THE ttEK: OMAHA. SKITEMUKR 1014. WANT ADS Wsnt ads received at any t'me, hilt to Insure proper rlaastf Icatten must hp pre sented before. 12 o'clock noon for evening e-tltlon and 7:i p. tn. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ada twflvM after ei-h hour will be under the heading, Too Lata to Claesii v." CAM I HATES. Ona time, 1J rents a i-ne. Thrm times wlth'n nm rk, cent! a l n each Insertion, seven conaevuttve times, " centa a line h Insertion. CHARGE RATES. Three time within one week. 10 cents a line each insertion. Seven consecutive Ifmea. R cents a line each Insertion Count six average worfla to a Una. Minimum charge. 20 rent. Tha Roe, will not he responsible for more tlan one wrong Insertion due to typo, graphical error. Claltna for error muat he promptly made. An advertisement Inserted tn he run tin til discontinued muat be stopped hy writ ten order. Tou can plare your want ad In The Pee by telephone. TFIJ7P1TONE TTI.KR 10nn. Unclaimpd Answers to the "Swappers' Column Hundreds of other anawera have been railed for and delivered durinai the last week. It la reaaonnhle to auppoae that all of the people belr.w have made the desired awapa therefore, do not call for the bal ance of their anawera. Ree Want Ada a ii re gat reeults. H. C, ft O. H P. B C. C. 8 r. 1 41 m 3!oB 1202 12T.3 uO 4 W.1 1HJ VifH 13T.7 1 M Ulti H 18 V f! W4 llll 1211 1?1 U X 1121 J?l 1W4 ll rt Irtil IL JIM H 74 jr2 1H7 llXi 1? m tn lm ins iri2 irro 2T 7 lw lire 1?H 12H 21 no 105 nsg 12.i7 1272 W Ml 1 11S1 l'40 1JM m m r, nn U4i i?o r"W S 1104 llSi 121 1604 BIRTHS A VTD DEATH II Rirthe John B. and Kate Huekler, 7W Worth TMrty-nlnth, boy; John and Amelia Oeoh. 14JI Ieree., boy; Harry and Mary Mltoball. US North Fortieth, trl; Emll and Anna Fapka, East Omaha, boy; Karl a and Beaa Woodruff, 1771 South Ninth, boy. I the Timothy Colli na. K yean. Tn Maple; J. J. Nael, 46 yeara. t.m Myrtle venue: Tony Bo piano, II yeara, 1014 South Thirteenth. BUILDHVQ PBRMITI. F. J. Hoel. 110 ftouth Thirty-fourth, frame raraare, 1.W0; Fa C. Thormpeon, 4(24 North Nineteenth, frame dwelllnfr. 12,000; Fdward Phelan, Cot Far nun, garage, TODAY'S OOMTTiKTE MOVIE PROGRAMS ExclnalTtly In The Ilro IMnfaiswa, CA MTRAPHON BE. 1408 POUOt.A8 ST. Tha Cave of Death. 2-reel Kalem. Such a Hunter. Votagraph. The SmuggHsr! Wife. Rlograph. KUTE THKATER Na I, llll FARNAM. The Face In the Crowd, two-reel Lubtn. The Woea of a Waitress, Vltagraph. A Vow Ftnaarter, Sellg. FARNAM TKBATBR, 1416 FARNAM. Daughter of the Plalna, Naator. ' R oy. two-reel Erlajf'. ' illPP THEATER. 16TH AND HARNEt Robert Erllaon In The Call of the North. PARK THEATKR, Bit N. 1TH BT. Ufe'a Croaa Road a, three real apeolal. And a good comedy. PARLOR THEATER. Double Reward, t-reel. 140 DOUGLAS. PRINCESS THKATSXR. UlM DOUGLAS Ifelplng Mother, three-reel Rmalley Rex. Polo Champion, Joker comedy. Mawtfc. AlAMO TKBATBR J4TH AND TOUT. Ilia City Kiopement. llnl. Ike comedy. I'nlveraal Roy. Bowl of Roana, Reg. Children of Fate, Neator. A LHAMBHA TH HAT ICR. U14 N. Htar of the North. -reel. Domino. 4T. Lajnd of Libertr, Majaauo drama. Joke on Jane, Reality ooraedy. DIAMOND TH-ElATEt M10 LAKJaC Trey o' Hearta No, ( (Craoa o' Doom, two-rani Gold Seal. WeUI W eill Joker comedy. FRANKLIN. KTH FRANKLIN. The find of the Rope. -r. Indian KL dr. Ray Nuffla. Rlograph drama. i A Patba-acenlo. FROLIC THEATER, 4U N. 4TH BT. At tha Foot of the Btalra, Res. Love and Lunch, t-reel Starling comedy. On Rugged Khoree, Neatnr. MIPPODROMS TUBA. M t, CI'MINt. Our Mutual Girl Barlee No. W, Reliance. Such a Rualneaa and tha Buar Man, Split Reel com. The Weaker Strain, Re), dra. IT THEATKR, 14TH AND LOCUST The Old Army Coat, two-reel Kalem. The tJireua and tha Boy, Vltagraph. naissui fioar nunc, 1' at ha 1 XYntJiCkf TUITiTrD . is v ' oT The Hubatrtute .Thaahoaiaer. MUtakeg Will Happen, Key atone. The Old Tsarellct. Majeerlo. LOTAL THKATFXR. 40 CALWELU Through the Flame, t-reel Rex. By the Bun' Ray, Nestor. iiw r urx, running oomeay PALACB TirHATER. tXt DAVENPORT. jn swiwira v.inaereua, riex. Mamnrlea of Long Ago, Fron. ItJntveiraaJ Roy. ST- BURBAN, 4TH AND AMflS AVfi The One Who Ixvd Him Reat. I-r. Kd A Bubetltute for Panta. Kalem. The Retteir Man, Ixibln. eatk, 4?.t'I KATKR. sxu Leavenworth. Willie, t-reel JVIIa;. The Myatery of the Ortajtonal Room. Edl 1 rsuis ui i ii e nsiguiar rlea wi-iir ftwnniw. raanay. COMFORT 14TH AND VINTON. A Romance of the bawduet Ring, 2-reel Doroeatlo. A Mutual Weekly. Tell- Tail tstar. Thanhouaer. 4VL.UMBIA THEATER 1710 S JOTll" Ktlenn of the Olad Heart. 1-reel Sellg Don t Monkey with the Ruaaaa,w Kalem r'i oae rMlniy FAVOR1TH THEATER. 1714 Vlnloa 6t The Living Deed. Edlaon. U Three Men atxl a Woman, t-reel Lubln. Tim the Terror. Rlograph. FAV. AIRDOME ANNEX, ITth-VlNTO.N. Sunday, Sept. It The Perlla of Pauline Beriea No. 7 ' TAVORITB THEATER. 17W VINTON The Falae Shadow, -reel Lub. rey Eagle'a Revenge. Kal. A jQW Financier, Bellg. GEM THEATERl UC4 & UTlBT Tempeat and Sunchlne. t-reel Imp. OnRuggd Bhoree. Nestor. HAN6COM TI IE AT E R2th Caetellar Lucille Lo-e, No. It At i0clock. Bterling comedy. LT RIO THEATER. lblf-VINTON-BT? The Character Woman. S-reel Eclair. I The JEtoob Nemeaia. Rei comedv. PASTIME TiiEATER7t4 A leaven worth l.ui-lllo Love. Series Na 4. 1'HKQ vi. Poker. Eclair comedy. FNEZIA THEATER. !JU SOUTH 13TH. Tray O Hearta No. I (Flower O Flame). .-reel Gold Bea,L A Strong Affair. Bterling comedy. AIR DOM B THEA. FARNAM at PARK. The Maaked Wrestler. 2-ieel Kalera. Rueter and Ilia tiuat, Kdiaoa A Fatal Card, Lubln. MONRoK THEATER. U FARVA.M bT. Rob Leonard In Aurora uf the North. Ford Sterling in "When finally Lovea." Animated Weekly latest rurrent events R ENRON THEATER. US MAIN f?T. Irrle 17, tno-ree ln. Ti.a M mil a Aaakeuiug, Frontier drama. turlii:g Cuincdy, , Rural Affair. Tllll.IVS COMri.KTK f MOV IK riUMilt VMS Krlu.lvelj in The llc I onnrll hiiilli. ROPER .. IT I'.ROADWA T. T.lttle Meg and t. Victor The Silent Valley, ?rr. Imp. oath Osnana. RFSSE THKATKR, KTII AND N. Hrarst-Sei. Under Royal Patronsee. 2-rccl F.essnay. ostee'e Declaration of Independence, Vita, m a;r tm katkr" ritiTANi"i.! Love VIMorloua, S-reel ( aeal. Vandeelliv. onpHEUM. IITIt AXD M. Special Feature, Saturday September 12. AJTNOl'XrUMKNTS Gibson's Buffet 322 South 16th Bt. H AZF1. laf Pile f'onea. Real remedy for Itrhlna, bleeding or protruding pllea; wVs postpaid, aamplea free.' Sherman A MrConnell firug f'o., Omaha. I'I"'KT wedding rings Hroflensard s. Wedding announrements. loun. Rtg. Co KIUXB, ahowrarda. Clark A Hon. DiStT Globe Van & Storage Htorea, moves, fiarka. ahlpa; 1-horse van and 1 men, II 26 per hr , atorage t; per mo. Hatlxfactory guar. D. 43W A Ty. 2M Rhone Douglaa 200. Vn Ree Rldg. GKT a private booth in my gnu room for noon lunch. PKTFJ 1XC4. S13 S. 17th St. AK-8AR-IJKN HINTS. 10c PJVTh: l.UXCH for Ak-Sar-Ren vlaltora. Ifeadquartera for Willow Springe beer, beat grade of whlakiee and wlnea. Our 10c plate dinner beata them all. Henry Rollook, 122-24 N. 15th St. 8WTTCIIES made from romblnga, II N. J6tb St Lkiuglaa KHi. Ill LIVE WTHB BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA A, B, C of Omaha A LL WATCHES, dlamonda and Jhw- r- e"ry, special pneea. sept, and Oct Huy now, $1 a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 217, Kir bach block. , CO R H ETT. the man that cleana every thing. Hats cleaned and blocked. Get your fall rlothea cleaned now. Low prlcea, neat work, prompt aervlre. Delivery free. 1M6 Harney Bt. Doug. 1HW4, FOR auctioneering of aTl kind a of jewelry and general merchandlan, wrtte H. A. Roth, 1S11 Douglaa Bt. Dong. 8270. Twenty yeara' experience. MELRA Holler Compound Co., a boiler compound for alck bollera, dla aolvea bollor acale, rwit boiler Iron. Melba doea not pit fluea, only removea old acale. adda efficiency and economy to your boiler plant Call or write for cell mate. K'J Omaha Nat. Rank. I). Slu7, after p. m.. and on Wundaya. D. !. NEW and eecond-hand electric fana and motors. I citron Electric Worka, Xlx B. 12th. Dougliia 2I7H OMAHA 1'IL.LOVV CO., l.zl Cuming loug. 3447. Renovatea feathera anil matlrcaaaa of all klnda, make feather matreaaea and down oovera. IANO tuning, R. Brandon. 1 yeara at Hayden'a. Recommended by beat musicians. W. 4M2. 4filt N. tsth Ave. rAClTUM cleanera for aale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary Service Co., Ree Rldg. W" rent, repair, aell needlea and parta for all aewlng machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mick, era," lPth and Harney. Douglaa 1062. Acooaataata. MELVILLE D. THOMAB A COMPANY. lKT- City Nat. Rank Rldg. Tyler 1M0. Addlagr Marhlnea. Dalton Adding Marhlnea. 411 S. 15. D. 1441. Adder Mrh Oo. (Waleal W. O. W. D. &.UW. Magneto repair work a apecialty. D. t4U. Aaettoaeeva. Dowd Anetlon Co.. 112J W. O. W. Red 17. Arrklteeta. Clarenca W. Wtglngton. 230 8. ISth. D. 4207. Everett B. Dodda, f. Paxton. D. al. Attraetlona. OMAHA, film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargalna. Barbere. 11 Chalra, lOo ehave, neck ahave. 161T Far. BATHS, 16c; all AVE, IIki. 3'JO N. 16th. Blae Prlatlaa. HORNBY CO. Blue printing, under new ownership. 101 Omaha Nat. Rk. D. 3167. Rraaa Foaadrtee. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 17 th and Martha Bta. Batldtagr aad Repatrtaaj. B. FRANTA, ail Paxton Blk. Doug. 2157. (wllferala La a da. W. T. Bmlth Co., llll City Nat. Bk. D. 281ft. t'mr4 glaa. Office door let'g. Mynatar, Pax. Bk. D. 1157. C'hlvoiirwetara. J. O. Lawrence, D C tSJJ Howard. D. I4l. L. Geddla, D. C, Z Ree Rldg. Doug. 4283. W.E.Iurvlance. D.C. 4t Pa. Rlk. D. 494J. L. O. HAYES, D. C. 40 Bee Bldg. R. flM. Cklaa Patatlaa. Ruth Latchford. decorating, firing. R. 4M3. C'tvtl Kaartaeera. M. J. LACY, tli BBE BIJiO. t. 47U. teal Dealere. i1 r.fl Johnron'g JbO.UO m,ti op epeulal: also Phone D. 1700. Victor t ream aeaaratora. The Bharplea Separator Co.. Uth eV Farn. Daartag laatrwrttea. Turpln a Dancing Academy, ISth Farn. MarkTe'a Academy, now open. Wl HarT llrallata. Dr. Rradbury. No pain. 1S40-Farnam. Dr. Todd'a alveolar dentistry. 4" Rrandela. Rallev, the Ientist. 704 City Nat l Rank. Ta-Dental Rooms, lalT Douglaa. D. UkT Glil dTaeaaea. Dr. Fickea. T24 City Natl Bank. DeteetlT. JAMES A1J.AN. SIX Neville Rlk. Evl den.'e aecured la all caaaa. T ler 11.14. ltresaaaakt aa. Terry Dreaamak'g college. SJth Farnam. Expertenoe of all kinda, day work, reason, able, guaranteed. 2:24 Dodge. T. Hewing any kind reasons tle. Doug. 82 Draii. DRl'llJ at cut prlrea; freight paid on 110 orders; cataloguee free.- Sherman A MoConnell Drug Co., Omnha. Neb. Klectrle Salla. LEHRON Elec. Wka.. 311 8. Uth. D. 1174 Kt err tblaar far W ansea. HKMSTITCIIIN'O Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 107 8. 16th. Woman a Exchange. 4:11 Pax RlkR4!lT l uarrtlt Kaglaeere. Gaxnebln-Wclla Co. 4 State Rk. D. Farrlera. REN FENHTER. 1410 N. 24th 8t. W. ti. r lariats. L. HENDERSON, 1i! Farnam. D 12TA Memlier Florli-t Telenraph I 'el. Assn. HESS rjw6rlo7iA7T4lo Faruanis"r A DONAHFE. Iiw'j Harney. iom. BATH H fiorleta. Farnam St Hair Drraalac. Harper Method. R. 6. B.tird Rldg. D. Mil. l ite- block. Itraura'lre. UMAI1A Kttuedy Cu., wj uih. 14, 1.1VK Ml UK MSINKSS MKN OK OMAHA l.llthtln llilnrra an nirlai. THOMAS D1JHKIN Ele.til.- fixtures and supplies, rontrart Ins ami repair work ilow reesonshle. :4ii i iMisa MetralT Ct Ni(i:MI"i MN-For those who have It. !o you want to get well? If you do, address O 421 Mm Mfra. anil W Incin skate Cleaners. OLD she rips 'mode llko new. Midwest Shade Factorv. 4I0 Hamilton, liar. 4M. MassH-a Miss Walton. R. 2T4, Neville Rlk. Miss Jsroha. Mass.. Hath F.ler.' TrtT D.Tia. M llji" TIK,(. MASSAGE I8'2 Farnam St.. Apt 5, 3d floor. I). MM. Mlsa Fisher, mass., erertrt7eaCt7Rd 5037 MAMSAflK. S. 1 7 1 1 1 St Mra. Pteela, Mra Snyder, eler. trr rHeTS7"ilt h! pTV'VA M ASS ( ill Swedish movement. 4?4 . Z. "I,1g- I'ouglaa tr.X rJARA lFF.. massage, tiouglaa HTM. .Miss flonld. m-i,. 224 Neville RTk71iT"to g. Muni. urliiK Kslhleen MaTek! I 'oil a 7.2. and Traaaferl WIMTK mm;, yn s... nth. Douglaa Ma Milllnerr. " HWITCIIKN from romblnga. $1 :) Pay.'he free. Mra. II. M. Krk, 4 H. IMh. D. i7. Maylna-, atoraare and C leaalaat. W. C. FKHRIN, ISlh and Capital. Ty. 12O0. llrallata. F.yea examined, glaasea fitted, pay aa you ran. Pre. McCarthy, llll W. O. W. Rldg. Oetenpathlc Phyalrtane. Dr. Rerticha, 201-4 Mft'tmie Rldg. D. W. I'alntlnc INTFRioR wood flnlshinr. atalnln var. nlshlnir. white enamellna. W. A. Tollea, vnc Hpooi .'y n i ei. neo rfli. Patents. H. A. Hturgea. K:Vt Rrandela Theater Rldg. I). O Harnvll, Paxton Rlk. Tel. Red 7117. Patent ReTelopmen t. AMFRK'AN Machine Co., 110 fl JHh Bt i Pin mra IteanTatert. PI.i:Mf;S flowera made over, cleaned dyed. Ilertha Kruger, 4W Paxton. D. Km. Print I na. WATERS-RA RNH A RT Ptg. Co.. quality prlnllnh'. Til, Doug. 2'S. 24 S, 13th Rt. HoI'm.AH Printing Co. felDoug. COREY M KF.NIE I'T1. ;o. D. 2644. RIKS-HALI, Ptg. Co.. JfiJO f,apltolTDlKri; CENTRAL TTtlNTlNoT'O. DTTTfoTaTEi Hosrh F.xtermina tor. R. R. R. Roach Powder at your druggist nfc and Time Lock. K.xprrta. O A TTO Opened, repaired, romb. Or1 rliw changed. F. E. Daven w port, 1406 Dodge. D. 1S21. hoe Repairing. ff-illr??! Hhn (-'"-- St Mery'aAv. RE A PON A HI. E, Farnam Rep! OiT.llS 8T2T OlLjiNO ,K- ' '-''ARK SON 14th and Dmlve. D. 1:17 Htrpl I el 1 1 CARTER Sheet ,Mell JVprka, 110 B. 10th. "lorr aad orrieaT L'i ..-. iI "'. howc era. ahelv- ..2'o. . V.' b,,y' onuha Fixture and Supply c0,, 414-lfi-lS R i2;h. I. ;24. Towel SannlU. OMAHA Towel Bupply, 27 ft. 11th. D. 62H. 1 ranks aad Naltcaeea. FRE1.1NU fr BTE1NI.K. lmw Farnam St. Veterlnarlnnar DR. O. R. YOI-NQ, 4W. Center. H. Wi. Wlaea and I.lqanra. ALEX JETE3. Sll-S S. 13th Bt. Wines. Ilquora, clgara. plate dinner 11 to . H)o. GleHIE Liquor Ilouae, 422 No. IHth, 2aiT jltljhiwrcjwrlte for price Hat. l. 4SS2. H!i!iRY LiriHoTjsE: IMh and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. VY? yo.u.r ranlly lluuora at Kleln'a Liquor House, 622 N. J6lh. Douglaa 1109. KELP WA.TTKD FEMALE derlial aad Office. STENOGRAPHER. $7i; Stenographer IHO; Stenographer and tbxikkeeper, ; Ty pist and Clerk, $j0; Stenographer and Rook keeper, 10. WATTS Ref. Co.,' 40-42 Hrandela Thea AT ONCE Young lady alenographer for email office, muat he good In dictation and tvoewrltinir und ..r i.inu,in aonullty; Hlgli school graduate. Good houre. Salary iM. Apply at once or plume Imunlaa HM. WBST, REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. ioi- umana rvationai Mank Hltlg STE NO RA PH ER M ust be rapid and a. curate. Call at 62k State Rank Rldg. Ksrtorr aad I radea. MILLINERY apprentice. Call DOUG H. APPRENTICE gin. Optmnhel in Parlors. lloaaekeepera and Domvetloe. " THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Ree will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired reaulta Ihla applies to reai.tenls of Omaha, South Omahu a .i ci f'eor.i.11 Ulofr. Lj i .. . - u.uaiw. 3.1 1 II 1 KU tf The Hee i.tflne or telephone Tyler 10t. WANTED White girl for general house work: small famllv Hil n-mfi. u. call II. m ' " ' WANTED Girl for general housework! Good home offered. Phona Hamev ibi. Call at ZX2U Harney St. WANTED Kx.erlenced girl for general liouaework; email family. Harney 2104. THOROUGilLY experienced irirl for gen eral housework; muvt be good cook; good home and good wages; references. 42 Hard St. Call Harney 4H6t. WANTED-tllrl for general houeework; muat be good plain cook; refeiwncea required. Apply at 221& M St, South Omaha. CtMK and Hiri - for housework; private family. 5177 Davenport St. Phone Har ney 2U41. WOMAN or girl for second work, clean ing, etc. J1T7 Davenport St, Phone liar. Iiey 241. WANTED A woman for general house work; t a week; no washing. Call Webster MM. VANTE1 A young girl to assiit with housework; no washing or cooking. Phone H. 17R. V ANTED High school girl to do lojht work fcr board and room, good home for good girl. Call W. 419. GIRL wanted for general liouaework. ftira. u. w. ivotiie. j.vx Hawthorne Ave. WANTED A glri to aaslst with house work. 3119 Case or call H. !3. WANTED A good maid for aeneral housework, call Sunday or auyday next week. 114 N. iuth St. WANTED Competent maid for aecond work: must have references. Ai.oiw -ami 8 S2d Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, with references. 2221 Capitol Ave. Call D. 771! v W ANTED Competent girl for general housework. lil fmmet St. Call Web ster lie. AV ANTED A good girl for generaJ house- wora; oora noi nave to be a good cook no washing, good wages. Call at ais. s 2th St. WANTED A girl to assist with general fivrwat-v Wl n. I f ot. . t r OX. V A NTED A conietnt lrl for general nuueiwurR. vail 1. Z"ll. MltMilakeeas. TOUNG women coming to Omaha as .rangers are Invited to visit tha Youna Women's Christian Association building at . niaij auu .ill. ct., wiivre iiiey aill be direvled to suitable boarding places or jtheiwlae assiated. Look for our leave), rs' guide at Ft. "on Station. 1 ; X T R At K Dl N' A R Y f' In 'Xl. T1EA I S' v n mi inreua in riiuan( t Oor, exiilslte odors' 4'au be aold at handsome profit I-a Franca Rose, lrleh Laddie Roman llcauty, Pomplen Prime. I.rsuin Rontiuet. t Formulas 2." cents eaci coin onlyt. SmhJ stani for ct.inpU te list Miss Ekberah Studio, .UiiuynU Ave. tu pua. uma, :, , ; IIKI.I UANTKfl FKMAI.K Mlacellanenaa. W OMEN Get government Jobs; thousands vacancies yearly: llet r-ositlons open to "!ien free Franklin Instltule. 1 lent e.".U. Rochester, N. V. H KM WA XTKD MA LB Roy a. OFFK'K ImiY, 'vd fli in : snloiulid future. Apply et .VJt Hi ale Hank Hid. t'iertrai anal OfMre. No KIUX'I fi:f.. Ptrno., ?:.: Ftenn.. Ass Hkkpr., IV) to $Hi; junior of (lee lerk, fill to !:; I"drr rlerk. $.0 to vi It'aiKHM' UF.FKRF.NCF '). HD .lal Knnk Rid-. nth and llHtn'y. HTF.N m J R A I'M KR, r,n; rt. noei hp her a nd tlon see the CO-ORF.RATIVB RFFF.RKVrK I'O . Ml..-! CITY NAT. HANK Hl,tH. Factory anil Trades. Drug atore snaps; John. Knelst. Ree tsldg WANTKD-fifteen harness makers, four aaddle handa. No booera. Ul'e reTer- enoes The,... ..l.n.. Comranv. At.-hl.on. Kan. Mlacellaaeoaa. mytom uti. . ... . , ... FA XTON Hlk jetterlna School. Rnv41L To be auto experta." Oood men' earn big niOTiev: largest end Keet . lle U.o. TOI'Ntl MEN WANTED new hldaT.. elec. II. and atarltna svstems. big mnehlne ahopa You do the auto work yourself. Free catalogue. American Auto Coilexe. 2U9 Farnam St.. Omah;t. Neb. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business, the demand la great for our graduate; we have trained hundreds of men; let ua train you. rite for free booklet . Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n. 214 N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. MEN with patentable id. as a rite Ran Oolph &. Co., Wellington, I. C. TilE NEBRASKA AUT( MOBILE SCHOOL haa turned out ir.ore succeasful graduatea than any school n thla country. "There't a reason." Write today for our catalogue (C), 1417 Dodge. Omaha. Neb. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, $ii; set of trnila Riven; Viagns paid. Tii City Colleite. 12th and Douulna Ptt. THOUSAND- Joha open to men and women; big pay, Omaha ex nmtnatlona frequently; list of positions free. A (I. liens V 1S6, Bee. EXPERIENCED garage man wanted, ono that la cunahle of takinir rhiri. ..r .In country town; no hoocr need nnlv. Ad.ireaa Y 1SH, Rce. 'VANTEIe-l. men to oat round aleak. 1tc. Coffee John.. Uth and ChpUoI. - HELP WANTICD HALF. AND FKMAI.K M EN WOM EN Get government Joba. to $160 month. Wrlle for Hat of po altlone available. Franklin Institute, Dept. 22-R, Rochester. .N. Y. WANTKIl SITUATIOXS LAWYER: YOFNG MAN, GOOD EDU CATION, UW ORADFATE, EX CELLF.NT STENOGRAPHER. DE SIRES POBITIflN IN I.AW tlFFICE OR WITH LARGE CORPORATION WHERE OPPORTUNITY WILL BE GIVEN TO OBTAIN PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. OR AS PRIVATE SBCRETAY. AGE 27. ADDRESS U tJl. BEE. ! fi'e tny'V- """"""".h-r. '" I7T7 t-" - no? a'Ffeed hy W' '...J'" . : KuropoMn vars or pnni r 1 "J. I . . WATTs lief to, 840-t2 Uran.leta Thea. j i ) Anii.uitti lam to 2i,er). We , Ij i.-'T- Pim kelhook rontaining Sll bill, two BTKNtMIIHCIlKH goodsaUrv splendid M ' 1 Inl'-n st and prln-! . four ail' era and rhank-e. I.llieral 1 future. Applv LA' "tate "ank llX i ' .'barge .M reward, l ost between Krug park, down I -J,.-SLllLJjBnH '""1 . yenra m die Nei.raska farm Ivan field , Mllltarv Ave., north on 4ftth. east on I le you are looking for a high grade without a loss in our record. " t f-t to tilth Phone Benson 272. WANTED-Hteady position by ...nerl- ! tl4S'AvMratIlo'ronlh emed plumber and filler; goo.1 cad oateopathy. The only profeaslorf not over worker aober and reliable. P. S. Grls- crowded. Term begins Sept 14. See Dean wold, t'aois. Kan. o iii. i.,.i n,,,i ....w. u. . MIDDLE-AGED lady deaires housework or plain cwlng at place where she can go home nlghta. Address Hee J 4B1. ; , WA NTED Plain sewing or repairing on men s and boy a clothes. 607 South 29th. lloon rellabln woman wants nosltlon aa' housekeeper. Would leave city. Give full details in first letter. Can futntsh city referencea. Ijuit pobltton two years. Address. A 46a. Hee. WANTED Position In a private tele phone exchange by an experienced op erator. Address Y 10. Ree. SALESMAN going to Chicago in auto wants side line for small towns. Ree, V 4',8. . YOUNG man aanta place to work for hoard while attending Boyles' college. Telephone Douglaa 16AS. DAT work wanted. Phone Douglas H275. WANTED Work as chambermaid in hotel in Omaha or South Omaha. Phone S. .V.sii. GIRL of 14 wanta place to work; wishes to stay home nights. Address It 4HO, Hee. WANTED Place where medical atudent can work for board or room or 1ml h. Addresa G 409, Bee. DAYWORK. bundle washing. H. 7379. RELIABLE, practical nurse wishes post-. tlon. Ooug. sua. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishea posi tion In private family .Will ahow the very beat of referencea; 6 years experi ence. Douglas 7!). J.. Thomas. GOOD hotel clerk with A-l references. Ad dress K 442, Ree. YOUNG German lady, apeaka English, de atrea position aa housekeeper or In bak ery to do housework and help In stqre. Call South to 18. AUTOMOBILES Greenough Omaha Rad. Rep Co. 2020 Fa a) 11. P., 6-paaa., IHI2 touring car. fullv equipped and overhauled; IA'iO. So. .'EKfi. "Lludberg"Fore door, body bldg. .40 4k Far. flOO forfeit for any magneto we can't re palr. Coll repar'g. O. Uayadorfer. 210 N. 18 FOR a high grade, need car at a right price, ace Howes, 2216 Farnam. D. jil Inauatrlal Garage ro , 30th A Harney Sta MY s-PASBENOHR touring calT'lwTfor Omaha clear building lot worth the money. Call Harner ., the owner. WIIJ, aacrlfice this week late model. 6 paaa. car. first claas condition: no re- sonaWe offerrefused. S709 N. ;d. W. IHH COVERED truck wltli solid rubber tlrea. i.ow ids, capacity. Harney 7K4. FOR QUICK SALE list your second-hand automobiles with Middle state Garage. yi24-28 Farnam St-o WANTEI Ford Roadater. Calillarney 4007. Mnioreyelea. Llndborg Rros . 2i72 Leav. (Flying Merkle). HAR1JCY-DAVIMSON MOTORC YClT.S. Bargains in used marhlnea Victor Room, "The Motorcycle Man." 1703 Leavenworth. 1914 INDIAN, 2-apeed motorcycle and aide- car; gooi condition, t all South 2S4I. ONE l-ryl. motorcycle. 626. Tyler 3087. 1314 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains n ued machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO . lbth and Chicago. D. J?. jr BUSINESS CHANCES A CAPABLE restaurant man or woman wanted to take hold of new building In a live town in th e North Platte valley. Aak atMiut this. CO-OI'FRATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-14 CITY NATIONAL HANK BLDG. J. CAN AN, lfeal Estate and Exchanges! CAPITALIST wauted for Artificial Rub ber factory. I. George lUcard, Coun cil Bluffs. la. DRUG atore, suburban, old established trade, new. up-to-date Block. Web. hilt SALE-f. atock of hardware and modern atore building, located in good toan in eastern 1.1m ho Will sell build in a and fixtures for ll. less than thev cost two years ago. No trade. Addresa, Y 172s Bee. GENERAL STORE-Stoek of goods ion slating of groceries and dry goods, in. land town, store and poetofflce Will in voice at .' to l,t. Reason for aeltlnM. V ant to uj fust. II. C. Reltner, Wagner Ksk fUMNKSS t'HA.NCKS . Ill' III-' 'I ASS business openings Weeten. . tlmf Bond Ass'n. TM Om. Nat. Hk, hldg INt R A Nl 'I ' that Ins.ires Is Ihe rlsht of . fl-e loail'n in Fie host hullfllna. rasy of access and w here r rvd'e la Hood. TI1F. R K R Hf II. DIN G Insures juM ti se tlnnrs to nil Its tenants. A suite of roomt. Jn.n rlkht fir an Insur- am'e, hiMlness Is an!lxl'le now. Offls Rimm W I.JXTViVk HI "fINFS wlth us for iiuii-M ai tinii and suuare ire-limeni. I'li'K SAI.F.P ( MPNV. 4H Rce HldK Phone Red KM. I ,FV " "'- kmim; invkst.mknt i-ompany. N01 imaha Nat. Rank Rldg., Omaha o RF.STA I" UA NT For sale", " ih'e fixtiTrea ami stork of a restaurant, with a good ruetom. In a good loi atlon; no opposition. Applv to '. Vvskoi'll. Piirwell. Neb j B1QNH, ahow cards. Clark Ai f in.'li. W ' ' ' .'"' ' !' T""". euil oil v.,,,.. nrc moa. Tn wt It KI.Y sril your hiiainoaa or real estate, write Kenneheck Co . Omaha. tiii7ii.,,, . ; TREAT ER8 Buy. Icasa or ael oi-r V.TA inmir, o. si nine ana euppues inrougn 1 1 7,,"',1er J-haiist Co.. If Farnam St I I'OUBIHa 1"', U'AKTI'M An tii..' Iri7 I,U,1. . I some simple thin- to patent? Protect j your ideas; they mav bring vou wealth. Write for ".Vc-eded I nventlona" and "liow to Get Your pHtent and Y'our Monev. Randolph Co., Patent Attorneya. Vgsh Inaton, M C. Hoomlna llnoaea rr 9ale. BIO RARGAIN. S rooms, excellent furniture, good room era: a fall opportunity. i;; Chicago St Iiot:g. 44t KI) I'CA T I OX A I j MO.SHWv7LAMT5fAN" COLLEGE FALL TERM IS 0V OPEN Students admitted any riav. Fnsnr PHseed cl!ses In all biislncsi ;m1 Eng llsh brnnchca, nliorlhaml, stenoiypy telegraphy and ti pewrltlng. tlrtduates guat-Hnleed good positions. I'lnces pro liiled for young people to work for hoard rcr a new free rntalorne address ' M0S1IER-LAM I'MAN rfT 1 bV'TT" vvijujjvuj PIS Farnam Ht., Omaha Douglaa tW1!. The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, 9:00 to 4:00. Night arhool. 6:1.". to 9:18. 1Mb and Farnam sta. Douglas 47. 19U FALL TERM OF B0YLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN in hoth the day and night aesslons. Y'et it la not too late to enter. Regin at onc to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalomi". Husinens practice. Iiookkeeplng. penmanship, salea manahlp, banking, atenoaraphv, teno tyt.y. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, llllna. private secretarial work and msnv oiner rourees are oiien to you Here. on ....... " i n i jt u loin niina HtieiiiiiiiK. Douglaa 1o. BOVLES COt-LEOK, HOYLE8 BUILDING. H. H. HOYLES. PRES., OMAHA. . ..... - ......... ' u v. viim, rai., ' J ' T I ' . . 1 12th, 12 to 4 p. m. phit SALE at a dlaoouDt. a full unilTT lea scholarship 1 Boyles Bualnesa col- ''2V ".i IO lnar, !Dorth,"."J j f Qmaha Boa? LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO., Douglaa 29l!. 1&06 Farnam. FOTt KALB, Faraltare. Public Sale Big sale Saturday. Sept. 12, 1914, 10 a. m. until 6 p. m. Oood dressers, rugs, chalra and tables. Some good furniture this time to bo sold to the highest bidder. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO., 606 S. lUh St. New 2d banu rurnu're, cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. N. 16th. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage Co., 06 So. 14th St FOR SALE Leather couch, finish, golden oak, new. H. W. Anderson, 61s Bee Bldg Tel. D. 4072. Musical laatrameaik. Slightly need high-grade piano. W. S72. HI AND player; a bargain. Tol. H. 4711. Typewrite r.. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented, repaired. Central Tnwrlte' Exchange. 307 P. 17th. All makes typewritera rented, aold, terms. Butts Typewriter, P$ Farnam. D. 6031. RENT Remingtons. Monarcha and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1ZS4. Rental cirdltcd If you purchase, and only very newest and liignest grado ma chine! aent out. Rates, three montha for i for understroke machines or $2 per month for lateat model visible writers. Mlacellaaeoaa. FOR SALE at e dls.-ouiit a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college. Omrtha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the offlf-e of The Omaha Bee. THREE heating stoves for sale. W. 1674. Call WOM. BRICKS at t.S0 per M.; aJno SM0M. feet of lumber at work. Ilih and .lack son Sts. Huildings bouaat and wrecked. Trester-Kelly Wrec king Co. Web. 4Scl. FOR SALE Liquid leelesa soda fountain in Empress Garden, Kmprees theater building, uinaha. for sale t a great sac rifice by the manufacturer; rash or terms Call II 4.., 2-liand men. Dross Wreck Co.. 21 4t Paul. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleva and accessories; bar futures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balka-Collenfer Co . ei7-40 S 10th St WAGON ui'ibrellaa VW ;ner. Wl N. 14th. FOR SALE-Thrce O. II. S. cadet suit's for boya from 5-ft. 7-ln to & ft. H-lu tallJ an S... XW. St. Tel. Harney 117.V RT)LL TOP DESK Cheap. "lKIS l WMlxe. ' A NO. 1 BATH TUB. 5 I'rester Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 4K. ' (HI Buys bet coal for the monev; try iT.I.OV i4V Harmon A Weeth. ONE ow. J acres corn. 12. chickens. 1 Rayo Incubator. IS bn. potatoes, thor oughbred rocker spaniel dog. furniture, rugs, 6 rooms. W. 4!1 No. S4th Ave. NEW Stenotype. cheapr7'airs.2.lS. LOST A XII FOUND IiST-Rlng alth pearl at; flu reward for ruri. Tel. Tyler JIM.; j LOST Silver vanity case with monogram' "I.. A. J. rtemara. t all iNiug. 4,ul LOST Iatdjs Hold watch, inoxement. Initials "R. M." Walt ham I on back ; atch lost either on Park car golna south I or at -4th and Cuming, about 1 o'clock j Sept. S: return to Wolfe Electric Co., 1S10 . - . . - -A Farnam; reaard. I.OT AMI rniM) O.M MA i-'.'l N ll. :I,I FI"S HTRE&r KAII.'VAY CO.M1ANY. Reraona hirmi P at some artirle would do well in rail hi) t!ie office of the Omaha (t Counrli 1-liifrs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street rara I Many t rtirles ,ach flay are turned In land l-1 eoTpanv la aniious to restore Jliei-i to tht llE!-.ful owner. Call Douglas l.i' ST Huston hull trler. hrln.lle , i nlor, white i-licst and nrrk; 1 unr'eo laa; No. :!V l.lhersl reward for return to 1 .-"tl I'evrnp. rt St. Fhone llurney WT. I l7iKT" Rlue'hTrT' pf5." heiwrTlv- Na- ; tlopal and Hrandeis stores: reaard. Ry- ron Hon t o. 212 S. 7th Ful Nli-il.. Id watch. I.yman O. I'erley, i liiA Hrandeia ItST, STRAYKIi )R .Tol ,KN rrew-j tall Huston bull pup. atreak of white on MVK STfrCR run SALE. M naaaaawa. atas.t VaaaW lla 1 L.A1Rrr"1 'V, i"f 1l'y'r' ""1 " I tt e . lty; ull kinds of hlBCkamitli work, 1 painting nnd lettering .lohnson-Danforth 1 Co., new lo'.ation. li-31-3 N. 16th St. MEDICAL. I Runt 11 rriCured In a few .lava without 1'kl- ''all or write Dr. Wrnv. X Pec Rldg. Omaha. Established 1WM -o Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plica, fistula and other rectal dlacasea without surgical opeiatlon. Curt? gunrantee.1 and no money paid until ritred. Write for book on rectal dlxeufies with testlmonlaia. DIt. E. 11. TARRY', 240 Ree Rd. ' MOXE TO LOAJI NEED MONEY? See ua. Quick service. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO, iXi3 Paxton Block. Douglaa 1411. 1'ulLTltv Axn scitliks AGENTS, liivcatlgHtc i0 per cent profit season now on; get busy. Chicken Life raver . p., Lii.l I Timing St. Mixed Kialn. l.. VI h dred. Wagner, m N. 1 j ofBR'EoTyPrrtnatHceTTim ' l-r"!"t lining for poultry houses. i J ney are l.xs; inches, atronaer anrt more durable thqii tarred felt and nrHirii fin proof, if a hundred at The Hec office. TEUSOXAL 1HH Salvation Armv industrial home so II .'Its your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas J3i and our wagon will rail. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 1'o'lge St. OVNG women, coming to Omaha ar strangers me invited to visit the Young Yoni:ii B Christian Association building at .X,MPM. Py fl'-v's Ave., where thev will 1-e directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise a-alated. Look for our trav elers sid at the I nion Station WANTED TO BUV i r iv-t. lumiturn bought and aold j C-. Koed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 146. QNK-HORSE power, lift-volt D. C. motor wanted. Address T 1S9. Bee. Inolor WK BUY 2d-hanl clothes 1421 N. 24th. WAXTED TO ItEXT ANTED A modern 6 or 7-room house in a good neighborhood -for a family of four; state rei.t wanted and when ready to occupy. Ad. Ires Y 1S5, Ree. TWO unfurnished rooma for hourckeep Ing, walking distance. Addresa H. 41. Bee. ' YOl.NG lady would like cheerful room with board: private family: will pay right price for pleasant home; nice sur C4 B ": m(K,ern "vnlfnces. Addresa LIVE HTOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Suva mlleae and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Lire Stock t'omanleston Merchants. MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchanre Bldg. SWAPPER'S COI.UMX AUTOS-Here is a bargain: 30 h. p., 6 passenger. V.ttl touring car, fully equipped and recently overhauled: ask will demonstrate car and consider a roadster in trade. Address S. c. is,s Bee. A DUE BILL for .. good as cash, as f rst payment on any piano: will sell for ur win const. tcr a iraoe or any kind. Addresa S. c. 10.M. At.'TOS 1 have 5-paasenger car. SX'O, which I will trade for Omaha clear building lot worth the name money. Ad drves S. C. 1.W7 eare Ree. FAMILY MARE Combination bugay and hnrne-a for bale or trade. Tyler 224. 120i S. 2Bth Ave AUTOMOUILES-For other automobile bargalna see the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTO Want to swap for a late date fully equipped touring car, income brick business property, well rented In South Ornaha, on principal bualnesa St, JMh and St j atreets. 8. C. 1IU4. Ree. CARPENTER me do your work and. repairing; will take anything of value in exchange or give vou a low cash prli-e. Address S. C. 1M2," Bee. FURN IT V R E for Z simoom hotel near Omaha, i.00. Low rat rent oil the building. What have you to offer? Addresa S C. 2t8. care Re. GOOD Elgin watch and some cash for good visible typewriter. S. C. lSko. fi IAVE a gooifpatent. wii lseiTfor cash or trade for an auto with lateat iln provements. Address S. C. I39. Bee. KODAK A new Anaro folding kodak! 2'tx4'i, leather tourist ceae for same and portrait attachmenta. W 111 swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment, or uood bicycle. Address S. c imi. KofiAK 1 nev. A n sco Kodak. it'.St,: i 8-lncli eleclri.' fan. good as new: what have u to swap. Address S. C. J. Bee. MoTOKCYCLE Four h. p. Excelsior. good condition. We'l sell or trade. Ad dress S c. l::4 Beo. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some good second-hand office furniture; inuit be cheap for cash. Address X. C 1240, Bee. ONE one-horse-power International Har vester Kaeollnc engine, like new; one Burton Iwenly-five-nb mandolin, and one Realna music box. aitn forty records; III trade for late model motorcycle, or what? S. 13. ONE isscker L Son piano, cost teoo; out side player, cost i"0. and about tiM worth of music; will trade the above for good, ch ar lot or iirreane. S. C. 1Si7. RANGE--Have good six-hole range, large sixe. W 111 trade for a small size heater. Address 8 C 12. care Bee. SCALE-Iiave a Toledo 2 lb. candy acale. neai Iv new. will exchange for anything that can le used in a restaurant or roil top desk. Address S C. Ux, Bee. STOCK OF MDSE. invoice) 1,ns), to trad for cottages worth about 10 or'l. Adrers S C 107. eare Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade or sale. 1 hone 2l1. Council Bluffs. Ia. SIGNS, ahuwearda. Clark A Son. I). l.7. 10)i SIHl'.KS tapital stork in Texas (Til and Pipe company; value lloo. and aome cash for good work team or large horse S. C. 13P0. fAiXTINl"iml repaitlngnnrklnd. - (lone. Will make voir house look like new and will sen oetter. will taks any thing or vaiue in excuange. It won't cost you anything to get an estimate. An""r.-VD A'l'l!7"fBt l3Sl' PAPER HANGING I a-111 db vour paer hanging and exchange for anythina I .... t .i . - o . . - . . a can us. Addresa S. C 13vj, Bee, SW.U'PKn s OOT.VMV -ViaV-M "fhTnI-:-Fully erpilrped with reot;far anil tuhea tor hoepltal or doc tors use; ulli snap for anything iif xalue. Addie.s, f! l.rn, Hee. KOU HKXT Anartmrnta anil Flata. Rental Service Free 'hy worry where to find a houae or ' apartment when we have Hated every. varant house and inartmont in the eltv. 'Phone us for further Information. Poug laa 4477. Fidelity Storage A Van Co. TWO modern steam dented atoree near postoffiee. low reiit. (1. 1'. Stebblna FOI R-R.kiM Ft, ATI ll.S 1W1 VINTOnT OODEN ANNKX loo ma. with kitchen Mtea Counnl 31 u f fa 10. ROOM flat, modern. H. 147. Gordon Van Co Storare. 1I N Ilth SL Phone D Wt or H. Mil -' S-RM mod. flat. J327 Cuming. W. 4tir i TwTi JToorn fist, ni-ni- vuTi ton St., MO S. 2,th. K-room,lapn' 'let t ul '. O. Carlherg. .1IO-112 Rrandela Thea. Rldg. CMISE-IN HRIC'K 8. 5-r., on 1st floor. 207 So. .TOth; a. fr., heated, near Crelghton: :7.B0. 8-r., ir12 Webster, special offer on thla. O K EEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Win Omaha Natl. Doug. 271". a-ROOM FLAT-412 No. 2th St. Board and Rooma. COZY roin In mod. home for 2; board optional, reasonable. 2424 Jones. D. SI 12. I R I V A T rTTamlly. & week. 5M St. 28. Har- liey-M"7. Farnlaltfa Itooma. Fl'RNtSHED room for rent in private resilience, within walking distance of poi.tnffice. References required. Phone Imurlaa 721 Mol i.. prlv. f'linily. C.Sfil Plnkney. W. 3,Tr.. M IIK UN, front; 12 month. 21IU2 Dodae. NEWLY f ii r ii . with alcove; hTi.", s. JMh. TO renlieclalilc lady or gentleman, front room In refined home. Call H. 61R5. FURN. loom for 1 or 2 gentlemen, on car live, hoard notional. Call Benson .1 J. i en suite. 14 week. Red 4114. NEWLY modern rooma for rent, wiTTi meals If preferred. 2211 N St., Smith Omaha. NI.'El.Y furnished room, south expoaun private family. II. ,M24, km So. tli .'-'i'. I' l RNISMFD room; convenient to Creiftii- ' ton university and business center. Re. I . REDDEN 11 So. 20th, ;iiod. roomi, steam beat: reasonable. Neutly furn.. mod., reasonable. 117 N. 20th. .Mod., prlvHte home, references. H. 6i:s. Furjruis. modern. K or"cass. Apt. 9. STUDENTS, unlet, mod. rooma; walking ojKt. to BChoola. THE K N A PI'. 1918 Caas, NICELY furnished rooms with modern conveniences; central location; rcason ablo rates. :ilH N. Ilitli. Tyler 142. LARGE, modern: private family. H. 4iT. Unfnrnlahed Rooma. THREE rms., part mod.. 111. 2734 Caldwell. THREE rooma and bath; modern! SlT. Houses. S-r. furnished house hi Dundee. II. 207' WK will rent our home on Georgia ave nue, furnished, for either nlrte months or a year. II. W. Wood. Harney 32K. Famished Ilonsr keeping; Rooms. !30 N. 21ST. fX3UR furnihhed rooms, mod ern, only $15 per month. Housekeeping Mooras. 2 APTS.. furnished for light hoiisekeep. Ing: steam heated; mod. 47F.8 N. 2llli. CLOSE in. mod., reaaonauie, 2306 Farnam. lintels and Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglas 7;;;. OGDEN HOTEL, rooms Vi per Council Bluffs. week. DODGE HOTEL-Modern. Reasonable. Houses and Cottages. Houses for Rent Very desirable 6-room brick flat, cloaa to high school. Thla house haa all mod ern conveniences. Including hardwood fin ish, tiled bath room and aun room. 12-room house on 38th St. near Harnev. fi rooms, modern, 2S12 Pacific St. tfl. 7 rooms, modern, llti N. 2Uh St. ..'A SUITABIJ3 FOR ROOMING HOUSE 8-room. modern 2-story brick house. 21at and Harney, 640. J. II. DUMONT & CO 1H02 Farnam St. Phone Douglas !i. , GOOD 7-room house: mod. ex. heat; nicely ' papered and refinlshed; rent reasonable. 2til! Caldwell. Also tf-r. cot tana: modern except heat: 2H2H Caldwell. W. 3726. 2S1S WOOLWORTII AVE.; 8-r.; mod.; 2,.. ' 2220 Chicago; 8 rooms: mod.; $20; ur lti rooma; light huuiiekecping allowed S0 N. 20th; 6 rooms: mod. ex. heat; M. 124 N. 24th; 10 rooms; mod.; 10. 2.'21 California; 6 rooms; J12.M). S. E. Cor. !Mh and Davenport; HI rooms; steeni beat: IIM). RINGWAl.T, Rrandela Thea. Bids ' 6)07 rooms, parlor extending acros the I entire front of the house; oak finish. ; colonnade openings; four bed rooms and biith: fine neighborhood: near car. ' AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th and Douglaa St. 'Douglas iV13. I 5-RooM house in rear, ?X!2 Burt. H. 6230. mod. ex. heat. 1 . . 9-ROOM modem house, oak finlah, water heat, near cars. Dundee. Tel. H. 26e DESIRABLE 8-room house, modern, cloe in, cood condition. Reasonable rent to the right party. Harney 1MH). I-ROOM strictly modern house in Al eon- dition, loiatlon 2812 Pacific St. call at I 10W So. 2Sth St. or phone Harney 2344. 6-RiJOM. modern house, except heat, on 215 Blnnoy St Phone W. 1763. I 6-ROOM house, all modern, tree water. ' ', N. 'lOth. Tel. D. 1630. ' J. C. Reed Ifixp. Co.. moving . packing oc storage. 1207 Farnam. D. tlW: 12-ROoM house; modern. 1717 Burt street. NONE to compare, all modern "-room house, also 4 -room flat. 220 N. 23d. Fidelity Storage Co. Stcrage, moving, packing and shipping. 16th Jackson Sts Phone Doug. 1S14. Maggard's Van and Stor age Co Reduce! rates for fiO divi. Large van, 2 men, 11 25 per hr.; dray, j men, II per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. HW. FOIJ RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments end flats that are for rent. Tula list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Ac Storage Co.. 00 S. 14th St. Free Rental List Complct Inforiuatl jn about every va cant houae and apartment in the city. Thla aervlre la free. Tel. Douglaa 4477! Fidelity Storage at Van Co. WEsYTAltVAM homkTharney 4T"kJ. Ilnimpc m aii parta of the city HOUSES cremh Sona V i.'c.. B. Bee Bldg. 352P CASS St . -r., all mod., tip. 3610 Jones St.. -r . all mod., $30. 2."-Vi Sahler, 5-r., pait mod, $15. :304S 8. Hh St.. n-r., part mod., 13.A HIRKETl' COMPANY. 423 Bee Blog. Douglaa 33. Stores mn Offices. RIGHT NOW. . 1 SMALL OFFICES, 112 00 to 118.00 Free Mazda Lights and Water. THE BEE BUILDING CO. Office, Room 103. tiaras. GOOD barn, room for I or 1 here, 1917 Webster Bt Call Douglaa 41. i f r-ii 1 1