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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1914)
2 A Tire OMAHA SUNDAY IJKK: AUGUST 30, 19H. Coat Sale Monday, 8:30 A. M. $(x75 Fr your choice of any $Z5 J Summer Coat in Our Stock There are 193 coats left, including taffeta, poplin and moire; silk coats for afternoon and evening wear, balmacaan coats, serge coats, corduroy coats and many novelty ideas. These coats were formerly offered at from $12.50 to $62.50 Monday . . . $'6.75 There are no reservations every coat is included. On account of the low price we cannot alter or accept the return of these coats. College Women and School Misses Find Our Autumn Apparel for 1914 Most Attractive, Because of Style Individuality Price The best of Fall Styles are found here in profusion. This is a Suit Season and we are prepared to satisfy any suit want. The revival of broadcloth characterises this season, and in addition many other attractive fabrics are shown. Our suit prices range from $22.50 to $95.00. No charge for alterations. COATS SKIRTS DRESSES Odd Napkins in 14 Dozen Lots $3.50 20-inch Napkins, Monday, $1.00 for , do. $4.00 22-inch Napkins, Monday, $1.38 for Va dos. Ready Made Roller Towels 50o Towels 35 C 65c Towels 50c HOWARD Jii AND SIXTEENTH STREETS MAIMS BATTERED BY BIG SIEGE GUNS Refugees Tell How Sixty Thousand Inhabitants Have Been Driven from the City. OLD AND YOUNG ARE KILLED LOSSES OF BOTH ' " . SIDES APPALLIWG Paris Official Communication Says German,! Appear to Have Slackened Their March. LOSGWY HAS ' SURRENDERED Advices from St. Patarebarar Reach las; London An Effect that i Rnialam Have Occupied " . Allea.tela. , PARIS, Aug. a. An official communication Issued by the war department tonight says: "The alt uatloft on our front, from the de. France, to to tbe Vosges, remains the same today as yesterday. "The German forces enrjear to have slackened their march." The .apparent Inaction of.! the I l' J I . . M.J , . V. - Mlilmi a I final, a muiuainu iu iu . statement, ta expsalsed y the fnght- f ill vhanatlnn hntti aldea whft fop daya have' been : fighting furiously. The losses of both emles are ap paillng, particularly those of the Germans. As an illustration of the casualties among the Germans, a prisoner ' ralatea that two ' Oerman Tearlraents, the One Hundred and Twelfth and One Hundred and For-ty-second, 1 lost so heavily that they were made Into one, and of that only sixty men now remain. Froara Tab Of fen. It. LONDON, Aug. U An-etficlal statement Issued, by the French em baany last night aald: "Yesterday bur troops took up tbe offensive In the Vosgos, In the ' region between the Vosges mountains and Nancy, where fighting .has been going on for. a fortnight. The German lossos were considerable. "Longwy, which was garrisoned by only one battalion, has surren dered after holding out for twenty four days." Rnaltni Tab Alleaateln. The Russian embassy here last night received advices from St. Pe tersburg to the effect that the Rue slant had occupied Allenateln, east Prussia, sixty-five miles south - of Koenigsberg, after repulsing the Germane, who had brought .up the reinforcements. . In Gallcla, the advices said, the Russian advance continued and an Austrian; regiment had been deci mated. ELEVEN GERMAH . ' : ' ' SHIPS ARE LOST (Continued from Paae One.) QUARTER MILLION FRENCHMEN ARISE (Continued from Fsge One.) the United Btates, today announced he had received no confirmation from his government of the destruction of Ger man cruisers In the North sea by the British fleet, but he assumed the news, piper aeoounte were oorreot "I do not account it In any eense a treat naval battle," he said. "It mihii that the entire British fleet attacked asd sunk a few German ships doing at poet fluty." . - The Germs n embassador denied reports of German cruelty and asserted (hat air ships bed attacked nothing but fortifica themselves and thulr artillery hum been able to find the reuses over the sonea the Germans traverse In the next fight Inc. Keports that France has formed a new army of 260,000 to take the offensive sgalnst the German right has aroused much Interest! they have not, however, been confirmed. A telegram from Basel, Swttcertand, de claring that five German and an Austrian army corps are marching on ' Belfort, France, has not ben authenticated, nor has another report that the Germans have been obliged to withdraw a portion of their forces In the west to meet the Russian advance in the east. The advance movement of the Mus covltes in the eastern theater of the war seems uninterrupted. In eastern Prussia they have completely Invested Koenigs berg. while In Oallcla they would appear te be drawing the net tighter around Lorn berg. ! Look Out Black Trawler. The source of the floating mines which hnve sunk so many small craft In the North sea during the lest few days seems te be indicated in a request to shipping to keep a lookout for a "trawler painted blrkwlth white numbers en Its tunnel.' and when It Is seen to notify the author tties Immediately. Fired by the news that the native In dian army is coming to participate In this war, the Basutoe of Bouth Africa have petitioned that In' the event of en at tempted Invasion of South African ter rltorr. they be allowed to "cast a few stones at the enemy." rify helled Flrnt on tlae Side and Tarn on Other I'ntll Sqaarn and Half Are in Rains. By pF.ncr i. (Copyright, 1914, Tress ruulishlng Co.) GHENT, Belgium. Au. 28.-8peclal Cablegram to New York World and Omaha Bee.) I have just been talking to the latest refugees from Mallnes, who left there yenterday about 4 o'clock dur ing a lull in the fighting. Out of 60.000 Inhabitant)!, a business man among them told me, hardly 200 are left In the town. Many are. dead nnd the rent have fled. 'It has been hell" he said. "Since Monday the town has been shelled first one side, then the other. The cathedral, the square, and half of the houses are In ruins. Old peuple and young have been kllld. Yesterday I found a quite old gentleman, 84, whom I had known for years, lying in one of the trenches by tha roadside, utterly exhausted by his flight, with his face In a pool of water. Of hie family of seven, who were friends of ours, not one is left that we know of. A shell struck their house on Tuesday morning and all were killed. "The Germane seem to have brought up heavy siege guns for use at Antwerp and are using them .st Mallnes. Their num bers are most accurately given at 80,000. The Belgian army retired Just beyond Malines two days ago, but the German fire continues. They probably will ad vance and occupy the plare today.". en the (Jerman forces In northeastern Prussia. Two or three army corns advanced as far as Klelre. whre thry encountered aj strong Russian force. A pitched battle was fought and resulted in the overthrow of the Invaders, who suffered heavy losses, H was here that the Kleventh Hungarian reserves met their fate. Ilansls; In la i'anle. LONDON. Aug. 2.-(6;0 a. m.) A Co penhagen dispatch to the Exchange Tel egraph company says the German steamer Perkld has airlved there from Danzig, Germany. The captain told of: a terrible panic there, owing to the fear of the Russian lavnelon. He ssid the In habitants were in a desperate condition and that there had been fierce rioting. Foreigners and their possessions, he said, were ruthlessly misused. British Officer Tells of Sinking of the Kaiser Wilhelm of this city. Her husband wae called home from his summer work teachlrif at DcKalb. III., by the serioua illness ci his wife last month Everybody Beads Bee TVant Ada. TROOPS OF ALLIES HAVE EVACUATED CITY OF BOULOGNE (Continued from Page One.) GERMANS RUSHED FROM BELGIUM TO MEETRUSS HOSTS (Continued from Page One.) rvera Lie Forte Stand. LONDON. Aug. IS.-A dispatch to the Exchange Telesraph company from Ant warp, says that the Belgian government declaree officially that several of the torts at IJuge are still resisting. Censored War News ,eeals One Fact In the meagre reports from Kuropean keep pace with Europen demand, but Europe is armim? nnd that food supplies are already becoming scare. Prices here in; Aroorica are rising to keep pace, with European demands, but regardless f demand, the price will not advance on kewaafMSJsaMMamaaaHBsMimmMBMSBmmaa ' FOOD Enormous quantities of wheat and barley have been bought for making this . . delicious, nourishing food. And in spite of any advance in tho price of grain, , Grape-Nuts food will Cost Same as AlwaysEverywhere y ' . For many years Grape-Nuts packages have been tightly sealed in waxed paper - moisture and germ proof the food alwways fresh and appetizing. Huge orders from Europe show that their home folks and Armies know and ap preciate the sturdy value of Grape-Nuts food. "Thre's a Reason ; , , 8cld by Grocers everywhere. overrun by the Russian army and a great part of the region la already in Russian hands. The German forcea, consisting of three army corps and several divisions, have been repeat edly defeated, losing heavily In men and guna." Carry ' Troops East. LONDON, Aug. 29. (2:15 p. m ) A dispatch to the Evening Newa from Copenhagen saya: "Ordinary railroad transportation in Germany has been suspended for the present because the railroads are engaged in carrying troops from the west front to the hard-pressed east front."i. A dispatch to tbe Reuter Telegram company from Parla saya an official communication given out in ' the French capital confirms previous re ports that the Russians bave -completely , invested Koenlgtburg, in eastern Prussia. Rasalaas Defeated, BERLIN, Aug. 29. (By Wlrelesa to the Associated Press.) News of the deefat of five Russian army corps to the south of Allenstein la made public here today. It is re garded as encouraging and aa greatly relieving the situation In Eaat Prus sia. It la said to Insure the flank of the German positions. Allenstein Is about, sixty miles south of Koe nlgsburg. The Associated Press has been in formed from official . Austrian sources that the battles which have been in progress for several days past are expected to be decisive. Austrian) troops are ' pursuing the Russians from Krasnlk, about twenty miles north of tho Galiclan frontier, In the direction of Lublin. There is no invading army between the river Bug and the river Wlepri. (These rivers are affluents of the Vistula and embrace a territory located to the eaat of Warsaw). Anatrla Invades ' It aula. ' Mtustrla, according to this same authority, has invaded Russia and has occupied tbe region in front of Zamose. Zamose Is a atrongly forti fied town of Russian Poland on the Wlepri, forty-five miles southeaat of Lublin. The Austrlana hold tha regions to the west, north and southeast of Lemberg, Gallcla, an have advanced toward the Dniester river against strong invading foroea of the enemy. the vicinity to proceed at onee to Ger many to assist in harvesting. The newe of this order is likely to iwi (rreatly the number of Belgian refugees In southern Holland. Vnfnrtlfted Tows Bombarded. The correspondent of Reutter's Tele gram company at Antwerp sent the fol lowing official statement which has been issued there: "On Thursday the Germans, contrary to the laws of war, bombarded Mallnes, an open and undefended town. 'On Friday morning the town was nar- tlally occupied by German Infantry which withdrew toward the south In the after noon and the bombardment was renewed. four shells falling about each quarter of an hour. "The enemy also bombarded the region about Heyst Opden Berg, a town seven teen inllei southeast of Antwerp, an open locality not occupied by the military. "Tho two operations had no less an object than to terrorise the civilian popu lations. "The Germans have systematically bom barded the forts and gaps of Namur for forty-eight hours. The town Itself suf fered little. The enemy has invested the northeast portion of the place and Is at tacking the forts and gaps In that region. The Belgian dlvialon retired to the sec ond line of defense which was bombarded violently. In turn the Belgian and French troops made numerous counter attacks. "The Belgian division retlrad hv m-v the Bambre and the Meuse and movement was accomplished In good order. Our troops have rejoined the French lines. "Reconnolsances made In the neighbor hood of Antwerp gave favorable results and showed the country unoccupied. Our security, therefore, Is complete." LONDON, Aug. .-(2:.T0 p. m.)-The Evening News publishes a dispatch from 1-as Talmas. Canary Islnnds. giving an account of tho sinking of the North Gor man IJoyd transatlantic llnrr Kaiser Wil helm IVr Grosee off the coast of Africa by the r.rltish cruiser High Filer, which j was reported Thursday. Lieutenant Dcane, a British army of ficer, who was taken prisoner by the Kaiser Wilhelm Der Orosse from tho , Prittsh steamer Oallclan on the high , j Is the authority of tha Ias Palmas cor- respondent and In an Interview he gives a prra'phle account of how the great liner was destroyed. Lieutenant Ieane was not on board tha German liner; he had been sent over to the Collier Arucal, from which the liner I wan conling. When It was seen that tho Kaiser Wilhelm Was doomed the German j captain sent his sword, his dispatch box j nnd a letter to his wife to the collier, ' his secretary being his messenger. Previ- j cue to doing this the captain of the liner, had announced that .he would himself i Mow up his command rather than eur- j render. i When tha High Flier opened firs on the j liner, Lieutenant Peane continues, the j collier was still fastened to It by one ! hawser, and owing to some delay certain 1 prisoners on board the liner did not get a chancS to leave the ship. The Kalaer Wilhelm was bow on to the High Flier snd the BVltlsh cruiser had some diffl-1 culty In finding Its mark. It maneuvered to get broadside on and the ensuing can nonade lasted for forty minutes. All the shots from the Kaiser Wilhelm appeared ! to be falling short. From the collier it was seen that It had been hit three times I end, on catching fire, ,lt censed replying! to the shots from the Brltlwh' cruiser. I When the liner had been silenced the! time the Arucal, which had separated from the liner, had gotten too far away to perceive anything more than that It was still burning. The Germans kept on board the Kaiser Wilhelm only its officers, Its gun crews and a few engineers. The remainder of Its men were trar.ferred to the collier. The Collier Arucal brought also the crews of three British vessels, the Kat para, the Nyanga, steamers of 4,741. 1.4B7 tons, respectively, and a fishing boat, which were transferred off Rio de Oro, from the Kaiser Wilhelm der Urosse, which had sunk these vessels before It was attacked by the High Flyer. ;T;UlUS. 'g Get Schmoller &. Mueller's Victor Service JiV rllt,, if phf, ! Isi'iir'r m it i Secures This Magnificent VICTROLA and 21 Victor Musical Selec tions (12 Victor Double Faced Records), including the latest dance music. Terms as low ne $1.00 . Per Week. Schrcollcr&nueller PIANO CO. 1311-13 Farnam Street, - Omaha, Neb. BURNING LOUYAIN 1 SELF-DEFENSE ACT (Continued from Page One.) provocation and for providing people arms." rlth Oermaas Protest. The leaders of tha German armv." ihfc dispatch oontlnues, "protest against news spread by enemies about the cruelty of German warfare. 'German troops some times had to take severe measures when provoked by the people making treacher ous attacks upon them or commltlng atrocities against the wounded. The re sponsibility for this method of warfare falls entirely upon the civil authorities of occupied territory, who give arms to civilians and stir them up to take part In the war. The German troops never narmed peoplo or private property with out cause. The German soldier Is no In cendiary or pillager, but fights only against the army of the enemy, "The news published in foreign papers about German soldiers persecuting non combatants are mean lies, showing lack of morality on the part of the author." Another Case of Bubonic Plague NEW ORLEANS. Au. 23 -Tho mt.l number of Dlajcue eaaea dlnroviB,i hor since June IT was Increased to twenty- two today. Elmore If. Head, aged 30 years, is the latest vluUm. HOARDING PROPERTY NOT CRIME IN NEW YORK NEW TORK. Aug. An opinion from the corporation counsel's office that Indi viduals cannot be Interfered with In hoarding their property or offering It for sale at exorbitant prices, practically put an end today to all hop of the mayor's committee and other organisations for obtaining some messure of relief fror the high price of food through criminal prosecutions. A comprehensive plan for the four free publio markets to be opened Beptember 1 was announced todav. Its novel part Is an arrangement made for the bringing In of produoe on old trolley cars, espe cially run for the purpose at night. Secret Diplomacy is Blamed for Great Conflict in Europe LONDON, Aug.. 2S.-4;10 a. m.)-The Daily News In an editorial denouncing secret diplomacy, says: "Can Europe ever again tolerate the appalling peril of secret diplomacy. Can we ever again play about on the deck with sails and compasses, making our little laws and Imagining that we are self-governing, while down In the hold of our ship of state there Is a powder magazine, the very existence of which we are not permitted to know. "Secret diplomacy belongs to the tradi tions of autocratic and personal govern ment; it has no place In a democratic, world and the example of tho United States must become the model of the civilised world on th's vital matter If Europe Is to be free from menace in the future." HOTELS AS SUMMER RESORTS. WHEN YOU COMB TO -. ... t; "si . 1 I-" r 1 M SiBFe.. - "1 ' ts- i . 1 'rtijinlA.livp J Adriatic Comes Into New York with Guns on Deck, Lights Out NEW YORK. Aug. .-Wlth slg-lnch guns mounted fore and aft, with every porthole blanketed and all lights extin guished, the White Star liner Adriatic crept into port In the darkness of early morning today. It had aboard 1.763 pass engers, nearly all Americans who were In England at the outbreak of hostilities. It is said that the vessel will go from here to Halifax to help carry Canadian volunteers across the sea. . Whether the Adriatic's armament brings it within the classification of an auxiliary cruiser and as such places It under the regulations, covering war vessels of a na tion at war, was a question which Col lector Melons asked Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, bis superior at Wash ington, to determine today. 4- WIFE OF AMES PROFESSOR DIES IN SHENANDOAH SHENANDOAH, la,, Aug. .-4Speclal.) Mrs. Thomas Vance, the wife of Trof. Vance, who will teach psychology the coming year at the Iowa State college at Ames, died here this afternoon of blood poisoning. Mrs. Vance was a daughter- of Mr. and rMs. Oeorge Luah 3 I Why mi p t Koi wh roe apuli prima. Stop at the ttiattarmm Known the world ever Oe Miehigaa Avenue, Chicago' no sMrad ive boulevaid. (Joobftrudteo view oi Giant Park snd Lake Michigan. Unrivalled a a Ssatsjer and Winter hotel. Withis five minutes walk oi Federal Building, the leading theatres, snd buiioeu cealie. Recent improvement giade at a coA exceeding $300,000. , Cnlslne end service unexcelled ROOM KATES Stasl Room for cm renoii $1.50. 2.0Oaad2.0pOTM?. I Dubi Room far two imui tl 50. 3.00 ud 4 DO sot in. $insl Room wnh batk for on pmoa $2.50, 3.00. 3.50 ud 4.00 por dij. OmU Rous will, both (or two mon $4.00. 5.00 tod 6.00 per day. iDDfTOxTON I0TEL Hlcklpa StilmrJ. CklMf W. S. Shaftr, Managtr NECESSITY Necessity Is the mother of inven tions. As much as necessity has coin pelle? us to endure the dark age con trivance, of unsanitary half tooth bridge work, Dr. Todd has seen the necessity of Inventing a full tooth sanitary bridge work and now As man ufacturing teeth. It is a necosaity to make dental work cheaper and'better. Investigate at the office 403 Brandela Bldg. DR. C.W.TODD Raestaa Storv la Dtffereat. LONDON. Aug. -(J;Sl) a. m.)-A dis patch to the Times from St. Petersburg saya that reports are circulating there of the fall of Koenigsberg, the strongly fortified seaport of the Germans In East Prussia. ' The Russian advanee In Eaat Prussia gave rise to three daya of prolonged and stubborn engagements In the vicinity of BolJau. Allenstein. .and Btschoftaburg, where the enemy had concentrated the army corps which retreated from Oum blnnen and some freeh troops. Allen stein has been successfully occupied by the Russians. , The German losses were particularly heavy at Muehlen, between Oetarode and Nordenburg, and the enemy la la full retreat. On the Oallclan front the fighting had on Wednesday assumed the character of general .engagements developing In the southern districts of Lublin and la east ern Oalicla on the roads of Lemberg. The front of tha battle extended for too miles. At first the fighting was more of the character of attack and counter attack, but gradually tha were com pelled to assume defensive. A Russian regiment la a hand-to-hand fight with the Eleventh Hungarian re serves, captured their colors and nearly annihilated the eaemy. AaMrl'.i Aro Ief rated. LONDON, Aug. .!. s. m.)A t Petersburg dispatch to the Times, sent Saturday morning, says the Austrlans made a bold offensive attack yeeterday by trying to seise the left flank of the Russian position la Poland with the ob- 1 vlous intention of relieving the pressure THIRD FLOOR KM A I UP1 BLOCK 1 xR1PMl& i .-rv.i THIRD FLOOR PAXT0N BLK. 'Corner 16th and Farnam Streets. Telephone Douglas 10S5. s H IT k SntMM Dr. Wilcox. Dr. Douglas. ' Dr. M. Mach. K This Is the Largest and Best Equip ped Dental OfflrM In Omaha van 'chairs, white enamel, sanitary equip Iment. Employing In all 10 people. The foundation of this large prac tice Is High Grade Dentistry at Reason able Prices.