Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1914, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE P. ETC: OMAM. NKITKAIIIKK . 1 U14. WANT ADS Want sds received at ny time, hut to Insure rroer classification most be pre sented before. 12 o'clock nnnn for evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Went ads rwflvwl after such hour will h under the heading. " Too Late to Claasirv." CASH RATES. One time. 12 cents a rne ThrM times wlth'n ono week, 9 cents a line each Insertion. Seven consecutive times, 7 rents a line each Insertion. CHARGE RATHS Three times within one week, 19 rents a 1'ne each Insertion. Seven consecutive timet, 8 cent a line earn Insertion, fount nx average words to a line. Minimum charge, K) renin. The Bee will not be responsible for moie than ono wrong Insertion due to typo graphical error. Claims for error must be promptly made. An artvertisem nt Inserted to be run un til riisconllriued must be stopped by writ ten order. Ton can place your want ad In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1W". Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other answers have been railed for and delivered during the last week. It la reasonable to aunpose that all of the people belr.w have made the desired awapa therefore, do not rail for the bal ance of their answer, lie Want Ada sure get results. s c. s. c. i o. s c. c. f r. 818 Ml 92 IIOS 1M2 125.1 r 4I ! 1111 1201 12f,7 "1 V4 1116 l.w 1258 90 M7 yxi 1121 121 1 1261 ll 968 i 1121 1214 12B4 912 9".3 Iftil 1i: mi 1267 974 ino; jvf 1268 " 977 inns ins 12?2 1271 27 FT 11 1 IT 1?"6 1271 8 128 12.-.7 1272 ? i mr.i i ii 1M4 r.'M 9S8 110(1 J!in U'42 171 'W IK 1104 11 1263 1504 .1 rEATH AND FL'ftKRAL KOTICE9) JOHNSON-Davld .. beloved husband of Emily M. Johnson Funeral Friday, t p. m. Friend In vited. NOEL Jacob Joseph, died September 8, 1914. Funeral sen-lees at tha home, 3303 Myrtle avenue, Friday, at 5:30 p. m. In terment at York, Neh., Saturday. BIRTHS AD DKATIDL Rlrths Genrge and Maude Altkenh'end, l South Thirty-third, boy; (J. and O. Campagna. 111.1 Martha, girl: E. M. and Cera Graves, 8722 North Twantv-elghth. girl: Alfred and Catherine Giles, 5.K) South Twenty-fifth avenue, girl; Cbarley and Jnsle Martk. 48 Walnut, boy. I eatha Timothy Collins, 85 years. 2008 Maple; W. F. 67 years, hospi tal; Rebecca J. Foster, 49 year, axtj Tratt; Anderson Hell, 70 years, 1319 Fow ler avenue. Tha following licenses to wed hare been Issued: Name and residence. Age. Harry Y. l'ayne. Council Rluffs 21 Agnes M. Farslund, Omaha 24 David I'mmel, Jr., Omaha, over 21 Mrs. Ethel Summit t, Omaha, over 18 Herman Brown, Omaha '.. 22 Mrs. Eululie Hrown. Omaha 28 Robert Daniel Stratton. Omaha 12 Uertrude T. Nagle, Omaha 23 Ben II. Speck. Plattsmouth, Neb 23 Viola II. Becker, i'lattamouth, Neb.. 20 Burt W. Martin, Thurman, la DO Geneva Hardy, Thurman, la 22 F.rnest Oarreaiia, Bartlett, la 21 Mabel Yost. Bartlett. la 18 Robert II. Flnley, Omaha, over 21 Irene D. Shepard. Omaha, over 18 BUILDING PKRHITI. Berka & Muesli, 3007 South Twelfth, frame dwelling, 82.120; II. A. Tuhba, 4128 fllnney. frame dwelling, I1.W0; otto Our nedt, 31 IK Houth Fifteenth, frame dwell ing, ll.BoO. TOIfAY'H ro.MlLKTR MOVIK nttKWlAMS Excluaivoljr In Th lie CAMERAPHONE. 1408 POUQLAS ST. The Cave of Death. 2-reel Kalern. Such a Hunter. Votagraph. The Bmuggler's Wife. Blograph, K.IJTK THKATER NO 2. 1H18 Farnam. The Bond Kternal. I-reel Kalen . The Terrible Leoaon. Blograph. Buster and Hla Ooat. Kdlson. KAHNAM THEATER, 1416 FA UN AM. IJttle Meg and I. Kerrigan Victor. The Silent Witness. 2-r-el Batgot, Imp. HIPP THKATER, 1LTH AND HARNEY Jtobert Edison In The Call of the North. PARK THEATER, Q NO. 1T1I. Tale of the Warpath, 8-reel Indian drama. And a good comedy. PARLOR THEATER. Double Reward, I-reel. 1408 DOUGLAS. PRINCESS THEATER, 1317-1U Douglaa. Daughter of the Plains. Nestor. Boy. t-reel Eclair. it art Ik. ALAMO THEATER. 24TH AND FORT. Character Woman. 8-reel Eclair. . Foreman's Treachery, Neator. Wlfle's Busy Day. Joker comedy. ALHAMBRA THEA.. 1KI4 N. 24TH ST. Pendulum of Fate, 1-r. Thanhauser dra. Man Without Fear, Thanhauser drama. M Intakes Will Happen, Royal eonedy. DIAMOND THEATER, 2410 LA KB BT. Jim. Webb: Senator, 8-reel Baggnt. I'ance In Uttle U P.. Univ. Ike comedy. FRANKLIN THEA. iiTH ft FRAITkiTIn An Innocent Delilah. Z-reel Vllagrapn. She Uava Him a Rose. Luliln. Urom ho Billy a W ild Ride. Kssupay. FROLIC THEATER, 4llii n74TH T. At the Foot of the Stairs. Rex. love and Lunch, t-reel Sterling comedy. On Rugged Shores, Nestor. HIPPODROME THEA., 25th and CI M1NU Falty's Fiiileh. Keystone comedy. The Severed Throng, 2-r. Msjesllc drama. Feast and Famine. American drama. iVtTiEaTkiT fcfll AMjiTocUsT? The Living Lead, Kaxanay. A (Icnllenvmn of lrisuie, 2-reel Eesanay. offU-er Kate. Vltagraph. LOTHKuP THEA XtK, 811 N. 2TH ST. Trey o' Hearts No. 1 1AJYAL THEATER. 240. CALDWELL. hen Romance Came to Anne. 2-reel Imp Plot That Failed, Western drama. The Barnstormers. Powers comedy. PALACE THEATER, 33oS DAVENPORT When Eddy Went to the Front. Nest com Mexican Spy In America, 2-reel Bison. SlblRBAN. 24TH AND A ML 3 'I h Old Army Coat. 2-reel Kalem. SP.ppery Slim and Ilia Tombstone, Fjs. The Mysterious l,odK;er, Vltagraph. tl. AlflLIiO, 224 LEAVENWORTH. llearsl-Selig The Thread of liestiny, Bio Broncho Billy Wlna Out, Essanay. M iiiories In Men's Souls. Vltaara ph . COLUMBIA THEATER. 171(1 S. JdTH ST W illie S-reel 8-1ik. The Woo of a Waitress. Vltagraph. The Counterfeiter's Daughter. Blograph F AVORITE TH EAT E It. 17U VINTON". The Oilded Kid. 2-reel IMl.on. Through Life's Window. Vltsgraph. The Counterfeiter's Plot, Kalem. FA V. AIRDOME ANNEX, 17th-VINTON. Sunday, Sept. 13 The Perils of Pauline, Series No. 7. rAVORITK THEATER, 1718 VINTON. The False Shadow, 2-reel Luk. Orey Ed Kir s Revenge. Krl. A low Jlnsncler, Selig. OEM THEATER. 12. SO. L'TH tiT. I la Isles Rev oh. What's the I'ae, Joker comedy. JiANRoU THEA., Zl & CASTE LLA R. Case of the Lycur. Universal Ike com. fciiueiiixTt, 2-rec Eclair. TODAY'S OMPI,irTK MOVIK PIMM. HAMS Kxcltialvrlr In The Hrei nath. LVRIc THEATER. 117 VINTON ST. On the High Ses. 2 reel Imp. Hi hnt's the 1'se. Joker comedy. PAHTIMK Til ii,i"7.EA VENWoKlTl Duty. i'-iec Kclmr. Cliiversal Hoy No. I Th Million Dollar Mtrv. loth LpisiHle. i:m:zia theater, ilii soitii i.nn. Tisy O Hearts No. I (-'lower O Flame), 3-ire Oold Seal. A Strong Affair. Stirling comedy. V rat. A1RI-O.ME THEA. FARNAM & PARK A Substitute for Pants. Kalem. V ho Kllle l (leorite i; raves .' 2-rcel Se'ilf. Hinrn-ho Billy's Wild Mid". Isana. MONROF. THEATER. . iV, KAHNAM. The of the Lumber Jack. 2-r. Bison. Vesipilte Pete's Fortune, Eclair. The Awakcnlns. Rex. Heaiausi. I: EN PON THEATER. MS MAIN ST. l-varbara Tennant In Firelight In 2 paitt. Fraurla Ford and Orace Cunard In The Man of Hef (Tulce, I'nlv. Ike comedy ton net I b.affa. ROPER THEATER. 6.T7 BROADWAY The pooh Nemesis. Rex comedy. I'nder Arlxona Skies. Ynntler. The Broken Doll, Sterling comedy. oaaana. BBSSK THEATER, 2ITII AND N. The Hidden letters, ! reel VitaKraph. The Decision of Jim Farrell, Scllg. The Winking .ulu, Kalem. MAHIC THEATER, 24TII AND O. Trey o" Hearts No. 8. A Bogus Baron, sterling comedy. Vaadevllt. OnrHEFM. 84TH AND M, HO. OMAHA. Series No. of The, Million Dollar Mys tery will be shown here Wednesday, September 16. Two thrilling parts. ANNOUNITKMENTH Gibson's Buffet 822 South 1Mh St. HA.EL Iear Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; Cor postpaid; sa Topics free. Sherman A MoConnnll Drug Co . Omaha. LCOKY wedding rings, rtrodeaaard's. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co HIONH, ehowcarde. Clark & Hon. D. 1378 Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: J-horse van and 2 men, 81 .25 per nr. ; storage 82 per mo. Satisfactory guar. D, 4:t3x & Ty. 230. 1'hone Douglas 2fi. r,oH Bee Bldg. GET a private booth In my grill room for noon lunch. PETE3 LOCH. 813 S. 17th St LIVE YV1KB IllSINKHH MUX OF OMAHA A, B, C of Omaha ALL WATCHES, diamonds and Jew elery, special prices, Sept. and Oct. Buy now, 81 a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 117, Kar baoh block. OR RETT, the man that cleana every thlng. Hats cleaned and blocked. Oet your fall clothes cleaned now. Low prices, neat work, prompt service. Delivery free. l.'iOfi Harney St. Doug. 4382. FOR auctioneering of all kinds of Jewelry and general merchandise, write II. A. Roth, 1.111 Douglas St. Doug. 827ft. Twenty yeara' experience. MELBA Boiler Compound Co., a boiler compound for sick boilers, dis solves boiler scale, salt boiler Iron. Melba does not pit flues, only removes old scale, adds efficiency and economy to your boiler plant. Call or write for esti mate. 813 Omaha Nat. Bank. D. 31t,7, after 8 p. m., and on Hundaya, D. Mf. N EW anil second-hand electric fans and motors. IjeBron Electric Works, 318 H. lith. Douglas 217ft. OMAHA fllAAtW CO., im Cuming Doug. 24T7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather ma tresses and down covers. I A NO tuning, R. Brandon, f years at Hayden's. Recommended by beat musicians. W. 4K12. 4H1H N. 2Mh Ave. 'AOIJUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary Service Co., SIM Bee Bldg. Wi rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mick el's," Uth and Harney. Douglas Wl. Aeeeastasti. MELVILLE D. THOMAS A COMPANY. 1237-38 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 1810. 44ls Marklaes, Dalton Adding Machines. 411 P. IB. V. 1449. Adder Mch Co. (Wales! W. O. V. D. 6338. Aato aad Magneto Hepalrlag. Magneto repair work a apeclalty. D. 2418. Actioaeera. Dowd Auction Co., 1128 W. O. W. Red 3286. Areklteeta. Clarence W. Wlglngton. 2 S. 13th. D. 4287. Everett S. Dodds. 12 Paxton. 1. 2iel. Attrartloas. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion ploture machine and film bargains. Harbers. 12 Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. KIT Far. ILVTlVs. 18c; SHAVE, lOo. S20 N. 16th. Bla Prtatlasr. HORNBY CO. Blue printing, under new ownership. 8U9 Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 3167. Braaa Koandrlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Pts. Hetldlaa? ! Hepalrlasx. K. FRANTA. 11 Paxton Blk. Doug. 215T. California l.aoda. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. D, 281s. ( ar4 Slgaa. Office door let'f . Mynster, Pa. Bk. TV 21ft7. ( klroprartora. J C. Iwrence, I. C.J32! Howard. D. 84M. L. Oetldls. D. C, 228 Bee Bldg. Doug. 42S3. wTe Purvlance. D.C. Yj Pax. Blk. D. 443. L. C. HAYES. T. C, 160 Be Bldg. R. S7(s I klaa PalBtlag. Ruth Ietchford. decorating, firing. R, 4942. 4 It'll Eaalaeere. M. J I-ACY, B18 BEE BLDG. T. 471S. 4 oal Dealers. ;" r( Johnson's special; also Victor , Bhon, D. 1702. t'ream Mrpsrslon. The Stiarvles Separator Co.. 11th Farn. Iaarlaa; lastraetlaa, Turpln's psndng Academy, Wth ft Farn. Mackle's Academy, now on. 18U HarT llratiats. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. M Farnam. lr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 3 Brandcls. Bailey, the lsntlt. 7o City Nat l Bank. Tart iHMital Rimiiih, 1517 iHuglss. I), 2if Gl'M dliease. Dr. Ficka, T24 City Nat'l Bank. Ilrlertlvra. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Kv. dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1134. Itrraaaaaklag. Terry Dressmak'g college. 2Hh ft Farnam. Extiericme of all kinds, day work, reaaou ahlewanteed. 22:'j Imdge. T. I2!i. Sewing any kind reasonable. Ihiug. tJu Praia DRCCS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders, catalogues free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Klrrlrle kaopllea. LEBRON Elec. Wks ,818S. 12th D. 2178. i:rrtktaa fur Waaira, 1 1 KM STITCHING ldealButt'n and Pleating Co., 107 8. ldth. Woman's Exchange, wt Pax. Bl kR4( lT I sarrrta Kasiarrra, (iagnebln-Wells 'o 4Ji State Bk. D. I2.-,. Farrier. BEN FENSTER, lllit N. SHU SL W. Usi. LIVE WIRK JU SIVKSH MKN OK OMAHA Florists. L. IIKNDFUSOV. i:.l Farnam. D 1B. Member Florist Telernph Del. Assn II F.S" S i H T llfFsrrla'T St DONA Ml i:. hi.i Harney l00. 1l1. B AIM s tlorl.ts. Iw4 Karnarn St Hair Dresslea. Harier Mcth id. R n Ba:id Bldg. D. r!l l.ltr (n-k Itemerilee. I OM AHA Reive-ty r ?. I.lth. Red 4:"2 i l.lKhtlnar I'latarea and V4 Irlaa. THOMAS DITIEKIX Eie tile fixtuics And supplies, contract- i lug and repair eork done rraonatiie. j 2U! CI'MINO. iml'ijUS :..ll. ! Med Ira I. I CONSUMPTION For those hn have It. I Do you want to get well? If you do, eeNltaea l4'-';s I1"" Mfrs. and Vtlaiisn hide t leaner. , OLD shades made like new. Midwest Shade l-'actor.. 4011 llamiltonHnr. 4ksi. Mnsaensrs. Miss jBcohs. Mass., Ballr Elec.JTrt. D.7I1. i W A n l K IIATHM." ste.1: -VA.N.A .M.Mllr Tll.. m ass ao K. 1S"2 Fnrnant St.. Apt. ti, 3d floor. D. SH. I Miss Rex, Mass, 224 NcnFe HlkT lO to H. MNs Fisher, mass., elect, ireat't. Red ',&'. M-i'ssiTKeTI Iks llhaonT R224. NevTlle BlV. MA S'.-A(ih7"t srTfth St. MrsT Steele. MrsSnyder. elTiTrT 1 IITs-t Yi.V W M VIS! A f ! I' Swedish movement. 4 4 -lL r,,,,f Douglas S372. CLARA DOE. nassage. latuglas 87M. Manicuring Kathleen Mack. Dong 7V2. Messenaer and Transfer. WIIITF. LINE. 309 So. 11th. Douglas 3312. Millinery. SWITCHES rrom combings, $1.50. Psyche free. Mrs. II. M. Eck. 304 H. ISth. D. Ti7. MovlnsT. wlorasre tind CleanlnaT. W. C. FE It KIN, and Capltil. Ty. 12oQ. Ocallsts. Eyes cxanilned. glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic Physicians. Dr. Rerucha, 203-4 McCague Bldg. P. 383. Palnlinr. INTERIOR wood finishing, staining, var nishing, white enameling. W. A. Tolles, :.'.42 Capitol Ave. Tel. Red 7!17. Patents. II. A. Sturges. S3H Rrandels Theater Bldg. D. O Bai nell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Bed 7117. Patent Development. A MKRIt "A X Ma -hlne Co., 110 S. 11th St. I'lnmea Renovated, I'LI'MES ft flowers made over, cleaned ft dyed. Bertha Kruirer, 42!t Paxton. D. 8304. Prlatlnsi. WATERS-BARN HART Ttg. Co., quality printing, Tf lioug. 20. 824 H. l.'ith ft, 1 m )l 'OLASPrlntrng Co. Tel. Doug. 44k iv"T:F.V ft M'kKXylE PTO. Co. D. 2M4. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co . 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. cTrNTlTAI. IWNfTxO CO. DOI.TO .7754. Itonch Kxlernilnator. II. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist. afe and Time Lock Experts, -s. a TrfTs Opened, repaired, comb. AHrS changed F. K. Daven w -'-' port, 1406 Dodge. D. 1821. 8hoe Repalrlnsr, Electric Shoo Rep. Co., 1W? St. Mary's Av. RE A SON A BLlC lnaTrriterrV;rr3l3"H7 24! Slatna anil Xhowcards. SIGNS AT ( FT PRICES. E. M. CURK & SON, 14th and Dodtfe. D. 1378. Ktcel (rtllasrs. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. 10th. "tnre and Itfflon yitiam IESKS, safes, acalea, showcases, shelv ing eti Ktiv ..II ...... t. and Pupiily Co., 414-16-18 S. 13th. D. 2724. Towel applies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 H. 11th. D. (28. Tranka and Halt cases. FRELlNtl ft STEINLE. 1808 Farnam St. Veterinarians. rR. Q. R. YOl'NO, 4602 Center. H. B06i M ines and l.lqnora. ALEXJETES. Jul -3 S. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Piste dinner 11 to I, 10c. 01.0RE Liquor House, 422 No. 10th, 2 (its. cold beer. 2oc. Write for price list. D. 4352. hknrV ioLiAx:k uguoR iiouHii ISth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House, 622 N. 16th. Douglas 1d0. HELP WANTED fEMALE Factory and trades. MILLINERY a pprentlcc. Call IWHTQ K7. APPRENTICE gin. Oppenhelm Parlors. llonsekeepers ana Uosarstloa. THE Servant Olrl l'robletn Solved. Ths Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, Bourn Omahu and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000, WANTED-White girl for general iiouse work; small family. 80C3 Pacific St.. or call H .JBSS. WANTED Olrl far general houssworlT Good home offered. Phone Harney 4K4. Call at 2820 Harney St. HOUSEKEEPER for Hotel. A-I refer ences. Address R 440, Bee. A GIRL for general housework; no wash ing. 8611 Jackson, W A NT IS D Exiierlenced girl for general housework; small family. Harney 2104. THOROUGHLY experienced girl for gen eral housework; must be good cook; good home and good wages; references. OS a Irani St. Call Harney XA. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good plain cook; references required. Apply at 2215 H St., South Omaha. WANTED High school girt to do light work fir board and room, good home for good girl. Call W. 4M1. CHAMBERMAID for hotel. Address B 440. Be WANTED A girl for general housework. :'06 Harney St. GIRL wanted for general housework. . , , KT..I.I.. U..C . .... jtirs. vi. it, Hump, o."A iianiuunia Ave. WANTKD A girl to assist with house work. 31l Cass St. or call II. 3J2C. WANTED A good maid for gemvral housework, call Sunday or atiyday next Week. 114 N. SOth St. WAN TED Experienced girl for general housework. Phone Harney 6878. WANTED A good girl for general house work, small family, references required. Harney 4. WANTED A good cook and second girl. 443 lKdge St. WANTED Competent maid for second work: must have references. Apply SOi 8 82d Ave. W A NTEI COM PETENT oirl for GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SMALL FAMILY. ttOOD WAGES. PHONE l(i7i. 720 MILL ST.. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA WANTED Competent girl for general , ...... L V ! , ' ..I I ., I Ave. Cell V. 7W!. WANTED High school girl to work for board and room and small wages. Tele phone Webster 7167. G1K1. for general housework; small family. 3813 Farnam. Phone Harney 6878. W ANTED Competent girl for general housework. 1418 Emmet St. Call Web ster 7'. W A NTEI A good girl for general house work: does not have to be a good rook; no washing, good wagua. Call at 41i S. fsth St WANTED Olrl for general bouse ork. mall family. 1U N. S2d Ave. Telephone Harney 738. GtMiD girl for general housework; email family. Call 804 S. Xth Ave- Phone Ilirnrv 7041 WANTKIs A girl for general housework. Mis A. C. Peterson. XII3 Cuming 8t ANTEl A luxipetent girl for general bo use work. Call JJ. SOU. Hr:M' WANTKIl I'KMI I.K I Irrlial Bad fflcr. STKNt i in A PI I HR. 170: stenogrsphi r and bookkeeper, stenographer, J'V); sten ographer and hook keper, l;i; stenor rapher and hookkecper. $1(1. Watts lief. n , 4o.42 Hrsnil' ls Theater HIdg. I KTKNmiRAI HEIt-AppIy "at" 628 State Bank Blilt;. Vol NO noimn comlnK to Omni, a as e;rantrs are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chilntlan Asoi lallon building at St. Mary's Ave and liih St . where they will be (tire-ted lo a'lltahln tmardlng I placea or othet else assisted Look for our linveirr g'line h; : ;. ..n .Mnltnn. , WAN'TED-Cultured teacher of good pet sonal appearance; tuist reference' 1 ami rxecinne Hiuiity Mr hlKh ias edo j cetlonal position For appointment tele i phone Room 411, Hotel Loyal, today. ! EXTR A' iR DI V A It Y VIA TlA L :u;XToT' I Make jour ur n bends. In brilliant colon. I cxipihute odors' C;in be sold St llHTlrNome ! profit. La France Rose, Irish l.ndi'ie. I Komsn Beauty, I'.uoiu. ii prince. Peeslnn ; Bonnuet. etc. I'orniulns ;: cents escii ""in oi'iyi. .-.M il st.'tmn tor ci,n!tl''t list. Miss F.khereh studio, 1':is llai mond Av I St. Pool. Minn . WOMEN (let government .lot s; thousands vscanc!s yearly: Het posiiions oien to women free. h'ranklin I r; r t lutr. Dent iAK, Rnrhrstrr, N. V. UK LI WAVTKH MALE Asrenta, Snlcanien aad snllrlton. A FIRST-CLAPS lend man to represent a large Florida land rompnny. Ad dress D 4M, Bee. Hoy a. OFFICE hov; good firm: splendid future. Apply at once nt 7N Stale l'.nk Hide. I'lrrlcnt and Office. STENOGRAPHER. 87:.: stenographer and bookkeeper, J-.V stenographer. '; of fice boy, 32.V Watts Hef. Co., fcO-42 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Factory aad Trades. SUA 1)10 MAX Wsnted Experienced shade man. Apply Superintendent's Office, Balcony. Burgrss-Nash Co. Drug store J"baps;Joha. Kneist. Bee Bldg. PA PERU AG Kit " (and Pn Infect Bt once for real estate work. Preference given and higher pay to goo 1 man who wanta to quit paving rent. Tel Douglas 2107. WANTED Fifteen harness makers, four asddle hands. No boozers. Give refer ences. The Kesslcr-ilarkow Saddlery Company, Atchison, Kan. V A N T E Tl KST1 a: .: UN Tl IlTTt AlN BER TRADE Be lasiependent. Few weeks completes. Positions waiting. Our graduates qualified for best Jobs. Wages while learning. Tools slvcn. Cull n write. MOt.ER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Mlsccl la neons. rAXTON Blk.. 1-etteilns School. Km. 811. YOUNG MEN WANTED To be auto experts. Good men etmt biff money; Urgent and best college. Big new bldg., elec. II. and ntartlng systems, big machine shops. You do the auto work yourself. Free catalogue. American Auto College. 2119 Farnam St.. Omaha. Nb. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business, the demand Is ureot for our graduate: we have trained hundreds of men; let us train yon. Write for fre booklet. Nat'l Auto Tntinin Ass'n. 2814 N. 2i th St.. Omaha. Neb. DAY WORK, bundle w anhm g. H . 737. MEN with patentable id. as write Ran dolph ft Co., Washington. D. C. THE NEBRASKA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduates thun any school In this country. "There's a reason." W rite today for our catalogue (C). 1417 Dodge. Omaha. Neb. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, li; set of tools given; wages paid. Trl Clty College. Hth and louglas Sts. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women: big pay, Omaha ex aminations frequently; list of positions free. Address Y ISO, Bee. EXPERIENCED garage man wanted, one that Is capable of taking charge of shop in country town; no boozer need apply. Address Y 188. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE AM) FEMALE MEN WOMEN Get government Jobs. 3& to 81&0 month. Writa for list nf rn. sltions available. Franklin Institute. Dept. 22-H, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS LAWYER: YOUNO MAN, GOOD EDIT. CATION. 1AW GRADUATE, EX CELLENT STENOGRAPHER. DE SIRES POSITION IN LAW OFFICE OR WITH IA RGE CORPORATION WHERE OPPORTUNITY WILL BE GIVEN TO OBTAIN PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. OR AS PRIVATH KECRETAY. AGE 27. ADDRESS B 4J7. BEE. GOrX) reliable woman wanta position as housekeeper. Would leave city. Give full details In first letter. Can furnish city references. Last position two years. Ail dress. A 453, Bee! "WANTED Position as house salesman. bookkeeper or correspondent with whole sale concern by experienced man, 25 years of age. Address A 428. Bee. SALESMAN going to Chicago In auto wants side line for (mall towns. Bee, F 4M. YOUNG MAN. experienced in vales, credits, cashier work and bookkeeping, with highest refjrencea as to honesty and tntegrltv, seeks permanent connection with Omaha wholesale firm. Can arrange for Interview. M I4H. Bee. . I WANTED Permanent position in drug store where can get good experience; un registered; good habits. Address Y 1?7, Bee. COMPETENT, energello man, with college education, wunts connection with advertising agency, real eatatc cr special firm; commands EriKlish. German and Scandinavian languages; experienced. M. 422, Bee. Future edvancement Imperative. YOUNG man wants place to work for board wnuo anenuing noyira i-uuege Telephone I'ougias nwx. DAT work wanted". Phone Douglas 827t. EDUCATED, refined widow wants place as housekeeper. Address B 440. Bee. WANTED Work ss chambermaid in hotel in Omaha or South Omaha. Phone S. SW-6. RELIABLE, practical nurse wishes posi tion. Call D. 8118. PLACE as housekeeper on farm; have two children; near school preferred. Ad dress -'. nee. WANTED Place where medical student rsn woik for board or room or both. Address u ee CHAUFFEUR wishes position In a private tamiiy; can maite erally useful. Call or write. I3 8. 13th St. ATTRACTIONS. WANTED lndciendcnt vaudeville acts. Address, O J76. Bee. AUTO MOW I.E8 Gwnough Omaha Bad. Rep Co. t"30 Far. 80 II. P., e-paea., 1U touring car. fully equipped and overhauhd: JM. So. 3S4tt. "Llndberg" Fore door, body bldg..4Q 4k Far. 100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair, coll repar g. vj. pii w'Ticr, iv . is FOR a high grade, used cat at a right price, sea Howes. 1 Farnam. P. IaX Industrial Garae 'o.0th lUriwy Sta MY s-PASSENGER touilng csr. $W8), for Omaha clvar building lot worth tha money. Call Harnev Z.. the owner. WILL aacrlflce Ihl-. weok late model, 4 paas. ear. first class condition; no rea sonable offer refused. S7' N. gd. W. l4 CoVEBi;p tTuck with solid rubber tires, l.MW lbs. ispacit,. , J v.'. iiarney 7M. Al TtMonii.i:s Moinreyrlc s. I Indhorg Pro. 2.7! I.-av ( F'ylt'B Merklel H A P LEY -DA I DSON MillOKi'1 CLES. I ar,':nlns in used machines Victor Rods, "The Motor -ycle Man." :"T 3 l.rsv enn nrin. 1M4 INDIAN MOIilirVtM.E now ready; birealn .:i ud ina' h ncs OMAM A BI'(T.E CO. tBth and Chicago. D 37" !I4 IN'DIA.V, 2-FPeeil molori ycle and side rar; good comlillon. Call Smith J'4I. ONE 2-cyl. niotorcyclcT 820. Tylcf - .. lU SINKSS "ll AM'KS I 7i.-, C .1. CAXAN, Ileal IXaleaiid Exchanges FOR HALE-lVol Mock-of "loTrdware nnd modern store building, h ented hi good town In eastern Idaho. Will sell build ing and fixtures fur 8I.0" less tliun they cost two wara ago. No trades. Ad'licss, Y 173. Bee. HARDWAKK sto k for sale on account of Illness of owner. I'1,'"') clean stock hardware nnd Implements. Lively town eastern Nebraska. Annual sales $"0.(O. Fine, residi nee property If des.rcd. Ad dress Y K'l. Bee o. HIGH-CLASS business openings. Westen Bef. ft Bond Ass'n. intlim. Nat. Bk. Bhlg INSURANCE Hint Insures Is the rieht of fice location In the best bulldlnt', vary of access and where service .- k I. THE BEE BUILDING Insures Just ihesc thine to nil Its tenants. A suito of roonib Just rinht for an Insur ance buslnesn la available now. Office Room W,. I.1HT YOUIt BUSINESS with us for quick action and square I reat ment. QUICK SALES COMPANY, 41S Bee Bldg. , Phone IXed 32.T RESTAURANT For sale, the fixtures nnd stock of a restaurant, with a good custom, In a cond local Ion; no opposition. Apply to C. Vvskocll, Fnrwell. Neb DRUG trade, store, suburban, ld established new. up-to-date stock. Web. 3!38. GENERAL STORK Stock oi' goods con sisting of groceries and dry goods. In land town, store and pnslofflce. Will In (nice at $0 to 21,000. Reason for selling. Want to go east. H. C. Keltner, Wagner Neb. SIGNS, al.ow ca'rds. Clark A Son. D. I.T78. To oe'i to or nut of nusiness. call on GANOSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. D 3477. To QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kcnncherk Co., Omaha. THEATERS Buy, lease or aell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange, Co., 11 Farnam St. Douglas 18.17. WANTED An Idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions' and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash Inxton. D. O. HoomlnsT Houses Tor Sale. BIG BARGAIN. 8 rooms, excellent furniture, good room ers; a fall opportunity. 1813 Chicago St Dong. 4418. J-ROO.M modern apartment, nicely fur nit -lied; close In, reasonable. Call D. b$7. EDUCATIONAL MOSJi KLt-LAMPM AN COLLEGH FALL TKRM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur passed rlanees In all bualness and Eng lish branches, sihorthand, stenotypy. telegraphy ami typewriting. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board I' or a new free catalogue nddress MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 1S1.1 Farnam St.. Omaha Douglas (W1!. The Van Sunt School Stenography Day school. 9:00 to 4:00. Night school, 6:1.". to 9:15. 18th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 6647. 1914 FALL TERM OF B0YLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the day and night sessions. Tet It is not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Cull, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, eteno typy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while attending. Douglas l.VX. BOYLES COLLEGE, BOYLES BUILDING. II. H. BOYLES. PRES., OMAHA. CHICAGO COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY 1423 West Monroe St., Chicago. Study osteopathy. The only profession not over crowded. Term begins 8ept. 14. See lJean Allen at Loyal Hotel, Omaha, Sat., Sept. 12th, 13 to 4 p. m. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unliin lied scholarship la Boyles Business col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or business courses. Apply at the otfics of Omaha Be. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months, (4.00. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO., Douglas 10)19. l'.iOC. Farnam. FOR 8 A LB, Fsrsltars, New A id hand rurnit re, cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. One N. 16th. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. MXi So. lblh St. FOR SALE- Leather couch, finish, golden oak, new. II. W. Anderson, 64S Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 4072. atustcat lastraneata. Sllphtly used high-grade piano. W. 87j'i, -f ipvrltr. TYPKWP.P'KKh sold, rented, repaired Central 1 vne-i rite Ex hungc, 307 S. 17th. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typ"wrlt.-r. lSt'fi Farnam. P. WJI. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of lliclr makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougiaa 12M. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rules, three months for So for understroke machines or 83 per month for latest model visible writers. Miser llaneoas. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hsnd or biihiness course. Apply at the office fif The Omaha Bee. THIUOE heating stoves for ssle. Call W. 1H76 600M. BRICKS at 8150 per M ; also 30n.M. feet of lumber at works, lllh and .lack son Sts. Buildings bouKet and wrecked. 1 renter-Kelly Wrecking Co Web. inm. FOR SALE l.l'U'ld Iceless soii fountain In Empress Garden, Empress theater building. Omaha, for sale at a great sac. r It Ice by the manufacturer; cash or terms. Call II. 4-vi. t-hand mch. Gross Wrea-k Co., II Paul. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alres and accessories: bar fixtures of ail kinds; eay payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collen Icr Co. 4o7-4( S 10th St. WAGON umbrellas. Wanner, st'l N. loth. foK SALE Three O. II. S. cadet suits for boys from 5-ft. 7-ln- to 6-ft. !Mn. tall. 311 So. 33i. St. Tel. Harney 1175 ROLL T('P DESK ( 'heap. li(T "podge. A NO. 1 BATH TUB 6 Met. freslTr Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 408 4; I Ml Buys best coal for the monev; trv 'lnJ it. Web. M Harmon Weetli LOST AND FOUND UST-fM bill, at Ak-Sar-Ben Den en trance Monday. Llleral reward. Re turn to Bee office LOST Rlna with esrl set, 4 hi irwarc. for! return Tel. Tyler li:j. LOST Silver vanity ce with monogram! "U A. J Reward. Call lHug. 4.04. ( LlVT AMI KOVNII OMAHA i.'ol'N'iTL MI.I FF.-4 STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persors having lost some article would do well to cjil ui the office of the Omaha Ar Council Huffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars .Many urtleles eah day are turned In and Hi" conpany Is anxious to restore them to tht rlg'..'fMl owner. Call Douglas 4 LOST Lad s cold watch. Waltharn nmvrnn nt. initials "It. M." on back; , watch lost either on Park i nr going south or at 24th and Cuming, snout 3 o clock ; Sept S: return to Widre Electric Co., 1M0 il-'arnam". reward. ; sT I F. V A K I ) Lady who ! lound brown leather hill ease i in Stationery department, j Itranti Stores, Sept. !th, will ; receive this reward by return liniC ease and contents to Su j perintetident I'rainleis Stores, j who has letter from owner. I ( IXT l,,C:l,,.. V.. .11 t..l...ll. color, white chest and neck: Dum'eo! tag No. '.Ti. I. liters I reward for return to i .l.ll llB........ ... L.'. -, 1 .. ...- , .-T.-, 'iij'i.i i none ri:rTic i-n. LIVE STOCK FOR KALE. Horses aad Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons In the city; all kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering .lohnson-Danforth Co., new '.(nation, 1S.D-.11-3'' N. ioth St. MEDICAL Ifiltii iirrCiircd in a few davs without Hl lnl" Pain. Call or write Dr. Wr.iv, Leo Bldg. Omaha. Established 1!4 o Piles, FistuliFCured Dr. E. R Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diaenscs without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on recta! dixe-isea with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 1140 Bee Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. (Julck service Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO .JJ8 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. 1-OILTRY AND SITPLIES AGENTS, investigate; loo per rent profit; L"" ""w "n- g" rmsy. (.nicken L.lf Saver Co.. :051 Cinoli.o- r Mixed grain. 81.50 h'dred. Wagner. 801 N. 1 bTBREOTYPK matrices make tho heat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt nnd practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Bee office. PERSONAL THE Salvation Armv industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas llli and our wanon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1U4 Dodge St. lOLNO women coming to Omaha at strangers are Invited to visit the Young W omen's Christian Association building at L iiViT J."n,i. Si Mary's Ave., where thev will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers aid at tho Union Station. WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. : "' ' iiii. a-pus;. SI4H, ON K-HORSK power. 110-vo!t D. C. motor wanted. Address Y 18!, Bee. molor W'F. BUY 2d-hanr clothes. H21 N. 24th. WANTED TO RENT ROOM and board, by young lady teacher, in refined home; prefer within Walking distance of School for the Deaf, etate terms. Addreas C. 4i.", Bee. WANTED A modern 6 or 7-room house In a good neighborhood for a family of four; state rer.t wanted and when ready to occupy. Address Y ISo. Bee. TWO uiifurnlsh-d rooms for heusekeep Ing, walking distance. Address B. 454 Bee. ' WANTED TO RENT. YOl'NO lady would like cheerful room with board; private family: will pay rlffht nr i re foe iilAQ.anl , . . . ------ r-- f.vUO...v .,.,.:. iihzV SUT- rounillriKs; modern conveniences. Address LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Suva mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Mock Commission Mrrchaats. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchanpe Bids. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOS Hero is a bargain; passenger, li12 touring 30 h. p., 5 car. fully equipped knd recently overhauled; ask 8350; will demonstrate car and consider a roadster In trade. Address S. C. 1388, Bee. , , All'OM I have 6-passenger car, $800, which I will trade for Omaha clear building lot worth the same money. Ad diess S. C. 1387. care Bee. AUTO Will swap a practical grocery man's auto delivery wagon for groceries and will give you a good, profitable deal. S C. 13.S4, Bee. AUTO TOOLS Hove a chest of; would like to trade fur 10 or 12-gauge shotgun. S. C. 1027. Bee. FAMILY MARE Combination buggy and hHrnes for bale or trade. Tyler 2234. 1201 S. Ave' AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" ' classifi cation. AUTO Want to swap for a late date fully equipped touring car. Income brick business property, well rented in South Omuhu, on principal bualness St., 2Mhand (Jstreets. S. C. 1344. Bee. AUTO f Rl'CKOne ton light truck""aTl overhauled; a medium sized high school cadet suit, a No. 8 steel hopper, 4 ft. dia., 2-ft. shell by -ft. hopper. What have you to trade. Address S. C. 13x1. Bee. CARPENTER WORK Let me do your work and repairing; will take anything of value in exchange or give you a low cash price. Address S. C. i:2. Bee. FURNITURE for c. 4o-room hotel j ileal wmaiia, -i.imi, l.uw im rem UU the building. What Save you to offer? Address S C lie, care Bee. GOOD Elgin watch and somo cash for pood visible typewriter. S. C. 13!i. I HAVE a good patent. Will sell for cash or trade fur an unto with latest im provements. Address S. C. Vlv9. Bee. KODAK A new Aiwcj folding kodak', 2'-x4'. leather tourist case for same and portrait attachments Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment, or uood b'.cyc'.c. Address S. C l'l- OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some good i-econd-tand office furniture: must be cheap fur cash. Address S. C 1240, Bee. SCALE Have a Toledo 2 In. candy scale, ueailv new, will exchange for anything that can te uved in a restuurant. or rull tor riek. Address S C. l-'.vt. Bee. SHETLAND pon- and outfit for trade or sale. Phone 21461. Council Bluffs, la. FIGNS showcards. Clark A Son. D. 1378 bt' SI TAKES capital stock in Texas oTl and Pipe company; value SloO, and some cash fo- good work team or large horse S. C. Ii90. PAINTING and repairing of all kinds done. Will make your house look like new and will sell better. Will take any. thing of value In exchange It won't cost you anything to gel an estimate. Answer now. Address S. C. 1385, Bee. P A P E R 1 1 A NG 1 N GI Vill d Jyou r paper hunting and exchange for anything I tan use. Address S. C. ISC, Bee. X-RAY MACHINE-Fullv enuipned with rectifar and tules for hospital or doc tors use: will swsp for anything of alue. Addrees, S . 1393, Bee. ion RFXT Apartments and Flats. 110 S 27th 6-room modern flat, V C O. Carlherg. :i0-:tr; Mrnndels Thea Bide. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment In the city. 'Phone us for further Information. Doug las 4177. Fidelity Storage & Van Co. TWO modern steam heated stores near postoffi.e, low rent G. P. S'tehMns. VERY choice 4 or 5-room steam haate'l apartment on West Farnam street. JOHN W, ROB BINS. 142 FARNAM ST ATHIjONE APARTMENTS 4 ROOMS Wth and Douglas Sts.. new, bright. large rooms, clone In; owner furnishes water and vacuum cleaner: rent is reasonable. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1 H2? Farnam St. Plume Doug. 808. ALL rti nl. ttr. flat, close In. D. 81i. FOUR-RooM FLATS 815 1501 VINTON. SPECIAL. One 4-room and bath, In California apartment; 4 blocks from Postofflce; high-grade aiartmcnt. See Janitor. Phone Douglas 52T7. THE SHERMAN. For nice steam heated, five or six-room apartmentH. 2.VH Sherman Ave. OGDEN ANNF:X looms, with kitchen tiy fonneil Bluffs IoTroo.M fiat, modern. H. fi47. Gordon Van Co Storage. 119 N 1Kb St. I'hone D. 894 or H. 8.118 I.VS RM mod. flat. 3327 Cuming. W. 4Sfi?. TWO 4-room flats, M15-14I7 Vinton St., modern except heat. Red M38. Board aort Rooms. COZY roni in mod. home for 2; board optional, reasonable. 2124 Jones. D. 8122. PRIVATirfamily. S6 week. 584 S. 28. Hai-ney-H4i7. Farnlshedl Itoooasj. FURNISHED room for rent In prlvats residence, within walking distance of poKtofflce. References required. Phone Douplas 72S1 M( D.. riv. family. 2o(il Plnkney. W. 33f. MODERN, front; 812 month. 2902 Dodge. N EWI.Y furn'-with nlcove; (!05 S. 2Rth. TO respectable lady or gentleman, front room In refined home. Call II. 6155. FURN. room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, on car liiv, hoard optional. Call Benson 361 J. jThooM suite. 84 week. Red 4114. NEWLY modem room for rent, with meals If preferred. 2311 N St, South Omaha. FURNISHED room: convenient to Crelgh ton university and business center. Red 7!!7. KET)I)F!'419 8o- h. rnod. rooms. imuuXLuH tc(lm heat reasonable Neatly furn.. mod., reasonable. 117 N. 20th. Mod., private home, references. H. 6138. FURNISHED, modern room, private place for gentlemen only. Phone H. 6625 or call at 2710 Jackson St. PLEASANT front room; good neighbor hood; suitable for married couple. 2515 Iodge St. Fur, ims. modern. Hi A Cass. Apt. 9. Vnfornlshrd Rooms. THREE rms., part mod., tl. 2734 Caldwell. THREE rooms and bath; modern. SH. Furnished Houses. 6-r. furnished house In Dundee. H. 2077. WE will rent our home on Georgia ave nue, furnished, for either nine months or a year. H. W. W.iod. Harney 3268. Fnrnlsbed Housekeeping- Rooms. 2?'N. 21ST. FOUR furnished rooms, mod ern, only $15 per month. Housekeeping- ttooma. 2 APTS.. furnished for light housekeep ing; steam heated; mod. 4758 N. 24th. BO. lfcth ST.. 725 Houseiieeplng rooms en suite; first floor; also sleeping rooms Tyler lfi!l W. CLOSE in, mod., reasons uir. ?205 Farnam. ' riotels and Apartmeats. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and California. Weekly rates 82 and up. Douglas 1MO. OGDEN HOTEL, rooms S3 per week. Council Bluffs. DODGE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. Houses and Cottages. GOOD 7-room house; mod. ex. heat: nicely papered and reflnlshod; rent reasonable. 2HU Caldwell. Also 6-r. cottaga: modern except heat; 2623 Caldwell. W. 3726. 5-ROOM house In rear, mod. ex. heat. 3322 Burt. H. 6230. 8-KOOM modern house, oak. finish, water heat, near cars, Dundee. Tel. II. 2658. DESIRABLE 8-room house, modern, close in, good condition. Reasonable rent Vt the right party. Harrey .). - FIELD CLUB HOUSE. $50 3.108 Poppleton Ave., 7 rooms, mod ern. This Is a house you will like. PETERS TRUST CO. 1622 Farnam St. Phone Doug. S?V WEST FARNAM 10-ROOM HOUSE. $75 takes this beautiful place that baa never before been rented. Decorations ar such as go with high-class place. PETERS TRUST CO. 1622 Farnam St Phone Doug. .. SEVEN-ROOM cottage, 3031 ljeavenwortli St.; good condition; modern except furnace; $25: water paid Phone Web. 8332. 8-ROOM s-tiictly modern house in Al con dition, location 2812 Pacific SL Call at 1060 So. 2Sth St. or phone Harney 6-ROOM. modern Ijouse, except heat, on 2;ir. Blnney St. Phone W. 1762. -ROOM ho'4.. all modern, free water. 704 N. TOth. tel. '!,JU- 4-R.. new. mod., 1814. Spruce. SJO. W. 26H1. Jf T") 3 s-'xp- Co.. moving I . KPffl packing & storsge V' xvvi 1207 Farnam. D. 6148; 12-lioOM house: modern. 1717 Burt street. NONE to compare, ah modern 7-room house, ulso 4-i-oom flat. 220 N. 23d. Fidelity Storage Co. Stcrage, moving, packing and shipping. ICth & Jackson Sts I'hone Doug. 1516. MaggarcTs Van and Stor age Co. Reduced rates for 60 days. Large un. 2 men, II 20 per hr. ; dray, 8 men, Jl per hr. 171:1 Webster. Doug. It's. FOIt KENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This hot can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co.. bub S. ltth St. Free Rental List Complete Information about every va cant house and apartment In tha city. This service is free. Tel. Dougiaa 4477. Fidelity Storayo At Von Co. WEST TAiYn AM" HO M ET HARNEY 478j' Uoikpu ,n Parts of the city. una" Cieigh Sons A :c. Bee Bldg. tores IM Ufflcea. RIGHT NOW, S SMALL OFFICES, S12 00 to 818.00 Free Mazda Lights and Water. THE BEE BUILDING CO. Office, Room 103. Barns. GOOD barn, room for I or 10 horses. 1917 Webster St. Call Douglas 4S. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOB SALE Iowa. TO TRADE 2no.cre farm In western Iowa for stock of general merchandise. Quick tales Co , 118 Be Bldg. Red tUoi.