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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1914)
IS ii n I I - h ti it' I 8 A THE OMAHA srXDAY BEE: AUGUST SO. 1914. I li ' . Benson a Thriving Business Center and a City of Beautiful Homes '' r - 4 nU1 ! I 3 1 r ' Main Rtiwf, Drniion, IookLng Kt from l lfty-nlnth StiwU Main Street, Benaon, Looking West from fifty-ninth Street. Pajrmei :- 4 .... 4 ', , ..,..,.,.'" -: t I - '-''!)pvi,.i $475 Cash, $26.75 Per Month The Monthly :nts Include the Interest This attractive hxnie 1 in an excellent location, cIoro to car line, near school and aurrounded by rood homoa and In a fine neighborhood. The lot Ib high and level, full elze r0xl2S all In aod and set out In back with young trees. The house la large, 3 4 -ft, frontage to street with large roomy porch as shown In photo. Convenient vestibule entrance which opena either to living room or dining room. The living room is large on south and east aide (the house faces east), with a wide mission opening to pretty dining room. Two fine large bedrooms with closets, nice bath room completely equipped with high grade porcelain fixtures.. Large convenient kitchen with pantry, full brick and concrete basement, high grade, fully guaranteed furnace that will heat the house right at a minimum cost. Very large attic with room for two or three more rooms. Well built and warm house, double floors, tar felt between 'walls, 2x8 lower joists, 2x6 celling rafters, all on lC-lncti centers. Kntlre house nicely decorated In latest de signs of oatmeal papers, polished oak floors and oak finish in living room and dining room, electric lights with pretty electric shower fixtures, gas. Us Strictly modern, up-to-date and a good borne. A safe Investment for the value Is In it. This will sell quickly at the price, $2,985; f 475 cash and $26.75 per month. Monthly payments Include the Interest. Do not fall to see this today. If you are looking for a home of this sice and can pay the cash payment required you will buy this home. Another One $385 Cash, $22.50 Per Month', Price $2,475. FIVE LARGE ROOM8 AND BATH. The lot Is 62x128, south front, high and sightly with nice lawn. Wide front porch with tieavy ratling, full bevel plate front door, vestibule entrance, cozy living room with pretty colonnade opening to nice dining room with bay window. Two good sired bed rooms with big closets, large bath room with complete plumbing, polished oak floors, electric llghta and gas. An attractive little bungalow cottage that you can easily own. A home you will be proud to own. Price only $2,475; $375 cash and $22.50 per month. See me today, or any evening this week after 6 o'clock. Phones Benson 122. TAKE BENSON CAK, GET OFF AT 018T STREET, IN BENSON; COMB SOUTH TO NO. 2803. Price $2,985 A Well Built and Comfort- able Home m F. S. TRULLINGER, BUILDER OF WELL BUILT y BENSON HOMES. I "r 1 of homes, Is the largest I i I snd most progressive V j suburb of Omaha. Dur- m I Li K l tic lank DiA ucu" uiJ son has shown a remarka ble growth, the population havins Increased from 1,200 to almost 000. the larfreat Increase shown hv any other Omaha suburb or by any ity in the state of Nebraska. Benson is located on a high and iKhllv table land adloinlne Dm. ha on the northwest and U Ana of the most desirable locations for a home. lien son has all the modern conveni ences and nubile lmDrovements. lies Of naved streeta. nnrmanent alks, electric lights, gas, etc. Benson owns its own watnr worku giving to the entire city an abundant supply of water, clear and sparkling, taken from deen water wells 900 feet through sand and rock. The water system Is controlled entirely by the city of Benson and provides a source of income to the city. During the last year the Omaha Oas company supplied practically the entire resi dence district with gas, and are still laying mains out to the more thinly populated sections, which It was im- possiDie to ao a year ago. Benson s one of the best 11 eh ted cities in the country. Benson enjoys a paid fir denart. ment. Including up-to-the-minute equipment In every respect, the pride of the city. That Benson has one nf th hf public school systems in the state of xseorasKa can be certified to by any one who will take a littu tim. in vestigate. The total enrollment is ,200 pupils, occupying three lafce I Emil Carlson PLUMBING, STEAM and HOT WATER HEATING s 5743 MAIN ST. Phone Ben. 140, Benson, Neb. r : CONRAD SWANSON HIGH CLASS WORK Painting and Interior Decorating Thone 1 ten on 378-Y r When in Benson Stop at TINDELL'S News Stand 2008 MILT. AVE. Cigars, Candy, Soda Water W. A. HABERSXROH "THE BEST FURNACES FOR THE MONEY" FURNACES and GENERAL TIM W O R K vurnxa ruas&czM iw bouse buut a vrciAZ.TT. 409 KAJUITO gTEST. VKOITS XAKVBT 1971. Smoko The Benson Cigar New Shape. Hand-Made JOHN P. WI CHERT Manufacturer of HARNESS AND SADDLES Dealer in BLANKETS AND WHIPS Rtpmiring Neatly Don: $100 Reward, $100 For Any Watch I Can't Make Run I handl all makes f Matthee and ran save you front 1-4 to 1-8 Oft Oman priceH. I alHo carry well selected Jin of HariUnd rhlna ud Llb bey'a cut glaaa. L R. SMIS0R, Jeweler 683.1 Main, Street. BKXSOX buildings. In addition to the public schools, St. Bernard's Parochial school la located in Benson, with an enrollment ot about 100. Benson Is well represented by churches, having denominations, each of which has a bulldinf of Its own. Benson's business center comprises fifty-seven business houses, repre senting every line of business, so that every want and need can be supplied In Benson. In addition to this Ben son city tax levy for the year 1913 was the lowest of any city In the state of Nebraska. The interest of Benson citizens in beautifying homes and municipal im provements is kept constantly before them by five different improvement clubs, whose solo purpose is to en courage cleanliness, neatness, sanita tion, etc. Benson has no slums to serve as a blot to the city but from one, end to the other the homes are neat and substantial, with well kept lawns. There is no smoke nuisance, the air is dry and all that one could desire from a hygienic standpoint. The citizens of Benson extend to you a most cordial Invitation to visit them In Benson. They want you to come. They are proud of their city, the growth and the Improvements that have been made. They have many new things to show you and they are very anxious to have you visit the City of Homes. Take a car ride to Benson, drive put with your horse and buggy or-automobile; take an evening off and look over Benson. Go and see them and if later xpu de cide to go to Benson to live and make your home you will be welcomed most heartily. Bank of Benson, Nebraska Now Has Assets of $400,000.00 The continued growth of this bank results from the good management, ample facilities and the careful investment of its funds. JAS. A. HOWARD, Pres. A. C ADAMS, Cash. E. H. OLSON, Ree. Phone Benson 250. . SIEVERS, Res. Phone Benson 174-J. OLSON & SIEVERS BUILDING CONTRACTORS 5826 MAIV STREET Telephone Benson 158. All Work and Material Guaranteed. jirin-ruuu'-rLri n fi - mm Estimate Furnished Free, SPECIAL OFFER! This 101 Eclipse Cabinet Range Can Be Bought for- 21 y Insulted In your home. Omaha Gas Co. 1509 Howard Street F.D. McCRAY Watchmaker JEWELRY OPTICAL GOODS East Half Odd Fellows Bldg. jEas BENSON THEATER Trey 0' Hearts EVERY MONDAY MATINEE OX LABOR DAY. TRY THE 1Tn!SKI D ML For the best line of Hard and Soft Coal and Coke. For Soft Coal ask for BISCO. Successful Fall Planting uderiejnds upon the plant being dormant when dug. We never dig shrubs or 'trees for fall planting before October 15th, as they are not dormant. Let us tell you about our pleased customers from last fall. Your order Is dun the day before delivery. Let us call and see you. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY Tel. Benson 534. BEXSOX, NEB. P. J. Flynn, Prop. G ILTtJTTLEs rtlRNlTURE 6 UNDERTAKING Betook fta. ' ' " ' "''inriri i.nj-j-j-r ! U.S. ARMY TRAINING IS BEST, i i : 27o Soldiers in World Get Such J Perfect Preparation, i . . ? OFFICERS ESPECIALLY FITTED --jjnj-j1J-1j-u-lj-nr Watch The Bee For Benson Real Estate Announcements ixrLnru"irMvii'yM'iT" --"----------- - -iriinj-nj'xnjLrunj Biggest in Town Our Selection of Standard Watches Quality Jewelry and Silverware See Us for Diamonds We handle only the best, and have the benefit of the biggest buying power in the west, embracing 250 Brode gaard Branch Stores in Iowa and Nebraska. Morton & Brodegfaard Benson, Nebraska C. C. Williams The Plumber and Furnace Man Report I"rrr4 fur 1 umiululiiirr Urarril Mood, Drarrlbva Army Kdaralloa. Th V'nul Putri imt a niur thor cuth aoj fur-sutntf ytrni f rofe ki-hulbittlc lialriluK fur the officer In th army tlmn any oth r imllvii, i cord.ns tu HHaiul report rrprrl by 'ittUln 1hukUs Mac Arthur fur l'nltd hlnttt C'oininiil tier of KdiRkllon ('! ton, and i;irov4 ,y Citni-rul Leonard Wood. The itiMtit, xlii h is mude pit vt the annul tt.t of tha commtiutioncr, under th tula ' tautionil fttnu In the American Army," ha Jnt bren pub lished In bulWtin form at Wahlnston. In It ta told how th I'niled 6tatea keeps the off Ken and m-n ot tta ar.ny up to tha tup notch of effU U-m y, and why Ha army ym. m avoids the rutty and Immobility "Their organisations are founded upon the theory that there la nothing mysteri ous in (he art of war; that technical and acientlf'v training Is needud by only ' a smull portion of military officers; that rertain thing which a Napoleon must of the system of army education fol lowed abroad. "No country la th world ha a com plete a aatm of professional scholastic training for It officer a th United States," declared Captain MacArth'ir. 'Tu. Is du to the inherent difference betaeen the military establishment of furelen nation and that of fur own. Their armies are at all times kept upj a wat footing, is a result of which they have, amide opportunity for the perfect training of the personnel in th practical duties of th military profession. "In such aa army th main object U to train every man for the efficient per-1 forniance of hi dutle In th giadn which he, holds when war cornea. A lieutenant doe not dream of becoming a captain """'r me result of war, ezctpt a a vacancy Is mad for hlin In the casualties of battle. Only In the same way doe a captain expect to become a colonel; nor would th Idea be tolerated that great nurrbvr of trained line officer are to be uddenly transferred to variou staff t,o- i t tl 'U It.. know every officer must know, and can a readily acqulr a he; whll those thing which differentiate a Napoleon from other general cannot be acquired in any echool. not even la that of war. Different frva Eirtpr. "Such a system would be thoroughly unsound If transplanted to tha American army, the organization of which 1 quite different from continental armies, la fact, th most striking feature of our service la the absence of what constitutes the very essence of the foreign establish ment; that 1. a great atandtng army ervlng in corps, division and brigade, in which the average officer of any grade learna the deta.ll of hi profession by practical work and with the minimum of theory. , "Our system of military education must, therefore, differ from that ot the other great nations of th world. It must b such a to educate our officer ao that they will be able at a moment' notice, when the war expansion come, to per form th dutie ot far advanced g-ade and to render aervlc In branch ot th army, both line and ataff. In which they are not commissioned la time of peace. For this reason w have established a progressive system of schools designed to teach officer and men. limited only by their Individual capacittea for It assimi lation, the duty ot the man la arm ta all grades, from lowest to highest Vh isteiai larledra. "Th military educational system of the United State comprise th Military academy at Weet Point tor th education of cadet, post school for th Instruction of enliated men, garrison school for th Instruction of .officers In subjects pertain ing to the performance of their ordinary duties, th army aervlc schools at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Including the Army School of the Una, the Army Ftaff col li g. the Army Signal arhool, th Army Field Engineer school, the Array Field Service and Correspondence school for medical officers, th Special Service schools, consisting of the Engineer school. Washington barracks. D. C; th Coast Artillery school. Fort Monroe, Vs.; the Mounted Service school. Fort Riley, Kan.; the Army Medical school, Washington. P. C; the 6chool of Fire for Field Ar tillery. Fort Sill. Okl.r the School of Musketry, Fort Silt. Okl.; the Signal Corp Aviation school, fan Diego, Cat; the Schools for liskers and Cooks. Washing ton barracks, l. C, and Presidio of San Francisco, Cat.; th Training School for Saddler and for Battery Mechanics of Field Artillery. Rock Island arsenal. III.; the School of Instruction for enliated mea of the regular army selected fur d tail for duty with th organised militia: th Engineer Trade achoola; th Army War college, Washington. D. C; th School of Instruction for college students, and th military department of civil In stitutions at which officers ot the army are detailed under provision of law." New York Times. FROM AN OLD RECORD BOOK Interesting Data ea thei Cost f Dying; la Keslsrky Uae His. greal Yams Age. At the term of court held her Decem ber 14. 1601. we find the following on record: "Ordered that John Clark be allowed for boarding and finding and attending upon Francis Leaf ft u when sick, twenty-seven day, th uin of 1)0. "For keeping a horse, drenching and doctoring of him when foundered, sixty nine daya, til "For w riding three days oa Leafflu business, $3. "For paying the dtctor for wridin $17. "For finding for the doctor. 50 cents. "For all my trouble in burying of hlir. finding planks, getting the coffin inuri.. and for liquor and victuuls furnished nl tn burying, the aunt of $17." Hopkin. vlll Kentucktan. dalle. Trae, th t Archibald Peptop was enjoying one m the red letter daya of his life. This wa he moment for which be had labored for years. H was choosing a uniform for hi brand new chauffeur. "Chocolate and cream, scarlet and gray, emerald green T We have eveiv shade and variety ot cloth." auKKtsted the live merchant. Achihald was drawn thia way and that In makuiK a final selection. Kventu.ii,v ha decided, so that none could enub him for political tendencies, on a umiurni i,f orangn and royal blue. "1 prefer this," aaid Arrhi pompoiKly "but it's rather expensive." "If you prefer it, have It. sir" de risively answered the salesman. "A?it. all, tt a your bos w ho pay: ' 4