THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SETTKMBER 11, 1914. Bringing Up Father CnryHgtit 114, IntarBaBowaj Borneo. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus The NURpHa wont" RETURN OUR DO - THAT C rlm m .... LPAAt TO ME-MAiE ill ?ec OOR -AWf Ef?- IUJ MX THAT 0 NlltPHY HCLLO VHAT CAN I DO FOR "TOO -YOU LOOK WORRICD TMe THAT LWt MCXT DOOR TO Mff vroLt ne do DOj WENT IN HIS YARD AND HE Ail.'.' aA " M ' WfT.Wiri- V IT MPLE A HEHE ViT O" MANDAMUS O CERTIORARI OXHT TO &RlNS THE LITIGATION SPEEDY TERM the I N TO A r CRM I NATION I r IP TMF TAMIfsiC i w -v in l TRANV.I?Ft,FPl Aturt nc. Lcr CHDAMT CLA" THE RWiHT OF LEX TAL.IONIS.IT INVOLVE, A MORE. COMPLICATED rVNU DID k-) VHAT DID THE LAWXER bA-? r I 4UEVb MURPf nCTTEl? KEEP THE I T BOURKES BUMP HILLSHEH (hatha. Scores Enough Bant in Seoond to Trim Mountaineers. VHXS THIIID GAME, SIX TO THEXE Muuitr ftoadlaar and Catcher ea ' baawa Ordered to f lafeheaee ay taaotre Vaa srkle for Dlaaatlag Deelslaa. DENVER. Colo.. Sept 10.-Bpeclal Tele gram.) "Cy" Morgan broke th local "Western league ifUfln record for strike outs today without avail. Omaha bunched 4 la runs, on of tham a circuit clout by Pinu. In tha second Innlnsr. and tha home t?ara lost tha third same of tha series, f x a. Three Rourkes fell vlctlma to the Van Cyckle thumb today. In tha eighth Innlnc Manager Johnny (Sending protested too strenuously on called balls on "Butcher and was aent to tha club house, Sea fcaugh Joined tha chorua and left the dia mond aa ha came to bat In tha ninth. Then a rookie who had slipped on an Omaha uniform began to get personal and the umpires rave hlnutwo belht. Moraraa Whirrs F.levea. Purine the nine full Innings Morran whiffed eleven batters, or one better than the local season record. Ho walked but two others and beaned but two, which la good pitching for the wild man. Aside from that second and a lucky hit In the eighth he was Invulnerable, but the two frame were more than sufficient After Thomasoa, first up In the second, had singled he was forced at second by Krueger. Thomas advanced the runner with a hit and Reabaugh scored him with another. Tipple took the ball amidships and Payne walloped to center, McCarty misjudged the drive and never had his mlttj on tha ball, four runa scoring on the pley . . n Tipple la Good Form. ..In tha eighth Kmg walked, Bell sacri ficed and Krueger scored the run. Tipple 0,'tched the beat bail he has shown here tals season. Up to the sixth the Bears had but two hits off him. In that frame three alnglea and a walk netted two runs, end In the eighth a walk, boots by Krug andN Thomas and another single scored Oio Cuba a third. The Ttourka tint iahed the game with Krueger catching, Thomasoa In right and Garrett In center. Bcore: OMAHA. AB. Payne, Sh Kiug, 2b s U, If , 1 Thomaeon. rf-cf..., 4 Krueger, rf-C 4 Thomas, as 1 Prhtelbner. lb 4 fcvabaiujrh, c t Tipple, p ... j ;rrtt, cf i C Totals si 1 1 e i l o l DENVER McCarty, cf.... Krfdtngton, rf.. "ave. tb Butcher, If Coffey, aa Kteher. lb ltaroour, ti.... ''yahr, c Morgan p Block Totals eee M. O. A. El 1 10 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 t 0 0 .17 0 0 10 7 1 t e T 1 0 0 0 0 27 i j M. O. A. ELI 1 S 0 1 0 0 I t 0 I 0 0 till w 110 OlltO 0 4 0 0 0 0' r 1 87 U 1 Omaha a I 6 o 0 0 1 64 Z 9 HIM 8loien bases: McCatty Kru'i Three-baae hit: McCartv u'.E: PftVilff. Utn..b ... w" Mvr. y. hippie, 1- w f. off Mnrean 1 in. J!f" .: "V",e. in. k -i. . Tlnw.- 1 L ' 4 I'-crLV, hit : Ueil. - ---- - - xitriri rx r. Iamhert, I. Time: Btockdale. Bcore, second game: ST. JOSEPH. AB. R, H. O. A. B. R. y ateon. 2b 1 X 4 0 0 Kox If I 0 0 I 0 0 O. WHtaon, cf 2 114 0 0 Patteraon, lb S 0 I 0 0 P-rltton, 3b 2 110 10 Williams, rf 0 1 0 1 0 0 Pettlsrew. rf 1 0 0 10 0 tHoioff. aa I 0 1 1 1 0 Griffith, c 1 0 6 0 0 Will, y, p. I 0 0 0 0 4 , Totals 21 I I 11 0 WICHITA. AB. R. H. O. A' K. Tydeman, rf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Nkholunn, If I 0 1 I 0 0 O Hourke, 2b 4 0 i t 1 0 Fltaalmmona, ss 10 0 2 0 1 Hllla, rf 1 0 0 2 0 0 Orha. 3b 110 2 11 Henry, lb t 11 t 0 0 OrahMm. c 2 1114 0 IHirham, p 0 0 0 0 1 0 Suillvsn, p 10 0 1 10 Totals M I t SI 7 4 (Called seventh by agreement.) Ft. Joseph ...4 0 10 0 0 0-8 Wichita 0 1 0 0 0 0 08 Two-basehltii: K. Watann, Nlcholaon. Stolen biiae: O. Wataon. Haaea on balls: Off Wliiey, 6; off Itirham, 1; off Kulllvan, 4. Tyeft on basea: Bt. Joseph, 6: Wichita,, 7. Hit by pitched balls: O. Watson, Pat teraon. Hits: Off Durham, 2 In one Inning; off Bulllvan, 1 In rix Innlnga. Btruck out: ny Wlllev, 4: hv Htilltvan, 1 Time: 1:4&. Umpire Btockdnle. BOOHTERI DEFEAT THB TOPBKI Daahaer Wild aa Dee Molaea Will , Raally. TOPEKA. Kan., Sept. lO.-Daahner, for Topeks, waa wild and was hit with men or. haaea. IVs Moines winning easily. Thomas, for the visitors, pitched a strong game: Score: TOPEKA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Whelan. if. 0 t 1 0 0 Laflamhola. cf 4 0 0X00 Koraythe. rf 4 0 'tit 0 0 Koerner. lb 4 0 0 11 JO Talllon, as. 4 0 t 1 1 1 Ittlmore. tb Oleaaon. c t J 0 J t 0 Cochran. Sb J 1 10 KoisTgi i o o o Totals 1 , 7 17 13" 1 DE8 MOINEB. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Preen. If f J f 1 2 2 Hahn. rf. J, -lb 12 2 2 2 Hunter, cf. 1 ! 2 f 2 2 Haley. C J 0 1 4 0 0 Andress, 2b I 1 4 0 Kwoldt, Jb Hartford, ss. 4 1 1 1 j I Thomas, p. I j j Jj ToUU ......i 0 17 10 1 Batted for Qrover In ninth. Tvmeka 00001000 0-1 OeVwoln- 0 1 .1 1 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: Koreythe. Rappa, Breen. Haley. Hartford. Sacrifice hit: Haley. Bacriftce fly: Ewoldu Btolen base: Whelan. Hits: Off Pashner, t !n three and one-third Innings: off Grover. 4 In five and two-thirds Innings. Base on balls: Off I.ahnr, 4; off Orover, 1; oft Thomas. 1 Kii-uek ouw By Dashner. ; by Orover, 4; by Thomas. 4. Wild Pitch: Orover t2). Umpires; Gaston nu11 Mo" Caftcrty. , INDIANS DEFEAT AHTKLOPBS Llaeola l aable Baaefa lilts Richie aa Iaaee. LINCOLN, Bept. 10. Lincoln was un able to bunch hits on Pitcher Richie and Hloux City won today's game handily b' a score of S to L Score: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. E. McGafflgan, as 0 1 I 0 Lloyd, lb 0 0 t t 1 Blackburn, o 4 1011 Wlllliuna. lb 4 0 1 0 1 Miller. If 10 10 0 0 Srhrelber. cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Cnlllns. rf, 4 0 t 0 0 OHet, tb M 4 t O 1 0 BcoKgtna. p 1 0 1 0 t 0 Moras, p..... t 0 0 1 0 Van Bcayle and JOBIEB GATIIKR IRf BOTH GAMES DrasaaaAro Ifave Ns Troablo l Tak- victories Iran Wlrhtta WICHITA, Kan., I3ept. 10 -Wichita " 0,h, en1 of lul.le-hea,ler - to T " t nTfh K1?.U f,r,t Wl' hlt. played' 1-atleM ball and 1. th, aecond they kkt5 the game aw.r in the flr.t Innlnr 8ulU- nlngs of the aecend game l et t"e vial- w'th ,on" mts and one run. ecore, first gstine: Totals i ST. Kthang, c...... ox. If J. Watson, cf. Patteraon. lb.., Urn ton. 3b Williams, rf... H. Wataon. 2b. Sloloff, aa J03Kni. AB, R, H. 4.0.1 Tots .39 O. A.' El 0 0 WICHITA, " B R- aeman, rr i Nli-hoUon, If 4 O'Kourke. 2b . 4 rioaimmona, aa 2 U 27 10 hllla, cf.... Ocrts. 3b Henry, lb.., Jonia, e Iiuburt, p Graham, c 4 .. 4 4 an... a O. A. I U 27 14 4 iiintiM ihtta t 0 ! ,i Two-baae hlta: Henry, Williams. R. vaton. 'ox, Patteraon. Home run: rex. Ktoien baaee: tii liana Partmraon tli:ia. I.ouble Uaya: lr llnalmmous to "in. k. uataon to ritoloif to Patteraon; Mihoieoii to tiraltam; Thomas to It Wataon to Patlerkon; LainMrt to iahain Kaass on balle: tjtt lmUn 3. 1-eft on laea. i-L Joaeth,,10: VU-h-ift, biruca out; y 1 Liu in as, t; b Cooney, 2b.... ravidann. It.... Kane, lb ljejeune, cf.... liHird. Sb Callahan, rf.... Hmlln. aa Murphy, c Hk lilo, p. Totals........ Lincoln Bloux City Karned runs: tS 1 BIOUX CITT. AB. R. H. S01 t 17 11 ..34 O. 10 A. 17 14 ...0 0000001 01 ...0 lltllllt-l Bloux City. 1 Two-baa hlta: Miller, Kane, tmlth. Double plays: luau'Kuurn 10 jucwai ngan, BaJra to Cooney to Kane. Left on baaea: Lincoln. ; Bloux City. . Bacrlflco hit: Miller. Btruck out: By Boogxlna. 4; by Moraa. 2; by Hlrhie, 1. Baaea on balla: Off Beng al ne. 2; off Richie. 4. Time: 1:45. Uro pinrea: Culloui. leasau and Klein. Larry Lejeune Sold " to Pittsburgh Club tMOUX CITT, la., 6ept. 10. Larry Le jeune. the leading slugger ef the Western league and star member, of the Bloux City outfield, has been sold to the Pitta burgh National league taatn. Lejeune will Join Pittsburgh at the end of the We tern league season. The amount paid for Lejeune waa not made pubUo. BRAVES FORGE GAME AHEAD Increase Their Lead Over Giants by Beating- Phillies Twice. RIVALS ONLY GET ONE OF TWO Ratlolph aa Tyler Have Qeake City Batsmen Always la Hail Fivers Remove la first Contest. Brwalac wlai Bully, HKl'NlNU, en.. Sept. 10 -(Special V Bruntng won aa easy Kama from ii..k .. eatertay. 7 Id I The one rua secured by Ixtshlor was a home run. Bcore: Hrunlng ..0 I 1 0 0 0 4 '-7 beriiler 0 I I I I I II al Batteriea: Irwin and (urham: Blahop and Kichardaon. Btru. k out: hv lrwm 11 ; by hlahop, 11. Hiu; Off Bishop. ' off Irwin. 4. Tb Be Want, Ads Are the Beat Business fevostera. Standing of Teams BOSTON, Bept. 10. By winning both games of today's ' double-header from Philadelphia. S to 0 and 7 to Z, Boston Increased Its lead 1n the National league race by one full game, as New York di vided with Brooklyn. Rudolph and James had the heavy hitting- Philadelphia play ers always In hand. Ever waa removed from the first game by Umpire. Eason and Whltted took his place for the day. Score, first game: BOSTON. PHILADELrHIA. AB H 0 A AB.U.O.A.SV Moras, ef... 4 2 14 aiAbart, lb... i 1 1 Maaa, ef.... 4 IIMkir, If..,. 4 4 Rvera, lb... 111 M, lb... 4 1 MTore, rf... aTal!i, rf.. I I Connelly. II. I I I Slrelaa, 2b... I I Welttar, rflb 14 laHrt, ef.. ( 1 I Rrhmlat. lb. 4 1 11 IMartla. at... t 1 2 t KrniiH, sa... a a a a vitooin, e a a 1 e Maranva. aa I 1 I SMarahall. . 1 I 1 I Oowdr. a. 4.. I 114 fUdolph, y . I Totala t 4M1 S ToUla 17 mil 1 Jtoaton 0 0 0 0 0 0 t -t '.Philadelphia 00000000 0-0 Two-baae hit: Maranville. Three-baae hit: Cravat h. Sacrifice hit Devore. Sacrifice fly: Whltted. Ioulile plays: Magee to Martin to Magee, Maranviika to Kvera to Schmidt. Left on baaea: Boston, 4; Philadelphia, S. Baaea on balls: Off Marshall, 4. Flint base on errors: Bos ton, 1; Philadelphia, 1. Btruck out By Rudolph, ; by Marshall, 2. Time: 1:34 Umpires: Eaaon and Quigly. Score, tlrst game: BOSTON. PHILADBLPHIA. AB.H.O.A E. AB.H.O A.E. Mran. ef... 4 4 Lobert, Jb... 4 111 Wattled,' lb.. 4 111 eneckar. if..,. 4 1 1 . rvtber, 11... 1 x 1 vhim, ia... a 1 l Huui aa 1 1 er.v.lh rf.l I I I I Hrhmldt, 'lb. 4 111 Mrahui. lb.... 1 till' Hmlth. Sb.... till tPaakert, ef . .. 4 1 1 u.nH m a 1 a a eMpii t a 4 a a Oowtff, a 4 14 1 burna, I 4 1 jamae, e 1 v a iminri r, r v v vt oaauBfW, a Toala....t unit I . . Total tt 4 M U I Wo. ton .. 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 7 Philadelphia .s 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Lobert, Whltted, Becker, flmlth. Maranville. Three-beee hit: Gather. Btolen bases: Becker. Double lay: Cather to Maranville to ncnmiai. Ilia: Off Baums-ardner. In five and two-thirds innlnga: off Oeechger, 5 In two and one-third Innings. Left on bases: Boston. I; Philadelphia, 4. Bases on balla: Off Baumgardner, 1; off Jainee. 2. First base on errors. Boston, 1. Btruck out: By Baumgardner, 1; off Oeechger, 1; off James, 1. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Eason and Lincoln. . Giants nasi Dodgere Divide. NEW TORK. Sent. 10. New York today divided a double-header with Brooklyn. The champtona rallied behind Teareau's fine pitching In the first game and won email y, by a score of C to 1. Brooklyn "took the second game, t to 1. Kagan had the better of a pitchers' battle with Demsree, the latter weaken ing in the fourth, when three singles, a hit batsman and a force out enabled Brooklyn to score their two runs, ecore, first gamss BHOOKLTN. NEW TOJUC. AB.H.O.AE AB.H.O.AE. Daltaa. ef... 4 Moedaraaa. cf 4 1 4 ruubert. lb.. 1 t toyla, b.... 4 14 1 lUeaaal, rf.. ( 1 I 1 Burni, if 4 1 1 Wbaal. If.... I I I 0 rialcahr, a. I I I Cut.hav. l. 4 1 4 1 Murrw. rf.. Oai. b 4 I 1 inters, lb.... I U t l Biherrid. ae I v I v VMarat. la., a 111 1 1 Moitrtr. a... tll M'Um. e . T 1 Allea. 144 rearaa. a... 211 M.ara 1 4 .4 1 1 teala, p.... TeUla 2 I 17 M 1 Tetala III I I Batted for Allen In th eighth. Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 New York 1100I40-S First base on errors: New York, 1; Brooklyn. 1. Two-base hit: Fletcher. Three-baae hits: Fletcher, Btengel. Home runs: MarKle. Wheat. Bncrlftce hit: Mur ray. Sacrifice fly: Btolen base: Doyle. Left on bases: New York, S; Brooklyn, &. Double plays: Doyle to Merkle, Gets to Daubert Bases on balls. Off Teareau. I; off Allen, t. Mruck out: By Teareau, 7; by Allen, L Hits: Oft Allen 8 in 7 In nings; off Steele, In one Inning. Time: 1:34. Umpires: Klem and Emslle. Score, aecond same. K.H.E. iBrooklyn 00010000 04 0 Jsew York.... 00000001 01 S 1 Batteriea: Brooklyn, Ragan ana Miller; Pemaree, WUtse and McLean. Cre Dcteakt Beds CINCINNATI. O.. Sept. 10 The Cincin nati pltchera allowed only on hit. but ttwir wtldoaeo gave Bt. Louis today's game, t to 2. Benton did not permit a hit. but In the aeventh he paeaed the first three men that faced him. With the bases filled, Douglae reoUcod Benton, but he, too, was wild, giving two bases on balls, which, with a sacrifice fly and a single, netted ft, Louis their throe runa. Pert-it t was also wild In the early part of the contest, but gradually settled down. Bcore: R.H.E. Kt. Louis 000100 111 ... 110000 00-441 Cincinnati. Bentqn. Douglaa and Clark. Batteries: Bt. Louis, Permit and Snyder. Wlngo; Cincinnati. Benton, Douglass and Clark. Pirates Trias Can. PITTSBURGH. Seot. W.-Bteady retch ing by Cooper enabled Pittsburg to da- feat Chluegu. t to l vaugnn gave seven baaea on balls an4 three of theoe ooupled With two passed balls by Archer and tnnelv singles save the locals their runa Bvhulis' double and two outs gave Chtoago one In the sixth. The visitors addod an other la the ninth on two singles an an error bv McAuley. Beore: B.H B. Chicago 00100t-l Ilttshurgh ..OS100104) 4 t s Batteries: Chicago, Vaughn, Hageman and Archer; Pttteburgm. Cooper and Ooi. I niaa. I ' I Aaaerlean Assoctatlow Koaalta. R.H E. R. H E U'oliimbus ...4 11 t 7 0 U' .1 1 4 10 1 Ilxniisville SOT Indianapolis 0 0 WESTERN LEAGUE. P. W. I Pet. Bloux City 141 8 53 .031 Ienver j ..146 S5 SO .5Wi Bt. Joeph 141 R2 l .573 Iea Molnee 142 72 70 .5"7 Lincoln 103 W 79 .4 Omaha m tw 77 .4"3 Topeka 145 B9 M .40i Wichita 14ft M 01 .372 NAT. LEAGUE. I AM EH. LEAGUE. W.LPctl W.L.Pct. Boaton 72 M .STliPhlla M 45 .df.7 New York... M .6.1 Boaton 77 62 .W7 Chicago .,.. l .SW)i Washington MM .61!0 Bt. Ixuls....t 41 .6Z7Detroit 07 63 . 516 Pittsburgh .M .Whlrtro 4.tS I'hila 67 .4TA!st. Louis 61 71 .4S0 Brooklyn ...67 70 .44New Tork...6S71 .4,0 Cincinnati ..64 70 ,444 Cleveland ...42.88 .323 Yesterday Results. t WE8TERN LEAGUE, Omaha, 0; Denver, 1 rtioux City, 1: Uncoln, I. , Pea Moines. : Topeks. 1. Bt. Joseph, I, 6; Wichita. 2. 2. AMERICAN LEAGUE, New Tork, ; Washington, 4. Boston. 1; Philadelphia, 8. Cleveland. 6; Bt Louis, , NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 0, 2; Boston, 1, 7. Brooklyn, 1. 2; New York, &, L Chicago, 2: Flttshurgh, 4. Bt. Louis, 3; Cincinnati, t. Ustnars Today. Western League Omaha at Denver, Bloux City at Llnqoln. Des Moines at Topeka, Bt. Joseph at Wichita. American League New York at Wash ington, Boston at Philadelphia. National League Philadelphia at Bos ton, Brooklyn at New York, Chicago at Pittsburgh, Bt. Louts at Cincinnati. American Association Kansas City at Bt. Paul, Louisville at Indianapolis. Mil waukee at Minneapolis. Federsl League Kansas City at Pitts burgh, Kt. Louis at Brooklyn, Indlanapo lla at Baltimore. Chicago -t Buffalo. Tommy Murphy in Sweep of Events HARTFORD. Conn.i Bept. XO. Tommy Murphy made a clean sweep of the four events carded for the final day of the Grand Circuit meeting at Charter Oak park this afternoon, taking the trotting division of the Matron stake with Peter Volo, the pacing division of the same take with' Anna Bradford, winning the 2:24 trot with Barbara Overton and the free-for-all paoe with Frank Bogash, jr. All the raoeg went In straight heats and the favorites ran true to form. The wonderful records of Peter Volo In the trotting division of the Matron stake and Anna Bradford In the pacing division evidently had a bad affect upon the other entries for these two events, only three horses facing the starter In the trot, while Anna, Bradford had a walkover In the pace,, being the only starter. Frank Bogash, Jr., waa never hard pushed In the free-for-all pace, stepping both heats In t:064, and Barbara Overton had no trouble In leading all the way In three straight heaU In tha 1:14 trot YANKEES DEFEAT SENATORS New York Hits to Better Advantage and Wins from Home Team FINAL SCORE IS SIX TO FOUR Vlaltora Seore Three Anns la Third a Two lles. Base oa Balls, Hit Batasnaa and Sacrifice. WASHINGTON, Sept. 10.-New York hit to better advantage than Washington to day and won, to 4. The Yankees scored three runs In the third on two singles, a base on balls, a hit batsman and a sacri fice. Thev scored again In the fifth on an error and HartxBll's triple and added two more In the ninth on two singles, a pass and a stolen base. After scoring a run in the third, Washington rallied In the ninth, when four hlta, two errors and a hit batsman netted four runs. Score: . ' R H E New Tork 0 0 t 0 1 0 0 0 2 ' 8 4 M'aahlngton . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0. 1411 8 Batteries: New York, Brown and Sweeney; Washington. Ayres, Engel, Hsrper and Henry, Williams. Marks Beat Red Sox. ' PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 10. Philadel phia outplayed In all departments and won today's game, 8 to 1. Foster was knocked off the rubber In six innings, while Breaaler twirled In fine style and fanned eight batsmen. This was the first time that Philadelphia, has defeated Boa ton In nine attempts. Score: R H E Boeton 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 2 Philadelphia ..2 1 0 0 0 S 0 0 8 14 0 t,?,?"'?'?; Bo"ton. Gregg snd Carrlgan; Philadelphia, Bressler and Lapp.j Browas Beat Cleveland. ST. LOUIS. Sent. W.-A base on balls to Howard, his steal of second and singles by Bhotten and rHatt after one waa out In the ninth Inning won for St. Loula, to 6, over Cleveland. Bcore: R H E Cleveland ....3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 15 10 1 St. Louis 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 14 U 1 Batteries: Mitchell, Morton and O'Neill; James and Agnew. STATE LEAGUE CHAMPS TO PLAY HERE SATURDAY Saturday and Sunday the fans will have a chance to see Manager Bradford's Stors tackle the State league champions, at Rourke park. Manager Clair Is busy booking, a post season tripforhls players and with the exception of those that have reported to the various Claes A team", will have his entire team. With his infield Intact, and his crack pitchers, Ever-Jon and Hoffman, In the lineup, the outlook for a success ful trip le moat flattering. With the signing of Rapp, for short, snd the return of George Graham to his old position at second, the Pton Team Is sgaln putting up unbeatable, baseball and will give the leaguers a battle. Banders wilt pitch for the local team Sunday. State Fair Races Run with Track . Heavy with Mud LINCOLN. 6cpt. 10.-(Speclal Telegram.) Heavy rains spoiled the state fair track for good racing today and good time was lmposaible. Considering the condition of the track the races were all that could be expected. Following are the results: t:H trot, purse ISOO: - Bpartan Queen (Thompson 1 1 1 Benator Btone (Ronln) 2 2 2 Right Guard (Casey) . dls.' 'lime: 2:2li, 1:29, 2:Z. 8-year old pace: Enoch (Dunn) 2 1 1 .Sir Francie (Williamson) 1 1 2 Un (Trilby) 3 dr Tsmmer Miller (Hackter) 4 dr Time: 2:25. 2:21. 2:24H. 2:26 pace, puree, 11,000: Bessie W. (Shockley) 1 1 1 Sandhill Pete IBeexley) 1 t 2 Dan L.. Hart 2 J 5 Aehbud (Hahn) J J Pactolus Chief (Stantx) v5.8 Sylvia (Edman) :.. 4 dr Time: 2:22V,, 2:21. 2:24V4, ; Free-for-all pace, purse (special added): Don Mack (Williams) 1 1 1 2, 1 Carter, G. (Lorimer) 2 8 1 S 1 Columbia Fire (Bennett) 3 12 11 Joe Joe (Robare) 4 4 4 4 4 Time, 2:1M4. 2:1, 2:lfi. 2:18, 2:18. Sorento Todd futurity, purse 1800: Percentage (Hardie) 1 1 Busv Todd (Bills) 2 1 Delia Laporte (McMillan) S 3 Maggie Tobb (Robertson) 4 4 . Time, t:. 2:2Wi. Running, Nebraska bred 3-year-olds: Ethel ClHrk. first: Albert Day. second: C. B. Johnson, third; Clayton Lad, fourth. Time, 0:68. Running, half-mile dash: Can't Be Beat, first: Queen of Diamonds, second; Catherine Mack, third. Time, 0:62. Get , into business via the "Business Chances." - New York Banks to Use $80,000,000 for Debts to Europeans WASHINGTON," Sept. 10. Assurance were Riven the federal reserve board to day by J.' P. Morgan, Jacob Schiff and Benjamin Strongt, New York bankers, that a syndicate of New York banks will care for ISl.ono.OOO In obligations of the city of New York held by European creditors, without requiring assistance from banke In other parts of the United States. The bankers conferred with the re serve board regarding plans for meeting; American obligations to Europe with gold payments. The proposal for a pooling arrangement to pay these obligations in gold was formulated by the committee of bankers of which J. Bi Forgan of Chi cago, Is chairman, appointed last Friday at a conference at the Treasury depart ment. The committee' plan was be fore the board for Its action. It proposes a gold fund contributed by national banks In reserve and central reserve cities of 1160.000.000. of which 126.000.000 would be made immediately available. TIGERS INTERCOLLEGIATE. GOLF CHAMPIONS NOW1 GARDEN CITY, L. I., Sept 10. Prince ton golfer won the team championship of the Intercollegiate Golf association on the Garden City club links today, defeat ing Harvard's team of six men by a total score of S points to 4 In four-ball and sin gles matches. Nineteen team championships have been decided since the collegiate organization was formed and- this Is the first time Princeton has taWen the honor. . Yale' won It twelve times and Harvard six, while Princeton was the runner-up on tlx occa sions. . ' ' ' ' 1 ouaj, a piay uegan wun mree lour-oau matches, two of which ' went to- the New Jersey collegians, the point scores being: Princeton, 2; Harvard, L Later In th day Princeton won three of the six singles matches, which gave it three additional points and the championship. The Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business1 Boosters. , ijnan Kawfeds Score Seven in the First Frame PITTSBURGH. Sept 10.-Kansa City scored seven run off Camnlts and Barger In the first Inning today and de feated Pittsburgh, t to t. The locals knocked Packard out of th box In the seventh, but Cullop stopped the rally. Score: , R.H.B. Kansas City.- 700001000-0 11 1 Pittsburgh ...0 M I l I Mil I Batteilee: Packard, funop ana east erly: Camnlts, Barger, LeclaJr and Bery. BROOKLYN, Bept. 10. Pitcher Wataon of the St. Louis Federals today inter rupted Brooklyn's long winning, holding th local to two scratch hit. St Louis won by th acore of 1 to 0. St Louis' only ma eero la th fourth, when Drake doubled, took third on Crandall' single and cam home on Kirby'a base hit Bcore: f . R-K.B. Bt. Loul 0 0 010000-10 Brooklyn 0 0000000-010 Batteriea: Wataon and Simon; Lafltte and Land. , Balfeds and Indiants Divide Double-Header BALTIMORE, Bept. I.-Baltlroor " and Indlanapolla again divided a . double header here today. The Ilooaier took th first gam through heavy hitting oft th delivery of all four Baltimore pitchers. Baltimore won the second with th acor t to 1. Score, first game: R.H.E. Indianapolis 0100014! 211 It 0 BaltUnjre ...0 010100 1-4 11 1 Batteries: Billiard, Whltehouse. Mullln. Falkenberg and. Rartden; V)ulnn. Wil helm. Smith. Hughea and Ruasell. Bcore, second game: R.H E. BaJtimore 4 1 0 0 06 8 1 Indlanapolla 0 S 4) 0 0-1 4 10 Batteries: Ballsy and Jackittach; Bil liard and Ran Jen, , Buf feds Win Second From the Chitinx BUFFALO, N. T Sept 1.-Buffalo won th second game of the series with Chicago today.. 10 to" a1 Error by Third Baseman Zeider in th eighth Inning proved ooetly. Buffalo scoring six run In that Inning. Score: ' MIX Chicago 0 00110000-1IS Buffalo 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 -10 10 0 Batteriea: Johnson. Flake, McGuic and Blocti Moraa. Moore and Blair. Fall Suits and Overcoats With Class and Distinction Kensington clothes are different because they possess that indefinable style quality that stamps their superiority at once. - You will find in them all you have ever de manded in style, fit, service and general good looks. The patterns are distinctive, the models refined and the details of making as near perfect as the best artists can produce. You need only to try on a suit or a light weight overcoat or balmacaan to feel as well as see the. genuine merit 'of Kensington clothes. v Before leaving for school,' take a look at our Kensingtons. They will "admit you to the best dressed class anywhere in America. Kensington clothes, $20 to $40. Sold in Omaha by us only. f l . eftxuaBsnasaxekBBaMBa Wv ... Jy' RV I C El , lllllll IM "" Formerly Magee & Deemer. 413 SOUTH 16th STREET fa. I eew X CRUSAMn ) TNI MAMCM , f HI THIUM Pl Of Tttl CltVlNTM gfjmjftV 'Trie eceft er absolute MMiTf " A TAIOMHt Of TODAV -