Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 12

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WltTV WAD VP mn i.iiniTv'r- ' ' " . . - - ,
iiiiiii n i i 1 1 1 1 rt r .1 run i.nunii i ii 11 - 1 " 11 1
a ii viiau i un uiiniu i i ii
Many Prominent Women to Sell
Tag for Visiting Nurses.
mea ta s mlt lull ext year
Play at loaa t lr-rHcaaaa
Pre pa Ha; Retnra
ta Bradles.
Serial rilf.i...
VNlPAchl,1rn ncee at Field and
' arter Lake cluba.
Tl KSDAY-Muslcale and dinner-dance at
Happy Hollow club; dinner dance at
arter Lake club; Mr. Oeorge Wlrk
eraham. luncheon at iratii unii...
.Mr. and Mrs. John Kekins. dtnner-dnnre
-eymoiir lk country club; I'nl-
.. im v iM-ie rnifnimment
VVKDNESIAY-Tag day for Visiting
Nurse association: Renstrnm-Ltnde
wedding; matinee and dinner-dance at
Seymour Lake Country club; dinner
dancea at Field and Country cluha.
THURSDAY-Marrlcd folka' dinner-dance
at tneid club; Carter Lake club dinner
fiance. Kill KAY Women golfere at Happy Mo.
Imw club; heymour Lake club dinner
Hanee. ."-ATtKPAY-tVeek-end dinner dance at
Held. Happv Hollow and Country cluha;
membera' night, tarter Ijike club.
When Wednesday morn dawn bright and
clear you'll find an army hundreds
They're brave, they're true and they arc
dear and they It aasall the busineas
I'ut not with guns or cannon irmi and
you'll ba safe where e'er you paaa.
For thla army fights for charity and
each brave soldier la a lass.
Wednesday will be tag day for tha
benefit of the Visiting Nurse aaaoclatlon.
Society women and everyone interested
In thla noble work will give up the en
tire day to lending all asalatanca pos
alhla to help net a large fund for tha
work for the coming winter when pro
visions and coal will have to ba forth
coining for the alck poor of the city.
The women In charge and their isrge
corps of assistants take command of tha
rlly at g o'clock In the morning, when
Mayor Dahlman will hand over the of
ficial key for tha day. There will ba
skirmishing partlea sent to all parte of
the city and South Omaha, and aentrlea
will be placed at the entrance of all of
the large buildings bo that no one will
esiape without a tag. which will aerve
aa a paaaport.
"Five centa will be aa welcome aa
ti"(???, on of them aald to me, "and I
do hone the men will not wait for tha
young women to aak them to buy taga."
Women Oolferi.
The Omaha Women Oolferi have poet
poned their trip to Ploux City until next
aeaaon. Several of tha beat player have
nut yet returned from the golf tnurna
tnenta at Chicago and Milwaukee and
aome other playera are Mill at the sea
shore. Tha Omaha playera had planned lo ae
cept tha Invjtatlon of the Sioux City golf,
era for a game for next Thuraday. but a
large number are planning to go to Lin
coln on that day. which will be Omaha
day at tha state fair.
Instead, tha women mntmr .:m u..ia
their regular tournament next Friday at
Happy Hollow.
Mrs. Baker Write, from London.
A letter dated at London. August 17.
from Mrs. Benjamin 8. Baker to her
later. Miss Heynolde. says; "War was
declared tha day following our arrival In
London. Banks closed for three days, but
we were fortunate In having some money
itn us and In getting comfortable quar
ters and have gotten along splendidly.
"Upon declaration of war Americana
came to London In droves from tha con
tinent and many had a very hard time,
It being almost Impossible to gat money
or accommodations. Everybody waa fran
tlo to get home and all wanted to go at
onca. Wa have met many Omaha .people.
"Tha Masons established headquarters
hera and hava been and ara doing a
grand relief work among tha Americana.
"Of course wa ara terribly disappointed
at not being able to make our trip aa
planned, but thankful-wa got no further
ttn London, aa moat who did lost all
their trunks and clothing.
"Wa hava taken In about everything In
I,ondon from tha aluma to royalty and
hava enjoyed the beautiful climate hera
very much. The Judge la greatly taken
with Great Britain and the English peo
ple, but America Is good enough for me.
'We hsve book age en the Baltic (White
Mar line) for September 10. Should like
to leave for home earlier, but thla la tha
beat we can do.
Colonel and Mra. Benton of Boston
leave with us tomorrow for a tour of
8.oti,nd Bnd ir,nd- , nterm
don't worry about us. for we are all
right and having a good time."
Return from Summer Trips.
Miss Ruth M. Zlttle will leave tomorrow
for Chicago, where she will spend the
winter studying voice culture. For the
last two, years aba was a pupil of Walter
B. Graham and Is well known la musical
circles and clube and la a member of All
Batata' church choir. While away aha will
make her home with Miss Louise Murphy
1n Oak Park, who was formerly of
Mra A. 3. Beaton and children have re
turned from Gillette and Dome lake,
where they apent the summer.
Mia Hortens Epleaberger and Miss
Mamie Sptesberger returned home Fri
day from New York. Long Beach and
Far Rockaway. where they hava been
enjoying surf bathing and motor tripe
for a number of weeke.
MUaea Elisabeth sxd Alice Fry re
turned Saturday from a two tnonlha' trip
to tha Canadian Rockies. California and
the grand canyon of Arlsona.
Mra W. aV Poppletoa and aon ha
returned from Chelsea, N. J., where thej
tpent the aummer.
Mra T. U Kim bail and Mlaa Klmbat
iava returned from Garden. Wis.
Mr. and Mra C. a Valentine have
returned from Pin Cone Camp la Mln
aeeet and hava taken aa apartment In
the New Hamilton.
Mra Mark Coad and her mother. Mra.
Crelghton. Mlaa Etta, Crelghton and Mlat
Evelyn Ledwlch returned yesterday frorr.
Bald Eagle Lake, where they have been
for some weeks.
European TrtTelen.
Miss Ella L. Phelps. Instructor la the
Omaha High school, who waa marooned
la rraece, where aha haa been studying
modern languages thla aummer, landed In
New York last Sunday. Mlaa Phelta mm
a few days In Connecticut and la ex
pected home Sunday.
Mlsee Mary Irene and Winifred WaJ
lace, who ware traveling lo Europe thla
summer, arrived la Boston on the Arabic
Thursday morning and ara expected in
Omaha today.
A cable Wednesday from Mrs. Nathan
Merrlant and Miss Mcrrlara announced
tliotr aaf arrival In London from Swit-
"Tag Day"
t These young; women, in company with a host of oth- or- "t
ers, will be busy on Wednesday of this week in the work
of selling taga for the benefit of the Omaha Visiting jff ', j'VvV V 7
Nurse Association. ' fii'M- ''' V j; , 4)p
V ) V' '-( ten
.B'rA t -H "( ' -
H,,,,,,...,.,... i v r Ty" v wr ' - JJ
'v', - v.,.
irrland. They have paasage engared on
the Olympic on the 20th of th!e month.
At Happy Hollow.
Among those who entertained guests at
dinner Saturday evening were Mr. and
Mra W. M. Kalnbolt, who had covers
laid for aUteen gtieata; C. F. Waller,
four; T. W. Blackburn, six; T. F. Fell,
six; W. D. Williams, four; Charles Hsrd-
Ing ssven; J. P. O'Keefe four.
' Tha Alpha Tau Omega ramp on Car:.'
lake closed with a dinner at the Happy
Hollow club Saturday evening. Thoe
present wore:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1. Parks.
Mr. and Mra. Ray Ralnhnlt.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle.
Mr. snd Mrs. R. E. Wenvcrllng.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laird.
Misses Mlaaee
Kllsabeth Crawford, Marrnret Ruatln,
Helen Pogue, Kay tilmmotie,
Francee Todd. Ann Jtuan. ll
Mlsabeth Flnley, Jennie fmlcliind.
I.oa Howard
marguerite Hcott,
Ruth Llndley,
Ruth Mahyer.
F.dward I'ndeland,
lUrry Marah,
I-ula W. Home,
K A. llarrla.
O. . I.lppencott.
A. ll. O Hanlon.
A. C. Kennedy, Jr.
George D. Oelb
C. W, Hlacklock,
w. h. Hunt.
A, L. Iurance,
W. 1 Hosa. Jr.:
Chandler Trimble.
Ouy Heed,
U H. Allen, Jr.;
liarley Brown,
3eymour Lake Country Club.
flir. ana Mrs. t rank u. Roberta enter
ained at a tilnner-dance Friday evening.
Chelr guests were;
.Mr. and Mia. Allen Dudley.
Miss ba Hard.
Mlaa Sarah Reeley.
Dr. Robert It 4 .wall A-- ,
Hoy McCullough.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Donahue had as their
Mr. and Mra CTiarlea Fletcher.
Mr. and Mra William Bavlnger.
Mr. and Mra. O. M. Smith.
Mr. and Mra. C. E. Olson and Mr. aj!
Mrs. C. H. Marling dined together.
Tne rcogram for Tuesday evenlna- la in
iharge of Mra John Baklna. This la ex
pected to be th banner night or tha sea
Mr. and Mra John Beklna have Issued
.notations to sixty-five guesu for dinner
7-ieaday evening. The company will
make the trip In a special chartered car.
At the Field Club.
Miss Helen Tngwersen gave a dinner
U the Field club last evening for Misses
Ilrglna CowelL Marlon Towle. Naomi
Towle, Helen Castman: Measrs. Paul
"nrley, Philip Chass. Clarence Peters,
Frits Bnchola.
Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Cos had aa their
Tueats at dinner Saturday evening:
Mr. and Mra Robert A. Oantt.
Mr. and Mia. John K. Morrlaon.
Mr. and Mra. Cheater D. Sturtevant
Mr. ai.d Mrs. George S. Johnston.
Birthday Partiei.
Mrs. If. O. Read entertained Saturday
afternoon In honor of her daughter,
Emma Julia's ninth birthday. Pala blue
and white' were used In the decorations
and the favors were small blue baskets
filled with candlea. Tte birthday cake
waa white with nine candlea oa It The
afternoa was spent la games. Those
present were:
I.ydte Read.
Alice Sunderland,
Buate Johnson.
Hadle Wei...
Lillian Weiaa.
Oertrude Read.
XI a iters
fiimuftl Thnm a
Emma Julia Read,
Josephine Walta.
Marguerite Green
field. Irma Wells.
Virginia Walls,
Meat era-
Dick Walker,
Mlaa Barbara Millard, daughter of Up
and Mrs. Barton Mtllard. celebrated bar
fifth birthday with a party for a number
of her little friends Tuesday afternoon.
Those present were Pauline and, Frederick
Workers for the
x - umonaooo . s ' .-I....."?" j'
Hamilton, Francea and William MoCor
mlik, Frances Millard. John !. Crtlsh
ton, ill, Edwsrd Weatbrook. Jr., feth
Roaewater, John Davis and Joseph and
John Madden, Jr.
At the Country Club.
A number of dinner nartl.. w.r. d...
at the Country club Saturday evening.
r. j. mirxiey had nine guests; J. Q Flta
gemld. four; J. A. Mc Shane, nine; R. W.
Hall, six! Robert Burns, four; Arthur C.
Smith, three; George Prlna. six; H. U
Oumlngg. seven, and A. V. Klnsler. four.
Pleaaurei Paat
Mra. Frank Dunn gave an afternoon
Kensington Wediieaday In honor of her
guest Mra. Alton O. Mead and daughter,
Mlaa Genevlve. of Odebolt, la. Refresh,
menta wera served. Tnoae present were:
Mesramee Mesdames
J. Long, U. Boatoek.
M. Corkryne, E. O. Owln.
B. K. Gents. E. A. Htevena.
F. C. Henacan, A. O. Mead.
Roy Fraaelle. E. C. Dunn.
A. Lynch,
Miss Genevieve Mead and Master Harold
Fra. telle.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Qtvena gave a
family reunion at their home on South
Flfty-flrrt street in honor of their niece.
Mra. K. Franklin and daughter, Miss
Mebelle of Caldwell, Kan. Covera were
laid for nineteen:
Mr. and Mrs Edward Olveas of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mra L. Ulvena of Firth. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Glvana.
Meadamee Mesdames
K. Franklin, of William Lee, of
Caldwell, Kan. -Lincoln.
Henry Moms, of F"-th. Neb.
Mleses MUses
Mabelle Franklin. Sarah Olvens.
Dorothy Glvens, Lillian Ulvena,
Messrs Messrs
Edward Olvena, of Samuel Glvana of
Lincoln. Firth. Neb.
Roy Glvens, Horace Olvena.
Beturnlng' to College
Mr. Arthur Loorals. son of Mr. and Mra.
Howard O, Loomla, leaves September IT,
to enter Cornell unlveralty, Otbsra who
will go to Cornell are Wallace Shepard.
Morton Wakeley and Kenneth Norton,
Mr. Singleton Bwltaer leavea about Sep
tember M to enter his junior year at Ann
Arbor. Mich.
Miss I-aura Myers leavea Saturday for
lUlled.a.t, aUilt, wUtte at vUl enter
. ' . - V
.. .;' , '.
Visiting Nurse
1 :r :
1 ntK.
X ... . VlK-
eJ - ,
Hillsdale college. Mlaa Myere-enters hsr
sophomore year and Is a member of PI
Beta Phi sorority.
Mr. Culver Cook will leave shortly to
attend college at Dartmouth this year.
Mr. Philip Downs leavea today for
Union unlveralty at Schenectady, N. Y.
Theater Partiei.
The Dundee Women' club will attend
the Monday matinee performance of
"Milestones" at the Brandela theater in
a body, forty seats baring been reserved
for them.
Among those who hare reservations for
small parties Monday evening are W. II.
McCord. R. B. Howell. A. B. Warren. W.
T. Page. D. R. Mills. Charles Klrarh
braun. -Mrs. J. M. Mstcalf, Dr. Millard
Langreld, Arthur Mets, Dean James A.
Tancuck, Glsn Wharton, F. 8. Davis of
Council Bluffs.
M. E. 8. W. Club Xeeti.
Mra Frank Flary entertained the M.
K. 8. W. club at her home Thursday
afternoon. Tha decorations were carried
out In a color scheme of pink and yellow,
and prises were won by Mra A. Godwin,
Mrs F. Bucklo and Mra L Mackenala.
The club will be entertained next Thura
day by Mra E, Mount The member In
clude. Meedaresa- Mesdamss
F. Eiary. !ee Bridges,
G. Maxwell, I Mackenste,
W. Robin, E. Mount
A. Godwin II. Small.
H. Brewing-ton, K. Hucklo,
M, Blair. . W. Hunter.
Seren Social
Seven will be much In evidence at the
First Christian church en Monday n'ght
September T. A seven social, which
promises something new, haa been planned
by aeven young people, tor the evening's
foora open at T:TT and each guest on
entering will be tagged with a red seven.
AtA.hmi't Wet
The rooms will be decorated in the En
deavor colore, red and white snd red
sevens. Tha seven features of entertain
ment are In charge of Miss Marie Shook,
Mr. William Thompson and Mr. C. A.
Miss Grace Leldy will render a violin
solo, Mrs. Redfleld of Kansas City, a
piano solo. Mrs. A. A. Heath and Mlas
Pearl Ptersall. vocal numbers.
Mlaa Lydla Ramer and Miss Pearl Pier
aall have provided seven kinds of refreah.
menta to be served at seven tablea by
seven young ladle. Misses Cook, Lois
snooa. jean Matters, Myrtle Harding,
Heden Morris, Ida Houck and Ethsl Klin
ker. Messrs. Wirt, Benson and Burrltt ara
arranging the other ftaturws for the
For Mill Tibbeti.
Mies Anna Tlbbets. the guest of Mra. J
M. Metcalt. waa given an Informal after
noon bridge Friday by Mtss Wakeley. who
naa tnree tablea of playera Saturday
evening Mr. and Mra. Arthur C. Wakeley
entertained at dinner at the Omaha club
for Mlas Tlbbets.
Motor Tripi.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kunold and eon. Ed
ward, left Thursday for an auto trip to
Flfleld. la., where they will visit Mrs.
Kunold sister. Mrs. Van Fleet, for a
To Honor Oueit
M'.ss Haael Breeder of St Louis was
honor guest at an Orpheum party given
Friday. Those present were:
auaaes Mlaaes
Riul flrnj.H.r T r. i . . iik.-L
ituth Grey. fclhel Albach.
aiiinu Bievera
Mra Carl Slevera.
Universal Circle.
The Inlversal Circle will entertain at
the hall, Twenty-e:ghth and Fowler
atreeta. Tuesday afternoon. Mra. E.
Loriaeton and Mrs. W. M. Kennedy will
be the hoateaaes.
Elks' Picnic.
The annual picnic and dancing partv
for the Klks and their wives and frlenda
will be given Kepternber 17 at Peymour
I.Mke Colintry club. There will be a
banket picnic or table d hot dinner
whichever the gurats prefer. The even
l"K will be epent In dancing.
Orpheum Party.
-Mrs. O. L. Edwsrda entertained at an
Orpheum thaUr party Haturday after
noon for her daughter, Mary Krleen. The
gneats were Miarca lortte Adler, Jcan
nette Jacfier and Fannie Lydell.
Holquist-Swanson Wedding.
Tlin wedding of Mr. Oscar Holquist and
Miaa Emma Swanson took place Wednes
day evening at the home of the bride s
a'int, Mra. Anna Erlckson. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Adolph Hult.
Proceeding the ceremnnv. Mrs. Soderherg
sang '-in the Tlmo of Roaes" and Mlas
Helen Dnhlbcrg played the wedding
The I.H'lr- waa given away by her cou
ln. Mr. O. M. Erlckson. Mr. l,enu SJolln
servrd aa 1-cst man and Mr. Walter Petcr-
on na groomsman. Miss Clara Bwanaon,
alster oT the bride, waa maid of honor.
Phe wore lavnnder silk crepe and carried
a bouquet of rosea. Miss Esther Holuulst
waa bri'Vamnld. wore green silk crepe
with fillet lace and carried an arm co
quet of roses. Misses Gladys Holmsirew,
Esther Peterson. Anna John and Ellen
Hteberg stretched ribbons and wore
dresses of white crepe trimmed with lace.
Little Miaa Francis Holfjuist carried the
ring In a basket of American Beauty
The bride looked charming in an elab
orate hand-embroidered gown of white
rharmeuee studded with pearls and trim
med with silk shadow lace. Her veil was
held in place with lilies of the valley. She
alao wore a diamond pendant, the gift of
the groom.
The houae was taatefully decorated with
palma. ferna and Kl larney roaes.
Following tho ceremony a reception was
held, about sixty guests being present.
Mr. and Mrs. Holqulat left for the lakes
of Minnesota, and will be at home after
November 1 at 2417 North Forty-fa fth
West-McCartney Wedding.
Mr. John Boyd McCartney announces
the marring of hta daughter. Opal Sara,
and Mr. Charles Wayne West, which waa
celebrated Wedneaday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barmon at
Adams. Neb.
The bride wore her go-away suit of
brown s!lk and carried an arm bouquet
of brides' roses.
Miss riarce Barmon wss the brldes
mn'd. She waa gowned in pink and car
ried pink roses. Mr. Reeee Sand was the
uesi man.
The out-of-town guests were Mrs. C. E
Burns nnd Mr. Reese Sand of Omaha;
Miss Mnbel Kemlle of Council Bluffs;
Mrs. W. 1 Duermyer and Miss Vera
Ballonre of Lincoln.
After an extended western trip the
young people will be at home In Ashland.
Rogen-Louis Wedding. .
The wedding of Miss Loreta Rogers,
daughter of Mra. Anna Rogers of Chi
cago, and Karl Louis, of this city, for
merly of Chics go. took place Thursday
afternoon at the home of the bride's als
ter. Mra. George Brandels and Mr. Bran
dela In Fatt-acrea. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Father D. P. Harring
ton of St. Cecelia's parish. Mr. and Mra.
Louis lert for Colorado, and after No
vember 1 will be at home In Omaha.
Corrigan-Becker Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Edward Becker
announce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Katherine, and Mr. Albert M. Cor
rlgan of Cleveland, O. The wedding will
take place In November and the younjr
couple will make their home In Cleveland,
where Mr. Corrlgan Is connected with the
Dally News and Leader.
Miscellaneous Shower.
Mrs. F. Harper and Mra. S. Butler en
tertained at a miscellaneous shower
Thursday afternoon' In honor of Miss
Anna Linde, whose marriage to F. Arthur
Renxtrom takes place September I. Those
present were:
Merdamea Mesdames
S. BJourke, J. E. Renstrom,
Brew. Butler,
J. Swanaon. c. J. Johnson,
Maupin. K. Harper.
V Ericson.. p. j, Linde.
Ed. Leigh,
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Dr. J. H. Irvine left .Thursday with a
party of friends for a two weeks' fishing
trip to the Minnesota lakes.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Klauaner have re
turned from a three months' visit In
southern California.
Mlas Alma Prstt will leave Sunday to
visit her sister in Denver.
Mr. and Mra. Robert C Him Fri
day for New York, Montreal and Quebec
Air. and Mrs. John Donarea are at Fort
Washakie, Wyo., and will visit In Chey
enne and Denver before returning home.
Miss Mildred Rose and Mlaa Tnn rv,.,.
have gone to Grand Island for a hot
Mlas Grace Fleming, who has been via.
ttlng In the weatern part of the state dur
ing tne summer months, has returned. She
spent the summer on her father ranch.
Mrs. John W. Battin will leava Wen...
day tor a month' visit tn th Osark
mountalna of Arkansas.
Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Johnston have re
turned from a vacation trip.
Miss Luvern Valhowa haa rtumu
from Germany, where ah ha been
studying music
Miss Myrtle Brady has returned from
! f aliuht PRICES k
TurpiiTs Dancing Academy. 28th and Farnam
Adult Prlnnei-a Vnnilav a Vf Arinlt Altvan,. Tna- n w
Joining bept. 14-1 will b gtvon a reduction of l.0V. Applications received now.
Hrat aaaemhly haturday evening. ot. 10th. Klrt Children' Oaas Saturday O t,
18th. Heginners 1 .10. advanced J.JO P. M. Private lessons dally. If you ant to
be up to-u.ite. learn tl.a ue St. l- t'anttr WmIi t'untei- 11.11 ..... n..,..
and Hesltationa. Stage and fancy dancing
Fortland, Ore, where 'he visited her
aunt, Mra. J. Sc-hten-
Mrs. Byron R. Hastings and family re
turned last Sunday from Iake OkoboJI.
where they had a cottage for the summer.
Mrs. Arthur H. Henton haa return"'!
I from Lake Mlnnetonka and Minneapolis,
1 where she spent the summer visiting her
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Petersen and family
returned Friday from Lincoln, where
little Dorla Petersen waa ring-bcarer at
the Foater-Purritt weddins.
Miss Lauretta Copt has returned after
spending three months on the Psclfia
Mr. W. R. Singer nf Chicago and Mr.
Sidney C. Singer of Syracuse, N. Y have
arrived to attend a family reunion today.
Mrs. J. H. Parrotte and Mrs. E. T.
Sweeney have returned from a five weeks'
trip on the Pacific const.
Mra. James A. Griffith and Miss Vivian
Griffith leave today for a two weeks'
stay at Colfax Springs, and will later
spend two weeks In Washington, Rich
mond, New York and Philadelphia.
Perional Mention.
A son. Robert J. Roaenfeld, was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenfcld of
Council Bluffs Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nlcman have
taken apartments at The Lorenzen,
Thirty-first street and Dewey avenue.
Mrs. F. P. Doollttle haa returned from
Oklahoma City, where she waa called by
the illness and death of her mother, Mrs.
William H. Wood. Mrs. Wood had many
friends In this city.
Courts to Decide
Custody of Child
Whether her father, who hsd been ah-
sent a number of years, or her mother's
relatives, with whom she has lived, are
to have custody of Edna Smith, 11 years
old, Is to be decided by a habeas corpus
hearing begun In district court and post- ,
poned until next Tuesday. Her father.
Merle B. Smith, recently came here from
Townsend, Mont., to take his daughter
to his home there. Her home In Omaha
la "24 South Twenty-fourth street.
NEW YORK, Sept. B.-A party of six
teen young women of Welleslcy college,
two teachers and fourteen students,
marooned In Italy at the beginning of
the European war, have reached New
York aboard the Italian tank steamship
Lampo from Genoa.
The Lampo had no passenger accommo
dations, but the officers gave up their
cabins to the women.
Among the party were Misses May
Twohy of Spokane, Ethel Twohy of San
Jose, Cal.: Eva H. Hind and Margaret
Hind of Berkeley, Cal.; Mary Louls
Corbln of Spokane and Charlotte C. Ben
nett of Tncoma.
The, Spnnlrh steamship Infanta Isabel
arrived from Barcelona and Cadiz with
323 passengers.
Chief of Police Dunn, because of the
neny complaints made of carelessness on
the part of officers In shooting crippled
horses and the like, has Issued an order
requiring the men to practice revolver
hootlng at regular hour at the pollca
Humane Officer Nlelaon has been di
rected to Instruct the men where to shoot
a horse to kill him Instantly.
Misses Ethel and Haiel Solomon,
Omaha singers and cabaret performers,
have returned unexpectedly from Waco,
Tex. They had a five weeks' profes
sional engagement there, but were unable
to fill It. because when near Fort Worth
on the way aouth, Miss Hazel was thrown
from an upper berth by a lurch of tha
train and was hurt.
Charles It. Crelghton was brought home
Tuesday from Excelsior Springs suffer
ing from an attack bordering on apo
plexy. He was taken ill Sunday morning
and his wife was sent for Immediately,
and upon their arrival In Omaha he waa
taken to the home of his father, John D.
Crelghton, where he Is Improving.
The latest advices Trom Dr. and Mrs.
O, S. Hoffman are to the effect that they
are still In Edinburgh, but have ar
ranged to sail for home from Liverpool
on the Lulataina September 12, due to ar
rive in New York about September IS.
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