Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1914, Image 1

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et Kramer in ir ranee
The Omaha Daily
War News Cables
Ia AcMttlon to
Report Adva
Conflicting Statement Issued Orer
Result of Battles on Austrian
Declares that Austrian Generals Are
Now Pursuing Russians Near
. Vistula.
Declare Such Claims Are Mere Ger
man Fabrications Intended to
Deceive World.
Petrograd Declares Its Forces Con
trol from Vistula to Bug Rivers.
Flctnre Seaport Town In Trri)f of
Terpedo Attacks and ftreat Brit
ain Straining- Ew, Jlerve
for Knllatments.
LONDON, Sept 6. The following
German orricial statement was re
ceived tonight by Marconi Wireless
Telegraph company:
"The German army administration
reports that in the west the allied
troops are in retreat between Paris
and Verdun and that the German
troops are pursuing them. Paris is
empty and the only scene of ani
mation there is around the railway
stations, which are filled with thou
sands of fugitives. The London
newspapers do not consider that
Paris will defend itself to the utmost.
. "In the eastern theater of war the
Australn attack on Lubln continues
and the armies commanded by Gen
erals Dank and Auffenberg are still
engaged in dispersing the enemy, so
as to obtain the fullest, advantage
from their glorious victories at Kras-
nik and Zamosc.
Se.ea Rnaalans In Flight. ,
"Those victories which were
achieved after three days of bitter
fighting resulted in the flight of the
enemy. The Russian advance on
Lemberg has been brought to a halt
"Further important developments
are imminent. The first Polish
legion under Austrian command, has
been formed at Cracow. The em
peror has appointed General Von
Vaczynskl to command this force.
Warsaw is being prepared for a de
fense by the Russians.
' It Is reported that fear of the Gorman
fleet has caused great alarm in England
seaport towns. In Hartleport torpedo
nets are ft In front of the docks every
evening. Elsewhere around' the coast the
nervousness occasioned by the German
mines is said to he indescribable.
"The .enrollment of recruits for the
British army Is proceeding slowly. From
one town of 700,000 Inhabitants not more
than 100 men reported themselves, the
majority of them being tramps. The
nation has not been permitted to learn
the real sluatlon at the seat of war."
Rnaalaas Talk Back.
PETROGRAD, Sept. (.-An official
communication Issued In reply to state
ments of Berlin and Vienna semi-official
news agencies that the Austrlans were
victorious over the Russians In the dis
tricts of Zamosc and Tvschowszy, says:
"The Russian official agency Is au
thorized to declare that the Russian troops
who, since August 21. have maintained an
incessant offensive against the enemy
in the district between the Vistula and
Bug rivers, completely defeated on August
18, the Fifteenth Austrian division and
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
The Weather
Forecast of the weather for Monday and
For Nebraska. South Dakota and Iowa
Partly cloudy and cooler Monday; Tues
day unsettled.
Tempera tare at Oat a ha Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
6 a. m 2
a. in 61
T a. m 2
8 a. m
a. m 71
10 a. m 7
11 a. m 70
12 m S3
1 p. m M
2 p. m..... Hti
5 p. m. x
P. m ... M
6 p. m. 85
p. m (to
1 P- m 79
CotaaaratlT Loeal Reaord.
114. 1J1I. 1912. 1911.
Highest yesterday M CS Wi W
txweat yesterday til 77 7! 2
Mean temperature 74 M 0 7
Vroiiplta.tioa 00 .00 .30 .08
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature 69
Kxi-ens for the day i
T'!al excess since March 1 430
Normal precipitation 11 Inch
ifiienry for the day .11 Inrh
Tutal rainfall sinw March 1 17.18 Inches
Iiefii'irncy alnoe March 1. 114.. 6. US Inches
Ie'U lein y for cor. period, IH13. (.76 Inches
Deficiency lur cor. penod, 1J12., 6.70 Inches
Total Number of Corps In Invading
Forces Is Declared to be
' ' 1
Horafa With Inlmar l.rrra Klaaa,
tilvee Off Little NmoUe, Able
to I'rnlralr Tblckeat Wall
Without K plotting;.
ROTTERDAM, Sept. .-(VI Lumlnn.)
Informatlon reaching here from (iennan gives additional detHlls regarding
the fight at Longwy and the surrender of
tho forts there. For four days tlie for.
tress held out under a bombardment
which was terrible In effect. The first
shell killed an officer and ten men. Pome J
of the shells penetrated through the three
fold casements of the fort. As an ac
knowledgement of the great bravery
shown In the defense Crown Prince
Frederick William permitted Lieutenant
Colonel Darche, .the French commander,
to retain his sword.
The range or the German guns during
the bombardment was eight kilometers
(about five miles).
New Exploalre laed.
French prisoners arriving at Cologne
from Longwy Inrst that the German ar
tillery used a new explosive of tremend
ous force which bursts with an Immense
green flash and gives off little smoke.
The explosive Is so thoroughly proof
against shock that a shell Is able to
penetrate the thickest wall and not ex
plode. Gradually the number of German sol
diers now at the front, and their methods
are being brought to light ,by the Ger
man press. From the Information avail
able It appears that Germany now has
more than i.OOO.OPO men In France, the
total number of army corps assigned to
the Invading forces as described In Ger
man papers being twenty-two, without
counting Independent cavalry divisions
and tho artillery, which are undor sepa
rate command.
la Action Oue a Werk.
Letters from the front published In
German papers indicate that it la seldom
any regiment gets into action oftener
than once In a week except wflen cir
cumstances make this necessary.
While admitting that their losses have
been heavy the German press ridicules
statements made by the foreign papers
concerning their heavy casualties and
makes sarcastic comments on assertions
that the Germans fight In close order and
are poor riflemen. They maintain that
the German losses are surprisingly light
considering the results achieved and that
the recovery from wounds Is greater than
70 per cent.
Credit for this Is given to the' thor
oughly .efficient sanitary service, which
now has In operation 60.000 automobiles
and ambulances. Evidently the Germans
themselves are surprised at the efficiency
displayed by their artillery..
. .
ROME, Via London, bept. . A de
spatch from Cetttnje to the Messagero
says Montenegrin - troops under com
mand of General Vukotltch, the war
minister, have defeated the Austrlans
at Boljanits. in llersegovlna, capturing
all their munitions of war and" the com
missariat. The Austrlans are said to
have left a large number of dead and
wounded on the field.
"General Vukotltch," the despatch adds,
'drove the Austrian! back toward Cain-
Itza, where he made a triumphant entry.
The town bad been pillaged and portions
of It were In flames.
'Sanguinary fighting continues. The
Montenegrins are engaging a superior
number of Austrlans and endeavoring
to occupy Grahovo."
LONDON, JSept . Several hundred
Americans have arrived from Vienna,
Budapest, and Berlin, temporarily short
of funds.
x -mt fix" 0 A
r 5n
THE BEE'S WAR MANUAL Just what you want: Maps, Pictures, His
tory, Army and Navy Statistics all indexed. At Bee office. Coupon page 2.
CANADA IN THE WAR Canadians are proving: loyal sons of Britannia, as is shown by
the volunteer enlistments in the Dominion. This is a photograph of the Fifth Royal High
landers at signal practice at Valcartier, Canada. m
Wis- M&. h
f Mr s I! ' ' V ,
-I m K 'm i. . k 1
Wilson Emigrant Steamer Runo
Goei to Bottom on Voyage to
I'lantcd Kxploalve la North Sea
id Hlnka Two Hundred Sar
vlvora Arc Landed at
WASHINGTON, Sept. 6-Nlne neutral
merchant ships have been destroyed by
German mines, according to British for
eign advices to tho British embassy hers,
made public tonight. The message says:
"The following neytral merchant vessels
are known by the admiralty to have been
destroyed by German mines, in most cases
with loss. of life among the crews: five
Danish, two Dutch, one Norwegian, one
LONDON. Sept. 6. The Wilson passen
ger liner Runo, with 00u passengers on
board, struck a mine In the North sea and
was sunk yesterday afternoon. All of the
crew and passengers with the exception
of about twenty Russian refugees were
The Runo sailed from Hull for Arch
angel yesterday and foule the mine whan
about forty miles off Shields at 4:35
The rescues were made by fishing traw
lers.' a member of the crew of one of
which said he heard a report and saw the
Runo rlne In tho water, then settle by the
head until the fore part of the ship was
awash. It remained in this position long
enough to enable its small boats and the
trawlers to pick up the survivors, S00 of
whora were later landed at Hull.
The fishing trawler Prince Victor picked
up twenty-two persons who were clinging
to a capsized boat. The trawler's crew
saw three others drowned. The mate of
the Prince Victor was lowered over the
side of the fisherman by lines and thus
helped in the work of rescue.
President Wilson
Will NoUtfake Tour
WASHINGTON. Sept. .-Presldent
Wilson announced today he would Jiot
make a speaking tour during the coming
campaign. He declared his Intention of
"staying on the Job" because of the "un
looked for International situation."
The president made known his inten
tions In a letter to Representative Dors
ums of Michigan, chairman of the demo
cratic congressional committee, who
had written him asking whether he would
make a speaking campaign this fall. The
correspondence was made public at the
White House.
Germans Lose Heavy
in Fight at Thisselt
JXNDON. 11:45 p. m., Sept .-A Reuter
despatch from Oatend says:
"In a fierce fight yesterday near This
selt (Belgium), the Germans lost 1,000
men. The prisoners were taken to Antwerp."
Artillery Duel Near Town ofSenlis
Described as Equal to Heavy Gale
LONDON, Sept. 6.-The ion eHpondent
of the Times, describing the fighting In
the villages - near Paris, says Hint at
Chantilly, Senlls and other 1hccs the Ger
mans and the allies engaged in cannonad
ing with little effect. They then tried the
strength of their Infantry, with a slight
advantage to the Germans, who, however,
were ordered to retire. Thene tactics
were charactertlstlc of the fltrhllng for
several days previous to September S.
Ha glveia.a'de.scripUon ot an engagement
near Senlls, on a large open pluln, over
which the three main roads converge Into
Senlls. A French battery, hidden In an
orchard, and another behind earthworks
engaged the German artillery, which oc
cupied a position on a ridge three miles
distant on the opposite side of the plain.
"One heard the curious whistle of the
French melinite shells." says the writer.
"Then a cluster of little clean white balls
appeared over the ridge, to be followed a
few seconds later by the report.
"The Germuns were using mostly heavy
guns, though there was a battery some
where farther along the road, which from
time to time shelled the French troops
concealed in the folds of the rolling
plough land. The Germans succeeded In
dislodging some of the French..
"A couple of squadrons of dragoons ap
peared suddenly out of the hollow and
trotted 100 yards to the rear. They were
changing their grounds. An Infantryman,
who sought cover under the same hay
atack as myself, told me that a shell had
burst In the middle of his section and put
four men out of action. ,
"Heavy shells, on the other hand,
seemed to have little effect on the French
battery. It kept its position In the or
chard and maintained a regular fire, while
big splashes of dull gray smoke marked
the shells which were trying to find It
and which crashed Into the ground be
Notifies United States Would Like
American Warships Near
Turkish Ports.
tieiraaaa and Austrian Conaalar Off I.
cera Ordered to Leave Kmtt at
Once far Fear of Their
WASHINGTON, Sept. 6.-Germap and
Austrian consular officers have been or
dered by British authorities to leave l.'KH'l
at once.
Koumanla has announced officially that
if she abandons her position of neutrality
It will be to follow the course taken by
Great Britain has Informed the l olt'-d
States that she would look with favor on
the sending of American warships to
Turkish ports tu care for Christians In
esse there was a Mohammedan uprising
Bcginst thi-ni. Thcsn developments In the
highly critical situation brought about
by the feeling of the triple entente
Turkey is certain to Join the conflict on
the side of Germany and Austria were
conveyed today in official dispatches to
the Vnlted Plates government.
Mtopplusr tiermaa Efforts.
Great Britain's expulsion of German
and Auatrian consular officers was taken
here to mean that she had determined to
put an end to .the pro-German prope
ganda, which she behoves these consular
(Continued on Page Two, Coiunm Four.)
hind Ha position, now lottlils, now to tht
side of the road. '
"The French guns fired at frequent In
tervals. First would come the deep report
of the German guns, the note of which
dominated the cannonade all day; then
followed the sharp sound of the French
field pieces. On the roads outside forces
of French cavalry came and went. I
waited for a fusillade to break out In the
wood, to the right and left o Jhe open
country, where the French appeared lo
be pushing forward, but it did not come.
An attack, It seemed, might come towards
evening, so I lift Senlls and rode five
miles back on the left of tho French posi
tion to Chantilly to see what was happen
ing there.
"Chantilly was also deserted. There
was no sign of fighting, but much talk In
the few Inns still open. Presently a
frightened woman shouted that Senlls wn
burning. I stnrtcd back along the road
and encountered a stresm of csrts laden
with household goods. Over the woods a
column of smoke was rising. A battalion
of French Infantry, retreating through
the fields, was moving In the direction of
Chantilly. 1
The Germans fired about forty shells
Into the town and then bombardment
ceased. I went back through the streets
to see what the damage was. There was
surprisingly little to be seen.
"The Germans hud evidently taken the
tower or the cathedral as a mark. 1 had
seen one shell hit it and a trail of imsie
go up, but only One gargoyle had been
broken from Its place and .lay In frag
ments on the ground. Here and there one
saw broken tiles. The telegraph wires
were down In placea and lay in a tangle,
but on the whole there was. not more
havoc than would have been caused by s
heavy gale."
Troops of Northern Division Suc
cessful in Operations that Are
Being Conducted.
Compelled to lleatroy troaalngT of
River I'reael at Taulaa, the
Oiilernmat Uefeuaea of
t.rrat Fortress.
(Copyright. 1911, Prejs Publishing Co.)
PUTROGUAD, Kept. 6. (Special Cable
grain to New York World and Omaha
ilce.)-Tl!e Raasiun army of the north Is
successfully engaging Koenlgshnig. The
Prussian defenders have been compelled1
to blow up the bridge across the river
l'regel at Taplau, which connected their
outermost line of defenses north and
Klseahere in east Prussia the Russians
are maintaining their advantages, despite
the great reinforcements being rushed to
the eastern frontier from the kaiser's
forces In Belgium and Abutce-Lorralue, as
well as the tier man army from Bavaria.
Rusaian wounded from Sold an say that
the first success of the German forces In
east Prussia was due largely to the use
of artillery from armored trains and the
rapid employment of the German strategic
railways for rapid carriage of heavy
The minister of commerce proposes
temporary remirslon of customs on Im
ports from friendly countries.
The Day's
War News
The silled armies defending th
rtistls lo Parts again have come
Into contact with the German
right wing on the banks of the
river Grand Morln, which runs
eatit anr! west, sofnewhst south of
the Paris line.
An official statement issued by
the French war office says the
alllcr.' advance troops came Into
touch with the German forces,
which seem to be covering, on the
river Ourrq, toward the southwest,
the movement of the German
right winK. and a small engage
ment renulted In nn advantage to
the French.
The town of Mauheuge. where
It Is reported British troops are
ansiHtlnR the French garrison, Is
said to he still resisting the Ger- s
man assault.
From Berlin by wire by way of
Amsterdam comes tho report that
the Germans are attacking the
forts at Nancy and that Kmperor
William and th general staff are
watching the operations.
The British official war infor
mation bureau has Issued a long
general survey of the operations
of the British army during the
last week and in addition a list of
British casualties, which shows a
total of more than 15,000 up to
September 1. The statement,
which Is based on a report from
Field Marshal French, commander
of the British forces at the front,
speaks highly of the spirit of the
Brltlxh soldiers and their achieve
ments. It declares that while the
British losses are heavy they are
not one-third of the losses In
flicted by the British troops on
the Germans. The statement
closes with a call for more men.
Berlin reports that 3,000 Brit
ish prisoners have reached I)o-berlti-
A bombardment has begun ot
the fortifications at Cattaro, an
Austro-liungarlan seaport, by the
French fleet, and advices from
jC'ettlnJe credit the Montenegrin
troops with the defeat of the Aus
trlans at Boljanltt, In Herte
govina. France Is calling out the 1915
recruits, and in this way will add
2 50,000 men to its forces within a
few months.
The German relchHtag, repre
sented by members of all parties,
has promised its full support to
whatever measures the minister
of marine deems necessary. Ap
propriations will be made for the
replacement of the ships which
have been lost and to carry out
the program ot construction al
ready arranged.
A British steamer of the Wil
son line, with hundreds of passen
gers aboard, has foundered in the
North sea after striking a mine.
Most of those aboard were saved.
Russian official announcements
describe a strong offensive move
ment against the Austrlans on
September 4. The Forty-fifth
Austrian regiment of infantry sur
rendered, 1,600 men being taken.
German troops marching to the
aid of the Austrlans were at
tacked, but the result of these
operations has not been made
known publicly. A German offi
cial statement says the allied
troops are in retreat about Paris
and Verdun and that German
troops are pursuing them. It adds
that in the eastern theater of war
the Austrlans' attack on Lublin
continues and that the Austrlans
are engaged In dispersing the Rus
sians. Catholic Albanians
Fighting for Germans
(Copyrighted. J9U, Press Publishing Co.)
ROMK. Hept. .-(Speclul Cablegram
to New York Wrld and Omaha Bee.) The
Catholic Albanian tribes, Klementi. fcklttl.
llctl, Cruda and Kabtratl have formed a
league against Montenegro and have be.
gun fighting for the Germans. They have
Issued a long appeal to the Italians urg
ing them to Join In attacking Br I tun.
Cruiser Pathfinder
Blown Up by Mine
LONDON, Hept. .-The light cruiser
Pathfinder of the Rrlllsh navy has been
blown up by a mine In the North Sea.
The loss of life Is not definitely known.
The paymaster. Hydney W. Touch, Vhi
kUlcd and the commander. Captain Fran
cis it. I.euke, was wounded. 81x junior
officers and two petty officers are miss-Inc.
Government War Bureau Issues
Statement of Fighting- that Has
Taken Place During Week.
Enormous Force of Invading Ger
mans Has Been Able to Force
Allies Back.
This Has Come to Aid of Sorely
Pressed Lines on the British
English Troops Able to Prevent
Turning Movement of Germans.
Uermsna' I.oaa IMaced at Tare
Time that Inflicted on Euftllah,
Who til re Ont Dead as4
Misalna; aa 18,000.
Ill l.l.KTIX.
BERLIN (Via Loudon), Sept. 6.
The general staff today issued the
follow. 'nn communication:
"Kmperor William yesterday at
tended the attacks on .he fortifica
tions at Nancy.
". wo of the Maubeuge forts hava
fallen and the fire of the artillery
Is now directed against the town,
vhtch is burning In different places.
"The armies of Generals Von
Kluck and von Baelow north of the
Belgian Meuse completely surpassed
the French troops. The cavalry of
this wing, commanded 'by General
von Marnlti, has excellently veiled
the liiovemeut of the armr.
PARIS. Sept. C. The following
official communication was issued
"First The allied armies have
again come in contact on our left
wing, under good conditions, with
the right wing of the enemy on the
banks of Grand Morln.
"Second Fighting continues on
the center and right in Lorraine and
the Vosges. The situation remains
"Third Around . Paris the en
gagement begun yesterday between
the allied army and the flank of tha
advance guard of the German right
has extended. We have advanced to
the river Ourcq without great re
sistance. "The situation appears good as a'"
whole. v
"Fourth Maubeuge continues its
heroic resistance "
LONDON, Sept. C The opera-"
tlons ot the British army in France
last week are reviewed in a state
ment issued by the official war infor
mation bureau today. The state
ment reads: .
"It now is possible to make an
other general survey la continuation
of that issued on August 30, of the
operations of the British army dur
ing the past week.
"No new main trial of strength
has taken place. There have in-,
deed, been battles in various parts of
the immense front which in other
wars would have been considered
operations of the first magnitude.
But in this war they are merely in
cidents of strategic withdrawals and
contraction of the allied forces
caused by the Initial shock on the
frontier and in Belgium and by the
enormous strength which the Ger
mans have thrown into the west
(Continued on Paga Two Column One.)
Talk It Over Time
This is the season when hus
band and wife and family sit
down to plan out the things
they need
It is talk it over time the
period when they are most in
terested in suggebtlons from
manufacturer and merchant. ,
Naturally tby turn to the
advertising in their favorite
paper ust as they turn to it
for "war news."
It is the psychological mo
ment for newspaper advertis
ingespecially for goods that
directly affect the home.
Merchants and manufactur
ers who present their case now
through this newspaper will
reap rewards in the very im
mediate future.