Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1914, Page 6, Image 6
G THE T.KF.r OMAHA. TFKKDA V, SHITFMBKII 8. 1!M4. fh. fa A, By MELLIFICIA. Monday, September 7, 1914. THE first week of September brlnss home many mmnicr travelers. Snmoier cottages at the lake are being closed and tourist are returning from Europe, and extended trips at the seashore and mountain. Miss Dorothy Parlow, who has been enjoying an outing with the Campflre Girls at the beautiful country estate of her uncle, Outson Borg lum, in Connecticut, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Judson and Mlaa Dorothy Judson have returned from the Minnesota lakea. Mrs. Osgood Eastman and her daughter, Miss Oretchen Eastman, re turned Sunday from Kvanston, where they have been v'sltlng since re turning from the east ten days ago. Mlaa Helen Eastman, who haa been At a eummer ramp In Michigan, will also return. Mrs. E. P. Peck came home Friday from summer at W'ianno. Her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Barker, and children earn the day before with Un. O. W. Wattles and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed and their daughters, all of whom have been at Wianno since July. Mrs. F. If. Davis and Mist Davis arrived home Thursday from Green wich, Conn., where they spent a week at the Edgewood Inn, after tearing Watch Hill. Jilts Mellora Davis stopped In Milwaukee to visit a school friend. . tjT.ii' "Dartv . thirty-six aut at Hineheon; Mrs. T. II. For Wedding Party. Morton, eight. rd Mr.. O. W. Wicker. MIm Marion Carpenter and Mia M' nam flftn Darlow will '"(erUin at dinner Tuada, Twty ,. c.rpnnter ,nd "'' " .'"" .Miss Dnrlow will have twelve uasts: twiHed the T'ntveranv of towa and Is rnn nectM with the i-amienKr-r offle of the HurlltiKton railway. For Out-of-Town Guest. Hlii R'M Roaera enttrrtalnel at eupprr at her hime Kunday evenln(C In honor of MIM Nell Wold of Turlf.k. Cat. whn Is the house guest of Mlaa Muhel Nelson. Oarden flowers wre used tn the decora tions and the plare cards wrre In the form of conundrums rovers were laid for: Mlafee Carrie Mitchell, Htnlla IV lliox, I'rus Itniters Mlssea Nell Wold. Nell Travar. Mahol Neleon I ! Chambers, Messrs Wlllnrd Oiamhera, Krneet Hutch, Kvrrett Roxrr. Meaars. Marry Nelson. Italph I'yndall, Elva Hammer of Harlan. Ia., and Mr. Harry Carpenter, whose wedding will take place eptemher IS. Tha brlde'i later, Mrs. Theodora WIMIa, will ba matron of honor and tha bridesmaids wilt ba Misses Marion Carpenter, Ida Harlow, Cecil Cobb of Harlan, la., Ruth Lewis of Harlan, la. Mr. Sanford Olt ford will be beat man. Thoae present at tha dinner Tuesday evening will ba: Misses Misses Klva Hammer, Ruth Lew la Ceclle Cobb of Harlan, la. of Harlan, la. U Darlow, Marlon Carpenter. Mesara. Harry Ryan, hanford Oiffnrd, Charles Carpenter of Kansaa City, Mesara.- Harry Carpenter, laaac Carpenter. Herbert Hammer, of Harlan, la.. Mrs. Theodora M tills. Letter from Brussels. A letter from Mrs. Jean Gulslaln, nee Rose Coffman, was celvad by on of her Omaha friends last Friday In which aha) says that ahe and her husband are doing night hospital work In the convent aoroes tha street from their home In Brussels. Tha convent has been turned Into a hospital with seventy beds, and aha la kept busy helping make sheets and bandages and nursing tha wounded. Itrua rels' publlo buildings, have many of them, been turned Into hospitals and there were 2,h00 beds prepared for the care of tha wounded. Tha Utter waa dated Aug' ust 11 At Happy Hollow. Among those having guests Punday evening at the club were: It. F. Miller, who had nine guests; Pwlght Williams, three-. F. H. Capln. flva; C. H. Marley. three; James Drummond, five; U. . Mo Council, two; A- C. Loomls, three; Dr. J. P. Lord, two; NorrU Brown, six; James Durness, three; It. C. (llebler, two; C. C, George, three; J. II. Morton, three; W. 8. Curtis, four; Dr, A. D. Cloyd. four! A. R. Wella, four; H. H. Johnson, thrs: E. 8. Folaora, two; W. 8. Belby. two; 1. F. Trentlss, four; A. B. Curry, two; C, O. Talmaue, (ouri W. II. Oatea, seven. Tuesday Mrs. T. J. O'Nell will have Irving Ranter, ton; A. R. C. Peters, fourteen. R. Wella, eight; European Travelers. Mlsa Annie Hoy I. returned Saturday, after having spent two montha In Europe. Slie waa In F;nKland when war waa de clared and as the boat ahe waa to aall on waa eels ad by the government to trans port troops she managed to secure paa sage on the Baltic, which arrived n New York August 21. She made a short stay In New York before returning to Omaha. Her alster, Miss Mary poyle, preceded her on another boat Hamilton-Barber Wedding-. The wedding of Mlsa Mildred Barber, daughter of Ir. and Mre. P. T. Barber, and Clinton Hamilton took place Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at tha home of the bride' a parents. Rev. Nathaniel Mc Olffln of the Flret Preabyterlan church of Fremont, formerly of the Lowe Ave nue Preabyterlan church of this city of ficiated. The bride wore an afternoon gown of French hand emuroldrrVd crepe, made In tha Russian tunlo style, with corsage bouquet of white sweet pees and bride's roses. There were no attendant. Fol lowing the ceremony a wedding supper waa served for the Immediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton lott for a wed' ding trip to Chicago, Milwaukee and the lakea of Minnesota and after October 1 will be at home at M Davenport street. The wedding comes aa a aurprlae to the many friends of the young people. The bride la a member et the 1P14 rlasa of the Central High school. Mr. Hamilton at At Carter Lake Club. One of the larger dinner parties at Carter Lake club Saturday evening In cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Max mlth. Mr. and Mre. '. L. Itrsen, Mr. and Mra. Roy Cat here. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. OullH. . Ir. and Mm. C H. Oietaen. Mr. and Mrs. A. Boronsen. Mr. and Mra. F. A. i'ardun Mr and Mrs. L. 1'. Heeney. Mr. and Mrs. i. K. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. JMward liralnerd. At the Country Club. Sunday evening H. O. Moorhead had four guests at the club; A. Q. Beeeon, three; M. O. ColpeUer, four; W. B. Ba alnger, flva; O. C. Rcdlck, tour; J. T. Stewart, Id., six. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mra. M. T. Patrick returned Saturday from Kurone. i Mrs. K. II. Pprague will return Monday from Chicago where she hce been the guest of her sisters for three week. Mrs. Charles CI. McDonald and daugh ter. Charlotte, have returned from Mil ford, Conn. Mrs. McDonald's mother, Mrs. Everett Clark, returned with her-' Mr. Thomas M. Orr haa gone to New York to remain two weeka. In Chicago he will be met by Mrs. Orr who will con tinue the trip with him, both going to visit relatives. Mrs. Charles Rosewater and daughter, Irene, left last evening for Chicago, New York, Boston and Northampton. At Northampton Miss Rosewater will enter Smith rollege. Mrs. Robert Norhelm of Alexander, N. D., who has been visiting In Omaha leaves Tuesday for Iowa, where ahe will visit friends before returning home the latter part of tha week. Kiss Ma.' Mahoney :g expected home this week after spending the summer In tha east, tihe took a special course In French at Columbia university and later visited friends 1" New Tork, Washington and Chicago. Mr. and Mra. C. R. Brown and daughter, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Clay, have gone to Colorado, where they will remain several weeka before re turning to their home In St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Brown Is deputy auditor of the I'nl veralty of Minnesota. Mr. Wayland W. Magee returns today from Quebec, Can., where he went to aerve aa best man ct the wedding of Mr. Paul Uarpnr of Chicago, and Miss Isabel Vlneent of Minnesota. The latter was on her way home from Europe. Ha also visited his father la Chicago. Turpin's Dancing Academy, 28th and Farnam OPENS SEPTEMBER UTH. Adult Begtnneve, Monday P. M.' Adult Advanced, Tuesday I P. M. fctudentg iolnlng Sept. 14-11 will be glvin a reduction of It. 00. AppUcatlona reoeived now. Iret aaeeinbly Saturday evening, Oct 10th. First Children's Class Saturday, Oct 10th. Beginners 1 :30, advanced 1:90 P. M. Private lesaona dully. If you want to be up-to-date, learn the One Pltnp 'enter, Walts Canter, Half nnd Ilajf. Mavlxe and Hesitations. Stags and fancy danulng taught. Harney 6143. -y:izzm zzmm:Mzm mzz0 8$0m .s;.;,-,''v';:,:,tix,,;iv.;;;;; r jjr : ;JLaiJuiiL5 U ;i JllMim ,iit :;: - .z . I ifisfe nse.aissaa.HJW i ;;-1 v.- . - .. ; "iVi'.'.-r'.'lS';' 1 Best by Test You can be as happy as this Chef be as expert a he, bake the good tbioga be bakes, with as much case and enjoynx-nt, wtth as much ecrtalutjr aad economy If yo e Calumet he moderate pnee, tuxfe-quality, Dewr-failura liak Ing I'owdcr. Try it. , RECCTVCD H1CHUT AWARD World's Pure Fua4 CxpeaitaBe faris Exiwaitfaiev Fa VBovs' Suits. SS s s s Suits that cannot be equalled at the price. High grade tailoring and materials. Each suit. hnH two pairs of pants. latest Norfolk models. Best in Berrlce, atyle and satisfaction. Fall Blanket Stocks Blankets and bed comforts for fU are here in complete assortment of styles and qualities. We offer the best products of tbe leading mills at very reasonable prices. Interesting Features of Early Fall Apparel Displays The completetrpss of our stocks of fall garments, the beauty of their styles and the unquestionable excellence of their qualities are points i ,nt'!f"t to VT woman, and you owe it to yourself to make an Inspection of our offerings soon. If you hare not done so. New things are ar riving by practically every express, keeping the stocks always at the height of completeness, so that whenever you come here you will find styles that have not been shown before. For Tuesday we make a special offer of popular priced garments. Smart Fall Coats, $12.50 Women who want stylish looking and service able coats at a popular price will be Interested In the selection we offer at 912.50. They are all late model, tailored of high grade serges. diagonal cloths, In a large assortment of colors. Autumn Skirts for S5.00 Several hundred new dress skirts are now displayed at $5. Tailored of serges and poplins, in various colors. All high girdle Russian tunic models, fclmllar to those sold at much higher prices. Sale of Silk Waists, $2.98 These are tbe very newest styles In chiffon, crepe dn chine. Georgette crepe, taffeta, nefand iaca. iney axe makers samples and regularly worth to $7.50. Tues day, while they last. choice. UfigJA O Oft T Modish Silk Dresses Basque Style $10 A special group of these fashionable dresses will be priced very modestly. They are all excellent quality satin In black, navy and brown with white satin collar. All have the pretty RtiBsian tunic skirts. We regard these as very extraordi nary values at $10. jit' New Serge Suits, $17.50 The serge suits we feature for Tuesday at 117.60 cannot be duplicated In style or quality at the price. They are correct, long coat models with Russian tunic skirts, and are exceptional In every detail of deelgn, tailoring and finish. Petticoat Special, $1.95 a S For Tuesday we have arranged a special group of petticoats at a bargain price. They are all excellent quality mesaallne silk with jersey top, and come in black and various colors. Un usually good values at $1.05. Waists Worth to $1L5, 59c White lingerie blouses with trimmings of dainty ery. Some are slightly mussed or soiled from display. Regular prices up to $1.76. Special Tuesday In numerous styles, laces and embroid- B9d Unrivaled Selections of High Grade Silks and Dress Goods Roman Stripe Silks Rom a a atrlpes are In fav or. We show a splendid assortment for combina tions, waists and entire dresses,' in crepe de chine, sole satin, chiffon taffetas and mensaline' weaves, at from $1.00 to $2.50 Black Satins For Wednesday we offer 20 pieces of beautiful Swiss satin royal for suits and coats. Very lustrous finish and exceptional qual ity. Yard wide. Qualities worth $1.75 and $3.00, divided into 2 lots, at $1.25 ' $1.50 Fall Suitings Special. Among tbe prominent weaves for fall we mention Drap D' Alma, gabardines, satin soleil, satin prunella, chiffon broadcloth, costume serges and mannish suitings, at special prices, 60 to 54 inches wide; $1.00 to $2.03. Imported Velvets The scarcest fabric on the market Is black chif fon velvet. We are in posi tion to offer several splen did N qualities at lower prices than elsewhere. All 4 2 inches wide, yard S2.05. S3. 95. 84.95 T $5.95 Popular Priced Suitings. High Class Silks Consisting of plain and brocade satlna, crepe de chine, crepe de Paris, printed crepe Cantons, black and colored dress silks in various weaves. All 4 0 Inches wide and worth $1.60 to $1.95, at 98c Silk and Wool Poplin These poplins are in all the new fall shadings, In cluding black. Full 40 Inches wide and specially adapted for the new bas que dresses. 100 pieces of an unusually fine quality, very specially priced at $1.29 Special offer of 3,000 yards of high-class, 42 to 54-inch suitings.- representing pebble weaves, diagonals, gabardines. French serges, stripes and checks in a splendid assortment of colorB. On bargain square, yard, 70c and 98c. Full Dress Patterns. Each containing ample material for any style suit or dress, 4n granite weaves, serges, mixed suitings, fancy stripes and checks, etc.; 4 to 5 yards In each pattern and worth fully One-Third more; $1.05, $2.48 and $2.05. Basement Special Yard-wido to 40-inch fall suitings, in many weaves, French and Scotch plalda, black and white checks, serges, etc. Very special, yard, 30c and 40c. Basement Special Several hundred mill ends of dress goods in lengths from I Ml to 5 yards. There are over 20 weaves. Big bargain. For entire piece, $1 and $1.80. I New Autumn Draperies select, yard, 49c, 05o and Otic. Rtamlne, in endless variety, 36 and 40 inches wide. Plain aad fancy centers with ribbon edges, 19c, 23c Cretonne, the finest display we have ever presented. (? Priced at, yard, 19c to 75c. Ktam libn Curtains, in every conceivable style. . at prices from OHc to $10 pair. ir lU"ly Drape Curtains, something very new in dosens of patterns, $1.25, $1.50, $1.98 and $2.98 pair. Quaker Lasce Curtains, are sold in Omaha at Bran- Three casus these f"11 ecru art Ivory oolora, worth tl.KO to $2.60 a pair. Only one or two pairs of a kind. In the bax.ment AQl 19V 7 Tuesday, each ...... 1,000 traveling' men's aatn plea of fine bunKalo.v and novelty neta In lengths from 1 to 1H yards lon. Wortu as hi;h aa 11.25 a yard. Hp- clal In aach buaeinent, at. I5c The Latest ia Fine Foot- Mm wearpip Patent leather fore part, new pointed toe, French heels, fawn color buckskin top. New spat pattern. A beautifully fashioned boot of finest quality, at $7.50. Sale of $1 Laces at 59c Yd. Oriental lace flouncing, ahadow lace flouncing and embroidered net flouncing, black chantilly silk flouncing, black silk figured nets, 36-lnch shadow allovers, 27-inch wash blonde nets and many novelty laces; regularly worth up to $1.00, on sale Tuesday, yard 59c 4 flouncing, 18-lnch embroid- f ered net flounclnr. orlen- a- Embroidery. 18 and 27-ln. flouncing, corset cover and baby em broidery in Swiss, nainsook and cambric. Importer's samples, 5 to 10 yards long. Worth up to OC 6 So yard. Special; aOC Lace Special. 18 and 24-lnch shadow tal and Venice lace edges ana Dan a s, ana -incn hsar1d chiffon n worth to 75c, 39c S Lace and Embroidery, Worth to 35c Shadow laces, oriental net tops, Piatt Val and Venice laces and fancy colored embroidered crepes and r 4 5 New Fall Rugs Here 1, -.til V n m . .... 1 .tlA-ot.A .mi. ,n - amine the stocks of new ruga ready now. ,The patterns and colorings are more rich and artistic than any we have previously ;3 shown. Qualities are of the invariable ? Brandela standard of excellence, and prices are much to your advantage. V Best Axminister Rugs An exceptionally fine selection of these serviceable rugs. They are priced as Kj. follows: j . Ox 12-foot lze, at $25.00 S b-Hx 10-O-foot sUe, at $22.50. New Body Brussels Rugs These are in beautifully colored atlover 29 patterns. Their many points of excellence make these ruga very much in demand. Ox 12-foot "lie, at $30.00. H-310-B-foot size, .at $27.50. Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs These are among the best rugs made. t They give splendid satisfaction under hard 3 service. Their attractive patterns and col- orlngs will interest you. SOx 12-foot at $33.00. 8-3x1 0-O-foot aUe, at $31.00. Domestics, Wash Goods Fine quality dress ginghams, In fall styles, neat stripes and checks. 10c grade, yard DIJC lres and wramr percala, bookfold, In Indigo blue, black, grey and shepherd checks, 10c f" 1 value OzC White shaker and domet flannels. Kxtra weight, warm, fleecy nap. Remnants of 8c grade, r 1 yard OC 27 -Inch fancy outing flannels in blue and pink hair line stripes and checks, 10c value, r 1 yard 0C IW-autifully figured Duckling and kimono fleece flannelette. Fall and winter weights. 12 He ftl values , 52 C Genuine imported dreaa Miplin. Highly mercerized finish. In the leading shades. 20c i r" value.... IOC 34-iiH'h bookfold cotton dress goods In black and white, broken plaids and tweed effects. - ni 19c value, yard 1.2 C Yard-wide bleached mtisiin. Kxtra fine quality in serviceable lengths. Values to 8c, r yard C Iieautiful drens crepe, box weave and neat stripe effects. Fast colors. 16c value, to close out, rj 1 yard iC Now is Corset Time 4 . v 3 x ou shotild pur- cliase your fall corset before you look t suits or gowns. For the corset, all careful dressers know, is tbe foundation of the cos tume, and upon It de pends much of the effec tiveness of the suit or dreaa. It your corset is correct, your appearance can hardly fail to be smart. The figure of the coming season Is erect, tbe poise normal and easy. The waist is largB, with a slight curve over hips. If you would have your figure conform to fashion's requirements, you should have your corset fitted at Brandels. We have several new fitting rooms, so you will not have to wait. Our fitters are all expert oorsetieres. With their aid, and with such a complete corset stock as ours from which to choose, you should have no difficulty in securing a perfect fitting, smart appearing corset that will give you perfect satisfaction. Fltttxg appointments may be made by Phone. s s I Tuesday Comes an Important Sale of Dress Forms $1.50 Bnst Forms, 85cs Jersey covered bu.t forms, with wood bottom. Perfectly proportioned. Ketrular' $1.50 value, at only 85c. $3.6o Dress Forms, $4.98. Four sectional dress forms; adjustable to any size. Jersey covered and with perfect lines. Regu lar $S value, at only $4.9S. $10.00 Dress Forms, $5.98. Th "La fhrtvet." .... v a--'. iiist'ihlf tiroes tnnn. in , sizes 32 to 46; also ad justed at hips, waist and neck. Regular $10 value; special, $5.98. Empress Dress Form The Empress dress form can bo adjusted to any fig ure. Specially adapted for in Uses or for very stout per sons; priced glS.oo. tfl wwm I I lTVO&A' I l tusr aimi TLflTY tmmmk waa I 1 " i""T I V ' una ' m BBFJa' SBr naaa UBBBBBa BB SBVOIIU - 1 1 m mm V 7 i7 ' naKiaaa The Queen, $18. The (ueen dress fonn is adjustable at, waist, hips, neck, shoulders, underarm and bufct, and each part can be adjusted independently of the others, so that your ilie and figure will be ex actly duplicated, priced at $18.00. $5 Brut Forms, $2.50 Adjustable bust forms. Can be adjusted to any size, from 32 to 46, Jersey cov ered. Regular $5 value, $2.50. $4 Bust Forms, $2.98. Bust and stand, can be ad justed to any height. Per fect proportions. Regular $4 value, speciaJ, $2.98. $4.50 Dreiis Forms, $2.98. COLLAPSABLE pMe dress form with long rt bins and rierfpc.t li lips nnl adjustable to any height. Regular $4,.50 value, $2.98. $5.00 Drerg Forms, $2.98. New model dress form, Jersey covered and cor rectly proportioned. Can be raised or lowered any height: or size, from 32 to 44, $3 value, $2.9S. 1U 101 wAlil -ifi'irtVniti' Vili