Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1914, Image 1

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    Allies Inflict Great Losses Upon Germans
The Omaha Daily
Advertising it the pendu
lum that keep buying
and telling in motion,
Local Showers
On Trains and at
otel Kawi Standi. Bo.
Signs Seen of General Retreat Along
Whole Line in Region from
One River to Other.
Fortress of Przemysl Checks the Ad
vance of the Russians Under
General Ruszky.
With Capture of This Fortress Aus
trians May Not Have a Single
Stronghold Left in Galicia.
Make Thirty-Mile Marches Each
Day on Three Hours' Sleep.
Austrian Had Eapected to Make a
Long Resistance at l.emlierg
and Had Stored Immense
Qnantlea of Food
LONDON, Sept. 8. A dispatch to
the Evening News from ePtrograd
saye the Russian newspapers publish
a report from a highly authoritative
source to the effect that there are
signs of a general retreat of the
Austrians on their whole front be
tween the rivers Bug and Vistula.
PETROGRAD. Sept. 8. Refugees
and deserters from the armies of
Austria In Galacia, according to In
formation obtained In official quar
ters today havetold the Russian mili
tary authorities that their losses
have been enormous. A number of
Austrian regiments were decimated.
The Austrians, according to these
refugees, are fearful of an uprising
In the crownland of Bukovina. There
have been pulbished here from in
dividual newspaper correspondents
btatementa which confirm previous
reports of the disorganization in the
armies of Austria.
In Galirta it is declared the Aus
trians have made nse of explosive
bullets. Other correspondents de
clare that a revolt has broken out in
the ranks of the Turkish army at
Adrianople on account of a threat
ened famine. Btlll others telegraphed
that the news of Russian victories in
Galicia has provoked enthusiasm,
particularly in Bucharest, Roumania,
where the Russian national hymn
Iwaa sung in one of the theaters.
PARIS, Sept. 8. An official
statement given out here today says
that Russian cavalrymen are now on
the crest of the Carpathian moun
tains. Continuing, the announcement
bays that the. Russian offensive
against the Austrians In Galicia con
tinues successfully. The Austrian
fort at Nlcolaieff, about twenty-five
miles , southwest of Lemberg, has
been captured by the Russians, not
withstanding the fact that it was
protected by armored gun turrets
and three lines of fortifications. The
CtWfUinued on Page Two, Column Five.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. in. Wednesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Unsettled, warmer.
Tcnprrttsm ml Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. Deg.
6 a. in .s
m 5h
m 57
m 5a
m 58
in 59
m til
m tW
m 63
m Kt
in 1'!
m t. .
m .i
in iil
Comparative Local Record.
1911. 1913. 1912. 1911.
Highest yesterday S3 80 M m
Ixwest yesterday .S3 tip 73 M
Mean temperature T .04 .) T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from tho normal:
Normal temperature
Hefictency for the day 9
Total excesa since March 1 416
Normal precipitation 12 Inch
Deficiency for tli day 12 inch
Total rainfall since Murch 1..17.M Inches
U (eficlency since March 1 4.78 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 19H. $ 90 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S12. 5.93 Inches
Hrports from Statloma at T P. M.
Station and State, Temp. High- Raliv-
of Weather. 7p.m. eat. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy 74 7 t
Denver, cloudy 7ti M ,uy
Des Moines, cloudy 0 bO .01
Dodae City, clear i l .mj
Tender clear ' so .0
North Platte, rain .01
Omaha, cloudy 1 '-! T
1'uehlo. cloudy M ! T
Rapid City, partly cloudy 72 7S .0?
Sail Lake City, clear.... W 70 00
Santa Ke. cloudy If wt
Sheridan, clear "0 ! 00
Miiiik City, cloudy i'! i"' T
Valentine, rain 0 .02
T" Indicate trace of precipitation.
L. A. VL8H. tAcal Forecaster.
Fmnnh A tm v CZninincr in Rnttl
Declares an
PARIS, Sept. 8. The following official
communication bearing on the flKhting
now in progress to the east of the capital,
wan made public today:
"The left wing of the allied armies
comprising certain portions of the forces
now defending Paris continue to make
progress against the enemy.
;Th French advance reaches from the
tanks of the river Ouroi Into ne Mont
mlrail region. (Montmlrall Ig about
Russians Capture Strong Fortress
of Mikolae, Taking Many Prisoners
WASHINGTON", Sept. 8.-The Russian
embassy here today issued the following
statement In regard to the movements
of tho Russian army: '
"On September 6 our troops took the
strong fortifications of Mikolae on the
Dniester river. The moats - of these
works were covered by flanking fire, the
artillery placed in steel cupolas and the
whole of the works surrounded by a
triple line of wire entanglements. We
took forty guns and large stores of sup
plies and ammunition.
"In Northern Galicia serious fighting is
going on at Rama Ilueska. The first
Austrian army which had been advanc
ing toward Dublin and Holm, is re
treating before the onslaught of our
troops. We arc taking prisoners, guns
and ammunition,
"In one of the field hoppitals that fell
into our hands were found 600 Austrian
BAY 750,000 MEN
General Joffre at Last Successful in
Halting Advance of Germans,
is Paris Report!
Optimistic Reports Come from Paris
of Tremendous Struggle Wiged
on Field Selected by French
German Plan Fail.
PARIS. Sept. 8.-6:10 p. m.)-The lead
ing military authorities of the city are
convinced that General Joffre, commander-in-chief
of the French forces, Is
at last holding at bay the vast German
army of invasion.
The worn out troops of Emperor Wil
liam, which may constitute an army total
ling 760,000 men, are today encountering
the relatively fresh soldiers of the French
and British armies on ground selected by
the allies, and In positions within easy
reach of supplies and reinforcements.
The Germans are in a hostile country
and at distances relatively great from
their home bases. The invaders today
are probably at their greatest strength,
while the defenders of France, especially
the British contingent are being aug
mented steadily.
The Germans are reported In Paris,
unofficially, to have asked for an ar
mistice to bury their dead and care for
their wounded. This statement lacks of
ficial confirmation. It Is further under
stood that the allies refused the, request.
The flghtipg on the long line east of
Paris probably will last for a number of
days. No quick and decisive outcome Is
expected. The resulta of the encounters
of the last two days are regarded as
distinctly favorable to the allies and there
Is an atmosphere of cheerfulness at the
French war office this evening.
WASHINGTON. Sept. i-Otflcial dis
patches toduy telling of the cutting of
Mexico City's water supply for three
days, presumably by Zapatista bands,
concerned'adminlstration officials because
they reflected the relentless activity of
the southern leader, following the fight
with Carranza representatives.
It was considered practically certain
that If Carranxa and Villa unite In form
ing a strong central government recogni
tion by the United States will follow.
THE BEE'S WAR MANUAL Just what you want: Maps, Pictures, His
tory, Army and Navy Statistics all indexed. At Bee office. Coupon page 2.
Officia .AXent
forty-eight miles east of Patlsi -
"The enemy Is retiring in the direction
of the riser Marne. between Mcaux
(twenty miles east of Paris) and Feixane
(forty-tao miles east from Meaux).
"The French and the Kngllsh armies
have taken numerous prisoners, Includ
ing a nnttalion of Infantry and a com
pany serving a detachment of rapid fire
guns; they captured also many gun
cartridges '
soldiers III of dysentery.. This Illness Is
sweeping the ranks of the enemy. "
"In East Prussia only skirmishing Is
taking place."
Many Prisoners Taken.
LONDON. Kept. 8 A telegram from
Pctrograd to the Reuter Telegram com
pany says it is estimated that 82,X0 pris
oners were taken In recent battles on the
Austrian frontier, of whom 12,000 came
from the Austrian center, have alt been
sent to tho interior governments of Rus
sia and that there Is difficulty In know
Ing how to dispose of them.
A Reuter special correspondent travel
ing over the whole of the western fron
tlet. telegraphs that -n WIctwtoK. and, all
other towns' voluntary mllltjna are or
ganizing for the purpose of transporting
and feeding the wounded. The ladles'
committee, comprising Christians and
Jews, are working hand in hand In the
women's work. All are laboring devot-1
edly, it Is stated, In the common cause.
Chancellor and Foreign Minister Re
ported to Have Tendered Resig
nations, Says Rome.
Bon Brthman, Hollwcaa and Van
Jbkow Rewarded as Responsible
for t'anne of Coalition of
Ho rope Airalnst (Germany.
HOME, Sept. 7tVia London, Sept. H.)
According to a dispatch frorg Berlin to
the Alessagcro, a serious controversy has
arisen between tho German emperor and
Chancellor Von Iiclhmann Hollweg and
Minister of Foreign Affairs Von Jagow,
the two ministers bailiff regarded as re
sponsible for the unreadiness of German
diplomacy which led to the coalition of
European states against Germany. It
is reported, aoocrding to the published
dispatch, that their resignations have
been tendered.
Turks Fortifying
to Bar Russians
LONDON, Sept. 8.-A dispatch to th
Kxchunge Telegraph . company from
Alliens declares the Tuiks, In order to
be prepared to oppose a pusnlble landing
of Russians, have concentrated about
80,0u0 men at Trhalalja, twenty-five miles
northwest of Constantinople, and Rod
osto on the sea , of Marmora. Further
more they are fortifying along tha sea
of Moro at other points.
The correspondent says that beginning
today, the .Servian army will assume the
offensive against Austria.
New Casualty List
Published in Berlin
BERLIN, Sept. 7-(Vla London, Sept.
8) The twentieth casualty list Just is
sued contains, 1.10. names. Included In
the list are 187 dead and nearly 1.OO0
The total casualties thus far published
aggregate i.ih dead, 10,711 wounded and
3,-49 missing.
The last list contains the name of
Joseph Phlllppon of Pqughkeepale at
among the dead.
r'skJ IMk M . wJMHkr (
GERMAN COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT The wonderful efficiency of the German
army is in no way better exhibited than in the detail of the commissary department. Dis
patches have told of how the comfort of the men is provided for, by the serving of hot
soup at train stops, and in other ways that keep the soldiers fit for their desperate work.
This photograph shows how the animals of the army are provided for. It is a picture
of a train of forage wagons, hauling fodder for the bess.
War Summary
One of the mopt Important bat
tles of the European war con
tinues today eaat of Paris, along
the front of the allied armies, ex
tending from Nanteull Le Hau
douln to Verdun. The Germans
In their turning movement have
swept through the entire Com
pclgne country and the five Ger
man columns are now burling
their strength against the front
of the allied forceB, which ex
tends tor a distance of 140 miles.
The meager news filtering in
from.. the ton of tyie fighting to
day indicates that th allies have
gained a decided success against
the German right wing, which is
reported to have suffered heavily
in attempting to crORg the river
Marne. ,
A report which was passed by
the French and British censors
says that 250,000 Russian troops
have been landed in France, pre
sumably with the object of flank
ing the Germans in Belgian ter
ritory. In the eastern theater of the
war the Russians, following their
brilliant success at Lemberg, the
capital of 'Austrian Galicia, are
throwing their forces against the
first Austrian army which for
three days has been desperately
trying to break through the Rus
sian line between Lublin and
Kholm. Details of the fighting
around Lemberg contain the
statement that the Russians took
82,000 Austrian prisoners.
On the other hand, advices re
ceived 'from Berlin by the Ger
man' embasHy at Washington, say
that the Austrian eastern army
advancing on Russian territory,
repulsed a violent Russian attack
and captured many Russian pris
oners. Reports from the Balkans say
that the Turks are concentrating
R0.000 anen along .the Tchatalja
lines, outside Constantinople,
with a view to opposing a pos
sible Russian landing on the
Black sea coast.
A serious controversy has oc
curred between Emperor William
ind Chancellor Von ( Bethmann
Hollweg and Minister of Foreign
Kt fairs Von Jagow, according to
a newspaper dispatch from Ber
lin, over the shouldering of re
sponsibility for the isolated diplo
matic position in which Germany
round itself at the outbreak of
the European war.
The people of the United States
were asked in a proclamation,
ilgned by President Wilson, to
?ray for peace In Europe.
AMSTERDAM. Sept. 8.-Vla Lonton 1
The Nuews Van lien Dag says that the
Ceroians are steadily drawing nearer to
the t)utch frontier. Tha Inhabitants of
the Belgian frontier villages ara fleeing to
Dutch territory after forsaking tnelr
property. Many destitute fugitives have
arrived In Dutch Flanders.
Paris Reports
North of the
PARIS, Sept. 8. (3:25 p. m.)
Violent encounters have occurred on
the French center between Fere
Champenoine and Vltryle Francois,
at the southern point of the forest
of Argonne. The French have fal
len back nowhere. The Germans
have lost ground.
Near Vltry the movement of re
tirement is confirmed on the Ger
man side. On the French, right a
German division attacked on the
axis of Chateau Salina and Nancy,
but was repulsed to the northward,
passing the forest of Champenoux.
"Further to the east the French
troops reoccupled the crest of Man
dry and the peak of Fottrneaux.
"There is no change in the situa
tion In the province of Alsace "
PARIS, Sept. 8. (3:19 p. ni.)
An official communication issued at
Paris this afternoon says that the
Presence of Kaiser at Metz Attrib
uted to Concentration of the
Hostile Troops.
Transportation of Russian Soldiers
by English la Transports Kent o
' Archangel Continued Se
rrecy Sarronnda afore.
ROMK, Via London, Sept. t. According
to the Home Trnunaja there Is In France
today a. total of 2.V1.000 Russian troops.
This newspaper attribute Emperor Wil
liam's presence at Mets to this concen
tration of the Russians.
The steamer Mauretanla, which reached
New York Heptember 3, brought the first
reports to this country of 'an extensive
landing of Russian troops at 'French
ports. The strict British censorship pre
vented the transmission of this Intelli
gence hy cable, and for this reason the'
news had to come by word of mouth and
by mall.
I,ettecafrom Ixndon, dated August
corroborated the reports of the Maure
tania passengers. From these two sources
It was gathered that England had place 1
more than 80,000 Russian troops In France
ly means of transports sent north of the
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.)
Austrian Success
Reported at Berlin
WASHINGTON, Kept. . Tha Gorman
embassy today received the following
message from Berlin:
"A column under command of the Aus
trian general, Kestranek, advancing to
gether with the eastern army under Gen
eral Dankl'v on Husslan territory, re
pulsed a violent attack of Russians and
captured 60 Russian prisoners.
"In the south the Servians tried near
Mltrovlca to break Into Crotlan ter
ritory. About 6.000 Servians were taken
prisoners and much war material was
Battle to the
Former Fields
left wing of the allied armies, com
prising portions of the force defend
ing Paris, continued to make prog
ress. The advance reaches from the
banks of the river Ourcq into the
region of Montmlrall. The Germans
are retiring in the direction of the
Marne river, between Meaux and
PARI, Sept, 8. (J-.J5 rt.)
According to reliable advices which
have reached here, Russian cavalry
men are now on the crests of the
Carpathian mountains.
PARIS. Sept. 8. (2:32 p. m.)
French and English troops engaged
In the battle now progressing to the
east of the capital have taken nu
merous prisoners, Including a bat
talion of German infantry and a
company serving rapid firing guns.
They captured also many gun car
v-. ,
Woodrow Wilson Calls People to
Pray for End- of the Great
European War.
Proclaimed aa Day of Obaervnnre for
All Americana to Go to Their
Respective (.'harckes and
Ask (iod'a Help.
"WASHINGTON, Pept. K.-Presldont
Wilson today signed a proclamation call
ing on the people of the lulled states to
pray for peace In Europe.
The president's proclamation sets aside
Sunduy, Octoher 4. as a day of prayer
and Is as follows:
"liy the president of the I'nlted States
of America.
' "A proclamation.
"Whereas. Great nations of the world
have taken up arms against otic another
end war now draws millions of men I to
(Continued on Page Two, Column Five. I
Warships Patrol
Philippine Waters
Hunting Germans
MANILA, Ht-pt. . SteamMlilps anl
other vessels arriving here make re
ports Indicating that Phllllplne waters
are being constantly patrolled hy Brit
ish. French, Russian and Japanese war
ships to Intercept German merchantmen.
The Hampshire Is west of Luxon, a Rus
sian cruiser with se,veii destropers Is
patrolling to the north, while the
French armored cruisers Kleber and
Dupllex are to the southward and toe
Japanese warships are off Ban B r
Admiral Nelxoa Head.
LONDON. Sept. 8. Rear Admiral
Maurice Horatio Nelson died at Ports
mouth yesterday. He was 82 years of
age, a descendant of the great sea fighter
of that name, being tha third sun -of the
second Karl Nelson.
German Lossei Enormous in Killed
and 30,000 Captured in Three Days'
Fight in Champagne Country. :
Germans Reported Suffering Greatly
While: Trying to Cross the
Eiver Marne.
j Battle Formation Puts Right Wing
of the Germans in Danger
ous Position.
Five Thousand Additional Laborers
I never X.CBVC ovcjic.
City .Near (ihent Recently 4 aptnreal
Abandoned by Kaiser's Troona
and Mnmerona Fires Are
Lighted After Retiring.
PARIS, Sept. H. Accounts of
vouudetl soldleni who reached Pari
this afternoon Indicate that the re
sult of the Hire days' fighting in the
Champagne country ha been monr
favorable for the allies than at first
supposed. They nay the German
loNScs in killed were enormous, and
that a great number of primmer
were taken. One French officer es
timates the prisoners at 30,000. .
Th Champagne riMi-lct includes
parts of the depart ment of Marne,
Ardennes, Aube and Haute-Marne.
PARIS, Sept. 8. (5:15 p. in.) .
It is reported unofficially In Paris
that the Germans to tho east of tha
city have ashed for an armistice to
bury their dead and care for their
it Is understood that this request
has been refused by the allies.
PARIS, 8ept 8. Paris is optim
istic this morning. Even the sur
prise at finding that tne Germans
have been able to traverse nearly
the entire Complegne country does
not shake confidence in the out
come of the great battle which after
all the maneuvers. Is being fought
on ground selected by General Jos
Joffre, the French commander-in-chief.
The famous turning movement of
the Germans has finally resulted in
a battle formation that puts their
own right in Jeopardy, as yester
day's advance of the allies' left
As far as may be Inferred from tha
eager official news the army now called
tha army of .Paris must be acting as aa
Independent force, holding the convex
side of a curved battle line and free to
menace the communications of the enemy,
Allien Sneered on Left.
Bits of news already coming In from
the wounded ahow that the allies gained
a distinct success on the left, tha enemy
suffering greatly while trying to . cross
the river Marne. As fast aa pontoons
were finished the French three-Inch guns
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.)
A. ,
House or
Omaha is a city" of desirable
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In any section of the city
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The widest possible range of
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Look over the listings in
the '"Houses and Cot
tages" columns and mark
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the advertiser you are
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particular courtesy. '
Telephone Tyler 1000