'y THF- WW.' rf Vtr A ! TlllM?vT v vi'PTVMnrn i inn . - ----- . m. X A 1- I '1 V J. . . t 1 A J Ji'i liljJw .J, ii7.1T. jRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Farmfr. Showing Disposition to Re lease Grip on Grain. XIF0RT3 KELP OUT THE BEARS let-l In Demand fnr On.! ead F. rable Wflkfr fnr Fall Plow. l A1IIM the Drtr Side f tbe PI4. . OMAHA, HepL t, 1M Farmer nf the southwest are now tnnr msno to release their rrln on the -sh wht than at any time nine the r rr-oK out. From Kinm. Nebraska. Oklahoma. Iowa and srattered sections or olner states the nfferlnss were freer nl producer were wlllln to mt the texvs or buyer. In addition to thin at a bear Influence to the market nfferlnira of wheat hy exporters, who eeeme,1 to be "" io reneu at least a portion of their line held at Chicago and elsewhere. Three, were net lotmri at Ctilrsgo of Vftl'i, The decline would hiive been much greater had not the market le rome oversold on the early decline and ahortf herame uneaev and were anxious to even up their position late. The fart wss clearly demonstrated that the Ouy tnit powi-r In wheat wan not what It tt a few days since. The declines were under tnoderste offerings only and wera fol lowed by reaction and advances of l"Q'-'c on rovrtn at the close. Export from the seaboard were fair t W7.W himhela of wheat, with flour JnHuded. Thla however, wu mainlv old , fctisincM and won considered less than the recent avers see shipped abroad. !Kanaa City holders aeemel to have grown weary, a there were 4),ri0 bushels delivered on September contract In that market and there wera O,0U0 bushels Jomllnn to Ko to Chicafto. In addition to thle. aa nearloh holp were reports front nearly every part of the country of a partial let-up In the demand for grain. Nasrly all the millers of the country are sold ahead on flour, but It " yeetarday that some of those who made Nr purchsses are willing- to reaoil art of -their hoi. Una. The fart that the weather Ml favorable for fall plowing will prove a bear factor In wheat, aa It la expected that the area eeeded to winter grain will be liberal If Mh prices prevailed. Corn ruled heavy with more liquidation ny the long. The rash demand waa con sidered disappointing, aa antes were only J.1S.orl bUHheln for eastern shipment. Cash premiums continued to disappear, and un less tha situation Improves It Is believed by many 4hat there will be an Increase In the amount of com sent to store, to be applied on September contracts. As In corn, there waa free selling of eets by Jones. Heptember liquidation was irenera). Kx porter were good buyers, that Interest taking IMS! bushels and tha domestic trad took MO.OM) bushels. Tha deliveries of lard on Heptemhor contracts at 7,7M tierces wera the largest In the history of the trade. This com modity fell Into strong hand and It will undoubtedly be held for an advance. De liver! of pork, 2u6,0O barrels, and ribs 100. flOO pounds. Clearances wera: Wheat' and flour equal to 1.271.000 bushels; corn, 1,009 bush els: oats. none. Liverpool market not reported. Primary wheat receipts were 1. Ml, 000 tuehels and shipments l.lTfc.Ouu bushels, gainst receipts of 1.13.0(0 bushels and Shipment or l.Zls.noo buaheis lat year. Primary corn receipts were 1.282,00 bush els and shipments 410000 bushels, against receipt of 1.019.000 bushels and shipments of OM.OiiO bushels last year. Primary oata receipts wars 1.M9.000 lushels and shipment 1.2M.0O0 bushels, gainst receipts of 1,367,000 bushela and shipments of fcH.Ono bunhel tst rear, , CARIjOT KKOEIPT8. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Barley. r'hlcago 1M Minneapolis ..... ! luluth 241 Omaha 31 IKansaa City.-.. JM Kt. I-onls... 7S Winnipeg ........ no-. K8 244 ... . .. 1 ti ... ... - ... . Wheat waa unchanged to Ho httfhar. Com waa unchanged to lo higher. . Oats were unchanged to c. higher, Omaha Csah rlre -Wheat? No.f hard. 8.W1.C4: No. 8 her fl.ot I. 07H: No 4 hard, WcttHM; No. 1 spring, II Mm-1t; No. t spring, 11.03Sh 1.07S; .o. t durum, 1 OOHtjLOm; No. I durum. tHLrt. - Corn: No. 1 white, TT&'77Sc; No. 2 white, 7477c; No. t white, WW7p; No. 4 white. 76f,'7c; No. t white, QbW:bri No. white, KW IMio; No. 1 yellow, 76Vtt76c: No. I yrU low, TBiirTtic: No. i yellow, 7Mt73c; No. 4 yellow, 747Bp: Mo. 5 yellow, 744f7r,o; No. 6 jrelow, ?sif744e; No. 1 mixed, "Mt t-k;; No. 1 mixed. .74U7sVio; No. I mixed, t4V6r76c No. 4 mixed. 7VCT75c; No. I mixed, V4.0.TU!; No. mixed, nWtin; ample, mixed. 7wr?ti'c. Oats: No. 1 white. VnatHr; standard. 47tj-tV; No. 2 white, 47yM7c: No. 4 white, 47(iM7V. IBarley: Malting. KXi7c; No. 1 feed, ttirf c. Kya: No. 1, 8H'Uitc; No. I, 7mo. These sales wera reported today: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, tl.OSVi; 0 cars, II. 0. No. I hard winter: I car, 11.07: 2 car. I cars, tl U6; 1 car, $1.04. Bar ley: ivo. : i car, ere. oata: standard: 1 car, 4tk: No. 2 white, cars. 474c; care, 4Kc; No. 4 white: 1 car, 47o; I cars. 47tc: 1 car, 47c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 47c. No grade: 1 car, 4c. Com: No. 2 white: 1 car. 77c. No. 2 white: 2 cars, 77c; 1 car, 7c. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 7c; 2 care, 75c: 1 car. ',bc. No. I yellow: 2 care, 76c. No. yeuow: i car, tot. iso. i mixed: l car near white), 7RVic; 2 cars, 7c; 1 car, 7v; 3 cars, toe. .o. 1 mixea: I cars, TtiV.. No. mixed: 1 car. 75o; 1 car, 74Hc: No. s mixed. 1 rax. "': l car, 7tc. Barapls: 1 1 car, 7f.He; 1 car, 74c; ! car, 70Sc. CHICAGO GHAIW AND PROVISION! Featarea a( the Tradlag aa4 Clealag Prloea oa Bnarti ef Trade. CHICAGO. Hept. l-Bullleh estlmstes on the Canaillsn crop and on tha yield of epring aheat In the I nited Htatea tended today to mako the price of wheat ad vance. ,The market closed firm. Htilo above lat night. Corn scored a net gsln of l,ttl',c and oats of JSti-'Sc. 1'rovl ona finished unchanged to 22Vc down. Canadian off U IhI eMiiinittrs put the whci crop of the three northweetern trotnoea at 117.n.O00 buehels, aa against 5-S.OO.OOU bunhcls hurveeted a year ago. Private experts figured afterward that the vpringrop region In the I'nited t-tle would produce only J24.(WO,000 bush els, a falling off of 11K.KM bushel. Vered with the government report last month. It waa niutnly on account of the anauian estimate that the market here developed strength at the outset. The re duction In the domestic spring crop esti mate was the chief reason for a fresh bulKe later In the session. Hedging prere norihaest led to a temporary setback In the wheel market, when the influenoe of the Canadian nee had somewhat worn off. Export business at Kaneaa City ended the second ad- Mince. Export vleersnces were heavy at i,wi uuinets. ne murset also whs responsive to rumors that Turkev would terlsra war on Hueela. and would draw all the Balkan states into the conflict. Corn advanced brink Iv after wavering tbrouxhuut the first half of the session. Kit tmates that the crop condition vas H as agatnst Tii.4 lent montli and that larm reserves were only hajt ss larce as a year ago formed the Im-entlve. Activ ity continued antong exporters of oals. l'oreixn purchaat-a amounted to . nearly MVt) bushels. t'rovielons a ere depressed by the bear ish shoeing In the monthly statement of stocks on hand here In warehouers. The tra'le virtually lguored an early advanve In (he price of hot:s. Artnlei ien. High. I Ixw. (Close ; Yeey Wh-at! I Kept. I 1 losi lec..l Wtit 1 14V May. 1 1 o'J 1 H 1 1 i3-,i 1 it! ; 1 1 1 10 1 J5 I 23 1 Wl 1 21 '4 1 Sl'i I 123 I Corn ( I SeiH.17Wi?if7l lec. 7 t Way .J74 H! cu ( I NPtlH4TV 21 74 7M 80VI 71S, TJSt 73SI 6'l 4Ti 4TI 76w I 74 4S Iwc..MV'-". K.ii'OA.I ilsy. M-,OS tt, Perk rWptl 2 00 I 20 M I Jan-.j S sUVfe! 22 70 Lard I I I H pl. ia 11-15! 10 U I XrU.! W 40 I 10 40 I Jan..1 10 0 ( 10 0 It i ha I f I s;t . 1? I I II 56 .K-L.t II SO 12 lV-, .1 an.. 11 CV1 11 70 4 20 M 22 4i 20 00 1 20 00 21 60 I 22 72 10 OS 1 10 or 1 10 IS 10 io rv 1 37', 10 7 i 10 7."S 10 K7-W 12 69 12 60 ' II A 11 J'-'l 12 SS1 U 37' 11 y.', 11 o in t-i Chuau Ceb Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. UlSj14. No : hard. II .llSfll.lP Corn: No 2 yellow. No H rel- o, rvW''Ic. Mt: No. I while, 4i c; st.tninrd. 4'.i(i.-. Hye: No. . W'V. Iterley: vtr)s-. Timothy: 4.7."r'(i.o. Clover: Nominal. T'otk: Notn'.ial. lird: 1' 07i Itlt.B- JlMl'V'ililV:', HI 'TTKIl Steady : creameries. 2Cvi.10c. KKIS-Hte.v; receipt.. 11. 711 cases; at msrk, c.tc Included. IWi'.-.'c; ordinary firsts. 'f-?lc: firsts. 2IV'i. It TATi 'I llecelpts. 46 i ars: Minne sota and Ohio. 6,.'w7t"c; jerseys, 71i.r, monntsln - 7 tjwc. It l"I.TRY Higher; springs. Ific; fowls, l.'.40. ev Vnrk t.eneral Market. NCT' YORK. sent. l-KltJAR-nsw, market firih; innlsses. i.37c; centrlf utrs I, fjc; refined, stea.ly: iit loaf, 2.1.V; crfnhed, 0r.c; mold A, 7.70o; cubes, 7.'V; XXX X powilered. 7.40c; poa-dered. i -r; une granuifltei, t.zi-c; diamond A. 7 25; confectioner "A." 7 15c; No I, 7 flfie HI'TTKR Steady; rerelpta 11.400 tubs; creameries, extras, IPVTi .!; first. 2hV Mr; seconds, W--'w; process extra. 2T.df 'i Isdles, etirrent mske. firsts, 2niU 2tc; seconds, Zl'r'uM'". packing stock, cur rent make, No. . 21''.Tir CHKKSK Irregular; receipt. 2. mo boxes; slste whole milk, fresh white and colored. s.eclals, W,r; stste whole milk, average isncy ist(is-; sKims, sjmc. n-S Urni; recelpta 11,200 cases; fresh gathered extras, 2!'n.;ic; extra firsts, 27ft 2-V: flj-sts, ZtyaWic; se-onilfl, 24&2V; state), Pennsylvania and nearhv hennery, whites, Xiyir; state, Pennsylvania and neat by gathered whiles. 3.V17o; state. Pennsylvsnla and nearby hennery browns. 3Trl2c: stste, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered browns and mixed colors, 231 Wv. POtT.TRT Live, steady; western chick rns, broilers, l(M'o; fowls, 174 IHc; turkeys, l.Vnltc; dressed firm: western chhkens, froiten, IfriCOi-; foals, Wwi9e; turkeys, uV'tWo. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Neb.. Aug. 21. -PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland, none here til. 6": No. 1, none here, 11100; No. 2. 2 OOitrlO oil; No. 3. I orrrr 00; choice midland, none here, 111.00; No. 1. 110 .'; No. 2. I flO-,1 10 00; No 2. 14 IKW4.00; No. 1 rholre low Isnd. Ist.flofilO.flO; No. 2, 7.0fao.(iO; No. 2. If, orvai.t. PTRAW Choice oat or rye. 2S.0fVfM.S0; choh-e wheat. W.fiOWn.OO ' ALFALFA Strictly choice, US SO 4 00; No. 2, 19 .VV& 10 SO; No. 1. 12.0rrl3.00; No. 2, not wanted, 17 OOia.flO. Mlaneapolfs Grain Market, MINNKAPOI.TR. Kept. 2. WlfEAT- Peptember, I1.l.1; December, 21.1fi; No. 1 hard, 1.23: No. 1 northern. 11.1 1.21; No. 2 northern. ll.loft&l.lMi FIT'It Cnohsnged. lARLv:Y-4nr(i72o. RTB-Vjflmr-, HRAN-li1.(. X)ItN No. 2 yellow, 7??f74o. OATS No. 2 white, 47'4tH7-11e. FIM.X-21.BW(1.3V Kansas City fenln and Prwe-tetona. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 1-W1IFAT No. 2 hard, II 041 09; . No. 2 oM, ll flrt'; Heptemher. II OTa; December, ILOTJkiJrt.Og; Msy. tl.li. CORN Noi 2 mixed, 7Sc: No. .2 white. 7Sc: lecember. 7oVc; Msv. 74W744e. OATH No. 2 white. 4ttc: No. 2 mixed. 4Wi4,c. HITTBR-Oeamery. WVic; first. 25e: seconds, 24c; packing, 21o. F.tKVH Firsts, 2tc; aeconda, Wc. ' POUlVTRY-Iens, 14c; broilers, leo. . t. Loals Uraln Market. py. Loins, Sept. t whfjat No. 2 red. 1.114rl IS; No. 2 hard. el.0Htrl.14; PP temher, . 1.10'4; December, $1.12. CORN-No. 2. WiHc: No. I white, 21 He; September, 7o; Deoember. 7218" Tic. OATfV-No, UllflMVi; No. 1 white, 53c. CHICAGO LIVH RTOCK MARKET Cuttle Fir Hogs Casettled Sheep Steady. CTIICAOO. Sept. t-CATTLB-rtecelpts. 1R.O0O head; market firm; beeves, $6 10.116; steers, ltl.2Mi4t.2Ti; stock ere and feed ers, 26.MWftl.2H: cows and heifers, t.ldir.h 40; calviw. r.80f'n.a&. , HOf3J kecelpts, 20.009 head; msrket un settled; bulk of sales ,t!. 00uV.fvO; light, iral- rolxd, $R.rg(i.i6; heavv,.'.s.7o ft.bl): mush. SH7iflgliK. t.l sr. a.. PHBEP AND LAM as Receipts, 2 000 ned: market steady; sheep, It 7(i0.t0; yearlings. 2a.40iM.nt lambs li TSifiT . Kaasaa City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 2 CATTLE He- oetvta, B.OU0 head ;. market higher: prime too Fleers, :.y:h lo ew; dressed heer steers, 27 (t(etiO; western steers. I-i.JOti9.2f.: etock ers and feeflersj IS.HOrpfH IS; iulk of sale 6.2Mi.h&: calvee, 26.6Wi10.W, IKKJrt Receipts, , R,uo0 head; market higher; bulk of sales. $f 2oji9 2G; , heavy, $B.xf9.W): packers and butchers, pi.mt f.it; light, it.lo..40; plKS, noiiiiH.75. HlOIiP. AND 1.AM 1V Receipts, 7.000 neao; marset nigtier) la.ni lis, ii.otvfrr 40; yearlings, IVWVj.ij; wethers, 25.26to.60; ewes. It.TT-flC.IO. J St. Ideals 1,1 re Stoek Market. BT. IIIUSv Kept. 2, f-XATTLTT Re ceipts. I.MO head; market higher. Native peer steers, 7.Mnio.iO; cows and heifers. fenotl9.SO; Blockers and feedore, 25.00r(i i.w; aouinern steers, tt ut.l; cows and heifers, 24.00itf.&0; native calves. I6.0ta 10.7B ' HOOS-Ttecelpta. 10. head; market steady; pigs and Hghta, 27.(.O.0O; mixed and butchers, 2.3f.tio; good heavy, llt.40 BHEEIP AND LAMTtR Receipts, ' 3.300 neaa; market steady; native mutton, 24.0V .iu; la nibs, l,.vuiii. x Sloaa City Live Stork Market. ..HIOTrX CITY, la, Rent. 2. OATTLK jxeewtpts, wio neaa; market stesdy; native steers. t7.3hOi: butchers, 26.Kt.50: cows and lieirers, &.? SB; cejinera, 24.0Oti4 75; stockera and' feeders. M.lVa7.40; calves. ti.6iv,rio 09: bulls. Io.0otf 7.00. IHHIS-Receipts, 4,fJ head; market iVfy Wa higher; . hewy. 2)4.!C.26; mixed, 2.ft0 w; pgni, ie nnja.sv. KHEKP AND LA MDS Receipts, l,00t head: no market. 1 St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSKPH. Hept. I C ATTIJ") Re ceipt. 1 JW head; market steady: steers. i; iiOiulO.tu; cows . and heifers, 24.2Mftf.60, rsites, o.u!4j iv iw. lltxis Kecelpts. 2 WO head; market strong: ouik, i .icvv HHK.r.P AND LAM Kit Receipts. 1,000 neaiij marnet sieaay; lamhs. ti.7MJ'7.40. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 1 OOFFEB 80 far as could be learned In coffee circles here loony, importers still are rinding It very difficult to arrange for financing fresh purohasea of coffee Id Brssll and busi ness In the cost and freight market Is said to be far from normal. Tha vlelbl supply of the V'nited Htetes was reduced by about JOji.009 bugs during the montli .f August, slid apprehensions are expressed In some circles that the supply of the bet ter grades of Santos coffees will become scarce before the usual business with Hrexll Is posvlhle. At the same time no very active demand waa reported In the local soot maiket and prices were.un charmed, with Klo 7 quoted at 'v and Pantos 4s at 12V. while cost and freight effent from Hiasll are reported under a normal parity with theee figures. The Klo market was 76 rets lower at tha ..e yesterday and rtantos curb was It) rels loaer-.on 4s. Jtecripts at' the two Krasilian ports were ls.OHO bags; Juudtahy rei-elpts. 10,1x10 bag a Ury tieeds Market. NEW- YORK. Hept. !. lRY tlOOHS The primary cotton goods market waa yolet toilav, but there were Indications lht a Ixiylng moenieiit was alHiut to de velop. Cotton yarns were weaker; bur laps and worsted yams firm. . - K asiorated Apples and Drteat Kralt. NT-rW YORK, Kept, t EA'APORATKH APPLKS tjnlet. 1 RI Kll t'Kl lT Prunes firm; apri cots dull and easy; peethea steady; rais Ina quiet. 1 ' New York Meaey Market. NEW YORK, ftept. t-i4KKCANTII-E PAI'KR 7 per rent. HTKHLINO KXCHANOE Nominal: for cables. 9.r.twun07: for demand. tt.(Ko 2 06. K1LVEK-Har, MSe. tlaak Cleartags. OMAHA. Sept. I -Hank elearinss for Omaha today were 93.4W.010 H3. and for lite corresponding day laet ear, 13 aV-17.1l. 4utte Market. ' LIVKRPOt)!., Hept. 2. --COTTON Kpot Ik fair demand, hales. !.) bales. Metal Market. RT. ir'L'ld. Sept. 2.-MKTALS Lead quiet. W'i. fcpellrr quiet, 1 IMX OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Fair Midweek Run of Cattle of All x Kind2. HOGS COMING IN QUITE FREELY Moderate Rea of krra aad Lessee for the Day, hat Total fnr the Week lo Date Is Very Large. Receipts mere: Cattle, ilogs. Bheep. Official Monday 12.M2 4.220 42.SJI Official Tuesdsy 6.IM0 H,1H 2a.O7 (tlmated Wednesday. 2,4) 7.200 17,000 Three day this week. .22,202 Hntne dsvf last week..l.72 Heme drk 2 wks ago.. 14,11 Hame days 2 wks ago.. 9.134 Same days 4 wks ago,, H.42I Same time year ago.. 22,422 The following table shows hogs at the Houth Omaha II 1,M4 20.iJ 17.H20 13,612 7.RWI 20,240 90. ISO 70.21i 42Ai 443 ft,223 the prices for ve stock mar with comparl ket ror the last few days, sons: I'Bte. 11)14. I!I2.'II2 inil. jJSlO. 11909. 10. Aug. I 724 I '! 7 75 1 I 1 001 9 ov 7 17 9 J0 7 f!7 44 I 24; 7 731 9 41 9 23 7 4i i II 9 3;, 7 Ml I 9; I 7 49l 39 I Mi I 22 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 7 17 1 tS 7 77 7 19 7 m 7 M! 2 (' 1 w: 9 04 7 r 9 041 7 26 I ioi 7 16 Aug. 9 mi 1 nsi Auk. Aug. Aug, Auk. Aug. t 7(n I 7HU 1 7 9 11 7 J I 4 7 i2 32 34 I 41 4fi 47 7 91 7 17 7 101 t 70 IU IK 7 71 I 26 9 31 7 60! 7 9 74'i 7 91 9 W 9 MS 7 2 9 31 7 13 7 99 A UK. Aug. 7 11 9 3.i; 7 IS, 7 Ml 9 3 7 11 I 91 01, 9 Ml 7 73 Aug. 9 W, 9 2 7 OZ! 7 f3 4f Hept. ept. 9 7' 7 9?' 7 0T I TO 7 R2i i 1 ? 9 22 7 1 21 9 95 7 90 4 Sunday, Receipt and disposition of live stock t the I'nlon Mtock vsrds Knnth Iw.k. for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. yesterday: It EC E1PTB CA Rfl. C t m. c. ."ie.HOKg.unp. 6 Wghaah Ry Missouri Pacifln Ry.. 1 22 7 40 9 2 2 20 2 m 2 7 34 19 nion j-aciric Ry , N.-W.. east. C. A N.-W.. west ('., Ht. p., M. O. Ry... C. B. ar Q., east......... C, B. it Q., west.A C, R. I. A P., east C . K. I. P w... 1 1 t-nic. g,o Great Western.. Total receipts jso in LIIUHITION-HUAD. (2 Cattle. Hosrs. Sh eep. eiorna .a f . . n swift a co..'.,.'.'.'.'.';;;;';iOT7 723 3.2M 1,447 4M 1,237 401 6,0fiH 6,1 1 1,713 Udahy Packing Co....l,0f9 ""M"ur . vo J. W. Mlirphy Morrell Unroln Packing Co"!! W. H. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant A L. Hill A Hon......."... K. B. Lewis I.,.. Hueton Co 761 2 13 69 2 . 117 162 63 100 29 19 131 115 100 44 122 60 19 3 17 7 9 (2 12 41 43 200 H. Hoot A Co H. Bulla Mreary A Kellogg. erthelmer A Legen. II. K. Hrtmllton Pulllvan Broa Mo. A Kan. Calf Co. Christie Hlgglns I Huffman ' Roth Meters : " raker, Jone, Tanner TtroM A Smith. John Harvey Kline i. ac r . . . Other buyers 22,297 Totals .5,089 4.241 88,437 CAlTLK Receipts of cattle were fair Tor a AVednesday but not large. Key the three days this week the run haa been the heaviest tor any recent period of the .k,ii uui onir aooui on a par wttk is, year age. m The arrivals todays ndJ t . . . 1 yji p.pij nay etna wees, have consistent v.rv isvmIw - with only small sprinkling of natives and cornfeds. . . " "ve nemana ror Deer Meatfly 1 . - . .. . . ........ uiiia wnn me result mai I rraH alnli a,Wi..L - t m . " , -linn waa lower luesaay. 'uv- oe oiienngs ensngea hands quite freely and the big bulk of the rScelota u' - 1 . 1 , . -, . . umiwu ui w an early nour. cornfeds, which were no lower yesterday, held steady again today. , Cows and lieirers were In very fair de mand and the better grades which have been breaking were -strong to 10e higher looming, i ne iraue was quite active , " 01 prices ana a reasonably early Clearance waa made. Good feeders held steady, the same as they have every day thla week, but the light 9toekora and for that matter thin and inferior cattle of all weights Were very glow sellers. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfed beeves,, 9.Mm 10.24; fair to good cornfed beeves. 2S.7Wt9.60; common to fair cornfed beeves, I7.7.Vii8.76; good to choice range steers. 7 .4Oj.u0; fair to good range steers, I. HVH7.40; common to fair range steers, WOO, 76; good to choice grass cows. 20.26(87.76; fair to good grades, 26 60 tt.2o: common to fair gradea, I3.7&S6 60; ?'i 1 rholc "lockers and feeders. 97.60 3.00; fair to good stockera and feeder. W.76H,. 60: common to fair stockera and ireuers , wust. 10; siocg cows and heifers, 26.;'MiH.,:.; stock calves, 2H OOihe.OO: veal Til' W.flOtj'lO.eO; bulls, stags, etc.. 2i.2b NKDRAflKA. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr 140 25 12 feeders. , 30 ,9 Hi 4ujtAss. at-A at A. aa a. . 1 . - - iTiitii al. 4 bulla.... 1 bull ... 1 bull 1 cow 19 steers.,, 6 steers... 41 cows.,,, 42 cows.... M cows.... II feeders. 2 cows.... 14 feeders. 24 feeders. . 70 . 6Mi .1190 . S"t .10.4) . 674 . KM .! .1(11 .14,6 .lnt4 . 3 .111 . 9X3 . 03 4 00 I heifers... 614 00 4) 00 t 70 5 60 6 26 6 45 t 76 76 76 7 76 95 9 40 7 86 HO 6 46 6 76 6 9 76 9 90 76 9 26 0 1 cow ioho 1 75 1 bull 1240 5 1 heifer . 790 t 60 5 cows.. 4 heifers 22 steers. 9 cows.., 9 cows.., T pnl-i . .. 270 ... 919 ...1077 ...UW ..1403 ..1407 4 6 I 76 4 60 4 75 7 75 7 76 7 16 7 K6 7J i i 17 fneiiera , 710 29 feeder. .11X4 26 feeders. . HH0 steers.... 414 is cow ra 09 steers 1 bull... ( 76 .10 ui 1 calf lat in on ( cows 22 reylers..lU4 .4 96 43 feeders. , 94 I H IS steers... .1170 4 70 14 cows 1142 4 26 23 cowa 1010 4 26 M steers.. ..1443 9 rs.Ahfrs. W6 M steers. ...1101 II cows 10W 9 steers. ...102 VYOMrN-c. 36 , 7 steers. ...1011 t 9Ti 21 steers....) ! 26 94 steers.. ..ia 7 60 11 steers.. ..Un6 7 26 12 Hteers....l HI 9 heifers... U 90 -10 steer. ...lew t 90 steers.... W.3 M 10 steers.. ..1161 10 steers.. 7 steers.. t steers.. 41 steers.. 12 steers.. t steers.. 23 steers.. 14 steers.. I steers.. ; o7 ,. 971 .10114 ..12411 .Ik , ism ,.lofl ..11W . M t steers. ,.1K; 7 1 9 steers. ...tail IS steers. ...Ills 40 49 steers... .130. 26 steers... .1221 T DO - POCTH 19 steers. ...1144 90 DAKOTA. 33 steers. ...1107 1 04 90 steers... .1114 S. O. T 06 1-ewls, Nebraska. 27 feeders.. Km 7 66 4 feeders. .10T2 IU 1 feeder... MO 9 M 7 eoVe..... 941 9 26 1 cow..."... 7i t 7 1 steer 10 64 1 feeder. ..KM 7 Ln.ils Nea, 2 feeders.. 74 7 16 9 feeders.. I" W 9 cows NMi 4 76 12 feeders . To? 7 16 Karl llnke. 1 feeder... 7 4 9 cow s 10(1 4 -.6 2 half era.. 700 4 60 1 feeder... 4d0 6 JO Nebraska. 4 feeders. . TfT 9 cows lot I feeders.. 5 cowa UM Nebraska. T K. 5 o 6 ; 6 90 16 steers ... 1133 7 3b A Christlanson A Son. Nebraska. 49 feeders . l-, 7 46 . 4 feeders.. 7t 4 60 is eu.tv. ten d wi 44 feeders. .1077 1 I I feeders.. lUSO 4 46 J. J Gregg, Nebraska. S feeders.. ?2 4 To 4 feedera.. 717 4 TO 60 i now a 974 3 90 2OOWW....9U0 H. F. 14 feeders.. 1010 2 cows K40 ,I..H' 22 feeders. loM I Age, Nebraska. 7 IS 4 feeders.. 737 4 10 Ilsney," Nebraska, -7 80 10 feedera.. 1161 7 26 60 Kaiuihill . . & Q. Co.. Nebraska. 4 steers... 22 feeders. tl. 62 feeders. J II feeders I2TI hi 12 feeders.. LM6 7 41 .IS) 7 S F. Johnson, eoraska. .11131 4 0 47 feedera.. 1001 Is) II Hanrv, Netraka. 21 feeders! .1110 f 40 10f4 6 7. Thomas 14 steers.. ..loll 4 Hell, Nebraska. II edere..ht,2 T 0 2 fetxiers . ' 4 60 5 feeder.. in,) 7 V) Wyoming. 6 feeders . 10X1 7 00 W omlug. U steer.. ..1214 7 45 R 24 feeders.. T. I sttsrs.... Johnson. 94 ;hi H Reevis 2 steer. ...1(40 s :A 3 steers.. ..ioi t.v)! 1.1 steers... .11.-9 4 73 C. .1. Younp, Colorsdo. M feeders.. ;W 4 2 feelers.. 925 4 Ofl c. F. Csstieberry. Montana. 7 steer. ...1214 7 40 3 steers .. .1143 7 40 4 Steers. ...lOli 4 !M .Ieiier A K., rViufh lskot. 3 cows 1IM 6 Wi 12 feeder.. I041 6 46 15 feetlers. . Kxt 6 06 4 bull 1210 6 45 H'MiSRecelpts were moderate for a Wednedav, sliout 110 csrs, or 7.2 besd. being received. The total for the three days la something like 19.6.14 hesid. being more then l.t'n head smaller then Isst week, end a trifle lighter than for the same period lst year. Trade openerl out verv dull this morn ing and aside from a few loads sold early on shipping nccount at generallv atesdy prlce. nothing moved until well along In the forenoon. I luring the earlier hours rsckers refused to even make bids, the general sentiment being thst they wanted to buy hogs a dime lower. With all other markets higher, sellers were asking at least a dime advance, but when ship pers and speculators started out hlddlng stesdy prices on packing grades, a num ber of strings were cashed l'p to this time packers had been bidding around 2HH). thst Is fully a dime lower than yes terday, but when the shipper hegsn pay ing prices, killers started out and bought enough hog" lo fill their more urgent order, on nbout the same bssls. This Improvement was not felt all over the yards, as buyers were still bidding a dime lower on a good many hogs. From this tlmo on the trade remained very tfull, and although sellers held out until lata in the forenoon. In an effort to get even, steady prices, the balance of the hogs finally sold at figures thst were weak to a nickel lower, the later sale looking to be at least a nickel lower. The general market was verv uneven, and can be quoted as a shade lower. Pome sales to shippers look stronger, while quite a number of the packer sales show morn or less decline. P.ulk sold st tHAVrt ., the long string moving st 3.!X), and tnere waa a epnnming aa high as 99.16, with a top of 2n. From the sellers' standpoint, conditions at present are rather discouraging. The trend of the local trade had been do-vn- rd all week. Packing demand seems to be slack, and whllo receipts have been very moderate an week killer buyers do not appear to want hogs very badly. although they will take them at their owrn flHiire. Shipping orders have been lighter than usual, and since last Thurn- nny tne puik or the receipts haa been al the packers disposal. No. AT. 9h. IT. Nd. At. Sh. Pr. rw to 9 H .wi ... in .24 ... H J I 120 I H 41 . ..WT ... 96 M.. ... lis. ... 4 f. 11.. II.. IT. . 44.. n.. ..wo ..rM I 44 St.. I 46 18.. 1J0 M IN M. . 10.. .. rr.. M. . 64.. M. . ..272 ..I46 ..! ..lt 140 n 40 90 I U Ifi. B.4 4 40 K. 2 I 40 M 274 9 10 7) KM 4 to 11 9 0 64 tKl I 40 54 179 140 40 4 M I 14 I 94 ( 9 00 0 4 DO 9 0 9 PS 9 It) .. ... ..274 2(X ,.r 1M no 120 ..3-. StO 9 40 1 1 .109 ... IN 44 t0 4. . 41.. 10.. M.. 44 ft 9 90 44 Ti - 40 .111 40 9 10 44. 1M .900 119 I 4 S 179 .934 ... 9 10 44 2M 44 4 10 9 It tl 9 IO Kk- It Umj. a .vtner moderate run of sheep and lambs today, as the supply amounted to no more than about 17.000 head. . being about emiallv divided as to fat ami feeder offerings. For the week to dste, however, the receipts have been excessively large, there being as many as 93,316 head reported In, compared with 80,190 a week ago, 70,219 to weeks ago and 79.233 for the corresponding period a year ago. in view of the liberal receipts for the week thus far and the lower trend to range lambs at Chicago yesterday, while the local trade here was In the main steady, sellers did not hope for any Im provement this morning, consequently showed a willlngless to accept ateady prlcea during the first rounds. The mar ket was a drag most of the forenoon, and when the majority of the offerings changed hands, prices were weak to a dime lower than the getters! run of sales cn luenoay, or about steady with Tues day's close, the last sales yesterday not being as good aa the early transaction. The mutton supply today consisted for the most part of ewes, there being all told some seven cart, and prices showed no material change. . There were no new or Interesting fea ture In the feeder trade different from the first two days of the week except for a continuance of , an easier feeling in feeding Iknibs. aged feeder offerings go Ink on a beurig about steady. The bulk of' the feeding lambs moved, around !6.ioqg JH6, and a good manv Of them sold pe ore any Yat stuff moved. - ;, .'-. Quotations on range sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $7.20fl7 40; lambs, fair to good, t7.10j7.2O; lambs, feeders. r 2fijr7.06; yearlinKS. good to choice, I5.4143) 90; yearlings, fair . to good. 5.i6'tjy.40; yearlings, feeder. 6.4iftft6.80; wethers, good to choice. 6.0096.16; wethers,, fair to good. 24.80diG.oo, wether,- feeders, 14. 804 4.70; ewes, good to holce, $4.8oa4.0; ewce, fair to good, 24.HKS4.80; ewes,. feede ., 43.40 td.20. . .. - ' SHEEP. No. Av. Pr. 16 Idaho fat wethers 131 - 6 2b 79 Idaho fat ewes .114 4 3T, 103 Idaho fat ewes...... 90 - 4 CO 16 Idaho fat ewes 98 4 00 26 Idaho fat lambs M 4 60 2.. Idsho fat lambs 62 4 00 SHo Idaho fat lambs M 4 66 20 Idaho fat lambs , 69 6 25 99 Idaho fat lambs rr. 68 6 76 44 Idaho fat lambs 61 - 4 76 92 Idaho fat lambs 67 6 66 642 Idaho fat lambs 2 6 66 9S Wyoming fat lambs 63 6 76 230 Wyoming fat lambs 44 6 26 700 Nevada fat lambs 64 6 94 Nevada fat lambs 43 4 25 221 Wyoming fat lambs 64 4 IS6 Wyoming fat lambs 69 4 90 1H6 Wyoming fat Iambs 69 4 90 2)11 Wyoming fat lambs 40 4 80 94 Wyoming fat lambs 6 4 90 194 Wyoming fst lambs." 69 4 80 214 Wyoming fat lambs 69 4 90 134 Wyoming fat lambs...., 69 490 89 Wyoming fat lambs 69 6 90 2AI. Wyoming fat lambs 69 4 90 100 Wyoming fat lambs 62 4 80 63 Wyoming fat lambs 63 4 80 210 Wyoming fat lambs 63 6 90 319 Wyoming fat lambs 61 4 80 ft Wyoming fat lambs 61 4 90 2a Wyoming fat lambs 63 4 90 or Wvomlng fat lamba 61 4 90 161 Wyoming lamba 61 4 80 M Wyoming fat lamba 61 4 80 2M Wvom.-ig fat lamba 61 4 80 93 Wyoming fai lambs .(..61 4 80 240 Wyoming fat lambs 61 4 80 262 Houth l'akota fat lamba 66 4 90 114 Houth Dakota fat lambs 69 4 80 23 Wyoming fat laniba 61 4 40 IKS Wyoming fst lamba 71 4 4 12ii Wyoming fat lambs 71 4 40 lf.7 Wyoming fat lamba .-. 64 4 40 219 Wyoming tat ewea 92 2 40 2?8 Wyoming fat ewea 93 2 90 33 Wyoming fat ewea 94 I 60 tH South Dakota rat ewes 23 2 40 SW4 Houth Dakota fat ewea 41 I 40 2.14 Wyoming yearlings 92 6 40 214 Wyoming yearlings tl t 40 43 Wyoming yearlings 90 6 40 244 Idaho fat lamba 66 4 76 62 Idaho fat laniba M 4 78 217 I tah fat laniba M 4 K 123 rtah fat lambs , 68 4 76 1 237 Wyoming fat lambs 69 4 90 ' 113 Wyoming fat lambs 69 4 90 144 1 tah fat lamba 47 - 7 00 a?H rtah fat lambs 47 , 7 00 IM Vteh fat lamba ...47 TOO 2"8 l'tah fat lambs 44 7 20 240 l'tah fat lamba Ifri 7 20 216 Wyoming fat lambs 70 7 16 lfT Wyoming fat lamba '.., 70 . 7 IS 23 l'tah fat ewea .'. Ii4 . 126 H I tah fat ewea I'M 4 70 24 l'tah fat ewea 109 4 70 14 etills 94 2 60 ltd Wyoming rat ewea....,.., 1 ion l;3 Wyoming fat ewea .7 .,..110" "4 $s 13X Wvnmlnif fat awaa A 4JE Si n Wyoming lat ewea m 2 ini ? vmuig mi ewea mj g fa 49 Wyoming rat ewes 114 4 43 11 Wyoming fat ewes ..112 4 xa Wyoming fst ewes '.10T( 4 40 274 Wyoming fat Umlw 43 4 85 XI Wyoming fat lams 42 4 85 W)oniing fat lambs 65 460 4MI Wyoming fat lambs 67 TOO M Wyotiiig fat lamb ..' 46 7 00 ' Trustee's Gale! On Friday. Kepteraber 4. 1914, at 14 A. M., at No. 267 Far nam street, I will, by order of the Court, offer for aale io the hlgheet bidder for rash the- following personal property of . A. DA-X.Zl.ia. k ItOITi Xee Oreaaa Ifaetory, lata and Cwmlaf. Motor, frees era, beiueg, paJisja, molds, eto. Salary ead Iwaca aVoexa. 14th aad 2edg-e. Cash register, eoda f owe- lata, aafe, howoeaea, . Ilstoreo, stock, etc Bass &ob aad Store, 9SST Taraass St. , All bakery tools, fixture, show. eaaae, cash regurtar, soda foaataia, toek, eto. AJaTHum OSZrSI.lTat. Trrurtee 2oag. 1IHJT. 10O4 City Hal 'I Sk. Sldg. HENRY SCHUMACKER IS ' MAROONED IN BERLIN At Northwestern headquarters a post card, written August 2. haa been received from Henry Fchumaker. custodian of th German home, now In the war gone of Satisfaction and Savings Assured Facts Mail Orden Filled From Our Daily Ad$ end Care ful f Prompt Attention Given to Every Order. An Interesting & Truly Healthful Display Authentic Modes We hpv-fi not only maintained pur high standard, but hav bettered it, offering broad 'assortments of ideas in dress which reflect with great accuracy the styles as seen by au thorities in women's apparel. Fashions in Dress That will place a woman at once in style's front rank. At each price you'll find both assort ments and qualities bet- tered. Let us show you. As a Special For Thursday Over 200 w nrre Satins, crepe de chine and nobby gerge frocks, Includ ing the moat .charming basque gtrlea; shown spe cially at ....... $15.00 One More Py of the Grtxtt ale of ' Sample P'ur Act quickly, sel dom, If ever before, was such value-giving In fine furs known. Come early. fa Our Infanta' . Dept. A splendid new line of com plete outfits for the baby, best assortment shown In Omaha at 83.05 to 825 : the illustration but come in and try. it on.' You'll find it wonder fully becoming and a value you'll scarcely match' at less than $7.f0 elsewhere ........... 1 '. jjg Many Other Clever Models Specially Priced. Linens Thursday Pure Linen Hucfc Toweling Dif ferent widths for fancy towels; values to 79c, yard 50r Dew Bleached Belfast Satin Dam. .ask, pure flax, $1.25 quality, per yard 81.00 Dinner napkins, 22x22 inches; all pure linen, assorted, $5.00 values, 6 for 81.50 Belfaat Pattern Table Cloths, as sorted sixes, grass bleached; $5. values, each 83.00 Table Padding, heavy fleeced, full width; off the bolt. 38c values, yard 25 High Grcde Viash Bathrobing, per yard '. . . ... ... . . .' :35c Bath Robe Blankets, each. $2.50 India Blankets . . . . $3.50 -to $8.50 Wool Blankets, pair.. $2.50 to $25.00 Comfortables, each, from 59c to $15.00 Baby Blankets or Cribs, ea., 39c t $45 Wash Dress Goods, yard. . . .5c'to $1.00 An Important Sale io .lolhcrs , who have boys to get ready, for school. Choice of All Boys' Spring and Summer Suits Every one in stock, values from $3.95.up to $7.50; all sizes 6 to 18 years,. good coloi-s, many of .them dark, all at one price for-three days, Thursday, Friday and Saturdav, at ..: .....$2.00 Boys' Knickerbocker Pants Good dark colors, splen didly made, 50c values, all sizes, just the thing for school , pants; on sale 'rhursday,' Friday and Saturday. . . .29c a.aaaaa""""""""""" THIS IS PEACH WEEK Two Tti Is ts extra raocy rruiu ws sarin out- customers to. bur new, aa this will be the cheapest fruit to put up for the winter. . Ills Tfeandar, p orato I WW Issksl Basse ft-Tlsr Bxtra Faaoy - BerUett reera. per boa S1.7S 1ft lea. best trraaalate aM..10 44-H. Mki bst hih srade Flour, made from No, 1 aelectod wheet nothing finer for breed, pie or cmkf. seek ft 1.3ft 1 here Beet 'Em All. Diamond C, Lnnox or I-eundry Queen White laundry Soep tse 14 -os. cens Condensed Milk TVe 4 Iba beat hand picked Nr Beejis Ktirope. At the time of writing, Mr. Schumeker slated that he wasln Herlln and saw little. prospect of getting out, and lst prospect of getting back to Omaha. Own your home. You a purchaj on eaay monthly payments like Read the real estate columns. e on rent rtj Don't Miss Friday's Sale of Kamnl- ?. V'Vi ( U Lbii ored Suits. Witch Thursday Eve. papers for pricte. - .......... Smart Rebeaux Turbans en Sale They're new; they 're correct; they're beautiful One "of "the many dashing new fall mod els shown, here. Made of black velvet, smartly - edged with metallic - braid and trimmed with burnt pheasant. You ran get a fairly ?ood Idea of the beauty and' .becomingness . of this new model from 4.98 Dig Special Sale of Cut Glass A AT) lend id thnvine' a i ,.iii..i i . duced ' prices"- rVi. GI'VVPP1 Regular $3.50 values at 1 "o?ce a'tv. T,6 t0 M 0 TrlUe' bau"l Patterns; your Handsome Berry BowlslMade'to Veil" it $8 to Vl'oV choice,' flS C ut glass salt and pep per, sua kers, reg ular 50e values. snap, at,,'; M. pair fSi iCL Goods 2S ' . W r r ,J M n a, mi t M alVi lilt aaW . r In tho Domestic Room Special Sale on Sheets and Pillow Cases 72x90, each 29c 38c 48c 59c . 81x90, each. .... 38c 49c 59c 75c Pillow Slij)s, each-r-- at. .:7c 8V2c 10c 12V2c 15c 18c Bed Spreads, each. . . .... 39c to $3.00 Table Covers, each 59c to $5.00 Napkins, dozen 4o to a "5 Art owehlsrac"h 3H 2 Towels, each .... 35i to 50 1 Carloads of Extri Ftncy Eltterta Freestone Peaches for Haydei Bros. ror aaa T bera Electrte Spark or 1 NejWithe" . foep 5o T .lbs. beat bulk Lundrr Starch -.ftoe . II -os. jars pure fruit Preaervea. . aco hrshey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb... aoo Ooldrn Bauloa Coffee, lb UVk Taa Batter CTbeeaa Market of . Omaha for the ireople. The- beai- t'reajnerjr Butter, rarton or bulk, per lb aao The best Countrr Creamery Butter, Per lb. t No. 1 fairy Table Butter, lb fte :!LTnY.MAVnPM'Ci Finer it SIXTY-FOUR MEMBERS MORE FOR AK-SAR-BEN PIxty-four more members may be talten Into the organlistion of Ak-Sar-Ben thle yesr. After thst the door will close. The hustling committee, meeting at the Hcn shaw hotel, reported 2 4.T4 members. in September Sales Store Open 8:30 A. M. to 6 P.. Af. Excepting Satur- uajTf rrici wsvetfiK a Will Be as Utual, 9 P.M. Tailored Suits and Coats that embodv everv' best essential of real value. Months of careful and considerate preparation finds us now splendidly ready to supply ypufl wants. As a Special For Thursday 185 AntTimn Suits Mad to sell at $25.00; in the most charming styles and desir able materials, for this one day. at, choice. . .$16.75 ' Jnst NRtce1ed a big Itock ' of Eitra Large Blsee In . Coats, , , Suits, Dreeses and Skirts for large women, unutually broad assortment for se lection. ',' ,' , In Our Infants' Dept., One Day; Thursday Baby, Shoes and Hose, Rattles, Bibs, 'Shawls and Sacques, . 25c values at ., ....10 Tall. 75c Fancy Goods - ' ;:'19C;'--'MK; Thursday ' we will place on sale. .all the beautiful Art Needle Work, delayed in .shipment from the- H. B. Claflin Stock. Table Coyers, Pillow.Tops, Scarfs, Center Pieces, f Laundry Bags, Stamped j Linens, etc.; regular 50c and 75c valuers; choice'," ;at.;...,.;.0,.;..19c' tfemplete' stock-of D. M. 0. ! at Old Prices.j Stamped LinensMade to ; sell at from 5c up to 35c, at . .ic, sy2c; 5c, ioc ueauuiui cui giass at. greatly re- Ng TrfnT T Wto '..I I I LL ' s FmW 1 'ai V47 Hardware Section $3.TS Z.rrs Klis, Bsat Grsd Cut Alunlamas ts fcattlsa, special Thoxsdsjr tz.ua 3.1S miM iHt as4 XaTist trad csjrt sJnmlsnm sUUsta, su- olmX ThuttAmj $1 29 Vpaa AlamLaum Wars at Barstvla Vrictm. This la -a Jot of alfh frA Im portad win. Oa aoooank of war ooadiUoaa M mar b a long ttma sinuju W " Mt iss prioss ,-lt. Pressrvinr Kettles, with rovtr $I.1S -qt Preservina Kettles, with i-orer - to Large Windsor Kettles, with rovar mbm4 Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb.... .ftOe Fancy Domestlo Swiss Cheese, lb Use Ooaeord Orapea for JsUy, basket lfte Blpe Tomatoes. laxs ajuket bee- lfte It lba. New Potatoee to the peck.tfta New Cabbage, per lb to 4 bunchea fresh Beets or Carrot. !fte Treen Peppers, market basket... ftfte Fancy Denver Heart Lettuce, head lee Fancy Tenrer Cauliflower, per Ib.loe I-arae Kts Plants, each ........ .fi I stalks freeh Celery jja Was or Oren Beans, lb. ......... fte