Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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es in
The Omaha Sunday
Generally Fair
VOL. XI.1V-NO. 12.
Mobilizing -the Real Army
Decisive Defeat of Anitriani Leaves
Russians Free to Send Huge
Army Against Kaiser's Men.
Censored Dispatch from Antwerp
Hints Communications of Anglo
French Army is Menaced.
Town of Tennonde, Sixteen Miles
South of Ghent, Has Been
Hastily Destroyed.
Official 'Report from Berlin Says
Army of the Allies Has Been
Driven Behind Conde.
Military Experts Think Grand As
. sault Will Be Attempted.
It Is Believed that No Attempt Will
Be Mad to Invest the City
While Large. Army of the
Allies Is Near.
' t
..LONDON, Sept. 6. According to
reports current in military quarters
in London, a portion of the British
expeditionary force is at Maubeuge, a
French fortress of the first class in
the Department du Nord, assisting
the French garrison there in a de
fense which la being stoutly main
German official reports admit that
the fortress still remains in French
PARIS, Sept. 6. (3:25 p. in.)
It has become apparent to observers
bee that tbe German do apt Intend
to engage, the allied armies sent to
meet them northwest ot Paris. The
enemy' evidently la making an ex
tended movement.
LONDON, Sept. 6. (4:11 a. m.)
A dispatch to the Daily Mall from
Antwerp, timed Friday afternoon,
ays: ;
"There has been -fighting since
morning at (name deleted), where
the Germans apparently are threat
ening our communications."
LONDON, Sept. 5. (8: 10 a. m.)
A dispatch to the Central News
from Amsterdam reports that Ter
monde, sixteen miles east by south
of Ghent, has been hastily destroyed
and that every communication is interrupted-
LONDON, Sept. . (8:08 a. m.)
An Amsterdam dispatch to the
Central News says that the German
general staff has been moved from
Brussels to Mons.
LONDON. SPt- 4-(U:65 p. m.) What
was described as the arrowhead of the
German army, which has been slowly
forcing Its way through the Anglo-French
armies toward Paris, has made further
progress, according to the German offi
cial report Issued today and has now
driven the allies back behind Conde.
La Fere haa been captured Without re
sistance, says the German statement, and
with the exception of (name deleted),
which la now being attacked, and Mau
beuge. which the Germans have masked
the outpost forts are now In the hands
of the invaders. Cavalry raids, too, are
being made In the direction of Paris for
tifications, which will, if the German ac
(Continued o Pag
ie Two Column One.)
The Weather
Forecast till T p. m. Sunday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair, cooler.
nt Omsks iirre.
Hours. veK.
a. in
a. m ?
7 a. ni
8 a. m 76
a. m So
10 a. m M
11 a. in W
12 m u
1 p. m '.. 91
t p. m m
p. m 89
e p. ro. .......
6 p. m W
6 p. in. b
7 p. in 86
Comparative Lewal Reeard.
4 1914. 1911 111. 1911.
Highest yesterday I'M 1" 1 to
lowest yesterday 73 " 74 Co
Mean temperature W M 82 78
Precipitation '. 00 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departutes
from the noiTnal:
Normal temperature 65
Excess for the day 17
Total excess since March 1 43
Normal precipitation 14 Inch
lVficlency for the day 1 Inch
Total rainfall since 11 arch i... 17. 10 Indies
Itfficlency since March 1 6.15 Inches
iMflcieiicy for cor. period. Wli. W Inches
IfeUcieacy for cor. period, inii. .78 Inches
Drawn for The Bee ty Powell.
People of Threatened City Confident
Allies Can Prevent Investment
by the Germans.
. -a. ?.,n otitis- .j. - '
After First Exodus of Women and
Children, Calm Iletarns aad
Citizens dhow Absolute
PARIS, Sept. B.-5:30 p. m.)Confidenr
of the Parisians in the ability of the al
lied armies to rrevent the Germans enter
ing or even Investing the city increases
dally. The military governor, who la In
sole command since the departure of
President Polncare and the cabinet, has
taken every precaution for defense
against attack.
Iarge composite armies occupy excel
lent positions, where they are preperod
to meet the powerful artillery the Ger
mans are bringing and the situation gen
erally Is regarded as favorable to the
After the first exodus of women and
children, which was recommended by the
authorities, complete calm returned and
the citizens exhibit absolute assurance.
The possibility of Information concern
ing the preparations for the defense of
the city, reaching the adversaries, has
caused the authorities to supress every
reference to the military dispositions or
tholr strength.
Red Cross Nurses to
Be Given Pin Money
NEW YORK. Sept B.-Kach of the 135
nurses who will sail on Monday aboard
the Hamburg-American liner Hamburg,
renamed the Red Cross, for service with
the armies engaged In the European war
will carry ttf in gold. This money. It was
explained today, would be for extras or
pin money, as the expenses of the nurses
are borne by the Red Cross.
Preparations for the sailing of the Red
Cross on Monday at 4 o'clock reached a
stage of feverish excitement today, 'both
at the local Red Cross headquarters and
at the pier In Brooklyn, where tons of
medical supplies are being stowed away
In the hold ot the ship.
Navy Will Take Over
Wireless Station
WASHINGTON, Sept S.-President
Wilson Issued an executive order toduy
directing the Navy department to take
over ths wireless station at Tuckerton.
N. X, and operate It on equal terms for
the embassies and legations of all bel
ligerents and neutrals. Code messages
will J handled under strict censorship.
Aeroplane Drops
Bombs Into Ghent
LONDON, Bent 8. 7:05 p. m A dis
patch to the Reuter Telegram oompany
from Ghent aays:
"This morning e,Taube aeroplane passed
over the town at a great height and
1 ropped two bombs. There was no loi
of life."
THE BEE'S WAR MANUAL Just what you want: Maps, Pictures, His
tory, Army and Navy Statistics all indexed. At Bee office. Coupon page 2.
y : v fogy '
' ' .
illpi lilt
To the Children of America
IJdltor James Kec4ey of the Chicago Herald has issued the fol
lowing appeal to the children of America, in behalf of the children
of Eurofe or of those countries that are embroiled in the w ar. The
Bee has beon Invited by Mr. Keeley to co-operate with the Herald tn
rSa-the work of outfitting the ChrlatmM whip,- aad will gUdly grv Its
services and assistance to the cause and to those who want to help
In the work!
"Inasmuch as ye hare done it
brethren, ye have done it unto me." St. Matthew, xxv-4 0.
When daddy goes to work each morning you expect him to come home
at night.
You would be very sad if he didn't, wouldn't you? ,
Over In Europe, where kings reign, millions of fathers are being sent
to work by the kings the work of war. The kings tell them to go and
fight and they have to go, even If there is no one left at home to earn
money to buy food and clothing and pay the rent. Hundreds of thou
sands of fathers will never come home to their little boys and girls. They
will be killed by the fathers of other little boys and girls, who do not
really hate them, but who kill because they have been ordered to do so.
You will hare a merry Christmas. You are looking forward to the
day when Christ was born. You know that father and mother will be
with you on Christmas day. You know that Santa Claus will come from
the frozen north, his sleigh laden with gifts for you.
Have you stopped to think what is going to happen on Christmas day
to the children of Europe whose Santa Claus fell dead on the battlefield
when father dropped with a bullet in his heart. The father whose kiss
and cheery "Up lary boy. Kris Kingle has been here," once woke them on
Christ's birthday?
Don't you want to help? Of course you do. Listen:
It each little boy and girl be a Kris Krlngle. Isn't that a fine
thought? Wouldn't you love to be that great saint? Wouldn't you love
to put your gifts in a slegh and take the reins In your hands and drive the
reindeers over the roof of the houses, slipping down the chimneys and
leaving your gifts for those who badly need them? Can you do it,? Of
course you can. You can help load the sleigh and you can shut your eyes
and feel the reins in your fingers and drive the reindeer up and dpw.n, tfve
lanes in England, lined with thatched-roofed cottages, through the vine
yards of France and the stubble fields of Belgium, across the white-mantled
stretches of Russia, up and down the highways of Germany, over the hills
of Austria and along the frozen Danube to Servian peasant's hut, stopping
to leave a surprise a catrh-the-breath surprise for your little brother
and sister whose father Is dead.
You may live to be a hundred years old. You may travel all over the
world and see its wonders and delights, but never will you have such' a
journey as that.
How can you do all this?
Just in the least kind of way.
get the rani Joy of it. Earn money to buy the presents or make them
yourself. Every boy knows bow to earn money to go to the circus with.
Ask father to let you split the kindling, carry in the coal, carry out the
ashes, look after the furnace and
pennies that are given you for candy, deny yourself something.
If you are a girl couldn't you knit a pair of gloves or socks or com
forters? Wouldn't it be good to know that the gloves are keeping warm
a pair of little hands like yours?
comforters are covering frosted ears and protecting delicate throats?
And you must have some toys that have outgrown their charm for you.
Send them.
For those bereaved children there will be no Kris Krlngle. His
sleigh bells will not Jitgle on the frosty air in the Black forest, and ihe
snows ot the Russian steppes will be untrodden by the good saint's gal
loping reindeer. Stockings will hang limp and empty In many a French
cottage, and the smoky chimneys of England will know blm not. No doll
for little Jane and no red mittens for brother John. No soldiers, all red
and sh'.nluf. that Karl had hoped for. What a mockery this Christmas
will be for them.
And Gretchen had dreamed of a set of dishes with roses around the
edge and a beautiful big bouquet In the center.
Ivan and Francis and Paul and Marie all their little dreams have
diad in war.
One million Christmas tragedies think of It! You children knew
(Continued on Page
But you've got to do It yourself to
make him pay you for it. Save the
Wouldn't it be fine to know that the
Three, Column Two )
unto one of the least of these
Minister of War Cablei Plans Con
template Energ-etia Off entire
in Eat, Prussia.
Troops Holding! Positions la Region
of Allejssteln Rasalaa Ioss
Heavy, bat Few Pri los
ers Taken.
(Copyright. 1W4, Press Publishing Co.)
NEW YORK, BepL , 6. (Special Tele
gram.) la response to a cablegram from
the World asking for direct authentio In
formation regarding the movements of
the Russian army in East Prussia, Minis
ter of War Boukhomllnoff of Russia has
sent the following message dealing with
the campaign, particularly around Boldau,
which Is south of Allensteln, which the
Russians are said to have occufied:
"PETROGRAD, .Sept 4,-Tha military
engagements around Soldau, which at
first promised to be to our advantage,
have ended in a partial failure, which,
however, can have no ultimate effect
upon the operations which are to follow
In eastern Prussia, where our troops are
holding strongly the positions already
raptured. They are preparing to assume
an energetic offensive.
"The heroism of our soldiers was put to
a severe test . by a German force In
greatly superior numbers gathered from
different parts of the eastern theater of
war. The Germans have been able to
use their railroads for the purppoe of
bringing up garrison troops and the heavy
artillery, automobiles and other material
from the fortresses.
'"Our losses are certainly heavy, but we
have lost only an Insignificant number of
prisoners. "HOl'KHOMUNOKF,
"Minister of War."
Rheims Has Fallen;
Buelow Has 12,000
Men and Heavy Guns
NEW YORK, Kept. 6.-The following
dispatch received at the . German em
bassy In Washington today was for
warded by the emperor to Count von
Rernstorff, the German ambassador, who
has been In this city, and given out to
night by tho ambassador's secretary, F.
D. Edler, in ths temporary absence of
Count von Bernstorff, who Is spending the
week-end In Westchester county:
"BERLIN. Sept. 6.-By Wireless to
fisyvUle.) Rheims fallen into German
hands without resistance. Army under
Buelow captured until today 12.000 men.
260 heavy, IM light guns, six colors."
Bryan Asks Million y
to Meet Expenses of
Diplomatic Service
WlABHIN'GTON', Sept. I Peoretary
Bryan today asked congress for an ap
propriation of $1,000,009. to meet extra ex
penses of the diplomatic and consular
services In caring for ths Interests of ths
waring nations of Europo at various
capitals, where they have bees placed
In charge of ths United Btates.
War Summary
Conflicting news dispatches
and vaKue official statements
leave the fortunes ot the Im
mense armies struKgltnft before
Paris today a matter ot conjec
ture. All accounts afcree, however,
that the moment Is approaching;
swiftly when the French capital
must have to resort to its own de
fense. Despite occasional tem
porary successes of the allies,
their line appears to be slowly
giving ground before the German
advance. The Germans, in a
serai-circle, seem to have reached
points east and west of Tarls,
their left wing touching Laferte
sous Jourarre, in the department
of Seine Et Marne.
The exact position of the Ger
man right wing In not revealed,
but o far as Known it has not
succeeded In getting around the
allies' left formed by British
A Itome dixpatch says that five
German army corps have' arrived
at the Vistula river to support the
defense against the Russian inva
sion of east Prussia.
The Russian general staff
claims that Its victorious army in
Galicla is sweeping the Austrlans
before it.
Further fighting is reported at
Termbnde, sixteen miles south of
Ghent, suggesting that the Bel
gian forces from Antwerp have
again entered the frsy.
There is no additional news re
garding the Russian troops as
having been landed at Ostend
from British transports.
The Servians claim that the
Austrlans left 30,000 dead after
the battlo of Jadar and that the
Servians captured 4,600 prison
ers. An official statement issued
at Paris this afternoon says that
the Germans continue to leave
Parts on their right and to march
In a southeasterly direction.
French Soldiers Cannot Understand
Where All Germans Come From
, After First Are Shot Down.
Germans Pfe.rer Waver tm Their On
ward Starch Toward ths French
Capital Inside Facts on
, Teutons Advance.
LONDON, 8ept. 5 (2:06 a. m.l-The
correspondent of the Iteuter Telegraph
company at Ferrleres, a town near Parts,
ends thei followlnc:
"Our men, though cheerful, are angry
at the continued retreat. They do not
understand the necessity for It. They
are all atnased at thk unending numbers
of the Germans. They gy ths mors you
kill the mors there are of them, but If ws
ever get them In the open It's good night
"The fighting along the line of the Ger
man advance haa been Incessant and des
perate. I sold a horss the other day to
an officer of Dragoons. I showed him
the only horse I had for sale with the
warning that the animal was not in the
best condition.
''Hang It.' said the officer, 'he will
last four days, and thst's about my aver
age since tho wsr began.' He had al
ready had four horses shot under him.
"The war Is very hard on the horses
and the condition of some of tie poor
beasts which I've seen passing southward
toward Parts would be better not ac
knowledged. The army Is still fit In
every sense of ths word and Its trans
port Is Intact and fills the road with a
column of motor vans nearly six miles
Soldiers In Good Condition.
"Our soldiers are all right, but the
(Continued on I'sge Two Column One.)
None of Entente Will
Make Peace Without
Consent of Others
LONDON, Sept 6-Russla, Great Bri
tain and France today signed an agree
ment that none of the three would make
peace w ithout the consent of all three na
The Burlington railroad has determined
to postpone further work on the "ChtUco
cut-off." a new strip of traok under con
struction for the purpose of shortening
the Bloux City line to Omaha.
Information from a reliable source was
to the effect that 1,000 men were "laid
off yesterday. General Manager O. W.
Holdrege, however, declined to corrob
orate ths report further than to say that
such action had been considered on ac
count of "present financial conditions."
Decls'on would be made Monday or Tues
day, he said.
Five German Army Corps from Al
sace and Lorraine on the Vis
tula River.
Kaiser Sees Need of Strengthening
Forces in East Prussia, Against
the Advancing Foe.
Principal Prussian Lines Again Be
ing Taken Over by Army. .
Losses Have Been "o Hesry Aswlnst
the f'sar tt Is No Lonater Consid
ered Formidable Adversary ' j
y the Russians. '. if ,
nri.i.F.Tix. . i
LONDON, Spt. 5. (5:50 a. m.)
A dispatch to the Exchange Tele
graph company from Rome contains'
a message from Petrograd In which
a high nuMlan military official la
Quoted aa follows:
"When the war began Austria was
our most sorlous enemy, because,
except for four army corps sent
against Rervla. Its entire army was
directed against us. '
. . "Now that Bervla haa annihilated
four Austrian corps at Shabats and
we hav decisively defeated 100,000
man between the Vistula and tha
Dnelster, tea Russian army cerps
are sufficient to hold the Austrlans
In check, leaving us twenty corps'
free to launch against Oefmany."
PARIS, Sept. 5. (12:58 p. m.)
Five German army corps have ar
rived at the Vistula river, according
to the Rome correspondent of the
Paris Matin- These corps are mostly .
from Belgium and the 'north of '
France, the correspondent says, and
were brought up to oppose the ad
vance of the Russians.
Oej-man Troops Mors East.
LONDON, Kept. 6. iS a. m.)-A dispatch,
to the Dally News from Copenhagen dated
Friday says:
"Berlin dispatches Indicate that ths Ger
mans are throwing troops back eastward
to meet Russia's advance.
"The president of the German military
staff, controlling the railways, states that ,
the principal lines will close for the pres-'
ent, so that on ths German section the
main communication between Boandaa
avlan countries and ths continent via.
GJerdser and Wcrnemunde Is again shut
down. All the rolling stock. It la believed,.
Is now wanted for moving a large number
of troops to ths eastward.
"Further Indications are that ths points,
the troops are being withdrawn from are
Alsace and Lorraine.
"All ths German railroads ars now
closed to civil traffUand land communis
cation from Berlin ' to Copenhagen Is
Aastrlans Lose Heavily.
ROME. Sept. 6.-(12:35 a. tn.. via Parts. (
Hept. S, 8:20 a. m.)-8erglus Basonofr. ths'
Russian foreign minister, has telegraphed .
the Russian embassy here that ths Aus
trlsn defeat near Lemberg was much
TfT han t first appeared. Ths Aus
triH In escaping, left on the battlefield
(Continued on Page Two Column Three.) '
New Pope Probably
Will Intervene with
an Appeal for Peace
ROME, Bept. 4. (8:M p. m., via Parle.
30 a. m. It was related here today ,
that In conversation before his election.
Pops Benedict XV repeatedly expressed
his belief In the necessity that the pontiff
should intervene with aa appeal for
peace, nut In a purely evangelical form,
but In rreclse diplomatic action.
"The pope." he la, quoted aa saving, "
"must actually place himself amidst the
combatants instead of keeping away and
preaching peace and concord from a dls-
It Is asserted that he expressed these
Ideas in ths conclave with Genoese ten- .
aclty, but at the tune tuW showing sum
absolute neutrality towards the belliger
ents that it brought about hla election
as pontiff.
PARIS, 6ept !.-. . m)-A. Rome
dispatch to the Havaa agency quotes ths
Bologna La Tribuna aa saying that Bene- -diet
XV, the new pope. In a letter on
August JO, wrote as follows regarding
the war:
"I would regret that any euro, should
show preference for one or ths other "bst
llgerert nit'ons. My Idea la to have it
unVr,tood that they should ask GoU
for a cessation of the scourge of
without indicating ths means.'