Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1914, Image 3

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Lengthy Wyoming Lftd Allowt
Cleveland But Tonr Hit.
In Fear Times H Drlrea Oat
Tr Mnalra and a Triple,
to Win.
IT.EVEI.AND, O, 8pt. . Srott holil
Cleveland to four hita today an1 Chlracn
Cutting Scrape on North Twenty
Sixth May Be Fatal for Two.
5ntk Omaha ftrhnnl Tem-hera Sleet
Terlar tn Make Neatly for
the School Opening on
Mike rutn. 10.'i North Twmty-alxth
atreet, and John Obra, of the aa'iie d-
'n, 8 to 1, bunrhlnff hits off Morton In i drew", are In danKeroua ahape. the former
the sixth and rlfchtli Inning. In four
timra up Roth had three inflra and
Hole. Srore:
AB. il. O. I.E. AB H O
t.loboM. ct.. 1 0 1 Orwmmltt. II. I I I I
Wtim. at.. I i 1 a 1
rhapman, 2b 4
lxloit, 1., 4
Klra. If.... 1
Turner, St.. 4
Kuan. 1 0
fartinh, p.. a
Mnrtna, p.. t
niMhna. e....t
Johnetl ... 1
Urnejr .... 1
1 It t
t t l
t t t
t s t
at home and the latter In the South
Omaha hospital aa the rrmilt of an em
broilment with John Fhuta. who rooma at
the an me place.
Shuta used a knife with deadly effect
x niiii. -... t l 4 t 1 1 during the fight and Obra a throat waa
OKnumlcr. It 4 1 ll I
esrhnrk. a... 4 t t I 0
Roth. Tf.... 4 4 1 0 t
IHIackha' rh 4 I 1 1
mhfira, lb.. I t X I
Hcou. t t I t
n ToUlt H II H It 1
Total. .'...t mil I
Hatted tor Kuan In the elchlh.
Batted for Morton In the elsrhth.
Cleveland 0 9 0 0 0 0 1 01
Chicago 0 0100S00-
Two-baa hita: Turner. Johnston. KlrVe.
Mrenton. Thtee-bso hlta: Roth, Dimmltt.
Sacrifice Mils: K.Kan. Colllna, Kcott,
.chBlk. Stolen base: lilackburne. (),
rolling, Ilreton. Double plays: Ean,
Lajole and K-an. Hlta: Off Morton, 13
In elKht Innintt-.; off Blahop. 2 In one
Inning. Hasea on bulls: Off Morton, 8;
off Scott, 8. HU by pitched ball: By Scott,
Wambsxana. Struck out: By Morton, 6;
bv Scott, . Wild pitch: Morton. First
base on errora: fleveland, 1; Chtcatro, 1.
Tft on bases: Cleveland. 6; Chicago. .
Time: 1:56. Vmplrea: Kvans and Kner
Tlaera lilt Ball . Hartl.
PETROIT, Sept. 6. Detroit alfttirhtered
two pitchers thia afternoon and defeated
St. Loula IS to . Ten runa and ten
hita were made off Wellmiui, "Bn"y
effective against the Tlay-re, n the first
inj li-arenz also was bit
bard. Prtiu' drove a home run ovT the
left fl-M wall In the flrat Innin. score:
ST. t-Ot W. DET"2'3" . in
ahnttnn . pf. 4 0 1 t HllFh. SB 4 1
1 1 1 1 HT , 2D
tit K'obb. rt.... 4
1 S t t rawford. If. 4
lit High, rf.... t
1 11 1 OVearh. If....
til tollman. If. t
0 0 1 OHurrifl, lb... B
1 t 1 OMorlarlty. so a
0 0 1 OStanau. c. 4
0 0 SCarat, p.... 4
10 0 tBaker .c... 0
ToUil M It 24 11 1 Total St IT IT 17 1
Batted for 1-everenn In ninth.
Ht. Loul 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 9 1 4
Ietroit 2 0 0 8 1 0 2 0 -13
Two-base hits: Cobb, Lary. Three-base
Hts: Morarlty, Crawford. Home run:
Pratt. Hita: Off Weilman. 10 In four In
nlnRs; off lverena, 7 in four Inninaa.
Hncriflce hit: Wallace. Sacrifice fly:
Pratt Stolen bases: Shotten. Morlarty.
Double play: Iary (unassisted). Left on
bases: St. Louis. 9; Detroit. First on balls: Off Weilman, I: off Cavet,
3: off Levereni. 2. Hit by pitched ball:
Jty Cavet. Attnew. Struck out: By Lev
ereni. 2i by Cavet. 1. Wild pitch: Cavet.
Time: 1:56. , Umpires: Dlneen and Egan.
Anattn, lb.. 5
Pratt. ?b.... I
K. Walker. If t
William, rt 4
lyairy. lb... 4
WaJlart as. 1
Vae, aa... t
Aajnew, 1
Weilman, p. 1
ljvrnB, ' p. 1
Jenkins .... 1
t t
t 0
slashed, almost from ear to ear. Duln
waa stabbed about the body.
Officers Olllen and Qutnn arrested Shut
and he is held at headquarters as a
"isplctous character," pending the out
come of the injuries of his two victims.
The cause of the quarrel was not ascer
tained. Teaehera Meet Todnr
Superintendent N. M. Graham of the
South Omaha public schools will preside
at, the semi-annual general teachers meet
Ins; to be held at the high school audi
torium this morning; at o'clock. One
hundred and sixty-nine teachers In the
public schools Including; members ,of the
high school faculty will attend and a
program of soma length will be carried
All pupils of the public schools will
enter their respective schools Tuesday
morning and the- regular work of the
comlne; semester will be entered upon.
There will be only a half day's session
at the high school from 9 o'clock until
noon. A mass meeting will be held at 9
o'clock and the students will be directed
to their classes.
Mlaa Rndersdorf llaa Returned.
Miss Ijura Ttudorsdorf, daughter of J.
If. Rudersdorf and a teacher at the high
school, returned yesterduy morning after
Three Proposition, Given Party 0.
K. by the Voter of State.
ecort Permits V1 1 e-l t h of Jar)
la (it 11 4 aae.a tn Hetarn Verdict
Third Raise officers'
(From a Ftaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. .-(Spet (al.)-AH three
of the constitutional amendments carried
at the last primary and they are made
the party proposition of all of the parties
and will be entitled to the benefit of all
straight party ballots, so that the voter
who does not vote either way on tho pro
position or makes a cross In the party
circle votes for them.
Amendment No. 1 la a proposition to
get a more adequate system of taxation
for Nebraska and carries by a vote of
54.517 for to J5.725 against, the vote by
each party being as follows:
Nsttke i(irnan, grN-rr; were the
lir.ivtest losere In the order namrd. All
km tipcel by Insurance excepting
I Mrs. Frank Thomas, whose lima Is 1I.IKA
Only a small xirtlon rf the banking
room damaged by smoke.
Norfolk Woman Is
Killed in Joyridc
, With Policeman
Republican .
.1 emocratio
Populist ....
Socialist ....
For. Against.
Z7..41 !'
Everything is in Readiness for This
Remarkable Exhibition.
NORFOLK. Neb., Sept ti.-iSperll Tel-Mrm.)-Mrs.
Ida l.ffio. ased 3, was
killed and three others Injured In an auto
mobile accident about midnight Night
I re ne-11 f the lr t Show
Ilia SWIM In Remarkable
' Keata While lllan In
Ike aV.
(From a Staff Corretonlent )
LINCOLN. Sept. .--(Speclul Telegram.)
Attendance at the state fair exceeded
Patrolman Raymond McClnre Ucxcrted hlsthat of any Sunday of any previous year,
brat, borrowed a car and look a man and'thn total being l'l.lsS. The attendance In
It Will Tny to Be So Reckoned at
Labor Picnic Today.
fievernnr Morehead Among the
Speekera, While the Principal
Address Will lie l.y Mis
ror of I hli-agn.
II mill pay to be homely today at Flor
ence. The homeliest man In Omaha, ca t
capitalize that homeliness tnriny. For tho
Centriil llir unions of Omaha find
South Omaha, have decided to give him a
prlro. This Is one of the ninny contest
tt:ry have arranged for amusement at ths i
piirk In Florence In celebration of labor
day. This very homily man Will (ret a
box of cigars-
Tlie man producing the oldest union
membership curd will get a prlie. The
oldest lady on the grounds will be re
warded with a cash prise of '
These nre some of the ninny features of "v.
the celebration which Is to brgln at 3
o'clock. Th"tc will be athletic events
galore, sui h as IiIrIi Jump, .brosd Jump,
font rrtces, and many others. 1'rlses are '
offered for all of them.
Governor Morehead Is to be among th 1
Fpeakcrs. Mlis Anna Nestor of Chicago
Is to be the principal speaker of the after
noon. There Is to be dancing both In tht)
afternoon and evening.
Totals M.R97 27i'.
The second proposition gives a Jury the
right to return a verdict In civil rases,
ftve-slxths of tho Jury being only neces
sary instead of the enliro Jury governing
tho verdict. The vote on this proposi
tion wss:
.1 lemoeratld
Socialist ....
For. Against.
, l.AjO
0 0
1 o
0 1
Eighty-Two Take
Part in-Handicap
. at Happy Hollow
A field of eighty-two players took part
In the eighteen-nole handicap match
play against bogey at the Happy Hollow
club Saturday. The leading four players
are to take part In the match play for
a prize given by A. W. Mason. Kenneth
Reed, Harold Johnsom, M. W. Rhoades
an G. M. Durkee qualified. Heed and
Johnson were 1 up . on bogey, while
Rhoades and Durkee were even. Reed
will play Rhoades and Johnson will play
Durkee In the match pjay.
W. K Shcpard won In the finals In the
play for the prise presented by Kenneth
Reed by defeating Guy Liggett, 6 up
and 4.
In the semifinals for the John H.
Beaton cup Charles Gv McDonald with
a handicap of ten, beat Harold Johnson,
scratch. 3 up and 2, while F. D. Wead
with 20, beat Lee A. 8mlth, with 22.
McDonald and Wead both have a leg
. on the Hcaton cup, so one or the other
is 'hound to win permanent possession
of it, the agreement being that the
player winning It twice shall be given
the cup.
Considerable interest Is being taken In
the croas country golf, the course being
from the Field club to the Happy Hollow
club. R. W. Morrison Is low score up
to date. . He played the course In Gt
tj a three months stay In Rurope. While
in Europe she was studying drawing In
Berlin and at the time the war broke-out
was caught in the thick of the war tangle.
For a time It was Impossible to send uhy
mall out of the country and her parents
and friends In South Omaha were caused
a great deal of anxiety as to her circum
stances. A letter was received last Saturday by
her parents, written In Berlin and dated
three weeks ago. She will speak at the
teachers' meeting to bo held this morning
at the high school, telling of her experi
ences in Kurope.
Magic City Rosnlp.
The local order or Redman will m
this evening at their hall at Twenty
fourth and O streets at 8 o'clock.
The city council will meet this evenlnor
t the city hall at 8 o'clock. Routine tlutv
will be taken under consideration. j
The Independent Order of Odd Pellnws
will meet thin evenlna- at their hall at
Twent-fourth and M streets at 8 o'clock.
The Mystic Workers of the World will
meet tomorrow evening at the Odd Fel
low's hall at 8 o'clock. Members are
urged to be present.
The Merrymakers will give a dance
next Wednesday evening at the Moose
Home at Twenty-fifth and M streets.
Band music will be offered.
The Board of Education will meet In
the board room at the high school this
evening at 8 o'clock. Tho meetlnar will
probably be adjourned until tomorrow
evening in observance of Labor day.
Bnslness will be continued at all South
Omaha business houses this morning, but
will be closed In the afternoon In honor
of Labor day. The city hall and the
banks will be closed the entire day.
Church services were held at all the
churches of the city last evening. Prac
tically an summer vacationists of South
Omaha have returned and a marked In
crease In the attendance at the different
churches was noticed.
Seymour Lake Golf
Links Improved
During the fall months ) the Feymour
Lake Country club will make many Im
provements to the golf course at the
club, ' constructing new greens and tees
arid widening the course by the removal
of over 100 lurga trees, until the nine
hole links will be as good aa any in the
Htp.te. The Improvement work will be
under the dltection of the club profes-
rlina'l, Jenies B. Hoerr, who cajne to the
ciut last spring, jir. jioerr nas teen In
strumcntal In' adding interest to the
Hcutt-h game at Seymour lake and under
his leadership It is expected that the Pey
mour Ike Country club will be a lead
ing factor In Nebraska golf next year.
Or. W. A. Cox and J. C. Leflor are
flphting for the club golf championship
at present. The first eighteen holes In
the final match have been played with
Mr. Lefler leading, 5 up. He la con
ceded the championship by his showing
against Dr. Cog.
Overton M ine Tve l.aanea.
OVERTON, Neb., Sept. C Special.)
The firemen's fall festival of Overton tin
September 4-5 was a success in every par
ticular. Large crowds attended both
oaya. un friaay uverton deleattid Elm
reek In a ball game bv the score of I
to I. On Saturday the locals were again
iciora over ijoomia, me count DeUig '
to 4. The game waa won In the first in
ning, when the locals mada five Miu
which coupled with three errors netted
rice runs, fccore: R.H.K
uverton . t 1 0 1 ft 1 1 1 11
Lnomis tOOOISOO ft 4
RHttrles: Loomis, Brtiner and Martin
u.-erion, t'lympton and Thomas.
' Weia by the Clerks.
The game between the Omaha Rubber
company cirrus and salesmen ended with
ine nrsi oi ine lounn, ina rierKs leading
4 to J. The salesmen had tSutey and
r penman tne Aianuio battery, whll
Andrews, former teammate, worked for
the clerks. Andrews had by far tha beet
rf the pitching duel, atriking out seven
out or nine men up. nuiey allowed three
lilts and fanned three. 1'he salesmen
"s.-oied one in the second on aa error and
on overtnrow.
The clerks scored la the first and In th
third, when Andrews scored three mea
with a two-nagger.
Plate! to Tie.
Tli Bontb Omaha Ramblers and th
tit are and Stripes played ten innings
t to tie.
Xotals ii.m
The third proposition la the one of raising
the salaries of stale officers. Thero has
long been a contention that Nebraska had
outgrown the point where It should pay
the meager salaries to Its state officers
that It has done for so many years and
the last legislature provided for a change
If the people so desired. The proposi
tion calls for the raising of salaries of
state officers as follows;
New Old
Balary. Salary.
Governor iS.OftO $2,fifl)
Attorney general 4,flnn j.ofM
State treasurer 3.000 2.M0
State auditor 2.600 2.1VKI
Secretary of state S.wo ;.min
State superintendent .... J.fiOO . J.000
Land commissioner 2.AU0 . 2,000
The proposition provides that there shall
be no allowance for clerk hire In the of
fices of the state superintendent and at
torney general.
The proposition carried at the primary
by a vote of 45. 210 for and 29,752 against,
the vote by parties being as follows:
For. Against.
Republican 2:1,03) 11,54.1
Kemocratlc 20.21S 13 !M9
Progressive 1.04! 6ti
Populist 415 372
Phohlbition IRS K
ISociailst 364 !39
Totals 45,230 28.752
two women Joy riding The car rolled:
down an embankment rt a railroad cros-
lug and the gla.-a of the broken wind
shield cut Mrs. K'fle's face, neck and
head so badly that s-'ie ilinl within five
McClnre waa bruised, M:..s Mahlc Sapp
was bruised and J. II. li.ek, a railroad
fireman, slightly scratched. Mrs. Kfflo
was divorced front her husband. Mc
Clnre was discharged from the police
force today. - '
South Dakota Sheriff
Placed Under Arrest
OORDON, Nch., Sept. S.-tSpeelal.) -Sheriff
Hoesl of Bennett county. South
Dakota, was arreted here Saturday for
engaging In a. street brawl resulting from
a decision on a horso rsce during the
county fair. He was taken before Police
Judge Door and was granted a continu
ance, for one week. This Is the. third time
the sheriff has brefT" taken into custody
within the last six welts. having ben
placed tinder arrest on tha charge of In
troducing liquor onto tho Tine Hldge In
dian reservation and of rurnlfhtng liquor
to a government ward. He is now out on
bail on the latter charges.
Four Fremont Men
Hurt in' Auto Upset
IH2 on Sunday reached the highest mark
piilouly, or f.OOf., and last year It was
The state 'air management looks upon
this as an Indication that there will be
a bumper crowd throughout the week If
the, weather continues good. Conway's
hand was the great attraction this even
ing. The fair proper will open tomorrow for
the week's run.
Leading Sioux City
People Are Killed
in Auto Accident
SIOIX CITY, la., Sept. 8 Mr. ani
Mrs. Wllhur McNeil were killed and
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. tirady. all prominent
resldenta of Sioux City, probably were
fatally Injured In an automobile accident
near Hull late tonight. In ascending a
steep grade the ennlne stalled and the
brake rofused to work. The machine
larked down a steep embankment and
rulled to the bottom.
The General says:
' FREMONT. Ncb Bept. . Four Fre
mont young men were Injured when ah
automobile In which they were driving
to the gnydar carnival upset three' miles rRh Is
.his side: of Snyder late last night. The
Injured are:
. Tom Fleming, chest and abdomen
crushed; may die.
' Ed Clark, fingers broken, chest crushed.
. Perry Smith, ribs and collarbone broken,
lungs punctured; serious.
Ray Isny, lower limbs inralyz1.
CINCINNATI. O.. Pept. . (Special
Telegram.) When B. V. Hubbard, su
perior court receiver of Cook county,
Illinois, made an examination of the
records of tho Chicago Life Insurance
company yesterday, that official found a
strange condition of affairs, according
to official legal reports received In this
city. Four hundred thousand dollars In
ceordlng to Receiver
Hubbard, and $270,000 In farm deeds snd
form mortgages and bonds. The cash
Receiver Hubbard's report says represents
money recolved by the company's pro
moters from stok sr.les In Angus', nearly
all of the farm deeds and farm mort
gages missing. It Is claimed, repreaent
cc.urltien natd Into the comnanv'a treaa-
Losey U a son of former Representative I ury by Thomas B. McPherson, reputed
George Losey
Stella Party Will
Leave London Friday
STELLA, Neb.. Sept. . Mrs. Effie
Hografe has received a cablegram from
London that Mr. and Mrs.E. H. Llukart
and William Baura and family will sail
from home next Friday. Mrs. Llukart
and Mrs. Baum are daughters of Mrs.
Hografe. Mr IJukart Is vice president,
of the Lion Bonding company In Omaha.
Russians Capture
Zeppelin Craft and
Its Crew .of Thirty
PETROQRAD, Sept. B. The Russians
fired on snd captured near Zeida a
Zeppelin airship with Its thirty occupants.
Including two staff officers and two gun
ners, together with explosives, plans and
photographs. The Russians alao brought
down an aeroplane in which was an
Austrian colonel.
During the last two days 130 Austrian
officer and 7,000 men prisoners of war
have passed through Minsk en route for
General Kennenkampff a troops are tak
ing with them . to the field the colors
carried by Bcobeloff In 1875.
The Novoe Vremya says the famous
Ikon of Potchaieosky, mother of 'God, now
at Skltomld, probably will be sent to the
active army in Gallcla.
ELGIN. Neb., Sept. .-Speclal Tele
gramsFollowing Is the copy of a letter
sent today by Regent Coupland to Sen
ator Peter Jansen:
My Dear Senator Jansen: .t last I am
permitted to send you my heartiest con
gratulations upon your nomination for
the regency. . I feel very confident of
your election, which I.know will give to
the state a worthy and effltlent publlo
servant. 1 shall take especial pleasure
In helping you brlnr about your choice
by the people In November and T trust
you may be long spared to render the
service yon sre so eminently capable o'.
Most sincerely your.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Sept. .-Ppe-clal
Telegram.) Fire early today caused
an estimated loss of from $10,000 to $15.
000 In the Glover building. The greater
portion of the ground floor Is occupied
by the Grand Island Nptlonal bank.
Around It, In L shape, are stores. In the
basement, occupied by Henry Lorents
with a clothing and shoe stock, fire
originated. It Is believed, from a cigarette
stub or match, smouldering slowly during
the night.
Mr. LorenU, Mrs. Frank Thomas, milli
ner; Edward uiovor, women a suits, ana
Diarrhoea Quickly Cured.
"My attention was first called to Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy ss much as twelve years ago.
At that tlmo T was seriously 111 with
summer complaint. One dose of this
hemedy checked the trouble." writes Mrs.
C. W. Florence, Rockfiefd, Ind. For sale
by all deulcrs. Advertisement.
an Omaha millionaire for stork In the
company, which stock, according to the
few company books found, discovered In
the Company's strong box In tha Hart
ford building at Chicago by the receiver.
In place of these assets were found
notes of the Midwest Securities company,
a promotion concern, amounting to SttnOO.
These notes aro unsecured and a few
stock books showing heavy stock sales.
William Toung Jackman. promoter of the
Insurance company, and other officers
are missing: neither could the account
ledgers of the company be found. Re
ceiver Hubbard's report says:
"The allusion Is the rottenest Insurance
mixiip the state of Illinois has ever
seen," Mr. Hubbard snld after examining
what books and records could be found,
It appesrs that the Insurance company
1 has' been looted to close to $.00,00j. ('I
have obtained possession, of some stock
books and several contracts entered Into
by the coinpnny, the account books show
ing tho amounts received and expended
rc missing."
V....,.N:;. J
I ' .... 1' 1. j3f
Y ft
& tTas.' --nit r - i
, 'ui .aiaa. .3m
If vour dealer offers you an
unknown brand of roofing, ask him
who atanda behind it and whether tho
manufacturer ia a reaponaible concern.
If ha doein't know, or if he refuse to
Eive you the information, you are justified ia
ealers who handle
tare Cure for Corporate Slstatts.
Three members of the MeDrrmntt fam
II v of Council Bluffs will be memhers of
the freshmen night class at the Creighton
I .aw school this year. The young men
Francis, Edward and William graduated
together from the artu, college of Creigh
ton university last spring with honors,
the former contributing the valedictory.
Croup and Condi Itemed y.
' Dr. King's New Discovery gives almost
Instant relief. First dose helps. Best
remedy for coughs, colds and lung
trouble. fiOc and $1. All druggists. Ad-vestlement.
Miss Jean Mullen, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Mullen, left yesterday for I ea
Moines, to attend St. Joseph's academy.
Dr. Charles R. Kennedy has Cone to
Rochester, Minn., and after a couple of
weeks' stay there, will go to Chicago,
where he will do some post-graduate
work. Mrs. Kennedy and eon. Jack, will
visit friends at Lincoln and Kearney.
As Meesssary as light aad Air la Hos
pitals. The startling dlaclnsuren of corporals
mismanagement In tho last ten years
have brought about a gnneral fnnlliu;
that publicity of corporation affairs Is
botli neceasmy and dealrable for tho
future well-being of all corporations.
This publicity may bo ailected In many
ways and should give, the public as well
aa the stoekholUeib ucli lulormntinn na
will eliminate all ' pom hla chance for
corruption and mismanagement.
In the piimt, niRnapera of Rome cor
pora Hons have operated their business
in a more or less arrogant faahlon, per
sistently refuaing to majie their acts
known to the publlo or even to their
ntockholdors. In most lii'tancea if these
operations had been made public at tha
time, mmiy of the Ills from whlrh they
are now suffering would not have oe
curred, and million of dollars of in
Vestment woulo" have been saved.
The effect f corporate mlnmanage
tnent Is greatl; magullled, however, when
lt discovery oinra too late by govern
mental Invcstla itton. Generally apeak
In. If the facta were voluntarily mada
rubllc, or If thoy were made known
hrough eatubllshed methods of publlo
tty, tn the regular course of business,
the mismanagement of the corporation
would never occur or it could ba remed
ied Immediately and the bad effect of
It would be comparatively small.
And so It In with many houses of
business In the field of commerce and
manufacture. They are afraid of pub
licity afraid to have their factories eg
amlned and to let purchasers verify
statements or facts concerning tha'
gooda. The only conclusion to be
reached In such rase la that the manu
facturer hits something to conceal,
which. If discovered, would not bear
out hla assertions.
Publicity In relation to all business
matters la the best cure for their evils.
Just aa light and air kill the germs of
do not hesitate to say who makes
it. In fact, one of their strongest
arguments is to tell their customers
that we are the manufacturers of
Cerfqin-tegJ Roofing. Certain
teed Roofing1 is guaranteed S years
for 1-ply, 10 years for 2-ply, and
IS years for 3-ply, and we stand
behind this guarantee with the big
first roofing and building paper
mills in the world. '
Each of our enormous mills is a
complete producing unit in itself,
where we manufacture all of our
goods from the raw material into
the finished product We there
fore know what goes into our goods,
and can give you absolute advance
knowledge, in the form of a real
guarantee, that Certain-teed is the
highest quality roofing possible to
Coniult your local dealer. He will t
glad to give you detailed information
about our complete line of good, and
will quote you reasonable prices. Be tur
the goods if e made and guaranteed by ut.
General. Roofing Mfg. Co.
N orM't tomt isiratiAarturrra gBS
mmd HuikttHf JtojMr . , -1
R. A. Long Building, Kansas City Mo.
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New York City Boatoa Chicago Pittaburgb
' rhlUdelphia Atlanta Cleveland Detroit
St. Louis Cincinnati Kansas City
Minneapolis San Francisco Seattle
Lendoo llaaiburg Sydney
Distributors Certain-teed Roofing.
im m m m ce ETO p t
New Pope Crowned
in Sistme Chapel
ROME, Sept. . The coronation of
rope Benedict XV took place today In the
Sistine chapel. The ceremony waa Im
posslng In Its solemnity. The Slstlne
chapel was used for tha occasion In order
to avoid pomp during the war. The entire
pontifical court, members of the Roman
aristocracy, and the family of the pontiff
were present.
The scene with Pope Benedict seated In
the aedia gestettorta preceded by the
bearers of the triple crown and flanked
by the bearers of the celebrated feather
fans and ixty cardinals In their full
vestments was a striking one. When the
ceremony ended the pope was received
with loud acclamation by those present.
Later In the day Pope Benedict received
successively In private audience Cardinals
dlhhons, Farley and O'Connell, who
presented their suites and some American
Would Save Famous
Buildings from Wreck
W'AcHINGTON, Sept. S.-Neutral diplo
mats have aeked Ambassador Herriek at
Paris to sound the American government
on the question of making Joint repre-
sejitationa to Germany to protect certain
buildings and works of art in the attack
on Paris. This is the substance of of
ficial advices received today.
Third Casualty in
Family of Royalty
LjOKPOX, Pept S. Carman papers re
ceived here show that Prince Krnest of
I4jP, a nephew of Prince Leopold IV,
las been killed. This is the third casualty
in Prince Leopold's family clrcl
III ppito of tlio increased cost of other foods due to
European war, the price of Grape Nuts food lias not ad
vanced, but remains the same as heretofore. .
roMum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.
The longer war labt., the higher the prices that will be demanded for
food product". ' ,
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Grape-Nuts food is a sturdy ration for young and old summer and win
ter, the year through. Full of true nourifthinent, delicious fv laste, with
keeping qualities that make it dependable, Grape-Nuts is unexcelled as a war
Europe, where it is well known, is calling for Grape-Nuts.
"There's a Reason"
Every packago eealed tight in waxed wrapper as has been done for
years moisture and germ proof.
No Advance in Price of Grape-Nuts
Sold by your Grocer.
Insurance Field News
The Commonwealth Life Insurance Company
Not Yet Four Yearn Old and hxs
Insurance la Force.
Is having a phenomenal growth. .Writes yery liberal poUcles
Attractive agents contracts to producers. If Interested caU at
home office ,or write. .
FHAN8 NELSON, President. Ira E. Atkinson, Agency Manager.
Prompt Settlement of Claims
Lion Bonding & Surety Co.
SOO I'irat National Bank P.ulldlng. Phone Douglas 722.
Foster-Darker Company
BrandeU Bldg
PhoneDoag. 28.
i j