Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1914, LINCOLN STATE FAIR, Page 18, Image 18

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I Material Growth of Lincoln as Shown by the Building Records for a Year
' ... , - ,
INCOL.N haa not suffered vry
LI much In the KtiwrtJ opinion
I that buslne-s haa b-n a IHU
oir aunnit the last year or
t-o. The building record of
tb laat Tear haa hnn mrh
that If there wss alump alone; this Una
of business it did not male- its apiw
ar.oe In the capita city of Nebraska.
In IMS tha value or build In- Improve,
ipcnta In Lincoln amounted to ll.7M.S0il.
fcaat year the amount put Into hnlldlnaa
snd improvement amounted to I2.17o.3ri0.
qt course much of thin incre-ec must he
law to the building of the new high J
rhool and a new (trade echool. But not- I
uDRianain thla, the residence cooslruo
tlon amounted to nearly soo,o.
Bom e of, the buildings which contributed
to the Increase In tha valuation of tAn
colna bulldlnit itrowth Is shown below:
few high schiKil f3.?l04
New grade sc hool '"' jiu'iyo
B"in-- houe. Wlnnett A Folts!.. bznn
m. w-il-aheth hnspltnl H oni
Cltr National hanli i
aiu uraufl scnrioi ,
Jytncoln Kuslnees college
Cuehman Motor works
Schmidt brothers
C. A. lord, reeldonoe
Paul Goes, residence
Mark Woods, residence "
"H. A. Tucker, reeldence
V. O. Pullager. residence
W. E. Crispin, re-idencc
H. E. 8ld!es. residence
Orant B. Burman. residence
In addition to the fine new high
10. OK)
building, which alone without Its equip,
ment or furniture, will cost when com
pleted In the neighborhood of $.150,000, and
xne nww grade acnooia which will run the
mount up to 1M,000 more, Lincoln has
pent considerable In Improving its munic
ipality. The city spent for paving more than In
any previoue year, about eight miles being
laid In ion. Much of this haa been
asphalt, though a great deal of brick
paving waa put In, notably that on the
alreet running to the fair grounda. The
coat of paving for last year Is given by
the city as 302,3KI. This ls about one
third more than was spent In the previous
year. Lincoln closed the year 1P1S with
about fifty-six miles of paving.
The total amount of sanitary sewers In
he city la about seventy-five mllea. with
about eighteen mllea of storm sewers In
addition. Very little waa spent In th
building of sewers laat year, a little over
$2,000 being spent In laying storm sewers
and about 19,000 for sanitary sewers.
.There are many places of business In
Lincoln which have grown from a small
beginning and have reached that propor
tion where the outside world know little
of the amount of business done and how
much all put together tenda to make
large result not only to the business of
Itself but to the general amount of trade
brought to the city.
Probably an Industry which will count
tor much In the future and to the hard
work and Indomitable energy of It
owners la due the present uooess la the
Uneoln Packing company. There every
body works. About forty men are em
ployed In an Industry In whloh tha kill
ing of hogs and cattle and the prepar
ing of the output for -the table la made
In such a way that a large and rapidly
Increasing business haa been the result
There are no Idle men around the pack
ing house. Whet, the president of the
company cornea down In the morning,
he sheds his streets clothes, slips on a
pair of overalls and dives Into the work.
The vice-president Joes the same, and
even the cashier, who la supposed to
handle tha money finds time to don the
toga of labor and pitches la where he
Is needed most. With such a condition
stating It Is no wonder that the business
has proven a success.
The Lincoln Paper Bos company la an
other concern which haa been built up
beaauee the proprietor were not afraid
to 'get Into the work and get' It out on
time. The product of this factory goes
to nearly every state In thla section of
the country and Ita output la Increasing.
8. A. Sanderson, the former well known
shoe dealer, recently retired from busi
ness, but It seems not from activity. H
haa formed a company which manufac
tures dyes so that any place of drees
goods can be matched to correspond with
any piece of goods wanted. It doea not
matter how much ta wanted or how lit
tle la wanted, the Banderaon company
an make a piece of goods which will
exactly match anything desired.
, Fifteen ' years ago Velemar Timltch
rame to Lincoln. He could not talk a
word English. He had been a candy
maker In the old country and for a time
he worked at that trade here. A few
years ago he became Interested in the
Ice cream cone proposition. He studied
the matter and soon Invented a machine
for making cones. He established a
factory and today the conee of the
"Timltch factory jrre used throughout the
middle west.
;The Fisher Manufacturing company is
another Institution which manufactures
something which la bound to bring it
into prominence. It invented and make
the "Rim Grip- aubcaalng for automo.
bile tire which Is claimed double the life
of a tire and at a very email cost in
comparison to what the second tire would
The J. W. I semen company, which
manufactures any kind of jewelry, la a
small business which has grown rapidly
until it covers a large territory. Orders
for thla company come In dally from a
territory embracing all parts of the
, A business that In the past few years
has reached mammoth proportions is that
of the Kimball Brothers marble works.
Tbe company Is fortunate In that F. L.
XlmbelL the younger member of the firm
Is an expert designer of monuments and
some of the finest In the country are
the result of his genius. The work of
Mr. Kimball haa drawn the attention of
some of the most wealthy men. of the
country and his work la a monument of
itself to the capabilities of the Junior
A -other firm which Is building up a
ateodtly Increasing business Is the Ko
meyer Electric company. In connection
with the Cuahman motor works, the Kos
meyer people have Invented a system of
. electric lighting for farm residences and
with the use of the Qushmaa motor
many of tbe aubstential farmera of thla
lUte ajid of adjoining statra art enjoy
ing tbe privilege of an electric system
on the farm which lights all buildings.
Such a success haa this become that the
firm is rushed to fill orders
Nebraska la not a timber country, yet
Lincoln has a wooden box f net or which
un.'-r the name of tha Lincoln Box
I'eitory Is deriig a big business. The
firm makes all kinds of boxes, crates and
other things In the line of boxes and Is
IM f the iww factories which haa pros
pers which are bound to make It a
more business that is rapidly com-
One of the Great Church Schools of the
. :.
"T"0 -"
Ing to the front and all because of th
genius of Its owner Is managed by K. G.
room. Mr. Groom Invented a process
for china painting. The invention be?
came perfected only four years ago, yet
there la hardly a big house which handle
china ware In the United Htate. but
what handlea Mr. Groom's china. It is
only a question of a short time, when
the "Oroom" china will be a household
word In the best homes of the country.
These are only a few of the very many
lines of manufacturing business which
Lincoln la building for the future In
educating Ita coming young men and
young women along the walka of business
life to which their natural abilities call.
In the formation of the Junior Civic and
Industrial league, It la bringing out the
very best that la In the rising genera
tion and fitting them for the work which
they feet they would like to take up.
In carrying out this plan the publlo
schools of the city are divided Into groups,
which form two to three schools In each
group. All boys and girls from the fifth
grade up are eligible to belong to the
league. Before any boy or girl can be
come a member of the league they must
team by heart the Ephebio oath, as fol
We will never bring disgrace to this,
our city, by any act of dishonesty or
cowardice. We will fight for the Ideals
Implement Men
to Make Big Show
of Their Wares
The 'exhibits of the implement dealers
at the Nebraska state fair in past ar
sons has been one of the Interesting fea
tures of the exposition. There will be no
backward movement in 1914.
Up to July 1 twenty agricultural Im
plement dealers had engaged spa? for
exhibits of farm machinery. This wis
up to the record of former year. The
announcement that some of the large
dealer bad decided to make exhibits at
the fair waa the signal for the smaller
dealers, who In past seasons had been
crowded out for want of space, to ask
for space and It haa been given them.
Of the number Nebraska dealer wcie
early on the ground and have secured
some of the best locations. Firms from
Omaha. Hauling. Lincoln, Beatrlne and
other cities of the state and tt. Joseph',
Council Bluffs and the Twin Cities and
other placea outside the state have taken
advantage of the failure of the big fel
Iowa to enter ant have gobbled up the
desirable placea.
There will lie no lack of machines of
all kinds In the machinery exhibit. The
failure of tho big fellows to exhibit has
given the other firms a chance that they
do not propose to pass up and instead
vf the old line of machines of former
years the 1M4 exhibit will aee a large
number of old new firms In the argtcul
tural row and the change will be watched
with a great deal of Interest.
The exhibition of traction engine will
be great. Twenty acres have been set
aside for this exhibit and In addition to
these the automobile exhibitors will have
plenty of room to show off their ma
chines and nothing will be lost by the
failure or the former exhibitors to be
Fred Schmidt and brother have re
modeled their department store during the
Ikst year. Installing a new front, which
permits of more exquisite and expropriate
displays, and redecorating the Interior,
giving a more elaborate showing of the
v arcs ou the shelves and counters This
is Just one of the many steps this
progressive firm is taking in enlarging Its
I 'lace of buslne.
The Fisher Manufacturing company.
manufacturers of rim -grip aub-caslng. are
meeting with unusual success in the sal
of ita product thla eeaaon.
Tbe factory, which la looated at UM N
street, Lincoln, haa the appearance of
a bee hive, the large apace occupied be
ing crowded with material, machlnea and
operatives, and the amount of goods
turned out dally far exceed that of any
previoue year.
The company la specializing on the
Mi ,
m 1 I
t m:-
haa grown from the little thing and has
leconio a part of the business life of
The J-ee Broom and Duster company la
one of the Important manufactures of
Lincoln, which employs a large number
cf men. and consequently has a good pay.
roll. It owns1 the large factory building
In which It does business, situated on an
entire block of ground at Twenty-first and
y streets. ' The number of brooms manu
factured by this concern runs Into th
thousands daily and the territory covered
by Ita products embracea the entire coun
5 '
Building for the Future
and vaored things of the city, both alone
nm! with many. We will revere and obey
the city's laws and do our best to Incite
u like reaped and reverence In those
above us who are prone to annul or set
them at naught. We will atrlve unceas
ingly to quicken the public sense of clvlo
duty. Thus in all theee ways we will
transmit this city not only not less, but
r Tester, better and more beautiful than
I waa transmitted to us.
Kaoh club la first organised In Ita own
school snd hss Its own officers, then a
step higher is the group organisation, and
then the city organization. On Thursday
morning of each week one or more of
the clubs meets at the Commercial club
building and a ahort addreas la given by
some Lincoln business or professional
man on topics which will Interest the
boys In a business wey. At the close of
the addreas the boys are taken by the
Lincoln Insurance Companies Are Strong II
It would not do to forget the Insurance
buslnesa In writing of Lincoln's com
mercial advancement. One company, the
Old Line Bankers' Life, takes the lead In
home compar.lea with headquarter. In
Lincoln. The Increase in bualness of this
company has been great it started In
business not so many years ago. In
1NS7 It had in force H4,000 In Insurance.
In 1897 It had Increased to $2, 0,270. In
1907 It had In force $21.7,S3. In 1912 the
company had 3.(C2,412 and last year It
had Increased to t43.00o,ono. At the close
of business at the end of 131! the com
pany had $3,800,000 In assets and today
that has been Increased to 17,200,000.
Lincoln feela proud of Its Insurance
"rlm-grip" sub-casing, which is Plaeed
inside the outer casing of an automobile
tire, and la constructed In a way that
enablea the sub-casing to carry the pres
sure of the Inner tube, and relieve the
outer caalng of a large portion of the
etraln that It Is ordinarily required to
carry. This removes the danger of the
outer tire bursting or "blowing out." as
It la usually termed, and the Ure can then
be completely worn out.
One of the large industries that Lin
coln may be proud of is the W. C. Bhlnn
Lightning Rod company. This concern
started hunin-- in i.i-..i..
ago on a email .cl k I
. -,
Welcome State
United States
( OTNim l NIVEK8ITY, the great
school of the CbrlBtian church, is
located- at J?hany, a beautiful sub
urb tf Lincoln, where it lies been
risking Itself useful to the church
nd humanity In most effective way.
ll: Ml
try from the Mtsmuri river west to the
Taclflc coast.
The company nlsn owns and operates
a plant In Boston, and another at Daven
port, la. Th central trade la furnished
by the low-i plant, while the eastern part
of the country '. supplied by the plant In
Boston. At Morrill, Wis., it operates a
saw mill and turning plant, which manu
factures the broom handles uicd In the
Leo broom. The general offices of the
company are In Lincoln, where the presi
dent of the company, Clinton L. Lee, re
sides. business man giving the sdlrcgs, to hla
place of business, and the boya are given
a practical demonstration of business
The Kliis have a similar organization
and they are glvon opportunities to be
come more closely acquainted with the
home side of life. In addition to the bus
Inoss side.
The perfection of this Idea Is due to
the work of Superintendent Fred Hunter
of the oity schools, Secretary Whitten of
the Lincoln Commercial club and W. A.
Luke, secretary of the Toung Men's Chris
tian association.
It Is proving a success and many a
boy who waa not quite sure as to the
kind of business he was moit Interested
In has been led to fully make up his mind
In that regard.
companies, but the Old Line Bankers'
Life stands out above them all. It owns
a fine large building of Hs own, the ren
tals from which contribute in no small
degree to the Income of the company. It
Is said that this company wrote more
business in Nebraska the laat ear than
all the big New York companies com
bined. The Security Mutual Life Insurance
company is another company which does
a big business and owns Its own build
ing. The Union Fire Insurance company,
the Lincoln Accident company, the Old
IJne Accident company, the Capital Fire
company and half a doxen others con
tribute largely to making the city some
what of an Insurance center.
senta one of the largest establishments
of its filnd jn the country. Bhlnn light
ning rods are sold in twelve states, and
It la necessary for this company to main
tain two warehouses, one in Minneapolis
and the other In Peoria, to handle the
business It haa built up in those terrl
Why Scratch it OatT
Fanny, the little daughter of a clergy
man, pranced Into her father's study
one evening while the reverend gentleman
as preparing a lengthy sermon. She
looked at the manuscript for a moment
and then turned to her father.
"Papa." ahe began, arrlously, "does God
tell you what to write?"
"CertHlnly, dearie," replied the clergy,
n an.
"Then wn d" Vu cratch so much of
u outr. Mked pnny
Fair Visitors
To the
145 O ST.
Oriental Rugs,
Kimonos, Oriental
Jewelry, All Kinds
of Art Goods.
14IS O tH- Uaeola, Be.
Opes Svealaga,
111 t -.!
ilia i
(mm pill
Home of
" 1-
w .i."-- -e-" -
fa riflwt-!
u l-r :
ii W S '
- V, " , ? .vi-- ' ' :' ' ' v. .'--".1 : 1 . . ... . .
No tribute is so appropriate as a monument carved from enduring granite. It stands un
altered, unchanged, preserving a memory through the long years.
We make a specialty of original designs and have now under construction the most ar
tistic memorial in the west.
We invite you to see our collection before making a selection. Ask for booklet.
1700 0 STREET
The Huffman General Supply House
Safe Cabinets,
Filing Cabinets,
Steel and Wood Filing
Indexes and supplies.
Vault Fixtures.
208 South Eleventh Street
Gold Medal Flour Dlatchford's Calf Meal
Ground OH Meal Ground Alfalfa Meal Hominy Meal
We Make a Specialty of Good Goods and Prompt Service. Reason
able Prices. Try Us.
Lincoln Feed and Fuel Company
a Great Life I nsurance
1 1 1 m i ml m mmyMMsk
: , ; j A I VI
- ' " - - 111 h
Phone B-6115
U Systematize Your Business'
r.'ii TLUts""- i f r - ; ft-
ii?c5.--it? -V" ""-r 'r--ii
, . ' .'"Mfc
4 -i Ait i--, i V"' '
'fir 'it i mil- " ' -J -tn --
Typewriter Papers, '0'
Ribbons and Carbons,
Blank Books,
Rubber Stamps,
Loose Leaf Books,
Loose Leaf Binders,
and Society Printing,
Wedding Invitations,
Visiting Cards, etc.
Lincoln, Nebraska
1626 O Street