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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1914)
mi' Sm TIIF. HKK: OMAHA, Tt'KSDAY, SKPTFflVKi; 8, l!)U. 3 Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 ' Undivided profits,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE MERCHANTS UATI0I1AL BA.IK 13th and Farnam Streets LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK T. HAMILTON Vice President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier B. II. MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUGDALE. Assistant Cashier NOTE: Votss w!ll not s llowsd for other than bona fids new avinii account. Pull number of vote will be allowed up to sixty daye before cloee of contesi when ajlmlt of 10.000 will be placed on each new account. N0TICF TO CONTESTANTS Meet Tuesday we will pnbUeh the taadlu of ell coateatente who have turned la their nomination eonpene or caah checks for votes la this con test. Oet ronr receipts In by Bstur dy eTenlnr. so that your staadlnr wUl appear in th. list, thus lUln ycur friends know that yon are cotn petlnr for a trip to the Fanama exposition. Contestants' Standing Wa r Notice About Drugs Notwithstanding the European war condition which have no seriously Interfered with commercial transactions, our stock of crude drugs, chemicals, dye stuffs, pharmaceuticals, toilet goods, perfum eries, etc., is absolutely unbroken. Our long established policy of making purchases in round quan tities direct from manufacturers or Importers, is now of the greatest advantage to both ourselves and our customers. Our warehouse at 1514 Dodge street, which consists of 270 running feet of an orderly, well-kept stock. Is now a source of great satisfaction to us. We have thus far been obliged to advance prices on but a few items, and can at the present time supply every article demanded In this market. Our policy will be not to advance with the market, but to give our customers, in almost every instance, the benefit of our own well fortified commercial condition. Now, more than ever, the slogan la true: "YOU SAVE TIME AND MONKY BY TRADING AT THE REXALL STORES" SHERMAN & F.lcCOniiELL DRUG GO. 16th and Dodge fits. Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney Sts. , , Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam Sts. ... v Loyal Pharmacy, 207-9 North 16th St. Bracelet Watches timepiece, whether Everybody must have a bracelet watch nowadays. It is absolutely the most convenient traveling or at home, and it has come to stay. See our elaborate and varied display at all prices and in gold filled as well as solid gold, with gold or porcelain dial,. American or foreign makes; fine, dependable movement, from $15.50 to $32 XTTTtESKiNOF . WE CROVfS BP WE GOLDZH STAIRS mw' yd Attend the Great September PIANO SALE AT HOSPE'S HOSFE QUALITY HOSPE GUARANTEE BACK OV EACH PIANO. BRAMBACH GRANDS BUTIr SINCE 123 A Bungalow Mae. Just right for j our rest room ................. $455 And tip. KRANICH A BACH, 4o UP. HIM UA II ft2AS I P. BUSH e LANE. I8AO UP. ' CABI.E-NELSON, $2.TO IT. TERMS TO SUIT. tmmmrn la Am mmm We Also hmv USED PIANOS tnclud ing your larunio Good Values. P '-?t 11 111 J ' r-y Term.. 1513-15 DOUGLAS STREET Kama , Fay at. Watts xtuth A. Planey Mrs. Xnuna Perry Chsrles Mail Willi Ward..., rlTta Kahae O. A. Mjstrora Kobert laeeris Lownii Msry . Aherly Arthur WUdbeok Daniel A. Laoffsld am telahera- Aoewell Pott Mrs. . S. Smith Clyde 3. Luther oe Bohalek Pred Horn Oraca 1) . Baker, Beatrtoe, Hs. Herbert C. Wells W. J. Mettlen Chris Blmoneon. TJttaa, BTeh... Julian Harris Harry J. Beversoa Minor O. Kennedy Herbert C. London Marie H. Hirers Jennie X. Washburn Charles O. Thomas Myrtle O. Harrison Mrs. James Mortlmore Henrietta Sweneea Mra. Robert T. Jonee James I.. Hnlakofaky Myron SePorest T. O. Thompson Mrs. Qeoree B. Xrarea Louise PannJng'bert' Peal Horton Henry H. Hinr Mrs. luilan Lowdea Saranal I. Book John Pllokar Jnle Waohetela Harry Xrney Mra. H. BeTertdre Mra. Pinna Circle William Wlnqueat Ctretohen Kds-er Barnes O. Wisely era Xe Wayna HUey H. W. Beoker Mra. Jennie Martin Lillian Zrloksoa. Kearney, Hen John Cepleeha. Burwell. Heb. Mrs. Hattle Oibnrn Charles Kannlraa Robert W. M&llk H-osle Kessler of Totee. .3.711.338 . .3,910.987 .a,o32.ao5 .8,778.945 . 374,57 . 341,108 . 177,41 . laii.asi 54.141 14.69 .44 T.S11 4.7ia . . 3.9S8 1,639 1.707 1,000 l."oe looo . 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 Foreign Plants For 'Frisco Not Hindered by War The traffic department of the Panama-!a-f1c International exposition has re-i-olved word from eastern frMght fir wardlns; airents that the Interruption of transatlantic travel mused hy the Knrn pean war III not Interfere with the shipment from llollsnd of the hundred of thousands of Imlhs for the expoHlon Kr ilens. Ordore for the hulhs In Krrnt iimn titles were placed with luth mirrerv. men hy the landmape d-prtinent of the exposition. An the ttiltpe. Iris and other flowers InVluded In the order will form an eseentUl part of the Isndsrape dooo ratlon. considerable apprehenelnn wis felt over the possibility that Hollahd growers would he unnble to export the bulbs. The shipment will be the largest of the kind ever received In thla country. The traffic department of the exposi tion hita also received Word that a great quantity of Knglish plants, flowers and shrubs from Uverpool will shortly be hipped to the exposition. FAIR LIVE STOCK SHOW ' TO LAST ENTIRE YEAR 1.000 1.00O 1,000 1,000 1,000 loo l.uoo 1,000 1,000 1,000 How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition Rales ef Tnatest. 1 The Bee otters aaid will award three round-trip tickets and expenses to the Panama Exposition, the total cost of each trip to be tXJO. aa prize to the three) con testente having th snateat number of points at th close of th contest 2 This contest open to everybody ex cept employes of advertiser on thla pace und of Tb- Bee. t Th contest psge will be published on day each week and will run tor a perlnj of on year. 4-PoinU will be figured on th bssls of one point for each 1 cant shown on cash check or receipt for purchases mad from advertisers on thla pegs. I Cash checks must b deposited at or mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" The Bee not later than thirty days from date of payment of same and receipt will b Issued for tbom. Contest to close November T, 1914. All rash tickets and receipt must b turned Into Th Be office net later than I p, m. on closing day of contest, or It mailed, must be postmarked not later than that hour. Tfie live stock exhibit at the Panama Pacific International exposition In San Francisco will last throughout the period of the exposition, from February 20 to December 4. 1PIS. Competitions In the de partment of live stock will take place In October and Novemler of next year. In addition to I1TKV which has been set aside for caah premiums, other sums have been appropriated by Interested live stock associations, bringing the total to 127,000. A like amount Is offered In ptise for trotting races, making more than .riO(MKO for the greatest series of llv stock events the world has known. The ssnltery handling of milk and Its products will be given special attention In the dairy demonstrations. TIN MINING PART OF EAST INDIAN EXPENSIVE SHOW Cochin and Indo-Chlna, with an appro priation of UoO.OfiO. will make ap elaborate oispiay or mining industries, particularly of the products of the tin mines, at the Panama-Pacific International exposition In San Francisco In 191K. Java and the Dutch Kast Indies will expend $:S0,OX) on an especially comprehensive display and pavilion. The deed to the site on the exposition- grounds was delivered to the Javanese commissioners In October. 1913. WAR HAS NO EFFECT ON FRENCH PANAMA DISPLAY Scots to Convene at San Francisco M. Tirnisn, chairman of the French National conunlcsion to the Panama-Pacific International exposition, has cabled Charles C Moore, president of the expo sition, that the European war will not affect France' participation in the expo sition. France has appropriated $400,009 for Its participation and will make one of the most artistic dlsplsys it has ever made at an exposition outside of It own territory. White Elephants to Show at Fair (lam will make a unique exhibit at the : Panama-Pacific International exposition, one of the features being some of the I sacred white elephants which will be j sent to America by King (.'hulalong Korn. In charge of his brother. Prince Hajanl, who has been appointed exposi tion commissioner, directing the expendi ture of Slam's appropr atlon of $260,000. INSTALLING EXHIBITS AT PANAMA EXPOSITION An army of men Is completing the I landscaping of the Panama-Pacific Inter- ' national exposition. Huge date palms, orange trees In Morsom, wisterias, flow. erlng acacias, bsnana plants and great ; tree ferns, beds of crocuses and daffo dils, vast expanses of green lawn and embankments, and trees fifty or sixty feet in height, contrast with the Ivoi'y yellow of the exhibit palace, with their huge colonnsdes and peristyles. The er. of construction Upon the exhibit palacrs has passed and the Installation of the world's exhibits has begun. Within a few weeks thousands of exhibitors with their army of attendants, will be Install ing their displays. Altogether more than 70,000 tons of exhibits will be shown, the freightage alone upon these entailing an outlay of more than H.OXi.O;. From dnta furnished by railroad msnagere through out the Tnltcd States the traffic depart ment of the exposition estimates that more than 1,000.000 people will cross the PJocky mountains to the Pacific coast next year. CONCESSION ZONEOPEN AFTER EXHIBITS CLOSE The exhibit palaces at the Panama Pacific? International exposition at Han Francisco In 1915 will be open by day, closing at sundown, but the concessions district, the greAt "aone" will remain open until 11 o'clock at nlht. Admission to the exposition grounds for adults will be W rents, while for children under 13 J ears of sue It will b 26 cent. ANDERSON BELL, GROOM OF WEEK, HANGS HIMSELF After a week of married life Anderson Bell, 3S19 Fowler street, ended his life by hanging himself. He was found by Mrs. Nauglc and A. Flynn, neighbor, who discovered , his body swinging from a tree In the yard. Bell wa 63 years old and a retired farmer. He came here from Fremont several years ago. He wss married to a woman half his sge. Two daughters survive. Mrs. Klla Camp bell and Mrs. Blanche Davis, of Benson. Again We Say: "All Winter Clothes Should be gotten in shape NOW! Before the Rush!" f season's Suits. Wrap. Furs, Drees, Ovpnoatii und tho like will have to be clonned; they'll have to be pressed; perhap you should have them altered In style, or even dyed. We do alt thla to perfection: we will do H "1 in the rush season with the best grace poa- Hihle; but Y)HY should you WAIT? N br shouldn't you HAVK the rlothea all In readi ness whrn the COM) weather la HERE? Threescore worker are ready to take hold of your winter work. Dresher Bros. Dry Cleaners Dyers 2211-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha. v Rush Phone, Tyler 345 Own your horn. Ton n purchase on on easy monthly payments Ilk rent Read th real estate columns. PUBLIC SCHOOL COURSES OF STUDY TO BE REVISED Superintendent E. t Graff of public schools hsa announced the appointment of several committees to supervise the revi sion of the courses of study. A principal, a high school teacher and one teacher from each grade will compose the com mittee appointed to revise each subject. As soon this committee reports a num ber of revised courses will be published for distribution, s On August 17, 191.1, members of the or ders of Scottish Clans will gather at San Francisco frc all parts of the ITnlted mates and Canada fur the annual Royal Clan convention. The day will b sig nalized by the piping and dancing events. The bagpipe " will include plbroehs marches, strathspey and reels, with a world's championship medal for the piper making tlwe most points and rash prizes tor those winning a place. The dancing events will Include the Highland fling, sword dance and reel O'Tulloch contests, with a world's championship for th dancer obtaining th most polat. FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES Send or bring this coupon to the "Panama Contest Editor" of the Bee and you will receive 1000 votes in the Panama Contest. Only one coupon will be credited to a person. Name Addrefs I The Low Cost of Living You can lower your laundry cost by our service, which is ef ficient and inexpensive. Our square deal methods and our neat work are pleasing thou sands of Omaha homes. Ask your neighbor. "You are delighted when you open the package" TM.M "WAHWOID" OT TBI BOMB BLUE WAGONS. PHONE DOUGLAS 919. am a Keep your eyes open for THE GREAT LIGHT. Much of your future business success depends on it. Watch these pages for a series of Open Letters and learn some fadts about THE GREAT LIGHT. The .& message will appear tomorrow. CV3ake Your Home omlrortable By Installing Eloctrlc Lights We can wire your house, old or new, and furnish you kUp-to-Date LIGHTING FIXTURES at reasonable prices. Our workmanship as well as material is always.first class. Call us, Tyler 1414 and have us figure for you. SHOP 13 E ELEGTalie WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. TYLEE 1414. 1810 FARNAM ST. WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUb'tELEPHONE, Day in and day out you eat "omowbere and you jb:o somewhere that you call home. You want that place to be a real home and not just a name. Especially if you're a stranger in Omaha you want to live where there's comfort and cheer where you will meet congenial-people, then select your home from the "Board and Rooms" column of The Bee, Don't waste any more time w.onderLng whera you will find a satisfactory place to live, and if you'll really be satisfied after you have found it, Ko out tfxiny to any one of the places advertised ia The Bee's Want Ad Columns and you can be sur you have found a good home. TtUphone TyUr 1000 THE OMAHA BEE EvryMy ft Wrnnt Ada. ! - i if li I -11