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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1914)
inK Uhh: OAl UlA, l iilii.v., M.I i4..ilKi( n, l'JU. Li..1 L. - STORY OF STORMING OF LEMBERG TOLD Superiority of Russian Artillery Foroei Austrian Defender to QiTO Way Before Them. FLEE IN FACE OF BAYONETS lavs Seat 4hrad to thsnrh Vhork, kat Fir, of Csar's Men lllrected Into Ranks Designed to Force Others to Fight. PETROORAD. Pept. 10-Yla London) -The Rech today print the following ! tiUt of the fall of Imbrg: 'The commence ment of the fighting, which resulted In the capture of tmbcrg. began August 19, when the Russian drove the enemy from Zlocsow, forty-five miles east of Lumbers;, and moved on to Oolsya Oorke a name which means 'the naked hill.' "We spent the nlgnt on Naked hill and the actual storming of the town was be gun at 1:30 o'clocK In the morning. Then followed a four days' battle. A virtually continuous cannonading continued from dawn to darkness without cessation. Even In the darkness the weary fighters got little sleep. Whenever a single shot was heard the men dashed for their places and the battle boiled again with renewed fury. "The enemy's counter attacks were de livered with great energy and a dense hall of lead and Iron was poured over our ranks. The Russian advance was greatly Impeded by the hilly nature of the ground and the great number of extinct craters, which formed splendid natural fortifica tions for the enemy, which held them doggedly. Out of these, however, the enemy was driven In succession. Suffer tram Thirst. "We suffered much from thirst, for the stony country was devoid of springs. The days were oppressively hot and the nights bitterly cold. "Both sides fought with great obsti nacy, but the nearer we approached Ivemberg, the harder the struggle be came. However, it soon was evident that we were superior In artillery. "At length the enemy was driven from all s.'des beneath the protection of the Ierrrberg forts. Our troops were very weary, but In high spirits. For two days the fight raged around the forts, but we were always confident of the prowess of our artillery. The big guns of both sides rained a terrific hall down on the armies, which suffered terrific losses. "At last we noticed that the resistance of the forts was growing weaker. A rharge at double quick was ordered and we carried the first line of works. It was evident from that point that many of the enemy's guns had been destroyed. Not enough of them had been left to continue an effective defense, but the enemy was undlscouraged and tried to make up with rifle fire what he lacked In artillery. Enemy Breaks and Flees. "Between the first and second lines our losses were heavier than before, but under bayonet charges the enemy broke and fled In panic. "Our troopa entered the town at the enemy's heels. We ran Into the town, Respite our fatigue, with thunderous cheering. "An episode which had much to do with ending the enemy's dogged resistance oc curred during-the fighting between the first and second lines. The Austrlans In the hope of checking the Russian effort to. encircle the town had thrown out a heavy screen of Slav troops with a back ing of Magyars who had been ordered to shoot down the Slavs from behind If they showed any hesitation. "Till circumstance became known to the Russian commander, who ordered a terrific artillery fire over the heads of the Slav and Into the ranks of the Magyars. This well directed fire set the whole line In panic." Miss Zoe Ross Party Has Landed in Boston W. A. Maurer yesterday was advised by wire that Mrs. Maurer and other mem bers of the party chaperoned on a trip by Miss Zoe Ross through Europe had arrived In Boston. In the "party is Mrs John N. Baldwin, now a resident of Omaha. No details of the trip are given, although brief telegrams were sent by all of the member of the party. Just prior to the outbreak of the Eu ropean war the. Council 'Bluffs party was planning to reacb Berlin not later' than July 16. The members, were then touring Germany and had reached Munich a few days before the outbreak. They were marooned there, but at no time was there any apprehension for their safety and comfort felt fey their friends. British Airship Will Cruise Over London LONDON, Sept. 9. The admiralty an nounced tonight that one of the British naval airships would make short cruises over London in the next few days and at night. The public is warned not to shoot at the airship. SINGLE TAX CANNOT BE ARGUED IN SEATTLE SCHOOLS SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 10. The Seattle school board last night decided that sin gle tax, a. subject approved by the State Board of Education for debate In the public schools this year, was not a proper subject and It wss excluded from the Seattle schools. The board also Issued orders to teachers to avoid any expres sion concerning the war In Europe. The Best Pain Killer. Bucklen's Arnica Salve when applied to a tut, bruise, burn, scald, etc. Kemoves the pain. Get a box. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. low News Notes. LOGAN Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Berry of Logan have learned that their eon, Fred Berry, now with the I'nlted States flei-t In Asiatic waters has been tendered the cemmand of the Admirals ship and in addition, the government has also offered Fred Berry a post graduate course at Annapolis without exnae to him. IOUA N Members of the Harris Grove Farmers' -club left for lJncoln. Neb., ta attend the club meeting planned to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H Longman. The regular program will doubtless be carried out today and the members of the club are planning to at tend the state fair at Lincoln tomorrow. Mrs. Kllen J. Orr and son. Will Orr. Mr. rnd Mrs. B. A. Dlvelbess of Harris jrov are members or tne ciur tnat icrt here this morning. Mr. and Mrs. H 4. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. elvey. Mr. and Mrs G. W. Gowens. Mr. and Mrs. fi w Weatherlv and others near Mis souri Valley are known to have planned Is go. Russian Minister of War Wires Direct of Triumph Over Austria tCcpyricht. I9H, by I'rcsa Publishing Col ri:TRuORAl. Sept. li.-To the Editors of the New Tork World ami Omaha He: The Russians troops hae repulsed all th attacks which the Austrlans. with a constantly-Increasing obstinacy, directed sgalnsl imr front between the Vistula and the Mug, to the south of Lublin, dur ing the last nine days, and having in flicted upon the enemy tremendous losses, have now reached a situation as follows: The Fifteenth Austrian division has been entirely capturrd. Including three reirlmenta! standards, twenty-three guns, eiRhteen machine guns, two neroplanes, I'.J officers and more than 1".xjo men of the ranks. As far back as August 23, the center WAR NEWS BRINGS RELIfiFTO PARIS Reports from Battle Front Such as Cheer the French Who Are Still in Capital. CENSOR EVEN MORE RIGOROUS As Klarht Draws Avrny from City I.e and Less of Heal Informa tion as to the Action Is Given Oat. (Copyright. 1911, by Tress Publishing Co.) PARIS, Sept. 1C (Special Cablegram to the New York World and Omaha Bee.) hlle battle news is favorable from the whole line, it is especially so In the caso of the French line, where the elements of the ndvsnced rieonso of Paris havu been In Hctlon. but beyond the official bulletin It is impossible to learn more than "it is not going badly at all." The censor waxes even more rigorous as the events sre not within easy reach of Paris. Blank spaces are becoming frequent in the columns of the news papers. Newspaper Ksttmate of Loss. The Echo de Paris, quoting a Copen hagen dispatch estimating the Germans have lost more than 100,000 killed already, rays: "Special garrisons have been formed in France as depots for reservists, re el gaged troops and volunteers, where they are drilled in readiness to be sent to the front to fill gaps caused by the casualties. These depots so far have only been drawn on for 2 per cent of their ef fective combatants, that Is if France has l.dOO.OOO men in the fighting line. 10,000 have been put out of action, of which :t may be estimated that 30 per cent are dead." Effects of the Florins. The first results of the census now being taken In Paris to provide the mili tary authorities with necessary Infor mation in case of siege, shows the num ber of households to be 887,267, represent ing 2,008.780 people as compared with 1,123,634 households and 2,833,361 people In Jflt. showing the exocus represents 30 per cent of the population. It is expectej fuller figures later will show the diminution to be greater than this. Pierre Lot I Wants to Fight. Captain Jullen VlaudT (Pierre Lotl, the writer), has sent a letter to the minister of the navy asking for active employ ment The writer begins: "Recognising that' the French navy is not likely to have a great role in the war, allow me to invoke the other name I bear and which everyone understands, although it Is not In the maritime regu lations. Will it not be a bad example In our dear country, where each is do ing his duty so magnificently. If Pierre Loti does nothing? I am an officer somewhat exceptional by my double sit uation." M. Lot! expressed the hope he will be given a post, however humble, to bring him nearer the enemy, or even as a member of the ambulance service, lie asks that he be enrolled in the marines defending Paris. Why Prrrln Was Relieved. Quslav Herevi prints the nistory of General Percin, which has given rise to many absurd rumors. General Percin was appointed on the first day of mobili zation as a major for the first military district with headquarters at Lille. He was not governor of LJlle, nor in control of the. Infantry division which met mis hap at Tournal. He was not connected with the evacuation of Ulle. which waa performed In perfect order under the general commanding the district and the governor. As the district wss then Invaded, and General Fercins occupation was gone, he was appointed Inspector of new artil lery formations. Learning he waa being slandered as a Coward and traitor. Gen eral . Percin demanded an official denial be published. On account of his letter, which was somewhat angrily worded, he was relieved of his last appointment. COLLEGE PROFESSORS ABLE TO LEAVE WAR TERRITORY GRIN NELL, la., Sept, 10. (Special.) Word has been received here that the members of the college faculty who have been In Europe are safely on their way to the I'nlted States and expect to be on hand for the opening of school September H. President Main left Swltxerland at the first rumor of war. Miss Clara Mlllerd and Miss Bertha Bhutts were at Interlaaken, Switzerland, when the war broke out and experienced great difficulty in reaching friends in London. They were finally able to leave and are now In Chicago. Prof. C. N. Smiley has been traveling in England and Scotland and was, consequently out of the war tone, ror a time it was feared that the German authorities would detain Prof, and Mrs. Scheve, as the professor Is a native of Germany, but he was able to prove his American cltlxenshlp. Why Not Publish Itt When you want a fact to become gen erally known, the right way la to pub lish It. Mrs. Joseph Kalians, Peru, Ind , wss troubled with belching, sour stom ach and frequent headaches. She writes, "I feel it my duty to tell others what Chamberlain's Tablets have done for me. They have helped my digestion and regu lated my bowels. Sine using them I have been entirely well." For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. Wilson to Aid Railroads WASHINGTON. Bept. 10.-Prldent Wilson has acceded to the request of the railway executives who asked him to call the attention of the country to the pres sing necessities for support of railroad credits. of the Austrian army ws broken and the movement of tlerman reinforcements along the left bank of the Vistula is as slopped. The entire Forty-fifth Austrian rcKlment ana captured Our offensive action still continues. The Austrian army retreats dally. Ueniberg, the capital of (Sallcla. Is now occupied by our forces, and no less than 21 guns, thirty locomotives, l,M freight cars filled with war material and several tens of thousands of prisoners have fallen Into our hands. Kvery other opemtlon In which our forces hae been concerned within the territory of Poland has bad merely the aspect of an Insignificant skirmish. (Signed.) SOI KIIOMI.INOKF. Minister of War, Russia. ENGLAND ASYLUM FOR ALL Preparations to House Refugees from War-Ridden Nations. EAGERNESS TO CARE FOR THEM Scotch and Welch Towns Are K.spe riatly Anslona to Kntertaln Them Boats from Oete.n4 Arc Crowded. LONDON, Sept. 10,-Slxty thousand Bel gian refugees are expected to arrive In England In the next ten days. The Brit ish government extended today a general invitation to all Belgians msde homeless through the war to come to England and the volunteer war refugees committee organised by the duchess of Vendome has undertaken, with tovernment supervision, to receive and care for these refuiseca. Postmaster General Herbert L. Samuel mas loudly cheered In the House of Com mons when he referred to the fact that P-iitish hospitality had ben extended to the Belgians. He said the committee was In touch with 3.600 Belgians now on the way to England and that thousands of homeless persons at .Valines. ixiuvaln. Urge, and elsewhere In Belgium, who could not be cared for by their own gov ernment must seek temporary refuge In the British isles. Ixrd Hugh Ceil, chair man of the executive committee of the war refugees' committee, and iJtdy Lugard in active charge of the care of the fugitives, already have arranged for the organisation of committees In fifty two towns and cities where the refugees will be sent from London. The commit tee also will care for the refugees from Russia, France and other alllod countries. Scotch and Welsh towns are especially anxious to entertain the Belgians snd the committee believes It can make provision for a million refugees If necessary. Sani tary conditions and lack of food In the Belgian territory fought over and a prob able attack on Antwerp doubtless will make It necessary for hundreds of thou sands of women and children to leave that country. The British government Is providing special boats to Ostend to transport the people as rapidly us they gather there. Women and children are given the prefer ence, but many men unfit for military service also will be transferred to British territory and later will return to Belgium. Noordam Taken by a British Cruiser; Reservists Aboard IjONDON, Sept. .-The Holland American line steamer Noordam, bound for Rotterdam from New Tork with Ger man reservists and a general cargo des tined for Germany, has been captured In the Atlantic and brought into Uueestown by a British cruiser. When the steamer Noordam sailed from New York September 1, It wss stated that the 300 men on board were Belgian. French and English reservists, who were returning to their homes to Join their armies. The Noordam also carried a large amount of mall and a cargo of general merchandise. Its destination was Rotter dam. DES MOINES CONFERENCE IN SESSION AT ATLANTIC ATLANTIC, la., Bept. 10. Special Tele egram.) The Pea Moines conference of the Methodist Episcopal church Is now in session in this city for the third time In ita history. The total value of the church property In the conference Is $2,600,000, according to Information furnished today. Interest of the morning meeting today centered about the reports of district superintendents. Dr. E. W. McDade of Atlantic district made a favorable report, as did Rev. U. E. Shaw of the Boone district. Rev. A. A. Thnmnson of the Chariton district. S. I Baxter of the Council Bluffs district and A. Z. Collins of the Creston district. A puree of gold was presented to Dr. Collins by the ministers of the Creston district In commemoration of his six years of faithful service. Communion servires were conducted by Bishop Charles W. Smith. In silence the conference arose and stood as the namea of Its departed members who have died during the year were read. The names read were C. C. Prenta Thorn, W. E. Howe, 9. M. Matheny. A. L. Curtis and Felix Vinson. Rev. Fred Harris, prominent in the conference and pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church in this city over twenty five years, is present at the session. It was shown today that of Atlantic's population of over 5.000, 650 are member of the Methodist church. This evening automobiles conveyed the ministers and their wives In a trip about the city. TOO MUCH INSPIRATION IN THESE TWO "NEWSIES" John O'Brien, who says his home Is In Ireland, and Jacob Stevens, who claims the broad and expansive confines of Ger many aa the place of his nativity, "par took" rather copiously yesterday, and af'.er emulating many of the great finan ciers by selling newspapers on the street, were lodged in cells at the station. O'Brien bought the entire lots from sev eral newsies and was shouting the last war scream at the time he was pinched. O'Brien and Stevens were discharged after a n'.ght In Jali gaea Over Hasbaad's Death. WATERLOO. Ia., Sept. 10. Bpeclal Telegrams-Mrs. Harry J. Jennings today filed suit for tli.OuO lamage for the death of her husbund, which occurred in July, after being struck by an automobile owned and driven by G. A. Koote of Parkersburg. from whom the widow now demands damages. - - RUSSIAN HOST AT WORK IN BELGIUM One Hundred and Fifty Thousand of Czar's Men Engaged in West ern Europe Battles. MENACE THE GERMAN RETREAT Passu ae Thronah Fnalnari Admitted nd Purpose of the. Movement Outlined as Heine; to t ut Kaiser's Line In Hear. ("rrigt-.t. IIM4. by I icss Publishing Co) I.ONPON, Sept. ie -i Special CableVram to t'ie New York World and Omnha Bee.) For several lnys there have been stories around Knvlnnd that a large force of Russian troops hail been brought to dif ferent ports in this country and Scotland and transshipped i the continent. Cr-dltable vmncHxcn who have seen the men In I.elth, Liverpool, Avonmniith and eVtuthainplon, describe their appenrancc and uniforms. When the report bad been two or three dnva current the press bureau published a statement (inning that Russian troops had passed it were passing through this country, but nr ei theless the rumor per sisted. eml-Offlrlnlly Admitted. Today I was Informed by a professional man, who hud Just come from the Ad miralty, where he has a relative, who had admitted that lMt.oon Russian troops had been landed nt Ostend. Tho Ad miralty officials added that the fact w.iuld probably be officially announced soon. It might seem Incredible that this great movement of troops could be car ried out without becoming generally known. But the power of concealment possessed ami exercised by the Kuropean governments tiurinK this war has been found to be so astonishing that such a feat of m tiflcntlon Is by no means Im possible. Mission of the Russians. If these Russisns have been landed In Belgium, their work will be to cut the communications of the Germans. By all accounts ttvse communications are not well guarded, all the German forces being rushed forward to carry out the dash to Paris which. It was promised, would b effected by September 2. The Russlun force probably would be able to exercise a decisive Influence on that forward movement, and with its long-drawn-out line of communications, the German retreat 'would ' be a dangerous, perhaps fatal, business. SALUTE TO STAR SPANGLED BANNER SATURDAY NOON In recognition of the writing of "The Star Rpanglod Banner," twenty-one guns will be fired at all I'nlted States army posts Saturday at noon. The ceremony at Fort Crook will be brief because of the troops being away. Movements of Ocean tenmvra. Port. Arrived. - Hlllsd. BOSTON Icnnls BOSTON Numiaian NAPI.EA Hmmpalli UVKKI 'nOL,, . . . Olymplr IINPON -AndinU 1.IVBRPOOL..... Psnminls IIAVHR Chicago NEW YORK Phtladtlphla. Dee Engraving Peit DESIGNERS ILLUSTRATORS ENGRAVERS comV photographers WE HAVE more than 10.001 pbotogrsphlc subjects In our files which Include promi nent people, sports of all kinds, character subjects, animals, live stock, poultry and can supply 1m mediately cuts of most any sub ject for lllustrstlng you may need. ITione Tyler 1000 er write os. ISO bee Building. Omaha, Ves. It.... .. . - -i--n in aJllj Teething Badies SUFFER IN HOT WEATHER USE Hrs.WinsIow's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE KOT NARCOTIC r SPECIAL TRAINS IN CANA?A ! CARRYING TROOPS TO COAST WKBSTKR CITY, la, Sept IO.-" A Webster City man. writing from Medicine list, Canada, says that the grest European 'r bas hit business In Canada slu'ost as hard a blow as has been dealt Kngland. Owing to the fact Ibat this letter divulges Information that bas not been permitted to cr.iue out through press dispatches, the name of the writer is withheld The lettrr says In part "The wsr has (OIL STOCK m la established company to drill Important tsst wiUs tbat csa easily force aa advance In value of twenty times. Only small allotment offered. So aot dslay, bat take a ehanoe with from 930.00 to VS.SO0.O0 and be come a loyal stockholder la ear ladepeadeat army bow ever twelve thenaand '(1S.00O) strong, that will la time ' build vp the only great competitor of the otl trust la the United ktatss, ' Oil Letter No. 1, To the Investing Public of the United States: It Is a conceded fact that the producing and refining oil !mi.1':i4 will i-iake more money in panic times tl'an i any other Industry because oil Is csslt. Our rompviv cm Invent, new i trl where It ran easily Increase twei'y times. The company now haa three refineries. 'r two liiidifvl snd fifty miles of pips line. Over Sixty distributing atatiofia. One hundred srxl ten nil and gas I lla. About twenty thousand acres of oil nrt gas 1 lenses and tank cars and tank wagons ami oil trade i I tab). si i t'lbat will furnish market for four thousand bar i rlm n Amv mtiA run h miteklv lncrnjiM In fan thou sand IuoiiIm pr day. Combined properties and good will and trail, name valued by company at about four :.illllon ft. 000, 000 1 dollars. This does not Include a less honorably secured from the Indian Council for four humlred and thirty-six thounnn (43,000) acres, whtch the stockholders nave hus fur been cheated out of by the "invisible govern ment Influence" of our running competitor. A hill Is now pending In Congress to validate this great l" which is admitted to be the richest plum in the entire nil world A VK1TXD STATUS UXmSta COTfaVT XXSKPTZD rm un. The t'ncl Bam Oil Company has fought Its way through persecution to prosperity after an elght-yesr battle with th CM1 Trust Invisible government and haa Just won one of the greatest victories ever recorded by decisions in the Hupreme Court of the United States a few weeks ago when the pipe llnea of our rich com petitor were decreed by th highest and most powerful court In the laiwl as common carriers while th iilpa Hne of the t'nele 8ain (II Company were impted so that w can pump our own crude oil from our own wells to our own refineries without molestation by oil Trust officials striking at in through gtvrninnt commissions. I am not going Into details, but as th prnmotr and now president of th I'ncle Sam Oil Company I have become Intimately acquainted with the oil ami gaa fields of Kennsa und Oklahoma, The OH Trust hss resorted to the old tricks In this field. It run up the price of crude as a bait to get Americans to com in and organise small companies and prospect and pioneer all over Kansas and Oklahoma. Now when th trust desires to buy up the best producing fropertlcs or get th flush production at a song, th rust la taking advantage of the depressed business con ditions In the I tilled States and the foreign war condi tions to practically steal millions of barrels of crude oil iind grab the cream of the prrxhiclng properties. Our company Is the onlv big company In a position now where with a little new capital to take advantage of this sltuntlon can become a big power and make big monev. As the managing offlrer sine th orgunlsatlon of th Uncle Mam Oil Company 1 bav alwsys oppossd attempting to rnlse new capital only from th ndptvl nt public. It Is an ssy msttsr for the trust to annoy any big bank or trust company that would1 look with favor on financing an Independent refinery. The I'ncle Sam Oil Company le controlled bv a Board of IMrectors of twenty-one (21) larg stockholders. On of these directors Is from New York, on from Ohio, one from Indiana, on from Pnnsylva.nla. one from Illinois, thre from Missouri, two from Nebraska, two from Okla homa, one from Iowa, one from North Dakota, one from Wisconsin, six from Kansas. There Is a voting trust provision written In our charter that keeps the oil monopoly from getting control of th Unci Sam OP Company. Ho for lght years every despicable persecu tion has been attempted to kill the Unci Sam Oil Com pany rarhlng from cabinet official to the meansst amt littlest snexik In the lndlsn reservations. But every at tack by this gang on The Uncle Bam oil Cnnipany haa resulted In victory and In the end a boost for the final grnnd success of our company. It would take several Tages to detail the startling facta of this giant effort against a criminal monopoly that haa continually gained! ground until now It threatens the supremacy of the nil and gus triad in ten big, rich states In the Central West. This notice will onlv appear In a fw Important pa pers. ,) It will not tak long to plnce all this allotment of stock which should be accepted during the next week or ten doys. As president of this company I made a three days' trip through the oil fialrin last month and sftr a confer ence with our leading scouts In Osage. Pawnee. Oeek and Tulsa Counties the company has selected three Ini liortnnt locations where tsst wells will be quickly drilled bs soon as a part o fthls allotment Is placed. One of these locations will he In Creek County In the middle of one block of Uncle Sam leases of about four thousand 10,000 shares 0,000 shares to.OOO shares 80,000 shares . W'rit plainly In your letter who you Address THE Good Since 1854 1914 IS OUR 60th an niversary of brewing beer of Supreme Quality, Its great popularity in tens of thousands of happy prosperous American homes attests the genuine worth of Peerless Beer as a family beverage. Its absolute purity, rich mellownesi and delightful flavor express 60 years of study and investigation in the science of brewing and of vlttilant care In ob taining always the Choicest materials. Keep a case in the cellar sharpens the appetite aids digestion. Your dealer will supply you. Order today. John GuncI Brewing Co. La Crosse Wis. o-it.ilnly killed this rountry All In-! ilustiies are closed and nil building hnsi stopped. The government l training every nrtv to rnlse nio r for Knclnml ! to carry on the wsr. Men an leaving' tiy day and those who remain nre i loafing, for th re is no work. "It Is going to be difficult for many to live here through the coming wliilT. Business of eietv nuturc except the flour Ins mills Is at a ntn nil st ill. 'TMa prttnilrv klnnt. trt l-'nplattr! n.1 I Kntland lias railed for monty. men ami! provisions inrty thoiisnnn Austrnllan are passing through Carada from Van- to you. tin big civ th Unci Ham soon ne put in In the businass SPECIAL ALLOTMENT $ 80,00 100.00 118.00 850.00 want stock issued to. 100,000 shares 100,000 hares 100,000 shares 800,000 shares UNCLE SAM OIL CO. Kansas City, Kansas. Roapectfully submitted U 4J couver to Montreal and thence to Eng- Inr.d. this route being nfer for the . mMlei-s I iin.letstsnd ofl.nOO soldiers from Indln will come the name way. Four J and five rprtlnl tiHlns are running dally thriiiich heir, hound for the AtHntia 1 coast with troors f r r.nfrliind." ttnllrontls Itlien More Tint. WASHINGTON. Spt. 10,-The effective Cnte of the Interstate Commerce commis piir i niilrri In the Intcrmountaln rata csfo aitnin .ostpnned today from Odd 'i I ti November l.",, to give the rs'lrond mm tune to sd)ust their tariffs. tt.flOO) acres. There Is a sub-nntlrllnal through the center of Oils block of lessen. A greet gusher at this location would be no surprise. You may wonder why th stock Is offered at so low a price. The truth Is that over three-fourths of our stock haa been Issued to the present stockholders at practically a stock dividend, an" the loval stockholders in this company own this stock on a basis a llttl less than the prlre quoted herein to you. We have casing and derricks now on hand for two deep wells At a construction cost of about fifteen thou sand (115.0001 dollars The Unci Knm Oil Company can drill three deep test wells. One of these wells will be In I'awnee County, where a 500 to 1,500-barrel well on tbw tart would be no surprise. Th other two will be m Creek Countv. The oil In these deep wells Is high grade! and vejs,- valuable for gasoline, and we already have a market where we can sell nil we can producer The t'ncl Ham oil company needs about twenty-five thou ssnd tlilii.OOOl dollsrs to extend lis pipe lines to these nw field anil about that much more to acquire some adjoining lenses snd drill severnl test wells thereon. STOCK CAW EAglliT ADTAsTCB M TXirXII. . To th northwest of our big block of leases In CreK' Countv Is the famous dishing oil field, which Is now pro ducing over one hundred snd fifty thousand 1 10,000) barrels pr day from the snme Itnrtlesvllle ssnA that haa been located on the east and south of our lease. Some of these dishing wells have started as high as four thousand 1 4.00(1 1 barrel per day. We might open Just such a well on our lenses which ar In th same county. Thr remittances of I'J.MO.OO esch will at one force the drill to work at this Important location In Cresk County and also In I'owne County. When' you loin the Unci Fam Oil Company you Join an army of ied-bloorid Americans thst bow their knte only to their Ood and do- not believe that the Oil Trust In especially entrusted to grab all the oil and all the gaa in, th MliMU West and then h permitted to rob the poor and very bod v els by extortionate prices on life necessities.' our company Is fighting to force the validation of our Osage lease of 4:10.00 acres, with a provision in ths leaae to authorise th I'ttlllv Commissions of th various states) whr th oil end gas from these government Indian leasts Is sold to fix th price charged th people, Ruch govern ment restrictions ar practical ant right, and we insist, that It be In our leases and also be Inserted In tnw rest of the three million l.000.0u0 acres of government Indian lands that ar under th direct control of the, Washington government and can be so leased If Congreaa will vote for th real rights of all the people against th greedy grabbers thst seek to rob th public tv secretly: acquiring government franchises, which big newspeperg are blackmailed Into Ignoring or lose their high priced Oil Trust ads. As the promoter and now president of The TTnele Sant Oil Company I ran In good conscience advise any honeal;. investor to secur this stock, for I know what others have psld. I know what it is worth. I know th book value now on a reasonable basis Is about four times this offer well developing a new, rich pool would. bring th company sufficient funds to go ahead on a big basis. Other companies have struck It rich and so will' Th Unci 8am oil Company. On or two big wells would Oil Comnanv an Inrom from Oil when manufactured and sold through our refineries of fronr 11.000 to 14,000 per day, while half that amount would soon drill sddltlnnal well and complete our msln trunk pipe Una, to Kanaas City. Kansaa. where our company has a fifteen acre refining site with a refining and plant that can operation ar a comoinen ana prnruauie in pselty of from 4.000 to .000 barrels per day after the main, nln line Is completed As a oractlcal oil and refinery mad. since the first wells were rh-llled in. Kansas" over ten years ago. 1 know what I am talking about ln this announcement, and 1 know that with sufficient cspl tal th big fight of th Unci Ham Otl Company can bw won all along the Un and the company made a Dlanelne to the stockholders, th lndlsn tribes and the generaf. public an It was from Hi start lntndd to be. t have seen many small concerns organised atvd erushea' out. but The Unole flam OH Company Is too big and too; much of a public benefactor to lie checked. There are enough real rd-bloodd Amrlcan Investors that will Join with cur twelve thousand stockholders and In tlm make Th Uncle Sain oil Company th controlling power fnr right In the Middle West oil and gas fields. The stock im) non-assessable end there Is a provision In each certificate that bars th transfer to an oil trust crook. Only raw sponsible and patriotic Investors are wanted as stock; holders. If you wish to Join with us to help extend our pipe lines and drill these Important test wells, make your check or draft payable to The Uncle Bam OH Company tint forward same attached to the following price list with "X'' opposite the amount of stock you desire. Weekly reports of field operations will be sent you aa quick s you become a stockholder. You can secur the stock br remitting at once, snbjeot to advaase without Mtle. the following basis: OFFER IT f 800.0 1.OO0.0Q 1,BOOX0 8,800.00 v. by H. H. TUCKER, Jr., Preildtnt "i. fi u H I W. C. HEYDEN, Mgr. FWsai DiUi (21; AstiaiaHt A-ZM8 CAUL FUKI H, Dtatnewtor 718 S. leth SttMt. Oca. Ns. rVaaaal M lMsauU) asiialir A-gJg