Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    T1IK. Dili OMAHA, FRIDAY, KKITfcMBER 11, 1914.
We Carry a Very Extensive
Line of Wayne Knit Hose
For Women and Children
Wayne Knit Hose look so smart and keep one's feet so
very comfortable that they deserve their well earned pop
ularity. Wayne Knit Hose have Style, Fit, Sheerness,
Yarn Quality, Hygienic Dye, and they WEAR.
For women, regular or out
size 25c a pair
All weights in lisle or cotton
'. .35c a pair
Black cotton with Maco split
solei, in regular or out
size 35 c a pair
Fine lisle thread in regular
or out size. . . .50c a pair
Silk Boot Hose. .50c a pair
Thread Silk Hose, with lisle
tops and soles, and the
new "Way-New" foot
91.00 a pair
Thread silk with garter top
and lisle sole, $1.50 pair
Children's Hose
25c and 35c a pair
1 .
: After Being- with Germany Army
I Two Weeks Newspaper Men
I from This Country Escape.
Kaiser Sends Message to Wilson
Complaining of Other's Cruelties
While Tnl4 The Are rrlioir
Ther fejr Tfces- Art im lie
hot tf Ther Try Make
Their Rseape.
Late Summer and Early Fall Coats
Exactly 61 left, early fall styles, which must go so as to
make room for new arrivals; all sizes; colors blue, black,
gray, tan and white
$12.50 to $30 Values Friday $4.85
Because of the low prices we cannot send these coats
on approval or accept their return.
T. . - . r ,
0um nr-aKyit;i
fc ieFfarJa 53
liULri!&A:J& V.JT VJJ
Military Experts Marrel at Speed
Acquired by Hn?e Eussian
Steam Roller. .
Esaltaat Mnmim from Fetragrradl
ladlrate Disaster for tha Daal
Moaarrky aa Csar'e Araf
Srreepa Toward Berlta.
LONDON. Sept UK-Exultant immm
from Petrogra4 and admissions of dlsaa
tr from Vienna ladlcata that, t ha lone
series of military misfortune .. marking
tha history of tha dual monarchy ex
about to be capped with an unparalleled
debacle Which will not only open tha road
to Berlin, but brine Austria to aua for
Tha armlea in tha wet cm aa If psus
Ing to watch tha fateful drama In Ualicta,
the outcome of which may have a tremen
doua afreet on the plana of tha invader
in tha western theater of war, aa well at
on the alllrs themselves In that ration.
Tha newt from Helflum Indicate that
tha Qfu-mana ar preparing for eventuall.
tie by rushing reinforcement southward.
Tha flnt definite Indication of thl move
ment I given In a dispatch from Belgium,
which relate that the Herman force that
haa been walling outalde Ghent for the
levy of provUiona demanded from that
city haa left hurriedly In a outheatrly
teas (taller Saratrlee.
England had looked hopefully for tha
Russian "steam roller to get under way,
but tha Impel u whlrh the Russian army
In tha eattern theater of the war already
hat acquired haa aurprlaed even tha mil
itary experts. Tha movement of tha Rus
lan advance ha been o apeedy that the
Oerman division advancing on tha Via.
tula ara hardly likely to arrive in time to
elst their aorely preeaed ally In Qallcia.
Report from Petrograd indicate that
tha Ruaalan armies already ara driving
tha Oarmana befora them on tha weatam
bank of tha Vistula. In thl region th
only baa left for a rallying point for the
Auitrlan and Oerman forree la Craoow.
tha old capital of tha kingdom or Poland,
Ituated In Oallcta In a broad plain on the
left bank of the VUtula and not mora
than thirty mllaa from tha frontier of
Mleala. If thl place fall befora the on
slaught of tha Ruulan It I felt In Lon
don that tha annihilation ef the Auetrla.
Oerman armlet In tha southeast may
May at Germaar..
Th Ruaalan advance now occupies al
most a straight Una from Koenigaberg on
tha Baltic In east Prussia to Cracow. If
Austria I disposed of. a tremendou bat
tle line from X to XX) rallo long may
weep Into the German empire. Many
English breakfasta went untaated thl
morning while the peoplo . read tha
graphic account of Field Marshal Sir
John Trench, commander-in-chief of the
liritlah force on th continent, of the
heroic fight made by the British expedi
tionary forca to keep from being an
nihilated. I.Ike a wild cat pursued by
hounds, the British force backed stub
bornly towards tits river Ole. constantly
showing Its teeth, but realizing that It
must attain th river or perish, General
French's frank confession has fallen Ilka
a bombshell on the English peoplo, who,
up to the present time, have not been
permitted to know how hard pressed ffhelr
army had been.
' British rnee Deetraetloa.
On August K the British forces, ac
cording to their commander, faced th
bulk and atrength of four Oerman army
corps and were In danger of being eur
rounded and destroyed. Th heroic stand
of General Smith Dorren on tha British
left undoubtedly mnvA th r .li.
day tit Rrltlsti stood alone; even th
French cavalry, on account of the
heustlon of their horses, being unable to
eover tha retreat. Great comfort Is de.
rived by tha British public from this re.
port. .
The feeling of optimism which has pre
vailed In England during the Inst, twenty,
four hours haa had only on chock: this
was tha report of the wreck of the
steamer Oceanic.
British Announce
More Casualties
LONDON, gept. 10-Addltlonal Rrttlah
casualties up to Beptember 7 war offi
ciary announced today aa follows: Of
ficers killed 10; wounded 6J: mlsslna si:
men killed tl; wounded 510; missing I.SS3.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WA6H1NOTON. Sept. 10-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Charles F. Gilbert and Mrs. Gil
bert of York, who were among those
traveling In Europe when war was de
clared and for whom anxiety was felt,
srrlvsd in Washington today from New
York, from wher they landed on their
way home. They were among Congress
man Sloan's callers today.
Another caller upon Mr. Sloan today
was President B. H. Buhrfoot of the
Hebron (Nab.) Lutheran academy, who
alao Is returning from abroad, having
ailed on tha Lapland September 1 after
visiting Germany and Belgium.
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones of Omaha
visited Congressman Lobeck today.
Bara Near Tabor Baraa.
TABOR. Ia.. Sept. lo.-(8pclal Tele-gram.-The
big hors and hay barn on
tho A. T. Hardy farm, a mile east of
Tabor, was burled by lightning last night.
Seventy-flv tons of hay. aeveral hun
dred bushels of oats and corn were de
stroyed, belonging to the tenant, W. II.
Fwett Insurance tuns on barn.
Everyone Needs
The Great War Manual
In it you will find over 1,300 indexed facts and platb
and personalities connected with the stupendous conflict
now shaking Europe and the world.
will send you a copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of
maps and pictures and data about the war. This irreat
War Manual has been prepared by the Editors of The
th " " gUarantee of ita unquestioned
i.ear on inn coupon and bring it to The Bfte
office with 50 cents for your copy. Add
t-cuta iur jwsiage wnen gent by mail
ROTTERDAM, Sept. 10 The party of
American correspondent, who accom
panied the German army for nearly two
weeks, across Belgium and Into France,
found themselves safe en Dutch soil today
after being held prisoners ny the Germans
j for four day under unusual circum
stances. The Associated- Presa corre
spondent reached Rotterdam late last
For tha last week tha party had been
under surveillance at Alx La, Chapelle,
whither they had been brought on a train
with prisoners from Beaumont, Belgium
Th party Included Roger Lewis, tha As
sociated Press; Irvln S. Cobb, tha Satur
lay Evening Post and tha Philadelphia
Public Ledger; James O'Donnell 'Bennett
and John T. McCutchaon, th Chicago
Tribune, and Harry Hansen, the Chicago
Dally New.
With them on th trip to Alt La
Chapelle were three other correspondents,
Msurlc Oerbauld, a Belgian corespond
ent; Lawrenc Rtcln Stevens, an American
artist, formerly of Detroit and Victoria
Hennebeard, King Albert'! special photog
Tha party of five American left Brus
sels on August IS with special military
passports, and were tha only correspond
ents who war successful In following the
German army.
Mareh with tha Amy.
Tha party succeeded in marching along
with tha army, eom times In alght of
fighting, until Beaumont was reached.
Her tha Germans bad established tempo
rary headquarter. At Beaumont the cor
respondents were held up by Commandant
Mlttendorfer. whose suspicions against
all newspaper men had been aroused by
a party of three correspondents picked
up th prevlou day, who represented
themselves ss Americans, although two
of them war Belgian. The trio were
taken to a Beaumont jail. The party In
cluded Gerbauld, Revens and Hennebeard
and the negro chauffeur. All were ar
rested for photographing and traveling
in an automobile which unlawfully car
ried a Red Cross flag.
Tha American party was allowed to
spend tha night on tha stone floor of a,
Belgian school house which had been
converted Into a barracRs for the Ger
man troops. Th correspondents ware
courteously treated by the soldiers, who.
after the day'a thirty-mlla march, sang,
danced and otherwise entertained them
royally until midnight The next day th
Americana were kept waiting In the pub
lic square In tha center of a group which
Included Prince August Wllhelm. th
third son of tha emperor, and other high
military authorities.
Senteaeae Death.
After being repeatedly told that they
were not prisoner th American were
locked up with th three' ether corre
spondent arrested tha day before. Stev.
ens had already been sentenced to be shot
a an English spy.
The Jail waa filthy and on alda waa
tacked with tone of Oerman high ex
plosive a rather uncomfortable situa
tion, In view of the fact that other pris
oners were constantly lighting cigarettes
under (over of their straw bedding.
After a short incarceration, tha Amer
icans, through the klndnesa of a German
lieutenant, war removed to h small cafe
adjoining th prison, where later they
were followed by the three other sus
pects who were th causa of their deten
tion. Na rood hat Win.
For two night they slept on the floor
under a heavy guard and still told that
they were not prisoners, but, warned that
they would t shot If they moved one
tp out of the hous. After they had
given their word of honor that they
would not attempt to escape their guards
waa doubled. No food waa supplied the
prisoners, their only sustenance being a
bottle of wine.
During their Imprisonment the Ameri
cana received an alarming visit from an
Intoxicated German officer, who called
them Kngltsh spies and Insisted on giving
convincing demonstrations of the sharp,
neas of his sword when he heard English
Finally one night the Americana were
taken with a hundred French and a hun
dred English prisoners to a prison train,
tha destination of which was unknown.
They were asked politely enough by the
German officers to walk alongside the
prisoners and act aa guards. At tha same
time the offlcera said In an aside to tha
German guard: "Keep your eyea open
on thoaa Americans. If they move or
atep from th rank shoot them."
hat At r Salpere.
The train, carrying beside tha prison
ers, several care of wounded German sol
diers, arrived at Alx La Chapelle after
a two days' slow Journey. All olgbt of
tha correspondent! were packed into, a
aingla second clasa compartment without
food or drink, and at the mercy of Bel
gian anlprrs, who frequently fired from
houaea as th train pasaed. Tha party
arrived at Alx La Chapelle carefully
guarded and were forbidden to Wave the
Tha eurvelllance of tha military guard
and tha police relaxed when tha authori
ties discovered that tha America a corre
spondents had la their poaeeaalon ac.
counts favorable to tha. German army.
The party finally crossed th Dutch bor
der without permission at the authorities.
LONDON, Fept. 10. Th correspondent
of the Dally Mall at Rotterdsm has tele
graphed the test of a message sent by
Kmperor William to President Wilson.
under date of September 4. It Is as fol
"I consider It my duty, sir, to Inform
you ss the most notable representative
of the principles of humanity, that after
the capture of the French fort of Long
ay my troops found In this place dum
dum bullets, which had been manufac
tured In apet'tal works by the French gov.
eminent. Kurh bullets were found not
only on French killed and wounded sol
diers end on 'French prisoners, but also
on F.nglish troops.
"You know what terrible wounds ,nd
ewful suffering are caused bv these bul
lets, snd that their use Is strictly forbid
den by the generally recognized rules of
Internatlonsl warfare.
"I solemnly protest to you against the
way In whlrh this war Is being wnged
by our opponents, whose methods are
making It one of the moat barbarous In
history. Besides th use of these awful
weapona the Belgian government has
openly Incited the civil population to par
ticipate In tha fighting and has for a
long time carefully organised their re
sistance The cruelties practiced In this
guerilla warfare, even by women snd
priests, toward wounded soldiers and doc
tor anJ hospital nurses wers such that
eventually my generals were compelled
to sdopt the strongest measures to pun
leh the guilty and frlshten the blood
thirsty population from continuing their
shameful deeds.
'8"me villa see and even the old town
of I-nuvaln, with the exception of Its
beautiful town hall (Hotel de Ville had
to he desn-oyed for the protection of my
troopa. .'
"My heart Meeds when I see such
measures Inevitable tnd when I think of
the many Innocent people who hsve lost
their houses and property as a result of
the misdeeds of the guilty.
(Signed) "WILHELM I. R."
WASHINGTON. Sept 10. -President
W'lson announced today that he would
reply to Emperor William's message,
which he said contsined nothing that
could he construed ss a desire for peace
The president told callers that he had
received no official word from any of the
warring nations shout peace. He said talk
about peace was still "In the air."
(Continued on Page Five. Column One.)
Ing movement. This Is particularly true.
Insomuch aa they have the support of tha
French forces left on tha banks of tha
river Oureq, who ara ready to deal with
any German reinforcements that may be
brought Into action.
Cat Part af Comsaanleatlow.
LONDON, gept 10. -The correspondent
of the Dally Telegraph In Franca, de
acriblng tha turn of the tide In favor of
the allld forcea, says: "From trust
worthy souroea It is reported that we
have already cut part of the German line
of communication In the east, and It
eema highly probable that w (hall
soon be able to drive them back ' upon
their ammunition and supply column.
"At the same time one cannot withhold
a tribute of admiration to the extraor
dinary and efficient way In which the
German advance, which so scared us
last week, was ths throwing forward
of a screen of calvary to mask tha
enemy's flanking movement eaatwsrH
and that they had no present Intention
or inveatlng Paris.
"The two chief factor In th; war are
artillery and exhaustion. It I undoubt
edly a contest of gun.
"While the great battle Is rsging to
ths esstward of Paris the western region
of France is gradually being relieved of
Germans. They have been seen aa far
west and south as Glsors. nineteen miles
southwest of Bouvals. but they sre now
eighty miles from Glsors, and how they
have been driven to evacuate this region
so rapidly Is one of the mysteries of th
great campaign which la being partly re
vealed by the official dispatches."
Rlffht Wls 1'lthdrawai.
WASHINGTON. 8ept. 10,-The French
embaasy today received the following
dispatch from Bordeaux, bearing yester
day's data:
"The right wing of the Germans has
been withdrawn north of the Petit Mortal
through fighting on th (th. and has been
aharply attacked on the right bank of
tha Ouroq. Our troopa are making prog
ress at Sexanti. '
"A sharp fight Is taking place In our
center, with alternation of progress and
recession. The situation continues to be
favorable at Nancy and la th Vosge on
th right wing."
the fall of which win bring tha Russians
on the Austrian rear at Rawa.
"Th country where thl great fight I
In progress Is admirably suited to Rus
sian tactlca. It Is fairly level, but broken
up by a number of Inconsiderable hills
and Is well wstered by numerous small
streams and fringed with woodland. The
population Is scant as It is a sheep
country and the shepherds are now away
with their flocks In the lower spurs of
tha Carpathian mountalna.
"At tha approach of th Carpathian
ara extenalv marshes. Upon thl nat
ural death trap It If th object of tha
Russians to drive th enemy' force."
LEAD, 8. D., Bept. ia-(8peclal.)-Resl.
dents of this city received word of the
death at the National sanitarium at Hot
Springa of Arnold J. White of this city,
a pioneer of the HIlTs and one of tts best
known cltlsens. Mr. White, whose real
name waa Knuchal. was born In Switser
land nearly seventy yeara ago and adopted
the easier name on coming to thla coun
try. He came here In 1877 and had made
his home here until a month ago. when
his health broke down. He was a mem
ber of Stanton post. Orand Army of the
Republic, and leaves only an Inval'd wife.
The House of
r$qvet$ your pretence
at the
Formal Opening
of Authentic Stylet in Fall and
Winter Garments and
Millinery thown on
Living Models
Friday, September 11th and
Saturday, September 12th
From 10 a. m. to 12 m.
and 2 p. m. to 4 p. m.
The House of Menagh
The Store for Gentlewomett
Located at 1613 Farnam Street.
The guccess of this business is
due entirely to the service we
have rendered our patrons, to
our square deal , methods, and
to our reasonable prices.
When we quote prices we
quote in detail the cost of tn
casket, embalming, and of
every other feature. There
are no alter charges to worry
Hth and Dodf Phon Dour. 3901
(Continued from Page One.)
Tne retlriiig Germane have Cracow be
hind them, on which to rally.
Cracow la on about the same m.rui.n
aa Koenigaberg, and the Russian forcea
are almost leveled up to thla meridian
witn armies in Best Prussia. Mo mil.
from ths point where th Austrian ara
now renting their last fight
When Austria Is disposed of. Russia.
will Immediately begin a weetward march
on a front !00 miles wide that will sweep
like a tldsl wave screes th Oerman empire.
Make. Last Staad.
'The key to tha whole tactical situ..
Hon la at Rawa. where the Austrlana are
making a deaperat struggle to prevent
tne Kuaalan advance movement It la
th last stand of an out-manouvered
army and defeat means annihilation.
"be Ruaaiana also ara attckin
Orodek, sixteen miles west of Lemberg.
There are lots of
pianos, but only ono
Mason & Hamlin.
The Cream of Redpath Talent at Popular Pricet
Opening at the Auditorium, Oct 6, with
Schomann-Heink; World's Greatest Contralto
Senator F. J. Canon, lecturer of Mormrmlsmj Bobumlr
Kryl, pre-eminent cornetist and bandmaster; Opie Reiad, author
and entertainer; the Ben Greet rUj-era In dramatic classics ; the
David Doggan Grand Opera Co. in Rejections and Seenee From
Grand Opera and Oratorical Work j Senator Robert It. Owen at
Oklahoma, Uv pelitical Issues; Alton Packard, cartoonist and humorist;-
Marcus A. Kellerman Co., operatic offerings; the Ca
thedral Choir, eight gifted artists In a symposium ef mong and
music; Montaville Flowers In a repertoire of life lectures with
illustrative acting; Weatherwax Bros., Instrumental and singing
Membership tickets for complete course, 91. Tickets en
title holder to Reserve seat at 10c, 15c and 20c. On sale Satur
day at Brnndeis Picture Dept., Hospe Music Store and other
downtown places. Headquarters Redpath Kntertalnment Course,
Rome Hotel.
and fast gaining ground that
The Belmont Restaurant
serves the best food. In the neat
est, coolest and best ventilated
place In the city. One visit will
be sufficient to prove that the
rumorg are well founded.
Plate Dinner 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.,
25 c.
181 A Itodge St. Open All Klght.
C. N. BALL, Prop.
AT. si inf
AT. Matinee,
Trin ft 85o-Si. Bvaalag ao-$l.SO.
S Sar. Slept. 14-1S Hat. Tue a Wea
Bpeoial Betnra Engagement
ia "si firm a hi BAvamTXav
Real Estate
Read the latest sewi about real
estate on the next to the last
page. Be informed investi
gate and you will be able to
Invest your money more InteUt
gentl and snore profitably.
LO?TOOr. Sept. 10. An Ostend dlspaich
ta th Exchange Telegraph eompaay
"According to Information from reli
able eource th Belgian army ar Ant
werp haa eaaumed a triumphant offena
Iva movement, driving th Oerman right
back to the environ of LouTa!.
This vms: "WrossM from the Start." Ti.
KajlrssM. Odls. Corbett, Shspart a Oeeeraa
Kaulsua Brother Brttt Wood, Kuasa TMa ami
Th. Orpaeua Trawl Was!.1' "
Prless: sutlnae Oall.ry, 16c; twst saats (as
epl Siturjay sad Btiaa.r). SW. Mis U to. jo.
Ma sad Tto,
icaJCA'a nrsr arm
Sunny Mar Barnkardt. City, Coated 1 ranr A
Kaall and tk. Usum H. T. Craaa. "Tauao La
Main". Groat Cast and Big Bteatr Chora.
Sunday and week: The 1.000.O) Dolle"
' ' I
WASHINGTON. Sept l.-(pcta! Tel
erram.V On the recommendation of Sen
a lor Hitchcock. lr. J. R. BlaoAraaa haa
been appointed pausloa surgeon at H sat
irist. Neb.
Nebraska pensions: Julia A. Gal
bratth. Albloa, Sir; Martha H Hastings.
Table Rook, (it: Marr J. Klnaler. Omaha,
1J; Amanda llulaad. aicCook. til
Mrs. H. J. Hrown haa been appointed!
postmaster at Truro, Madieoo county, i
Iowa. vlc, H. t. Brown, retired
Mary M. Davison waa reapuolnted poet
master at Ochee, Chevenn county, lowa.
AUDITORIUM, September II: It-
Six Sets
40 People
Seat Sale Aeiuoiuiisice
Watch Newspapers
Five Vaudeville Acts - Eleven Parts - Six Style Acts