10 A TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 6, 1014. FOSTAL CLERKU1EET HERE About Fire Hundred to Hold Ra tional Convention Thii Week. DELEGATES ARE ARRIVING K.lahorate F.ntertalameat Prepare br I.Aral Clerks for Ullon Mark Imporaal Itasl- Over fO.Of clerks In ristofflres through out the cpuntrjr will I represented bjr dVl.gates In Omaha thla week, attending the annual convention of the t'nlted Na t'onal Association of Pnstnfflce Clprks. About JSO deles-ates and 1M wives and other visitors to the aratherlng- will be gin arrlvln; here, thla mornln. The Flrat areembly will be held thla afternoon and evening at the Gorman Home on South Thirteenth atreet, and the flrat session of the convention will be called to order to morrow mornlna; at 10 o'clock at Hotel Home, headquarters of the conclave. During the entire week the convention will hold sessions twlre dally, and In the evening will enjoy special entertainments arranged for them by the. ofMrers and convention committee of the local clerks' organisation. The convention In entirely 5lt1nct from another big gathering, to be held In Omaha next year by a almllar, but separate, organisation, that of the letter carriers. The clerks' association la Mso to be distinguished from that of ttw railway mall clerka. who have an organi sation of their own. (leeks Well Orawatsed. In Omaha the postofflre clerka are well organla'd and have a membership of about W. Including a number of women of the civil service. Headed by their president. Patrick McOoveni. they have been making arrangemenle for montha to gtve th visitors the beat convention 1n the hlstcry of the national association, In order that Omahaa fame aa a convention ity may he npheld and augmented. Al moat every city of any size In the country will be repreaentcd here. M o'clock thla morning a large crowd of the local clerka will be at the Burling ton depot to meet the special train bring tng delegate! from Chicago and the eaat. An honr later another apeclal will arrive over the Wabash from Ht. Jxula with central and southern delegate!. Other treine will bring the northern and west ern clerka today. They will be eecorted to headquarters at the Hotel noma and to other hotela, where the visitors will be srlven a chance to rest until afternoon. A lunch will be aerved for them at the Ger man Home thla evening and a program of music and speaking- provided.. Golaar to ganiann'a Den. The devil himself will enlertain Hie men delegatea at hla hotel at the Ak-Har-IJcn Den Monday evening, while the women attending the convention will en joy an Orpheum party with the local re ceptlon committee of young women. Ml 1OiilM Grant and Mlaa Beetle Davis. A rdheert by the postofflre band and. a dance at the Field club comprise Tuea lay' entertainment for tha vlaltora, and among other entertainment for them dur ing the remainder of the week will be a reception at the Commercial club Wednes day night and an outing at Carter Lake t lub Thursday. Throughout the convention a feature of the entertainment will be the clever min strel band, led by U Francis. ' E. Betlarh I chairman of the entertainment comnlt- tceapd In charge of the Field club ar i i Vcmcnta.' )t Meyers wfll act In i elrtrt !r capacity for tha Carter lake outing. .'. U. Carter' la chairman nf the reception miiilttee and assisting him In arrach-K : the Commercial club reception are ", J, lie La Vega, J. P. Johnson and T. Mien. '.ank Itogers of Chicago, national pres. ' nt, who will call the convention to or- r (or fra flrat session Monday morning, i a veteran in that position, aa he la Juat t nmplrtlng hla tenth consecutive term. Other national of fleer a are William Gib buna of Kcranlon, Pa., secretary, and A. T. Lutkln of Philadelphia, treasurer. Kleet Officers Tvesdar. In the election of officers for the next year, scheduled for Thursday's sea a km. President Kogcrs will atand for re-election, basing his Candidacy upon the rec ord of his long administration. So far, the only other announced candidate for the honor Is Milton P. James of Georgia, who la leader of the southern faction of the organisation. The southerners Urge that a limited tenure of office be adopted by the clerks and promise te make a fight on their contention. On the other hand, sup porters of President Rogers favor his re tention at. the head of the association. They assert that hla long experience 'here makes him the beat representative f-the clerks, when civil servloe legisla tion and other matters vital to the In terests are pending In congress at Wash- Local Entertainment Committee for the Postal Clerks ry - til : :v J A i . r A J I la .-sg1! , I j i( rfuj- 5, j f , .: ...7.;' 3 .Pres. M Y L.Dy-lvc-ter -VtceRrexl j "E. A. GLauj -vSecy. i Motor Truck Used to Build the West The motor truck has taken upon Itself the building of the modern west. Its specialty seems to be an aid In the sc compIlHhnient of tho great engineering feats which have to do with the harness ing or conveying of water. Packard motor trucks were called Into action on the Great Wratern Power com pany's dam at IJig Meadows. In the very heart of the felorraa of California. A haul of fifty-two miles, where there were continuous grades of 4 and 6 per cent for ten miles at a time, a,nd grades of 17 to 1 per cent at other points, did not deter the trucks. The freight was steel glrdters weighing l.SOO to 2,000 pounds, and gener ally weighted to the truck by heavy bags of cement. DELIVERIF OF HAYNES MODELS EASY FROM NOW ON R. J. Murphy, formerly of the Maxwell Motor Car company of Detroit, has Joined the sales orgipilzatlon of the Hayivs Automobile company, with headquarters at 20.".2 Karnnm. a. P. Ferrler. formerly of the Haynes Automobile company's branch at Birm ingham, Ala., haa been transferred to the company's branch store here. Mr. Fer rler la widely known In automobile clr clea, as he has severed connection with some of the largest manufacturers In this country. H. A. Plnsmore. traveling representa tive of the Hiyncs Automobile company, reports very good business for the Isst week. E. 3. Corkhill. district manager of the Haynes Automobile company, haa Just returned from the factory and advises that the deliveries on all Haynes models will be easily made from now on. Germans Set Belgian Clocks with Berlin LONDON, Pept. 5. A dispatch to the Central News from Amsterdam reports that the Germans have changed the time of the Belgian clocks, .altering them one hour to synchronise them with the Ger man clocks. When Belgian cltisens pro tested. General Von Der Colts replied: "In Germany there should be only one time." Everybody Reads Bee T7ant Ads. H. W. NEAL ACCEPTS JOB WITH CHICAGO CONCERN GET-TOGETHER REPUBLICANS GET DONATIONS REFUNDED As a reminder of the sucess ef tha re publican get-toegther banquet, at which Senator Kenyon was the principal speaker several months sgo, subscribers to the guaranty fund are receiving rebate checks for their pro rata ehara of the surplus. Several hundred dollars was raised at the time In addition to the pro ceeda of the ticket salee to Insure against a deficit, and after paying all expenses of the banquet the committee has re funded to the contributors STV4 per cent of their net contributions. . IT. W. Neal. who has been sales man ager of the McGraw company. If Har ney atreet. has gone to Chicago, where he Is now sales manager for the Imperial Belt'ng company. Mr. Neal was educated In Omaha and was employed by the Na tional Bank of Omaha, then the Lee, Glass. Andreesen Hardware company and later by the Joseph R. Lehmer company. He was secretary of the latter concern from 1911 until It was taken over by the McGraw Interests. Mrs. Neal and the two children expect to leave for their new home at an early date. Dft.BcijFBAiLavfo Sanatorium This Institution Is tho only one in tbe central west with separate buildings situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering It possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed tor and de . oied to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. V ' mye.. ! , , I,, ,,, ,,1,1,1,1 , , , I -: ,wzii aVvLg ;'st tit'' -i swussmJS.-.. . flnf1 -m -tirrr TlrfTrf-nTTisi We Close at 12 Noon, Monday LABOR DAY But Monday Morning Bargains Will Be Well Worth the Early Buying which Closing Will Necessitate Now Laces SORE ERUPTION ALL OVER CHILD'S BODY Started with Blisters. Itched So - Could Not Sleep. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. . In Three Weeks Was All Healed. Root No. 3. Bos S7. Little Falls. Minn. "Our little bey was Uksn sick with a fever and after the fever be broke out wlta a sore eruption all over his body. We could got noth ing to help hlxa. Tbe sores were large and red and bleeding. Tbey started with blisters as if be were burned and when tbey broke they would bleed and thav Itched ao that he could not sleeD for boom Min w liad htm all tied u with bandages and then we had to soak tbeca off evsry day. " We bought a cake of Cuticura Boep and a bos of Cuticura Oto uncut which soon gave blot reUsf. We need the Cuticura Soap to wash hint with and used tbe Ointment aiUrwards and la about two weeks he was able to alt ap. Now be is aa well as can be for la three weeks be was all htalart by the Cuticura Soap and Otatmant.M (Signed) Oeurge Welters, Jan. 29, 11. Samples Free by Mail 'or red. rough, chapped and bleeding hands. Itching, burning palms, and painful angar-cada with ehapdess nails, a oae-nlgfa CuUcura treatment works wonders. Soak tnda, on retiring, la hot water and Cuitour Boap. Ir7. anoint with Cuticura Ointment and wear strft bandages or old, loose gloves durtag the nlgbt. Although CuUcura Boep ('-'Sc.) and Cuticura Ointment (inc.) are Suid by druggist and duelers everywhere, a sample of each with SH-p. Kkln Book will be sent free upon request. Address poat er4: -CuUeara. Dept. T. Boston.". 7 Ington, where he spends much of his time. D. Edson and Local President McOov ern will b the accredited delegates of the ' Omaha clerks In the convention. Purlng the business meeting, ' a number of Important matters will be brought up and disposed of. I'erhaps most vital among these will lie the resurrected pro position, . that the national association affiliate with the American Federation of Labor. since 190J. when the propoaltlon was voted down, it lias not been a live' Issue In conventions of the clerks. However, there la a movement this year to ac complish affiliation with national labor, and it Is quite sure of beng brought to a vote. Treslilcnt MKlovern of the Omaha fcrsjich. says:1 1 "" "." "The majority seem to look with dis favor upon the proposition, for various reaaons. I do not think It will be adopted." Tho "penny postage" idea being urged by commercial Interests mf the country Is another Imixirtant Question to coins before the convention. The arheme, If u oecomes law, will involve a decrease of A0,0QO,0no In the annual postal revenue of the nation, It Is said.- Huch an enor mous cut might result In decreased sal aries or increased hours of work for the clerks, they fear, and so It Is expectid tiat the convention will go on record against the one-cent rate of letter post age. ( During the last twenty-five years, since the national association if poatofflce clerks was organised, It lias seen wonder ful growth and development. Trior to 1900 there were really two separate as sociations, but they Joined at that 'time. Fjnre Its birth, and largely through Its united effort, the association haa wit nessed many reforms tn tho postal sys tem. An Important reclassification of sal aries has been effected, anad the adop tion of the present eight-hour law has practically abolished Sunday work, by requiring only forty-eight hours of work per week from each clerk. Halarles are calculated by the year, from MM up, and generous vacations are allowed. Resulting from the1 series of reforms In the Postofflce department and the civil service, the merit system has been adopted, rewarding those deserving of promotion. For securing such advan tages tor the clerks, they originally or ganised and continue to maintain their association. i s KTjyA Sr I 1 VBVHwSkssSj-v i. i it i v -nrxi rmmm G. M. DEBOLT. RESIDENT HERE FIFTY YEARS. DEAD a. M. DcBolt, who bss made Omaha hla home for the laat fifty years, died suddenly of heart trouble at hla home, I7SI Charles street, Thursday. Tho body will be burled in Mount lloe cemetery. Four aona. to daughters and his wife survive Mr. DeBult. lie was a man of S9 years and for the last few years has lived as a retired farmer. The sons are Harry T., who lives in Florence: Frank, who Is a resident of Lincoln; Victor If., a principal of public schools In Buffalo, Wyo.. aud Grover C, who la also a principal of public schools In Alberton. Wash. The daughters arc Mrs. J. R. Wells, residing at East Orange, N. J., and Annetta, a schoor teacher in Omaha. Funeral services will be held at the home thla afternoon at I o'clock. Rev. C. N. Dawaon will officiate. DEAN AND PROFESSORS OF BRYN MAWR IN STEERAGE How the dean and two professors of Bryn Mawr college and two professors of A'assar were forced to return to America In the steerage of the Car pathla, and were glad of cvtn those poor accommodations, la told In a Utter to D. M. Carr of Omaha by his sister. Miss Mary A, Carr of New York, bhe arrlvtj safely from Italy, the states that there were three bishops aboard, ao it is thought that perhaps Bishop John Nucl eoli, formerly of Omaha, may have got ten out of Bwltarrland with hla family a&d sec used passage on tha Carpathla, JDoCiLje Graacvt School Boys Sent to Eiverview Homo for Joy Riding Blx high school boys who took joy C1es In cars borrowed from the Field cluladla trlct have consented to go to Hlvervlew home until Monday night, obeying an In formal order of Juvenile Judge Sears ma' without the filing of complaints against them. Wynian llobblna and Clarke Riley, against whom complaints had been filed, received the same eon tence. - Judge Bears first declared the lads' must remain at Rlvervlew home a week, but when informed that they desired to begin attending school Tuesdsy, changed his order. Carl Ballach, 1011 North TWrty-nlnth street, refused to tell the name of a boy companion on a Joyrlde taken In the car of A. It. Mi'Conitell and was ordered taken Into custody by the court. Later young Hallarh yielded to persuasions. The other boys were: Burton Howard, tVnald Klpllnger, Stuart 'and' John Mo Donald and Lyman Phillips. Phillips at tempted to Induce the court to be lenient by pleading Ignorance of the fact that the car in which he rode was "borrowed." The Judge refused the request. Space on Carnival Grounds Going Fast Those who expect to rent booth or ground spare at the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival will have to speak soon, as Secretary Weaver says the apace la limited, and is going rapidly. srll " AUTO TOP SAVES CAR OCCUPANTS FROM INJURY Mra. Frank J. Carey, wife of Frank J. Carey, former proprietor of tho Carey j hotel, her sister, "Miss Elinors Cahlll, principal of the lrvlngton school, and son, I Robert, -when returning from lrvlngton ' In tha former's car Friday afternoon,,came 1 near meeting with a serious accident when the car got beyond control on a steep hill, going off the road Into a deep ' ditch and turning completely over, the occupants being saved from serious In- j Jury by the top being raised. BRANDEIS STORES V ill Remain Open Monday (Labor Day) Until Noon Monday Morning Specials In the Daylight Silk Section 4t-in. Satin Charmeuse $?.CO yard values, in tho new fall colorings; at, a yard ....$1.48 All Silk Press Sateen Molalities :6-in. wide, $1.25 a yard quality; at. yard ggt? riain anrl Fancy Press fill as 20 to CC-ln. wide, beautiful weaves nd colorings, from 75c to $1.23 a yard values; at, yard" ia v. J Several special counters ar ranged for Monday selling. Three big lots at, per yard. .31 2C, S'cC and 5VsC5 One Bis? Counter of Fine Laces To M.OO a yard values; at, yard 10( to 50c Cluny Iaces, worth 6"C-"AP(I l-'lounring Laces, worth SOC'fjCj Camisole. Iare, worth 50c, . "WIKI" 50c R1BHONS 2c Yd. Late novel ties In fancy Figured and Striped Ribbons, made to sell at 60c a yard; at, yard S9 Monday Morninj Specials in the Wool Dress Goods Dpt. All Wool Plaid Suitings-58-in. -wide, $1.50 a yard quality, in newest fall colorings; yard 98C 54-ln. Imported Diagonal Suit lugs Plain colors, with plaids to match, beautiful new colorings; at, yd. 81,48 54-ln. German Suitings In navy, cardinal, brown, grey, Mine and taupe, very Bpeclal bargain, yard 45d Cotton Blankets Regular 75c values one entire case; Monday, pr., 59o Wool Blankets Reg. $4.50 quality, 1 entire case; Mon day, pair, $3.45 Bed Comforters Regular $5 values, 1 entire case, Moiu dajA, each, $3.45 Bleached Muslin Regular 10c qual ity, 1 entire case; Monday, yd., 6V2C A Store Where Broad Assortments of Autumn Styles Solve a Woman's Problem of What to Wear Uncertainty becomes absolute certainty here where superior quality and distinctive styles are coupled with delightfully moderate pricings. .t ' A Big Special Showing of Crown 1 uewei ouus m aiirerem styles, at $23.75 --The newest weaves and colorings in fabrics, the most bewitchingly beautiful .designs, all sizes 16 to 40; the greatest values we have ever shown, well worth from $o0.00 to $33.00, at $23.75 For the Large Woman A big shipment of extra size suits just received, newest styles and materials, broad assortment for selection, matchloss values at each price $15.00, $19.50 $25.00 $29.50 Up ssPsV. , -at 9 As Monday Specials Elegant New Tailored Suits--150 ol them; nearly all samples in the season's newest fabrics, color ings and styles, made to sell at $45.00 and $50.00; choice Mon day at $35.00 Long Crepe Kimonos Garments made to sell at $3.00 aud $3.50, choice $1.95 simplex House Dresses Regular $1.50 values, in all colors aud 6izes, at 95c Women's Silk Underskirts To $3.50 values, in all colors; on sale at $1.50 Silk Crepe de Chine Waists "Worth $5.00, all colors. .$2.95 SrtCIAL dnumltu Ur Cones Union Made Work Shirts, Bungalow Aprons All colors, splendidly made, extra full cut. If you want something specially good you'll get It in Conos Ladies', Men' Mttd Cliildren's I'nderwrar and Furnishings. - Fall weight specially priced at saving of -about half. ' Sweater Cbats; Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery, Aprons, Gloves, Waists etc. All the Children's Rompers that sold to $1.00; on sale at 35c or 3 for 81.00 Boys' School Suits An immense showing of new fall styles, fabrics and color ings; on sale at 82.95 83.95 and 84.95 Worth fully M more. Monday Forenoon in Linen Dept. Pattern Cloths Pure flax, $5.00 values, leach. .$2.90 Pure Linen Huck Toweling, assorted widths, plain and fancy, values to 75c a yard, at. yard ...50c Dinner Napkins Pure flax, full sixe. $5.00 values, 6 for SI. 50 German silver bleached Pattern Table Cloths, pure flax, $3.00 values, each 81.98 MODEL OF PERFECTION a; Five drawer, drop head, golden oak cabinet with full set of at tachments a beauty Mon day and Tuesday at A splendid New Home, absolutely guaranteed, the same as agents sell at $55.00 and $60.00. Don't fail to see them. Offer good just two days, Monday and Tuesday. Sewing Machine Dept., 4th floor. Enamclwarc Oar rsrular Has ef "BoWa Srt" Bins and Whit war, tha st mad. Evsry ptaoa psrXscV. Large slz oblong- stove pans. 1-qt. capacity Coffee t'oU a earn - less ail.l i iianiel covr. 1-qt. apaclty Tea Pot. seamless and enamel rover. 1-qt. seajulesa Klce Boiler, enamel cover. Large else Chamber, i-qt. Berlin Kettle, enamel cover, t-qt Preserving- Kettle. 10-qt Dish Pan. Values up to 75c Sale Price, choice 49c WALL PAPER SALE EXTRAORDINARY For one week, right In the face of sharp advances In Wall Paper prices, particularly on Imported goods, we are going to offer our cus tomers wall paper bargains seldom if ever equaled. 10,000 Rolls DdRooin Patterns With borders to match, regu lar values to 10c roll 3C Dining Room Papers Big assort ment of patterns, 10,000 rolls in tha lot; up to lbc a roll values; at, roll 6 Plain Imported Oatmeals-Regular 40e roll values, 12 colors to select from, roll 2's 13,000 Rolls Kitchen Blocks Made to sell to 15c roll; on sale at. roll 5 Handsome Gilt Papers Values to 25c roll, over 10,000 rolls in the lot, big assortment of patterns, roll 10 30c Domestic Oat Meal Papers 10 colors, broad assortment, fine quality; at. roll 12tt Our early buying in large quantities alone enables us to offer you these and other saving opportunities. Act quickly. Two Carloads of Extra Ftccy Colcudo Elberla Freestone Peaches Remember this Is extra fancy fruit not choice. Monday morning we will open these cars and put them on sale at. per crate 60 Also rarlosvd of Extra Fancy S-Tler Colorado Uart lett Pears Packed in bushel boxes, box, 81.75 Italian Blue Plums 4-basket crates, crate. 81.15 Fancy Colorado Cabbage for kraut, per lb 2t 15 lbs. best Granulated Pure Cane Sugar.. 81.00 Watch Monday Eve. papers for Tuesday's sale. it Tnv MAVnPM'R FIRST.!!.