SKPTKMBEK 1M4. 10 TUN HKK: OMAHA. WANT ADS TVant ads received at any time, hnt to tasur proper classification must be pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening Pinion and 7:) ri m. f,r morning end Sunday edition. Want ads received ull'f men hours will he tinder the heading, "Too Late to Claesifv." CASH IVATE1. One tlm. 12 cents a. l-ne. Three times within one week, cents a line each Insertion. Seven consecutive times, 7 cents a line each Insertion. CHARGE RATH Three times within ono week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. Seven consecutive limes, cents line each Insertion. Count six average words to . line. Minimum charge, 30 cents. The Wee will not be repai.HMe for more than one wrong Insertion due to typo graphical error. Claims for error must he promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to he run n tll discontinued must he stopped hy writ ten order. Ton can plaoe your want ad In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1". Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of .ther ajiswers have been called for and delivered during the last week. It I reasonable ta suppose that all of the people below have made the desired snaps therefore, do not call for the bal ance of their answers. Be Want Ads sure get results. s. c. s c. s. c. t r. n c. 8. c. sir. 941 99" 1' 1M M'A . m in iart ir.7 oi . iws ni yyn 12M MR (w? jo 1121 1211 li;l 111 9W 999 1123 121" 124 I2 973 lrt'1 Ha K'2'i 17 i 974 ino? n7 i?h il W4 977 in. 117.S 12.U UTO J7 ; W 1179 I2TH l-'Tl m t'Wl I'C 11 12 1272 933 91 in.y H9J J14H 12M :4 9M 110 IN l'a 1290 ' K 1104 UK 122 lMH - - 3 DEATH! AND rt7Nr.ll A L JVOTICK. JIAYDEN Laurence I, aged 59 years. Funeral Tuesday morning September at 8 a. m., from toe family residence, who Chicago street, to St. Cecelia's church, 9 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulciier ceme tery. . TODAY'S COMrLETB MOVIE PROGRAM ExUualveljr in The fie iw w ei av m. CAMT.RAFHONE. 1403 POUOLAg. The Motor Buccaneers, 2-roe I Essanay. lon't Monkey With the Huts Haw, Kal. Meller Drsmmer, Sellg. KIJTK THEATER No. 2. i::iH FarnanvSt. Hw-eedie and the Double Exaaure. Ess. The Cav of Iath. 2-reel Kalrm. The Man from the Past. Rlograph. KAKNAM THEATER. 14ir. Farnam XL Vnlv. Ike, JrVe Fortune. I'nlv. Ike, com. lut of the levlhs. Hex drHina. Mesqulte Petea Fortune. F,clslr. II 1 PI THEATER. IOTH & HARNEY Perils of Pauline.' serins Nos. 7 and I. PARK TUEATEiv. lit HO. 16TH ST. Two-reel sensational feature. Western drama. Sterling oomeriy. PARLOR THEATER, If DOUGLAS. Double Reward.. I-reel. PRINCESS THEATER. 1317-19 Douglas. The Booh Nemesis. Rex comedy. Under Ariiona Skies. Frontier. The Hmken Poll. Hterllnrt comedy. - ink. ALAMO, I4TH AND FORT, Through the Flames, 2-recl. Res, Dangers of a Ureat City. U. Ike Com. Animated Weekly. , ALHAMHRA,' 1S14 NORTH t4TH. The Painted Lady, 2-reel. Majestic. The Cooked (loose. Than. Coin, lilrl of the Keanons. I'rin. Dra. DIAMOND THEATER. 2419 UKG bT. A Iicky receptlon. Nest. Com. Howl of Roses. Re Dr. i Mr. ; Burglar M.D. Imp. ' FRANKLIN THKA. S4TH & FRANKLIN An Innocent Delllsh. S-reel Vltagraph. hhe Oave Him m Rose. IjUhln. ' Rroncho Hilly s Wild Ride, Kssanay. FKOLM THEATER, 411 N. 24T1I 8T. Af. the Foot of the Btalr. Rex. Ixjvr and Lunch, 2-recl Starling comedy. On Rugcd Chores. Nestor. HI P I V 1 1 iToM E T heai er, fh A Cuming! The Little Penorlta. Princess Dra. Frontler Mother. Domino. t Two-reel drama. IT THEATER. MTH AND lXM'UfT. The Man with a Future, 2-reel. Lub. Private Bunny. Vita. Farmer Rodney'a Daughter. Kdlson. ' LOTHKOP TiIEA! 24TH tTHIUP. Voice at the Telephone, t-reet Kay Bco. Only Clue, Maleotlc. The OamhUng Wife. Keystone comedy. IOVAU '. ' 240TAia"vVELU Rescued by Wireless. 3-rel. Bison, fcnookee'a IMscutse Mterllng Com.. Midnight Visitor. Rex. PAIJkCK THEATER. ta Dwvenport. When Death Rode the Engine. Eel. The Clrcua. Sterling Com. Gateway of Regret. Imp: Sl'BCRBAN. 24TH AND AMES. The White Mouse. 2-reeJ. Hellg. The Mlxup at Murphy'a. Rio. Broncho Willy's Fatal Joke. F-se. tli. APOUI. ' SM4 LEAVENWOR-TH. I he living ieaa, r-ainon. l'he Operator at Black Rock, 2-r. Kalem. 1'iillslilng I p. Hsgrapn. rul.riltUA THEATER, IT 10 BO. IOTH. Hcarst-Sellir. Die Primitive Instinct, l-reel Kalem. Mlppery flint nd the Claim Agent. Ess ITVm FOR TT HE ATE R-!4T HA" VI NTO N. The Thundred Polt. 2-reel Domino. The FlMmlng Flsme, Majestic. Her Duty. Princess. x Va"T Jit 1 T E" T HEATER. 1714 V1NTOX. 'David liarrick. 2-reel Vltagraph. The Wanted Wrk. Lubln. Near Death's Doir, Kalem. iEM THEATTR, 12 4 rr UT1I. The Counterfeiters, 2- reel Victor. The Htrange Hlgnal. Frotr HANiSiioM, STll AND CA6TELLAR Tribal War In Pouth Heaa. 2-reel Rlson. For Friendship's Hake, Nestor. LTtK 117 VINTON BT. l4iw of the I timber Jsck. 2-reel Bison. There is a Pes t iny. Victor. Fav. aikiomk ann:x 17 A VINTON. Hunday, fept. Perils of Pauline. Peries No. B. PASTIME THEA.. KiD-LEA V EN WuHTH. A Wild Ride. Hterlmg comedy. The In 2-reel Fx-lalr. VKNKZ1A THEATER. UU SOUTH 13TH. Tray O Heart a !o. I (Flower O' Flame), -reel tlold Seal. A Btrong Affair, sterling comedy. AIRDOMK, Farnam and Park Ave. Three Men and a Woman. 2-reel Lubin. H;nding It Quick. Bio. The Mystery of the Octagonal Room, Kdl. mTjNROK THEATER lti fTrNAM bT! Tr-y o' Hearts. No. I, Sunset Tide. Ford Sterling in The Bogus Baroo. The Girt and the Hobo. REN80N THEATER. tttt MAIN BT. . Hpeclal Matinee Today. The Trey ' Hearts, 4th episode, with rf Madiixin and Oeorge lArkin, sastk Oaaaaa. PE.S&B THUTFR, S4TH AND N ST8. -i he (iilded Kidd. Vreei Edison. Hie Mysterious Ixxtger, Vitaraph. The Counterfeiter's Plot, Kalrm. MAGIC THEATER, 24TH AND U BUS Te.iiiMst and Punslilne. 2-reel Iou. Tbe DivoBsre, . Puwet a. TOIHV8 roMPl.KTK movik pi:ik;hms l:cliixivclr in Tlie He-t I naarll hiefta. ROrER THEATER. 57 RHOADWAY. A Rnhy Did It Nestor Comedv. lereli.i-t snd the Msn, J-reel lrtor. 'aailtli. OnPHEt'M rtTH M. POI'TIf OMAHA. Sr(es No 10 of the Million Dollar Mys tery will be shown here Weiln-etisy. Two thrilling iwrta. ANNOt'NCKMKNTH AlCTION HALE. K7 So. Ith St., Wed., 10 a. m., Ket. 9, 1914. Mrs. .1. W. VanN'oatraml Is xclllng her 10-room home, consisting of hlKh urnde furniture, also a quantity of hlKh grade rut glass and llavilsnil chins, snd lx-tu-tlful pic tures and portrerts of all kinds. DOWD BALE Al CTION CO., Auctioneers. For auction sales all Red 32V,. Gibson's Buffet A?2 Bouth lbth Bt HAZEL laf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching. bleellng or nrotrmllng nlles: (oc postpaid; samples tree, bhernian A f'.... ii ... . - .MIIIII CI UK ft , I'lDllll, H'CKY wcdiling rings rirodogaard's. Wedding announcements. Doug Itg. Co. HI' INS, showcnMs. Clsrk & Hon. D. J.T7. BUPERFU'OIH hair, warts and moles permanently removed hy electricity; consultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed Miss Allender. S24 Bee o Globe Van & Storage mores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van and 2 men. f 1 .25 per hr. ; storage $2 per io. Satisfactory guur. D. 41 Tv 5.m Phone DoukIss ano. fm Bee Bldg. GET a private booth ti my grill room for noon iuncn. ixic ijvI. 313 a. litb Bt. iAYK WIKB Bt KIXKHH MKX OI-' OMAHA A. B. C. of Omaha ALL WATCH EH. diamonds and Jew elry, special prices, Hepu anil Oct. buy now. II a Keck viwt. Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 217, far- nacn uiock. CORBETT. the man that cleans every thing. Hats vleaned and blocked. Oet vnnr fall r I n t h nlsti.nmi mm. low prices, neat work, t-ompt service. Delivery free. lboS Harney 8t. Doug. 43S2. FOR aui'tloneerinf of ail kinds of Jewelry and general merchandise, write H. A. Roth, 1311 Douglas St Doug. Twenty years' experience. MELBA Boiler Coinouiid Co., a boiler compound for sick boilers, dis solves boiler scale, not holler Iron. Melha does not nit lues, onlv removes old scale, adds efficiency and economy to yuur utiinT pionr. can or write ror esti mate. U Omaha Nat. Rank. D. 31S7, after p. m., and on Hundays D. N' EW and sjeoond-hand elctrlc fans and motors. IeBron Electrlo Works, .US H. 12' h.. Douglaa 2m. OMAHA PIL1X1W :o. 1721 Cuiritng Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and mattrcMNea nt all bl,f nlta feather mattresses and down covers. (IANO tuning. R. Brandon. 7 yeara at Hayden's, Recommended by best musicians. W. iV!i. n N. 2fith Ave, V ACIM'M cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Hanltary Service Co., 30S Bee BMg. W a rent, repair, sell needles and parts macninea. NIC- yl'e." Ifith and Harney, noiiglaa Ifiej. "Mick. APfOISissla. . Dlnl Miag. lyisr 1810. Aaldlaar Hlrklaa. Palton Adding Machines, 411 8, 11. t. 144. Adder Mch Co. (Walesl W. O. W. D. t3a,i Aejto sad Mataela R.ld.. repair work a specialty. D. 241. Aactloaccrs. Dowd Auction Co.. lia W. O. W. Red Jjaj, Arcklteeta. Clnrenea w, Wlglngton. t g. th. r. Kin. Everett B, lodda. li Paiton, D. Istli ' Attractleaa 0i!nA, J! r" Motion , . ,,,, nargaina. Harbera. Uajlrs:JIOehaj.necJcBhaTe. IflT rar. BATH 3, ho; HHAVE, 10c. S?0 N. lth. " "iUlS.r. cxli-"I"rtnlngf. under new ' -v v'omna Hit. L. S1B7. Brass raialrlea, Paxton-Mltchell Co., rth and Martha Hta. R. FRANTA, 11 Paton Blk. Doug. IW. Caltforala. Laisials. W. T. Hmlth Co , 1111 Pity Nat. Bk. D. Office door let'g, Mynater. Tax. Pk. D. flRT. Clttrearaetera J. C. Iwrence, n. C. VTi Howard D. MSI. L. Oeddls, D. '., t Bee Bldg. Doug. 429S. yv K.Ptirvlam'e. D.C. 4o Tax. Blk. D.4M3. I., C. HAYES, D. C, 660 Bee Bldg. R. S7o. China Pslatlss. Ruth ItchfQrd. decorating, firing. R. tmj. t'lvll KllilMn. M. J. LACY, lis HER m.PO. D. 471 S, Creaim SatmaMtaM Tee Sharpies Separator Co.. 1h A rrn. Turplns Panel eg Academy. 2Sth 4V Farn. Mack leg' Academy, now open. 11 Har. Dcattata. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, Fa mam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry, 4"3 Brandela. Bailey, the Dentist. 7si llVyNat'l BankT Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglaa D. lis Gt'M diseases. Ir. Flckes, TSi City Wal'l. Detect I rre. JAMES AI.UN, 112 Neville Blk. T.v. oenc securen in ail cases. Tyler 113. Ure as aaaklaa. Terry Dressmsk'g college, !0th A Farnanv Experience of sll kinds, day work, reason able, guaranteed. I-'Jj Dodge. T. 121 Sewing any kind reasonable. Doug.-M'ljt DRUU3 at cut prices; freight paid on lit wrujrs, i-aiaioauea irvs. Dnermui si McConnell Drug Co . Omaha. Neb. Mectrte pflln, . LEBKON Eire. WH.; IK 8. lJth. T. flit HEMSTlTuiliNG Ideal Putton and Pleating Co.. 107 S. lata, Wouian a Exchange. 31 Pax. Blk. R. 4912. t oaere.le ICaclBeera. Oagnebln-Wells Co. 420 State bank. D. 226 Fnrrlera. BEN FEN8TER. 14H N. 14th St W. 7777. Klnrlsta. U HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. UU. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Asa' a. HES9 s"wOHODaT141 Fsrnam St Florists. A. DONAHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001 BATH'S florists, lw Farnam Ht Itajr Uretslai Harper 1 per Method. R. , Bslrd Bldg. D. S1L l.lvs ttwk Hesnedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 4OT 8. J 2th. Red 41 UgkUss, rialarva anal Wiring. THOMAS DITRK1N Electric fixtures and supplies, eontraote tng and repair work done reasonable. 2411 C1M1NU. DOUOItd tl. Mrre. Md Mls4sw Shade, t lea acre. OLD ahsdea made like new. Midwest hiiade Factory, ei'10 Hamilton. Har. 4sl. Maaeeasee. " M ae Jacoba, Mass . Bait. Elec. Trt D. Y1X RNJIVIV VKNV tA maK 12 Farnam St.. A pt M floor. D. srtt Miss Rex, Mass , L Neville lilk. 10 to i. MVK WIRK IUNIXKH3 MEX OK OMAHA Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treaft Red Wl Msssagliss"(ilhson,' R. rt Neville Blk? MASS A OB. 1W S. 17tnWt."Mrii. Steele. Mrs. HnyOer. elec. t rt'. 1 4fsT B. Mth. D. 4W7 A SS A ( ll,y. f"""0 h mmement. 4 f C'lARA LEE, mssaage Douglas KTM. Manicuring, Kstnlcen Ms.-k. Messenger nad Traasfer. WHITE LINK,, no) svi, 1ltn. Douglas M12. Millinery. SWITCHER from combings, It M. Tsyche free, Mrs. H M E'k. ,'VM H. pith, t. r.7. Moving, Storage aast Clearalaa. W. C. FERRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. laOa. i Orellsts. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as yoa can. Dra. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic Physician, Dr. Rerueha, 20J-4 McCsgue Rldg D. S.K5. Patrati, ! I. A. Bt u rgesJB randets Theater Bid g D. O. Barnell, Pax ton Blk. Tel. Red 71177 Patent l)e veloaaiea t. AMERICAN Machine Co. 110 B. 11th 8L I'lnmes Henovated. - PLCMFS flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 4 Pax ton. D. V3I. Prlatlaer. WATERS-BARNHARTPtg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 210. 24 8. Mth BL DOL'CLAS Printl-ig Co. Tel. Dougt4V COREY He M'hFNZIB PTQ. CO. D. M44 RI ES-H ALL jptg. Co., 130 Capitol. D. UOCL CENTRAL FKINTINO CO. DOUQ. 7&iT Hoar a Fmtexmlaator. B. B. B. Roacli I'owder at your druggist gate aad Tlmeloek Ksacrte. & AFE combinations changed, opened, re ' paired. V. E.Davenport. DwIga Dltil tone Henalrlag-. Electric Shoe Bep. Co.. 137 St. Mary'i Av. RKABONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co, 211 8. 84. Slana and Showrarda. SIGNS AT CUT PRICES K. M. CLARK HON. 14th and Dodge. D. 1.178. Steel t ellings. CARTER Hheet Metal Works, 110 S. 10th. Store and Office hist area. . DKoKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture nd Supply Co.. 414-W-19 8. mh. D. 17 M. Torre 1 sapplles. OMAHA Towel Supply, 2C7 8. 11th. D. m 1'ranks and Snltcasea. FREL1NO at BTE1NLE. ISO Farnam 8t Wines and LlSjaors. ALEX JETEB, 201-1 8. 13th St. Wlnea, II quors. cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 8, 10c, Vetrriaarlans. DR. O. R. YOU NO. 4602 Center. II. I0C1 tl Li H K Llciuor House, 4l"2 No. Ifith.. 2 qta ccli br er. 2oC. Write for price list. D. 43M. HENRYPOLJ6cX " LIQUOR HOU8B, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-Aient lunon. lil.'Y your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. &22 N. 16th. Douglaa 1 HELP VTAXTISD FEMALE Agents and aalesweaaen. WANTED A ttracttva salesladies for Oinsha and elrewhcre, Oood pay. Bog Fort Dodge. Ia. Clerical aad Office. YOl.'NO lady for position as assistant bookkeeper In a small wholeeale house, prefer one nlle to use typewriter and have aomu knowledge of shorthand; must be good at figures and a good assistant on books. Halary :.o. Address P ,177, Bee. FOR A hlKh grade clerical position see Watts Ref. Co., K40-42 Hrandeis Theater. HTKNOOHAPHER. Apply at b2 Htate Rank Bldg. Factory aad Trades, MILLINERY apprentice. Call DOUG. B7. lloasekeepera and Uonseatles. THE Servant Olrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Oirl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired reeulta This applies to residents of Omaha, Housu Omuhu and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The BeJfl-e or telephone Tyler 1000. ' WANTED Woman cook In small restau rant. Also a woman to do all-around work. Mia. F. E. Ruff. Hartlngton. Neb. WANTED a competent girl for general hoiiacwork. No wushlng. 3224 Dodge. 1 1. 1S76, W A N T V.VA good girl for general housework. 4M;i lKidne. WANTED tlood girl or woman to do general work In a small family. Best ol wages. !WW Meredith Ave. WANTED tllrl for general housework. Oood home offered. Phone '"Harney 4i.".o. Call at 2X20 Harney Ht. WANTED Young girl to assist with hoiwework; small family, one who can ten home nights; H. E, Nlcholnon, Apt. mi. , I nor am. rsrg avenue smi Harris, COMPETENT girl for general houfcework; apply Magel, lOil.l FariiHin. Tel. II. 4046, WANTED A Bill for general housework; nc w nulling, A. W. Friend, 8304 Davenport Ht. Harney IW9. y WANTED Competent housekeeper for smiill family; 24).t N. pith Ht. W. 2U WANTED A competent maid for general housework; no waxhing. family ot four; 181 H mth Ht. Harney 21.12. OOOD competent girl fur general houa work; K'JO H. XAh Ave. Harney 2104. OIKL for general housework at once; good home, good wages. IScJ N. l!Mb.. Q1RL for general housework, small fam ily. i;)l Ho. th Ave. Harney Si. OIRL for house work, to go home nights. i an narnry nji WANTED A girt for general housework &jU6 llsrney bt WANTED A competent gill for general housework at 3172 Dodge. Liberal wages to competent girl. Harney 1141. A competenl girl (or general housework; no cooking; small family. Call H. 4f71. OIRL wanted for general housework. Mrs. U. W. Nohle, Hawthorne Ave. WANTKD-A cood muld for general housework, call Minday or anyday next week. 114 N. tilth Ht. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Usui Dewey Ave. H. lt23. WNTKikTperTeiieed cooW. Tel. MraT A. L. Ree1, Hanson 178. OIRL for general housework; must be good cook. "SI 8. S"lh St. Harney lsil7 WANTED A competent girl for general housework; good wages; email family. Call Harney 13. i. WANTED A young girl for general housework; one who wanta good home Call Harney 217!. tilKL fur general housework. 1&8 park Ave. A YOUNG girl to assist with housework; one who can go home nlghta; ateant heated apartments and two in family. Cell H. 3042. Ksrtsry and 1 nets, APPRENTICE girt. Oppenhelra Parlors. Kin. WANTED Strong, practical nurse to take care of elderly lady. 11. TU. MIS Far nam. kttaMllaaaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as s. rangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and U'h St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers guiae at r t:'on Marion. EXP. maossge girl wanted; permanent position. B. ZJ4 Neville Blk. l. 4JKJ. EXTRAORDINARY FIjOUAL READS' Make your own heada in brilliant colors. exgutalte colors' tin H solo at handsome nroflt. I .a France Rose. Irieh Laddie. koman Beauty, Poniplen Prince, Persian Bouquet, vtc Formulas 25 cents eaoh coin oi'lyt. Send stamp for complete list Miss F.kbergh Ktudlo, 08 Raymond Ave., pa. I aui. rainn. WANTED Two oung ladles under 2S years of age. willing to travel: ex perlence not necessary. Call any after noon or nignt at Mahutlnu tfhow Carni val grounds. Council Bluffa. la. Omaha real (state ta lk,e best liivestmeat you could make. Rval iB Bee's real esiaie columns. HKLI WAJfTED MALE PRK'.HT hoy, 1 to Is; good future. WATTS REF. C.. K40-42 Brandels Theg Clerical and Office. IF Tor are looking for a high grade position see rne CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO 101M: CITY VAT L UK. BI.IHJ. WE PLACE roiniietent help In sll lines of high grade commercial positions. We have an tcnlng for von. Call at once. Watts Ref. Co.. mo-42 Bran. Theater. LEDUEIt CLERK. Apply at 62S Htate Bank Rldg. Factory aad Trades. WANTED Prcssmsn, experienced and reliable, for color aork on Mlehle presses In our own plant, nonunion: no labor troubles; steady work. Western Tablet Co., Ht. Joseph, Mo. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. WANTED Fifteen hnrness mskers, four saddle hands. No hoorers. Ulve refer ences. The Kearler-Barkow Hsddlery i ompany, Atrnison, Ksn. WANTED MEN T 1,aBN THE BAR BER TRA DK Be Independent. Few weeks completes. Positions waiting. Our (graduates qualified for best Jobs. Wage while learning. Tools alven. Call rr write. MOLKR BARBER COLLEOE. 110 H, 14th. Mlscrlianeuas. PAXTON Blk l.ette rlna Bchool. Rm. tl t YOUNG MEN WANTED To be auto experts. Oood men earn big money; largest and beet college. Big new bldg.. elec. II. snd starting systems, big machine shops. You do the auto work yourself. Free catalogue. American Auto College. 2119 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. Wanted at Once , l L-V a a . x. 1 1 I t ssn i.s ini ii ma- HilinillfllMlt" IMJHinPS", the demand i grent for our rrftdiat-s; have tralnrd hunlrl f men; let u train yoti. Write for free booklet. T i ii a - e a a iat 1 Auto Irnining Ass n. zxit N. 3)th ft.. Qmsha. Nsh. RAILROAD. fTrEMEN. BRAKEMEN, $; experience unnecessary. Send age. postage. Railway, y ISO, Bee -o MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran- v'i"i cv: vo., vsningun, i. t. THE NEBRASKA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduates than any school In this country. "There's reason." Write today for our catalogue ti r. nw iooge, uirmlia. Men MEN to learn the barber trade: tuition, St; set of tools given; wages paid. Trl Clly College. 12th and Douglaa Sta. WANTED Reliable man; stste age and references; good nay: stead v. K.nH stamped -self-addressed envelope. Nodan. SOs C. w. 10th, LosVAngeles, Cal. WANTED Manager for family hotel; good proposition for right rertv: state experience, give reference In first letter. rtooress l, z.z. nee. W ANTElv 1.IW0 men to eat round steak, inc. Coffee John s, 14th and Capitol. HELT- WANTED MALE AND KEMAI.K MEN WOMEN Get government Jobs, to JlfiO month. Write for list of nn. sitlons BvaJlable. Franklin Institute. Dept. S2-R, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS AMBITIOI'S young man. aged W, a close eiuoeni or atrvertising, desires position In the advertising field with larce retail store, trade paper advertiser, commercial club oX aome city, or with manufacturing Ilrm. or would be glad to consider good position with some large firm where his Knowledge of advertising, combined with the following business experience, would enable him to secure a permanent place. neven years experience in term Imple ment and machine business; from me chanic to manager: one and one-half rears assistant cashier of country bank; horough knowledge of automobiles and supplies gained rrom actual experience in the workshop: able to handle correspond ence; good education; habits clean; per sonal manner aald by others to be pleas ing. Salary to start, fair living wage, to be Increaaed as ability Is proved. Excel lent references. Can arrange for Inter view. All Inquiries promptly answered. Address Y 182, Bee. n LAWYER: YOITNO MAN. GOOD EDU. CATION, ' LAW GRADUATE, EX CELLENT STENOGRAPHER, DE SIREN POSITION IN UiW OFFICE OR WITH LARGE CORPORATION WHERE OPPORTUNITY WILL BE GIVEN TO OBTAIN PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. OR AH MFtlVATB MECRETAY. AGE 37. ADDRESS B 437. BEK. YOT'NO LADY doslres to work for board and room in jirlvate house after office hour. Saturday, off at 1 o'clock. Ad dress O 436, Bee. EXPERIENCED automobile man wishes a position In garige or driving car or truck. rhon Douglas B190. WANTED Position as housekeeper. W o. Z7H4 tyant ft. COMPETENT, energetic man, 25. with college education, wsnts connection witn advertising agency, real estste or special firm; commands English, German and Scandinavian languages; experienced. M. 422, Bee. Future advancement imperative. Vol 'NO lady wishes positron as steno grapher la office; has knowledge of bookkeeping. Call W. 7.7. REFINP.D, middle-aged lady desires a position as housekeeper for a small (dower's family, or take charge of a ho tel, Tel. Ken. 21K1, or address r aaa, nee. YOUNG man wanta place to work for hoard while attending Boyles' college. Telephone tHiuglas IhfA. TOl'XQ man wishes position' as hotel clerk. Best of references. Address M 414. Bee. POSITION as housekeeper for hotel; ex perienced; A-l references. Address II 4SJ. Bee. . LADY wishes position as first class chamhennaid. Address O 432. Bee. .. SITUATION wanted by experienced ttmkeepert will agree ta leave city. Ad dress r ji. ee. SITUATION wanted; yeung man 13 year of age, of good habits, desires clerical position Address ri 4JQ, nee. WANTED GJrl for general housework. good place for good girl. Call t4 8. Ave. Phone Harney 704$. SCHOOL dresses and fall sewing. wT M70. . i DAY WORK, bundle wsshlifg. H. 737. 1AUNDRY to takehonie. Webster Ni. t DAT work wanted, rtione Douglaa STt. EDUCATED, refined widow wanta place as housekeeper. Address B 440. Bee. EXPERIENCED and competent tele phone operator desires position as P. n. X. operator with ronrern where there la chance for advancement to clerical po sition; high sch.Kil education; reference. Address. F 2N. Bee. WIFE, good housekeeper, would work for husband's room and board. References given and required. -Address, S 437, Bee. 'W'ANTKI Work as chambermaid in hotel In Omaha or South Omaha. Phone 8. SJS. RELIARLE, practical nurse wishes posi tion. Call D. m. ATTRACTIONS. WANTED Merry Go "Round and other concessions for th louglaa County Fair. Address H. A. Hansen, Eikhorn, Neb. ArTOMOBII.ES 1S12 OLDSMOB1LE coup. practicaLy new, driven only 1 O0 mtUs; will sell at bar gain. Tyler 1063. 1I2 J&-H. P. JACKSON roadster. In pes ' feet mechanical condition. New tires. Will trad for good lot Phone D. 6251. MAXWEIX. runabout. 4-cyllnder. run $,000 miles, new tires, VX Florence 21. nugh Omaha Rad. Rap. Co. tKM Far. 30 H. P.. iV-pass., 11)12 tuurtng car, fully equipped and overhauled; HA So. S4& FOR SALE A l-paaeenger auto, good running condition, $i"jd It taken at once. Phone Webster $ri:4. VV ANTED TO BUY-Prest O-Ute taokT I'iiope Harney A-aV "Undberg' ' For door, body bidg.,40 4 Far. J- A t'TOMOBI LKS 100 forfeit for any msgneto we csn't re pair. Coll repsr g O. Bsysdorfer. II" N. II FOR a high grade, need csr at a right price see Howes, 2216 Farnam. D. irj. Ml' e-PASSFlNt 1 ElTTourlng rsr, lo. for Omaha clear building lot worth the money. Call Harnei- nk , the owner. Industrial Oarrage Co.. 2"th Harney Rta Metorcrclea. Llndhorg Rros.. 2S7;! Lea v Flying Merkle). HAP.LKY-DAVIDBON .MOTORCYCLES, Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Msn." 27nj fesven worth. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargain In ued machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., Hth and Chicago. D. 372. ONE 3-cyl. motoreycle. 12. Tyler 2 tT. ntSIXESS CHANCES C. J. CAN AN. Real Estate and Exchange DHL'O STORE, suburban; best in city; terms. Call Webrter 34:A DRi'G STORE Corner drug store in Omaha, doing splendid business: excel lent class of trade; owner leaving city; bargain for cash. F 44."., Bee. PARTNER wanted In garage business, clearing 240O a month, must have $1,000 0AN0ESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg. D. 2477. BUILDERS who build for th future of their business need a good foundation. What could be better than a nice, cool office, easily found, close to the build ers' headquarters, the court house and city ball? A room or a auite In The Bee Building Is desirable. Office, Room 103. FOR SALE 2S.0IK) stock of hardware and modern store building, located In good . i ZAV.. Will aell htllld- l,lVll in i , , ... ..... lng and fixtures for il.ono less than they cost two years ago. io iraues. uuit, Y 173, Bee. OOOD brick building, used for European hotel and cafe, town 1.200; price 2d8,00O, Terms. .11m Wray. Sioux City, HARDWARE stock for sale on account of illness of owner. 9,0U0 cleah stock hardware and Implements. Lively town eastern Nebraska. Annual sales 230,000. Fine residence property it aesirea. Ad dress Y 1S3, Bee. o. HIGH-CLASS business openings. Wester.. Ref. V Bond Ass n. 7d4 dm. Nat Bk. Bldg 1W. LEVEL land, near Red Lion, Sedg wick countv. Colo.: 23.200; mortgage. Jl.OiiO. jier cent, due May. 117; equity for good business. Adoresg it m, nee. q 446, slrap. POOL hall and barber slfap. Excellent location. Making money. b&0. OANGESTAD, Room 404 Ree Bldg. ' T. S477. SIGNS, show cards. Clark A Son, D. 137$. SWELL rooming house, ten rooms, two blocks northwest postoffice In Sioux City, Jim Wray, Sioux City. TO GET In or out of Dusiness, call on OANGSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. D.3477. TO OJ'ICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha. PAYING bottling wonts snd ice cream factory for sale; cost $3.M0; will take $2,6K) for quick deal; might trade. Addreas Plslnvlew Bottling Works, 1'lalnvlew, Neb. X-ROOAI hotel, near P. O., clearing $200 per month. Handle on $700. Cash price, $1,200 OANGESTAD, " Room 404 Bee Rldg. D. 3477. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your theater, machlno and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., -140$ Farnam St Douglas 1837. WANTED An idea. Who can think of some simple "Tiling to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed, Inventions" and "How to Get Your Tafent and Your Money." Randolph Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington. D. C. We can'seli your business QT'ICK SALES CO. -418 Ree Bl'lg Red KM. YOUR business or real estate quickly sold. Write Ilm Wray, Sioux City. Ronaalna llonsea for Bale. BIG BARGAIN. . 9 rooms, excellent furniture, good room ers; a fall opportunity. 1813 Chicago St. Dong. 444S. Boarding and rooming house, 9 rooms, furnished, well located, walking dis tance. This is a snap for cash. Party going weal. Address N l.V, Ree. 1 ROOMS, furniture. $160. Call Red 3143. EDUCATIONAL . MOSIIER-LAM'MAN , COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsuf passed clasnes in all business and Eng lish branches, sjhorthand. rtenotvDv. telegraphy and typewriting. Graduates guaranreea goo a positions. 1 'la res pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new free catalogue address MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE iW rrnam St., Omaha. Dougiss W1. The Van Sant School. Stenography Day school, $;00 to 4:00. v Night school. :15 to :U. ISth and Farnam Sts. Douglas M47. 1914 PALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE S NOW OPEN in both the day and night sessions. Yet It Is not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental- discipline that will double your earning capHcity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Buslneaa practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, hanking, stenography, steno typy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work snd many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while attending. Douglas lfi. BOYLES COLLEGE, BOYLES BUILDING. ' H. If. BOYLES. PRES., OMAHA. FOR SALE1 at a discount, a full unlim Red scholarship la Boyles Business col lege. Omaha; good for either shorlnsnd or bualness courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Be. YOUNG lady would like cheerful room with board: private family; will pay right price for pleasant home; nice sur roundings; modern conveniences. Address C 4. Bee. FOR SALE ysraltare. New A 2d hand furnlt re, cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 0 N. 16th. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianoa Oruau Van and btoratt Co., ax4 foo. lath St. at natewl Instruments. Blhrhtly use high grade piano, x. tnt Ty vrtivr. TTPEWRITKIU sold, rented, repaired Central Tnew rtte- Exchange. 301 8. 17th. RENT ao silver typewrllar. 3 rowihs for $4. The Oliver Typewriter Co. D. ! All makes typewriters rented, sold, tarma. Butts Typewriter. Ii6 Farnam. D. tOih RENT Remingtons, Monarch and Smith Premiers of their makers, Tbe Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas VM. Rental credited If you purchase, and onry very newest-and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three month for 16 (or understroke machines or $3 per month tor latest model visible writers. 1 Oil SALE Mlsceliaaeons. FOR SALR at a discount a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for elthr short hand or business course. Apply at the ofllce of The Omaha Be tto.M. BRICKS at H M per M. ; al-v innM. feet of lumber at works. 11th and .lack son Sts. Buildings bougjst and wrecked. Trester-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. Vm. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 & Paul. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. SM. tet Trester Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 4e). FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fixtures of all klnda; easy payments - The Brunswick-Balke-Collen.1er Co., 4H7-409 8. loth St. WAGON umbrellas Ws gner, sni N. 16th. STOVEW FOR SALE Fine steel range snd good hase-bui ner. Tel. Tyler ?2i0, J. KINDLING and damaged lunioer for sale . very cheap. U G. Doup Co., i:l Nicho las St. FOR SALE English baby buggy and Cole Blast stove. Harney 31. FOR SALE Live wild decoy ducks. Phone South JKK2. FOR SALE Liquid Iceleas soda fountain In Empress Garden, Empdess the. Bldg., Omaha, for sale at a great sacrifice by the manufacturer; cash or terms. Call H. 46.10. . LOST AND KOl'ND CHILD'S gold locket with monogram, G. U f lllfUl . A -nll T i .. y.a ..... .i"," ' " -, v r. ii . -. v. . ,. -i n - . OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Sk Council Duffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in tbe street cars. .Many crtlcles each flay are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas LOST In Orpheum theater, Fridav mat inee, a pair of glasses In case. Reward If returned to Bee office or 306 3. 17th St. LADIES' gold watch. Initials engraved A. E. Reward. Howard Cafe. Douglas IMS LOST Gold watch with word "French" on fob. Reward. Douglas 76S. RUBY RING, initials E. W. Inside; gold locket and ehain. Initials R A M. D. 34i5. IJVK STOCK FOR SALE. lleraea aad Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagona In the city; ull kinds of blacksmith work, naintlnr and lettering 1nhnmn.n.nfn,th Co., new location. 1S29-31-33 N. 16th St. MEDICAL. Established 1894. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all safe, scientific methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and child ren. The cost ia determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CONSUMPTION For those who have It Do you want to get well? It.jou do, address O 423 Bee. hPiles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cure plies, fistula and Other rectal diseases without surgical operation. cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal dlaeases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. MONET TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. Douglaa ltlL POULTRY AND SUPPLIES AGENTS, investigate; 100 per cent profit: season now on; get busy. Chicken Lit oaver. . o.. mat iTJmmg ut STF3REOTYPE matrices make the best and cheaneat llnlnv for noultrv Iiaiihm They are 17x23 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically iireirooi, (oc s nunarea at ine Bee office. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect Wa rilstrihnta T.n. Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 i-'oage ot YOUNG women coming to Omaha at on angers are invnea to vtett the Young W omen's Christian Association building at nth St. and St. Mary s Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise avsinted. Look for our trav olera' aid at the Union Station. WANTEO "TO BUV OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. U07 Farnam. Doug. 6146. WE RUT Jd-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. WANTED TO RENT TWO or three unfurnished rooms ten mln utes' walking distance City hall. Ad dreas H. 447, Bee. UVK STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Tour consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Itsek 1 mn lesion Merchaata. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg, SWAPPER'S COLUMN , AUTOS Here Is a bargain: 30 hi p.. F- passenger. 1912 touring car. fully equipped and recently overhauled: ask $150: will demonstrate car and consider a roaaster in trade. Adifress S. C. 13S8, Bee. AUTO Oae heavy-type roadster, new en gine, new top, with side curtain; new tires, new rear driving gear. This car Is In first-rlsss shape. What have you to offer in trade. Address S. C. 137. By. AUTOS 1 have &-pasengei- car, $800, which I will trade for Omaha clear building lot worth the same money. Ad- drvss S. C. 13H7, care Bee. AUTO Will swap a practical grocery Mian e auio aeuvery wagon tor groceries and will give you a good, profitable deal. S C. 13M. Bee. AUTO XOOLS Have a chest of; would like to trade for 10 or 13-gauge shotgun. S. C. 1027. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other autoinobll Dargains see in "Auioiuoulle ', clasam rstion. AUTO Want to swap for a late date fully equipped touring car. Income brick business property, well rented in tMiuih Omaha, on principal business St., !uth and 4k Q streets. 8. C. 1344, Bee. AUTO TRUCK One ton light truck, all overhauled; a medium aimed high school cadet suit; a No. S steel hopper. 4 ft. dia., 2-ft. shell by 2-ft. hopper. Whst have you to trade. Addreas S. C. 13X1. Be. AUTOMOBILE 4-par.aenger. Oldamobile. In first-eluss condition, for city lot. Ad dress S. C. 13M, Bee. FURNITURE for u 4S-rooiu hotel near Omaha, t.)0. fxw rat rent on the building. What have you to offer? Address S. C. 1268. care Bee. KODAK A new Aiwco folding kodak, 2x4i. leather tourist i case for aame and portrait attachments. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment, or good bicycle. Address S. c. m- OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some good second-hand of floe furniture: must be cheap for easb. Addreas b. OL 114U, nee. SCALE Have a Toledo l ib. candy ale. nearly new, will exchange for anything that can b used ia a restaurant, or roll top desk Addreas B. C. llNv. Be. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trad or sal. Phone llwU, Council Bluffa. la, - SWAPPERS' COIAMN pXLVTlVn and repairing of all kinds done. Will make vour bouse look like new and -will sell better. Will take any thing of value In exchange. It wont cost you anything to get an estimate. Answer now. Address S. C. 13V', Bee. BADDLEfor trsne "for girl s bicycle or phonogrsph. Address S. C. T4. Pee. 8 1 tNS, sho"wcsrcis,"ciark Son D. 137 SCofcit Collie pup, 4 months old. trade for young chickens or sond-hand lum ber. Address S. C. 1.176. Hee. TYPKW R I T E R Nea r I y new No. S L. C. Smith typewriter for sale or trade; only used three montha. Address S C 1378. Bee. FOR nRNT A part meat and Flats. , Rental Service Free W'hy worry. where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment in the city. 'Phone us for further information. Doug las 4177. Fidelity Storage A Van Co. 4 ronmsvvnodern,- 2Sth and Douglas Sts. Everyjatest convenience Vacuum cleaner service free, You save cor fare here. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1S32 Farnam St. Phone Doug. W. ..,.. J" M STANDARD FLATS STEAM HEAT. DESIRABLE. a-r., full modern. Chicago plan, best high quality. - Welt located, close in. Janitor. MODERATE PRICES. T. .1. HOOK, 1101 N. 18T1I ST. CHOICE APARTMENT. 1003 S. 3t)TH AVE. Rig large rooms, newly equipped, will decorate to suit, ideally arranged, private porches, private laundry, private front and rear entrance, steam heat. Janitor service, hot and cold water, first-clean residence district. Open today for In spection. PAYNE SLATER CO., 61(1 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 1 S. 17TH ST.. 6-r. mod. flat. 30. C. O. Carlberg, 310-312 Brandels. Theater Bldg. ALL mod. 6-r. flat, close In. D. sir.. FOUR-ROffM FLATH 15 1S01 A INTON. SPECIAL. One 4-room and bath, 1n California apartment; 4 blocks from Postoffice; high-grade apartment. Sea janitor. Pho ne Douglas 6217. CHICAGO ST., 2110 7-room new modern flat, hardwood finish. US. D. 7566. OGDEN ANNEX looms, with klUhw ettes Council Bluffa TWO seven-room flats, 24th and Farnam. Steam furnished and modern. Elmer J. Neville. 309 Neville Blk. -SIX-ROOM HEATED APARTMENT. 70S 80. 16th St., rooms, modern. PETERS TRUST CO., U-22 Farnam St. Phone Doug. KW. 2525 NO. 16TH ST. 9 rooms, modern, with larce nttlc. Phone Web. 4479. 10-ROOM flat, modern. H. 847. Gordon Van Co Store ka. 119 N. Uth St. Phone D. XH or H. CB11. 28 5-RM mod. flat. 3327 Cuming. W. 4S9. 19.00 Three large room net, partly modern. 1915 Elm St. Harney 435. FOUR new and up-to-date B-room flats; every convenience; rent reasonable. I2d rear Leavenworth. Ca lyl O'Keefe. D. 271 5. 7-ROOM, modern brick flat, fin Condi tion. 2iS14 Dodge, $36.00. D. 440. 2710 JACKSON Very desirable, strictly modern brick flat, S rooms Including 1 bedrooms; piano; cheap for $40. Board suinl Bom. OOOD board, comfortable, rooms. In prl- vate tamny, ft ween, can u. REFINED home, good, neighborhood, cozy front room, with desirable board. Harney 1113. FOR two young men, room with hoaad in modern home. Call Webster 8070, Pleasant rooms, excellent board, private family, blk. from car, reasonable. H. 2723. DESIRABLE rooms with board. Three blocks west of Rome hotel. 618 8. 19th. CLEAN, modern rooms, good board. Douglas (M7. UNUSUAL rooms, unusual board at ususl rates. Gray Gables, 20th and Davenport. HOD. front -room, private residence, board optional; near Crelghton unL Har. SSOT. ' Farnlaftea It 00 mas. 220 NO. 23D Comfortable modern front rooms with small lamlly; .walking dis tance) DAVENPORT. 1701 The rooms you want; see them. SOUTHEAST room, ntoely furnlahed. private family. iua a. 31st tit. 1-1. Mil. FURNISHED room for rent in private residence, within walking dlstanc of potofflce. References required. Phon Douglas 7281. RF.nDF.N41" Bo- 2Mb. mod. rooms, 1.JZjUUj team heati reasonable. IN private family, for two. $10. W. Ke7. Neatly furn., mod., reasonable. 117 N. 20th. LARGE, modern; private family. H. 4006. N. 23d, 618 Modern, cheap. Douglaa 6437. Mod., pri vate home, references. H. Hag. FURNISHED room for one or two young men. In private family; meals If de sired. Address 812 So. 33d St TWO nicely furnished, modern rooms, la quiet home, Hansoom Park IMatrict. best -neighborhood. Hil4 Mason St., one block from car. THREE rooms and bath; modern. $13, Webster 4002. LARGE east front room for 1 or I gen tlemen, near first class boarding house, Hanscom Park district. - Reference re quired. Phone Harney 2346. BEAUTIFUL, large room, alngle or en suite, strictly modem; 2124 Cass St. L'Bfaralaked Keoaas. THREE mil,, part mod., $11. 2734 Caldwell. Famished li oases. (-ROOM, all modern, Dundee. Tel. Har ney 139. 6-r. furnished house in Dundee. H. 2077. A 7-ROOM furnished house for rent Call W. 1S47. -ROOM modern, new bungalow, with piano, reasonable. 2914 Saratoga St Famished Housekeeping; Rooms. ty N. MST. FOUR furnished rooms, mod ern, only $16 per month. Housekeeping; it ooms. S APTS., furnished for light housekeep ing; steam heated; mod. 47M N. 24th. BO. Uth ST., 726 Houataee ping rooms en suite; first floor; also sleeping rooma, Tyler 1021 W. CLOSE In. mod., reasonable, 220a Farnam. Iletels a art Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel, lttta and California Weekly rates U and up. Douglaa .03. OGDEN HOTEL, rooms U per week. Council Bluffa DODGfc HoTEl-Modern. Reasonable. 11 oases and Cottages. J louses for Rent ' Very desirable R-room brick flat, close to high school. This house haa all mod ern conveniences, including hardwood fin ish, tiled bath room and sun room. 8 rooms, strictly modern, on 38th ftt., pear Farnam, $46. . 7 rooms and hall, strictly modern: hard wood finish in first story. 2 bedrooms up stairs, 1 bedroom and hath on first floor, $1260. This house fronts on a paved street and boulevard, 2 Mocks from csr line. l.'-room house, on 3'tli St. near Harney, $VS. , 8 rooms, modern, 212 Pacific St., $40. 7 rooms. 'modern. 116 N. 24th St.. $32..'. Suitable for Kooming IIouso 8-room. modern, 2-story brick house, 21st and Harney $40. . J. H. DUMOXT & CO., lfins Farnam St. Phone Douglas 690. $-ROOKl strictly modern house in Al con- , i VfilS 1, nl .1 fi ,'.11 - . anion, tf-ai,.i . - a., m v IObx So. 2th St. or phone Harney 2344. See Our. Rental List. Bankers- Resltv Investment Co. Ground floor Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug 2931. 8EVEN-ROOM Cottage, good condition, modern except furn'ice, $1; W4B Leaven worth St. Phone Webster 3332. 9-R. HOUSE, modern, water beat, hard wood finish, near ear, uunoe. Fhoti II. 2K . . J