Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Hand Tailored Suits
" for Well Dressed Women
$22.50, $2450, $27.50. $29.50
Included, in this offering are suits of
broadcloth, French serge, unfinished worsted
and novelty w.eavcs in an extensive variety
of fashionable styles and colors black, blue,
nigger brown, purple and green.
$22.50, $24.50, $27.50, $29.50
TURKEY MAY GET INTO TIIE GENERAL WAR The Turk is restleiss and has been mobilizing his army, although he
has not yet entered on actual warfare with any of the belligerent powers or his neighbors. This picture shows a type of
Turkish cavalry, the mainstay of the sultan's army. The trocp is photographed as it is leaving Constantinople.
i u Q k
2 u
. I i wmtmn
mm- " r n:. mu i iiM ii
Autumn Coats,
Dresses, Separate
Skirts, in many dis
tinctive styles.
notifies United Statei Would Likt
American Warships Near
Turkish Forts.
Cm ssaa a ad Aastrlaa f oaealar Offl.
era Ordered to Leave Egypt at
Oaca for Fear of Their . .
Activities. . .
WASHINGTON. Sept. 7.-Oerman and
Austrian consular officers have been or
dered by British authorities to leave Egypt
at once.
Roumanla has announced officially that
If she abandons her position of neutrality
It will ba to follow thy course taken by
Greet Britain has Informed the United
States that she would look with favor on
the sending of American warships to
Turkish ports to" care for Christians. In
case there was a Mohammedan uprising
against them. These developments In the
highly critical situation brought about
by the feejlng of the triple entente that
Turkey Is certain to join the conflict on
the ride of Germany and Austria were
conveyed today In official dispatches to
the United Pistes government.
topping; Uermata Efforts.
Great Britain's ' expulsion of German
and Austrian consuls r officers was taken
here to mean that she had determined to
put an end to: the pro-German propa
ganda, which she believes these consular
officials havo been circulating since the
outbreak of hoatllltlsa , The affairs , of
Egypt, senil-soverelgn state,' under the
suzerainty of the sultan, practically have
been administered by Great Britain ever
I nee the bombardment of Alexandria and
the suppression of 'the AVabtc Insurrection
thirty-two years egd. ' The natives have
never entirely lost their aversion, how
ever, for th Intruders and Britain believe
Germany has for a decade Pee busy
formenUng antt-Engllsh feeling. Word
of the sultan's friendliness of late to
Germany and Austria Is believed by
British officials to have been spread to
Egypt, sn appeal being made pot only
to the nationalist sentiment of the na
tives, but their religious feelings.
France olwnly haa charged In her com
munications with the American govern
ment that tle German propaganda - is
busily astir Inciting Mohammendan up
risings, not only In Egypt, but In India
and Turkey, .
Fear ,euvna t'arUla.
The Intimation from Great Britain that
. It would be pleased to see American
warships In Turkish ports Is In line with
what France Informed the United Ptates
two weeks ago. Various nations have
stated In view of the appeal that haa
been made to the Mohammedans that they
feared a. general uprising against Chris
tians. On account of the delicacy of their po
sition they feared to send warships for
the car of the Christians Jest the move
be misinterpreted , as general hostde
measure toward Turkey. - ' ' N
England, France "and ' Russia have re
iterated that they wished to do nothing
which will aggravate Turkey to abandon,
her position of neutrality. , ;
All three nations, therefore, now are
looking to the. United States to protect
their subjects In case the expected Mo
hammedan uprising develops.
ierth Caroll to Star.
While the cruiser North Carolina has
been seot, on a.mlsla of re lift, It gen
erally to understood she will rendezvous
In eastern Mediterranean' Waters for the
salutary effect of her presence. There Is
even talk of sending the Tennessee with
her so as to be ready for any emergency
In Egypt.
z,vmrmmn3 Every One Needs ramEOT
The Great War Manual
In it you will find over 1,300 indexed facts and places
and personalities connected with the stupendous conflict
now shaking Europe and the world.
will send you a copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of
maps and pictures and data about the war. This great
War Manual has been prepared by the Editors of The
World's Work, which is a guarantee of its unquestionod
r v
office with 50 cents
five cent for nogtaim
M " OT
The Store for
Shirtwaists, excel
lent values from
$2.95 to $6.50.
Army Recovering: from First Blow
and is Ready to Fight.
Bargnmaater at Lleae Vaaale tc
erare Has Ram Demand.
( fitch Men of flransrts Are
Still Held Hostages,
LONDON. ept. l-A dispatch to the
Evening Blar from Ostend aays:
, "The different units of, the Belgian
army have' been collected from all over
the country, even from Nemur and
south of the German line. The volun
teers have been reorganised, better of
ficered and better armed.
, "The total losses of the army have not
been published, but except at Liege these
were not large In comparison with the
losses of the German, French and Brit
ish armies in France. The total force of
th Bclaians, tsklng Into consideration
the toughening which the men had dur
ing the last month, Is now possibly more
fit for active' service than It was at the
beginning of the war. The morale is still
"The burgomaster of Liege lsstlll dem
onstrating his Inability to pay the fine
levied by the Germans by trying to find
the money In Brussels and elsewhere,
while the richest men In Brussels con
tinue to act as hostage for the pay
ment of the demand on the latter city,
union situation is proving more embar.
raising to tha Germans than to Burgo
master Max, who continues to protest
the Impassibility ert the city's raising the
fund"- - - - - -- - .
Turks Wait to See '
How War Results
- Before Taking Hand
WASHINGTON. Beut. 7 Rm.ltn. hi..
patches from Ambassador Murganthau. at
Constantinople today to tha State de
partment ahow that communication with
Turkey I unimpared. No ntentton was
made by tha ambassador of nolltlret
dltiona from which It was Inferred the
aipiomatto situation there was unchanged.
Offlclala "her are much Interested In
the possible results of the expulsion of
German and Austrian consular nfflea
from Kgyut by British military mh...
Itles. For weeks Great Britain haa hesi
tated to take any step which might Ir
ritate the ports. England's action In
Egypt which Is under the authority of
the sultan, but dominated by Oreat
Britain,. was Interpreted as meaning that
the latter would delay no longer n
meeting embarrassing situations result
ing from Turkey's wavering, yet Appar
ently, sympathetic attitude towards Ger
many and Austria. The extension of the
forbidden cone In the Bosphorus was
looked on here as another Indication of
the porte's careful preparations for war.
Ther Is a belief In official circles, how.
ever.: that, while the military Is taking
every precaution, the diplomatic branch
f the Ottoman empire la waiting far
more decisive tur on the battlefields be
fore plunging into the conflict. . ,
Ambassador Merrick's request for In
structlons as to what he might do to
protect world famous buildings and works
of art In I'arls In the event of a bom
barmen, waa not acted on today. The
ambassador intends to have all Ameri
can residents plainly marked with Ameri
can , f tag and ether, insignia to Insure
their safety from attack. retailed In
structions probably will be sent to the
ambassador tomorrow by President Wl
on and Secretary Bryan as to what
he might properly i do In his delicate
position as a neutral diplomat.
for your copy. Add
when sent. rw moll
' J Ii
tier. X
If Ji . t
I 1 Vi
f;.' -M If:
".. a. 4 wj.
Troopi of Northern Diriiion Suc
cessful in Operationi that Are
Being Conducted;
Compelled to Destroy ( resslar of
River Preset at Taplaa, the
Ostersint Defenses of
Great Fortress.'
(Copyright, 1914, Press Publishing Co.)
I'KTKOUHAD, Hcpt. 7.-Hpecial Cable
gram to New York World and Omaha
Bee.) The Russian army of the north Is
successfully sngaglng Koenlgsberg. The
Prussian defsnders have been compelled
to. blow up tnc bridge across the river
Pregel at Taplau, which connected their
outermost line of defenses north and
Elsewhere In esst Prussia the Russians
are maintaining their advantages, despite
the gregt reinforcements being rushed to
the esstern frontier from the kaiser's
forces In Belgium and Alsace-Lorraine, as
well as the German army from Bavaria.
Russian wounded from Soldau say that
the first success of the Oerman forces In
east Prussia waa due largely to the use
of artillery from armored trains and the
rapid employment of the Oerman strategic
railways for rapid carriage of heavy
The minister of commerce) proposes
temporary remission of customs on Im
ports from friendly countries.
(Continued from Fage One.)
but that several days may elapse before
the final overthrow of the Auetrlan army.
'On the east Prussian front there Is
news of the appearanoe of part, If not
the whole of the Third Bavarian army
corps. Ths troops were Installed at All
ensteln, which Is being reconneroltered
by Russian cavalry." ,
Welcome Rasslana.
The 8t. Petersburg correspondent of
the Tost In an article dealing with the
capture of Lemberg and Halloa says;
'The establishment of Russian author
ity In this region Is being enormously
facilitated by ths fact that the native
Plar population, after long experience
with the tyrannical policy of Oermany in
time of peace, welcomes the advent of
the Russians, even under ths stern con
ditions of war.
"The Lemberg victory Is a signal tri
umph for the daring strategy of the
Russian commander-in-chief and entirely
reconciles the public, to tha severe .cen
sorship which enabled htm. to carry out
protracted, operations 'over a vast terri
tory without tha enemy getting a alnglc
hint to give them alarm.
' Until the two Russian armies operat
ing In a direction that met almost at
right angle succeeded In affecting a Junc
tion in the enemy's country they were
offering.' during a 'whole fortnight, a
magnificent opportunity to a vigorous
enemy to get In between them and deal
with them separately and only extreme
secrecy .could have Justified this risk.
riaylas with- Aaatrlaas.
. "That the Russian forces, during the
preparation of their real attack, were
merely playing with the Austrian ad
vance Into undefended Poland may be
safely assumed from the fact that when
the Austrian main force did finally at
tempt a forward movement they only
covered . twenty-four miles from Zavtk
hoff to Opple. In that time the Russian
forces marched and fought . over more
than seven times this distance.
"As r understand the situation the
Austrian main armlea are well held by
adequate Russian forces In their front.
The Austrian center le broken and Us
right wing la demolished.
"The Russians have occupied passes
leading - to the easiest and most direct
route to Budapest. Budapest Is about
twice as far from the present Russian
position as has been covered by them
since they left Po1 oil a for the Invasion
of Oalicia.
."On the east Prussian front nothing
Important has happened during the last
few days and It seems evident therefore
that Germany has hurried troops to the
eastern frontier from the west, not on
account. of the Russian advance in East
Prussia, but In order to help the Aus
trlans. "The spirit of the Russia troop is
excellent and events on this frontier are
moving with great rapidity.
Vortresa ftarreaoded.
Pome official reports from Russia state
that Rustten troops are gradually sur
rounding Prsemsyl, which will soon either
surrender of be taken by assault.
Prsemsyl la a strong fortress fifty
rl !
i f
I ... i i t
1 Va t ' f
i - i r t i
miles west of Lemhurg and Its fall would
mean the loss by the Austrlans of the last
stronghold In Gallcla. It would clear the
way to an advance of the Russians west
ward toward the junction of their forces
on the east Prussian frontier. ',
(Continued from Page One.)
time came dashing In from vhe east
In swift automobiles. In soru quar
ters It Is estimated nearly 1,000,000
troops are engaged In this fighting.
Nearly all the railroads In every di
rection around the city were reserved
today for the use of the military
authorities, while large number of
private automobiles and taxlcabs
have been employed In conveying
provisions to the scene of operations.
Forced to Give Way.
PARIS, Sept. 7. From official commu
nications given nut in Paris today It Is
learned that the engagements which
began Saturday and Sunday to the east
and northeast' of tha French capital de
veloped foday Into one of the moat Im
portant battles of the campaign. The
armies of the allies are opposing the Oer
man advance over a front extending for
about 1 rrtties from Nanteull Le Hau-
douln. twenty-five miles northeast of
Paris, to the , great . fortress of Vsrdun.
In the department of Meuso and twenty
mile west of the German -frontier. 1
amber Not Generally Kaovra.
Tha number of men engaged Is not
generally known. The French troops
were strongly supported by the British
soldiers who passed through Paris several
days ago.
The position chosen by the allied forces
to give battle to the advancing Invaders
Is declared to be most favorable, having
near Its center the strongly entrenched
camp at Chalons 8ur Mame.
The allies conducted their operations so
successfully that a portion of the German
forces were forced to retire. The Ger
mans had reached ' the ' region around
Coulommlers and ' Leferts Gaucher.
respectively thirty and forty miles to
Paris, when the detachments covering the
flanks of the msln German army encoun
tered advanced detachments of the allies,
who drove them back.
The wounded began coming into Paris
this afternoon.
PARIS, SopL 7 Judging from reports
made public In Paris, Herman troops
covering the flanks of the main German
army encountered advance detachments
of ths allies In the fighting east of the
capital today at a point near. Laferte
Gaucher, and were obliged to retire.
Obliged to Retire " '
Judging rreirt-reverts made -public In
Paris, German "troupe covering' the flanks
of the main German army encountered
advance detachments of the allies m the
fighting east of the capital today at a
point near Laferte-Gaucher and were
forced to retire.
Lieutenant Colonel Rousset.' military
critic of I Liberie, said today that the
German armies had placed thmealeves
In a position to the east and 'northeast
of Paris which might become hopeless In
case they suffered check.
Needy Americans
Apply for Relief
LONDON, Aug. 7.-Among the 2.000
Americans who crowded the rooms of the
American relief committee when It evened
this morning were those who came over
from Havre on the American cruiser Ten
nessee. The remainder were crlcfly from
Flushing, Ostend and Rotterdam, and
were largely Americanised Germans who
are virtually without money and who
must be assisted back, to the I'nlted
States by ths committee.
Refugees from Germany say there Is
still a large number of American cili'sens
In Germany who are unable to get out
because of the limited train facilities. A
large proportion of the fugitives who are
applying to the committee for relief are
absolutely penniless. The crowd this
moming was so great that the committee
merely gave applicants enough money to
buy something to rat and issued card
which will be presented in the day to the
finance committee for further help.
Herbert C. Hoover, chairman of the
committee, does not believe that the con
tinent will be free of American refugees
for thirty days yet. Those arriving today
are in much greater need of help than
the earlier arrivals, being mostly persons
of limited means who hav exhausted
their funds.
Te get tho gonulne. call for full name.
for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures
a Cold In ,One Day. c
(Continued from Page One.)
a ruined church close to the Oar
man line and attended by single
German curgeon and two nurse.
LONDON, Aug. 7. Belief ' Is
growing that a great, decisive bat
tle lg being fought at Volun, the
etrong fortress of France on the
Meuse," near the French frontier.
If the fourth German army,
marching southward, cuts off the
retreat of the French eastern
armies, which recently have been
holding the Germans In check be
tween Toul, a fortified town four
teen miles west of Nancy, and Ep
inal, also strongly fortified and near
the Alsace frontier, It might repeat
the coup which In 1870 drove Gen
eral Charles Dents Sauter Bourbakt
and bis army of 150,000 men Into
.. To Insare Retreat..
Hopeful critics are speculating on the
possibility that the German swing around
to the south may mean an effort on the
part of the Invaders to make sure of their
retreat through the Meuse district, but
more likely it is scheme to1 strike suoh
paralysing blow to the French army
as to render the Investment of Paris a
safe operation.-
The southerly movement of the Ger
mans may effect junction of the crown
prihee's army and the army of Bavaria,
which has been held on the defensive In
Lorraine. Thus the Germans would ad
vance from the east and north in a vast
enveloping movenmt destined to cruhh
the allies right wing by sheer weight of
numbers. Just as their left was pushed
back during the last fortnight. .
These preliminary movements. If show.
Ing nothing else, at least prove that the
Germans rails that the siege of Paris,
even Its occupation, la quite- worthless
from f trateglo standpoint while . the
allies are free In the field.
Deeldlag; Coafllet.
Corroboration of the above mentioned
theory Is contained In a dispatch from
Berlin which describes a battle In a dif
ferent country between Verdun and Rethel
a the deciding conflict as far as France
is concerned. The dispatch states that
'the opposing forces are. almost equally
divided, but the French have the advan
tage, fighting from a defensive position
of their own choosing.
Another significant factor Is the general
understanding that Emperor William is
Inspecting the field of operation In this
neighborhood. Reports disagree as to
i Ms exact whereabouts, but a'l agree that
he la In the vicinity of the Franco-German
Explorer Held at
Herschell Island
.WINNIPSG, Man.. Aug. 7.-Vtlh1amur
Stefansson, the Canadian explorer, Is
marooned on tne Ice off Herschell Island,
according to Rev. W. H. Fry, a mission
ary, who has been among the Esquimos
and who arrived her today from Kittl
gagjvlt. Stamansson is In no ImmesTate
-. . n
Dependable Tailoring
Correct Styles Tor Fall Now Being Shown
aae 1 j
Aikfor 3j
GENUINE Tie Food Drink for
.) :. it
,. umi ig in flk
Use of Fresh Troops
Aids German Arms
LONDON. Sept. 7.-A dispatch to the
Evening fitar from Rotterdam says that
during the first nineteen days of the war
more than 2.600 trains bearing. 2,000,000
troops for the western theater of the war
passed over the five bridges over the
Rhine at Cologne.
Notwithstanding this enormous army,
reinforcements are still being hurried to
the front, not only to take the place of
the hufte number killed and wounded but
In order to carry out the eminently Ger
man plan that so far as possible fresh
troops be hurled at men who already have
borne the burden of the day.
In addition to the tremendous siege guns
of the Germans, ordinary field pieces have
been hurried forward. ,
An American who has Just arrived from
Cologne says . the Star's correspondent
states that he met a wounded Oerman
officer, who told him that the success of
the Germans was due entirely to the fact
that the troops had a rest after the en
gagement. The army corps were being
used in shifts to keep them fresh.
LONDON. Sept. 7.-A protest against
the destruction of the Belgian city of
Louvaln by German troops, and an ap
peal to the allies to refrain from retalia
tion, haa been signed by a number of well
known British scholars. Including Lord
Aberdeen, vector of the University of St
Andrews; Prof. McCraffey of Trinity col
lege. Dublin, who Is a doctor of philosophy
of Lou vein university; Swift MacNelll,
M. P.; Count Plunkett of the National
museum at Dublin; Charles Fitzgerald,
president of the Royal Society of Sur
geons, and Walter Smith, president of the
Royal Academy of Medicine.
They refer to the destruction of Lou
valn as a "violence against defenseless
noncombatanta unparalleled In European
history since the thirty years' war, and
an Injury to learning, science snd educa
tion, to history and art: and to religion
and cltisenship, which no military exigen
cies or expedients can extenuate, much
leas Justify."
The Cause of Rheamstlim
Is stomach trouble, laxy liver and de
ranged kidneys. Try Electric Bitters,
regulates liver and helps kidneys to work.
50c and $1. All druggiBts. Advertisement.
Does your undertaker
price mark his caskets and
furnishings? If not, what
is to prevent him from
using a "get what I can"
policy with you? We price
mark everything in plain fig
urea, the only safeguard
against a fluctuating price.
24tkan4 Dodgi , Phone Doug. 3901
-trr " .-
all A Other, are Imitation
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Designing Your
On new furs or In recuttlng
old furs the first step toward
making them satisfactory to you
Is the designing and pattern
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, We will design an individual
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will not meet a duplicate of It
on the street.
Let us talk over your furs now.
We show all of the late novel
ties In skins and all the new
Ideas in lining and finishing.
Cor. 19th and Farn&m
Diamond "T"
For Heavy Walkers
The rainy Fall days
are here again. v
If your business In life
forces you to be out on feet
In all kinds of weather, you
need a pair of our Diamond
"T" Shoes. They are made
of soft plump glazed kid,
kid lifted. . best water
proofed oak tanned, double
sole to heel, double steel
shanks. Our customer get
from 12 to IS months wear
out of every pair.
Price $ 5
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Gathered Bouquet of
6uuo Mj Brnbrdt. rur Corner 4. fesor
Knoll and Llt N. V. rrl. "Tintn Uits
Will," Rwl " "S H'O'l'T "bonj..
mar pma mat, week pats.
Tills wmx: ronse troni lh Start," Tamts
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Kaulmaa Brotbrri. Brill Wou4. Kufau Trio sa4
Tha Orpbaom Traval WeSl '
Prleaa-' alalia Osllarr, 10c: ba aaati lax
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Two Vlgbts, Sept. 6-10. Wed. and Tkura.
rxioesl 890, 60s, TSo, $1.00, $1.60
m a
Oi exels