THK HKK: DM AH A, TJIIIISDAV, SKITKMBKK 3. 10U. it is Just Natural To Admire Babies GERMAN HEADQUARTERS MOVED FROM COBLENTZ Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska STATE SALARIES EQUALIZED Board of Control Completes Task of Altering State Wapes. Minor Changes Are Agreed to (nnnt of Votes In First District Showi Delsell in Be Candidate of .oslallst Parly for rorMi In that DlrUloa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. I. (Special.) In an erfort to equalise salaries at tha state Institutions the state board of control lias completed Its work with the result that It makes a" saving for the year to the state of I1.81H. In some Institutions salaries were raised. In some lowered and in some the payroll was cut by discharg ing employes. engineers are raised from 75 to $& a month, bookkeepers are riven $75. In the Norfolk asylum an effort was made to non things up by cutting the salaries of employes and raising the salary of the assistant physician from 11. WO to I, 35ft. Those cut were the engineer from lino to f.0: baker, $' to ': laundrymatj. $: to $V; and painter, $ to $50. The Rulary of a seamstress was raised from $:12.50 to $:. At the Omaha School for the Peaf tho Jobs of supervisor. Janitor and farmer were abolished entirely, the physician in creased from $2C to $30 and the teachers raised to a total increase of $7 a month. The Increase or decrease at each insti tution Is as follows: Beatrice Feeble Minded, Increase, $1S0 )r annum. Girls' school, Geneva, reduced $20 Per annum, the matron being cut from $500 to $40. Soldiers and Sailors' home. Grand Island, reduced $480 per annum. Hasting asylum, reduced $400 per an- Kearney boys' school, reduced $150 per ysnr. Lincoln asylum, reduced $1,036 per an nual. Orthopedic hospital, reduced $132 per an num. Penitentiary, Increased $60 per annum. Industrall home, Milford. raised $270. Nebraska City School for the Blind, In creased $105. Norfolk asylum, no change In total. Omaha School for the Deaf, reduced $33. Home for dependent children, reduced $20. Delsell Socialist Nomine. The multttudinoua battle of the eleven candidates in the First congressional dis trict for congressional nominations has not turned out quite so one-sided as It was at first feared. When the returns first came In it was supposed that Frank Rcavle of Falls City and Johnny Magulre of Lincoln had carried off all the honors, but a canvass of the votes of the First district discloses that there are others who have had honors thrust upon them and are recipients of nominations which are not to be sneesed gsV James E. Delsell, who. In the battle for state superintendent, turned the mantle of defeat over to his deputy and entered the race for congress and lost out for the republican nomination, la the nomi nee of the socialist party, having de? feated W. W. Anness for that honor, the vote standing, Delsell, ; Anness, 1. George E. Tobey, another candidate for the republican nomination who did, not land, la discovered to be the nominee of the prohibitionists, having received all the votes cast, to the number of four. 00 he who laughs last laughs best. Thomas' Pluralty In State is 1,463 (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Sept. 2. (Special.) Douglas county is the only county which has not rent In Its official canvass of the primary election. A partial count of the vote, with that county to hear from, show that Elliott for stato superintendent received 20.517 votes; Thomas, 21,131, and Hayes, 11.271. In the Sixth district Klnkaid re ceived 14,323 for the republican nomination and 585 votes for the progressive nomina tion. Sackett received 1,790 votes. In Douglas county the official count shows: Elliott. 23,932; Thomas, 25.396; Mayes, 18.066. The state totals are: Elliott, 23,932; Thomas, 25,395; Hayes, 13,066; Thomas' plurality, 1,43. GROSVENOR PROPOSES TO MAKE PEOPLE VOTE V . (From a Matt Correspondent.) . LINCOLN. Sept. a.-(Special.) The man ' who does not go to the polls and vote in the future may be subject to a ride In the patrol wagon, If a bill which J.. H. Grosvenor, chairman of the populist party, bas drafted and proposes to have introduced in the legislature, becomes a law. It la understood that the bill is brought out to asslut the suffragist cause, us one of the great drawbacks which the advocates of equal suffrage have to face in the one that if the woman are given the vote they will not use It, therefore, Mr. Grosvenor comes to their relief. , The measure is called a "non-voting poll tax law." By its provisions a tax of $6 is levied against every qualified elector of the state. When the elector goes to the primaries and votes half of the tax Is remitted. If he also performs his duty similarly at general election time the other 3 Is remitted. Electors who fall to put in appearance at either election must pay the full amount. Reasonable exemptions on account of eUkness or absence from the state are provided In tho measure. Collection of the tax is put up to the county authorities. A system of checking of names of electors Is provided for as between election boards 'IV . 7 . . The state tax commission may get be- hind the measure. There la some doubt whether such a step comes properly under the out.ln. of duties for that body. If the commission takes notice of the bill pre- pared by Its chairman it will likely do ?n,y V t,'TTT"yr:- Bills aimed at almllar ends have been Introduced In the past. None of these, however, put the operation of such a law within the exercia. of police power of the tate. Coa.tlpatlea Relieved bv Dr Klna s New Life Pills Liver and l ur. King! ew Lire mis. UT ana Dowels aepi neauny ana active. ion t gripe. Sure reluf. Advertisement. 2&c. All druggists. The most desirable rurnlshed rooms ir advertised In The Bee. Oet a nice cool room for the lumw O'Connor Will Case Will Come Up Next Week in Hastings HASTINGS, Neb., Sept. l-Rpoclal. The hearing on tho purported will of the late John O'Connor, leaving his entire $100,010 estate to John T. Culavln of Omaha, will be resumed In county court on September 10. The case was con tinued In July to enable the examination of the will by a chemist. This examina tion remains to be made. On the reopening of the case the con testants will be permitted to present evi dence, following which the proponent will commence the rebuttal. Mr. and Mrs. Mads Anderson have re turned from Europe, after waiting In London several weeks to obtain passage to this country. Rev. J. H. Ament, for a number of years pastor of the German Lutheran church here, has accepted a call to the German Lutheran chuch of Kulm, 8. D. Notes from nentrlcc BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept i-tSpn-lal.) Tho Gage county levy for 1914, fixed by the county board of supervisors Tueaday, Is 9.20 mills, or a reduction of 2.4 mills from that of last year. G. O. Rains & Co. Tuesday purchased the garnge of the Andrew Auto company on South Sixth street. Mr. Andrews may soon locate In Lincoln. W. A. Gardner, proprietor of the Blue Springs Drug and Mercantile company, Tuesday made an assignment of the stock of goods to the sheriff for the benefit of the creditors. The Indebtedness of the concern Is about $1,800. The store has been placed In charge of George Laflln of Wymote. Jesse O. Eagleson and Miss Maude Decker, both of Uncoln, were married Monday by Judge H. T. Walden. STATE TREASURER GEORGE REPORTS ON STATE FUNDS (From a Staff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN. Sept. t (Special. )-The re port of State Treasurer George for the month of August shows that the balance on hand at the close of the month was $654,906.56, as against $787,984.41 last month. The receipts for the month to the state were $177,447.81 and the payments $284, 478.16. Cash on hand Is given at $7,790.32 and on deposit $677,11( 24. The trust funds of the state are whown to be Invested as follows: Permanent school fund $8.67S,Wi5.R2 Permanent university 21fi.lo7.tW Agricultural college endowment. 6ii4.6"iO. Normal endowment 79.2Sn.00 University building 242.W4.12 Total $0,771,317.82 Ponds on hand $9,319.744. 6o University warrants on hand lou,so7.41 Normal school warrants on hand 108,191.14 General . fund warrants on hand 242,524.13 Total $9,771,317.32 EDGAR ACTIVITIES TAKEN ON FILMS FOR THE STATE EDGAR Neb., Sept t. (Special.) R. Lindsay of Lincoln, acting for Dr. Con dor of the bureau of conservation and soil survey, brought his moving picture out fit to Edgar yesterday. Together with several business men of Edgar they went out to the first tree claim taken In the United States, taken by David Jones and afterward sold to Henry Koehler. who holds the original patent Issued by the United States government. Views of the place were taken and an especially good one of some of the oldest trees on the place, which were brought up from the Little Blue river. The canning factory. In full operation, was taken. . One of the Interesting parts taken was the cutting of the byproducts, the husks, cobs, etc., Into slllage, elevating this Into the big silos and the final process of feeding It to stock. Lindsay Drug; Store Robbed. LINDSAY, Neb., Sept. 2. (Special.) A burglar gained entrance to the drug store of Bowman A Bowman about 1 o'clock last night by using a skeleton key. He got a little change and some rings from the cash register. One of the diamond rings was found just outside of the door. The marshal and P. W. Edwards, not be ing aware of the burglary, saw i man who looked suspicious and they followed htm. The man, noticing that he was fol lowed, ran, and when he was asked to halt he turned and fired two shots at them and made his getaway, i . Stella Boy Locked lrp fa Mexico. STELLA, Neb., Sept. 1 (Special.) Willis Clark, a senior In the high school, is home from a summer vacation spent In travel, much of the time being In Texas. He crossed Into Mexico at Eagle Pass, and he and other boys with whom he crossed the border were seised by the Mexicans and put In prison for a number of days, finally being released upon pay ment of fines. Avoid Danger of Blood Infection Get Your Blood Strong to Resist Daily Perils ' A host of people have thanked their j lucky star to have used 8. B. 8. for ' h blood Instead of those dangerous . dru ""J-" M mercury, calomel, arsenic, Vlooi 'poisoned from $5 wf.h'd'La.e ! germs. They lurk in almost everything : w touch or handle and a slight scratch i -t"'" oVES u the blood Is Impure, It pimples, bolls. ecxema or other eruptive conditions make kln a danger spot use 8. 8. 8. at , Vd Vull WE cpus?... . to renew tissue health. Let 8. 8. 8. keep down tendency of all germs to multiply yo,u' kln wlU soon renew Itself. iilfi! 'act. Br P'I"1 n beautiful , hook lust Issued and will K. m.nH fr i or ine pwirt Hpeclno Co., lift Ulf xiok., Aiiania. ua. Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today of any druggist but Insist that you will have nothing else. For more detailed directions write the Med leal Dept.. as suggested la circular around tt bottle. GEORGE CHOSEN CHAIRMAN State Treasurer Named to Manage the Republican Campaign. CANDIDATES AGREE UrON HIM Committeemen Fat or MrMiki lie Withdraws anil tate Treas urer Fleeted Lincoln to Be Hradqnarlers. (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. Sept. 3. (Special Telegram.) -Chairman Walter A. George of the republican state eommlttc yesterday morning selected the following as the members of the executive committee: First district, E. D. Peach, lincoln; sec ond district,' A. W. Jefferls, Omaha; third district, J. C. McNIsh. Wisner; fourth district, V. Q. Dickinson, Seward; fifth district., Ir. A. J. Jenlson, Harvard; sixth district, O. O. Snyder, O'Neill. Chairman George has not announced his secretary and treasurer or the other mem hers of his staff, but the matter was talked over In a meeting of the commit tee and candidates this morning, and a selection will be made very soon. hnmt MghCs Mrrtlng. LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 1. (Ppeclnl Telegrams-State Treasurer Walter A. George was tonight elected chairman of the republican state committee without opposition In the meeting, and was given authority to select his secretary, treas urer and members of the executive com mittee. The selection was the result of a con ference held by the state candidates this afternoon, who delegated K. B. Howell, candidate for the governorship, to make the announcement to the state committee that they would dictate the selection of no one, but would recommend the selec tion of Mr. George. McMsh Withdraws. Members of the state committee held a meeting later in the day, which showed that Jesse McNIsh of Winner was the choice of a majority of the members. though they did not care to go agalmit the wishes of the candidates, and as Mr. George was likewise satisfactory to them. Mr. McNlah requested that tho wUnes of tho candidates be acceded to and the choice of Mr. George was made. The meeting of the state committee, which was held In the Llndell hotel, was one of the best in attendance had for many years, everyone of the twenty -eight districts being represented but three the Ninth, Twenty-first and Twenty-eighth. Addresses were made by It. B. Howell, candidate for governor; Addison Wait, secretary of state; W. V. Hoagland, lieu tenant governor; F. C. Hamer, treasurer; A. O. Thomas, state superintendent; W. L. Miner, auditor; Fred Beckman, land commissioner; C. W. Sears, attorney gen eral, and T. L. Hall, railway commis sioner. Other addresses were made by ex-Governor Aldrich, A. H. Humphrey of Broken Bow, and Dr. A. J. Jenlson of Harvard. Chairman George will make his selec tion for secretary and treasurer and members of the executive committee In a day or so and select a place for head quarters, which was voted to Lincoln, probably tomorrow. IVewa IVoteji of Falrbory. FAIRBURY. Neb., Sept. 2.-(3pecial.)-Mrs. Fred Arkland, living south of tho Rock Island locomotive shops, was taken into custody by the authorities and ad Judged insane by the county board. The funeral services of Mrs. Ida Thorn ton were held from the home Tuesday afternoon and the remains taken to Clay Center, Kan., for burial. County Judge Boyle married Clarence" McChesney and Anna Varlo of Belleville, Kan., yesterday. Mr. und Mrs. Claude K. Raney have re turned from a six weeks' stay with the; former's parents In Spokane, Wash. The most desirable furnished rooms ire advertised In The Bee. Get a nice cool room for the summer. at LSK1L September 7th to 12th For this occasion the ROCK ISLAND offers the following excellent train service: LEAVE OMAHA 8:15 a. m. 1:40 p. m. 4:00 p. m, 11:17 p. m. Spccial'Scrvico ' September 8th, 9th and 10th. LEAVES OMAHA 7:30 A. M. ARRIVES LINCOLN 9:30 A. M. Returning, leaves Lincoln 8 p. m.; stops at Fair Grounds. September 10th Omaha and South Omaha Day I.ONHON. sft. : .. in -ln a ilispatt'h from Ainntcnlani, Ihe corre spondent of lb utrr's Telenani company says the Herman military' lieailqnartrr. which until la.t Sunday were st fni lenti on the ltlilne, have leeii removed to an unknown destination. Before their ileartiire Kmpcrot Wil liam mused to be published a proclama tion thanking the lnlintltnts of the city for their patriotism and expressing his pleasure that Coblenti had been chosen as the first headouarters during the war; Department Order. WASHINGTON. Kert. 2 -(Spcrlnl Tel. crnm -PnMmasters appointed: Ne hmskn toilav li.iMwIrk. Nuckolls county, William J. I'lnkerton. vtce .1. M. I'onnell, IVtlton, Cheyenne county. James C Kriimlsnit, vice YV. 8. Woolsey. In Iowa 1 Kkii, Lyons count v, Miirtin IV Swrnnlng. vice '. K. KtURcruld; Gait. VUht county, t'nptnln J. Howard, vice V. it. Hurt, removed: Klemm. Hancock county, .lohn W. Waterman, vice J. W. Tlutr.mai her; Lytton. Sue county. Charles F. Hroleil, vice Gue Holm; Mel in. Osce ola county, Charles V. Scott, vice Georne Kriirt: YVcstflH.i. Plyoulh county. Will iam N. Cunningham, vl -e M A. King. In South lakotn Hakervtll. Custer county. Nettle M. Herhcrt. vice A. II. Herbert: Hales. Hand county. Lena L. Horner, vice Timothy Horner nrntslnira. Harding count v. Oscar J. Hratsburg. vice A. o. A. Itr.ilshurg. South IV.kotii postmasters reappointed : Ash Creek. Stanley county. Helen T. I'oste; Item It h Sprlncs. Mende county. John L linker; Hower, Custer county, Myron Godding; Hreckonrlilue, Perkins county, Oscar A. 1ooe: Krlilger. SMnlev county, Lillian 11. Johnson; Ktillhrml. Corson county, Marlon G. Hutch; Hull ock. Harding county. Knurit H. Urnsiy; liuiilette. Hand county. Amnel W. Kolhe; Hurkmere, Faulk county. Ralph M. Whit ney; Cnmmack, Harding county, Klchard T. Cammack; Carlln. Stanley count v. Ioiir1bh F. Carlln; Cavite, Lyman county, Michael H. llHlvnriissar.i ; Cheriy Creek. Ziebach county, Kdwin II. Spurlliig; Cox, Harding county, Marunret t'onnilt; lan ton, Tilpp county, I'Hiilel L. Lamb: lalc, l'erklna county, Albert H. Hl.ickbilrn; 1hv, Gregory county, Harry H. Soper; Meerfleld. Pennington coiintx. Mauson K. Heaver; Dowltng. Stanley county, Michael P. Howling; Drew, Perkins conntv, Kath erlne Frits. 1 suits wonh 518. DO o ' Suits worth 520.00 O Suits worth $22.50 . Suits worth $25.00 Suits worth $27.00 last; act . HAYDEN BROS. ask DK Regular Service: ARRIVE LEAVE LINCOLN 10:05 a. m. 3:21 p. ra. 6:10 p. m. 12:59 a. m. LINCOLN 9:22 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:05 p. m. 10:45 p. m. "Through trains make no intermediate '"Stops at Fair Grounds. Regular Fares Will Apply Obtain Tickets at City Ticket Office, 14th and Farnam, W. 0. W. Building, or Union Stations. J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A. Our altruntlo nature rr.-.pels love for the cooing lnjint. And at the same tlma the suhjeilnf motherhood Is ever before us. To know what to do that will add to the physical comfort of expee.tant motherhood Is a subject that has Inter ested most women of all times. One of the real helpful things Is. an external abdominal application sold In most dm stores under the name of "Mother's Prlend." Ws have known so many grand mothers, who In their younger days relied upon this remedy, and who recom mend It to their own daughters thnt It certainly must be what Its name Indi cates. They have used It for Ita direct Influence upon the muscles, cords, liga ments and tendons as It alms to afford relief from tne strain and pnln so often unnecessarily severe during the period of expectancy. Every woman should mention "Mother's Friend" when the stork Is the subject of conversation. An Interesting little book Is mailed free upon application to Brad- field Regulitor Co.. 4ns I.smsr Mldg., Atlanta, Ga. Tt refers to many things ' that women like to read about. Get or recommend a bottle of "Mother's Friend" to-day and write for the book. FINAL CLEARANCE CJCoXAmgOut 6a&:: ALL OUR MEN'S SPRIIIG SUITS Blues and Blacks Excepted. Hart, Kchnffner & Marx and other fine makes. All $10 and $15 Suits Left from our Spring and summer stock; good assort ment of colors; all CC alzna. uhllo thev 'i . quickly w ARRIVE OMAHA 11:30 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:47 p. m. 12.27 a. m. stops. I You'll "Fall" for these Fall Hati Clovnvst lmnoh of lieadwenr ever collected in nn ()iii:iha store. Every novelty you hear iihout is here, and in your size, tc.. JMtor drop in tomorrow for a trv-on. We're read v are vou? OMAHA'S LARGEST STORE fEv8b KYilsh. "-Home 7,-, : . ,.,-f : V.. .;, ... , ;. ,','v- r.r'j.i,:;;- .JV.i., ;:;. ,:i,i;ii';. .H.i;.iJi:,.. ! ....iiiltil,'!,,,,, ., : -,;,:::..... i ..!! -1 , . , ';,;,;' ,ai,i Wli'sUY llll "" ' ' --- Kataaf-aaM-l'iji BnT " SI 75 BUYS A DRftFlO HE17 SCI1M0LLER & MUELLER PIAHO i 1 1 i " . 1 ' 'r?r.e--i i I'1 f f; .-' i it fcR -inv -t.-Nf. 'I.1' IW"ilSr-fja- ilV- I1 We are makers of the sweet toned Bchmoller & Mueller Piano and are demonstrating to the American people that a high class piano can be made to sell at $175. Our factory to home proposition eliminates the excessive profits of the middleman. Investigate our Piano. Wrlt for catalogue. We havo several styles. Look into our selling plan. Oet a price on the stjle you prefer. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company 1311-13 KARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. r3 Years of Honest Dealing With the Public. KsUblishtHl 1850. .. . yS" SO OMAHA. NtB ' 1 " 1 111 1 l Most Modnrn and Sanitary Brewery In the West. Family trade supplied by: South Omaha WM. JIJTTER, BOOa N Street Telephone South S03. Omaha Ht'UO K. BU, J824 BongUa Street:' Phone Douglas 8040. Council Bluffs OLD AGU lLui. 1012 South Sixth Street: Phone 8623. AMIIEMKTI. BASEBALL Omaha vs. Topeka Sept. 1, 2. 8. 4. Fr1dy, Sept. 4, LaMllea' Day aaamoa oaUa4 9 U. for MFN AMD BOY aW" 1 of Quality Clothes" Guaranteed for . 25 years. Sold on terms of $5.00 a Month 3 to 5 years time. FREE STOOL FREE SCARF Freight ' Prepaid. ..'-its I AM t'SKMBNTS. ERANDEIS TOBTTOalT, All Weak Sally MaUases. Annette Kellernann la Heptune's Daughter Prloaa. Ms tins lSo-85o XTsnlna' SSe Hpsolal CUUdrsa'a Katlaa. ifln THUKSDAY-Any Child in lUli Under 15 Years of Ags lUU COMING MILE STONES HINT NO. 6. Th atory of your llfs and of oTory llfo Is tbs story told la tala BToat play. SXATB OW IUX Tba asatloa of Zarops ana Amattoa OouUi 4S4. raoao SVaKCXD TAWSTZI.XJB. This week: iiyb Matthews. A I Khayna b Co, Trovato, Miss Wlllftte Wbltaker. K lamer A Morton. Australian Wood rhuppers. ('lianas Yule, Krcxt Munler A Co. l.lbby A tiarlon, Kxcluslva AolmataJ i'liotoitra phy, Yxum. OslUrr. 10c: bt sets (tiacpt fiat. ud Sua I. c. N'lbu. 0c. the, tlla s4 tb- "OMtF' tvw omrxxB" V&rll VOljl DtHlj Mat.. lS-tS-BOo Bvrs 1S-26-60-T50 THB CORBT-rLit IC CAV and dutc comic, UUB r Ta GAIETY GIRLS K llHrry K. Norton, Zella TiUHNcll. heuly A Mrl'loud, Mne llolden, Tlirro lhywood ZX. LAL1ES MILITARY BAND Xadlss' Sims Matins llTsry W k Say. Lake Tilanawa DANCING, BOATING, ROLLER COASTER AND MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS. Park Cloaea Labor Day EyeaJic, at 11 P. M. "A IJ j 1 1 i