12 HEAYY RAINIER NEBRASKA Downpour Practically a Flood in Many Placet. JTO WASHOUTS ARE REPORTED Tralas Arr RtU a raedala Tlsace lreHpltatlaa Almost Uke rieacfaarot la the Ojstral rnrtlaa. THK HDK: OMAHA, FRIDAY. SKITKMHKK ll, 11)14. Rains that took on the proportions of Hoods were pretty central over practl rally all of Nebraska Wednesday after noon and rnnnf. otordlns; to the mornlnn reports to the railroad. In many locsl Itles It .was atill raJnlncr. However, with Hie vast volume of water that fell there wera no washouts reported and traina were running on arhedule time. The rainfall seemed to be the heaviest through the central portion of Nebraska, ztendlnit from the Missouri river, far out Into Colorado and Wyoming, though all througU the northern swction there was from one-half to an Inch along- the line of the Northwesters and Burlington. Through the central part of the state the rain was more like a cloudburat ex cept that It covered an Immense area and continued to faJl for hours. In the coun try tributary to the Loup City and Ord branches of the Union Pacific a rainfall cf two to three Inches la reported, while a I on the main line there was hardly a place between Omaha and North riatte, where there waa leaa than an Inch during, the night, with a much heavier fall along the southern branches and down Into central Kansas. The Burllngtou'a morning report shows four and one-half Inchea of rain at and round Sutton Wednesday afternoon and night; four Inches at Aururs; two and one-half to three Inches In the country around Feward, Table flock, Ktrmnsrmra", Syracuse, Wymore, Wllber, rnlumhua. Central City, Loup City, Ft. Paul. Ord. Palmar, Greeley Center, Orand Island and Clay Center. There were three Inches of rain at Fair mont and more than two and one-half at Lincoln. Pown the river there waa from one to two Inches, the heaviest fall being at riattsmouth, Nebraska City and Ttulo. At Omaha the precipitation was a little more than one-half Inch. Omaha Grain Market Active, with Receipts Comparatively Light Omaha's grain market waa active enough to suit moat of the, trader, but It lacked some of the snap that has been apparent during the laat two weeks or so. The receipts were light, due to the bad roads preventing farmers from bring Ing grain to the country elevators. On aale there were thirty-four csrs of wheat, thirteen of corn and fifty-one of oata. Omaha caeh prices for wheat were 1 03 to ll.lOVi, as against 11.11 to U3'4 In Chi cago. In Chicago December sold at 11.1414 to (MP and Way tl.22 to tl.K'.t. Corn on the Omaha market sold at 7S to 7Mfc against 71 to 7Bi centa In Chicago ALLEGED WHITE SLAVERS ARE HELDUNDER BOND Refora United States Commissioner Daniel Mra Mary Denton, alleged white laver, and Mrs. Eva Hlle, the alleged victim, were held under bonds, the former under $1,000 to appear before the federal (rand Jury and the latter under S0O aa a witness. Being unable to give the bonds, both women went to jail. Charles Brent, alleged to having aldod and abetted the white slaving transac tlon. Is being sought after by the au thor! t lea but bit whereabouts arc un known. The trio earn from Columbus, O., late In August and Mrs. Denton rented a house on South Nineteenth street. Ac cording ta the testimony she and Brent brought Mra. Hlle, who deserted a hus band and 1-year-old child In Columbus, to come here and live a rather rapid life. E. M. Andreesen is Back; Other Omaha Tourists at Boston To be held up aa a spy while visiting the Krtipp gun works at Kssrn. Oerniany, was one of the experiences of K. M. Ati dreeaen. of the Lee-Col t-Audreraen Hard ware company of Omnlia. now home from the war tone. dldn t have a passport,'1 Mr. An-J drrsaen explains. "Having vlalted my native land a number of times, I thought j passport would not he necessary. Not AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Suffragettes and Antu Hold Forth with Rival Meetings. JERRY HOWARD IN LIMELIGHT Tries ta star at Hoik Mretlaas, bat When lie Takes Platform with Aatla lie Is Oraaaed Iloat by Rschaage Man. Thrusting and parTyin. the auffra gettca and the antls met yesterday at having one when the C.ernian police took j no"n ,n th 8m" Omaha packing dls me In charge at a restaurant at Essen, ,rrt- A f"' rn1 sympathizers of th I hsd difficulty In getting free, btit finally managed It. after a strict Investigation. "The Krupp works were running night snd day when I was there. A large order of cannon for Brasll waa Just ready to slip when the war broke out, and they vera turned over to the German govern ment Instead. "I waa at Cologne when the war began, but spent moat of my time at Bremen, visiting relatives. By sheer link I got passage home several week earlier than I expected. To make it. I caught a special troop train and had to walk some dis tance across the Holland border, on the wsy to Rotterdam. We sailed from there en the steamship Rotterdam, August 2!t, and reached New York Monday. "The Germans are the only continental ,uffr,e soldiers who are well equipped and fed. Tost mortem examination of dead 'Rus sians showed that they had been forreit to rat raw wheat and rye, to keep from starvation while Invading eastern Prussia. The rrench peasant soldiery was poorlv the cause destined themselves for the suffs, but as a rule the mere men of the audi ence weie not taking sides. The suffragettes held their first meet ing on the laduct In front of the Morris plant. Tlie crowd was large and P".!d much attention to the speech of Jerry Howard, ho introduced Mrs. M. B. Mun aon and Attorney Funk of Chicago. Jerry geis the crowd when no one elae (lav erning at the Arn'ient Order I'nlteri Woikn rn temnlo at Tucni v-f'fth and M streets. W. c. Phcchan A Co., plumbing and heatina All murk guannteed. I'hnre South 2704 Phone Ralston " Jennie I.lk'hnovskv will be pleased to meet her frb'nda and customers this season at O'Connor Emblem's bat shop, I'axton block, oinahn. Millinery "lining, Raturduy. rbptemtx-r II Lawrence Arlander and Mla Theodora Arlan er attcd I v Miss liena Walker end Kenneth l. Wlcicnor will (five n con cert this evening at th First Presby terian church at Twenty-third and J atreeta at S o'clock. Coach Patten of the hlah school foot hall team has called out the siuai an I dally practice will he Initiated this sifter noon on the new practice fl!d at Twen tieth and J streets. A good deal of new, material la In the field. of 'specific renuests to be made later. The.. riueets were understood to Include a postponement of conslderstlon of the rail way securities I. Ill now pending In con futes, legislation allowing the Interstate Commerce commission to take gener.il conditions Into consideration in passing on petitions f..r rate Increases and the re opening of the recently decider! advance frelnht rate cases. Omaha real ertate is the best Investment you coiiid ir.ake. Read The Bee s ml estate columns. . r 'ng. K. nri rp irro r-1 roTrn t r ijr i rnui ri ri.ir i u i Triinrnuinr a Minn' he n I CWirtnAIMUL lYItt HNU i Hume. W. A Delegates to the st.ite temperance oon ventlon to be held at Hsstinga Septem ber 22 and 23, were elected at a meeting of the (hns.Ua Women's Christian Tem perance union, at the Young Women's Christian association. Tne delegntes will be Mesrlames E. P. fweeley, Edith Shin rock, Bertha Getischmann, Fannie Man nish. N.llie ration and Kin an Mrsdames E. R. illume, W. A. Chall. Thomas Puiilap. 1 Klnlavson. Pevmour, Jeter and Pollock wtre elected aa alternates. "Mrenalhem Weak Kldaeya. Electric Hitters will more than sur prise you after the first bottle. Get a bottle today. iSafe and sure. 5"C and !. All drugglKts Advertisement. Washington Affairs The Federal Reserve board has taken I up confederation of the thlrtv-elx class I ", directors of the twelve reserve hanks, whoae appointment will mark vlrtnallv the Inst ImiHirtant step before the actual organization of the banks. More than names are before the board and the i unHi iihl oi aoooiniees la nnr rv nectori llll. Ih.c... . '.. - ., . . ..... . ',jh,i iiri w.-ck. - ... -ueni.on io tne ract that while President Wilson has practically de ttie packing house sounded a whistle five elded to leave Washington Friday to minute before the close of the lunch spend several days at the summer White hall hour It , lid . .i... . i !'""" at Cornish. N. If., returning to . . " i asningion next l ilcadiiy. ... .... i.m-iiicih "i rne iiincn lime. U'l.nn W. ....... . "o reucneci tne exchange building. Mrs. t.'ruinpacker, one of the antla, waa giving rensons n I n f r. n large crowd attended her argumenls. This seemed to peeve the tuttv, who made some caustic remarks. Jerry Howard, after exchanging the amenities with Mrs. Crumpacker. sought to addresa the crowd. He was dtsgged down from the platform by a man with shod and unprepsred for war. All ofj"f"';'" ,hn Exchange building. Jerry Germsny Is well supplied with foodstuffs for s long war." Mr. Aiidrracn went abroad and re lumed with Alex Ounther, nlso of this city. Mr. Ounther la atnpplng In New York for a few days. The Anna Z. Rosa party of Omaha and Council Bluffs people haa landed at Bos- Ion from the I.aconla, according to a tele gram received by Mrs. Arthur Gulou. daughter of John N. Baldwin, who ta Ith the party, othera In It are Mrs. Charles Shlvcrlrk. F. H. Hnchstettler and daughter. Miss Fisncea: Mrs W. A Manrer, Mra. August Bereshelm and daughter, Miss Theda. and Miss Rosa. DADS ANSWER ELECTRIC COMPANY'S LIGHT BILL City attorneys have filed an answer In district court to the electrio lighting company's suit to recover $1,600 for the decorative street lighting during Ak-8ar Ben carnival In 11L The city holds that there was no authority from the city council for thla expenditure, and that It could not have been legally taken out of the street lighting fund, which was then exhausted. Further the city contends that had the expenditure been authorised It could not have been legally made under the circumstances. TAG DAY NETS NURSES OVER THREE THOUSAND 'Mrs. R. W. Connelt, treasurer of the Visiting Nurse association, reported . W.abi.75 as the proceeds of Wednesday's tag day. Bmall sums are still coming la from workers In the outlying districts. The members of the association are highly gratified at the generosity shown them. Echoes of the Strife First Veteraa a r. 8. NKW TORK, Sept. W.-The first vereran ff the present European war to reach the V:nlled States arrived In New York today aboard the steamer lpl.uid. lie was Alios Von Nieuwonhauaen of Gibson City, 111., a Belgian who was returning home and who was wounded In one of the battles before Liege. He went tu Belgium about six months ago to buy horses for an Illinois horse breeder and wss drafted Into the army. Before Urge a (K-rman bullet passed through his right hip. After this be was able to get his release. Coaacll at Defease, TNDON, Kept. J0.-A Renter dltpatoh from Oatend says a council of defense has been formed under the presidency of King AJhert. Its members are lieutenant Uen ftal .Selliere Do ktoranvllle. Inspector gen eral of the civic guard. Lieutenant Gen eral Outeite, commander In Flanders, Xalor General bihlaid. Colonel Wellinana. chief of the military cabinet, and Captain Unlet. Ta Lead Measur. BEArDKAlTX. Sept. 10. -Ou vera mend has authorised the ministry of finance to lend .t.M to the Chamber of of Names la order that sufficient whoat ou nour may oe imported to feed the population of Nantes during hostilities. A committee of deputies and senators is organising lecturing tours through the country to explain the origin of the war and justice of the French cause. Mar Nat gall Teday. NEW TORK, Sept. M.-Ths question raised by the Bniuili and French gov rrementa regarding the neutrality status of the steamship Red Cross If It carries German among Its crew wheo It sails Uh surgeons nurses and supplies for the Lu,e(icl.1 of Europe, has dolaved eplreiHly ludrflitltvly the departure' of tne amp. It was not believed in ahiiiplnn tu firs tonight that the Red Croee would leave port tomorrow, as announctd cs Uruy. ' FINDS CHAMELEON'S SECRET California Professor Knives Mystery of I.lsard'e Ability tn 4 banae Color. The secret of how the frog or chnmelon may change Its color, how the fish In moving from light to shadow may durken Its hue and the crustacean can change and shift Its shadea through wide varle ties of yellow, blue and black, haa been solved by 8. J. Holme, associate pro fessor of soology at the I'nlvrralty of California, according to an announcement from that Institution today. There has been a dispute, according to Holmes, as to whether the chamelnn pro pensities were accounted for by a change of position of the pigment or movement of the cell Itself. Holmes removed pig ment cells from a frog and under a microscope claims to have proved that the cells wander and creep about to a considerable distance Berkeley (Cal.) Dispatch to Ixig Angeles Times. HAMMOCK IN AN AUTOMOBILE Tiny Tourist Takes T.OIMI-Mlle Trip Bwlaglna Across the. Toaaeaa. Prehistoric methods of travel and the moat modern tvpe of conveyance are being aucceeafiilly combined by J. K. Mc KnUre of McKlnney, Tex., who la mak ing a T.ono-mlle pleasure trip across the country in an automobile with a moat precious member of his fsmlly, ' To be exact. It Is Mr. McKntlre, Jr., ex actly 13 months old. who Is appearing In the double role, due to the strenuous objections made by his mother to leaving the young man behind and to the inev liable genius of his father. The junior member of the family Is busily occupied most of his lime sleeping. A special hammock was constructed of strong net and alung between the front and rear bows diagonally across the ton neau of the car. fan Francisco Chronicle. Complimentary. Gebhard von Blucher. the famous Prua- aian general nem marahal, had aa sur geon major of hia army a man who was very homely, but extremely proud and vain. One day, says Nnvellen-f chats. Blucher entered the aurgeon's tent and found him standing before a looking glass arranging hia toilet and admiring himself generally "Tioetor," aald Blucher, laughing, "I suppose that you are the lucklcat man In the world.' How's that, sir, may I aak?" "Why. here you are quite in love with ouraelf, and you haven't a single rival " outh's Companion. Culls from the Wire General John J. Pershlnu commit nd In or uiv norurr iai roi irom rnrt k ums Tmw received orders frorn Washington to lift the embargo on arms, which haa been In effect since the occupation of Vera Crua by American troops. The order waa ex. vcuica immeaiaieiy. Tne cnneo mates district rciurf .i nuiadeiphie appointed a receiver fur isaao a. enrppara Co.. manufacturers of hesters and steam boilers. The assets are placed at Jl.uio.ud and the liabilities ai ... ine laiure, It was stated, was due to the Inability of the company tu cviieci iMiimaiiuiiig runs oecause of nnanciai conamona Drought about by the European war. The comtianv haa niams In various parts of the country. Expelled from Colleges and churches nt Guadalajara by the conetltutlonailats. forty-five ripanlsh and French Catholic. priests and lay brothers and fort v-eluht sisters of the Sacred Heart arrived In Kan Francisco yesterday Irom Manianlllo aooara trie aiexican steamer Citv nf Mexico. Fearln annihilation hv h.n,i of Ysqul Indiana, reixirted tn ba ri.iins on Manianlllo, the refugeee were taken fi uuaru on ins nignt oi September 1. Mra. Amania Weeka. laat aiirvivor of erreaiea at in tune or the assassi nation of President Lincoln, and charged with having been implicated in the plot la dead at her home at Waahington, at the sge of S years She was at the home of Mrs. Surratt at the time of the murder and was said to have remarked when she heard the news: "Unroll should have been shot long before." SI e was released after ten days in prison --n ...in i ii in (ne nuitding waa not a public hull. He withdrew, assuring his friends In the ,rowd thst he would find another opportunity to address them. War oa lieiire llalla. In the weal end of the city a number or tne churches l.He taken up the ques-1 eliminating the clence) halls or at least placing a ban on Saturday night carousals. People In the west section of the city say that the Saturday night carousal. ,aVe come to he a menace to life and property. A number of clergy, men have taken the matter up and It la understood that a alop will be put to the cond,,,na It Is aald that the matter will he taken directly to the district court and evidence has been gathered with this Intent A few week, ago valuable trees were destroyed by dance hsll frequenter, n the west end section. The tre,. had J. ist been planted a few week, previous In Christie Height,. " grace loon at Ronr Over ftalooa I.aarh. Because he partook with too freedom of the Juicy viands that toe tame in Joe Jerman'e Twanrit .1 ..ii. . - ..v,-,,,,,, .,, streets Tuesday night. JI,H Kckot. 1. aIIeged , have been beaten up by Joe J.rman. the saloonkeeper. Theodore Sato, who hap lened to he a friend of Eckot. then rimmed the h.ndy .uda mixer. Jerman lifd 8t arrested for assault and b.ttorv nd Kckota m.de h similar charge against Jermn. Eckot. It I. understood offered to pay for the lunch. JUll(fe P. C. Cald well Is hearing the case. Will Invade I.laenln. Rain or shine the state fair contingent "HI leave Hol,Ul t)mMha thla mornln, from the L, street station of the Burling ton rallroud. Traffic Manager William Shellberg of Uie Union Stock Yards will direct the Invasion of the boarding house .ap",,rul "r"" rhwtl t,d Field Marshal Everett Buckingham will also be In lino. Magic City (ioaalp. Furnished rooms, modern; phone S. 2W3 FOITNO A team of horses Owner may call at SSI N. 31 Kt. George Holn The local order of Rebekaha will meet tomorrow evening at the Odd FclmT; hall at Twenty-fourth and M streets Office space for rent In Bee office r?m ioc-ik;:- T;.r,Sout;a?r,nab"-w-" k"-" The Old Time Favorite Oanelng clnh will give a dance next Frldny evening ( tho RiishliiKB hall on Twanty-fourth and J streeta. next eiy-iirtn and M stretta. Mra. Mhie The ru'esldent hue found that he can keep In close touch with affairs at Washington while at Cornish and. therefore, is "on the Job'' prnctlcally as much as when In Washing ton. At the same time h enloya iom plete seclusion and Is ahlc to rest. Practically ai: the principal rallronds In the cast have completed filing with tho Interstate Commerce cominlHsion their new tariffs proposing Increases In tho price of mileage tickets. The roads some time agn gave notice of the new rates to take effort tictolier 1. The In creases approximate luij, per cent. Many of the lines propose to Increase the price of .0(l-mlle local hooks from V-" to w. The ' refund on Intercliangeahle hooka, which sold lor $-5, would be reduced ti President Wilson hBs begun considera tion of an appeal laid before him by a committee of railroad excn-utlves repre senting every lurgo r mcl In the country. He waa nuked to aid the railroads in lldimt over financial difficulties arising from the war In Kuropc. No specific plan waa presented. The railroad men were hopeful lifter the conference that Mr. W ilson, through a public letter or other wise, might show that he believed the railroads should be relieved of some bur dens. They nlao believed that they had laid the groundwork for consideration of frlday afternoon at the Moose llc.i Ptodclard will bo the hostess. St. Agnea' Court No. flc, V. C O F will hold their regular meeting next Fri' PACE FULL OF PIMPLES AND SPOTS Would Pain. Itched and Burned. Used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment. In Two Months Was Well. 4240 So. California Ave., Chicsgo, III. - " About a year ago my face was full of pirn ptas and red spots. To sleep one night with out Itching was almost Im possible. Nome of the pim ples would get big and red and If 1 touched them they would pain, while others would get white heads on them and when they broke open some matter came out. They would burn and Itch and I scratched them so that omctimra they would break and bleed. That always caused tlieia 'o be worse, i " I bought all kinds of salves and cream, and I found out that they did me no good. I noticed the Cuticura Hoap and Ointment adrertUernent and 1 sent for a free sample. I started to use thepi that night. I went to he drug store and bought a cake of Cutl ura Soap and some Cuticura Ointment and I found the pimples were drying out. In two months I was well." iWanedl Chaa. J. Peck, May 7. 1914. Samples Free by Mail Cuticura Hoap and Ointment have proved ! goost valuable for the treatment of dsiidruff, Itching. Irritated scalps with dry, thin and falling hair, Irritations and chaflngs of In fancy and for all purposes of the toilet, bath, nd nursery as well aa for pimples, black heads, redness and roughness of the face and hands, Cuticura Soap 25c. and Cuti cura Ointment 60c. are aold by drugglits throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad draw post-card "Cuticura. Dept. T. Boston." Safe and Sure Bhould be your relief from indi gestion, biliousness, or consti pation. Known to be reliable and famous for their prompt and certain efficacy are Beecham's Pills H-sa"! Sale el Aay Mresictae la Iks WU, acid everywaaie. la aeaaa, lOc, J&. Genuine Rock Springs Coal Mined by the Original Producers, Sold by the Following Dealers Jeff W. Bedford Henry Foley Harmon & Weeth Howell & Son 0. W. Hull Co. C. S. Johnson Keys Lumber & Coal Co. Lucas Coal Company Peoples Coal Co. Union Fuel Co. Updike Lumber & Coal Co. West Omaha Coal & Ice Co. CARBOn COAL & SUPPLY CO. Nebraska Distributers. Read one installment of Jr Nv "The Trey O Hearts" Each Sunday in Rbv W.lit..,i ui. t...... iT mn." P."ver cannon aaa v I vui, - a UU. aim 1 1 I IMIIllOl k ( ff i la 1 1 I lairtuW uii.4 PlithnHu. w..l..l. " . vMiuau . .-urn I FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY FRESH FISH v. e nave JUBI received ttao; i ki l UI.TXB lAIJIOir, psx lb ltt.e PUBLIC EY.ARECET BUT IllnQT, per lb. Ci apples 14 I leiO IlIlttT STBSST, A Great Bargain Day Friday Underwear Furnishings in Domestic Room Men's Bin AmoRkeag Work Shirts, all sizes 14 to , 17; RuaranttPd perfect. 50c val . t 35.; 3 for $1.00 Boya' Bloiiae Waists, black sateen, blue chambray and percales, with military collars and button cuffs, 50c values, at 25c Misses and Boys' Fleece Llnea Union Suits, color ecru and Kray; all sizes 2 to 16 years; Kood values at 49 Ladles' and Children's Outing Flannel Gowns, worth to 75c, at 49c Men's, Ladlps' and Children's Hosiery, all sizes, 12,ie val- tu8' at 8?iC Ladles' Ribbed Tnion Suits, repular and extra sizes, val- r.ur to .n-at GJ) and Children a Rompers and Wa3h Suits, plain colors and striprs, 60c values, at 2C - - - - r aea- ----r-T- isai Special Notion Salo Bow String Spool Cotton Tho bost t broad made; on sale at 6 spools for 25c Hump Hooks and Eyes, card. . . . l. M. C. Cottt.n IOC. 12 HC. 15C Nursing Pins, 3 dozen 5 Pearl Buttons, dozen 2HC Cotton Tape, per roll g Pins, six packages 5c Silk Floss, per skein 1C Sc Handkerchiefs 2-C Spool Cotton, full 200 yards.. 3Hc Mcea, .V to 25c ynrd values at, ard 3c an(l 5C Remnant Day in Our Popular Domestic Room Itemnants of 15c Flannelette t 10c Remnants of 124c Outing Flannels .. Rjc Remnant of !r Outlnn Flannels 6c Remnants of 35c Table Dam ask 19c itemnttnt of 5c Table lam k 27 He Remnants of 10c Suitings &HC A large lot of retnnantn of all kinds of Cotton Uoods, Suit ing, Batistes, Lining and other kinds, worth up to 10c, yard 2Hc 72x00 Sheets, 50c quality, HlvDO Sheets, 0c quality, at each 45c $2.23 large size Illankets, per pair $1.69 lOc Sheeting, blenched. . ,Hc 12 He Rath Towels. eah.8ttc 5c Wash Rngs. each 2l,c Several Other Hargalns Not Advertisetl. v Remarkable Value Giving in Silks and Wool Dress Fabrics Fall stocks wore never more complete, weaves and colorings more beautiful or pric ings more at t motive. See Friday's specials. All Silk Satin Mescaline, 59c quality, in all wanted colorings, yri 38C Plain and Novelty Dress Silks, to $1.25 yard values; taffetas, nies salines, fancy serges, satin nov elty plaids and stripes; 26 to 36 Inches wide; at, yard 482 $1.00 Mespalines, Taffetas and Silk Poplins, 36 Inches wide; new fall colorings, full pieces; on sale, yard 68 C Xew Roman Htrie Taffetas and MeaMAlines, all newest colorings, in two lots, at. -78C an1 8 Fine Kngllsh Velvet Corduroys, in navy, blark, Havana, toupe, royal blue, goblin and hunter's green, yard 7gC and 08C $1.00 and $1.25 lllack ln-ess Silks Satin duchess, niessalines, taf fetas, etc., 36 inches wide 88f S6 to 54-Inch Wool lres kx1s, to $1.00 yard values, fall weights yard 3QC to 48C Wool Dress Cioods Remnantav Plain and fancy weaves, to 75e yard values, at, yard 28C Black Satin de Luxe, 40 inches wide; special at, yard.. $1,23 Redford Cords, Granite Weaves, Crepe Kffects and Serges, from 50 to 54 inches wide, $1.25 and $1.50 yard values, yard...8gr Xew Fall Cloaking Diagonal weaves, chinchillas, boucle, nov elties, etc.; on sale at S1.50. 81.08 and $2.50 One of the Jew Turbans at $3.98 These .Small Turbans are very much favored for early fall wear. We're showing an almost unlimited variety of clover de signs. The accompanying design is only one of over one hundred nobby styles that vc are showing at this popular price. This jaunty little turban is made of silk, velvet trimmed, with a large velvet bow and faced with gold cloth; other smart becom ing hats are trimmed with gold and silver braids, burnt coques, peacock, ostrich, pheasant, monkey fur, etc.; values fan fyg you'll find you cannot duplicate at less than $5.00 G( tofi.50,at 1JUIUU Verman Velvet Shapes $1. 50 and $2.00 values, 15 dozen to select from; on sale at 98c Drapery Department Specials Third Floor Friday. Hemstitched Xovelty Curtains, odd curtains, to $2.50 pair values; Friday, each...25C lrKrj- Remnants, all kinds, to 35c yard values, yard. . 5C 12 He Fish Nets, from bolt; on sale, yard . 7 C KatetMiN for Comforterw, to 1 9c yard values; Friday.. 12Hc 10c Plain Curtain He rims, fancy borders, 36 Inches wide; on' sale, yard 12 20c Plain Curtain Scrims, 4 0 Inches wide; on sale, yd. 15C A Big 10c Sale in Drugs and Toilet Articles Look over the list and see what you can buy for 10c. 15c Chamois Skins. 25c '41b. bottle Peroxide. 15c Mennen's or Williams' Talcum Powder. 2 5c Tooth Brushes. 141b. Boric Acid. 15c Munyon'g Witch Hazel Soap. 10c Palmolive Soap, 2 for 25c bottle Blue Rose Toilet Water. 50e Viollette Perfume, oa. 16c bottle Flavoring Extract l'a-lb. Pure Castile Soap. 25c 4711 Glycerine Soap. 26c Vanity Box. G 25c Pozzonl's Rouge. 25c Paragon Face Cream. 25c Oriental Night Cream. 25c Peroxide or Pond's Cream. 25c Peerless Face Powder. 25c Peroxide Tooth Powder. 25c Peerless Dental Cream. 3-oz. Benzoin and Almond Hand Lotion. 2-oz. Spirits Camphor. 20c Hylustre Nail Polish. 15c bottle Listerine. 25c Little Wizard or Carter's Liver Pills. A Wonderful Underpricing in Domestic Room Suit Section $8-95 popu- Women's and Misses (Serge Dresses New fall styles In serges, fancy prunellas, dresses made to sell at $7.60; Friday, choice $2.05 Women' House Dresses In Amoskeag and lephyr ginghams, high or low neck styles, all sizes, to $1.2 1? values; choice 59C Silk. Mescaline and Chiffon Waists Made to sell to $3.50, newest styles, u sizes, in white and col ors; remarkable bargains at, choice gl QQ New Fall Tailored Suits Manufacturers' surplus and samples, made to sell at trom f lo.D) to $L1.UU; on sale Friday, nl All nobby new styles, in serges, cheviots, whipcords and diagonals, made in the lar Uedingote styles and in all sizes. Matchless values. Women's House Ih-esses In percales and ginghams 5c to $1.00 values, all sizes; choice. . 5Si Women. Heat her liide I nderskirU In black only day at Pleated- niai to sell at $1.00; Frl- Wmmen', 'lh-eaV WklrtsllTo $5.0o' value's. ' in" PUin Serges, checks; on sale Friday at no Women' anil Misses' (sweaters To lV RcVt .'."ri? samples, slightly soiled: whii ih.v i' . choice .. . 7 UOC r v Linen Specials Middle Room, Main Floor lrigh grade Huck Towels, full size, colored borders, 19c values, each 15c High grade heavy weight Turk ish Bath Towels, extra large, 39c values, each 25C Wool Felt. 72 Inches wide, all colors, very special, regular $1.50 yard $1.25 Stork or double coated rubber Sheeting, 36 inches wide, per ard 81.00 Hen's and Boys' Clothing in Domestic Room Boys' Knicker Suits $1.95 (lood strong, fast color fab rics, in dark colors; will wear splendidly, equal to manv suits sold usually at $.100 $1.95 Roys' Knicker (Suits, fti.D.I Wlm two pairs of pants, regular $3.95 values; snappy styles, good col ors and patterns; rousing bar gains. Men's Worsted Pants $1.50 Good patterns, good styles, well and strongly made, the very best values yet. Don't fail to see them Friday. Roys' $3.00 Rain Coats, :2.00 Sizes 4 to 16 years; just the thing for school wear. Men's $3.00 Rain Coats, $4.(H) a snap you should not miss. Above Items on Sale Friday and Saturday 15 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar for S1.00 $1.35 4fl-lb. saoks beat Ufa fTads riour. maas irom mo. i ssictotsd whsai BoUUBa fknsr lor broad. ptss or caass par saok 10 bars Beat-'Km-AH, IMamorwl C, luux or Laundry Queen White laundry Soap itfto 10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn mal 850 S lbs. tost Rolled Whits Breakfast Oatmeal tSo 4 lbs. hand ptckcMl Navy Dana . g5o The best IomesUo Macaroni, Vernil- elll or rpaKhetti, pk. TVa 1-lb. rana Aaaorted Soups To 'orn 1-lakes, pkg So z-ni. rana r.arly June Teas 10 t-ll. cana tmncy fewest Suarar "orn I Jersey 8weet Potatoes, market ' haa- Yeast Koam, pk. 6 lbs. bext'Rulk lnndiv Kt.n-li m. cakes Silexo iScourlna Soup....l5o Kancy Queen Olives, quart 400 Kresh. crisp Oinaer 8napa, lb. .....So llcrahey a Breakfast t'ooa, lu BOo tlolden Santos Coffee, lb aatso stra rsnor Slbsrta rresstcas reaches, fridsy. per box 60o 4-bMket orates ItaUaa Blue Pluius or g&o TABTCrr COLOB1DO C1B. 0 boe, roa uiCT, ( ria US aaaW It Iba. Ked River Karly Ohio Pota- toea to the peck as Icemand 15 lba.; the law requires II 4 bunches freali Beets or Carrots. 6o Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb go ket Kg Plants, each. 30e . . 3liO-6o 3 heads fresh Hothouse Leaf Lettuce T ,,,r , So Larte market basket nreen Peppers for a So 2 stalks fresh Celery So 3 bunches Kohl Rabbi 6o S bunches fresh Parsley to I-ariee market banket Beeta ISo I.arKe market basket Ked Onions 30 Head Lettuce, per head luo Bellflower Apples, busbsl boxes, at. Per bos 01.4S -roaay u rape a. Basset 300 Concord Urapea, for leliy, basket, loo Til BEIT TB.ICTXT racsK eoos, rsm Doaxar The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, lb 330 Young America Clieese. lb tSo The best Domes tic 5-wUs CJieese. aso 26c It pays-Try HAYDEN'S First-It payi Ooua-Ua 7J.