Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1914, LINCOLN STATE FAIR, Page 13, Image 13

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    Trrr. wv.v.- mruiv Tiirrjxmv k p. pt v. inv.n i ion m
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Lincoln's Importance as a Commercial and Industrial Center
1NCOLN ss a wholesale anil
LI Jobbing contr ha made
I marked advancement during
the IhbI few year. In fact,
few cltieo In the weat hava
made Km: rapid rugraa 'hit
ha the capital ity of Nebraska. Ten
years ago it was little thought that a de
cs i would show the rapid progress
tvhlrh has bten made.
This la due largely to the especially
f.ocd railway fac ll'tice. enjoyed by 'he
city. With five lines of first-class rail
road v.ith the'r branches extending '
k'I direc-.iona. L'flcoln la more like a
hub to a 1 Ig wheel and the result l
that rot id and quick deliveries has mad
it rerosnfrrd and the Jobbing and whole
ralo tra has Increased by reason of t.
Th2 opinion which has generally ben
fe't that the year 1?'.1 wb.i not a good
yar for advancement along business
l nes baa proven the contrary as far as
the u-holcEale trado of L'neoln Is con
rTncd. It is true that no new and large
jebb'ng houses were added to the busl
res of the city, but those already
established report as good a business and
In some Instances r.n Inireaae over that
of the rrevto-is year. Th'a Increase la
given as over t2,Cx0.0no and establiahoa the
fact thct the city !s peculiarly a.tuated
to serve the trade from all polnta.
Inimr.nne Frnlt Trade.
f'robably one Item alone goea far
toward making Lincoln the success It Ms
and places It so near the top as a Joo
bing center, and that Is its wholesale
friilt bualneKR, which ' has made it ihc
lerpest fru't market in the Missouri Val
ley, one house alone being the largrt
In the entire western country. Two of
these houses have made a remarkaole
Increase during the year and the younger
a rch strides In the wholesale fruit busi
ness that It la doubtful If any houee of
Its kind anywhere In the country can
ihow aa large a percentage of growtn.
The wholesale grocery l.uelnesa of the
last year has been the equal of the pre
vlous years, notwithstanding the supposed
falling off lt business along these lines
o-. or the country. The buslnees con
nected with the butter manufactury has
never been better, the two big houses,
which do the bulk of the butter biial
nets In this section of the country, im
porting a good trade and a very satisfac
tory condition throughout their territory.
Told In Flarnrea.
The Lincoln Trade Review, which covers
the wholesale trade very thoroughly, has
eummarlied the wholesale growth of
T.lnonln for the last year, which allows
a very flattering growth for a city which
BtiU la In Ita Infancy along the lines of
wholesale trade:
Orocerlea i'lS?
Fruits, vegctablea and produce.. i,Ob,wO
lumber, sash, doora and planing
mill producta rsS'SJ
Butter, eggs and poultry Ja'IjS
Automobiles and accessories..... 2,860,000
Threshing, harvesting machinery
and Implements SjOWi.OOO
Flour, feed and hay l.6.000
Paints, olla, glass and atore ,
fronts 1,726.000
Coal, fuel and building material. 1,096.0.10
Blloa, gas onginea and power 1,220.000
Drugs, cigars and liquor 878,000
Hats, gloves, overalls, furnish
ings and notions 860,000
Hardware, castings, cornice and
metals 48,00
Plumbing, water supplies, fur-
nacea and tanks 830,000
Harness, leather and shoes 686,000
u i
1 . .
Two view tin I'.litlitli ulreel,
the upper looking north from
X, tli lower looking nutith
from X, showing a Kllttipxe of
xonie of the busy wholiole anl
inanufnrturlng district of the
Capital City.
name changed to the Mary Jane 5arni-nt
company, a name which was known
through the tradu m the nne of tho
articles manufacture I by thi old Jones
Owrall company. This company em
ployes a lare number of girls and ha Its
factory equipped with rest rooms, music
rooms, a library and many other modern
Probably one of the most Important of
the additions to Lincoln's wholesale busi
ness Is the establishment of the -naln !
blanch factory of the Bplrella C'ors-t I
company whl'-h has Its main factory In;
Penncylvanla. This branch was rstab- j
llshed I'ss than six months ago and cm-
Vloyes at the resent time something like i
W0 glrH In the manufacture of ita ;
product H Is expected that within th
1 1
4 i
t'onfectionery, Ice oremn and
baked goida
Wrick and manufactured atone...
Jewelry, millinery and s hool
Reeds, plants and flowera
Furniture, mattresses and up-
hol stery
Hrooma, whisks and cleaners
Lightning rods and electrical
Hotel, billiard supplies, paper and
wall paper
All other Jobbing lines
oii.C 0
Total business, lm $3B.105.(HX)
In order to show to what extent Lincoln
has increased Its wholesale business, the
following table Is given for the last five.
1P09 tlS4.O4rt.0mVl 91 i niiinill
.... 26,496.0(1011913 a',lCj',O)0
.... 27,670 000;
Better Distribution.
During the last year special attention
naa been given to the distribution service
from the city. rl..,s has allowed tho Job
bers of the city to reach their trade In
four-fifths of the towns of the state from
twenty-four to forty-eight hours In ad
vance of any other competing city In
freight distribution. So satisfactory ha
the trade been given through thia terri
tory that the wholesale houses of tha
city have added materially to their num
ber of traveling salesmen.
To return Just a moment to the thresh
ing machine business of the city. It Is
discovered that Lincoln has a record and
maintains It of being the largest thresh
ing machine distributing city In the Mis
souri valley. There are eight large
houses which have their western distrib
uting point here. The amount of busi
ness along thia line, last year exceeded
any previous year in the history of the
city and in addition to the houses al
ready established one new concern estab
lished its western distributing point here.
;;v. v..;.
.Or -i. !.v.
Yw -a.
I p
The milling buHlneia of Lincoln has
become ' established to such an extent
that the whole country feels the effect
of the Lincoln trade. While supplying
the surrounding atatea liberally, the trade
extenda to eastern states aa far aa the
New York market and aa far west aa the
coast. One Lincoln milling firm, only re
cently established, doea a heavy export
bualness to Great Britain, Germany and
many other foreign countries. The
growth of this one company alone would
almost seem like a tale from fairyland,
but there Is plenty of evidence to show
that the growth is a healthy one and Its
prosperity and popularity Is well known
not only In Llnooin, but throughout the
length and breadlh of the milling in
dustry of the country.
The Cushman motor Is a business word
throughout the motor world. The irish
man Motor company is practically a new
Industry. Only five years ago It was
lioutted in a little building at Twentieth
and N streets. Now Ita N street factory
Is a gTand new daylight building on the
site of the little factory of a abort time
ago and in addition to this the Cuehman
Motor company has Just completed a
larger and more modern plant In another
part of the city, which practically covers
a block of ground. One of tha features
of the past year's work la that the com
pany has opened direct distribution with
the great grain growing sections of
Austria-Hungry, where a distributing
house has been extabllshed. If there Is
anything that a Cushman motor cannot
be attached to and made to do the work
satisfactorily, It has not been discovered.
Making of Uarmente.
The making of garmenta for men and
women has developed to such a degree
during the last two years' that the Jones
Overall company discovered that some
thing had to be done to meet the growing
demand for its goods and to handle th.j
Increasing bualness. The company was
reorganized and reincorporated at a larg
next year Ita force of employes will be
Increased to about 700 or f"0. U was the
facilities offered by Lincoln in the way
of quick service to all parta of the west
ern country that prompted the company
to turn down offers from four other
western cities and place its factory here.
The largest plant In the entire west
for the manufacture of silos is located
In Lincoln. Like aome of the other In
dustries of tho city, the Woods Hros.1
silo factory discovered that it was neces
sary to Increase Ita activities along the
lines of manufacture and re-lncoriorated
about a year ago with a capital of 11,000,
0(0, Hnoe that time the business haa In
creased wonderfully and a large force of
men find employment with the company.
Candles and Other Thlnas.
Manufacturing of confectionery has be
come one of the leading manufacturing
Industries of the city. Tho Ulllen
Honey chocolates are known the world
ever, and the Increase In the business
of this firm, wil'i some am tiler firms,
has made the candy Industry of the city
one of Its important trades. In addition
to the manufacture of candy. It la per
haps to Include the manufacture of lc
i mm. Unroln has several of these man
ufactories. The business of these with
the candy Industry lat year amounted
to over JI.Oh.00O and the output of the
factories whs sent In all directions. Lin
coln s ability to niako quick returns on
orders for Ice cream especially, has put
that Industry among the very most Im
portant of the city.
In speaking of the Iron and steel Indus
try, one Is not likely to associate a prai
rie city, far from the mountains where
the raw product Is found, with the prod
uct which hss become such an Important
part of fie Industrial world. But Just
the rame, Lincoln baa a structural steel
fsctory which Is doing a great business
not only In this state, but In other states
of the Missouri valley. Terhaps if was
the hard knocks and the Iron will and
the steel muscles of the owner of the
John Westover structural steel works ;n
Lincoln which carried him successfully
through many a hard-fought foot ball
game and won for him glory and honor
as one of the hardest fighters that ever
wore foot ball top, and made the name
of Westover a college word In every uni
versity of the west, thnt pronrrted him
to engage lu the Iron and steel business:
but be that as It may, with the same
determination which forced him through
the line of an opposing enemy, he haa
forced his way Into the Industrial world,
and the name of John Weatover Is a
guarantee of strength wherever hla name
la back of a contract.
To give to aome extent the Increase In
business which has come to Lincoln be
cause of Ita manufacturing Industries,
the following will show to what extent '
the Increase has been made:
1910 l11.0K.Ono 1P12 m.7H0.n0
1911 111.840,010 1913 116.110,000
How thia amount for the last year waa
distributed, the following table la glvsn:
Tlutter and cream products I S.660.OiX
Printing, publishing and binding. 1,125.000
Confectionery and ice cream l.XlO.Ono
Flour, feed and mill producta.... 1.286,000
llrlck. artificial atone and cement
producta 990.000
Snsh, doors, wood work and mill
products 1.025,000
Shirts, overalls, women's gar
ments and ta'lorlng 630.0H)
Manufactured palnta and lubrica
tors CTSXO
Iron work, lightning rods and
cornice 625,000
Gaaollne engines, motors and
caetlnga IWI.OOO
Manufactured wh'aks and brooms 18b,0t
Mattresses, upholstery, tents and
awnings M6.0U0
Artificial Ice and refrigeration.. Jio.o")
Oaa and electricity 456,000
Harness, saddlery, auto tops and
leather work 415.0flrt
Bllos. tanks and water supplies.. 6IK),tluO
Cigars, bottling and bottled goods 315.UOO
Munumeats, granite and out
stone work 266,000
'Kxtracts, pharmaceuticals and
cones 110,000
Forty-two minor manufacturing;
lines 466,000
Total Lincoln manufacturing,
191 :i 115.110,000
Building & Loan
1409 O Street
Lincoln, Nebraska
Has loaned more than eight
millions to home builders
Every month's rent you pay is
the interest, taxes, insurance and
landlord's profits on a house that
you do not own. If it pays the
landlord to own the house you
live in, it will pay you to own it.
With a little well directed effort
on your part, you can purchase
a home upon an easy monthly
installment plan, with a monthly
payment that can be fixed to suit
your, income, and the time you
desire your loan to run.
HE sanitarium is designed and
equipped with a view to giv
ing its patientci
Home Comfort, Home Treat
ment, Home Association.
This sanitarium has regular phy
sicians and skilled surgeons with a
corps of trained attendants and gradu
ated nurses, conducted on, the Battle
Creek idea of physiological thera
peutic treatment.
The treatment rooms are fitted for
the application of nearly every form
of physiological Therapeutic Hydro
therapy, Phototherapy, Electrother
apy and Mechanetherapy in the num
erous forms of application, adminis
tered by trained attendants.
Mot a HospitalBui a Home
MONO the more important and
widely useful treatments are the
Hydriatic Douche, general, lo
cal or visceral; the Russian, Turkish
Electro Thermal and Electric Light
Haths; the Sitz and Effervescent
Baths; the Half and Full Blanket
Packs; the Neutral Sheet Puck; Alco
hol Hubs, Salt Glows, Cold Mitten
Frictions, Fomentations, Compresses,
Galvanism, Farndism Static and Sinu
soidal Electricity. Eloc trie Arc Light,
German and Swedish Massage, Man
ual Swedish Movements, Mechanical
uaxm auzuDnro
l J .nr- - '
a vajtT or ovb compc or inruii
S TJ'FiF.?11 THS.KANITA-nUTM l:VoII ,JlB Burlintn D.pot Uke Um Col We lw and Normal strm r. Yon the llurk Ulajid. NorU-Mei u. Sllsaouri I'aciflo
",c e iransnr maa cliaoge ram at lth and ( atrrta to College View. Kor inforroat lou or rrferemes, aadreas
College View, Nebraska.