TUB HKK; OMAHA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1914. By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, September 2. 1914. MR. EDWARD B. PERKINS of New York City, formerly a member of The Be staff, who wag ln Austria the nlsht war vm declared, baa returned to New Tor. He vividly describee some gruesome happenings: "Safely back In New York after many harrowing experiences In get ting out of Austria and down to Italy. I via one of eight out of 1,400 Americans registered In Rome and Naples to secure passage on the steam WAR PRICESJLESS IN EUROPE Products Bought in. America Sold Cheaper in London Than Omaha. MANIPULATORS ARE BLAMED Coatrol OatawU aal Vfak Amrri- la MfM rortlm altla. All ih talk nf f'iirjn war raisin prices in mrlra will tviver aealn t - lleved by Al KlnsT. manager of th griy eery ilepartrmmt of lUvd'-n Urns., who ! has Inns hrld tl.at the war wus littla to j Wm for hlsh rrlces. and that the high ship Taormina of the Lloyd ltaliano line, sailing from Naples August U. fallows who have the stock ma-nopoiisad. Wi had an eventful voyage across the Mediterranean and Atlantic, being I King had Ma faith in hia own reasnn- Btopped by British tornedo destrovars In tha Strait, of nihraltt and aalnl,n' trengthened now with market quota halted by a French battleship west of Portuguese coast, and we had a twenty-hour storm near the A tores. 1 lost my trunk at Budapest. In company with a Dr. J. B. Colefax from Calcutta, I reached NeusaU. a small Austrian town near tha Servian border and only forty miles from Belgrade. We visited the hospital camp and witnessed many gruesome spectacles. Several hundred dying and wounded from the battle of the Rave bridge and skirmishes near Belgrade; surgeons working eight-hour shifts; priests hurrying about administering last rites. Also saw four of the Austrian aeroplane hangars and watched the huge battle airships load up with bomb projectiles and glide off in the direction of Servla. We atayed at a church converted Into a hotel, with nothing but horse meat and rye bread to eat. I was stopped as a suspeft on several occasions and searched from head to foot "In Budapest on August 4 we saw two Slav reservists publicly shot down because they refused to join their regiment, which was about to leave for the Rnsalan border. But every returning American will tell you of tha privations and awful scenes of war."' Mrs. Funk, Chicago Suffragist, to Speak Mrs. Antoinette Punic if Chicago will ba tha second of the ,Bla- Four" Vho lobbied the Illinois mnf.MRM mil through tha b'BUIaturo to ti Vnhrnli tn tag with bar mother. Miss Isabel V. Vln- h,n , ,h climpaBn n(r Mr, rutllt Wcdi in Quebec. Tha following account of tha wedding of Miss Isabel Vincent, daughter of the president of tha t'nlvertlty of Minnesota, to Mr. raul Harper, son of tha lata pres ident of tha University of Chicago, was siren tn the Chicago Herald: "After an exciting fllsht from the war tone In Europe, where she had been tour cent arrived In Quetc Holiday afternoon un tha liner Lake Manitoba, and was mar ried Monday afternoon In the Oiateau Frentenao to Paul V. Harper, a Chicago lawyer. Tha bride la tha daughter of Prof. Gorg E Vincent, president of tha Mate University of Minnesota. Mr. Har per la a soa of the late president of the Taiverslty of Chicago. Tha fsther of tha bride, as well as the bridegroom and his family were regis tered at tha Chateau since Friday last, expecting tha arrival of the ship, which was eUven days out from Liverpool to Quebec. The bride was given way by her father. Wayland Magea of Omaha was best man. Tha bridaemalds wera Miss Helen Taft. daughter of tha former president, a classmat of tha bride; Mlaa Fhlllls Rice of Lynn. Uui , and Mlas Parah Medtll of Ogdenaburg. N. T.: Miss Elisabeth Vin cent, the bride's young slater, acted as flower girt. Samuel N. snd F. Donald Harper, tha bridegroom's brothers, wera ushers. Tha wedding ceremony was performed by Bishop John H. Vincent of Chicago, grandfather of tha bride, assisted by liav. T. P. Parry. ef. Quebec. Club Votes. Miss Charlotte White, nation! organiser for tha Child Conservation League of America, will lecture on "Mothers' Froe Itiiii" at the Wets Memorial church. Fri day afterwooa at : o'clock. The meat lag of tha Hanaeom Park circle has bean postponed until after the first weak of school, Mrs. P. & 'King was alerted president ef tba Benson circle of the league at a meet ing hele Tuesday. Mrs. R. S. Boatley Is the vlce-prealdent; Mrs- M. B. Vlero. aeo ratary; Mrs. O. W. Hands, treasurer; and Mrs. A. Alack, press reporter. The next meeting will be held September 17, at the heme ef Kra. King. ' Tf Bar Veettaff. A meeting of all those Interacted ta the Visiting Murae association Tag day, which will be Wednesday, September t, will be held In tha council chamber ef the City halt. Friday morning. Mrs. Albert No and Mrs. Philip Potter are directing the Suffrage Meeting. Mr. M. O. Cunningham and Mrs. M, B. Munsoa will be tha speakers at a auf fragw street meeting which will be hold this evening at Fifteenth and Douglas streets. With th. Visitors. Mrs. F. M, Thormaa ef Cleveland, O., baa arrtvad to ba th guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. Joeepb E. Rosanfeld ef Couooll Bluffs. At th rieM ClabT" Judge K. A. Foster will hare eight guaata at th club thta avenlnc; Pr. W. K. Foot. Civ; Jack Sharp, all. Za and Out of tha Bee Hive. Mr. B. O. Hamilton has returned front Betas Park, where ha spent two weeks with his family. They will not cum borne antit next weak. Mr. aad Mrs. August M. Borglum and son returned this morning from Colo rado, wfcer they spent the summer as tha guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Everett Mr. J. H. Maconiber has returned from aa extended visit with relatives In Maine aad Ksw York. Mlas Elisabeth Ouuld, a ho returned Uat week from Europe, baa entered Pratt In stitute, New Tors. Miss Clara Heuachlldt of Lincoln la visiting Miss Voilin Harms. This vn mg Mtas Harms will (Ira a card party for bar guest Ura Clarence Parnhani snd Uttle dauih ler, Xdlth. Mrs, Young-lot and Mrs. Glen Deanlng left last night for Ban Franc-laco wfcars they will take tha September trans port for Manila. P. I. Tha boat September a. will make a whirlwind campaign of speeches during her stay In Omaha Fri day morning she will adilrees a large meeting of suffraslsta In the assembly room of the Young Women's Christian association. At noon eho will apeak from the court house steps and In the evening will make a street speech at Fifteenth and I'ouglaa streets. Saturday noon sh win make a street speech tn flbuth Omaha, and In the afternoon will go to Waterloo to speak at the Douglas county suffrage rally. Hhe will be the house meet of Mrs. W. C. Sunderland, city rhalrman. NEW FREIGHT TARIFFS SHOW REDUCED RATES The freight orflcea of the Omaha roads are In receipt of the new tariff sheets apiroved by th Nebraska rallrosd com mission, and while tha rat clerks have not grme through them and compared the new rare with the old. they find that there Is a general reduction on moat of the commodities. In the classifications affected, tha sheets tounh upon the rates on some ,000 commodities. LIBRARY WILL RESUME WINTER SCHEDULE TUESDAY An opportunity for students to study, quietly aad In handy surroundings, will be offered this year by the public llbrsry. Beginning next Tuesday, tha reading and reference rooms will remain open eaoh evening until 10 o'clock, with plenty of good lights for students. The circulation department will stay open until 1:80. tlons from I-ondon in the Inane of "The IVopI," published Hunday, August IS. The quotations given show that many of the products Knglaml buys from the United Ftstes sr being sold cheaper In London than they are In Omaha for ex ample. England formerly received sugar supply largely from Ormany, nnd some from the United States. The war cut off Its supply from Oermsny, ami it nought a lot from the United States. Immedi ately sugar took an enormous Jump In America until many grocery stores In Omaha are selling it at H cents a I ound with none too much profit to themselves at that This London paper 'Jotes sugar st " cents, Amerl' sn money. Lump sugar Is quoted .n ,nndiin st ft cents, while In Omaha pnoule ar paying Tfa rents, "heianse there is wnr In Kurope." Ilutter U quoted at H6 cents in Lon don, while In Omaha, one of the greatest butter producing towns in the worll, and not at war with anyone, coneumers sre paying IT cents, or cent more than In London. Cheesa Is quoted ln London at 19 cents, while In Omnha the same ftrt lc of chtea Is sold at 22 cents. !lrltlnh 1 son Is quoted st n cents, while In Onviha people are paying from JO to IB cnts. Flour la quoted at ti. a hunJr-l In I,ondon. In Omaha It Is selling fur tl.TS for a 4t-pound ssck, or, In round f'gures, tlW a hundred. Hera Is a difference of about three-qusrters of a dolls.-. 'rtwecn (he prli of flour In London and the rrice of flour In America, with the l-twe: price obtaining ln London, while mum of this flour In London com:s from the Un'd State. War to the Death on State Frontier Against Chicken Wireless and other reports from the front, though oloeely cejieored, Indicate that In Nebraeka . the war on pralii chickens, d.K-lared September t la at ! mled with terrific slauxhter. Sucli re ports aa filter through the renor shoa that the llnps of thr rtiUkena hate been broken In runny places and that long be fore the end of the month the birds will have been practlcafly driven from the stato. Bd lleniieipy and Uan (iellua are Just In from the country weet and north f North Ilatte, Into ahich they made a' ciulck automohiln trip, being on the ground to start th attack with the be ginning of the open season. Although thry were on the flrlna line less tharj i thrc-e hours, they returned with the limit, j reporting that Jhe enemy was still In j oeeelon when they withdrew from the field. President Mohler, getting a n-port that prairie chickens a-ere Invsdlng the coun try along the Union raclflc line between ' Fallon and Northport, pressed Nela Up dike Intq the mt vice and with a full corps of camp followers, started out to check the Invasion. They left for the scene of war In two cars, one for themselves snd their soldiers and the other. In which was loaded their automobile. In which they will rharre and attempt to route tho enemy. The chickens are reported fat and In condition to carry on the strugglo until th last one Is killed. ELEVEN AUTO JOY RIDERS FORFEIT THEIR BONDS A party of eleven Joyriders forfeited their bonds In pollen court when they failed to answer to the charge of d's orderly conduct when arrested by Motor cycle Officers Emery and Hold, n about 11:30 o'clock Tuesday night. J. B. Oarnsy residing at the Colonial, was fined fc!S and cost for violating tn rules of the road. REAL ESTATE MEN HAVE FIRST FALL MEETING The Omaha Real l atste exchange- met yesterday for tho flrxt Mm since the summer vacation. Adjournment wna soon tsken In order tlii'i the members m'ght hesr M. P. Bousing, president of th American Association of Title Men. In his sddress before the Commercial club on "The Tltlemans riaue in ine i,m merclal World." SWOBODA PARTY ON WAY HOME FROM LIVERPOOL Oeorge 11. ftwoboda of the local floral firm of Haas Bwoboda. with his wlfa, son and daughter, have sailed front I4v erpool on the steamship Celtic. COLD IN NEBRASKA. BUT FROST DOES NOT APPEAR According to reports to the railroads, while It was oold In Nebraska, lust nlfrht, the frost line was not touched. Sidney was the coldest spot reported snd there the minimum temperature was degrees sbove rero. When Women Suffer No remedy gives e-reater relief than Anti-kamnia (A-K) Tablets, in all eondi. tions generally known as "Women's Aches and Ills." One trial will satisfy any woman that she has at last mmS the remedy she has to long been look ing for. Indigestion Dyspepsia Are you distressed after eatim?? Do eon have nausea when riding in the cars or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab- eta and get instant relief. Genafas A-K TabUt frear th fK monogram. At all Druggitt. J S.A'KSalv for atsM, Turpin's Dancing Academy, 28th ard Farnam OPENS SEPTEMBER 14TH. Adult Beginiiei-a, Monday P. M. Adult Advanced, Tuesday 8 P. M. nembly Saturday eventns Students joining Sept. 14-15 will be tvn a reduction of II 00. Applications received now. f irst asnemniy naturuay evening, k-l lot iHeglnnera 1:30, advanced V. M Oct 10th. First t'hlldren'a l luxii Satnrdav Oct. 10th. .Heglnnera 1 : 30, advanced :9 r. hi. Private lexnons ilelly. If you want to be up-t(j-uie, icrii ma one-up anter, Wultx I snter. Half and liti and Hesitations, mage ana rancy dancing taught. Half and Half. Maxlxe Harney L 1 43. una jif.ngniunn, rtrvei . mm aaiivjr umiciii, muviu, iitirnry ultJ. j V ' ' ' " ' sJ&ZQA JSik III ..-'' S I '!: 1 III II n ns- Y'f sails I':',' BISHOP KUaSON IS IN ZURICH AND IS SAFE Mrs. John Dais Is ln receipt of a poet car4 from Blshos John U NuaUoa of th Methodist Episcopal church, wh la ln charge of th church's work la Oarmaar, aad Is located al Zurich. Klahop N jeUoa writes that so far that portion ef th eouutry U but little dia turbed by the war, aad that ha aad bis wife kave not beea Booteeted la anywise, iiheuld they ba, b wUl rely on his Ameri cas cJUaeoahla for protantloo. Hlshop Nuelsea Is of Uennaa aerentaga, although Amartoaa burn. t-maaateel mm ess fSaH ai taw, rXty kaals aenss. bruteea, bunts. ome beer- Blatz Beer enjoys a reputation for r quality unique and enviable in the industry. It is a known and admitted fact that Blatz is I the finest tasting beer brewed. If you want the best flavored beer possible to buy buy Blatz for your home. Gives greater satisfaction costs no more. Always the tamo good old MlLWAUKU leads them aD Blatz Company 802-810 Donglas St - Pewos 9 est OaCsVHA. wnmisKA . .... ...f .. A. - , -. ...I. - The Black Velvet Hats So Vei7 Fashionable Here in Abundant Selection A hundred dozen more of the smart hand blocked velvet shapes now ready. They include the new high side turbans, large Georgette sailors ln over 20 differ ent rnapes. i nese are of excellent quality velvet, all with hand turned French run, i nne the rage ol fall season. worth $5, for Thui each . These are of excellent quality velvet, all with hand turned Kr f $2.98 and $3. White Trimmings for the Velvet Hats . r Most women like a touch of white on on their black velvet hats. To meet this need we nave the most extensive stock of white trimmings In the clty--flowers, if ii wings, hackle breasts, ostrich and fanrr f author, mt to- 'lev- iu mnA OHc. H Thursday, the Final Disposal of ummer Dresses We have divided our entire remaining stocks of summer dresses into five bargain lots at prices which will force out every garment before the day is over. You should buy one or several to finish the summer, and to start you on next season. 49 Fine Wash 95 Pretty Wash Dresses Dresses Worth up to $25 at Worth to $12.50 at $c00 $098 350 Summer Wash Dresses $1195 Worth up to $10, Thursday 11 295 Smart Wash Dresses Worth to $6.50 at $po 170 Neat Wash Dresses Worth up to $5 at MOO 65 linen dusters and auto coats formerly Ji 95 worth up to $7.50, on sale Thursday, for . . 1 . 125 washable skirts for women and misses J A formerly worth up to 11.50, on sale Thurs., Te7C A table full of soiled wash waists, worth up to $1.50, special 69c A table full of soiled warh waists, worth up to $2.76, special $ 1 69 Soiled pott I coats, slips T I and combinations, worth up to $2. choice , 69c Three Bargain Lots of Children's Garments 400 children's wash dresses, worth to $2.00, Thursday at only 79c 265 children's wash f f dresses worth to $1.25, "wJf special Thursday . . . . . ,V 1 240 children's and ' misses' middy waists, f worth to $1.23, at 69c Perfect Fitting, Long Wearing Shoes for School Girls and Boys The most Important thingr to consider in the purchasing of chil arens snoes is 111. correct in means nraltby, normal, comfortable feet and long service. Incorrect fit means deformed feet and a life- tliriA nf iUafnmfnrt We Specialize in Fitting Growing Feet We have devoted particular attention to this question, and with our great stocks are equipped to correctly fit any little boy or girl ln shoes so comfortable that he or she will not object to them even after going barefoot all summer. Good Looking Shoes That Will Stand the Hard Wear The best soft leathers, best oak tanned soles, wear-proof tips and fin finish make these shoes the best that can be had for children. Priced very moderately. For girls. 1.40 to 82.75. For boys, 1.08 to fUMSO. 3 & New Coods in the Enlarged Drapery Section Bungalow NeU and filet nets, a Quaker Curtains, the leading Drapery Marquisette trimmed splendid assortment of new pat- American lace curtain tn various with linen edges. Ivory or ecrn terns at 40c, BOc and O.V. patterns, pair f2JM), $2.98, $3.50. color. Extra good value, yard 45c Voile, trimmed with pretty lace edges. A fine 1 Drapery Cretonnes In over 200 pretty new Bfct selectlon now displayed, at. yard 20c and 80c. I terns, priced, yard 23c, 2O0 and SOc. KUmlne Curtain, 1 yd.x2H yd. slxe, with lace edges. Extra good value, at, pair $1.50. Imported Duchess and Lacet Arabian curtains specially priced at $3.08 and $4.08. Sunfast Rope Portiere shown here for the first time In Omaha, at $0.08 and $12.50. v 26 rears eld. lis been in tie game since 1X3. tho pitching staff of th Washington Club. SeWcted by a committee of Nswt paper men' lbs best pitcher ia American or National Leaguo. Ho aad Mathswson are reported th highest salaried pitchers in th gams. On of th peculiar toings connected wit a jobasoa is that. althooh fee Is one of ia most zsmout rata in me oasebau world today, bis parents wao lira in iwOtieyviue, jisas., asv nerr seen taeir son He endorse and Best for athlete fan everyone who seeks a genuine thirst-quencher that's wholesome. Delicious and refreshing. V "a. TS. Arrew thiak af Coca-Cela Deataad tbe gaaatM hy full na Klckaamss eacouraf substUulioa. THE COCA-COLA CO ATLANTA, GA. Known as fi" 1 U 71 ) ') t '7 Xlic Dec's War MnnuoL Just What You Wont.