il THR HKE- OMAHA. TTESPAVj SKlTEMttER lfiH. A' ( BRIEF CITY NEWS avt Moot TTi It Now Reaonn Prrs ridaUty Storsr aa Taa Oo. Cong, 111. ZJf htlsff rirturss, Burgfas-Qranden Co. Bsaattful All Moaara Iomn Tor Bait , fn the ay payment plan, Fanners Realty Investment Co. Thona Pou. 2SJS. Country Schools Opsa Tnssday Moat tf the country arhoola In Poutilss rounty will ern Tureday, acrordinK to Ruperts tendnt Yoder. A few of thrm began last week. "Today's CompltW MuTia rTOfTam" way be found on the first pagw of tha classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find oift what tlie various moving- picture theaters offer. BTany Before Folic Judfe One-hundred and s'xty-on persons were brought to the city Jail between the hours of 7 o'clock Saturday morning and 7 o'clock Monday. Moat of thte number were taken In for drunkenness or vagrancy. Barlaoa CoaTalMolaf Preston Dr.vlson thief rate clerk to the passenger depart rr.ent of the t'nlon Pacific, operated on for appendicitis, contlnuea to Improve and It la asserted that the crisis has passed. Clua to Entsrtata Tieltora A smoker and general evening's entertainment Is prepared by the Commercial club for the delegates -'to the mall clerks' conven tion for Wednesday evening at the Com mercial club rooms. SCHEDULE FOR FOREIGN MAILS TO J.EAVE OMAHA Curing the continuance of the unccr Ulnty In the dispatch of malls from this country for Europe, both ordinary and registered malls for Europe will he for warded to New York dally with everv Nash Says There is No Reason for War Prices Here Now "While, of course, we found big busi ness In the east In a more or less ex cited state of affairs as a result of the European carnage, we were able to pro cure our fall suppliea at legitimate prices, which will assure Omaha of no Increases at least at tha present time," declared Louis C. Nash, vice president of the Kurgess-Nasta company, upon his return from a six weeks' buying trip in the east. "We made our purchases of Imported goods last April .fortunately, and we will make no Increases in prices In any such articles, with the one exception of toilet articles. We purposely made our buying trip late, so we have ordered a full sup ply of all ready-to-wear goods of the latest patterns. Purchases made a month ago are now out of date because of the rapid change In designs, but tha stock we obtained is rthe latest In every detail. "We found all prices moderate, despite tha heralded advances and Omaha will be able to purchase at correspondingly moderate prices. But prices were not cheap. They were legitimate, but not In any way low, so that the public should beware of any advertised sales at ri diculously low prices,, whether that sale Is advertised by Burgeas-Nash or any other concern. "At the present time our expectations re for a big fall season. We intend to make our considered Improvements and wo do not Intend to lag In our efforts to please the public. Prices alt depend upon the length of this. war. With its continuance It will probably mean In crease in prices In the east. That means we will be compelled to advance In even ratio, but until our purchasing prices advano we will not advance our selling prices." Insurance Company Gives Employes Day . OH to Attend Fair The Guarantee Fund Life Insurance company is the first to speak up with a promise to give Its forae a day off Sep tember 10, so they can attend the State fair at IJncoln. The office employs twenty-five persons and all expect to at tend the State fair on that day. It Is expected that other companies will follow the example, in order that the crowd of Omaha and South Omaha people may be welled aa large as possible for the spe cial day at the fair. Automobiles will be admitted in the fair grounds upon payment of one extra admission, no matter bow many occupy the machine. Automobile parties are to meet at the Lincoln hotel at 10 o'clock, from whence they will start a parade through the streets on the way to the (air grounds. Reserved aeat tickets are to be on sale In Omaha for the grand stand for tha special "card of horse races that is to be scheduled for that day. Many cards are daily coming by . mail to the bureau of publicity stating that the writers will go to the fair and statin? the manner In which they expect to go, whether by rail or by auto. Thua far the list of autos stands round forty. Autos will fly Ak-Sar-Een pennants, which, aside from making a splendid showing lii the parade, will be sufficient to get the i m parked free of charge In the fair grounds. dispatch, for that office to connect with steamers as opportunity affords. Keg Is tered malls rearh every rvxtofflre in the world. Valuable mall should be regis tered. The parcel post service to (lr manv and France has been suspended. Parcel post packages for these countries will not be accepted until further notice Packages fully prepaid at the letter rate will he forwarded to destination same as letter mall. The following Information Is given out by the timarm nostoi'ftre, the time given being the Omaha closing time for mall to be sent on the boat designated: 7S p. tu.. 8ept. Helhg Olav: Norway, Pweden. I'rnmavk, Crermsnv und Kussla. 7.3" p. m., Sept. tan UukIIopio: Italy, 'lermsnv Austria. Servls. Bulgaria. Rem. manU. Turkey and Uree-e. 7 s in., 8eot. lii-Verona: '.erinsny and Austria, also specialty addressed corre spondenco lor other lountilrs 7 a m . Sept lo K reenlsnd Britain and Ireland. 7 a. in., Sept. to -Pmtores est Indies, via New ork. 7 Si p. m.. Sept. 10-Uochanibeau: Europe, (esiept Germany and Austria). Oreat Jamaica, 7 a. rrv. Sept ift Faxonla . Great Britain and trelind. 7 a. m , Sept 1.1 Rotterdam- ilermanv. 7 a. nv. Sept. 14 St. liiils: Europe, (ex cept Germany end Austria). 7 a. m. Sept. 14 -Zarapa: Jamaica, West Indies, via New York. ' Arrnajnf Insr for It, A young man dining tn a restaurant one day ordered some noodle soup, and while eat'ng It came across a needle, tmmedt slely upon the discovery he railed the waller over and said: "look here, Walter, I found thl here needle In my soup The alter, with a surprised look, glanced at tiie needle and then picked up tli menu rard. looked up and down the prlntel col umns a moment, then a broad smile crept over bis fs-e and he exclaimed: "You see, sah. dt-dat am Jeet a typographical er rorrial dit should am bin a noodle." National Food Magailne. Omaha Clergymen Take War as Theme for Sunday Sermons War la such a prevalent subject of con versation that even the ministers have begun to talk quite generally about the European conflict in the course of thefir lermoni, and some even take war as their theme. Rev. Edwin Hart Jenka. in his first s rmon at the First Presbyterian church alnce he returned from a. vacation, em phasised Sunday the commanding peti tion of the United States, now that all the other great nations are at war. He urged strict neutrality In thought aa well is expression, and aald that out of the present situation this country may be nble to bring peace. -Among the sermons preached Sundnry in Omaha were the following: "Why I Am Not Praying for the Great War to," by Rev. Charles W. Savldge of the J.'eo ple'a church; "For Such a Time as Tils," by Rev. Hugh B. Speer of the Central United Presbyterian church; "Satan Be witching the World," by Rev. Clarence N. Bwihart of Grace English Lutheran church; "Permanent Peace," by Rev. U. W. Snyder of St. MattheWa English Lutheran church; "After the Vt'art What Next?" a Bible prophVey by Ur. C, W. Farrcll of the International Bible Stu. dents' afsoclatlon. Ilr. K !' Mew 1.1 fe rllla ured ilr. K. W. Ooodloe, Pallas, Tex., of malaria and biliousness. Beat rcguibtpr ut liver, stomach and bowels. Sm All druggtola. Advertisers 3fc Monday, September 7, 1914- BUROESS-NASH COMPANY- -Store News for Tuesday BUROESS-NASH COMPANY Sixteenth and Harney Streets. W Si "?rr hr?r. t IT MteKEMIiSJIlt:- T1- irr?'f',' JPr - ' ' i ' '- , ' . ' "'"f .ijr fTX tlSa Mi e'- Kitchen Cabinets Within the Means of Nearly Everyone at $23.75 A ND what comfort a kitchen cabinet affords the housewife. Every thing handy from a pinch of salt to the pots and rans. It. saves steps saves labor saves reaching saves bending and best of all, saves wear and tear on the system. This cabinet Is made In Golden oak, rub bed to a dull finish by hand, has a top cup board fitted with glass doors, a large tilting white enamel flour bin, easy to handle and easy to keep clean. Cupboard is fitted with Rlass sugar Jar on swinging Iron arm. glass t?a and coffee can isters, six glass spice Jars, carving set hanger and a recipe card holder. A full nlckelotd sliding top (36 in. wide by 25 In. deep, when openl with Individual sliding bread board. The base of the Cabinet has a large cup board with sliding shelf, two drawers, full metal cake and bread drawer with sliding metal cover, pan reck and rolling pin holder on aoor. cabinet Is 5 foot, 11 inches high and Is fitted with casters. Very easily handled. B arrets-Wash Co. Third rioor. Silver Chest of 26 Pieces for $5.98 TTTM. ROGER'S sliver plated ware, 26 pieces, consisting or 6 knives, 6 " forks, 6 desert spoons, C teaspoons, butter knife and sugar shell in neat chest, sale price fs.l8 Silver Polish Alarm Clocks Regular 2Dc size bottle The "Lookout" Loud Alarm, gpe- for 10c clal for 1.00 Oo. Main Floor. f e0iEFITTERS, WEEK flffiJtaas EVKHY soot ion given ovor to morchntuliso f this sort contributes its host service to the. interest of homefitters this week. The sale has been planned to he of the greatest possible helpfulness in assisting the housewives in the Autumn tiniQ houseoleaning and brightening of the home for the new season. The sections that contribute this sale are: Lace Curtains Mattresses Rugs Silverware Housefurnishings Pianos Comforters Sheets Draperies China Beds Pillow Cases Linens Victrolas Blankets Etc., Etc. All have an extra attraction in the way of new goods aud jtjxvial values that will appeal to the ambitious housewife. Here's a LACE CURTAIN Sale That Will Appeal to Every Woman Who Has Needs of This Sort aw 1 bT mm tiiiBMM:ii I'll I T'S a sale the outcome of a very fortu nate purchase. Ore of the largest curtain manufacturers realized their line at a certain price was entirely too large so they decided to discontinue makiiip certain patterns. We secured the entire line of discontinued designs, several hundred pairs, at a big price sacrifice and offer them to you in two big groups: 7.."VO $4.50 Sarhple Curtains, 65c and 95c Each Curtain, worth sale price, pair. . . Curtains worth lO.fto . aale price, pair , . . $5.50 Included in this purchase were 500 sample curtains, IV. yards long, made of marquisette in Arabian color with heavy insertion and macrame edges. In fact they are a lVs yard sample of curtains that I- t would sell regularly to $7.50 050-330 Q&. Loom Curtains 90c, $1.25 and $1.45 An extremely pretty line for selection in whiCe and ivory, also muslin and voile curtains with lace edges and colored borders. Some have heavy lace insertion and lace edges. In the homefitters ale, very special at 90c, $1.25 and $1.45 Per Pair Burrass-Vash Oo. Thlra Tloor. Table and Household Linens in the Homefitters, Sale E NEVER were so well prepared in this section as we are for the present 'season. Long months ago long before there was any sign of conflict in Europe or advance in prices we placed our orders. w Linen HE merchandise Is all here tn we have ever offered. Here i Table Cloths at ODD cloths that have become slightly soiled from counter display and no napkins to match; thats the reason for the great reduc tion. They are extra heavy pure linen, double satin finish, several neauuiui designs, sizes ii, avt ana 4 yards. 93.RO Table Cloths af $1.75 $5.00 Table Cloths at 92.H0 $7.75 Table Cloths at $3.87 $ 8.75 Table Cloths at 9lO.n0 Table Cloths t $12.50 Table Cloths at Kitchen Necessities Underpriced .IM.S7 . $5.25 . $6.25 Little things at a small price, but which help to make the work easier and relieve the drudgery. Sponge Dish Cloths, dozen ..55c Silver Polishing Cloths, each 25c Pot Cleansers at, each . ... w15c Dusting Cloths, each 15c Polishing Cloths, at each ; . . .25c Scrubbing Cloths, per dozen 85c aurrMs-irasB Co. Mala rioor. New Table Damask 25 Lower Extra fine quality double satin finished damask, 70 Inches wide, In an assortment of pleasing new designs, rose, vine, holly, chrysanthenum, carnation, stripe and key border, etc., J t 1 Q at yard , J 1 1 Napkins to match the a!xve patterns at dozen $3.50 stock, and is larger In assortment, and, we believe, better In valuet than s an example of what this homefitters sale meam to you: Towels in the Homefitters Sale I4nen Table Damask at 00c 70 inches wide, all linen, bleached and unbleached, several good pat terns from which to select. Home fitters' sale price, yard tttc Mercerized Table Damask, 80c 68 Inches wide, extra heavy mer cerized finish, choice of many patterns. Homefitters' sale price, per yard 30c $3.50 All Mnen Dinner Napkins at $2.75 Bleached all pure linen napkins, dinner size, 22x22, or 24x24 Inch, good selection of new designs. Kegulnr price $3.60. Homefitters' sale price, per dozen $2.75 Co. Main rioor. IIICK TOWKLS, all linen. Ger man make, damask borders and some hemstitched, also colored borders, dozen $2.75; each.. 'A Tl'RKIHH TOWELS, good size for every day use, sale price, per dozen, $1.85; each 12 Uc Ht'CK TOWKLH, large size, some have slight Imperfections, fast col or border, splendid quality, per dozen, 85c; each 7He HICK TOWELS, extra large, all white or with colored border, per rfnxon ll.ftft: each 12Uc Toweling in Homefitters Sale TWUiliKU tow nusu, meacnea the usual 8c quality, sale price, 25-yard bolt, $l.nO; yard ,.4Hc BLEACHED TOWELINO, extra good quality for kitchen use, red or blue border, Bftc quality, oc Barrass-sTaah Co Mala rioor. ROLLER TOWELING, all linen, bleached, with red or white border 12 He quality, yard 0e ROLLER TOWELINQ extra heavy brown, all linen, especially adapt ed for rough use, yard 11c This Beautiful BRASS BEDSTEAD, Ex actly Like Illustration, Tuesday at $ 1 3.50 ND what's more vc consider it the greatest value wo have offered in many months. It is full size, satin continuous two-inch posts, trimmed with artistic J 1 O Efk brushed brass mounts. Five - tPluiJu Inch spindles, head 54 inches high, foot 36 inches high, casters are made of lignum vltae, the hardest known wood; special in the homefitters' sale at S13.50 Metal Red Kprlnga, Rronze Finish, $3.25 This Is a really splendid spring, lj-lnch pipe sides, malleable Iron corners, 3V4-inch elevation, 25 steel helicles in each end, supporting indestructable non rust top. Positively guaranteed not to sag. Ab solutely sanitary. An easy spring to sleep on. price . . jco 25 48-Pound Felt Tufted Mat treses, $7.50 Heavy roll edge, guaranteed never to get lumpy or hard. Covered with heavy, durable art ticking. This is a much better mattress than is usually advertised for $10.50 to $12.00. Many mattresses sold at a low price re made from second-hand renovated cotton. This mattress is positively guaranteed to be constructed entirely of all fresh, new material. The ticking comes in blue, brown and green patterns, so in ordering please state pattern preferred. In Homeflttsrs' sale at . . . . r etn A filing lXJJLLIX Hnrg-sas-ETaah Co. Third floor. HOME NEEDS On Sale Tuesday 3ani- flush. v CaVTi can ni for 'r : $ 17c NFJ Toilet paper, 10c rolls, 4.25c Toilet Paper, crepe finish, 6c rolls. 8 for 25c Household Am monia, 1 qt. 14c Horn Chips, large pkg. lOe Liquid Veneer, 25c bottle, 17c Johnson's Floor WX.BOc c'n 37c Rorax, 20-Mule-Team, 1 lb. Oo Rubber Glove, 50c Johnson's Sul phur Candles, 4 for 18c H. ft II. Clean ing Soap, per cake .... 12c Safety Matches, Tues.. BOO . .8c Ivory Hoap, 5c size, 6 cakes 10c Yarns for Tieing Comforters at 5c ;Inds, 5c Kels Naphtha Soap, 10 cakes for 30c Burrsss-ITash Electric Spark Soap, 8 cakes for 25c Co. Mala rioor. $40.00 ROYAL WILTON RUG. Size 9x12 Feet, in Homefitters Sale at $33.00 TIIE8K rugs were bought, before the advance in prices and we are mnaUed to offer you a most remarkable lot of new designs and colorings. The rugs are 9x12 feet and are regular C9Q fill $40 values, sale price yJJ.UU $3.50 Axmlnstcr Rugs, $2.05 An extra heavy quality, size $6x60, splendid selection of new designs and colorings, regular price $3.60, sale price 82.95 Wool Fibr Rugs Small patterns lnTlue. brown and green, very desirable for sun and sleeping rooms. Two sizes 8-3x10-6 Wool Fibre Rurs 9-&0 0x12 Wool Fibre Rugs at $4.05 writ wmxi:M.maixL i LINOLEUMS SPECIALLY PRICED PRINTED LINOLEUMS in a large selection of colors and designs, 6 feet OQ. wide, yard PRINTED LINOLEUMS, heavy quality. 12 feet wide, new designs and col- C'7 orings, yard OC Burr ssa-Xfash Co. TUrd Floor. r 10 selection of odd lots of yarn in a variety of colors and kinds. slightly sdlled but very desirable for tleing comforters per skein , Slain ed Pillows, 10c Stamped pillows, centers and table runnerg on light and dark crash, with 6 skeins of mercerized floss for working in cross stitch, solid and outline embroidery, special, each i Oc Pennants, lOc Ak-Sar-Ben pennants, each . . .10c Dresser Scarfs, 08c lAce trimmed lace and cretonne dresser scarfs in dainty Dresden patterns, also small scarfs and table covers to match, special, each 08c Laundry Rags, 35c -An assortment of colors, extra large size, 60c values, each . ,35c Bnrg-sss-HsBh Co, Second Tloor, $4.00Wool Filled BLANKETS Full 11-4 Size in the Sale, at Pair $2.98 YOU will not find such good val ues later. Stocks are large, but with such concesxions hundreds of pairs will find homes at once. These fancy colored plaid, checks and broken checked blankets are all wool filled, full 11-4 blze and would read ily sell at $4 per pair. Homefitters' sale price Tuesday,-per fo no pair SDad.UO $2,041 Cotton nianketa at $l.iO The best cotton blankets are here. Fancy checked, nlaid. tan rav mil white with pretty borders, full 11-4 size. You can hardly distinguish the new finish from all wool. These thick warm blankets are worth $2.00 per pair, uunng our Homentters sale Tuesday, pair i 10-4 Cotton niunketa, $1.50 i All the 10-4 size blankets, same as the above, will' be be marked at, the pair .$1.50 S1.69 Cotton Rlanlut Kheets, 25c Hundreds of gray cotton blanket sheets, full size, in the Homefit ters sale at, each 25c RED SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES 85c Pequot Hheetw, rl.V j 15c Hematitched Cases, $0e Size 72x90 Inches, plain hemmed, 42x36 and 45x36 hemstitched and regularly 85c each; in the Homs- j plain hemmed pillow cases, the fitters' sale, each 65c : regular 1 5c grade, aach. . ' lOc uc aiiu - rietrru r iwiuririira, n:r Swansdown flannels and fancy fleeced flannel ettes, soft, fluffy, light and dark outing flannel in lengths suitable for making gowns, house drest-ea, children's wear, etc., good values at 10c and lli'-.c a )ard. Homefitters' sale price Tuesday, yard e Burssi-Masb Co Basamsnt. Great Sale of Materials far the Mtiking of Warm COMFORTERS WHERE are the housekeepers that do not long to possess several pretty warm comforters? This sale affords unusual opportunities to buy. wool batts, cotton batts and materials for coverings. Prices are very low note the splendid savings possible here Tuesday on your Autumn needs. $2.50 Wool Ratt at $1.05 Fleecedown and Southdown are the highest grade wool batts to be had. Just the right weight for making extra warm comforters, size 72x90 Inches. $2.50 would be a low regular selling prloe. Dur- f 1 OC the Homefitter' sale at, each D1 i7J ing Ideal or Royal Fleece, $l. Strictly all wool batts, size 72x90. $2.00 would be a low regular price sale price here Tuesday during the groat Homefltter's t CQ sale, at, each vl 37 Ratavia Wool RattM, ONc Batavia wool batts that are sold regularly at $1.50 will be sold dur ing our great Homefitters Qn sale Tuesday, at, each . . . tOC Wool Comforter Filling, $2.25 Two pounds of pure Lamb's wool, size 72x90, in cheese cloth cover, weight Including cover would be three pounds, good value at $2.98. During Homefitters" (Jrt nr sale price, each StttJ $1.25 Cotton ItatU at NOu Overstitrhed four-pound cotton batts, opens up full size, the regular $1.25 Mesco qa grade, at OXJC $1.00 Cotton Ilntt, Mic Overstltched 3-pound, full size cotton batts, the celebrated $1.00 Mesco batts, on sale f C at bye Nc Comfort Print, 4 He Standard Russian Turkey Red prints will make fast color, serv iceable comforters; 8c value, at, yard ,: 44c 75c 59c 39c $1.00 Cotton Halts at 75c Four-pound Noble batts, a grade you will want to make Into a soft, large size, worm comfort er, regularly worth $1, at 75c Cot I on RatU, 50c Three-pound Magic batts will make a full fiize, medium weight comforter, 7,r,c is the reg ular price; 'at, each.... 50c Cotton Halts, 80c Two-pound Loyal batts will make a full size, light weight comforter, 50c value, roll Cotton Ratta S, 10, 12, 14 and 16-ounce batts that are made from the finest stock thr.t grows will enter Into this salev. The prices are lower than rervularly. Batts at. 5c, 7 He, lOc, 12!r, 14c and 22 Me 2"c French Satlnes, 15c 36-lncVi French salines, beautiful floral and oriental patterns, the 25c (quality at 19c yard; the 20c quality at, yard Hilkollnes at 8 He' Fanry printed, yard wide ellko llnea, remnants of tha best o 1, Tuesday, at, yard s52C 15c 100-Piece DINNER SETS, $12.50 THESE dinner sets are very attrac tive, seml-poreelaln, with conven tional pattern, pretty, new shapes. lOO-Plece Dinner Hots, $13.75 Semi-porcelain with bUte border, new shapes. 1 OO-llece Dinner Set, $15.75 English porcelain with blue or green decoration. French China Dinner Sets $25.00 100 pieces, new decorations and shapes. Cut Glass Pieces at $2.05 Rich deep cuttings, new designs, including salad bowls, vases, nappies, vinegar cruets, fern dishes, sugars and creamers, very spe- J0 QC clal, each Pa s70 It's STOVE Time, and We're Well Prepared to Meet Your Demands - tTTE'RE the sole selling representatives In . vv Omaha and vicinity for Buck's stoves and ranges, recognized as the best lu their line. Ruck's Heaters Undcrprlced It's a special lot which have been used as floor samples and the nickel has become slightly scratched, only one of each. 1 Heater was $18.50, now 1 Heater wm $10.50, now 1 Heator was $2o.00, now 1 Heater was $22.M), now 1 Heater was $25.00, now 1 HeaUv was $30.00, now Oa Range BURGE SS-NASH COMPANY VERYBODVS STORE .$16.50 .$17.50 .$1H.OO . $20.00 .$22.00 .$27.00 High Oven Cabinets Several styles, wonderful gas savers, Rustnot copperlzed steel, baked enamel finish inside and out, aluralnumized oven, white enamel drip pans, delivered and connected, ready to J02 C f to 4tC ff use. The price taOsOU - pOUaUU Galvanized Wash Tabs In sizes 0, 1, 2 and 3, good, heavy quality, at, each ; 40c. 45c, 55c and 65o Clothes Baskets, all willow, well made, very b Btantlal, sixes 1, 2 and 3. at 50c, 60c and 75c Clothes Pins, good quality, on sale at 100 for 8 Coal Hoda, black Japan, open No. 15, at .. .ZOm Lighthouse Cleaner, reg. 6c size can, a for 5c Barf sss-sTash Oo. Basamsai. '