we Iwil take you early In the iiiurnlng before working hours, or in the evening. H. H. Harper l'ilC-14 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas ioisi. ., ,1, " " KKAh KSTATK MISCELLANEOUS Built to Live In New Bungalow ' $3,500 Five rooms and bath, well planned, well built, well located. Hardwood fin ish; best of plumbing fixtures; completely decorated; shades, screens; everything complete: fine cellar; splendid furnace; good attic; south front lot; paved street; two blocks from csr; genuine bargain can be bought for as little as $500 down. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 153H 20.S-10-I2-U State R.nW hm. u. . LANDKUYcilj, real ast.t. In.ur ance; moved to 201 Neville r. ii r 1 OR SALE-Nearly new mori. 1 -T. houee. large KSabT Tlrr1 A. Falling York Neh Terms. A. ; .' ' . " IAHK. FUR SALK. 1 Z"",",- houte; " nlern; large corner lot ; ; psy.d ,trfp,, paving paid; larne barn and .jilcken house; bo ft. bricked V il . ;"'! three blocks from I wo I .1 , . , .j A me cny. t or com-1 LhllOH LK KNSK AI'l-LU A TlO V NGTirg -MATTER OK ACPLIl'ATION OK Jarr.M Cunninslum for liquor Lieu... Notice L hervbjr sleu lli.l J.ror. l unnlntii.m .'Id up.,. in. ;itn ar l ausum. a. u. ltn, m. ,, ,t puc.iira wii. in. uninij 1 oinml aiotur. .t uousis. founif ir imnw to Mil mall Sua .n4 vlnuus liquor. .1 4401 14 atr.at plritu- 1 I'.iwlasl pracinri. uousK. rounlr. N.br.alu Iran) ib. lalK dur of MfllsUr, 1HI. lo lb. tk d.f H Slemb.r, Jlli. If Ih.r. bs n ..)IIod. r nujnMt raooa or pcol..l lii.4 viisis ta .Mfei from lU Mlk lr .( Iiiw, A r l'll. iKa aai4 i:nnM will (.auu4. JAMJUI cUnmnq. HAM. ApplU.su AUikaai GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Talk of Peace in European Conflict Weakens Price of Grain. MARKET IS QUITE ERRATIC Cash Market on Torn la Nertone ad Takes Slump Consider a hi. Option Heine Sold en Short troant, OMAHA. Sept II. 1914 There was considerable n the nea and rliviiiiiMances surrounding the wheat market that was against prices Thero were muttering of pence abroad, there were heavy receipts at primary and other points and there was a lack of cash re mand until a hit hour. These were the lending weakening factors rarlv. There wore only fco.mw bu. of wheat taken lor export and 9on bu on milling account. In addition to this there were good Bales of wheat for exinirt to so out via gulf ports, the amount being varlousiv re ported at ).fM to MUHO and 500,0m) bu. at Atlantic ports, all reported late In the day. The wheat matket vestcrday wan an erratic one. It was nervous with a sharp price gain right after the opening, but the volume of buelness was still smsll 1 and It waa confined largely to speculators I during almost the entire day. orn oiepisyen consineranie wcsen-w yesterday. Cash transactions were more liberal at 295.000 bushels and the cash market was 2,i3c lower. Considerable corn was sold on short account, as well as by scattered long Interests. The Illinois Oraln Dealers' association reports the crop of this state at S15.000.0ii0 bushels, agalnat 2SK.00OO0O bushels as reported by the gov ernment. A supplementary government crop report makes the corn crop J,tWiO,i0 bushels and oats 1.130. 000,000 bushels. Oeneral liquidation was seen In oala yes terday. Cash values In all markets ware quoted at 'tCh'me lower. On the decline there was some buying on seaboard ac count, and cash sales amounted to .W.OUO bushels and vessel room wss chartered for 4ontltfl bushels at To to Buffalo. Longs In October and January lard sold freely, and as there was no buying power, prices weakened sharply, on the lower prices reached there was fairly good buy ing and a partial recovery was soon made, fash trade in meats slow, but fair In lard. Wheat waa 1c to 2c lower. Corn waa unchanged to 'o lower. Oats were 'c to lo lower. Clenranoes were: Wheat and flour equal to 446.000 bushels; corn. 4.000 bush els; oats. -IC7.0M) bushels. Llverool closed: Wheat, Id lower; corn. 5d lower. Primary wheat receipts were 2.004,000 bushels and shlDments 7M.0H0 bushels, acalnst receipts of 1.817.onO bushels and shipments of 821,000 bushels last year. Trlmarv corn receipts were 407.IXIO bush els nnd shipments Ml, Am bushels, against receipts of 13.000 bushels and shipments of 477.0110 bushels last yenr. Primary oats receipts were l.S37.ono bushels and shipments SOrt.onO bushels, against receipts of 1.074.000 bushels and shipments of 7.12.000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat-Corn. Oats Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansas City. St. Louis 8ii WO f7 114 47 120 4.-.H 707 17 ID Hi Winnipeg 1.44il These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, II. 0.. 1 car, 110s; S cars, $1.nfij; C cars, XI .IKS ; 2 csrs, $1.04Vi. No. 3 hard winter: 1 cor. $I.0S; 1 car (dark), $1.07; 1 car, 1.H'4; 2 cars, $106; 1 car, $1 04V 1 car, $1.04; 2 cars, $1.03. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car (dark I, $1.05; 1 car, $1.00. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, tl Ollz. Klrt J mrlnf 1 our ti OO f ! durum: 2 cars, $l.ol'4. Rejected: 1 car, use. Rye No. 3: 1 car, siVc; 2 cars. fwe. Oats No. 2 white: J cars, 4tic. Standard: 4 cars, 4;.c. No. S white: 20 cars, 45'-c. No. 4 while: 4 cars, 46c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 45c. No grade: 1 car, 44c. Corn No. 2 white; 1 car, 74l,c. No. 3 white: 1 car, 7.1c. No. 1 ellow: 3 cars. 73'4c. No. 5 yellow: 1 car, 73Hc; 1 car. 72Vic. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 73"c; 1 car, 73c. No. i yel low: 1 car, 'i2Vo. No. 1 mixed: 1 car. 73c, No. 3 mixed: 1 car (near white), 74c; 4 cars, 72o; 1 car, 72V4c. Omaha Cash r Pices Wheat: No. $ hard. $1.04Wl.i9; No. 3 hard, $1.W1.0X: No. 4 hard. 09cfi$l.0H; No. 2 spring, $1.051 10; No. 3 spring, $1.04'81.0: No. 4 spring, Wcijj' $1.07; No. 2 durum, $1.00((H.01Vi; No. 3 durum. 99M.cft$ l.fluS. Corn: No. I white. 74l5'S7.'.,4C; No. 2 while. 74V'S7.Sc: No. 3 white. 74' ifi7."": No. 4 white, 74f74He; No. S white. 73ift74c; No. S white. 7SHr74e: No. 1 vellow, 73ri7Hic: No. 2 yellow, 72Vrif "3'ic; No. :l vellow, 72,i'ii731,e: No. 4 yel low. 72ii73c; No. 5 yellow, Til2r; No. 9 vellow. 717?,c: No. 1 mixed. 727.1c; No 2 mixed. 7l!Vg73e; No. $ mixed, 72Hfj 72.c; No. 4 mixed, 7!fl72Hi: No. 5 mixed, 714'fi72'ic; N(i. i mixed, 7UW72c. Oats: N'o. 2 white, 4r,,ift4fc: standard. 45Vt1i4ftc; No. 3 white. 4V-4(fi4SlV-: Nr- 4 white. 44,1 45c. Barley: Malting. 70-ff7fe; No. 1 feed. twa7c. Rve: No. 2, S7Vhc ; No. 3, X'i'ff S7'ic. CHICAGO CillAl A.M1 PROVISIONS Keatarea of the Trading; and (losing Prices nn Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Sept. 11. Wheat prices todav r.ilcfl to maintain a rallv which started after the market had fallen to a level j 12.: a bushel under tlie high point of Sat nrday last. The close was nervous at the same as last nlkht to c. down. Corn fin ished a shade to ',c off. oats with a gain of 4c to l,V and provisions varying from 40c decline to an advance of $1.10. Heatlsh advices from Liverpool had con- iri em hie lo do with forcing weak holders of wheat here to drop out. Supplies were ssld lo have become so abundant at the British port that storage room was about exhausted. It was also asserted that Fiench "emand waa at an end for the present. A quick recovery ensued, due In part to the fact that country offerings had fallen off sharply during the recent drop In prleea. nn ihe rebound wheat buyers backed 1 away and offerings Increased. In the end, all gains nan neen wipeu om. enu kji im deferred deliveries rfve besides. Corn, like wheat, felt the effect of a smaah In prices at Liverpool. Vet. cold weather In the domestic belt, though, proved nearly an offset early and after wheat had a temporary renewal of trength. Oats Banged with other grain at the start, but subsequently bulged on ac count of seaboard dispatches telling of foreign governments buying 1,000O'm bush els or more In the last two davs. Provisions were unsettled, advancing early as a result of covering by shorts, and then averaging lower because of a . i , ... ne li.nil.luiintf sales thHt cut o tmnortsr.t a figure during much of yesterday. One of the chief factors was a lack of southern demand for meats. Grain prices furnished bv Logan Brvan. office 315 South Sixteenth strete: Article! Open. High. I Low. I Close. Yes'y. Wheat I I Pept.1 1 10 I Dec. .11 H'rt'.il May.!l 21W Corn I I Sept. WfWSl I 1 I2H 1 1 1 234 1 10 1 11 I 1 14,l I 224i 1 11 1 14 1 224 1 W 1 SO'. 7.; I 76 V 71S'72V'I 744' 754 4 I 474' 494 5044, Dec..!7L'ii71.i 734I 74! 474 M4 72V 754 474 504 534 May 5Q74, Oats Sept. Dec.. May. Pork 4V 4!if 4 62 'H 4 64- 1 20 21 46 62'. WstiM 19 00 I 19 00 ' 30 70 J 20 80 I Sopt. 19 20 19 50 21 20 9 174 9 30 10 li 12 '6 11 AO 11 05 Jan.. 21 4"-30 Lard rpt. 9 174 9 20 9 45 in 1 9 20 9 324 10 00 13 00 ' 11 50 10 H24 Oct.. Jan.. Ribs Sept. Oct.. Jan.. 40a 30; fl 31) 10 20-10 10 22V 10 00 11 no 12 00 1 12 00 11 50 I 11 HO 11 50 U 12-10! 11 1241 10 Chicago Cash Pi ices Wheat : No. 2 red. !$U2'tl.l4: No. I hard. tl.UVal.14. Corn: i No' yellow, 7747V-; No. 3 yellow. 77'U' 784c. Oata: No. 3 white. 47r4e: stand- ard, 4T'V"4l'- K.e: No. 2, 924?3c. Bar- hey: (kVJjIrc. Timothy, $4 6004.00. Clover, ' nominal. Fork. $19.lA Lard, $.. Rihs, ; til T.Vii 12 2V HI TTKH-l nchanged. KOUS-Receipts. 6,7 cases market un- changed I'ul'LTRY I'nehanged. IiOTiTIll'!. Hocellil. 9a car.- mrbl I unchanged. j l.lvrrimnl 4irali Market. LIVKRPOOL. Sept. 11. Wl I KAT Spot, steady: Nn. 1 Manitoba. 9s Ind; No. 2, Us kd. No. 3. lis fed. futures easy; October. & h4d; December, lis M CORN Spot, nominal; future, weak; October, Us. ' orW lirseral Market, NEW TORK, Bpt. H.-Bl TTtR un chsrged. KOUS Irregular; receipts, Jl.ono cas. state, Pennsylvania and nearby henneries, hronns. gsthrre, browns anu mixed colors. ?7?i.V. I II KKSK- I t changed I'D! I.TKY-Flrm. western hb-kens. froxen, 15(j.K'; fowls, l.'t-l!c; turkeys. !!! II il'LTUY Live. firm, western chick ens, broilers, H','ii ir'4v ; fowls, lTi Hlic ; turkejs, II'iIih'. UMAIIA tlRCSIk S14KKRT. Bt'TTF.R -No. 1. 1-ln. cartons. Jlc; No. 1. 0-lb. tubs. SOr. CHKF.!K-lmp;.rted Pwls 4v. Ameri can Swiss. 2c; block Swiss, i'4c; twins, l"'. daisies. isc; triplets, 1,c; Vouna Americas. 2V; blue Inbel brick. I'V'; llin burger, f-lb.. 30c; up . v; New York white. 1SK-; imported French Ronutfort. 4Sc FISH Trout 17c; large rrapple. lftff 15c; salmon LlT15c; halibut, -c; channel catfish. 15c; pike, 17c; pickerel. 10c. POl l.TRY-Hrollers. lS'c: spilng chick SUB. 14c; hens, 12lc; cocks. Sc: du. ks, l ie, geese, So; turkevs, 12Wc; pigeons, per dot , 90o; ducks, full feathered P. g.-se, full feathered, $c; squabs, No. 1 $1.50; No. 3, HF.F.F CI TS No. 1 ribs, tic; No I ribs, lic: No. 3 rihs, 11c; No. 1 loins, nv; No. I loins, 17V; No- 3 loins, 144c; No. 1 chucks, l!c; No. 2 chucks, 10lc, No. S chucks, pie; No. 1 rounds. 15'c; No. t. rounds, 14c; No. 3 rounds? 13c, No. 1 plates, So; No. 2 plates. Sc; No. 3 plates, 7UC Market quotations furnished by (Jlllnskl Fruit lonipany: FR11T8-Oranges, extia fancy Valen cies. W.s. 112s. L'tis. IVis. 17i!s, 2fl0. and IM's. $3.;s per box; Red Ball Valencia-., all a xes. $150 per box. lemons, fancy 300a, SSOa. $on per box; 4s, $50 rer box. Ap rils, Belief lowers. 4-tler. $lt per box; llelleflowers. 4-tler, box lots. II 5j per box; Belief lowers, 4-tier. 10 box lots. $1.50 per box; fancy Washington "Y" brand Orlmes, per box. $1 75; California Seed llnga, er box, $1.50. Uulnces. California, $1.75 per box. Cantaloupes, Cali fornia Htsndards, $-' .00 per i rate; Jumbos, $1.75 per crate; ponys. $1.50 per crate; Colo rulo Hnrwell cantalo.ipes, $1 o per crate. Watermelons, lc por lb. Plums. Italian prunes. $1,35 ier crste: 5-crate iots. $1 .to rer crate: 10-crate lois or more. $1 2J per crate; Hungarian or Oross prunes. $l.."0 per crate .'caches. California Salwsy Peaches, c per box; 100-box lots. 0V' jer box; Washington Klbertss, S.V per box; inri-hox lots, S2Vc per box; MnV-hox lots, Pic per box Peara. California Clargloua. $2.00 ier box; 5-box lots, $1 i5 per box: 10 box lots or more, $1 90 per hox; Washing ton, extra fancy. $2.00 per box; 10 box lots. $1.90 per box: 25-box lots, $1 S5 per hox; ex tra fancv Rogue river Bartletts. $. 2J per box. Grapes. Malagas. Callfornls. $1 35 per hox; 5 crste lots. $1.30 per hox; 10 crate lots or more. $1.25 per box; Tokays, tl.M) per box: 5-erate lots. $1.40 per box; lY-crata lots or more, $1 35 per box; home ftrown grapes, per basket. l!c; 100-haskrt nts. 1c Bsnsnas, per bunch. $1 75fll 50. VFtlKTARl.F.H Cauliflower. Denver, 12He per lb. Cabbaga. IV Pr lb. Onions. 2U c per lb. Peppers, ftnc per basket. Fancy tomatoes, 50c per hasket Cucumbers, hothouse, J dm. bssket. 75c New heeta carrots, turnips, 25c per doi Celery, Mlchlsan, 36c per doi.; Denver. Jumbo. 11 (0 per do. Head lettuce. SOcWII.SO per dos ; leaf, 40c per dot. Onions, home grown, 15c per dox. Radishes, &0c per dos. Oarllc. Italian, VOc per lb. Horseradish. $1."i per rase. Phelled popcorn, 4c per lb. Asparagus, home grown, per dox., market price about 30c per doa. New potatoes, gic per bu. Virginia sweet potatoea, $3.;5 per bbl ; Alabama, $1 M per hamper. Nl'TS - Salted peanuts, $150 per case; No. 1 California walnuts. 184c per lb.; pecans, U'4c per lh.; filberts, 15c per lb.; almonds. Cflc er lh M IRCKLLA NKOI 'R Sugar walnut dates $1.2 1 per hox. Limes. H.75 per basket. Crackerjack, $3.50 per case; per half case, $1.i.i. Checkers, $3.50 per case; per half case, $1 75. ( orn and Wheat Region ttnlletln. Corn and wheat region bulletin of tha ('tilted States Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at I a. in, 75th meridian, time. Frldav, September 11: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Kaln Station. Illgli. Low. fall. 8k r. Ashland 74 iW .00 Cloudy Auburn K.1 hi .0l Cloudy Broken Bow .. 41 .00 Cloudy Columbus W 52 .Oil Cloudy Culhertson W .00 Cloudy Falrbury M l .00 Cloudy Fairmont 72 67 .00 Cloudy (irand Island... 72 5S .00 Cloudy Hartlngton fix 4'" .mi Clear 11 aft Inns 73 5S .00 Cloudy Holdrege 77 M .00 Cloudy Lincoln 70 67 . Foggy. North Platte.. 72 52 .00 Raining Oakdale 6 4H .Oil Cloudy Omaha 74 6", .00 Cloudy Tekamah 1 61 .00 Cloudy Valentine 7ti 54 .00 Cleur Alta, la " 52 .02 Cloudy Carroll, Ia x 61 .00 Cloudy Clarlnda, Ia.... K4 .(O .Cloudy Siblev, la OS 62 .nl I'loudy Sioux City, la.. iW 62 .10 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES No. of Temp. Rain- District. Columbus, l.oiilevllle. Stations, High. Low. fall. O 18 S 4 .20 23 7fl 64 .50 13 (W 62 .20 i'4 00 60 . 30 a 72 SO .70 24 04 64 .00 52 74 4 .20 34 M 04 .70 17 76 64 .00 Ky India'polls, Ind Chicago. Ill St. Louis Des Moines, la. Mlnneapolia Kan. City, Mo. Omaha, Neb.... The weather continue cool thn corn and wheat region. throughout Rnlna were general In all except the Omaha district u-linln the last twenty-four hours. Falls of one inch or more occurred at the fol lowing stationa. In Iowa Keokuk, l.M. In Missouri Kansas city, 2.12; lehanon, 8 00; Rolla and Lexington. 1 21. and Springfield. J.10. In Kentucky Richmond, l."0, and F.ubank, 1.10. ' L. A. W F.IjHI I, Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. Kansas City Oraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Sept. ll.-BCTTER-Creamery. 29c', rirsts, 2iiVtc; seconds, 24c; packing, 30c. KOtiS Firsts 22c; seconds. ISO. IHU'LTRY Hn. 13c; broilers, 10c. WHEAT-No. 2 hard. 11.0311 1.074; No. i red tl.0Sfl.07; Septeniber. $1,034; Decem ber. $l.o7Vil.07S; May. $1 15,. CORN No. I mixed, 751i'7B4c; No. 1 white, 7"c; September, 74Vsc; December, HHc; May, 73V- OATS-No. 2 white, 40ti4!V; No. 2 mixed. 4-'.'gV- Minneapolis .rala Market. MINNKAPOLIS, Sept. ll.-WHKAT-September, ll.ll: December. $1,144; No. 1 bard, $1.1&4; No. 2 northern, $1.10,ij) 1.114. WHKAT Little lower. F L 1 1 H I'nchangcd. HAIlLKY-5finc. HVK-K7filc. HRAN-23.00. CORN No. 3 vellow. 73l"4c. OATS No. 3 white, 4."il'9 4fic. FLAX-tl.60.fll.MV St. I.onls drain Market. ST I .ol'IS, Sept. 11 WHKAT-No. 2 red. $112fflH; No. 2 hard, $1.114M13; September. $1.11; Deremhcr. $1,134. CORN No. 2, H 111040; No- 2 white, 814c; September. 77c; December, 72'. OATS-No. 2. 474c; No. 2 white. WK-. lima ha Hay Market OMAHA. Wept. 11-PRAIRMC H AY F.xtra choice. $12.00; No. 1. $!lVnj 11 Jr No. 2. $l'.n0''ill.i; No. 3. $7 in.0ii. Choice midland. $11.00; No. 1. $lo.o 11 1 1 00; No 2, $S ('(TlO OO; No. 3. $i.0(iiS.JO. Choice lowland. tlo.iK; No. 1, $K.0Oiai10.0; No. 2 $7 "tKiifl.00; No. 3. $B.0o7.00. STR A W 'holce wheat quotable at K0 64 60; choice oat or rye. $5.0ir'a,5 50. A LFALFA 4 'holce, $13 50; No. I, $12 00ft 13 00; No. 2, $10.0Ui('12.00; No. 3, no demand, $x J 110,00. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 11.-PR1MB MER CANTILE I-APHR-T per cent. ST KR LI NO F.XCHANOF.-For cables, $4 1: for demand. $4.H5(4.99. SILVKR Bar. 55Sc 1lNIKiN, .-erit. II. SIL KR- Bar, 25 3-1id per ounce. MONF.Y-F.asy. 224 per cent; discount rates. 341'' I"'r cnt- Kvaporaled Apple sad Dried Frails NF.W YORK. Sept. 11.-EVAPOHATKD AIPI.KS-Oulet DRIF.D FBI ITS-Prunes, firm. Apri cots, steady. Peaches, quiet. Raisins, un settled. Bank learlag. OMAHA. Sept. 11. Bank clearings foi Omaha fod.iy were $3.2.V..' 15 nnd fur the corresponding day last ear, J.l'il, !I49. Saarar Market. NF.W YORK. Sept. 11 SIIJA It Raw steady; molasses, t.ii.'c; centrifugal, 4.27c. Kc-fined steady. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET! Receipts Light and No Important Change in Cattle Trade HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER Light Raa of Both Sheep and Lambs aad Demand tiood l.ambs Strong to Tea to f'lfteea Cents 1 p Sheep Shade lllahrr. mU'TII OMAHA. Sept. 11,1911. Receipts were Csttle. Hog. Sheep. Official Mondav Official Tuesday Official Wednesdsy. Offlcal Thursday... Kstliuate Friday Five days this week Same days last week. Same ("ays 2 wka ago. 122.232 111.244 3S.343 fi-S.SMS 1S7.S73 Same davs 3 wks ago. . K.uTo Same tiny 4 w ks ago. .11.21 Same days Inst year. . .25.311 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1"14. 1913 Inc. Dec fait I V..1.M0 503:t.t 44.397 Hogs 1.7S',i,,V.2 1,9:W.43 19iM91 Sheep 1.523,500 l,tW4.l51 150,349 tTh following table shows the prices for ogs at tha South Omaha live aiocg mar at fur tha last fw days with compari sons: rate. Aug. a 1914 '1913 111? 'IH1.-19I0 JIW M9W. S0 $ 09! I 541 3 I 5 T $; $ S41 7 '.2! 32 $ 701 T Tl 1 34 I S7 7 H S3 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug Sept Sept. Sept Sept Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept 17 9 S 7i 3 79U a 73S S 74'. tU 7 -; 41 S '4 ', S (VS . 3 99i! 8 97', 94Si ill 1 7 i 4S 47 7 95 8 83 7 15 S 911 7 90 $ 7 ll 9 oil 7 73! 291 I 02 i 8 94 l 7 77 53 7 07 8 7 7 82 45 7 7 8 32 7 1x1 8 27 7 S4I 3 24 7 12i 8 S5i 7 yni 41 I 8 93' 7 871 51 7 17 I 7 85 67 7 0 9 02i I A HI 92 9 I7i 7 87 1 4 I S 72S' ti. K. 8 s I 8 mm 7 731 8 23 7 SO 8 1 . 8 35 8 94 H Of. 7 93 fil 8 91 1 7 92 1 S M 9 0!i 7 89 j S 09 9 13! 7 84, 6 58 7 SSl 8 rt 8 7 r, 9s 9 I g 3 0J S 39) 971 ll' h;t IK 1 S 35 Hi 3 7 7S 1 ssi 7 01 Sunday. Receipts snd disposition of live slock St the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hour ending at $ o'clock p. m. yesterday: HKCKIPT-CaRS. Cattle Hogs Sheep O . M. St l It v Missouri Psclflc Hy l'nlon Faelflc Rv C. A N..W.. east C. N.-W . west 4.. St. p., M. ti. ny ' . H. & Q , west O.. It. I. P.. east r.. II. 1 p., west Illinois Central Uy Chicago tit. Western lly. Total receipts 13 no 3t DISIOSITION-HBAD. Cattle. Hogs Bheep Morris A Co Swift Co 4'udahy Packing Co.. Armour A Co Pchwarti Co O. H. Bt-runi Co Cudahy, rountry W. H. Vansant Co.... Henton. V. fl I.ush Hill Sou F. n. lwls Huston Co Kosen stock tiros Still, van Bros Christie Huffman Roth Tanner Uroa John Harvey Other buyers 24 333 722 819 2K4 4 521 23N m 73 2.90H 2.251 994 72 I 41 21 14 137 6 9 3 7 2 18 2,304 Totals 044 9 fill! in 14. . l t '-".-neceipt were light a usual on rrltlay. only 2S cars being reported. There were hardly enough beef stems here to make any showing whatever. The reeling however, was fully Meady with )eterdiu'. There wss onlv a small sprinkling of cowa and helfera and they were picked tip early In the morning at good steady pi P es In fact, conalderlng that It waa a frldny. the market waa really In better condition than la usual for that day. 'I he fresh receipt of feeders were lim ited to a few small hunches. Aa usual this late In the week the demand waa not so brisk and tl.ev may possibly nave aold a little lower lor that reaaon. There were etlll quite a numliei of cattle In the hands of sneculatnr. Quotation on cattle: Good to cholC'i cornfed Deevea, pi.Mngi 10.25; fair to good cornfed beeves, $s 75c(9.50; common to fair cornfed beeves, $7.75qj87b; good to choice range lenr. $7.40(88 b0; fair to good range steer. $1.75if7.40; common to fair range steers, $S 0045.7B; good to choice grass cows. $4.2567.7$; fair to good grade, $3.50 i25; common to fair grades, $3.7!5.50; liood to choice Btocaers and feeder, $7.50 dH.Oii; fair to good atockera and feeder, $D.75itj7.iA; common to fair Blockers and feeders, $V,.GWi6.76; stock cowa and heifer. I;..2.rci6.7:. atock calve, IfiOoys.OO, veai calves, llO'miO&O; bulla, stags, etc., $J.2( 7.00 Representative sales- BFEF BTEEItS. No. A. Tr. No. . TV. I 0 4 os HI IS 1 440 I 00 tiTKf.RS AND HEIFERS. 4t I 00 II... 174 I 09 cows. mo 4 40 1 1140 mo 4 46 1 KI I m I 75 I M I IS 15 M MO I 21 I M0 IH I inio I 14 i .'. 120 I 35 I . .10J1 .. mo ..uvo ..10 S3 HEIFERS. T66 I 10 BULLS. 1140 I M 1 14(0 I II It4i) I IB 1 730 T 00 1410 I 15 CALVES, 511 I 1 1M 10 21 t in STOCK ICRS AND FEEDERS 1 M0 Tl 10 1M1 1 514 Ti 1 170 4 Ml I 71 4 34T !T 907 7 II M 1TI 41 1 10 7 10 1 44 I ( WESTERNS. Oeorge Roes, Montana. 2 calve 440 7 75 1 ateer 19.V) 3 fleers 1340 7 40 1 ateer bftO I steers 974 7 00 1 stocker... bv) 1 stocker... H70 I On I calf 630 4 cows 970 5 86 Walter Frye, South Dakota. 2 ateer 11)0 7 00 1 steer 1030 2 cow lOKj 5 2a 1 cow.: 970 1 bull 1410 5 75 2 feeders... 4T5 1 feeder.... 4,0 6 60 1 buil 8iU 1 feeder.... 8;-0 S 75 1 hull 1190 1 cow 1140 $ 50 4 feeder.. .I0W 7 feeder... KMO 6 90 2 feeder... 956 7 00 7 40 7 10 7 60 i 7 001 6 2o 50 6 45 6 70 90 NEBRASKA. 6 feeders. 2 cows..., 8 feeders. 2 heifer, t cow.... 1 cow 1 stag 5t.2 ti Ml 3 heifer.. . . 4M 60 925 6 50 1 calf l-Vl 10 00, . 400 7 00 feeders... 7IS 76 , 015 0 3 rows 940 4 60 . 12) $ 76 2 cows 91.. c0' .1110 00 1 cow 1170 6 76. . V,0 6 2.) 6 steer.... 916 7 . 840 7 75 1 yearling. John McNllt. Nebraska. 18 feeders . 75 90 Mary Vogel, Nebraska. 15 feeders.. 1019 7 15 Hons Another very light run showed up today, only about forty cars, or 2.5UO j head, being received. The told for the Ilia days is only 15,625. being more than' 13.m smaller than last week, and U.frJO j lighter than last year. I Chicago reported weakened price this ! morning, and In spite of the fact that re- ' celpls were so llglit the local trade opened ' very slow and sharply lower, but even at : these flume their purchases were very light, and almost all of the htj'ut receipts, 1 including a few loads held over from I yesterday, were left at the disposal of 1 the packers. First killer bio were anyway a nun lower, and aa their order were very light. Ihe eflort of the seller to strengthen prices up failed. When first i sales were made they showed sll of a 10c decline. After a tew hogs had been i aold, value started to weaken and while tha trade showed flashes of firmness, price slipped off gradually until on the close they were quoted aa 15c lower. Aa ha lecn mentioned several times before, buyirs are picking out the good hogs arly, leaving the rough bea ilea, and very common mixed grades until the close, when. If there Is any weakness, they get thn full benefit of It. This was the case IMa oiornlnOT .nit mm Ihe hoar, held from Thursday were mostly on this order, th 1.40a 24.S45 .P2 2.7!7 31.017 4.341 4 L'0 33 M5 3.HI14 4.i2 11,719 H 2.5HO 9,li S2.75S 15.5?5 111.04 25 !9 2S.7I 22,0,1 37.24 33.21 25.570 l.7 I 041 7 I 101 T 15 I lo, 7 Obi , 7 91 7 10! 1 7 87 8 25 7 111 i 7 91 3 31 I I 7 2' 8 31 number of hogs left for the close wss. If anything, larger than usual. Tiiei general market was very slow, snd ran be uuotcd as l"tir lower. The long strings sold at s 4: '1 iW', with a sprink ling (iroimd ti ami a few of the rough hesvlrs on the close landed around $S40. Mi 1 Ik of all the sales can he quoted aa $ ni. f with tops as hli.h as $v. 1'p until yeslerdav prices hail shown very little change as compared with the closa of Isst week, but todays break puts prices IWi.M- below Isst Saturday. Heplrscntntlve sole.: Nn At Pr Nt. A. SU. Pr. ' : ... a:i ... is 1 1. r, muki hit m 1 id w n? m III an 841 . 1 40 1 m t "i t m '-t, in i: ii t. s; so i" 41 :n ... s 4i j M . 9 M 4S Wl 4 4 4 : ( n m 1.(1 I Ml 2b 3 J4S I 4S fj Si 3 ... IM M Hi 1W I II U7 . .. !' ... 5S 47 ! ') I 14 ' 44 V4 Ml 13 Ill t H I .14 ... . 2.-S 1W M U M5 4" M (41 :.u !4 III 47 !KJ un I ti j 4 i :n Ml 13! I (.5 M US 111 I 1VI 174 140 t M J S t5 ... I 41 J. J ... Ill I SMI . . t hi 4 4D t II I 41 US HI DO 7 "7 IW I K . Mi J7I tail I SO " lot . I s N SKI ... IS 4t I 7 44 .... t"3 . I Ml 71 IM 4S 9 71 j HI 241 1V I 10 43 224 ... I S3 I It JAPi ... 11 ? JI4 .,. I ill IM ... I 40 SHF.Kl-tp went lamba again this morning, making a top at tha even money js.rio, nnd the hulk of the offer ings going to the packers anywhere from $7.10 to I, 9. Prices were generally b9 l.V higher than on Thursday and nevtps.c better than the close of last week, th medium grsdes showing the most ad vance, which Is often the case when re reipta show a shortsge for the week and the demand rnntlnues good. The lamb at fin were the same aa other yester day at $7.x5 and thev sold with a lighter sort, the packers taking the seconds at $7 26 and the price for the top being the highest since August 21. when $8.20 waa the high figure. ( n the whole the trad was active thla morning, a moat every thing In the line of killers wss sold by 10.30 o'clock, this being the hour when little. If anything, had been done on Thursday's market. It ws a good trsde all around, consid ering the good Friday' run here, the re ceipts footing up some (l.4) head, against 9.193 a week ago and 5iV7 on the corres ponding dav a year ago. The receipts were mostly Ismbs. lesvlng a small pro portion of mutton offerings available, there being In fact not enough ewe and wether on hand to speak of. What sheep sold were a shade higher, or a n'larter higher than tha close of Isst week. The bullish feeling In the general market was attributed to the shortage In the aggre gate in the receipt at all western niar keta and to a reported Increased coni sinning demand for lamb and mutton In the east, buyers being keen competitors. Feeder buyer had not many offerings to work on, and aa the demand was verv fair for a Friday, price generally were) a shsd hetter and 26c higher than th bulk of the sales at last week's close. Few aged feeders were available. emulation on rsnge sheen and lambs: t.amha, good to choice. $7.3W.0O; lamhs, fair to good, $7.10fr7.85: lamb. feeder $ 5f(7.IO; yearlings, good to choice. $titvgi 25: yearlings, fslr to good. $5..Wrt.P0; yearling, feeders, $5 4tHfffi.80; wethers, good to choice. $5.8;h5.60; wethers, fslr to good, $5.1036.35; wethers, feeders. $4.30 4 85; ewes, good to rholce, t4.80TJ5.10; ewes, fair to good. tt.WVlK&O; ewes, feeder. $3 5054.10. Representative sales: No. Av. .. or. .. 93 .. 2 .. 2 .. 62 .. 50 .. 67 .. 57 .. 67 .. 62 .. 40 .. 91 .. 97 .. 84 .. SO Pr. 4 3.- 6 50 7 75 7 75 7 10 r, 50 7 lo 7 10 7 10 50 5 4 V 4 60 3 00 7 fi6 8f. I.'aho ewes 190 Idaho 12ti Idaho wet her lamba 210 Muho lambs 197 Idaho feeder lamba 120 Idaho feeder lamba 150 Muho feeder lamb 227 Idaho feeder lamha .... 193 Idaho feeder lamb 2'ifl cull 4 Wyoming feeder lambs.. 82 Wyoming ewes Pi Wyoming ewe 147 Wyoming ewe 298 Wyoming lambs CHICAGO l,K STOCK MARKET tattle Firm Hog Five to fifteen t enia Lower. CHICAOO. Sept. 11. CATTLE Re celnts, 1,600 head: market firm; beevea, $.90 111.(0. ateera, $0.8719.35; stocker and feed, ers, $".4u'(i8.26; cows and he I fore, $3.76 9.35; calves, $8.001 12.00. HOUS Receipts. 9.000 head; market So lo 15c lower; bulk of sales. $S.604a.10; light. $l.W4l9.50; mixed, $8.4030.60; heavy. $8 2,-,i(i9.25; rough, W.26fjt.; pigs. $4-76 t.25. SHEEP AND LAMnS-Rerelpt. 13000 heati: market 10c hlhr. strong: sheep, $fi 25WU0; yearlings, $5.90j6.65; lamb. $8 76 m.40. Kan. as 4 lly I, Ire Stork Market. KANSAS CITV. Sept. 11. CATTLE Re ceipt. 1.700 head: market tedy; prime fed steer. $.7Cnti 10.76; dressed beef ateer, $8.00419 00; western steers. $8.76(10.25; Block ers and feeders. $8.oont.23; bull. $5,600 6.50; calves, $tl. 5010.60. H(M1S Receipt. 1,800 head; market lower; bulk of sales. $S.06fS 96; heavy, $8,75 1H'; packera and butchers. $8.75S.9&; light. $Xfi0iM: pigs. $7.25ns.0O. HHICEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 7,000 head; market higher; lamba. $7.40f7.90; yearlings. $5.757.60; wethers, $5.K0j.85; ewes, tVi.004(5.36. SI. I.onls Lire Slock Market. ST. LOMIS. Sept. ll.-CATTLE-n-ceipt. 2,100 head; market steady; native beef ateer. $7.6rtrn 10.60; cow and heifer. $6.00ij.60; atockera and feeder, 15.00' 9.60; southern steers. Irt.OnJjl.OO; cowa and heifer. $4.0ixi(4l.50; native calves, $603 10. 76. HOOS Receipt. 7 000 hed; market steady: plga and llghta, $7.0ni9 30; mixed and butchers, $9.00(i)9.SO; good heavy. $9.20 t9.30. SHEEP AND LA M B8 Receipts, 7.100 head: market .leuHv- n.tiv miiitnn. $4.Wu'S.O0; lamb. $7.0u8.1O. Slon f'ltr I.lve, Stock Market. SIOI'X CITV K.nt 11 -PITTII,' o. celpls, 2,000 head: market steady; butch era. $5.35t)7.6: canners. 41 OnfrR 2.- siock.p. and feeders, $4.lyp 26; calves. ta.Taftii.ou; hull. mtamm ml . tfi 1X9. 1 lions Receipts, !oim head; market 60 ... i.--,, n-n r, f4.i.rT!n.!K; mixeo fi A light, $8.404.18 .45; bulk of alea,' $3.43 tlH.N SHEEP AND head; no price. LAMBS-Recelpts, 100 BRADST BEET'S TltAUIC REVIEW Pare of Operation Slow Is la ladaa. trial Line. NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-Bradtreefs to morrow will say: Hopes of better trade loom I. rear lion no actual transactions, and except at a few western centers, the trend I tem pered by conservatism, with dullness pre vailing In the south. Fall festival at numerous point have made for somewhat heavier buying, but the improvement thu reflected is only relative and in indus trial line the pace of operation I slow. As yet American merchant are grop 9ng for foreign markets, and while pro grens may bo made In thst direction th sltuntlon I still one of promise rather than performance. It I conceded that fundamental condl tlona are sound, crops being of excellent volume, and that ultimately crop money will make Itselt felt, but on the other hand high rates for moiwy check enter prise while high prices or, as In the case of cotton, too low prices, hamper buying and tend to further cement buyer to the policy of awaiting developments before rderlng liberally. Business failures for the week were 274. compared with 2uS last year; in Cansda fifty-four, compared with 2f8 last yearni fiftv-four. compared with twenty-seven last year. Wheat exports, 7.04VM) bush els, compared with 4,473,000 last year. toffee Market. NEW TORK. Sept. ll.-COFFEE-No change wss reported in the spot coffee market her today. There wera clear ance of 99,000 bags fmm Braxil yester day and th- amount of coffee afloat I now 420,010 baga, against 345.000 at this time last year, while Rio 7s are said to be offering In the cost and freight msr ket as low as 5"447f,4.c. with well d scrincd Santos 4s selling as low as ffc. Some difficulty Is still reported In finan cing fresh purchases, however, and sup plies In the local stock are still held well above a parity with Hrasllian offers Rio 7s being quoted at 7c and Santos 4a at 1l;c todt v. The Rraslllan cables re ported a decline of 25 lets at flio yester day with 7s limited at 3 $X27. hut the San tos curb market waa unchanged. Re ceipt, at the two Rraslllan porta wr SK.HiO hava and .lundiahv receipts were ISiO bags. Today's recelpta at 8ao Paulo were 21,000 bags Metal Market. ST. I .Of IS. Sent. 11 -MFTAI.S1.-ad, nom'nal, $3724. Spelter dull and lower.