Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1914, LINCOLN STATE FAIR, Page 20, Image 20

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Training Boys and Girls to Be Useful Men and Women
(Continued from Paso Seventeen.)
torlea accomodate two student each. No
smoking or drlnkina; le allowed on the
crounds and the students are requited
to observe the Rnbbath. vMch with them
1 Saturday, extending both morning atrd
evenlnn services.
Collrae View ha about two dnien Imitl- i
"'M houae of different kind, among !
them belna; bank, priming offire which !
publishes the I'nlon t'ol'eae pre and :
another printing establishment controled !
hy 1h International Publication society I
which prlnta nil cf tho publications of j
the adventlst church In foreign langunKe. .
Ratine t o.irge.
No city of It. elite In the country can
boast of two a complete and tip-to-date
business college an can the capital city
of Nebraska. Hoth of these colleges
have very recently moved Into new build
-tngs, ep-c'i.i:y fitted tr thv'r ui-e. ilutli
are equipped with a flrrt class faculty
of teacher and a diploma from either '
recognised aa a guarantee of the qualifi
er' lona of the holder.
Xebraakn Pclkont ef nffilfieaa.
The Nchraaka School of Business waa
flrat established aa "Brown's Hnstneea
College In 104. In 1311 It waa reincor
porated with W. M. Bryant, for eight
year auperlntendent of the Hcnool of
rommfrr of North I'akota, aa presi
dent. Mia Gertrude BecVa, aupeiintend-f-nt
of fctrnoKTaphy In the North Dakota
echool, from which Mr. Bryant came,
, waa elected Vlce-prealdent and II. O. Bal
lard, secretary and manager.
About two year ago the college waa
moved from Ha old location to the aecond
and third floor of the fine new building
at the comer of Fourteenth and O atreets.
; Here the offlcera of the echool were
I aMe to carry out the plana they had
! made for a moat complete business achool.
A full rouree In hualneaa and shorthand,
covering a year for the combined rourae
j la given and the graduate of the college,
t If he ao deelrea will be found a position
I suitable to hta need.
'The Nebraska Bchool of Bualneaa twm
! here among Ita over W students, thorn
from every atate Jn tho union , nearly,
president Bryant la proud of Ma record
aa a business teacher, having Just com
peted hla twenty-fifth year In the work.
The Uncoln Bualneaa College la the
old eatabllahed achool of the city. It waa
! founded In 1M. and until recently had Ita
j njiartera In the fourth atory of the OH-
ver theater building. However, Ita In
creasing; bualneaa called for more room
' ahd It hae Just completed and moved to
Ita own building on the oomer of Four
teenth and P streets, only a block from
Ita former location. The new building
waa erected at an expenditure of 190,000.
President E. C. Bigger, of the college
la Immensely pleaaed with Ma new home,
and with the Increaaa In bualneaa which
It ha brought to the Institution, which
haa thla year about 800 atudentf. Thli
rollega glvea a regular bualneaa and short
hand eourae, each requiring about nine
month for completion. '"
There are fifteen , tearhera connected
with the Institution, and all atudenta are
found place when they leava the college,
Jn fact, Prealdent Bigger Inatat that the
upply will not fill the demand. The
atudenta are about evenly divided be
tween male and female, and they oome
from nearly every atate In the union.
At the Stat Faraa.
One of the prettiest ptaoea tn XJaooln
la the atate farm situates; about two
mile from the pretest university proper.
The farm contains CM acres and waa
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purthaaed In 1974 at
la now estimated to be worth about tMO,
CIV. In addition to the farm la a tract
of four acree situated across the treet
on tha south which waa purchased for
Il,7."i0. ,
Pome of the ftne nJililinga owned by
the atate arc located on the atate farm.
Agricultural hall, built In 1904 at a cost
of fW.000: the woman a building, built In
!! for $.0t; the plant Industry build
ing coat $&.0t, are the three moat Im
portant of the .university farm buildings.
At the university fjirm the boye and
girls receive their Instruction In scientific
farming, where they can learn to make
two atalka of wheat grow where but one
grew before, 'and where the very beet
reaulU can be reached by putting the
beat Into the agricultural life. Experi
ment In the growing of all klnda of grain
are made. The farm la platted out Into
small pieces. In which la planted the
wheat or gralrt at different period and
cultivated In different waya, ao a to die-
cover the boat methuda In which to get
the beat result . large number at atu
denta from the farms cf the state attend
th agricultural college and during- their
atudiea there take advantage of the op
portunity to take up other course at the
downtown college. It la thla tendency on
the part of the farm atudenta to take ad
vantage of the ohanoe to attend the reg
ular university, but are compelled to loo
much valuable time between the two
school which are two mile apart, which
ha brought on th agitation of moving
the university proper to the university
farm ao that th student of either who
o desired, could take up work In both
colleges without loatng preeious time cov
ering the distance from one to th other.
Many atudenta taking th regular uni
versity eourae have become Interested tn
the agricultural course and It Is believed
that it would be beneficial to both If th
schools were so situated that these stu
dent could take both courses.
Bclentlflo farming and sdantiflo stock
railnf has mad th agri cultural school I
0 ZinColn Carnegie ZiZrry C
eoat of 127,000. It
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Western Iuii
800-822 N Street
' . " .
Long Distance Phones Independent or Auto D1150
COLLEGE of LAW-University of JeZmaAsL
of Nebraska well known throughout the
entire country, Th stock shows and)
competitive stock judging meetings
throughout th United Htates hav
learned to know the efficient work which
I being done In the Nebraska achool of
agriculture and many first premiums on
her stock and many premiums wons by
her stock Judging teams haa placed the'
agricultural farm school among the very
beat If not the beat in the whole country.
A powerful and potent factor tn th
school and college life of Lincoln Is th
University School of Music, of which
Willard Kimball, a leading exponent m
th western musical world. Is conductor.
The conservatory of muslo I directly op
posite the main entrance to the univer
sity campus, and Us close adjacence to
the campua enablca all of Its students to
enter actively In the luring enjoyments
which are so manifest at all large uni
versities and college. But, because of
the fact that Its students are essentially
a part of the university at Lincoln, the
school of muslo enjoys a maximum of
efficiency In Its Instruction that makes It
on of the beat conservatories of musie
In the middle west. The young man or
young woman who la endowed with any
talent can there absorb all of the neces
sary technique and expression that the
brilliant musical scholar must hav.
ia Easter War
Tho Texas father of seventeen children
haa asked the governor of the state for
an automdhlle, so he can take hta family
to church. One would think It would
be leaa trouble to have the preacher hold
services at his home. Toledo Blade. .
ill I
--"(rT,'i '1 t"Jj" v"" '' ' ' a"
A Visit To pur Showrooms Will
Enjoyod By You.
. iVJUU.
GREEN GABLES special provision is made for the quiet and I comfort of
patients trying to regain their health. The surroundings are charming and
homelike It is a restful spot, a pleasant place to go, sick or well. Green Gables
is equipped with approved and accepted methods for the alleviation of, the , suffering,
and the sick.
The Executive Building. This home for sick
people is only a twenty minute ride frdm Lincoln's
center. It is thoroughly equipped for the treat
ment of all, non-contagious, ; non-mental diseases.
It is, located in a beautiful section. 'An ideal
spot. It has a staff of four physicians and thirty
nurses which enables it to give individual atten
tion to every patient
The Rest Cottage is separated entirely from
the main building, but is under constant super
vision. This department consists of the original
Rest Cottage together with the new and just com
pleted addition, a fire-proof building of forty; rooms
connected with the original building by beautiful sun parlors
and being as perfectly equipped for its work the caring for
mild mental cases as any building that has ever been built
by a privateiinstitution in this country.