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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1914)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, CTTTEMttEH 11, 1014. BRIEF CITY NEWS r Boot Trm It Now Roaonn Prssa ridallty Rtara- aa Co, Door 181. tVlffhtlnf rtatar, BurgMta-Oranden Co. City Property For roaults. 111 that hour with Osborn Realty Co. Cull D. 1474. Baatlfnl AU Kodar Komoa Tot Sal cn the rasy payment plan. Banker" Realty Investment Co. Phone Do us. 2?. ' OffBtl BaroUmsat X.ary Knroll ment In the German lansuaire clasats In the public achonla haa reached l.JIXl. with an many aa KO enrolled in aome of the school. Kobbed oa Birtet Car Frank J. Ben son, 4239 Firntm atreet. haa reported to the police that he waa robbed of $:i by a pickpocket on a Farnam atreet car while rldlna to hla office. "Today's Coaxpl Mori, rrorram" may be found on the first page of tha Nebraska Nebraska. 0HAHAN& SEUTATE SHOW Fifteen Hundred of Them Make Trip to Lincoln to Attend Fair RAIN KEEPS GROUNDS MOIST Pleatjr nf ftnnd Feat area aa Dry Hnjoyed VII Who Make Trlpi Ksaaalttea (From a Staff Correspondent.! LINCOLN. Sept. 10 -(Ppeclal.)-Old . Sol -as accommodating- enouah this morning to stick his head out from behind the clouds long enough to mike the people classified aectlon today, and appears In 1 of Nebraska think Thursday was going Tha Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what ! tobe a good day to attend the Nebraska the various moving picture theaters offer. atate fnlr and they hiked to the trains Flereoa (solar Ore System Vice President Plerson of the Missouri Pacific la up from St. Lou la and out on a. tour of tho northern Ilnea of the syatem. Ha flnda business very much Improved since and came to the capital city In droves. The old man disappeared from sight about 10 o'clock and from that time on for tha Tfet of the day kept from alght Up to today the attendance haa exceeded a couple of montha ago and la looking l last year by about 4,000, biH the fair for a continuance of heavy freight trai fla. , " errloea Basamsd at Tempi Israel Regular Friday evening services will be resumed at Temple Israel Friday even ing. September 11, at 8 o'clock. Rabbt Frederick Conn's theme will be "The Homecoming." Temple Israel religious school will open Sunday nornlng at 10 o'clock. The congregation will hold Ita annual meeting Sunday afternoon at 2: JO. Wymaa Appointed oa Commute Henry F. Wyman haa been appointed by the Omaha Commercial club to act aa a member of the committee, consisting of representatives from several organlsa 'tlons. which will Investigate the need of $100,000 city Jail bonds. W. H. Oreen rep resents the Real Estate exchange on the committee. Representatives from other organisations will be named. lClia Seha.fsr Resigns Miss Clara Srhaefer, head worker at the Social Set tlement house on South Thirteenth street, has severed her connection with local set tlement work to take up a similar posi tion In Dea Moines. Miss Schsefer will leave October 1. Reports of the work done at the summer camp wen received at a meeting of the board of directors held Wednesday afternoon. (Rnspseted Holdup Kan Held Negroes suspected of highway robbery are being rounded up by the police. Bud Csjtes of Zalmo, Mo., says ha was held up and robbed of 135 at Thirteenth' and Mason streets. fJohn Behllng of Maaon City, la., lost $15 In the same way at Fourteenth and Webster streets. Descriptions of the holdup men given by the two victims tally exactly, even to the kind of revolver car ried by one of the men. ' Calck.ns Cans Kslghborhood mow A. flock of .chickens, a neighboring patch of - slfalfa and garden, and the resultant in termingling of the two, led to a neigh borhood row, which ended in police court with the trial of Mrs. L. Bennett. 1501 Oust atreet, owner of . the chickens, on the charge of disturbing the peace. She was fined $10 and costs, which was re mitted on her promise to cease hostilities and sue for peace with the complainant, J. D. Short. Freight Traffic Tax in War Revenue Bill - ' . WASHINGTON, Sept. i0.Dmeerata of th ways and means commute today completed th war revenue' tax bill' pro viding for a tax of ( percent on all freight transportation, an Increase of CO cents on beer and 20 cents a gallon on all domestic wines. This will net an esti mated revenue of $107,000,000 a year. The tax on freight was agreed to after a con ference with , the president who had ex pressed opposition to tt 1 The freight tax wilt be S per cent of the transportation charges on all freight packages whether carried by rail or ship and will" Include express. It will not In clude parcel post. The shipper will pay the tax to th railroad which will pay th tax to th era II road, which will retain 4 per cent of tho total amount collected ' for administration expenses and make re- turns to th government on th basis of the freight . bills. - There will be no stamps. . Th jp-cent tax on beer is on a barrel, which now pays $1, making' a total tax of $LM. Domestic wines pay various taxea. '. management Is not looking for enough to carry them through unlesa 'tmomorrow should be a good day for the closing. Ontahans oa Hai4, This being Omaha and South Omaha day a special train this morning of four teen coaches brought In about 1S0O people, headed by Green's band of Omaha, and later In the day regular trains added to the number. Douglas county people ex pressed themselves as much disappointed because the rains made the roada Impas sable for automobile travel, which pro vented thousands of people from making the trip. ' The fair does not ceem to have lost much by the failure of the big machin ery people to make a showing this year. The buildings and grounda usually used by them have been completely taken up by the smaller , manufacturers and an especially good exhibit along farm ma chinery lines la being made and Is draw ing a large crowd. Fish KaalMt Katertalaa. Among tho Interesting exhibits this year, as in other years, is the fish ex hibit from the state fisheries. Superin tendent. O'Brien of the hatcheries and State Oame Warden Gust Rutenbeck. with their deputies, have' prepared one of . the best exhibits over shown at th state fair and the crowd In attendance around the building attest o the popular ity of the exhibit. Fish In all tages or growth from a minnow one Inch long to a big catfleh three feet In length make up the exhibit. The University of Nebraska exnioit in the old horticultural hall, which ha been turned over to the university, is another nlace of great Interest. All departments of the university ar represented with ex hibits of every kind and Pror. cnlra, has one wing of the building fitted up as -tnntinn Dlcture show, where ne is showing activities of the university and of the state on the, screen. Boosting; for Grand Island. On busy man around the star fair grounds is L. C.'Lawson.president of the Central Nebraska Fair association. This Is a new agricultural association rormea at Grand Island and has started out with a new grandstand which cost it $10,000, and In addition to the purses put UP for speed the business men of the city havol subscribed $2,000 In addition, rnrowm Lawson haa been busy In an effort to get exhibitors from 'the state fair to attend th Grand Island fair, which will b held on September 29 and 80 nd October 1 and 2. - Mr. Lawson was successful In getting owners of many of the premium winners here to agree to make the Grand Island fair. Fix Up Race Track Work began early this morning on th race track to get It In shape for th races this afternoon, the heavy rain of last night having put it decidedly to the bad. At o'clock it was decided that it was sufficiently dry to attempt the races and the events were pulled off in rapid suc cession throughout the afternoon. Reaehey Proves Star. Lincoln Beachey made his usual thre flights during the afternoon and electri fied th people with loops, upside down flying and many other stunts whloh h seems capable of performing, Beachey haa made a big hit with the crowd, Politicians ia N ambers. Methodists of Northwest Meet For" Conference ALLIANCE. Nrb.. Sept. lo.-(Speclal Telegram.) Th annual conference of the Methodist Ohim h of Northwest Nebraska opened here this morning In the First Methodist Epls;opal church, Bishop Theo dore S. Henderson of Chattanooga, Tenn., presiding. Rev. Olln S. Baker was elected secretary; Rev. W. C' Harper, assist sec retary. Rev. M. M. I -on a, treasurer, and J. A. Johnson, statistical secretary. The following committee were appointed: AudltlngJ. A. Johnson, O. H. Albert son. Blbl Society N. Q. Palmer, W. M. Mer rill. Board of Sunday School O. B. Richard son. O. H."Whn. Methodist Rook Concern C. H. Bur leigh, W. S. York. Church Federation O. B. McCargan. Conference Relation W. 8, Tork, O. H. Baker, J. C. Dillon. Postmaster Edward McQill. Crowell Home D. J. Clark. tOducatton M. C. Smith. O. K. Mc Orsgar. Episcopal Fund B. L. Terrene, J. A. Johnson. Epworth Leagu W. H. Guest, H. E. Wells. Evangelism C. V. Powell. F. P. Fisher. Foreign Missions O. H. Albertson, T. A. Smith. Freedmsn's Aid Edward McOlll. Home Missions and Church Extension-. B. Kuhlwr. W. H. Ouest. Hospital O. E. Richardson, C. V. row ell. Methodist Rerlew B. L. Torrance. Resolutions W. B. York, Q. E. McCar gar. Pabbath Observance H. E. Wells, O. H. Wehrf. State of the Church J. A. Johnson, F. O. Fisher. Temperance B. D. Gideon, B. Kuhler. At today's session reports of the con ference members wer rad nd plana proposed for extension of the work In this district. Bishop Henderson giving th In dividual members good advlo In their turn aa their report was made. Rev. Dr. Trimble of the commission on finance ex plained the new financial system as adopted uy- several churches In the United States and wtilch will probably b en dorsed by this conference. There ar forty members of th confer ence In attendance today with more ex pcted tomorrow. Wednesday evnlng an address of welcome In behalf of th city was mad by Karl D. Maltory. Th con ference examination wer held Wednes day afternoon. DELZELL BALKS AT RUNNING ON THE SOCIALIST TICKET (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Sept. tt.-(Speclal.) StaU Superintendent J. B. Delsell will not run for congress In the First district on the socialist .ticket, though he received th nomination at th hand of four voters of that party. He has written the party leaders that ha cannot agree to go to congress over their rout aa he Is a republican ,and ex pects to do all he can to elect Reavla, the republican candidate, to th congres sional Job. ..'.'' New' National Spirit Arising in Russia LONDON. Sept. 10. Newton Booth Knox, a mining engineer of San Fran cisco, who haa just reached London from Russia, relates that. Emperor Nicholas may be teen motoring through the street of; Petrograd unattended and that ap parently he had no more -fear of his peo ple than has President Wllaon of th clUtens of tho United States. . "I noted , a wonderful change of feeling In the Russian people since my last visit," aaid. Mr. Knox. "X new national spirit has sprung into being. Met th first evidence of this In Siberia; where political prisoners are being liberated. Tolerance is being shown ' toward the Jews and there are greater liberties for all the people. I saw Emperor Nicholas driving a motor car through th streets of Petrograd Ilk a private person. "All classes ar full of enthusiasm for he war." J ANTWERP WELL FORTIFIED; CONSIDERED IMPREGNABLE LONDON, Sept. 10 M0:X a. m.V-A dls patch to the Central News from Amster dam. says. , "Reports from Putten In the Nether lands, near th Belgian border. Indicate that skirmishes In which the artillery Is engaged, haa occurred northeast of Ant werp Many houaes near Putten were demolished by the Belgians to provide tn unobstructed field for the artillery, ' "The inefficiency of the forts at Ant werp, through the fallurt of the Krupps tj carry out thefr contracts has been mad good and Antwerp is now con sidered nearly Impregnable. "It Is understood that only 20.00CaGer nan troops ar between Antwerp and iBrusMls, mainly from th Landsturm. Prince Baudouln d Llgn died In Ant werp yesterday aa a result of wounds re ceived In fighting. He was only Is year old." It Always Does the Work. "I lik Chajnberlain'e Cough Remedy better than any other," writes R. E. . Itoberta. Homer City. Pa. "I have taken It oft and on for ytara and it haa never failed to glv th desired results." For a! by all dealer. Advertisement. Today was supposed to. he political day at the fair and republicans and democrats alike were supposed to trot out their fast est horses and put them to their paces on tha Btage In the big auditorium. How- ver, the democrats failed to show up at the appointed time after Stat Chairman George of the republican atate committee had mounted the platform and in a ring ing speech told the populace gathered In th big building what republicans pro posed to do to the democrats this fall. R. B. Howell, republican candidate for gov ernor, spoke for about half an hour and C. F. Reavts. candidate for congress, and others occupied the platform for short speeches. HYMENEAL ' McKay. JauMoa. WEEPING WATER, Neb., Sept. 10.- (Speclal.) Miss Ruth Jameson and Merle B. McKay; were married at the home of the bride's parents In this city yesterday afternoon. Nebraska OSTEOPATHIC SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING IN HASTINGS HASTINGS, NeK, Sept. 10.-tSpcll Telegram.) Th Nebraska Osteopathic society today voted to hoM Its annual intetlng In I.lnroln next September. The following of leers wer elected: President, Richard Sullivan, Kearney; secretary, William Archer, IJm-oln; treasurer, Lulu Cramb, Falrbury. C. K. 8t rubble of Hastings, W. L. llurnard of Tork and N. i Hoagland of Central City were recommended ftr appointment on the state examining board. !es KetiHi from fatrnry. FAIRBURT. Neb.. 8ept. 10.-1 SpeclaU Oeneral Manager A. E. Sweet of the Rock Island with headquarters at Topeka, Kan., waa In th city conferring with re vision Superintendent W. O. Shehan. Mr. and Mrti. Grant C. Brown have re turned to Falrbury from a month's so journ with relatlvea In Great Falls, Mont Mr. Brown has resumed his work as car foreman for the Rock Island at Falrbury. Cards ar out announcing th approach ing marriage of Jay L. Hall of thla city to Mlsa Anna Saylor of Western, Neb. County Judge C C. Boyle married two eouplea yesterday. Jams It. Iiorsey and Miss Myrtle Smith of Hebron; and Ben jamin Curry and Miss Jennl Davis of thla city, wer th contracting parties. He also Issued a license to Marlon Wolf of Western and Miss Lulu Forney of Daykln to wed. Deputy Sheriff Pat Shea took Ben Snow", a dipsomaniac, to a hospitsl In Lincoln for treatment. Snow Is 42 year of age and has a wife and nine children. Jefferson county farmers are rejoicing over the splendid rain that fell last night This Is the first good rain to come for over a month. Calel et Appointment. . WEEPING WATEIl. Neh., Sept 10. (Speclal.i At a meeting of the board of county commissioners at Flattsmouth yesterdsy Attorney A. O. Cole of Platts mouth was appointed jsounty attorney to fill th vacancy made by the resignation of O. H. Taylor. Mr. Cole Is also the re publican nominee for county attorney, having been named by the republican central committee at a meeting last Tuesday. Damaares for Rarned Uaraa? ,PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.) Sept 10.-(Spe-cial.) In county court John F. Wehrbeln was given a Judgment of $795 damages against Fred Hirt and Orvlll Klnts, al though the plaintiff, In hla petition, asked for $1,000 damages, which he claims was caused by the burning of his frame gar age, new automobile, buggy and harness. The defendants wer borrowing some gasoline from the tank In hla auto when some of the gasoline caught fir. ' News Note of Geneva. GENEVA, Neb., Sept. 10.- Special. ) The "Fillmore county fair Is next week and prospects are bright for a good one. Among the attractions will be G. W. Bee son and his aeroplane which he has perfected. . , The city, schools opened last Monday with a good enrollment and Superinten dent Clin at th head. Nebraska, Daughters of the American Revolution at this place, has Just received word of her appointment at state chairman of the In ternational peace arbitration committee of the national society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Death Fnand AeeMental. BEATR1CK. Neb., Sept. 10.-t8per.lal Telegram.) The coroner' Jury which In vestigated the clrrumatancea connected with the death of Lloyd Itlgsby, who was electrocuted In the City bskery her yes terday brought tn a verdict today that he was accidentally killed, the Jury recom mended that tha city commlsaioners em ploy a competent person to Inspect all electric lights, switches and wires in Beatrice and see that they ar properly covered and protected. Primary Kleetloa t'oat. WEEFING WATER, Neb.. Sept. 10. (Special.) The primary election coat to tha taxpayers of Cast county was $1,1& Vienna Reports the Fall of Lemberg as Partof Its Plan AMSTKROSlf, Sept 10. According to dispatches received her from Vienna, tho people of th Austrian capital hav now been informed that, th Russian in vasion of East Gallcta waa all part of tha strategical' campaign of th Auatrlan department of war. It waa Intended, th peoplo of Vienna hav been told, to In due th Russlana to Invade Gallda. Thla haa now been entirely successful and It la now necessary to repeat Na poleana disastrous strategy and follow th Russians Into ths steppe and morasses of Russia. The dispatch from Vienna relate that Lemberg was not taken by th Russlana by fore of arms, but surrendered to them after th Austrian troops had left Th Galiclant ar said to remain confident. Germans Answer Belgian Complaints WASHINGTON. Sept. lOTh German embassy today received th following wireless from Berlin: "Herr Helfferlch, director of the Deutsche bank, after touring In Belgium,' states: 'News of destruction of Belgian town Is exaggerated; Verviers and Ttrle mont, . industrial centers, and Charlerol, quit Intact; Louvaln and Dlnant only partly destroyed.' "After th surrender of Ghent a Ger man officer was killed and another wounded. Th Russian cavalry burned from sheer lust ef destruction, although there was no fighting In that district, the splendid castle of Count Mlrbach, th Prussian parliamentarian. w Honor for. Mrs. Wlekersbant. WEEPING WATER, Neb.. Sept. 10.- Special.) Mrs.. M.J. Wlcxersham, regent of the Jonathan- Cass chapter of the Red Cross Given $2,000 by Leagues WASHINGTON, Sept W.-Th Ameri can Red Cross society, today received $1,200 from the American leagu base ball clubs, tsw.62 from th National league and $1,000 from Mr. Albert Hals tea. wlf of the United State consul at Birming ham, England. ' ' ' TESTIMONY FOR CULAVIN IS GIVEN AT HASTINGS HASTINGS. Neb., Bpt. . (Special Telegram.) The cas of John T. Culavln of Omaha, who la seeking to have pro bated a purported will signed ' In the nam of John O'Connor and leaving to Culavln the etlre O'Connor estate, waa materially strengthened today when J. A. Ashley of Hawsrden, la., testified that O'Connor had shown him the will and acknowledged 'It' as his own. Ashley testified that while Northwestern agent at Ha warden he drew a wll for O'Con nor; that O'Connor revised tt and then showed hlm the one he prepared and signed and which Culavln is offering for probate. H. J. Brown of Missouri Valley testified that John T. Culavln showed him the 'will ten or eleven year ago. A num ber of experts called by the contestants declared the signature waa not OTon tior's. " t . The hearing will be resumed tomorow. Attorneys and claimants are her from throughout th country. What Wool Yaa Daf - Ther are many time when on man questions another's actions and motive. Men act differently under different cir cumstances. Th question Is. what would you do rlgkj nowif you had a sever cold? Could you do Jitter than to take Cham berlain's Cough Remedy T It is highly recommended by peopl who hav used It for yara and know Its valu. Mra, O. E. Sargent. Peru. Ind., saya, "Chamberlain Cough Remedy la worth It weight in gold and I take pleaaur In raroramend lng it." For sal by all dalera-Adver-tlsement True Toasted Com - , ' Is as different from commonplace corn flakes, as . "succulent green sweet corn is different from the hard, flinty, yellow grain of the farmer '8 corn crib. In pDite of the numerous "corn flakes" marketed, few persons really know the rich sweetness of choice corn when skillfully cooked, flavored and toasted. This true toasted corn distinctive in its rich, rare flavor is called VJJ 11 . asftie A call for "corn flakes'.' often brings some one of tje many brands of ordinary flakes. To avoid disappointment ask for, and insist upon Post Toasties This food can be distinguished by the" original yellow package; by the rich, true corn flavour imprisoned in the making; and by the size and tender crispness of the golden brown flakes. . - ToaMiea are ready to serve hot or cold,, with cream or good milk also fresh fruit in season. ' A further delicate flavour may be released by heating a few min oites in oven before serving. And it's a flavour worth knowing! No advancQ in price of Post Toasties the Superior Corn Flakes ootihi Fisii lis oetter Thain Meat or Vegetables Dr. Lorand, the great . Carlsbad authority, has recently established by investigation that most kinds of fish con tain more phosphorous than most kinds of meat, and all fish con tains more phosphorus than is found in vege tables. Fish is a brain food; it replaces the brain phos phorus consumed in mental labor. Booth Fish for , Thinking People Fish also is an essen tial in the diet of every growing child. It is, a builder of bone and v nerve tissue. ' Thousands of mothers are providing their growing boys and girls with Booth fish. It is placed on your table, as it came from the water, sound, delicious and fresh. Booth Fisheries Company Freak fithSalt fish all kinds of 5a Food Omaha 1303 Leavenworth Street tll r r-SP- . r I V L '4 ' ' ' 5. OMAHA. NO ; "V Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery la the West. Family trad supplied by: South Omaha V"M. JTiTTKB, 502 N Streets Telephone South 863. Omaha HUGO F. B1LZ, J 92 DougLas Street! plion Doala 8040. Council BluItOLD A.UU BAJt, 1613 South kixtit Street! Phone SOUS. Let The Bee get you a good job. Situations Wanted" ads are free