Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin: r.KK: omaua. vi;inksiay. Mii'iF.Mi'.r.i; j. iu.
Comnlaint Entered that Women Are 1
Employed Over Nine-Hoar Limit
Yooiti W omn hi Hair Nrrn
F.arnlna rin lnnr; hj YurklnR
t'.xtja Honrs Mn tie TtsrrrU
aa Rranll of Complaint.
Frnrn a stHff Coi respondent.!
LINCOUN. Kipt. I (Speohil I Much
feeling ts being Fl,nn by riopV
lire preparlu gUi serv e frod et tin
v ho
irrounds next week over the action of
nm one In T.l'.iro'.n r. ho maile ninilniin
to Lbor (.'harlcn Pi i! that
irlrla were h:ing woiked oxer the pr-
scribed hours for female labor ns pro-
vlded In the labor ai-t
pasFeil h I'.ie
at lejrllnture.
Thls mornlna Mr. Tool wept , the '
irrounds ami Invertiateii th" matter mtd
the pant to work w
the preacribf d time
mrn and Rlrls over
if nine hniir? a ilny ,
Tor atx days and an addltwnal time on ' T
the one Biiivlav when the fair Is in opera-j
tlon. Conce?iKiniKta ronipiain that Una j
la nTessarv a the fa'r inanaTeniMit I
allowa them only a roMricted r.'mlvr of
tickets for free entmnee f,,- the help and
Jf the help is required to work o:ily thr"'
prsaeHbed hours It will necea.ltate a.
double force of helpers and they will have
to pay nil cents a day each to pet In thoi
""'""" !
State fair week Is op in which KOnd j
w-sprea are t aid at the place., and nirls
"who have been eomnelled to work for
eenta to ?1 a day ar. pla'l of the chance
to work during the week even at lonsr
hour In order to ear.i the and V'O
a day pMjfl nt the eating: places.
It Is tho opnllon of many that the
labor commissioner ought to he irlyen
some jurisdiction In this matter and allow
these girls a chance to earn a little some
thing extra In which to buy them the
rlothlnsr and othrr thlnirs neeie.ary for
the comirut winter.
Boek Island to rroteM.
The Hoik island I the third road to
ferve notice on the State Hallway com
mlrslon that It will protest in the. courts
the putting Into effort of the conimis
alon's celebrated order No. 1?, reducing
rates on freight. The other roads so far
filing Btich notice are the Missouri Pa
clfic and the Burlington.
Wright Files Appeal.
I-ee Wright filed In the supreme court
this morning a notice of appeal from a
judgment of the T'ouulas county district
court wherein he was ordered to pay to Sehlemme Jl.fimv $lfiO of this in cash
and the balance In installments of $10
n month for the auppnrt of a child born
to the girl In which it was alleged that
lie was the father.
Manpln Una Birthday.
A birthday dinner was given Will M.
Maupin at the Mndcll hotel last picht !
hy several of bis friends and union '
them quite a number of newspapermen. I
.About two duze-.i rrsnunded. Cluience,
Jlarman was toastainpter and toasts were j
Hiven by W. S. Kidgell, A. M. Morrla.-ey. I
Volonel Boh Johnston, li. . liagi. r'raw-
ora lvenntcty nnd several oihtrs Mr.
Haupin read a poem ddicato4 "o hi3
tilty-flrst birthday.
CALLAWAT. Neb., Sept. 1. I Special.)
The eighteenth annual conference of the
Vnited Kvangcllcal church or Neliraska
i loyed its session this morning afiet- liold
Ing forth In thl" city the apt week. The
next cession of conferencn will he held In
Omaha on August to M, i:il5.
Following is the apiiointment of tlie
Various ministers for the ensuing year:
Lincoln IMstrict-M. T. Male, presiding
eliler; Aurora and Salem. Ira Mcllrlde;
Harada. H. 1. Koefer; Blue Si iincs. A
Miller: CottaRe, K. A. Jackson- liaw.-on. i
II. S. Tool: l ullrrton. L. Lohr: Hastings. '
S. B. IMIlov : LiuMln. to he i upl ...I : '
.Maple Cro.e and Verdon. W. H. larre:i
-Ncrtli Star. H. C. Fancy: (imalia i Kirsi I
ciiHcht. .). M . Kuncle; Omaha lOfacei,
T. M. Kvans. Pierce. F. He Vol: CiT-'
n.ont. W. W. I'ndireof'hr; l!,iseii:ile anil;
l", 'iV0;. "r'V..." I.., '.
i onference members: T. . Serf mul I i. 1
F LaShell of Aurora. J. W. Xve. .1
1eham and J. F. White of Lincoln, anil
II. Wood of Hastings.
Kearney District J. Holdeman. presid
ing elder: Aima, F. K. Drum: Angora. K.
L Case; Callaway. B. A. Sliively: Cam
eron. B. K. Paxton: Cozad. J. M. Kohler;
Cambridge. .1. M. Jones; Kustls. A. Kss
lcy: Kddyvllle, C. F. Helm: Fairvlew. J.
A. Lemming: Holslein. C. Hewett; Kear
ney; B. Hillier; Muacot. E. .1. Menaugh:
Naponee. to he aupplied: Oconto. J. N.
Milton: Odefsa. 11. Hillier: Orafinn, to be
sciipl'e.l: Shelton. W. T. Randoipli: 'esl
Cottonwood. W. Isley. Quarterly i onfer
rece members: J. A. flay and J. Frlcch
of Kearney. K. L. Ktrdlner of M'.seot.
c. H. Taylor of Cumeron. C. C. 'falhoit
end H F. Voss m's-itonory to China, and
J L. Be-, be ot Alirm.
irRKTNA, Neb.. Sept. 1. iSpe- ial Tele-
(gram.)-Th large, new barn of John
Shecs. four miles northwest of Gretna.
was struck hv lightning last night during
the storm and burned to the ground. All j n'm being statutory a-iault. His victim
the. live Mock was aved. Four hundred1 a 1a-jrsr-old g:rl who live near Mil
and forty of wheat and his rn-! ,nlrl'- Had he been ot.c r.iuntli older, the
tire alock of laioi ncchinery wa de-j lH'' wo'!'l have if .oied a sentence from
stioyed. Tlie less h paril iovfre.1 by ,hrnp 'o twenty yrars In t ic pcultentlii ry.
lnuurance i Th'' sheriff hes taken hm lo Kearney.
Ptullanioiil b Hotel -o!d.
l-lal.)-J. P. Fatter has
Klley In this c.t .- to
u. t sold the Hotel
1-V.-I !'.:.!. w if
Lowery City. Mo , for J'"'V).
T. H Pollock har sold o ai res of land
In this county for Henry c. Lint; to
Ralph Wiles for M ; er a T'i
JJr. Pollock al.o sold a'-rm of land
near this city to Glen W i' - for J!v ..;'.
the two farm hrin6ii g I I 'fl whtc i
proves that lai:d is still lm in
value in fjn county.
Miu Tlrimueil Near I'la 1 1 1 h.
PLATTSMOl Til. Neh.. Auc. .'1 .-r' -eisl.l
Oscar l.'rijd. aged . jear. who
was drow-ned in :he Mirsour! f ' er so-ce
six m'les i ith of P'a;tin nth. :-'indy
err.!r,t. as ai;: l.:iovn a.', s 'iti'.-'lj
operatt.-r. T!-.- ' iy !:' P tti.-.i.
He v:j" -i i'n li'.r t-.-C'i'ng w.t'i hln
lio'i-.ri'. u; if;. :;n . :e u i er o.'
I riep.i.'
t;opi- t. t ri ii.e v i .
SHL'l.ToN. Ne.,.. f. t--. I, ' -I
in Sun a', tlo ' i. ; ' i: rthf.' d. lie I
if.HiC . N tr:-1'. -. .: l i r '; !y id '-t i
a r-soli;ti .p. I.'. - - - ;'.e ii -j lor t e ,i r ! , :
i ond' "i:::i ? C' r" '.i ."'a w
a w roi g. ii-. l r':ti;.r i fil a er;-r e
t-tatir . Ii . Tt-il'.j ne, i, pro-ins cry ns-tii'-i
en-spi.l ! it r'ttu a luan of
svouey from the l'r.-ttd StaUa.
Body of Licuteuaut
Cruucletou Taken
tO Joplill for BUrial!
BKVTHU.K NflV. f-ert. 1. oprrim.i
'Funeral fr lre or the remains of the
l.i tr l.'e ;einnt C. M Crunrleb'ti. V i
,lot Irs lf at the A'tatd eties:n:'tvent Si,'
' At bland hen a hoTrc he was riding
Ml timn him. were, h -Id from 'lie i;pte- ;
!t..rl church this morning at 11 lock j
end wf'c lugely i-ndcd by business j
men nod Mends of "the deceased, lm bid-
In ni.'.iibi r 'ivm the .issoni' . i
tutted c. niiu?rr'l Ti .orders
f whhh
n .' n n.ii 'er. lo . . A. ' """,n :
romlitited th erv',c. . Preff lhis thl-)
irsolar uervl. e." at the ehtjich th ' " I
I o I ! n irf set. he In the i-hiel if their j
.l'ih room.
AT'.er the l'tli it the i-nutrn m".
bmiy itn taken to .loplin. .Mo., :or iitle.r- i
pier.t. The pallbearer." were It H. w
II. 1.. Il-irper. Im. W. Ii.-Mrjker. S
! Hairy. F rnnk Tlientl fVi find f Brew -
Aiiimant (.U-n.'ral 111.'.
Ma. lor llohloK- 1
urt'-. I.!ein,-,iatil. ihlhh-in atd j
atnl Sitrant Austin rune nown frvn
the rioh I en' mpm"nt thi nvrn rB '" ,
attend the funeral. They re.itrned on -
fl,, Mttrnvon train
run VnHinmin
r,rre-Miideiit I
11 rf"1' c- , 1 (r-e-hil .-nepubli-
'INl'"1';N' "T"- . ,1 ,ffl.. are here
can eandMate for sta" offices are here
to attend the meeting of the Mat. com
mittee at the Mu.le'l hotel thise evenlnc.
R. H 1'owrll. eyndidete for governor. w
tlie fust to arlve and for some time .
in e inference In his room at the l.'.ndell
with his campaign manager. Frank Har
rison, and Editor Unke of the Htste.
Joiirna I.
This mortiinB W. V. Hoacland of Xorlh
riatt.-. catuMilato for lieutenant gov.nior.
and ( W. eWfr of South Omahn. ean
tlldate for attorney general, came In and
with Mr. Howell and Walter Minor, can
didate for tflte auditor, were In consul
tation at the atate houfe.
.1 C. MfNish of Wlsner also arrived
this forenoon. Mr. MeMsh Is temporary
chairman of Ihe state committee and
may be selected as the regular chairman.
' "M"" ,:''. ..... mm- I
although 8tat Treasurer Walter Ueorgt
U trying? to sidestep the honor. I- M.
Iteneau of Broken Bow la also on the
ground and has some support for the
chairmanship, having been secretary of
the Epperson committee and ha been
putting In some good work since the
state conventlin. These three are the
only ones whose names have bfen heard
today in connection with the chairman
iFiiun a Staff Correspondents
LINCOLN, Pept. 1. -(Special. )-Pollco
Fergeant C. C. Netifeldt of the Lincoln
force was very seriously Injured last
'.light while attempting the arrest of a
man plving his name ns John Schultz.
Netifeldt and Officer HaniilnK had gone
to the bouse where Sennits Aas stopping
to investigate a disturbance reported. One
man was taken out of the house by the
officers and placed . In the patrol. The
sergeant then returned to look for Prhultr
when the latter struek him on the head
iust as he wan entering the door, with a
beer bottle, knocking the officer to the
floor. Si'hullr. then Jumped astride the
oSfirer ami before assistance
given, hnd badly lacerated h!s head with
tlie sharp edges of the broken bottle,
leaving the efflfer in' a serious Condition.
Schultit was finally overpowered with
the help of neighbors snd taken to the
Ms tlon. The officer is In a local hos
pital where he la said to be In a serious
..,..,... t .
r MtSRT, . .eh.. Sept. V
W'th wheat t?o'ng tdWjrds
the dollar
""' this co-nity. farme-s are putting
all of their land available into wheat this
fall. The result will be the largest acre
age of wheat ever put in in the county.
Rains have put the ground In prime con
dition for plowing.
The ComiSH'rc'al chih of Kearney has
gotten behind the Community club move
n'ent here snd w(U raise funds for the
coming year themselves, turning the
money over to the women behind the
movement for use where needed.
Frank K. Brown, jr.. editor of the
Kearney Tiives, wan mat-red to Miss
Flir.abeth Gojdell. a proin'npt Kearney
young woman, the first of the cek
BRGKFN HUP'. Neh.. scent. 1 -.Sue.
c!al.) Clyde Orel., la-.-kli-.a one m.mrh nf
"U'S i years tr me. lias h?on sentenced
u """'e yefits In tl- i-ef0:m school by
' bounty Jud;e IloYo-.f), the charge sfuinat
olri from Gag Count..
Ft LA THICK. .Vslv. y. rt i .... i.i , I
",r -untln asking for the dismissal of
,"'" """0'1 'uourjlt by J. c. littbka ion-
o i.n. inc nommatton or R. N . I- ulton
for sheriif on tlie ilemoi ratie tiekei
, !iuru M nvifiy by Jinic Wabhr. In the ;
county eonit. The cas was set tor hear
ing September 5. Mui'ka was d-tejtert by
Fudon by tiiree xotes. according to the '
official count, and brought action last'
j week alleging that a number of nils- '
taker nrrc mace in countlnp. .
' Tr.e property of J. II. penner In West
I Beatrice was sold Monday at sheriff i
. ale to 'red Ft. Llndheig. the "consider.-
tii n being TT O"o.
Jesse 1'HRleaon. aged SS. snd Maude I
;i'r'ke:. and f. r.o:h of Lincoln, were '
, irarried Monds." a.uernoon hy Jucge .
' V:on.
K:ton M U'lieeluLn and Mis Hstt.e
P.lcrle. daughter "f Mr. and Mrs Geo-g '
1'i'rle or PelMt. Kan., were married on
Mend-'.'.- even.'hr a! the home of the
sr-om's isfen's Mr. nr.d Mrs. K. Ii.
V.'lieelo. k, ' :n ted lit.
Tp.' i. .
" m i-ri. ,rnn. IT. i
Fine's N'i Lif P'llr arid nd the stem i
of impi.rft rt. Look l-.eiinr 3fe. All 1
druggist. . Ad vf rtiseni' at. i
The ::ee Wsat Ails Are tr.e '
llo tt-rs
i Diplav This Year at Lincoln Prom
isfs to Have Many Novelties.
Loop Loop
nilcAr In I lonrt.
I hroT n Target and I'rrfUMin
Other .NotaMe Keats In
the Mr.
' i Front ! StHff Correspondent i :
I IINCt.N Sent 1 - l.rei-lnl .1 Tia I
Iticlh mmcrniiig the r.vhii.etr dlph.''
the Nrhin(ikii Stite
r:i!r Mit now he
11hi,isi,im1 hejon.l ilUputr.
pn,n v afternoon th- exhlhllors ln-
gun in.ivtnit miiehlner- to the fair
R (,n,j , ,w ,rrialn that the 1
niaelilnerv Mvllon will he nuir Intenet-
l8 (hall e er hetore tnaii" there nr.-
n,nij, (nf.,.r hii h hai - n'n I 'n h'-
pUye.l to X, hr4k fn:i:rrr..
, h,T . rhrilllra.
R f )ho Kli,, fn.,r .i,,..
that IJnitoln IVaehev Is iiuhed a ftel'ar 1
attraction lll fllirht tin eaeh d.n
are mart e.vaotlv on time. He n.-end.' I
fc()rt l(nt( ,ir0otlv In front of the liraml- (
..ihihI All bin looping the loop and fh-!
. down em he seen fiom the I
' crmdMaiii'l without opeia Rlna. i little bhI. with a seiall brother, plifniieil 'huts s'iot imuinl Hie cllinic-
j Hea.hey first i limb iii into tho clou. Is 'ai.ninil hi ihe tank for awhile lieforc she It a eftlniab d tioii in. ire than'A1"
jl disappears at en altitude of perhaps i fh,.ill .-ank Ndow the mirfneo of the ' persons who nie member of the t.rand
f''', M" reapear at almost the j v atei . I'r. Mun of Milford reurertated i Army of the Kepiihll,-. or an nfflllate.1
I ant and seemF to he falling, fallhit. I th. baby by nsin the pulmo er. I body, ate now attendinK the encamp-
falllnjc Within a hundred tec I .f lli'l Miss Flor.-n.v n Mailman .tied at ber'"0t'
'arth he check his Oso. lit and nllnhta t home near St,.l.'h,.rsl , e-teM,, v. r fonsidei able routine huslneea was
(Tenth- in front of the tmurtrlaivl. ' u Uln. ss of lone duration. Fut,. ,,,l i tr ineaete.l this forenoon at committee
I ...t.te tin,, .
f iles I pslde Hot n.
the text n."nl lie flie
down and make the i trend of the iar.
track a half dor.en time, flying very low.
He attains a spwd of :'4a mile an hour. I
Previous to the second ascent Headtey j
inmes In front of the grandstand and
antiouiues that he will illustrate what an j
a. I -. ..... . I n !.... A. . . n 1.. Aalvl. 1
' , ' . . I
aB kI I .inii i tm a n tn n o-A m tar (Tfll
. . , ... . ,, ,
about five feet snuaf" Iti the lente:- field.
Flying at nioro than m mile. an hour
Peachey launches a bomb, striken the
target and the bomb explodes. The f
ft Is like unto that caused by an army
aviator lounchlng missiles of war at the
I'realdent Roberts. Stirintendent 'Ill
lam Foster and Suierlntendent Hiram
Myers attended the Iowa fair. The at
tendance was satisfactory, and the ma
ehnlery exhibits excellent. Beach"?-, how
ever, was the most thrilling attraction
ever offered, they declared, and President
Rolrts Is enthusiastic oyer the contract
which brings Beachey to Lincoln next
Democrats to Hold
Open House at Fair
I From a Staff Correspondent !
LINCOLN, rtept. 1 .Special.! Many
democrats are In the city today, presum-
ah. . , m..frh .,.u,.
puhliian state committee, which convened
here this evening and also to fix head
quarters at Ihe state fair. The demo
cratic connnitt'o will meet here Feptem-
bcr 9.
Among the very busy ones Is Colonel;
Menry C. Richmond or Omaha, democratic
candidate for the legislature from Doug
las county and already an avowed can
didate for the speakership of the house
If the democrats control that body. Colo
nel Richmond was at the fair grounds
this morning and with much pomp and
glory drove the first stake where he
thinks the demoervtlo tent ought to b,i
placed In order to get the lest resulta.
It is quite fl distance from the pump, hut
quite close to the fish pond.
Guardsmen Start
. On 16-Mile March
ASHLAND, Neb.. Sept. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) The national guardemen In
camp here will leavetomorrow for a
sixteen-mile march to Gretna, and return.
Kaeh man will carry one day's rstlons.
The militia signal corps from Fremont
will establish wireless communication.
The flag over the encampment was at
half-mast until noon today In honor of
Lieutenant Vrunvelvon, killed In an ac
cident occurring whll riding a horse.
Private Snyder of Company K had two
ribs broken today while wrestling. Teama
chosen from the various companies are
competing In athletic events.
FULLERTON. Neb.. Sept. 1. 'Special ) ;
The fifteenth annual Chautauqua has '
Just clor.ed In Fuller's psrk, west of Ful
lerton. Stockholders of the assoc'stlon i
are pointing to the fact that each year ,
the assembly recruits from a wider range. '
of territory. . I
John ft. Dopf. prindtial owner of the,
I Post in tins cny sna s siring o. nb
paper offices rsnging from Missouri to,
the western part of this state, arrived
from Missouri last week snd will make
his headquarters here for the future.
Mis Joseph'ne Huse, who but recently
reclined from a year's study in Benin.
Germany, expect to leave f ir Omaha
this week to take up her new dutie ss
ii strurlo:- of German in the Omaha High
! school.
The new Royal theater i rapldlv near-
. i . , B completion snd is now ready for the;
flooring It i said to be one of the most.
up-to-date small buildings of that nature:
. ... .... i
In the stal.
,., life Hiiir, i
A deal was eou.ileted last Week by
whUh flcihert H. Tooker of ienorf snd
h.s brother. F"'oyd. of Belgrade, he-ame
owners tods; i,r tire Arnold plumbing
, lus.ness of th. city.
i The Nance County Talic.r.' institute
i I s been in anni'al session during the
lust week at the High nelionl building.
Over evcnty-fi e Nance county teacher
were enrolled snd the clase were n
rlikrfe of Superintendent Michael of
Ho'ilredre nnd a Miss Newman of Mis
souri. ; A l-m nie Ra.-W K.ilner Traable
I Cmux tt.
I! don't tske long for kidney and hlad-Hr-
tro'i'-r.e ti, 8-i you a 'sr-ie bsk. and
wn worse if rc eh-ked. Mm H T.
rtrsynge, ;,-nn- ihe, n., ws 'r r'y
. on her hncU with kidney troi'lil
, tnd inflamed blsd'r. She sys: 1
I took F)ii Kidnj llils and now .t;y
sek s stronger than In yesrf.. and kid
ney trouble snd painful bladder sena
tion hue entirely gone." Good dr'ig-
1 f l-tj are glad fn sell Foley Kidtivy Ftp.
l-e-suse they slws help They ornta,
jo hahit Utrmlng drvura. AD
Nebraska Middv is
Allowed to jttesigu!KMi
W ASHINUTON. Sept t.-P-i ao. omit of:
alleged iiiucond n t timing the re cut sum I
met itmw, three Annapolis midshipmen,
h;ie hi in a-ked t.' resign. Simon .I.J
Lonergan of Nohr.-is h. of t ho fitvt i l.ns.
. unci Thomas I.. Chalmi r of New 1 1 h m-1
sh -it. of tbr third el.tss. alt'cad) limn rc-j
signed rihI t!u- authorities lire nwni'ttiK
the teMKnation of t lm third, Manuel .1
i Jcmail of Rhode lshind Tin- ntirc of
the ilrlirniurnir. mh not dleclosed
w 111.1W1111V
Ktt .Kl Xel. . Sept. 1 -i ,pn iall -1 r.
.-' Aiuh'tron, who went to lhiropo to
i'"' ml an international nui-tluw- of etrr
in" rial'.-., rune home In the sIooi-mjto of
ti' - M l.oi;'!- l-o nl was i"-y ha. I anil a
! MP ill N'liolttlt of Wllt.r WH.1 doled vut.
( Mi- .MuoMip, klndi risarten learhi'i in
! the Sew. ird eiiv se h oi il , liad a firxt elaes
, nbin on the muio bout .ni, managed to i
Cle ? -! el hi I Ultl
atei r.i
pa - a i,i;.-r. vlin was vm ill
Hi. ymnmeM child of Mr and Mrs W.
Alhv n.nrow li tnb-rd il.-atli .Tiniraday.
by iH ilinu Into a limk fu'l (.f n ater The will ho held front the home on I
I'iksiIhx. i
i il.l'.M BPS. Noh . Sept 1,-fSpeclal
TeeCranv - White sw itebing t hi morning
laiglno I'oieinan .lm- liardner wne laiiKht
letweui u ear and the platform at tho
, .
In an hour. It Is not known how the ac-
Ident happened a. there wore, no eye
witnesses, hut when he was discovered
bo was wedged 111 between the plnttorm
nnd Ihe car so that a portion of the plat
to! m was sawed out before he could he
released, linrdners home I at Albion
and hi ha been here about two years.
I .. .
F.nern !tr Plenle.
BRAPsriAW. Neh.. Sept. 1. -(Special.)
P.rad.-hnw I'lmptcr No. !!. Order of tho
F.aMorii Star, gave its annual picnic on
the lawn nf the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John P. I of W est Bndshaw, Monday
I afternoon Pastern Stars and their fam
ilies to the nutnhcr of seventy-five, canie
with well fill, d baskets. Vaitons games
and rm es w ere provided for the amuse
ment of both old and young. Among
them was the "grandmother' nalldrlvlng
contest," which was won by Mrs. S. Tt, htenbnrgcr. C B. Palmer, Jr., worthy
patinii, spoke or th Pastern Star Ma
sonic homo at Plattiimoiith, and a gvner
oiir free will orferlng- was received for
tlie SiMiie.
The White Man's
People are fin-hng out that a lot of the troubles
that jro to make up life's burdens are caused by
Coffee Drinking
Coffee coutains a drap; caffeine about 2V1' grain
to the cup. It not only stands to reason, but has been
dinoiist rated sek-ntil icully and in practical experience,
Uiat this steady drugging is a foe to health and comfort.
A tfrent army of jx-ople hav found freedom from
c'.ffee burdens, by chanpno; to
it delicious pure food-drink, made from whole wheat
and a bit ' f nio! k No caffeine, no drutf, no harm
ful inrredients.
Ken cliilrlren drink Post urn freely with benefit;
they cm n't do that with coffee.
P -tu'ii forties in two forms:
3e71.'r PcstXUT. mut be boiled, 15c and 25c pkpn.
In.t?tt Postum. a soluttle form, miido in the cup
instantly. .'!0o and TMc t'ns.
(Jr-.'-en' cenwrrere m-II buth rinds and the cost
per cup is rd.oiit the same.
'There's a Reason" for Postum
Together with Wives Are Being En-!
tertaiiifld at Detroit.
mute Places inula nre nl
Incnti Thousand IiiiudI
1'arn tie la lo lie llrlil
Tomorrow .
I'KTIHMT. Sept. 1 While xetcran of
the -t- II nni anil their v e
cnfoYi .1 thrtusolvr mi the v.Uer toila .
hundred.-, of thousand.-, of flags and l'nn
nrr mnppeil ntnl fluttered met- I'rtroit.
Shut the f n tv-i iKhtli imtlotiHl enrattip-
! ........ . . I il,. I 1mi .t llm 1!.'MllUMi.
( ... ...
I neitiin ia9i Miiuiimv uir ruy hhh im-i-u m.
; a. ene of patrlotir ilemon-tratlon" without
l.ouil tlualei. I'.n thuilarlv uioxInB I'h'
lure rhow.i. lme offereil "approprlHte
prouiaiiia' to nttraet the ohl aolilleia
Hull Run Htul (lettyahum were foiiuht
.ikhIii yeati-nlay nml tmlay In phture.-
mil ither hlsloiii linlilent weie
iewi' in Ihe raine lilillinT
l.nthusi.iim. ioii h .ik the pta house
iiu - mt bef.uo eMi'ileni ei1. u a uninon
' ih eiirtTtiee. Sometimes the rllniiiN to h
tin illitiki
baa hroiiKht a rlppm.
i ry from lirand Arm
i'ieri inn battle
ronirn.lea tieeibd only the
iKnul to loin in the ie.ipmie. In a mo
ment ijonena of ex tt.d nu n weie on their
feet, hent fovina hei ame utrnlktht and
"icetliiK by the women national or-
naniHtiona. The Son of eterana ami
I t lie Xrsoi'latliin of I'l'innv Ptlsoners of
j War also held session
Tho first public unit not will be held
lontKht at the Light tiuard armory. A
number of welcoming addresses and
responses are on the program, liovernor
t l-'errls of Michigan. Mayor Oscar H.
Mur of Petioit and Washington liardner
of Albion, coniiiiiinibr-ln-chlcf of the
i ti nml Army of the Republic, mo anions
the speakers.
Tim annual parade will take plai-o to
morrow forenoon.
FFLLF.RTON, Nrb., Sept 1. -(Special )
Harry Cannon's saloon was entered by
burglar about J.3i this morning and the
sate blown open by dynamite. The ex
plosion wa heard and the tire alarm
Houmbd. I'lio burglars left, in an auto.
Five hundred dollars was taken from the
sa fe.
HASTINGS. Neh.. Sept. 1. -(Special
Telegram.) Wilson Plckena. ! cam old.
son of John Plcki'tia, was burned last
night, when he attempted to kick a can
of blasting gasoline out of the way of an
approaching automobile and died today.
Smoke Shows Pope
HttSll't Bceil Named
J I'.MUS. N pt I - Ai i oriltnt to rtoine
. dlMiateli to tti- II. ixiis MCt'tP v. (wi erl
' thousptiil pi rsoiw H.I, inlil.'il tliin lnorpiiiu
to nati-h tin- ihtnuvx of the Sl.vtine
I i h.iii I. I'ti . -ruth i iiuike Hi opi' Then the
prople KiM-w h popr Iiiol not horn clerteil
j on the flr-M t'allot To ml- noon iikhIii
pmioKo appi'iivnl. itiflntiim that a m tul
h.illot hinl hei-n tiUin without eleillon.
i 'riie1 MinoUe u.i't fi'oni the hiii-nttii; hiillot
Hum enr tt nml hhir llnrni!.
l.'Hi.W. la. Si t I i Sii . Inl Kulien 1
Mi ffor l. livlim on a farm four tinlea , of Wooilhit.e. m MiiIiiimI a loaa of Mo
i lat'Ke barn h fir. la -t ev.innt; The IIP
aiiMil hv a holt of lithium In :
laihlolon to the h.iin, tw.Mity t-ina of hay. i
I .! hilhhets i . f wheat, '.-a hl.Hbel of oata. j
j I'M bushel. r eorn. hai'iie. ainl fiirni '
niaehhieiA- were bui-neil. 'I he Iowa 1
! partially . oM ieil h ln.'iraiu e.
tli.-it jour valu.'ililos
linvc tho Most Pro
tectum w h p n you
phi cc tlit'iii in a
Van It of tho Ouiah i
Safe Deposit Com
pany. It is Fire and
Murgliir Pnvf. Safe
I N'jHisit 1! o x r- s for
rent, $.'..00 per year.
SKAT rovEns '
AnjrthliiK In lePatlier or Fabric
That Can He Done.
The Holly Auto Trimming Go.
318 Haroty
Omaha, Msb,
Song, 3786.
Our Work Bpsaks for Xtsslf,
IB Ttsrs With Drnramond.
f i3Jtrtrvj mJim"fo
JllM''.'l...r.'ivt ;ir. ,
Hu em n
.. in V9 .w
w -JJ amm
New advertisers particulai'ly, need to get atten-
tioa. Peopl axa more apt to reineraber an ad witta a
good cut.
We know how to make "striking illustrations."
Every advertiser nowadays wants illustrations. We can
tave 70U a great deal of trouble and expense, too.
We have facilities for making the photographs,
drawings, cuts and electrotypes, all under one roof, and
the beat workmanship in town In each department.
We have over 10,000 negatives of all ports of 6ub-
Jeeta clasmfied, and we can sire you a print Immediately
of most any subject you can think ot, and at a nominal
Bee Enarraviug Department, Bee Building, Omalia.
Sl il I HlHI IB - 7 - - - ""
lux- - z.. . " :"T"
In Your Fall Business
Our new book for retailor.1;,
contains ion panes ohotk full of
TKIKM and PKOVKN miRr,r-.tioii
br to how to bring: the buyers to
your store-. It Is virtually a treat
ise, on building, up a Hticcossful
business, and lists everything
needed by the nierrhant In the w ay
of adxerttslnR ptipplles, for inter
ior, exterior nnd rotintry use;
printed hiipplioH of all Kind, d
irrtlelnit novoltlea, etc Write for
thin book. It 1 free lo every es
tablished merchant.
M. F. SlifiFER & CO.
12tli aiirl l'rnm Stree1s,
Omaha, cbrikH.
Want Ad Section
next Sunday.
Sept. 6th
for something
of interest
to everv
Bee reader
Hot weather sense
Eat cooling foods in clean
sanitary places.
The Puro Food Sign.
Qaickserv Cafeteria
Rasement City NatT Rank RIdg,
Or Uoston Lunches.
210 South lttth BU
14O0 IsuuKlas hL
HOH Farnam St.
mi jw iljajiii ihi
tc, rfWt ?fwWv
- - r. - - - - . - yX- '1r'wl'r