THE BEE: OMAHA, SEPTEMBER 1914. WANT ADS Viant a.ia received at any time, but to It.mre proper classification mist b pre sented before U o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want a .In revived after "ch hour will be under to heading Too Lata to Classify." CASH HATES. On time, 12 cents a Una. Three time, within ona week. I cent line earn Insertion. Seven consecutive time, t cent Ln each Insertion. CHARGE RATES. Three tlmea within t4ie week. 10 cent a line each Insertion. Seven consecutive tlmea. cent a Una ach Inaertlorv Count six a vera ire word to a Una. Minimum charge, 10 cent. Tou can place your want ad In Tb Baa t7 telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" FTnndred of other anawer hav been failed for and delivered during the lsst Wwk. It la reasonable to suppose that all of the people below have made the dee'red rwapa therefore, do not call for the bal ance of their anawera. Bee Want Ad 'J re get results. C. B. C. 8. c, C. C. B. c. i mi m ji i2" V 43 m 1112 1H 12f,7 vn 4 r jm i 12M v vn v mi i2u in U r 11 2S HI' 124 !I n ini ii a 12J5 137 74 1005 117 12 12M 24 rrr inns 1178 1W2 1271) -7 97, ions 117 128 1171 M W0 10M JIM 12.T7 12T3 S3 (Ml 'im 1140 )IM M (Ml 1100 11W 1343 1290 FW 39 1104 1196 1X61 104 CARD Or THANKS. WE wlah to thank our many friend and neighbor for the kindness and sym pathy ahcwn u at the death of our be loved eon. Eugene, aJo for the beautiful floral tribute. MR AND MRR. WILLIAM H. CRANK. DHATHS AND Ft' NIGRAL. NOTICE). IVORAHAlf Rugen T died Sunday, August 30, aged 30 year. Funeral aervloea Thursday, September I. at 1.30, from residence, 17 2K South Nine teenth street Interment West Sid ceme tery. Friend welcome. The funeral of Mis Maude C. Knitll, who died at her residence, S140 Chicago Street Tueadsy, will be held at All Saints' church Thursday, !: p. m. Interment Forest Lawn. TODAY'S COMPLETE! MOVIE PROGRAM Exclasivelj la Tho Be iMWIlvesi CAMERA PTIONK. 1403 DOUOLAfl. The Motor Buccanear. 1-reel Eaaanay. lon t Monkey With the Bui Baw, Xal. M filer Drammer, Bellg, HIPP THEATER, UTH AND IIARNEJY. Mary Plckion In Heart Adrift. tAKK THEATER. kit NO. 16 IU ST. Two-ree! aenaatlonal featora. Western drama. Bterllng comedy. PARLOR THEATER, 1401 DOUQLA8. Kaglec Refug. Shipped from Lure, three reels. FRINcKfci THEATER, 1317-13 DOtIOLAH. Two great star today, Warren Kerrigan In Th Man from Nowhere, two reels; Mary Plokford In Mr. Rurglar, M. D. rt. ALAMO THEATER TH AND FORT. The New Cook. Universal Ik comedy. Mexican Bp In America. I-reel IMson. Memorlaa of Long Ago. Front. AUIAMRRA THEATEb, 1H3 N. 14TH. Vaudeville, flinging and Dancing. Itsy' Night Out. Itatianca oomady. Th Burden. Majeatlo drama. DIAMOND THEATER. 2410 Lake &U Through th Flame. 1-reel Rax, Th Divorcee. Power. For Love or Money. N tor comedy. KHAN KLIN. MUi and Franklin Bt. 3n Wolf a aothlng, 3-rJ Xsiem. Bweedl and th Lord, Eaaany. Love and Flame. Lubln. HIPPODROME. MTH AND CUMINO, Trinkets of Tragedj. two-reel Eaaanay, A Train of Incidents. Vltagrapo. ieine uow ' iTeavnery. Kaiem. 3T THEATKR. 1TH AND LOCUelT BTA Romantlo Joale. 3-reel Vltagraph. The Host of the Sea. Pat be. '1 he Bquatter a oal. Mutniy. lyrHROI, 24TII AND LOTHROP. Mllllon-DoPar Mystery. No. t, INature's Touch. Aniericsn. The Eavesdropper. Keyston Comedy IOYAL THEATER. 340 CALDWKLL BT. Mystery of Wlrkham Hall, 1-reel Power. For Friendship Sake. Nestor. One comedy. PALACE THEATER, 2.1. Davenport 6t. Branaford In Arcadia. 3-reel Eclair. And a good comedy. HITUUKMAN. 24TH AND AMFM. The President's Special. 3-reel Billeon. KUppery Slim' Dilemma. Kssanay. A Siren of the Desrrt. lAibln. Keatk. APOLLO THKA.. 34 LEAVENWORTH, Th knuiishman and th Ulrl, Ulograph Harst-4ellK. The Motor Buccaneer. 1-reel Eaaanay. COLUMBIA THEATER. 1710 SO. 10TH i he Downward ratn, a-reei Ixioln. A Bubatltut for Panta, tvalem. Memories In Men's Souls, Vltsgraph. OMFORT THEATER. 24th and Vlntnn The Messenger of Veatha, 3-r. Thanhouser in Mutual r ernes. ruch a Cook. Keystone. FRANKLIN THEATER, 34th Franklin i ne uxnea xiouse. vltagraph. The Express Messenger. 3-reel Kalm. The Me Ticket. Hiograph. FAVORITE THEATER, 171 VINTON". II.. aia ' mrt49eiiyj. Q&X THEATEJl, lMt SO, X1TH fiT. )orvor of th Humblt, l-rvl Victor. a. n 7 T " "r i rirwrjy. HAN8COM THEA., TH C A STELLAR K'n oi imevea. xeetor. Pursuit of Hate. Reg drama, Sophie of the Films. Nestor comedy. LYRIC THEATER. WIT VINTON ST Universal Ttoy No. 4. ror the Secret Service. 3-reel Reg. PASTIME THEA., ELD-LEA V EN WORTH Snlt Join th Force, Sterling comedy. VENEZIA THEATER. 1311 fcOUTH UTH, Tray O Hearts No. 1 (Flower O i lamew K-SLSkl aTlnljl AaLu. " A Btrotig Affair. Bterllng comedy. ATKDOMS. FARNAM AND PARK. RliMtM ariiM. - xri- . v . The One Who Loved Him Best. Edison. MONROE THEA. Xot FARNA14ST W ar U Hell, a drama showing the hor- rora oi nioaern J&uroyean warfare la BENSON THEATER. tSS MAIN BT. " v" mgu seas. -reei imp. This la tbe Life, Powers coaled y. Plain Mary. Reg drama. Cweaetl It. alia. ROPER THEATER. fix? BROADWAY. 'r w nm no. a B unset Tide. 1-reel Ooid BeaL I air. Ik Jr. 'a Fortune. L'ulr. Ike com. eeetk o WE8SB THKATER. UTJI AND While the Tide We Rising, Edison. The Cave of Death, Keient. Sweedie Springs a Surprise,' Eeaaaar. MAGIC THEATER. MTH A.NDO 818 Detective Den Cupid, Nestor comedy f'uset Uuard a Bride, 3-r 1 Victor. Vaedevtn. dirt J hi ia . i i "TH OMAHA Brtea No. 1 of the Million Ilar My '"J .T"',,,1 ,t'ow' ar Wedneeday Tee tbxilllnf b.rta ANNOUNCEMENTS. Leave Your Thirst t the "Rodossls," lth anO Dodg. of "The Owl' Nest," 14th and Harneybeau tiful downstairs anda and lunch rnomi Finest cod a, pureat Ire cream: 6"0 kind of dainty lunrhee. hot and cold drinks, sandwtchee and sweet. ' To Shoppers! Com In and rent a while, cool off and l'eten to the music SHERMAN McCONNELL DRUO CO.. Four busy Rexall store. o Gibson's Buffet 821 South lftth St TO A LI. my new and old oustomers I whin to announoe I am handling a full line of clothing, jewelry, etc., at 128 Dodge. 1 FRIEDMAN, N. R. Cor. 14th and Dodge. OKT a private bnoM, m my gnil room for noon lunch. HKTB LOCH. 813 K 17th St M.'CKT wedding rings. Brodegsard'a. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co Good Flour; 46 lb., 11. Wagner. TkiTn-I6th. HAZEL Leaf I'll Cones. Rest remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pile; So postpaid; earn plea free. Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co . Omaha. ATTRACTIONS. WANTED Merry Go 'Hound and other concessions for the Douglaa County Fair. Addrea H. A. lluuon, Elk horn. Neb. MATS WIRE BUSINESS MEX OK OMAHA A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond gives you that prosperous , ww.fc ox quainy, lowest prices; tske elevator and save money. Weat V'atch A Jewelry Co . 217 Kirbunh em "ORBETT. the man that clean every- .inia. iie i-ieanea ana niocaea. . i . i . . ikii nninfi ciwanea now. ii n:wrmt nrm wora, prompt eervice. Delivery free. 1606 Harney Ht. Doug. 438. -.-v. iiunnvii ma oi an Kinni or jewelry and general merrhandl v end write H. A. lUith. 1.111 tnuglaa St. Do tig. S270. Twenty years' experience. MELBA Roller Compound Co., a boiler compound for si' k boilers, dls solve boiler scale, not boiler Iron. Melba does not rilt flua. nnlv pmnva old scale, adds efficiency and economy to your uoiirr plant, call or write for esti mate. 303 Omaha Nat. Tlanlc. I). ai.VT after p. m., and on Sundays D. 81W. N EW and second-hand electric fan and motor. LrBrnn Electrlo Work. 313 S. 12th. IoiikIhs 2176. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1721 Cuming Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and mattrtsses of all kinds, make reamer mattresses and down covera. IANO tuning. It. Brandon, 1 years at v.i,Miii(irTine,i ny pvsi muslclana. W. 4W. 411A N. 28th Ave. V ai uum cleaners, so 86, 3n SR, 37. W, a -" "-7" uuirn your neaitn. '"""'7 rin .o , lie Kldg. w E reut, repair, sell needles and parte amarninea. nk. el s. 1Mb snd Harney. Douglas 1S3. pceBtaas. 'i5r";.K 5- T"OMA COMPANT lKn-33 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler lUlO ddlaar MUku. Dalton Adding Machines, 411 B. IB. D. 144. Adder Mch Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D. klik aml Magneto Hepalrla. Msgnetp repair work a specialty. D. 2418. Aeetlaer Dowd Auotlon Co., 1123 W. Q, W. Red 3286, re al tests. Clarence W, Wlglngton. 0 H. 13th. D. 4231. Everett B. Dodds, 12 Paxton. D. 3ugt." Attraetle Jf.cA.K "h P, Motion w ana mm pargalna Harbere. 12 Chair. 10c shavs. neck hve. 1T Far BATHS, Uc; SHAVE, 10c. 330 N ;(itW ' Rlee Pri 1 1 HPJV!?.l.tXi" Plnl"B. ndr new ni wax. n. D. 3167. Brae Feeedrlee. Paxten-Mltchell Co.. Hth and Martha Rta Bellalasr ui r..i.i . E. FTtANTA, 311 Paton Blk. Pou. tin CallferalK Uai, W. T. Bmlth Co , 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. !. Card lleaa. Office door let'g. Mynster. Fax, pfc. t ns? Chlro.reetore J, C. lwrence. D. C. 2322 HowarJ. D. 34M. U Oed.lla, D. C. 22t Bee Bldg. Doug. 4293, W B.Pvrvlance. D C. 4 Pag. Blk. D.44l L. C. HATKa. D. C. E60 Bee Bldg. R. 37b? raiatlsg. Ruth Letch ford, decorating, firing. R. 4Wt - - " - - " a M J. LAC Y. I8 BK1C n .t, " tlMk TBe Bharple B,parator Co.. 11th Farn. DsBfllaa In. Lst mo. summer rate. Mackle's, D M41 Turpln's Dancing Academy. th A Fam. Deatlata. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 1IW0 Famam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry, 403 Brandola, Bailey, the Dentist 703 City Nafl Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. HIT Douglas D. 31ML Detectives. JAM ED ALLAN. 112 Neville Blk. Kvl- pence eccuren in an cases. Tyler 11M. Dress aaaklegf. Terry Dreesmak'g college, 2oth Farnam. Experience of all kinds, day work, reason able, guaranteea. .. noage. 1. 1M Sewing any kind reasonable. Doug.-&213. DRl'OS at cut price; freight paid on tit o roars; catalogue free. nnrrman 41 WoConnell Drug Co . Omaha, Neb. Kleetrte apUea. LEBRON Elec. Wk.. 1T3 8 12th. D. 1171 Kverytkiaa (er Weaaea. t'lume made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. .Bertha Kruger, 4 Paxton Blk. D. 14. H EMSTlTClilNG Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 107 B. 1th. Woman Exchange, 433 Pag. Blk. K. 4lT Ceere4 Csflsters. Oagnabln-Wella Co. 430 Stat bank. D. CA Kerrtera. BEN FEN8TER. 1413 N. 34th St W. TTTT. Florists. L. HENDERSON. Hit Farnam. D. V263. Member Florist Telegraph DoL Ass'a. HEB8 A BWOBODA, 14iS Farnam Bt A. DONAHUE. 1421 Harney Doug. 100L BATH'S florists, 1D04 Farnam St Live atock Hesaedtre. OMAHA Remedy Co . PT S. ISth Red 41 italr UreealMg,. Harper Method. R. , Balrd Bid TA 3lt. LlgkUsg, rtatarea aad Wtrla. THOMAS DURKIN FJectrlo fixture and aupplle. contraot- mg ana repair sort done reasonable. Mil CUMINO. DOUGLAS ol. Mfra. aad Window aaa Cleeaere OID shade mad Ilka new. Midwest rnaoe rectory, eug namllton. Har. 4tL Maaaeaaee. Miss Jaooba, Mass.. Beta. nee. Trt D. Tit. ANNA MARKS baths bcien. -UrvlWlVO TMrc MASSAUK. usa rarnam Bt, Apt a. 3d floor. D. &L Mlaa Keg. Maae, 324 Neville Blk. W to 1 Mis Fisher, mass., elect, treet't Red 3oM. Masssge. Miss Olbsin. R tu Neville HlkT M A6SAG E 100 B. I?th BL MraBtee"laT Mra Snyder, elec. trt 1 8. Ith. D. 43al CIA RA LEE, massage. Douglas S751. Mssssge. Miss WalttRtlQjeville Blk." MaaKurtng, Kathleen Mack. Doug, it LIVE WIRE III 'MIX ESS MEX OF OMAHA Mmrnirr aad Transfer. WHITE LINK, SO lltn. Douglas Mil Millinery. SWITCHES from combing. II Ml. Tsyche free. Mr H. M. Fk. 4 H. lsth. D K'l Movlna;. t,raae and Irsalng, W. C. FERRIN, Uth and Capitol. Ty. 1201 Ocellsts. Lye examined, glxeses fitted, pay a yoa csn. Dts. Moi arthy 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic Phslclan. Dr. Reruche, 20M McCngue Bldg D. 36315. I'ateata. H. A. SturgeePrandelBjTheBterldg DnPisrnoll, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red "117. l-aietten. PAINTINO and papering. H. D. Gard ener, phone Benon 7M J. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 B. Uth Bt Prletlan. WATEKS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality pi luting. Tel. iKiug. 3130. 34 . l.Uh bt DO CO LA 6 I'rlntlng Co. Tel. Doug. Hi. COREY M KKNZIE PTO. CO. D. 244. RI EH-HALL l'U Co.. 1 Capitol. D. 1NA CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DO UP. 7i47 u.Mk ir.ripruiliaalor. B. B. B. Koec:i Powder at your druggist Safe an llnrlork Experts. AFE combinations changed, opened, re ' paired. F.EDavenport. 1 Dodge. Dlgal Shoe Revelries. Electric Shoe Rap. Co., 1307 Bt Mary Atr. REASON A BLK, Farnam Rep. Co 313 B. 34. terl ietliaas. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. 110 B. 11th, store aad Ollioe llatare. DEoKS. ssfes, seals, showcase, halv ing etc Ve buy. sell. Omaha Flatur nd Supply Co., 414-U-13 R Utn. D. r,t Tonel gapplles. OMAHA Towal Supply, 207 B. 11th. D. 121, Trunks aad aeltcaaee. FRELING A STEINLE, 1803 Famam EV V terl aerie DR. O. R. YOU NO, M Canfr. H. 100. Wlnea and l.iqeora. ALEX JKTES, 201-3 8. 12th Bt Wlnea, liquors, cigars, i'late dinner 11 to 3, 10a OLOHK Liquor Mouse, 42 No. loth., 3 qta coid Deer. Z6ayvrite for price list. i. ao'i. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. thand Capitol Ave len-ceat lunon. BUY your family lloiiora at Klein's Ldiuor House, b?i N. lbth. Douglas 1VJ. HELr V A NIXD FE.MAU3 Agents, Saleamen and Sollcltora. WANTED Resident solicitor In every town in iM-uraeka and Iowa to sell at tractive articles; big money. Waterproof products Mfg. Co., 1606 Harney St. D. 3. Housekeepers and Domestic. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee wllP run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th desired results This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluff. Bring ad to The Bee offloe or telephone Tyler 1000. A GOOD strong girl for kitchen work. Apply at once. Grny Gables. 2"th and Davenport. Mr. Johnston, 1h and lsven(Kirt. WANTED A good girl for general house- worg. win l arnurn Ml. Tel. 11. 404U. WANTED A girl for general houaework. it til WANTEIV-Scandinavian or German girl for general housework: two In family. Call at U25 So. 31st Bt. glr tWi Harney Ht WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 1332 Walnut St liernav 67M. UlItL for general housework. 720 80. 22d rt. loung gin preferred. GIRL for general housework; four In family. Mrs. Crelgh, 413 N. 31d Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general houeework: good wages: no cnlloren. 3Kl Farnam St. WANTED Chambermaid at th Euro pean hotel, wh S. 14th St WANTED Competent cook. N. D. Up- aiHe, eui jacaaon Hi. WANTED A good girl or middle-aged woman .for aeneral bousewnrk : etwwt home to the right party; no cooking; privet lanuiy. iva cans tit WANTED A good maid for ganeral housework, call Sunday or auyday next week. 114 N. Both St. WANTED A girl for general housework. gooa wages, em n. cm M. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework for suburban home. H. of. 17. WANTED A general house girl; muat have references; small' family and no washing. 310 So. 3fth Ave. WANTED oTrl 'for "general housework: good wages; small family. 11. 741, Hoi n. Attn m. GIRL for general housework (white), 3t nmr wk TmI Intie K:'i7 np avarlnu. Harney 6046. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. KftiX Dewey Ave. H. 1623. Clerical end Office. Stenographer, out of town 375 Stenographer and bookkeeper 66 Stenographer 60 Stenographer 1 b0 Stenographer and bookkeeper 60 File olerk 36 Watt Ref. Co.. 840-43 Brandel Theater. STENOGRAPH ER. Apply 628 Stale Bank Bldg. b'TENO . t; steno. and clerk, 300; steno. and bkpr.. 300; steno and clerk. 140: typist. 340. WEST. IIKrKRKMK ISO IS 1.1 ASB.N., 761-4 Omaha National Bank Rldg. Factory aad traeee. APPRENTICE gin. Opponhelm Parlor. WANTED 26 girl, experienced In Icelng. Apply 1 a. m. Ixoe-Wlle Biscuit Co., Uth and Davenport. Mtsoellakeoae. WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships; 370 month; Omaha examination soon; specimen question free. Franklin Institute. Dept af-0. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Two young ladles under 20 years or a, willing to travel; ex perience not necessary. Call any after noon or nigni at Aiahutlnu ttinw Carni val grounds. Council Bluffs, la. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as s;ranger are Invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian Association building at St. Mary' Ave. and 17th St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. I.ook for our travelers' guide at Union Station. LAD I Ed Immediately; steady home work; evenings; filling end labeling boxes; no experience, no canvassing. 31 weakly; excellent opportunity; enclose stamp. Erina Specialty Co.. Toronto. Ont HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats, aleaxar.a aad lellcltere. CIGAR salesmen wanted everywhere to carry line of cigar on th road; IS per week and expense; experience not neces sary. Union Cigar Co., York. Pa. WANTEDFour reel live men to aell farmers; fine proposition for rtght part lea Wilson. rtlea See m. Harney Hotel. F. B. LIVE, active salesman, experienced, to call on auto d.-alers and oemers In re gard to new, fast selling article. Good commission. For particulars call at room 1. Merchant hotel, between 1 and $ In the evening. key. WANTED -Boy IT or II years of age to run errands and mak himself generally useful around offloe; roust be clean -out. fairly well educated and willing to learn.; salary. - per montn. feu at Be office and ask for X Y Z. BRIGHT office boy. excellent future, IX. Watts Ref. Co.. MO-43 Bnuidets Theater. WANTED Bv large manufacturing con cern, an office boy; muat be 1 years old; none but live boya need apply ; good chance for advancement Write O-li, rare Bee. Clerical aad Office. WANTED Young man cashier for bank: must Invest: splendid opening with futurs. Address K R, Myers. Uu ral Delivery, Nsoane, Me. HELP WAXTDII MALE 4 lerlra. and Office. SALESMAN, furnishing goods perlence, 375. rHilcenian. real rutate exi'rlencr, liberal commission; Stenographer, 376; Mcnotrraplier, ; illrltor, 1 WATTS lief. Co.. 84-42 Hranri-I Theater. IF VOL are looking for a ni(h grade po elti.m, see the c -f ipLHATIVE REF ER KXt'K CO.. 11.1 City Nafl Hk. Bldg B K IMTr'rtri67TkTrand steno ." tT; roller tnr, t'-"i to IT.".; Fteno. and clrl-. !?; stono., I''; gen. office clerk, exp., $1; ten office t, ,v, Ji',. WEST. ItEFERENCK A BOND ASSN., Originators of the Reference HuMnees. .2- Omaha National Bank. Bldg. IF you are looking for a hitih grade po sition eee the CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., UI16-1S City Nat. Hank Bldg. . CITY COIXKI'TOK. Apply 823 Stste Bnnk Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drug store snsps; oh. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business, th demnnd Is great for our grdustes; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train vou. Write for fre booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n. 214 N. 20th St., St.. Omnha, Netx WANTED Experienced file setters; WOO per day, Fontenelle hotel. Walter Hess. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. Good money made. Best trade In existence for poor man. Machinery can't kill It Our graduate greatly In demand on account of our thorough training Call or write. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. , WANTED Good papr hsmier. Hugh McManus 417 No. 4th St. I'hone H. 5728. Miscellaneous. Presser Wanted At once; good, sober, Industrious man, who knows his business; good ralary to right party. Corbett CI eaning Co 1W6 Harney St. PAXTON Blk., ktterl na School. Km. tit PARTIES desiring young men to work for their board while attending school this winter should mske application at once to Hoylvs College, phone Douglas 1M6. The fall term opens September 1. WANTICI a grocery clerk; muet have good references. Lew Sumner! H. Ktt. YOUNG MEN WANTED To be auto experts. Good men earn big money; largest and best college. Big new bldg., elec. II. and starting systems, big mnchlne shops. You do the auto work yourself. Free catalogue. American Auto College, 2113 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph & Co., Washington, D. C. THE NEBRASKA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduates than any school lu this country. "There' a reason." Write today for our catalogue tC), 1417 Dodge. Umnha. Neb. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, 328; set of tools given; wat,ea paid. Trl- City College. 12th and Douglas Sts. WANTED Names of men. 18 to 43, wlnh Ing to be Omaha mall carrier. SA7 month to begin. Y 104. Bee. HELP WANTED , MALE AND FEMALE! MEN WOMEN Get government Jobs. fie to lM month. Write for list of po sition available. Franklin Institute, Dept. 22-H, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS LAWYER: YOUNG MAN, GOOD EDU CATION, LAW GRADUATE. EX CELLENT STENOGRAPHER, DE SIRES POSITION IN LAW OFFICE OR WITH LA ROE CORPORATION WHERE OPPORTUNITY WILL BE OIVEN TO OBTAIN PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE, OR AS PRIVATE ShXJRETAY. AGE 27. ADDRESS B 447, BEE. COMPETENT, energetic man, 26. with college education, want connection with advertising agency, real estate or special firm; command English, German and Scandinavian languages; experienced. M 423, Bee. Future advancement imperative. EXPETGENCBD AND COMPETENT TELEPHONE OPERATOR DESIRES POSITION AS P. U. X. OPERATOR WITH CONCERN WHERE THERE 18 CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CLERICAL POSITION; HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION; REFERENCE. ADDRESS, F 2M, BEE. BOY want Job while going to high school. Call W. 5809. WANTED Position a fireman, engineer or janitor: work 1 necessary; licensed. have don this claaa of work for 20 year In Omaha. Address 2H07 Charles St. SCHOOL dresses and fail sewing. w. 8070. YOUNG married man wishes housec lean ing or work of any kind; reasonable charges. H. 7373. MIDDLE aged lady desires position as housekeeper. Mrs. Moore, 10th and Lo cust, care Blake Drug Co. DAY WORK, bundle washing. H. 73,1. Stenographer desires work, evgs. Trans cribing at home. Beat refer. G. 2b!, Bee. LAUNDRY to take home. Webster & MIDDLE aged lady desires light house' work or plain sewing, where she can go home nights. Address P 444, Hee. DAY work wanted. Phone Douglaa 8276. COLORED woman want any kind of houwe . work. Will go out of town. rWtmV'Webster 77T76. ViHMO .. . ,Tf ,..,1 h.hl.a n- . Vi-- n. tion a chauffeur, either prlvato or run Biraav unci m aua. lkb iivb rm erences. iirnejr nw YOU'NG man want work of any kind wnere mere is i nance ui bui aiviiiviii, well recommended to ability. Call Harney w A OOUlKKl) girl wanU position doing NUUKKWl.i I , w t . nr. COIRED woman wants cooking In private boarding house or In hotel In a small town, inn Orsnt St. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, m a ta xi ne. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 1136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our nw homo, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St Mrs. Mary L. Winter, scientific and pro gressive, teacher and healer. 4312 N. 17th. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary Ave. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. CONSUMPTION For those who have It Io you wsnt to get well? If you do, address O 43 Bee MEDICAL Established 13SH. RUPTURE Rupture treated ucresfuily by all safe, scientific methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. Wa have treated many hundreds of men. women and child ren. The coat U determined after er amlnatlon, and time required to care two or three weeks. Call or write for further partioulara. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. U R Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. S It TARRY, 20 Be Bldg. Al'TOMORILES Used Cars I have taken In trade on Hudson Six-Cylinder Cars a number of high grade used automobiles which I now offer at a great deal less than their real value. These cars are In excel lent condition and will give good service. Franklin four-cylinder roadster, with complete equipment. Mitchell four-cylinder roadster, with detachable tonneau. Thomas Flyer. flve-passengr, with complete equipment Franklin four-cylinder, four-passenger, double rumble seats. Fulnk touting car, four-cylinder. This Is a bargain. Franklin, sli-cyllnder, seven pessenger, with complete equip ment. Franklin, five-passenger touring cr, four-cylinder. Franklin Landaulet, a closed tar for a physician or taxi service. Guy L. Smith SERVICE FIRST, 2563 Farnam St. Douglas 1970. THE INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO. 20th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. OFFERS YOU One 1013 Cadillac. One 1913 Apperaon. One 1912 Chalmers. One 1911 Velle. One 1914 Maxwell Roadster. On 1912 Carter Car. These car have all been overhauled by our mechanics and ar In th very best of condition. Never yet have we offered such genuine bargain a these. Now I your chance to buy a used car at less than halt the price of a new one. We have 40 other such bargain In uaod cars to offer you. Price from 3260 to 31,000. Write for our bulletin No. 7 and our large list of satisfied customer. Some Real Snappy Auto Buys We have a large stock of the most popular car, only slightly ued, which we are willing to aell at startling reduc tion. These car are In splendid shape, quipped for hard work and will give all the eervice anyone could ask. Both country and city people can ba ulted in every requirement. Our (ex cellent offer have surprised our rodent buyers. Genuine bargains these day are always a surprise. Call or write today. ' Freeland Auto Co., 1113 Farnam St. WANTED TO BUY-Preat-O-LIt tank! r-none ttarney zihs. $i00 forfeit for any magneto we can't re- v on ripar g. u. cayaoorter, 210 N. 18 ON account of division of certain prop erty, I have in hands, for quick sale, six-cylinder Mitchell touring car. Car I a 1911 model, six cylinders, top, windshield. clock, etc nnlv hun tmA n v---. four new tires and two extra new tire; runs as quiet as any new car and ha un limited power. Thl car can be bought for uu. casu oniy; no trade. Harney 3788. FOR a high grade, used car at a right price, see Howes, 221t Farnam. D. loX KX1R OITtlW HIT IT j you.r !nnl-hand automobile with .muwrunmnut, a'at-za rarnam sto 1 VEL1E -40." Thla car. which has hnen Ihrnwni. overhauled and remodeled, la one of the """"w onrgains you win rind at the West Broadway Garage, Co. Bluffs. Ia. Black 191a. Greenough Omaha Red. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. WANTED Ford for lot in north part of town; will pay cash difference H. 08o. OARAGE FOR SALE Northeast corner " aim wavenport. call Douglas 7019. "Llndberg"Fure door, body bldg.,40 dc Far. Industrial Garage Co., 30th A Harney St. Motsmelsa HA RLE Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. ,Pr".ln ln uel machine. Victor Roos. I Km Mnln,.v.l. ...... , n .. . - ..w j v ic jtuo ieavenwortn, Pope Motor Co.. &72 Leavenworth. R. 8396. lKU 1ND1AM Ml ITI'.Ui'K'i . , ' , ...... . .M, iigw rcauy; ... ?.?"!" J" u"d machine. OMAHA BIC1CLE CO.. 16th and Chicago. D. 37i 19U TWIN Indian nint....,..i TWZ equipped; first-class condition.' Will sell ohenp. Call P. Mogcnetrup, D. 189. Llnuborg Bros.. 2j72 L-ev.tFlylog Marklei! BTSIXESS ClIANCr c- J- C AN A NJteaTEstate andJCxchangea FOR SALE-A Uve get era .tore business ... ....... w n ii ,u inirai oeDrasKa; teles average about 13 3uu a month; stock Will Invnlfat tQ iaal. n . . - " es,vw IIIUIl Ifll UU1CK firm Km volns Into a whole! bui- DRUG STORE, suburban; best In city; FOR SALE My pool room, bowling allay and barber shop. Will sell at once Writ now to Geo. Stocaeland. Lu vern. N. D. "wlV.?!? ?u,n"wmnga Wester lief. A Bond Asa n. 764 Um Nat. Bk. Bldg VH-m:. PAXTON BLK. HtU sua KNOW YOUR BUSINESS BETTER br Installing the Monarch iilinpllfied Book-ke.-plng System. Anyone can keep If aavea time: saves money; shows at a glance how your buelness stands at any time. Send for booklet describing this wonderlul short method system. The Monarch Printing Co., Council Bluffs, la. LAWYERS find that location, prestige and service mean much to thera ln building up their business. Office In th BEE BUTLDINO fulfill all thee requirement and more. Office Room 101 "y S Our Nebraska farm rnort- ' fX7 es ar not affected by C European war or panlca ft mount 300 to JO.10. Wg M S collect all interest and prln- clpal free of charge yeara In th Nebraska farm loan field without a loss Is our record. KUIKE INVESTMENT COMPANY". 301 Omaha Nat Bank BkU-. Cuiaiie o RtKIXESS ClIACF-R PAYINi bottling wotks and Ice cream fsrtory for rsle; cost x.i,.vio; will take for quirk deal; mlaht trade. Address I'lalnvlew Bottling Works, l'lainview, Neb. RAKE OPPORTUNITY for good buelneos man Willi 3: ' to 3.!.0XI. Investigate tills. Aildrens H. iS KH'Tll DAKOTA Kcxall drug nl.ire f.r sale; shIos 311.0m year. For particulars ar-dr-eia A. Ike per, Bryant, S. 1. To GET in or out of miMnees. call on UANGHIAD, H Hee Hldg. 1 1.34 77 . THEATLKS-Huy, lease or wil your thretcr, n.achino and supplies through Theater Ex- hango Co., 14'i6 Farnam I'ouglns 1WT. TO QUICKLY cll your bualnexs or real estate, write Kenneherk Co., Omaha. WANTED An lilcu. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Trotect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write or "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patnt and Your Money." Randolph A Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington, IV C. Riwmlig Houses ror Sale. 8-ROOM mod. flat, excellent furniture, good roomers for rale cheap if taken at once. 1313 Chicago St Doug. 4448. EDUCATIONAL The Van Sant Night School Open Now Offer an opportunity to young men and women who are ain- bitlous for better things. In dividual Instruction. Tuition and book expense mod crate. Telephone for Information DOUGLAS 6647. Corner 18th and Farnam Sts. 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the day and night sessions. Yet It 1 not too late to enter. Begin at Once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Buslner practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, steno typy. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while attending. Douglaa 1565. BOYLES .COLLEGE, BOYLES BUILDING. H. H. BOYLES. PRES., OMAHA. The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, 9:00 to 4:00. Night school, 8:15 to 9:15. 13th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 6647. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unllm Ited scholarship la Boyle Business col lege, Omaha; good for cither shorthand or busluess course. Apply at tb office or umsna nee. MOlER-LAMhMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Student admitted any day. Unsur passed clasaes in all business snd Eng lish Drenches, sgiortnand, stenotypy. telegraphy and typewriting. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new free catalogue address MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 1315 Farnam St, Omaha. Douglas 19. FOR BALE Faraltare. New tk 3d hand furnlt're, cash or terms, reaaonabla. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. ltth. SEVERAL van load of furniture and some pianoa Omaha Van and Storage Co.. 90S Ha. 16th St FURNITURE for living room, dining room, bed room, refrigerator, piano. 1322 So. 2th St Tel. Harney 1684. NEW furniture of 8 room. Web. 8282. Mnsleal Instrument. Slightly ued high grade piano, w. 37M. NEW upright Btoger piano. Web. 32S2. FOR SALE A piano. 3312 Dodge. -Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS old, rented, repaired. Central Tvnewrite' Exchange. 307 S. 17th, RENT an silver typewriter, 8 for $4. The Oliver Typewriter Co. D. 2919. All makes typewriter rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter, 18' Farnam. u. wn. RENT Remingtons, Monarch and Smith Premier of their maker, Th Reming ton Typewriter -Co. Telephone Douglas 12M Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rate, three month for to tor underatrok machine or S3 per month for latest model visible writer. XXujvellwaeoB. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship ln Boylea Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course Apply at th office of The Omaha Bee. 00M. BRICK8 at 3160 per M.; also 300M. feet of lumber at worka. lltb and .lack sou St. Buildings bout,t and wrecked. Trcster-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. 408. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 A Paul A NO. 1 BATH TUB, 6W teet Trealer Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 480S. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and accessories; bsr fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswick-Balke-Collenler Co.. 407-409 8. loth Bt. WAGON umbrellas. Wagner. Sfll N. 16th. Closing out 10 good sewing machines, by drtsemaker. M to 313. W. 219 N. 16th. FOR SALE luo rolls for U-nols player piano; reasonable. Call Red 8034. LIVE STOCK FOR HALE. Morses and Vehicle. LARGEST stock of delivery wagon In tb city; u.11 kinds of hlucksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnson-Dantorla Co., new location. 1529-31-J3 N. 16th Su LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do veil to cail up the office of the Omaha A Council bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain ahether they left U in th street car. Many articles each day ar turned In and the conpuny la anxious to restore them to the rightful oaner. Call Douglas 43. LOST Sunday, handbag, containing pocket book, other articles; at Uth and Main St., Benson. Reward. Benson SI9J LOST Crank to Franklin car. Tel. H 3MS and reward. MONEY TO LOAJ NEED MONEY? tee ue. Quick service. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO . 303 Paxton Block. Douglaa 1411. I FET STOCK FRENCH bulldog, bat eared and screw l. , 1 , . . ..... Omaha real estele 1 th best investment you could make. Real Ihs Bee's real Stat column. IHJtLTRY AXD SVF PLIES AGENTS, Investigate- i v per cent profit: seanon now on; g-t ouey. viucaen Sever t o . ;121 Oimlng bt STELEtiTYPK nintric.s make the bet end cite poet lining Tir poultry houses. Tliev are 1723 Inclics, stronger and more durable tl'nn tarred folt snd practically fireproof, 7'w n hundred si The Bee office. WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furnltur bought and sold. 1. C. Reed. 12"7 Farnrim. Doug 6M. WE PUYnfdVnTnirTTitTies-" 1C1 N 2411:. WANTED TO RENT IS YOUR HOUSE VACANT? IF LET r4 RENT IT. As we have larger demand for modern 6 and fi-room cottages, houses and flats than we can supp'y. Call us at once and let us get your house rented during the good renting sea son. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. WAN T ED" "TO RE NT your vacant house. Now is the renting season. We need your 5, 8, 7 and I room places to fill our calls. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. T. 898. O LIVl:STOtK MA R K ETOF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Mock Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN Al'TO One heavy-type roadster, new en -gino, new top, with side curtaln; new tires, new rear driving gears. This car Is In first-class shape. What have you to offer In trade. Address S. C, 1.T9. Bee. AUTOS Wanted Ford car for lot ln north part of town, will pay cash dif ference. Addrcos S. 1090, Bee. A NEW Atisto folding kodak, 2Vix4U, leather tourist case for same and por trait attachments. Will swap for hard cost burner or ranse with hot water at tachment, or good bicycle. Addrea 8. C. 109 1 AUTO Wsnt to swap for a late date fully equipped touring car, Income) brick business property, well rented 4n South Omaha, on principal business St., 2f t h and A Q streets. S. C. 1344. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi es tlon. , AUTOMOBILE 4-piif senger, Oldsmoblle, In first-clans condition, for city lot. Ad dress S. C. 16. Bee. AUTO-WANT TO SWAP RUNABOUT auto for cement blocks, building ma terial or contract work, for a cottage at Carter Lake club. S. C. 1336. Bee AUTO One of the latest Stanley Steamer runubout cur out, ln perfect condition; all steel spoken; a classy high grade car; you can go nd comu with a certainty; a hill climber, hlih speeder ond one can go and come without any tinkering. For cement blocks, building material or con tract work. Owner means buslneas, S. C. 1243, Bt-e 90 ACRES good smooth land, cloae to town, for an Omaha cottage; will carry difference on land. N. II. Jones, llast Ings, Neb. GOOD GOLD WATCH Gentleman's slxe, for furniture. S. C. 1370. BUGGY Good 2-seated, rubber-tired, for plastering, carpenter work or painting. Address S. C. 1306, Bee. BUILDING Want a good grocery and notion business for this brick store building, full of new machinery on full 60-ft. lot in the best business center; paved streets; in South Omaha; well rented on lease, paying 6 per cent on 35.000 and one-third of lot occupied. 8. C. ms, Bee. BUILDING MATERIAL Want to iwap for cement block, brick or other bulld Ing materals or contract repair work. Owner ha an auto and other personal property and mean business. S. C. 11, Bee. CAMERA One minute post card kind; will exchange for 4x5 folding camera; must be first-class: also one 6x7 folding camera, will exchange for good banjo or revolver. Address S. C. 1377, Bee. CARPENTER work. Yes, I will do your carpenter work and take anything of value in exchange. Address 8. C. 1373. ENCYCLOPEDIA Have a fine sot of Brltannlca. Will sell cheap or trade. What have youT Address S. C. 1353, Bee. EXCHANGE FOR AUTOS CLEAN stock general merchandise (no gro ceries); invoice about $2,600. Address 8. C. 1366, Bee. DUE BILL FOR SALE A $60 DUE bill good for first payment on new piano. or will sell at a liberal discount. What have you in exchange? Address S. C. 10, care Bee. FURNITURE for b 5-room hotel near Omaha, l,600. Low rate rent on th building. What have you to offer? Address 8. C. 1268. care Bee. KODAK A new Aneoo folding kodak, 34x44. leather tourist case for same and portrait attachment. Will swap for bard coal burner or range with hot water attachment, or good bicycle. Address S. C. 1091. IIGEONS I have pair of well bred Homer pigeons to trad for chick ens, bicycle or anything a boy can use. Address S. C. 1304. Bee, OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some good second-hand offloe furniture: must be cheap for cash. Addrea S. O. 1240, Bee. PIANO Elegant piano: wp for lota or acreage, valu about 3.100 ; will pay difference. Address ft O. 1867, Bee. PIANO-In excellent ahape, for buUdlntt to be wrecked, auto nr for truok. AA- dress H. j. I3iu Bee. PHONOGRAPH EDISON, AND 40 RHX3- ora to traa for aiamona ring or was have you? S. C. 103L BeeL . PIANO Flue high-grade piano, wlU ex change for diamond, or aell cheap for cash or might consider small auto. Ad dress K. C. 1366, Bee. RAINEY EXCHANGE Will trad Ralney Mail Exchange for a Ford of any other small car. Addrsas 8. C. 1374, Bee SHETLAND pony and outfit for trad or ale. Phone 21661, Council Bluff, la. 6CALE Have a Toledo 3-lb. candy ecele, nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used in a restaurant or roll top desk. Address 8. C. lag. Bee SCOTCH Collie pup, 4 months old, trad for young chicken or second-hand lum ber. Address S. C. 1376, Bee. STAMPS Have collection of 10,000 of dif ferent dates and countries; very valu able; can't be duplicated. Will trade for runabout or what have you. Address. 3. C. 1362. Bee. TYPEWIUTER-Nenrly new No. 6 L. C. Smith typewriter for sale or trade; only used three months. Address S C 1378. Bee. YOU had better have that old house painted and fixed up, thtn you can sell It Will save you 23 per cent on your Job. Will tell you just how to do it free of charge. Address 8. C. 1375, Br. WATCH What will you exchange for fine Swiss watch with solid gold case 100 yeara old,, and a beauty; also have pearl ring about H karat. Addles S. C. ltf.4. Bee. WANTED Exerlenced cook. Tel. Mr. A. L. Reed Ilenson 17$. WANTED to trade, some Ralney Mail F.xrhanire atm-lr fn, a icili run about Address S. C. 1360, Use. FOR RENT A part meats mm Flats. THE ROTAL. 813-15 8. 27TH ST. NEW. Consisting of 4-roora apartments; now being completed and ready about October 1st. Have disappearing beds in living room, making practically 6-roora apart ments. Each, apartment ha individual porch, which mill be screened In, and these apartments are within walking dis tance; only half block to Farnam car; and are the beat close-in apartment ln the city for the money. HASTINGS A 11 EYDEN. 1614 Harney St HEATED apartment 3d floor, fly large rooms-Bitting room, dining room. I bad rooms, kitchen and large bath; T closet; trunk room ttlc; 3'A. Suitable for 8 rroen people. 2S23 MlamLit Pbon Wb loeQ,