Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1914, Image 1

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1 ake Lemiberg Forts After
Direct from the. Rattle Arena.
The Dee's
Real War Photos
Bewt of Thtn All.
Generally Fair
Big Batik
II Tv t i
Frankly Confesses to .Disaster to
Two of the Russian Army
Corps at the Front.
Generals Samsoniv, Martos and Best
itch Give Up Their Lives on
the Battlefield.
Russia Gives Out News Whether it
is in Its Favor or in Favor
of the Enemy.
Strongholds Along the Vistula Are
Preparing for Onslaught.
leaders at 8. Petereanr Hare Con.
. fldenee la the fortltnde and
Mtntnehnea of the Masse
of the Empire.
PETROGRAD (St. Petersburg),
Bept. 2. The general staff announces
that after a seven days' battle the
Russian forces seized the fortifica
tions near Lemberg, capital of Gal
feia, and on September 1, after a
furious fight, routed the Austrians,
who fled in disorder, abandoning
many pieces of artillery.
PETROGRAD (St. Petersburg),
Sept.-2. (3 p. m.) The general
taff announces that the Austrian
Fifteenth division was completely
rooted near Lustchoff on August 28
and. that 100 officers and 4,000. sol
diers war taken prisoner. - ' V
LONDON, Sept. t (10:10 a. m.)
t-i-Advlces have been received here
from St. Petersburg that the Russian
general : staff frankly confesses to
the disaster of two army corps, In
cluding the loss of three general.'
A telegram received In an official
quarter in London today froht the
chief of the Russian general staff
declares that the Russian reverse in
eastern Prussia is to be regarded as
purely local end due to the sudrton
'reinforcement of the Germans (prc
ably at Graudeni and Thorn) 'and
the arrival of their siege uns.
' Rueelan reinforcements also im
mediately arrived.
This report from Russian sources
bears out the claims, made by the
Germans yesterday of the victory at
Allenstein. when thousands were
tikpn nrUoners by the Germans.
Telegraphing from St. Petersburg, !
I the correspondent of the Times de
clares that the war reports given
out by the headquarters ataff in the
Russian capital are generally rather
moager, but in contradiction to what
la te case in Berlin and Vienna.
tney are aiways irue..
That the headquarters w ill stick . j
to thlf plan also when the news is
bad Is proved by the announcements
of today. This attitude shows vaeir
(Continued on Fage Two Column Six.)
. The Weather
Forecaat till X p.. m- Thursday :
Tor Omaha. Council Biuim unJ Vicinity
,ralr; warmer.
P. rn.,
6 p. m
7 p. , m '..
P m
Loral Hrcerd.
, lH.n913. 191MM1.
...V W Wl SO
4 . 77 6 a
.... i SK ' 74 71
00 -.OS .7 ' .01
Highest yetrday
lxweat Vftr'!y
Ien tempeiatue
Temperatura and precipitation depart area
from the normal: '
Normal temperature Ttt!
j.eucienur ior me amy s
Total excess since March 1.. .411
Normal precipitation Ot Inch ;
Iflclncy for th day t"i Inch '
Total ra'nfall since March 1... .17.18 inches
Deficiency since March t 4 S Inchea
Ioflctency for cor. period, 113. t.X inches
Deficiency for cor. period, l'Ul'. t.2S Inches
Reports tram Station at 7 ft. M. ;
Btatlon and f'tate " Temp. High- Raln
of Weather. 7 p. ra. est. .fall.
Cheyene. part rioudy 70 7fi ' .00
Davenport, clear 7 74 .14
Ttanver. Part cloudy 72 7 , .Oft
Iu-a Moines, clear W 7ti .
Vxifc City. cl.-ar 74 u M
North Platte, ciear Ti 7 .Ou
I Omaha, clear 74 71 .00
TUpld City, clear 70 72 .00
' rftieridan, clear 72 7t .00
Sioux City, clear 70 . 74 .00
aleutls aWr 74 .00
Jr-WLeU, Local Foreoaater.
' Tamaevatar i
llcur. Temp.
I i I B i m
ITS '7 m 60
VJ . A m, W
j7V La 9 m -- 2
y A 10 a. m to
x fiNal 1 p- m i
! r! r i J l i p. m... ti
' afcia J fT P- m... 7
' i2a ' IB ip. m ('i
WHERE WAR IS GRIM AND REAL Detachment of Belgian Infantry defending the road between Louvaln and Brus
sels from the approach of the great German army. . , .
r .... tJ-m" ;" 'rf 1.
, '
Russ Embassy at. London Receives
Report Czar's Men Continue
' Advance in East Prussia. .
attltade, of. Tarker aad Italr Are
Aasloaalr'Awalted by All BellU
' 'a-ere.ata,' flaltai,..Trops Land '
" . at Smrrna.
: ' LONDON, Sept. 2. A dispatch to
thfl Central News from Amsterdam
declares "that' telegrams received
there from Berlin set forth that the
German capital is, being guarded by
several army, corps. : -.-i ; . '-
LONHOX, Sept.. 8.--(J:35 ( p. m.)-T.he
Runsian embassy here h received from,
the ,cenral ataffat Petrograd (St. Peters
burg the .following .account of the Rua
'.an rverBi-a in Kast Truasla: .. .'.
, "Otir offenalva con(lnua' In our western
position. In Eaet '1'ruaflla.- 6ur U-oopa have
destroyed the railroad stations at Landa
berjr; Koeasel and Blecho'f ostein ' and the
He!;'ljrrg-Zlntrn and ' the Bartenateln
Koenlgjtberg railroads.'1 1 1 'i ,
."In .the soutliern portion of(East Prua
lln the . Or Diana' brought ',up reinforce
ments along our whole front and attacked
our 't .army, cptp's.' TUae .corps suffered
a chock. , caused by the ' heavy artillery
which the Gimans 'brought up from
neighboring torta on the' Vistula!
' 1 Contact i'abrokea.
' "Our contact with ..the enemji remains
unbroken .and fresh Rlisslan troops ere
arriving on the Austrian .. front.' . The
Stubborn fiKhtlng continues." ' ,
' The attitudes of Turkey . and Italy-are
anxiously awaited by all .the belligerents.
A ml-ofti-lal dispatch, from Petrograd
says' that Turkish' troop have landed on
the shores , of , Asia'1 Mlnoi at Smyrna.
Further pressure Is reported, to have' been
brought on Italy by Germany and Austria
to have-it iKipport the triple alliance.. .
Th Japanese foreign office has issued
a statement complaining of alleged unfair
treatment of 'Japanese noncombatants.ln
Germany. ; .
Austria Admits" Defeat.
The- announcement from; Vienna: that
preparations have' been mad for the
evacuation of Lemberg, the capital of
Gollcla. in .vfcfWof, the i inevitability"
of -aji,' approaching Russian occupation ,1s
the - first official; .admission . that, ' the
Austrians have bon worsted in the pro
longed, fighting In-Gahtrie. . - .
Moreover Russian accounts from .this
flejd of opeiatlons have'heen'conUnually
cheerful. Even , the'-defrat of . Russians
by the Germans In East Prusala haa'not
abated, the optimism of ' Petrograd. Th
Hussion. 'chief of the general-staff rails
the affair merely a. reverse due to the
unexpected appearanue of heavy Germun
relrifor'cemenu accompanied by siege
guns ' apparently from - the fortress of
Thorn and Graridenx. : '
, Nothing st complete as- the ; present
censorship of new from the actual batjle
line in Franco lias .been known' since the
beginning of the wai. '-' '
. - : ... ......
SHENANDOAH. Ia... Sept. t-(8pecial.)
Peter Bealo, a - Russian, who moved ' to
Essex several, iqonths ago. rectived a no
tice several days' ago 'that' ha.must'come'
home an'd fight in tha army of the ciar.
After' consultation - with" friends' ha de
cided to' ignore the summona '
THE BEE'S WAR MANIJALJust what you want: Maps, Pictures, His
tory Jirmy and indexed. Ready reference answers to
nearlyzevery questionIimited edition. Get it at Bee office. Coupon page 2.
l f f f :
, i i I i -
f II
War Correspondent Tells of Won
' derful Sight Orderly Procession
Made as Army Marched. .' ') "
Iforsea Also Show No; Apparent Fa
; - tlrae from Tea Daye of Coaaaa
. ,,Ul-r riavMIa-AU Ara'-'' ' .
: ' ' . ,''.""wU FaXs.,'
; lONDOK,, Sept. i.-:50 p. ra.)-The cor
iespondent.ot.the. Telegraph, who haa'flut
re't timed , from Brussels, says: -. (
. "The German entry Into Brussels was
a wonderful and Impressive' sight I have
seen many .military . parades 'in time of
peace, but never', a parade on so vast' a
scale, which went on '.wlthouta-hitch.-: '
"It was impossible to imagine that-them
n en had been fighting continuously, for
ten days, or 'that they , had even been in
active service. First 'of ail came fix
cyclists, then .a detachment of cavalry,
then a great mass of Infantry, then guns
and fields guns and more infantry, then
huge howttiers, then m . pontoon train
and then1 more infantry, from 1:80 Thurs
day 'until Sunday morning without a
break. ;- ......
: "The pontoon trains , were especially
Impressive. . They were , carried . upside
down on trolleys . drawn by six -horse."
All the cavalry horses, . as well as' the
horses of the artillery and commissary,
were in wonderful condition. ..
"The men also 'were very,' fresh and
keen. - Each- company .was . accompanied
by a traveling stove, the fire of which
was never' out. There was' always some
hot drink -ready for the troops, and the
German 1 soldiers, told , me that it ,1s ' only
this ' hot coffee and soup - whiob . keeps
them going on' long-forced marches. ..
Townspeople Watch Proceealon,
"The inhabitants. of Brussels turned. out
by, thousands to watch thisk endless pro
cession of Germans as they marched by,
singing ail aorta of songs ad national
alia They sang in excellent tune, , one
company taking, up the refrain as. soon
as 'another stopped..- - like .everything
else,. their singing Is perfectly organised.
"An aeroplane ' kept ' Us station ahead
of this. advancing horde and It1 signalled
both day. and night by dropping various
colored stare. What these signals meant
I do not know, but all movement of the
troops were' regulated -by 'them. ;
-1 became overwhelmed after watching
this Immense mass of men (marching by
without a hitch for. three days. I never
believed such a ; perfect ' machine could
exist. , ;
' "In all. about 30.000 men paaaed through
Brussels and 'thousand. more never en
tered ' the city', 'but' marched north direct
from Louvain. . These, German soldiers,
many' of them, .marched thirty mile daily
for'stx successive days. Some were so
weary that they viept as they . walked,
and occasionally .one .fell exhausted,
whereupon an officer would kirk and
prod him until he aw.oke him. - The man
was then' given 'hot coffee The men are
slaves to discipline and routine." '
linvaders Blow Up
, Hotel in Namur
LONDON. Sept.. I (6:01 a. m.) A dis
patch to tha Times from-Ostend says
that an American who, after great trou
ble, was permitted to pass the German
Una,' 1 authority for the statement that
the Invedera-have'blown up; the Hotel de
Villa, In Namur. " The ' terrified Inhabi
tant ara'ufiawaie of the reason. for the
act. ' ' -
German Official Report Announces
Capture of Lodz, Russian Poland
WASKINOTON. Sept. 1 The German
embassy received a wireless today trom
Berlirt announcing that "German and
Austrian troops have occupied Lodi. the
largest, manufacturing center in Russian
Poland, and that the battle northward
from Lemberg la continuing."
Later the German embassy received the
following additional wireless from Berlin:
. "The new that German troop hava left
Brussels On account of the situation In
Eaat Prussia ts wrong, The German ad
ministration In Brussel 1 very active,
olvll" servants arriving every day for
newly organised office.
"The paper are full of Ruian horrors
In East Prussia. . Tha Ruaslana out off
the breast of a mother and Impaled her
five' children on a fence.
"Four " Cossack aaaaultad a woman,
while they handcuffed her husband and
forced him 'to be a wttnesa"
"The ; report I eonflrmed that the
French abducted fourteen women and
twenty-five children from a German fron
tier place; also a hospital doctor and as
sistant from Lorchlngen. Fate unknown.
"Lord Churchill declaration that a trlc
torlous Germany would seek expansion in
South America appeare to be the cUmaxV
........ 1 , ,. ,'..'
No Sipns of Hostile Troops at Ami,
Lille,, ethune, Douai and Lens,
, , Says War Office.
Another . Tenton Cavalry Corps
Marehlngr Toward Forest of Cona
, . ipeiame oat. Left Wing of
Allied Force.
PARIS, , Sept. I. "In the north there
are . no ' signs of hostile troop
at Arras, Lille, P. ethune, Doual and Lena,"
according an official announcement
made, today..
"Part of several German army corps
In .Belgium": the statement continues '.'are
moving eastward Into Germany."
The official statement add:
"In Lorraine our advance continue on
the right., bank -of the Sanon. In the
south , the. situation I unchanged. In
upper, Alsace the German appear to
have left . Before . Belfort there Is only
a, thin., curtain of, troop."
Captnre Ten Gana.
"A t German cavalry corp which) was
marching toward the forest of Comptogne,
on the' left wing of the allied force, en
gaged, the English Tuesday, September I
The English captured tep guns'
"Another1 German cavalry corp ha
pushed on a far a the line from Sols
sone to Aniiyle Chateau. In the region of
Ret hel' and of the Meuse the enemy la In
active." '
French Advance, on Bight.
WASHINGTON. Sept J. A dispatch,
dated ' last night' from Pari to the
French ambassador give a summary of
a three-day battle along an extended
front It says:
"Our' troop pre forward little by lit
tle , in .the -Voegea. In the region 4
Hamvvervlna and St Quentin the battle
ha been continuing for three day.
In the center there ha been alternate
success and check and the general bat
tle still goes on. On the left the French
force ; have had . to yield ground, but
they, have, remained unbroken.",
Reserve Replace Kxhaaated Troop.
LONDON. Bept 10:66 a. m--A dla
petoh to the Dally Newe from Rotterdam
''From ,Terneaen, on th Dutch 'fron
tier, near Antwerp, ' report com of a
general movement of German troopa
eastward. . Exhausted men are being re
placed .In all direction by reserve. Th
movement I alio believed to be con
nected with the arrival of th Landsturm
reservists, who re to occupy the whole
of the' Belgian territory
"The movement of train for. civilian
purpose ' couth of Ghent ha again
t eased. ....
"Preparation are being mad at Ant
werp for an Immediate bombardment"
WASHINGTON. Bept. 1 The Clayton
anti-trust bill,' to supplement the Sher
man ,1a w, which will complete th admin
istration trust legislative program for this
seaslop of , congress, passed the sec at 9
today. Th vote was 41 to IS.
of ridiculous calumny and of an unscru
pulous attempt to incite the friendly na
tions of both North and South America 1
against the German people, while the ,
German press here, on the contrary,
heartily welcome the progress and pros
perity of free American nations.
"German soldlar returning from Bel
gium cruelly mutilated Increase the Ger
man people's exasperation against the
revolting atrocities created by Belgian
"Enormous excitement has been caused
by the Belgians' attempt to Indue the
world, with London and Pari, who are
endless liars, a accomplices In the be
lief that German soldier are author of
"The French effleial Communique'
statement that the Russians have com
pletely Invested Konlgnberg Is also a He.
The Russian never covered half the dis
tance between the frontier and Konlge
berg and are now retreating eastward
after the annihilation of their Narew
"The Gasette Del Popolaro, a respecta
ble paper, call London a lie factory
comparable with Shanghai during the
Russo-Japanese war."
British Displaying- Most Wonderful
Bulldog: Tenacity Against
Superior Numbers.
Wonnded Bera-eant Tell of the Way
German Pat Wonnded to Death
with Their Bayonet on '
th Battlefield.
LONDON, Sept. &-(8:U a. m.)-The
Chronicle' correspondent from an un
named town sends an account of the
third British battle, dated Monday, which
"Desperate fighting. In which the Brit
ish troop are playing a herolo-part, la
taking place close by. The light wing of
the allied force forming, the. northern
army ha been fiercely engaged, but It I
gainst tha British, or left wing, that
the German are throwing the whole of
their weight regardless of the enormous
sacrifice of human life entailed. The en
emy seem bent on breaking through our
defensive line and so pushing back the al
lies nearer to Pari.
"The battle, which Is still at an unde
cisive stsge, wa preceded by ivery heavy
artillery fire. The German guns were
well served,' and the aim of their gunnVr
wa rendered very accurate by observa
tion of aerial pilots, who throughout the
day hovered above the allied position,
correcting any wild firing on the part of
the German guns.
"Freshly arrived troops from England
were puahed forward In time to partici
pate In the battle. These reinforcement
i had been carrying out strategic move
ment In troop train for several days,
and? in the expressive phraseology of
Tommy Atkins, "they were fed up with
(Continued on Page Two Column Three.)
Tennessee Will Be
Used as Ferry from
. , Havre to England
PAJRIS, Sept. 2.-01 45 p. m.) It ha
been decided to use the American cruiser
Tennessee for . the transportation of
Americans from Havre to England. The
British port probably will be Southamp
ton. This ferry aervlce will begin a ooa
the Tennessee reaches Havre from
The necessity for such a ferry service
by the Tennesxen Is found in the fact that
there are so many Americans in France
today wanting to get quickly to England
that the channel-steamer cannot accom
modate them alL As soon a it 1 known
when the Tennessee will reach Havre,
the French government wilt arrange for
special train from Pari to move th
There are here today a large number of
other America who have come from
flwitserland who also want to get to Eng
land. .
War Summary
The fourth day of th second
general battle between the Ger
man and tho allies finds Em
peror William's forces, pressing
with unprecedented strength
their advance on Farls. Their
rlaht ia reported to be within
fifty miles of the French capital.
In the absence of official ) an
nouncements news dispatches in
dicate that the .British and
French continue a stubborn re
sistance, giving way slowly, how
ever, whenever this strategy Is
necessary to keep their lines in
tact and prevent an enveloping
movement by the German right.
In the east the fighting pro
gresses with unabated fury. Both
the Russian and the Austro-Ger-roan
armies hare met successes
and reverses. It Is admitted in
Petrograd (St. Petersburg) that
two army corps were defeated in
east Prussia and that three Rus
sian generals were lost.
On the other hand, the Aus
trians appear to have been de
feated in Galicla, where over
whelming successes are claimed
by the Russians. This claim
finds support in a dispatch from
Vienna, which states that the Aus
trians have decided to evacuate
Lemberg, the capital of Galicla.
Cossacks Fighting" Their Way To
ward the Capture of Lemberg,
the Capital City.
Official Rnaalan Report Tell of tha
Baryta of 14,(100 Dead Ana.
trtans on One Battlef lejd
Many Taken Prtaonora.
PETROGRAD (St. Petersburg),
Pept. S. (Via London, 11:65 a. m.)
Th following official announce
ment was made publio hero today t
"Our force Invading Galicla have
continued their advance In the direc
tion of Lemberg. Tho enemy fell
back gradually before our troopa.
We captured some cannon, some
rapid fire guns and some caissons.
The pursuit continues.
"Near Gullax and Lipa the enemy
occupied a strong position of such
natural strength that It wag consid
ered Impregnable. They also des
perately attempted" to stop our ad
vance by a flanking attack in tho di
rection of llaluri.
"We repulsed the Austrians,' in
flicting severe losses. Wo buried
on the battlefield 14,600' Austrian
dead, captured a rlag and thirty-two
guns and a quantity of supplies, and
made many prisoners, including a
"On the south front, In the War
saw district, all the Austrian attacks
have been repelled with success. As
suming the offensive in our right
wing, we forced the Austrians to re
treat, capturing three cannon, ten
(Continued on Page Two Column One.)
Prince Von Buelow
Killed by Wounded
Belgian Soldier
LONDON, Bept. 1 W W a. m.)-In a
dispatch from Amsterdam, the local cor
respondent of the Central New says that
the shot which ultimately resulted In
th death of Prince Von Buelow, one of
German generals, wa shot by a Belgian
private named Rosseau, who ha since
been decorated by King Albert for hi
conduct In th battle of Haelen.
Rosseau wa lying badly wounded
among a group of dead comrades when
he saw a German officer standing he-
aids hi horse and studying a map.
Picking up a rifle from bealde a dead
German, Rosseau fired at this offloer
and wounded him. The officer subse
quently proved to be Prinoe von Buelow.
Exchanging hi bat ' for the German
general' helmet and taking th general's
hone, Rosseau made hi way to the Bel
glan line and wa piaoed In a hospital
at Ghent
Ballot for Pope is
Without Result
PARIS, Kept. l-:23 p. m.V-A Hava
Agency dispatch from Rorpe say that at
11:10 o'clock this morning the moke of
burning ballot rose from the chimney
of the slstlne chapel. Indicating to th
vast throng In fit Peter' square that
th two ballots taken this forenoon for
the election of a pope had been without
Kaiser's Troops Making Desperate
Attempt to Open the Road
to Paris. .
Germans Sacrifice Life Recklessly
. in Attempt to Break British
Line of Battle.
Kaiser's Commanders Adranc
Slightly Through Sheer Force
of Superior Numbers.
Bodies Are Reported Piled Tarda
High at Campeigne.
People Am Confident Allle Will Bo
Akl to Stay Tide of Invaatoa
. Ballet airaattoa of tho'
Oemsai CrtrloaU
LONDON. Sept J. (4 a. m.)
The Chronicle's correspondent sends
a report of a third battle In the upper
Olse valley, where tha Germans are
flinging the whole of their weight
to force a wedge.
The battle ranged throughout
Sunday and Monday, when the Ger
mans, It la stated, sacrificed 'Uvea
The British war compelled to
give way slightly; bat are maintain
ing tha defense heroically. Tha bat
tle la still undecided.
Tha point from which, tha corre
spondent filed his dispatch la omit
ted. LONDON, Sept. 1. (10:10 a. m.)
A corner of the curtain over tha
battle drama In, northwestern
franca ha momentarily been raised.
It shows tha allies battling desper
ately to prevent the success of the
German assault on the upper Olse,
lees than fifty miles from Paris.
On the upper Olae tha British are
fighting desperately to prevent tha
Germans from obtaining cna of tha
most direct routes to Paris. Tha
battle raged Sunday and Monday
and by sheer weight of numbers tha
Germans secured a slight advance.
German Position Difficult.
Military expert point out that from
the present position on the upper OU
river the German advanoe will become
Increasingly difficult owing to tho natural
feature of the country a well a the
arttiolal defense that will hava to bo
It la becoming evident that all along the
weetern line the allle are playing for
tlroa In the hope that the German assault
will become axhauated.
On the diplomatic aid Germany 1
making renewed effort to bring Italy
info It camp by a proclamation which
cite that a victory for England and
Frnc will deprive Italy of ail chance or
dominating the Meditteranaan.
Tha western coaat ef Belgium and the
northweatern coast of Prano are ap
parently clear of German.
Antwerp ha asked for an Increased'
garrison. Th town ba also experienced
!.? hUd bOCaU" f BO,hr W""
vielt The great dirigible wa fired on
(Continued on Page Two-Column Four")
Next Sunday
September 6th
The Bee
Will Publish
of Interest
to Ev
Bee Reader
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