Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1914, WANT AD SECTION, Page 2-C, Image 20

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If you ere looking for a HOME, It wi
-wr. Every kind of a home COTT AGES.
an parts of tha city at
Ml North Kth street, a OOOD I-room, completely modern home, oa good
"east front lot, close to school and car Una. 1 20 caih and S3 per month.
U,X0 X74 FORT BTREET, t-room square houee, completely modern, fin lot,
paring- paid, aplendld rare re and driveway all for U.KO-M00 rash and $ per
WJOO-410. North Xlst street. NEW, el modern houee, living room 14H2l, and
dining room and kitchen on flrat floor, two bedrooms and hath on eecond floor.
Oak finish and floors, beamed ceilings, bullt-ln buffet; HA cash and l per month.
W. BOO 2J11 FRATT, a beautiful stuoeo bungalow In Kountie place, fine lot.
fenced, etra tood lawn, aJl Improvementa
finish, large attic, five roome, "eun roem," screens, ahadea, decoratlona, every
thing in first-class - shape, close to car lino and Lothrop school; ISO cash and Mi
per month. I
fS.WO-Ua T E M PL ETON fins homo-like place of t larte room a, all modern.,
new furnace, lighting flxturea and plumbing, cemented cellar, lot WilM, shade and '
fruit, pared atreet. good neighborhood. Come out and let the owner IHOW you.!
,S0-7 CROWN POINT AVENtm-A "MARTIN" bungalow, In Laurelton
addition, built on artlitlc Hoes of the beet of materials and finished In every sense
of the word, even to the attic. Full basement, rooms, beamed ceilings, bullt-ln.
bookcases and buffet, beautiful oak finish and floora, shades, screens, deooraUone,
lot CxlM, on fine new street of homes. .
H0-U NORTH 21t-A '.'Bungalow" n K 011 n tie place, fronting oast oa
.Kountso park large roome, every up-to-date feature, beautiful oak finish and
floors, location is Meal, If you are going to "start' here Is an opportunity..
Coma out today and examine the construction and beautiful FINISH,
KKo-30 EVANS ftTREET. A Kountie Place, model home In an ideal loca
tion, one block from 24th street ear line and Kountso park, I blocka from Lo-!
throp school; renter lot, lacing south and east House has sis large rooms with
.fine, bedrooms and extra good closets; was built for a home and no expense,
pared la making It OOOD. Owner still Uvea there and will show you through. J
HtOO-MTH AND BROWNE. A solid "square" full two-story house, with big'
11 ring room and I fine bedrooms; rooms la all; finest oak finish and great cor-'
tier lot 41x1(0 feet, with paving all paid; beautiful shade and lawn; east front j
(southwest corner.) '
"B&LLB ISLE," en sooth front CORNER, one block south of Miller Park and
one block weet of Uth atreet oar Una This Is a cleverly planned and finely built
HOME: lias living room, dining room, sun room, kitchen. I bedrooms and bath.
, porch 10 foot long, fine lawn, ahadea, ecreena, beautiful decorations and fixtures.
, Jou will want this place if you sea It.
' t6.1S0-4Xn FARNAM. IN "DUNDEE,"
nan), on splendid street 0 homes, with extra fine lot, tOxlW, and a view In any
dlrootlon. House has seven rooms: living room l&xX. with brick fireplace, den.
dining room, kitchen. One bedroom Is 11 -exit, one 11x17 and on 11x11 with extra;
large closets, white enamel, oak floora throughout, tile bath, beautiful decoratlona i
land fixtures, screena and SCREENED PORCH. You will Ilka 1L !
are growing while you sleep, and the lots
' an IDEAL HOME. Has EIGHT roome, the flneat finish and It Is MODERN In de
sign. Plan and finish. Lot Is 44x101: east front: one block from u ami Miliar
Park) will bo open today. Don't fall to see It. 1
tMQO-sU NORTH MTH BTREET-Cathedral district, between Burt and Cum
Ing. en Mtit atreet; a beautiful, sightly lot and splendid house; all large rooms,
beautiful decoration and finish. Tile bath, ftna fixtures. tOfoot lot. I blocks
. from Cathollo school and cathedral; one-half block to ear line and Bemlg Psrk.
, Could you ask a better location The fins old OAK shade trees are worth t&oo.
Come out and see them.
m.KO-UTH AND WIRT, In Kountie Place; AN OLD HOUBB. with two great
lots. 100x134 feet with shale snd flneat urroundlnga The house cost something
like $10,000 to build aad the lots are CHEAP at SS.W9. Figure It put and corns to
see us. Non-resident owner MUST SELL. . - 1 v
Charles W. Martin & Co.
Ttt Omaha NaUonal Baak Bldg.
v Investment Talk No. 7
(Thlg Is the last aerlee of InfonaatWe talks on Real Estate Investment)
If you want to know something positively at any time, you
consult a specialist. If there is anything wrong with you, don't
you always consult a specialist; if you need a trial-lawyer, you
seek a lawyer whose ability as a trial-lawyer is unquestioned.
. The department stores and all other large business houses
employ specialists in their different lines to look after their
business. And so it should be with you in making an invest
ment in Real Estate. Consult a firm who makes a specialty of
Handling the kind of investment you wish to buy. Their ad
vice will not cost you anything and they certainly will do you
a lot of good..
It does not mako any difference whether you buy or not.
Go ,to them and find out what yr-u can do with your money.
They will be glad to tell you anything you wish to know.
"We have several forms of investment, which we will be
glad to tell you about The information will be free and we do
not hesitate to say that you can today buy investments in
Omaha, that are unequalled in any locality.
. Hastings & Heyden
. 1614 IIARNEY ST.
4 ,T-.4 ' ' V'C -"V
In beautiful Kountie Place, on one of the best streets, with the best
and most reasonable restrictions; half block to Sherman Ave.; II min
utes' to 14th and Farnam; many churches and schools close by; nine
rooms, strictly modern; beautifully dectroated; heated with the most
modern system of hot water and warm air, with Thermostat control;
laundry la basement, with hot plates, sink and soft water; furnace room
separate, with large bins for hard and soft coal; large kitchen, white
enameled sink and draluboard. and soft water; large attic, splendid for
storage or drying clothes In winter; bath room absolutely modern; yard
has beautiful large maples In front; grape arbor IOiJO; peachs. pears
and cherries, more than one family can use; nice garage.
This home was arranged for our permanent use; poor health necessi
tates my moving to a warmer winter climate. If you will examine this
home from attic to cellar and be as critical as you wish, you cannot find
a place you could spend a single dollar for Improvements or repairs. We
have Just returned from 6 months on the coast, have no curtains up and
have hardly had time to get our trunks unpacked. If you want a desir
able home and a bouso built as solid aa the Rocks of Gibraltar, this home
Is worth Investigating. No sticks stuck In the ground and called fruit
trees; no shams covered up with paint, putty or wall paper. Open for
.inspection any time. Feel free to Inspect It thoroughly; go from room
to room auk all questions you can think of. If tt does not suit you.
you win not be importuned1 to buy.
trio, IS,: SO. Terms oa part.
Wetter fj, HtJ Lotbrop 8L 4
pv you to take this llat and leok then
In, full basement, aJI oak floora, oak
One of those new homes In Beautiful
yet lose to Omaha (M blocks from cltyj
on that "Prettiest Mile." where values:
arc ALL sold. This hnuaa will mk
Tyler W
v.. 4 f
1 ' v .Si,'
Fine Bungalow
Florence Blvd.
If you want a wll-bullt hnu. and ere
-tilling to pay for rood construction,
which la the rhesneat In the long run,
como out today and exemlne 41H N.
2"th St. Hlvd. House In complete In every
"", ana nae special features, such at
ocautiriil bullt-ln buffet, colonnad oen
Ing with bookraeea. Dlate rail snd nan.
sled walla, white enameled atin room,
oak finish, oak floora, waxed snd pol
ished, full cemented brick basement, the
bent of plumbing and furnace. Lot level,
gocd lawn, no paving to pay on boule
vard. Has five larse rooms and Una
attic In wh eh more roomi can be fin
ished If df-lred. Price 1X900, on terms.
Ki Omaha National Rank BJdg.
Phone Douglas 1H
RAROA IN Modern -etnry, Itln
house. rl5 Bristol t. W. 42C.
BTRiIOTLY modem T-room house;
Kountie Piece. Harney 44.
Real Bargains Must Go
Greatest Trackage Bargain Offered
"7,000 sonars feet, over three rlty lots, within three blocka of Union Pacific
snd Burllnston freight depots. Track on both slilen. Nnnre-ldent owner here to
sell. It must and la soln to be sold and ran be bought at the greatest bargain of
any Inilile trarkage plec-e ever offered In
p.'Ar, uon i rait to investigate mis.
West Farnam Special
Two 10-room houses, east front, large grounds, beautiful location, one block
south of Farnam between 7th and Uh rtts. Houses extra well built, splendid
condition, and rent for W.HtlO per year. Owner expects to leave the city and will
make reasonable price and terms Inveatlgate.
We hev two other Weat Karnam homes, eplenriidly located, and well built,
modem and up-to-date, with large lota, from gS.OOP to 19,000. either of which own
era might consider a -mailer place, well located and equally worth the value
placed upon the-e. ,
t500 cash, H0 per month, for a good
pon, wen duiii py owner for a home.
irme. nop paying rem wnen you
inese snusuai terms fru-o, i,m.
One of the finest Dundee homes, with two full Ms, south front, bnjck construc
tion, beautifully arranged and finished In quarter-sawed oak with oak floors, can
raased walls, hand decorated, beautiful living room with fireplace and handsome
dining room. Owner would consider part cash and smaller place, or would take
gooo ueairaoie orjra income.
At a Bargain
The northeast corner of Mth and Lafayette Ave., on the boulevard, high and
sightly, MtxlM ft., beautiful grounds; lota of shade and cherries, with a good, well
built, -room house, well arranged; nloely finished, beam celling, fireplace. Any
one wanting largo grounds, delightful place to live and a bargain ahould investi
gate thla.
Field Club
K5,K0 A goofl. new, modern, up-to-date S-room house, benutlful large living
room with fireplace; handsome dining room with bullt-ln buffet, all' In fine oak,
oak floors; three good bedrooms, bath, lots of closets on the aecond floor; lot
Rxm ft., with atone drive and garage for two cars. Ask to see It,
Acre Bargains
K.Mtt fteven acres on Military raved
south front; one of the moat beautiful spots In tha county; high rnd sightly; good
t-ronm house, large barn, chicken houae. well snd windmill; other outbuildings;
plsnty of shad. Small fruit. Buildings all painted white, look fine. It you want
to be Juat out of town, can't beat this In the county.
17H acres, joins the above on the north, tmt off paved road; a beautlfut piece,
fine for subdivision. This la about 225 per acre, or cheaper from $100 to 1200 per
acre than anything can be bought for In this vicinity. This Is a REAL snap and
la only offered at forced sale. Can make reasonabls terms. Don't fall to let us
now you wis it you nave any notion or
Vacant Dundee Special
11,576 Northtaat corner Slat and Davenport Bts., moat beautiful lot In Dundee.
Can't beat It. KK to l0 cash, balance monthly or quarterly. .
f - .
D. V.Sholes Co.
1S City National Bank Bldg.
l"'.! w - JL'irl .LhuylnJ' n out-of-date home when you can step Into a new
one like either of three, having In them the lateat Ideas In house bulldnlg. We
?. -it Sh0"'"01 .nlth-t.,r. that wa guarantee these houses to be built in
Iho-, itI!-"i5',ii3r.S"ywUbor'. AM VCRn "onably sxk Is an opportunity to
Show them and let the buyer judge for hlmeelf. Price tfi.000; very reasonable
terms. Owner would consider good lot or cottage aa part payment.
Hanscom ParK District
... Vsry fine two-story ' strictly modern dwelling, on a paved street, with beau
tirul ahade. Thla dwelling la leea than a year old and was built by day labor, con
sequently Ita construction la of the beat Ijirge living- room, with real press brick
fireplace, fine coat closet, havln nice rlxed mirror door; dining room and kitchen
downatairs; three fine bed rooms, bathroom, with tiled floor, and aUenin n-h
--- ivr wuiiiviiiuiB una,
n wrnn. vwner would consiaer good
Five Rooms
Brand new, well built cottage, all m
rooms, dandy bathroom, all complete.
onade opening.
Kltcnen has bullt-ln cup
Fine attic, partly floored: nice larse
eaet front, near Sherman Ave. rar and
terms, Would take good lot as part pay
In Duppecf
Haa eight rooms, at rlctly modern; largo
... - ' - w'wiii,, usiii
vin-niu mnmui ana garase. aii oaa
bathroom. Price. s.0uo.
Scott &
Douglas 1009,
Why Not Make Your Rent '
Money Pay for a Home?
People Who Buy in
W ill not only eecure a lot in one of the best of
Omaha's New Residence districts with Modern (
Conveniences in and Paid for
but tiiey will also have the building and
' Financing facilities op this company
at tiie1h disposal.
That la When your lot in Wearne Park is partially paid for
we will build your house, complete in every detail
and you can pay the balanco like rent.
The First Thing to Do la Select Your Let.
Take a Benson Car to 49th and . OdllKCrb IVCdl
Military Avenue riht at ty Investment
the 49tir street entrance to rVvmr-.ivT
Wearne Park. mpany
Ground Floor Bee Bldg.-
My New Bungalow
.Sacrificed for a (i)llege
Education $200 Down;
Balance Like J?ent
PRICE, $.1,100.00
Must be aold thl week to ral-e rash
for school, which open Bpt. J. Price
reduced to roil, no commllon. AH mod
ern S-room bungalow, I rmi. finished In
oak; oak floors, bullt-ln oak hookcaaee
snd buffet with Waded glasa Snore, col
onnade oen1ng between living room and
dining room, modern plumbing, electric
fixtures snd eolcndld furnace. Cement
Imnement, stairs to aftlc, permanent
walks. F.aat front corner lot. Two blocka
from car. Call Harnev es, the owner.
room-, brand new, clly water, electric
Hunts, cement cellar, cement walks, two
lota, located 441 (-'paiilding ft., a little
south of Fontenetle Park; price $2,100.
Will sell cah. balance monthly. Keys
at U W. Elpperle, J724 N. 44th Ave.
"10-12 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
this city. You can get thla at an ACTUA1,
7-roqm modern hoti-c, near Blat and Daven-
Property Is clear and can make the-e un
can gni a aesiraDie place like this on
road. 14 miles from center of Benson:
buying sores.
Phone Douglas 49.
men tu see mis. frice iu.duu;
very reason-
or cottage as part
odern except heat Five fine, good alsed
Parlor and dining room In oak with i.
boards, Nice closet room In bedrooms.
mented basement Located on corner lot
school. Can be bought on easy
New Home
flvlng"roorii. kitchen and sun parlor
nu meaning porrn on second lioor. Full
iinisn on lirat floor, white enamel
Hill Co.
30-7- lie Cague Bldg
Kountze Place
1808 Spencer St.
This la one of the beat barsnlna being
offered In the north en. I. having seven
nice rooms and hall, of which the down
stairs la flnlnh-1 In the-beat of fink, e-
crpt kitchen. The iip-talr ha four ex
r it Ion ally good heilrooma, well arranged
with lam closets and two good windows
or more for each- room.
Thla home ia atrlr-tlv modern throughout,
absolutely complete In every wav without
any further expenditure. -Hunted on a
.. "I".'1 lot' Pved etreet with paving
all paid. Will make reasonable terms.
t nil na up and we will ahow you
through, or go direc t and look It over.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
Zbt I irnMiia 1, Hann Bid. Dou. vn.
$400 Will Buy
A very coxy, home-like bungalow on
the northeast corner of 35th and Frank
lin Bts.. with good sired lot running
clear bark to alley, pretty lawn, fruit
and garden. Bunsalow la nesrlv new
roome, beautifully decorated, floora and
woodwork newly finish sd, hand some elec.
mo ana gas fixtures, sanitary plumbing,
perfect furnace, front and rear vesti
bules, lnrue acrsened-ln porch, large
Clo-eta grade entrance to cemented baee
ment. In fact everything strictly modern.
oa can t find the equal to this bungalow
lor XJ.U09 tn any urowlng district- K
i-een, uaitince use rem.
Payne & Slater Co.
1 Omaha National Hank Bldg.
Brand new home, never occupied, strict
ly modern, oak flnl-hed; has large living
room, 11x23, with colonadn opening Into
dining room. 11x14, which haa panel
walla, plate-rall and window eeat: neat
den or aewlng room and handy kitchen
with built-in cupboards and refrig
erator room; front and resr. stall
way; three good bedrooms, four cloneis,
tiled bath and screened-tn Bleeping
porch with canvaaa roller awnings on aec
ond floor; eaay stairway to store room In
attic. Full basement with floor drain,
fruit cellar and enclosed coal blna; guar
anteed furnace and plumbing: nifty com
bination light flxturea, screens and win
dow shades; decorated throughout; yard
will be sodded. Lrge lot, 46x120, on
paved street at I-aurel Ave. Price re
duced to $3,900; :i0 or more ranh, balance
t-lLbO monthly. Good lot taken as part
Payment. Phone Charles Horn,' owner,
Ifarney 6210 for more Information.
Bungalow North
5 Rooms-$3,800
Beautiful new bungalow, oak finish, oak
floora, decorated In oils, beamed ceilings
in two ruonia, full basement, furnace hoat,
large tot; hedge In front, climbing rosea,
shrubs, fruit trees, etc. On Burdette
street, near 22d.
The Byron Reed Co
Phone Doug. 297.
212 So. 17th.
A. P. Tukey & Son
20th and Clark Sts
Several people are looking at thla prop
erty and we have decided to make a
price for the entire tract Including 1
eet south front on Clark and 100 feet
east front on 2th, and the three oottages
fronting south on Clark. For a short
time we will make the price W.260. There
is plenty of vacant land fronting east
on 20th fit, enough to build stores. If
so desired. We might be willing to build
you a store suitable for a bakery, meat
market or grocery store. At this price
we would require considerable cash. This
Is bound to be a good business corner.
We still offer the cottage at 2012 Clark
for sale separately.
A: P. Tukey & Son
M Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. D. B02.
Must Be Sold!
3420 Parker St. This house was built for
a home. One of the best buys on the
market Haa 6 rooms, la modern and In
fine condition. ' Close to school and car.
(500 cash and balance monthly.
J4HH4 Burt St. Two t-room modern ex
cept heat houses that can be bought right
Houses are In fair repair Can make a
better price If you' take both houses. See
these houses, then make an offer. This
Is your chance to make a fine Investment
MM cash and the balance on payments.
25K No. lth 8t A t-room modern ex
cept heat cottage, Thla place Is worth the
money that the owner asks. Will accept
vacant lot as the first payment or take
cash payment as low as S100. The house
Is In fair condition. Is close to car line,
stores and school. You will make money
If you buy thla house now.
Creigh, Sons Co.
Douglas X. ' 508 Bee Blng.
t " Attractive
New Bungalow
2S7S Maple St; awell new houae; oak
finish; nicely decorated; arrangement per
fect; full cellar; hut and cold water In
basement, floor drain; Yale furnace;
lighting fixtures to be selected by pur
chaser; full lot; yard will be sodded; close
to school, car line and stores. Price $2,760.
Kasy terms.
HAoTlNUti & HEYDEN. ItiU Harney t.
Five Rooms and Bath
& E. Cor. 29th and Parker Sts.
All modern except heat, new, full base
ment, walks all In, gas heater Installed,
living and dining room finished In oak,
floored attic. Price J2.S60, and paving paid.
Look this over today and see It you
won't say, ''Built right and priced right."
Payments if you wish.
Traver Bros.
Phono Red. 472L Bventngs. Webster 4836.
70S Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg
For many reasons the most desirable residence section of
the city. Florence Boulevard winds through PARKWOOD
and Miller Park touches its southwest corner.
You must see this beautiful addition to fuJJy appreciate it.
Water,' Sewer, Walks, etc.
Every Lot Protected by
Building Restrictions
Prices range from $550 to $1,000. Only a small cash pay
ment; balance in easy monthly installments.
Lots in tliis hiirh class addition are being purchased by
INVESTORS and 110ME BUYERS, because they are sure to
rapidly increase in value.
Let us show you this addition.
Salesmen on the ground today. V '
Norris & Norris
40i Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270,
5-Room Cottage
Not In good repair, but mighty
cheap. Just the thing for a carpen
ter who can fix It up; No. 2210 No.
27th Are. Oo and it today. Wo
believe it will aii itself.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
20S-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
Tyler 1536.
rooms and Bleeping porch; oak finish;
living room across front of house, with
vestibule and cloak closet: colonnade
bookcases: dining room has window seat
with panel walla and plate rail; well ar
ranged kitchen with butler'a pantry and
Ice box room; three corner bedrooms
with clothes pressea and a linen closet;
sleeping porch snd bath on second floor;
wells all decorated; furnace heat with
oil burner attached: auto garage: fine
south front lot 50x128 ft; street paved:
close to car and school, and only H blk.
from park. Price cut to 4.60). Termi
or will consider lot or smaller house In
106 McCagne Bldg. Doug. 1S23-
rooms and bath, S-r. finished In oak;
living room, across the front of house;
dining room has window geat panel
walla and plate rail; den haa oak finish,
with four windows and clothes closet.
could be used for a bedroom; two large
bedrooms and bath on second floor;
bedrooms has clothes closets, also linen
closet; full cemented basement furnace
heat, laundry connections: lighting fix
tures can be selected by purchaser: full
set of screena and shades; lot 60x133;
comer with paved at ; close to rnr nnd
school. A Httle south and west of Hans
com Park. Price cut to 3,R.-i0. Terms
or lot taken as first pavment.
106 McQague Bldg. Doug. 1653.
24x38 FOR ONLY 3,200
Plv rooms and bath on first floor, two
bedrooms upstairs, nlcelv -"vrated. full
basement, cemented floor 1 bricked up;
furnace heat, hot and co I water, also
cistern with pump. A nice home on south
front lot 50x128. cement walks with cop
ing, at 3028 Fowler Ave., in nice location
among home owners.
Room 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Phone Dougtas 1294.
IJvlng room, dining room, kitchen, den,
pantry on first floor; two nice bed rooms
snd bath on second floor; four ctoeeta,
living rooms finished in oak, furnace,
combination fixtures, screena, cement
basement, corner lot, south front, paved
flCf'1, r10?,.1? chol. Price only $2,800;
if BlonW'8 " 11,1 r'Sht- LCted
310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg,
For this modern, seven-room house at
till Spencer, 6 years old; In first-class
condition. Lot 60x124, worth 11.000. See
owner, above address, or call W. 6410 for
,Lots Near Depots
From $500 to $700
Easy Payments
Water,, sewer, gas, permanent walka,
on grade. These fine lots la Flxa'a new
addition at 8th and Dorcaa Sts., will In
crease In value very fast, because there
are now six up-to-date, modern homes
under construction and more to follow.
If you are tired of paying rent, see us
at once about building you a home the
"New Way." i
American Security Co
Exclusive Agents, .
17th and Douglas Bts.
Douglas G013
5:R. Cottage Home
W alking Distance to
Northeast corner of 7th and William Bts.
Beautiful new 8-room bungalow, modern
In every convenience and finished in every
detail. Location Ideal, high and sightly,
overlooking the river, corner lot, one aide
paved and paving paid for. Thla house
haa a fine, full basement with outside cel
lar entrance, complete plumbing and heat
ing systems that are guaranteed. It also
haa a fine large attic. Thla little home has
Juat been decorated from stem to stern
with beautiful new papers and we feel
quite sure you hsve never seen anything
so pretty and complete as this little home.
Pries $3,000. Easy terms.
Payne & Slater Co.
FOR BALE By owxier, new, modern. 7-r.
house: barcaln: must be aold at non
payments; 2S12 Wool worth Ava T-l- Tyler
lu, IJVL w ana I.
ffr iUtt rwVarnurr m
For quick cash sale Income property,
Uanscom Park district, 1" per cent.
Call Owner
Harney 117. '
Field Club Bargain
You won't find another home for
this money In the entire district, and
neighboring houses no better are
held for $1,000 more, money; six
rooms, completely modern; oak
woodwork; dandy east front lot;
good garage; one and one-half blocks
of Weet Side Uanscom Park far line.
Here's your opportunity. Don't de
lay. Armstrong-Walsh Co.
208-10-12-14 State Bank' Bldg.
Tyler 1538.
New Bungalow
South Side ,
Open Today
$275 Cash v
And monthly payments like rent
will buy you a beautiful 5-room bun-;
galow at 2331 South 23d St.; -oak
finish In living room and dining'
room; hard pine In balance; maple;
floors throughout; complete with:
electric fixtures; latest sanitary i
plumbing fixtures; cement walks,!
etc. Price, $2,650. Open today
from 2 until 4 p. m. .
The Byron Reed Co
Phone Doug. 297. 212 South 17th.
Beautiful New
Almost New
Two blocks from Hanscom park, .
three blocks from Field club; located ,
at 3307 Walnut St., In our choice
Fieldcrest addition. This home Is!
one of the most beautiful we have
built this year, and if you are In the i
market for a seven-room, up-to-date
home, with four nice bedrooms and 1
bath on second floor, and large attic,
be sure and Inspect this one. Prico,
$6,250, subject to paving. Terms..
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270.
$250 CASH
Nearly new. strictly modern -room
bungalow; oak finish, full cemerit base
ment, two blocks to car; fine corner lot.
1016-16 W.' O. W. Bldg.
West ' Farnam - Buy
, Nearly new S-room. all modern house)
on Harney, near 83d. On finish down
stairs, rooms beautifully decorated in oil.
An attractive, up-to-date home. In' a Very
dealrable part of town. - Special reasons
for selling. I1.6U0 cash required.
The Byron Reed Co
Fhone Doug. 297.
H2 8. 17th St."
Only Two Lots Left
In Hitchcock's 1st
36th to 42d Bts, between Lake and Maple.
$160.00 and $170.00
Phone Doug. 2596
H. H. Harper
1013-U City National Bank Building.
Dandy Bungalow
6 Rooms 1
West Farnam
Brand new, up-ta-the-mlnuta i'.'wlth
every convenience and necessity"' that
heart could deelre. House Is ZdxUoA the
ground, so every room Is large. One bed ,
room and sleeping porch on second floor.
Fumed oak woodwork, oak floors, semi
Indirect lighting flxturea Don't - wait
but sea the property today. The price ia
right and so are the term. S3.880. Soma
cash, balance monthly.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Ttler 1538. gog-lO-U-H State Bank Bldg
Do You Want to Buy
a Garden Tract
A block of lots between Happy Hollow
and Country club, Juat weat ot Dundee.
Price $75 to $295 Per Lot
Terma. tl.OO down and S1.00 per-week.
These lota will soon be a part of Dundee.
Ask any man whether these lots will
Increase In value, bee them as (Mice.
Phone Doug. 2596
If you can't go la tha day tlma we will
take you early In the morning before
working hours or In the evening..:
H. H. Harper
1013-14 City National Bank Building..
Easy Terms
West Farnam
This ia a very attractive brick and
stucco house, located on the hill close to
some of Omaha's finest residences. The
first floor haa a large living room across
the entire front of the houae and a well
arranged dining room oivning out ot it;
Doth rooms finished in selected oak.
Ample pantry and kitchen. The second
floor haa I large bedrooms and bath, be-
sides an outside sleeping porch. trvant'
quarters. Including a complete bath, on
the third floor.
Lot eOxllO feet Now being offered at
nitaa seeing this.
George & Company
Phone D. 7M. XB City Nat l Bank Bldg
81 x largo rooms and bath; the lot alone
worth Die pries asked. ti0 rash, balance
$& monthly.
Douglas 1781. Ware Block.