All Deseri erne Valley; Amiens' Lo, rm-rr Dlrwt fmm the, It tile Arena, The Bee's Real War Photos Bwt of Them All. THE WEATHER. Generally Fair tillS A JUAIJUI VOL. XLIV NO. 13 OMAHA, FRIDAY MORXIXO, S'EPTEMIWIl 4, 1914 TEN PAGES. ' Oa Train and at Kotel Xsws stand, to. BINOLE COPY TWO CENTS. M Bee CARDINAL DELIA GlilESA CHOSEN POPE BYCOLLEGE New Pontiff, Who Was Elected on an Early Ballot, ii Leu Than Sixty Tear Old. ONE OF NEWEST CARDINALS He Wai Given Hi Red Hat by Late. Pius X Only About Three Months Ago. ARCHBISHOP OF BOLOGNA, New Pontiff ii One of the Leading Opponents of the So-Called Modernism. PROMINENT IN INNER CIRCLE He Was Secretary to Cardinal Ram . polla and Adviser to Holy Office. TAKES NAME OF BENEDICT XV Cardinals Gibbons am 4 O'Coaaell .Do Not Arrive In Time to Par ticipate In the Election of New Pontiff. ROME, Sept. 3. Cardinal Gia como Delia . Chlesa. archbishop of Bologna, Italy, was today elected supreme pontiff of the Catholic hierarchy In succession to the late pope. Plus X, who died August 20. He will reign under the name of Benedict XV. The conclave of the eacred, college, 'whose duty It Is to elect the pope, went Into session the evening of Monday, August 31. The announce ment of the outcome pf its delibera tions was made this morning shortly after 11 o'clock. Cardinal (ilbbon Delayed. Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore and Car dinal O'Connell of Boston are on board the ateamer Oanoplc, which Is not due at Naples until tomorrow. Consequently neither of fhtm participated In the elec tion of the new pope.- Cardinal Farley of New-Torts reacbedNher never! days ago. Prince Chlgt Albanl. one Qf the assist ants to tHe throne In the pope's household, was notified at 11:15 that Cardinal Delia Chlesa had been elected. At 11:20 Monaignor Mlsclatelll. sub prefect of the aacred' palaces and gov. ernor of the conclave, received a. com munication from the new pope asking that the (ratings of the Basilica or St. Peter's be opened, becauae he purposed In a short time to issue a proclamation. At the same hour (11:20) the master of ceremonies appeared on the central bal cony of 8L- Peter's and spread out . the red carpet. The crowd below, which had been waiting 'for hours In the square in the expectation of an announcement as to the outcome of the deliberations' of the nacred college, understood that a selec tion had been reached. The people ap plauded vigorously. At twenty-five minutes before 13 Cardi nal Delia Volpe appeared on the balcony, with Consignor Apostostl, bearing the pope's crews on his right, and pronounced the ritual announcing the election of Car dinal Delia Chlesa. To thla he added that the new pope had choaen the name of Benedict XV. Again the crowd of several thousand persons cheered and at once began to make their way Into the Basilica to hear the benediction of the new pontiff. . At 11:4a the'fiew pope appeared on an . inner balcony - of St. Peter's - clad in his pontifical robes. The' balcony was hung with red velours, a heavy golden fringe Continued on Poge Two, Column One.) . The Weather :V ... Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Fair; warmer. Hours. 5 a. m.. (a. m. . T s. m.. ii . m.. 9 a. m.. 10 a. m.. It u. m.. 12 ut Deg. W B t ....64 ....6 74 7 ....7 1 v. m ....80 J p. m hi 5 p. m... ...... ...,.! 4 p. m 80 6 p. m 80 p. m 1 1 p. m M 5 r. ni 72 Local Heeord. tenawaO' 1914. 1911 112. tail St M M -g 57 . 76 S SS 69 87 76 Ti .oo .oo .7 . Highest yesterday... lxBt yesterday.... Mean temperature... .Precipitation Teuiuerature and Dret lunation deourt jret from the normal: Normal temperature '. 7J Jjrfloiency for the day ,..' Total excess since March 1..., tio Normal precipitation .06 Inch Ieflotency f"r the day ,s Inch Total ra nfall since March 1... .17.18 inches Pendancy since March 1 4 (W Imhra iJeficirncy for cor. period, 1V13. 6 40 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. l;'12. J.ttu Inches Reports train ktatloas at T P. M. Station and Plate Temp. High- Rain 7 p. iu. rat. fall of Weather. 7 p. iu. t ueyennr. pt. cloudy Imveiiport. clear 6S JJenvfr, clear M Iea Moines, clear... 74 IwxiK City, clear 86 l.andr, cloudy i North Plailo, cU-ar Omaha, clear.,.: t; Pueblo, elear Jt: Hap Id City, pt. cloudy.... ;o rait Lake City, cloudy,... M rant a r'e. pt. cloudy., 76 heridan, clear.. 84 hloui City, clar. 73 84 .00 78 .(i0 8H .00 M .tw V,l ,0 & .0) 8.' .01 81 .Oil fi ' .0) T . 88 .fie 8J .11) 88 .It. 'l . .Valentine, clear 76 .UO 1 A. WEL5H, Local Forecaster. ill BEPORP. TTTP nP.PMAv ending a bridge, whid V. J a 1 1 a ueen aesiroyea ay me , . ' J I ' , : Americans Say Food is Cheap and Plentiful in Berlin and Vienna VIENNA. Sept 3.-(Vla Copenhagen and London, S a. m.) One hundred and forty 'Americana, chiefly from Budapest, left for Berlin in 'a special train on the evening of. August 81. Only a few -.Americana are still here and all who desire to go hdine will leave (his week. ' Although the war has now lasted more than a month, the prices of foodstuffs In Vienna have not Increased, and In somt cases even they are lower than laat year. Sleat, eggs, lard and several other com modities are cheaper, ' while coffee, sugar and milk remain unchanged. Butter and flour are slightly higher In price. The minister of agriculture declares that supplies of foodstuffs are ample for the whole monarchy, even It the war lasts a year 6r more. The number of cattle and the amount of dairy products availa ble Is much greater thaht ordinary because exportation! have ceased. Vienna Is absolutely quiet, with few in dications that a great war Is in progresa. LONDON, Sept. t(5 a. m.)-Two American civil, engineers who have -J ' . . . t -, JAPAH:LANDSIORE: HEN AUD11G KOW China Protests Against New Viola lation f t Neutrality by the . Japanese, WILL NOT RESIST THE MOVE Port Oceapled Is creatr Miles Oat. aide German Leased Territory -' British Rea-lnieat Will Aid Attack oa Kloa Chow. CHEFOO, China. Sept. t-(5:30 p.' m.h Japan landed 4.300 additional, men -at Lung Kow today. Of these forces 600 men are marines, the others being sol diers. Lung Kow la a new Chinese port, situ ated 100 miles north ol Tslng Tu In Klao ciiow. , v Between 10.000 and 15.000 Japanese troops, have been landed at Lung Kow previous to today. The Japanese control the tele graph lines out of Lunej Kow. . . PEKING. Sept S.-Theexact number"of Japanese troops ashore at Lang Kow, the Chinese port north of Tslng Tau, can not be definitely determined here. It Is believed, however.' that no'tewer than 6,000 men already are on' shore and that 24,000 more are coming.- The Chinese officials -'of Lung : Kow politely protested against the landing of Japanese forces. The Japanese accepted the protest with equal politeness and then proceeded to disregard lt.There' was no hostile incident during . the 'Lung Kow landing. " Seventy Miles Oatside the Limit. The forelKn office had formally pro- tested to the Japanese and British lega tions here against the violation of China's neutrality Involved In the landing at Lung Kow, which, being 100 miles fromTslng Tsu, Is approximately seventy miles lie' (Continued on Paae Tn 'ol. Three.) Russians Break-the German Ling South of Koenigsburg PARIS. Sept 1 15: p. ra.l A Havaa Agency dispatch from Antwerp contains the following 'official announcement by the Belgian Kovemimvnt: "The situation remains the same ; In the provinces of Antwerp and Lemberg. The Germans ha i set . fire ' to several sets of farm buiMiprj. M. Merchten. attache. 'at the Russian embascy, confirms the report of the (1. rtrurtioa of Lannbnrg, Cessel and Beschofshelin Russian, ravalry and also that they have broken the lines of the enemy between Hellsberg , (east PruKsia. forty miles south, of Kocnlgs bergl and Koenlgsberg." , THE BEE'S WA ft MANUAL Just what you want: Maps, Pictures, His tory, Army ana Navy Statistics all indexed. Ready reference answers to nearly every question.-Limited edition. Get it at Bee office. Coupon page 2. - "a I rj Tr TT TJ 1 ,,.)S y it -uciitui m1', jidoned, at Louvain, the city which has since . - : - i reached London from Rumania via Buda pest and Berlin, bring some Interesting stories of the scenes they witnessed on tholr trip. Breslau'and, In fact, the whole of Silesia, they said was heavily mined, and they also witnessed great-aerlal ac tivity In Germany.. Food was extremely cheap In Berlin, they said, and all restaurants, even tha best, had largely reduced the tariffs. Business was proceeding aa usual, al though recruiting stations In I'nter Den Linden had hundreds of men waiting to be taken into the army. They visited the flying station and esti mated that more than fifty geppelins were In readiness to start at any time. There were also a hundred or more aero planes, while there was Immense activity In constructing new craft and training men. Scores of aeroplanes were . In the air at one time, each carrying a learner. From the general converaatlon they heard while In Germany they gathered that there would be a combined attack by the naval fleets at ad 'auspicious mo ment. , , , ' British Lancers in; aBalaklava Charge Like Their Prototype LONDON, Sept I.MS:0 ' a.' nU-The Dally . 'Mall ' correspondent behind ' the British Inea describes the chart of tha Ninth Lancer, which occurred at an un named spot during; the recent series of tactical retreats, as a second Balaklava. Ha say: ' ' "Terrible havoc has been caused in our line by shells from a-battery of eleven guns posted In a forest near the 'Belglau rontler. "It seemed Impossible to silence their fire until the Ninth Lancer mad their attempt riding straight at the guns after debouching into the open and charging under a hall of inellnlte and lyddite. "I , have not been able to get reliable figures as to the distance they rode, but they reached their goal. They reached the guns, killed the gunner and put Jhe guns out of action- Then, like their prototypes of Ealakolava, they rede back., ' "On the return they fall in great num. ber from the attack of other German batteries, posted at vantage points around the valley. "Notable bayonet charges ware Made at (nam deleted) on Wednesday last. Several British Infantry regiments occu pied an exposed position around which the Germans gradually circled, drawing the noose closer and . closer. "The British decided to cut their way through the .cordon. Bo the mn went at It, yelling and shouting, and got through, although th ' German v artillery' ; mowed them .down frightfully. '"Th German machine guns hav been tremendously effective In all engagements thus far. Men' who saw the' South African war say the hottest firing Jhere as 'childish compared with (what the F-ritlsh troops have undergone since their arrival in Franc. So far as I can learn, th Germans hav lost twenty-l of these gun.." . . .-. ... ... .. American Nurses to Give Six Months' Work NEW YORK. Sept." .'-Each nurse who has volunteered for European war "ser vice and who will leave for the scene of action Monday en the Hamberg-Amerlcan liner Hamburg, which has been char tered by the American Red Cross, baa promised to ' remain In the service tit months. ' . If any of the nurse desire to return before the expiration of the six months, they must pay their own expenses. Should the war last longer than six months, all those who desire will, be . returned ad others s:nt In their places. The Hamburg will carry thousand of pound of cotton, luO.OuO yard of gaus. thousand of gallons of iodine sed rase of ether and eight complete sets of sur gical Instruments. ' " ; j Bl: ?.. i 'O-1-': :' ' : - ;f Kv.j-,i - v. r' f ir - - Jiff t J: J V. uwp guaruiug tutu utuii 1" P-;"-'v. BANK OF FRANCE WILLBE HOYED Poinoare and His Ministers Reach : . Bordeaux and Are Greeted . by Great Crowds. " ' HERRICK STAYS IN PARIS Members f leasts, C'hajnber f Dcp tles and Coart of Caa aatloa Pal. low President and Cabinet Special Trains. BTJLLRTIN. PARIS, Sept. 3. The government will Issue a proclamation tomorrow transfer ring the Bank of France from Pari to Bordeaux. BORDEAUX. France, Sept. SY-CVla Pari ) Sept. 5. President Polncalre and the members of ' the French cabinet ar rived here today and were greeted by lro. mense and cheering crowds. They have established headquarter for th govern ment ' President Polncalre ha taken a resw dence in the prefecture. The ministry of war is located in one of the building of the University of Bordeaux. Office for the other ministries have been ound In various public buildlnga .Trains from Paris are arriving every half hour bringing the member of th foreign embassies and legations and mahy functionaries of the state. " ' The 'hotels,- boarding-' houses and pri vate home are ovei-crowded with the new arrivals." who Include officials ef various grade number probably 8,000. PARIS, Sept. S.-An Immense and com. plicated system of entrenchments la being constructed outside, the city. It is re ported that the engineers the work are keeping several hundred inousiaa men busy. It I officially announced that General Oalllenl, commander of the army defend ing the city,, today . Issued the following proclamation to the inhabitant of Paris: . "The member of the government of the republic hav left Parts in order to give a new impetus to the defense of the nation, : I have been ordered to defend Pari against the Invaders. Thl order I will fulfill to the end. . "GALLJENI, "Military Oorernor of Pari, Command ing the Army 'of Paris." Leave for Borsraai. President Polncare and his cabinet have left for' Bordeaux, the new French seat of government whrere they, will arrive in th morning. Two. train reserved for the president nd the member of the senate and the chamber of deputies left for Bordaux this afternoon. Fifteen judges of tha court of cassation alao will be transferred to the provisional capital of France, In' addition to the American ambassa dor, M. T. Herrlck, the S wl minister, M. Lardy, also has decided to remain In Paris. - . The population of the capital Is taking the departure of the hnads of th gov. emmcnt calmly, 'recognizing that It la a matter of prudence. Although the city generally is placid, th people feel keenly the approach of th German army, and they are rapidly preparing for whatever may happen. (Continued on Pag Two, CoU Four.) 1 ;l 7 JM u . ALLIES ABANDON VALLEY OF MEUSE TO THE INVADERS La Fare Taken by the Germans After Bloody Combat, Says Undated .French Dispatch. DEFENDERS FORCED TO RETIRE Great Battle Which is to Decide Whether Germans Will Be-sleg-e Paris is Still On. STRANGE AIR OF CONFIDENCE There is No Apparent Alarms Over -Fact that Germans Are Within Thirty Miles of Paris. ' GREAT VICTORY IN THE EAST Russian Suocesses in Austria Add to Feeling of Security. GREATEST BATTLE EVER FOUGHT Line Wii Two Hundred Mile Lon nd Million and a Half Men Were Knara;el Lasts even Days. BILLKTIN. LONDON, Bept. 3. An undated French dispatch to the Times gay: "Tha valley ot the Somrne hag been abandoned. La Fere has been taken after a bloody combat. W were obliged to retire Saturday evening. "The right wing of the Germans," says the correspondent, " is too far advanced, and there la a chance that It will be cut and caught between two fire Jf the British should be found In force. tur center greet ing very well and tha right wing ot our army appear to be taking the offenfllTe." ' LONDON, Sept. 8. (1:10 p. m.) The battle to decide whether his tory will -epeat itself in a second siege of Paris Is still in progress, ac cording' to the latest official an nouncement here. Future millfrvy historians will write .volume bout the details of this battle, bi all the British public knows officially concerning the ti tanic strugglethe most momentous British soldiers have fought since Waterloo la contained in one sen tence of an official report issued last night by the press bureau: "Continuous fighting has been in progress along almost the whole line of battle." To this generally the official com munlcation adds that the fact that the allied, forces have fallen back to ward the southwest to avoid an ac tion which might have to be fought under unfavorable conditions: How far and to what line the allies have gone is unknown. There can b no revelation of military secrets, nothing which a patriotic censor ship should criticise in stating these facta, because the German army whloh (Continued on Page Two-Oolumn Three.) Germans Making Able Effort to Influence Italian Public Opinion LONDON, Sept. 1.-4:16 p. m -(Delay ed In Transmission.) Th Dvenlng New publishes th following dispatch from It correspondent at Milan, Italy: "Italian newspspar correspondents are complaining of the great delay In trans mission of telegrams filed In London by Italian correspondents addressed to paper in Italy. These messages take from twenty to thirty hours to com through, whll press telegrams from Ber lin take only four and flv hour to reach Italy. A a result th German version of event alway precede the English version, and Influence Italian oplon to uch an extent that first impressions, which ar alway given by Germany, are mot detrimental and difficult to correct. "Th English authorities in their own Interests should giv more facilities to Italian correspondents In London, who are after all friendly and who would do effective work If not hindered by lament able delay. "Germany now doing able and In, telllgnnt work to Influence Italian public opinion by letting Italian correspondent In Berlin wire long messages, which ar forwarded Immediately, and Kngland, In doing th came, would act wisely." TAKE FORTRESS War Summary The absence of official an nouncements from the capitals of the belligerents is the surest in dication that the fighting In the eart. and west continued without decisive rettults.: Such news dlxpatchea as es caped the censors tend to confirm earlier official claims and admis sions. The Germans are punning their right wing nearer Tarts, while their center and left appear to be held by the French. Russia is pressing forward in the Aus trian province of Galicla, after having taken the strongly forti fied capital, Lemberg. The Ger mans are admittedly victorious tn east Prussia. . The J panose are said to have occupied seven Islands near Ktao Chow and to have landed addi tional troops within marching distance of that German strong hold In the face of protests by China. King Nicholas of Montenegro Is reported aa determined to oc cupy Bcutarl. The governor and other Ger man officials of Samoa have been made prisoners by the British and sent to the FIJI Islands. The government ot France is now established at Bordeaux- The foreign embassies and legations, with the exception of those ot the United States and Swltserland, have also been removed from Paris to Bordeaux. RUSSIAN BEAR IS CROWDINAUSTRIA Czar's Generals Driving" Hard with an Army from the East with - Much Success. EXPECTING NEWS OF VICTORY Mathers Rasslaa Army Jim, Bt la Bert ( Ftahts en am laereuaaa las Seale-BJasag Aastrlaa . All A Ion tha Lin. BULLETIN. ROME, 8ept. 8(8:40 M m.) (Via Paris, 2:46 p. m.) The Rug. stan embassy has been notified that the Austrlana were overwhelmingly defeated near Lemburg, losing more than 100,000' men and fifty-seven cannon. The occupation of the city of Lemberg was said to be imminent. LONDON, Kept. !.-(3:li a. m.) The Petrograd (St Petersburg) correspondent of the Post sends the following on th operation on the Russian front: "Russia 1 scoring success after success against Austria and Is momentarily ex pecting' news of a signal victory. The commander-in-chief on th Austrian front apparently plans to drive In strongly with on army from tha east, starting from the Russian provinces adjoining Rumania and In the meantime merely alms to restrain the Austrian advance Into the Polish province, thus keeping Austria on the alert along the line of 300 to sou mile. "While pushing temporary advances In south Poland the Russians were forcing their way weslwsrd from Podelia and Bessarabia on Lemberg. When th Austria ns finally realised these plan they attempted to turn th Russian left flank near Hallo near the Junction of the Unlta Line river with the Dniester and a sanguinary fight took plac there two day ago. Aastrlaa Loea Heavy. "The Austrian were signally defeated. losing 6.U00 killed and many prisoners. In cluding one general, thirty-two guns, a standard and quantities of supplies. "Apparently the progress of tha south ern Russian army from Podolia In Galicla (Continued on Page Three Column Four.) Austria Claims Big Victory in Poland MANCHESTER. Mass., dept. J. Victory for the Austrian armies In Russian Po land and reverses for Austrian arm on me eastern uaucia are reported in a message from the Austrian foreign of flee received my wireless today at the Austro-Hungarlan summer embassy here. Th message as given out at tha em- baasy follows: "Former Austrian war minister General Fussenberg, commander of one of th armlea In Rue si an Poland, gainer In a decisive victory after hard fighting. The Austrlana were repulsed over the Bug river, suffering heavy losses. Many prisoner of war and ISO guns were. captured. "On th left wing the Austrian army also made a successful attack on Lublin. 'In eastern Galacla tha situattoa Is difficult to resist the advance ot over. whelming forces for several days." OF LA FERE WILHELU'S HOST CAPTURES AMIENS AFTEfTA BATTLE Germans Take Possession of Capital of Department of Somme at End of Three Days' Fight. SEVENTY MILES NORTH OF PARIS Success of Teutons at MoreulIakes the Fall of This Place Certain. ENTRY OF ENEMY TJNC0NTESTED Mayor Announces Surrender and TJrg-es Citisens to Refrain from Any Disturbance. PARTY OF UHLANS SEIZE TOWN Frenoh Retire to Picquigny, Blew ing" TJp Bridges Over River. COLORS OF KAISER ARE RAISED Troops aingr "Die Wacht am Rhela" anal "Deatachlaad TJber Alice" aa Ther March lata Plac. LONDON. Sept 3. A dispatch from Amiens, France, to the Dally Mail, dated Tuesday. September 1. declares that the Germans have taken possession of Amlena after three days' fighting. Amiena is the-capital of the De, partment of Bomme. It is seventy miles directly north of Paris, it is a manufacturing city and' has a population of 90.000. It, is oa tha line of tha railroad to Boulogne and about fifty miles to the west of La Fere and other points la th Depart-" ment of Atsne, where tere hat been fighting during the last few day be tween the allied armies and the Ger mans. Entry Not Contested!, The dispatch to the Dally Mail , from Amiens adda that the success' of the Germans at Moreull made the Capture of Amiens certain. The en try was not contested. The mayor, after receiving a German envoy, an nounced the surrender of the city and urged the citisens to make no dis turbance. .k1"T 7 ,rtock 8unday ""nay y th Mall correspondent "when a party of uhlan entered Amiens by th Rue Jules Barny After a brief reconnolssance they reUred to the German main body Camon. A half hour later they returned accompanied by an envoy, bearing a white flag. 'Announce Sarrcader. "Th latter Interviewed Mayor Flgut i?.n VWn ba'L A,U!P M hour' a"u on th mayor appeared In front of th ' town hall with trumpeter and officially announced the surrender of th city. He urged that th oltlien. make no disturb- "Later th mayor and th muniolp! counselor, drove In carriage to pay a formal visit to the German commander, who told them that they would be held personally responsible with their lives for th good conduct of th cltlsen. "Th German thereupon wnt to th town hall, where they hauled down th French flag and hoisted th German color. The German troop began enter ing the city about midday Monday, alng Ing aa they cam 'Dl Wacht Am, Rheln' and 'Duschland tlber Alios.' wo time was waated. however, a or- (Continued on PgeTwo, Column Flv.) Coming! Coming! Sundoy Sept. 6th Something MBaaiSaWMBasaMsBaaaBintaBBSlBBBBBBBlBMM of interest to every Bee reader Watch th Want Ad Section Everybody reads Bee want ads.