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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1914)
The Busy Bees Their Own Page WILLIAM SPANGENBERQ It the new ling of the Busy Bees and Ethel Brlnkmaa Is the new queen. They will hold office until January 1 when another Busy Bee election will be held. The retiring king and queen are Adolph Hull and Mabel Hedrgren. Among those who also received votes In the election were Lillian Petersen, Hertha Stoldt, Guy Ford Phenk and Roy Baker. The new king of the Red Bide is 11 years old and is In the Sixth B grade at Caateliar school. He -reads a great deal and is especially fond of history. William spent Ms vacation at Blair this summer with some friends and enjoyed it very much. Ethel Brtnkman Is 12 years old and is In the seventh grade at Columbian school. The new queen Is a sweet, quiet-mannered little girl and she, too. Is a prodigious reader. Ethel has been writing stories for the Busy Bee page for a long while. Under the leadership of these two, a very successful reign Is assured. Morton Blum of Des Moines sent us an extract from a speech by Wen dell Phillips. .No prizes are awarded for letters or stories that are not original, but this speech, bears such a fine message that It Is printed this week for the Busy Bees. This week first prize was awarded to Ruth Cunningham of the Blue side: second prixe to Elly Jensen of the Blue side, and honorable mention to Medora Mohney of the Red side. Little Stories by Little Folk (First Prlra.) My Cotton Plant By Ruth Cunning-ham. Aged 10 Yaars, &31 Franklin St Omaha. Blue Side. Last aprinr my teaoher. MJsa Hack, rave the children In our room soma cot tonseeds. I had threa and rava a neigh bor girl one, hut her seed died. I planted mine In a can and both aeeda came up. Whan the weather waa warm enough wa aet them out. but In, transplanting ona died. The other ona la a little oyer three and one-half feat high. It has had quite a few blossoms. The flowera are bell shaped and a pale lemon color. Whan they fade the next day they turn pink. Thla wither up and then a tiny pod begins to grow. Tha cotton grow Inalde these pods. I have several good-sized pods bo I will surely have cot ton before frost I like to watch It grow. I have shown It to a lot of neighbor children and some grown people, ' too, for they have never aeen a cotton plant growing'. (Second Prize.) Eager to Start School. By Elisabeth Jeneen, 1713 Canton Street, v Omaha. Blue Side. I am a new member and would Ilka to Join tha Blue aid. I Ilka to read the children's atorlea in Tha Bee. I will now tell you about my vacation. On tha last day of school wa went to school at tha usual time. Of course wa were all ex cused, since wa war to aet our passing cards that morning. I have two brothers. They passed and ao did X. X said good bye to our teachers and earn home about 10 o'clock. Than my eldest brother went with papa for a car ride, aa my papa la a motor-man, and my smallest brother and I went down town shopping for mother. After finishing our shopping we went to a show which waa tha Hipp. We enjoyed the pictures greatly. Before wa went home we each got an lea cream soda. If did taste good because wa were so hot We reached 'home about 4:30 o'clock all tired out, but had a good time. Since that day wa have been to Hanacom park four times, taking our lunch along and also asking a friend or two with ua, generally staying all day. Now I am over to my aunt's house apendlng tha rcat of my vacation. I am having a fine time. Are you all glad school will soon start T I am. I can hardly wait I will close now. I iave tried all I could to make my let ter interesting. I will writ again soma time. Royal Rulers of the Bright Little Busy Bees BULES FOR YOUHQ WRITERS ea-tsBsssBBSsiBsai x. Write plainly a eaa aid at hm payor oaly aa ammbes the paf a. . a. vn pan aad la, net snoO. S. Short ead fola arttoloe wiU be given prsforeaee. Be net sa ever BSO words. 4. Original stories at letter ealj wiU be asad. a. Writ yonr name, are aad ad dress at tha top ef the first para. rtrst aad second prises of boeka will be givea for tas beat two eon trtbutlona to thla pare eaoa week. Address all communications to exxx-xtassra df amihest, Omaha Baa. Omaha, Vab. (Honorable Mention.) Our Play House. By Medora Mohney, Aged 11 Tears, Edi son. j9o. xiea oiuv. This summer, some of my friends and my little brother and 1 decided we would like a tent to play In, ao we tried to fix ona. But we could not get the pole to stay up. Mamma said we could have an Old carpet with whloh to cover It At noon we told papa about It and- ha said he would help us. He took tha pole. We tried to put It In tha center of our tent and fixed It between two cotton wood trees. Then h took two boaroa and drove them in the ground. Then ha took another board and nailed it on top of tha two boards. He than put the carpet over it and we had a little play house to play in and wa have had a great deal of fun In It many cays. Trip on the Ocean. By Bethlne Donaldson, Aged IS Tears, Council tHutis, J. a. Jrtoa bias. When X was about a years old wa moved out west Wa stayed In Wash lngton till I waa 7 yeara old, and than wa decided to go to Los Angeles, CaJ. We took a boat from Seattle and started on aur trip. Wa had a little room on tha deck floor. Wa bad threa little beds. one on top of another, as In a train, and a little stand, a wash stand and a oouple of chairs In our room. There was a large parlor in tha ahlp, with chairs, sofas and tables, and a pi ano with which many people had a good time. We had a nice time all tha way except whan we went through the straits. Then wa .were sick. The boat waa to atop at Ban Francisco, and as wa entered tha Golden Gate it certainly waa beautiful. Tha Rocks, , , s. ' ..v . ..-.V j I Hf' --m-"'" jJT "liiMn i ilii 1 .... ,--r V ? J supper and soon they had races and tfnira I s one of tha reanut winners. Then tha winners had to race. I vii bratrn In that. After that the dancing began and my sinter and I danced. An 1 we didn't ret home till 11 o'clock. I went to bvd and slept till half past next moi-nlnn, which was Sunday. I hop my story Is acceptable. By Hasel Brown, land, la rxriKmaru VJ-CISLiAnx. ahona In all different colors, and aeaJs were on tha rocka . Wa atayed In Ban Franclaco ona day and want air over tha town. The atrecta . ware still tore up from the earthquake. ..We continued our trip h next- two daya knd at last reached Ixa Angela, where w finished our trip . - . - , A Scare. - ;, By Elliaheth Wlloox. Ared 1 Tears, ingnam, iNeo. nea u It happened " that one evening I waa left In the house alone with, my brother and sister, both of whom were younger than myself. After they went to bed I read . until about. o'clock, whan I want to bed. I did not go right to Bleep, but instead I lay awake for sdtno time. Presently tha stair steps began ta oreak. It aounded as If someone waa leaping from atep to step. In a few minutes something gray darted past my door. I sat up In bed. My face aeemed to be burning! How frightened I waa! In a ahort time two fiery, bright green balls wars staring at me! Presently I could aee a aoft, gray tail twitching In tha doorway. I knew In a moment ttiat it waa only my cat, Bingo. My scare waa over, so I laid down and went to sleep. . Corn. By Beulah Christiansen, Aged 12 Tears, Bradshaw, Nab. Blue Side. Corn Is very much used In the United States and other countries. , It la used to feed to the stock, as cows, horses, hogs, sheep and to tha chickens. It is great feed for moat anyone. It la ground up and used for small chickens. We havs a alio to put In soma of our green corn. It ia hard to oook for the man aa thrashers. We are feeding some green corn to the cattle. Corn la ons of tha, main crops hera Corn must ba taken care of. It must be cultivated until it la large. Spins Cocoon. By Fay Baldwin, Aged 11 Tears, Her man, Keb. Red Side. It waa Monday night and we were go ing to Tekamah. Papa waa separating the milk and ha told ma to so In tha cellar and got tha milk which he had saved that morning. I went and at the milk and took It out to the abed. On our fence I aaw a big green worm. I took tha milk ovor to tha shed and told papa to coma and see It. Then I called mr ' mother and Bister. Papa said It was a silkworm. We put It In a box and took It to Te kamah to show It to my aunt. When we came home we forgot It. Wednesday night when wa went up there It had spun a cocoon. We brought It home and put It In tha south window. - If it hatches Into a butterfly I wHl write about it. A Noble Boy. By Ruth Shlveley, Ared Tears, Nemaha, rseo. x)iu oiu. Onoa there wss a litis boy whose name waa Harry. Aa ha waa coming home from school an old lady waa going homa She waa old and feeble and could hardly get across the street Harry ran up and said, "I will help you home." So Harry put his book under Ma arm and took her basket Harry waa a poor boy. His parents were very poor. They had taught him to ba kind though. Whan Harry got homa with her and her basket ha atarted the fire and gathered her eggs. I la brought her In soma wood and whan ha went to go homa she said: "I think you are a kind little boy.' i Harry Want to school and was In tha sixth grade. The other boys made fun of him because ha waa ao kind to the girls in sohool.' But Harry would say: r "Polltenesa IS to do and aay . ' . Tha kindest thing In tha kindest way." " ! ' Picnic at Balaton. By ' Mary Andersen, S20 Maple Street. Omaha, Nab., Aged 13 Teara. Blue Side. I ara a atranger to thla page and you. I have taken Tha Bee for over four years. This will be my beginning story- The A. O. U. W. had a plcnto on August 15 in Ralston. It wsa tha longest ride I have had for a long time and tha best Tha first thing when we got there waa to find a shady plaoe and to gat a drink. Thsy had a band playing. I went down and listened to them. Later on we had The Queer Dinner. Aged it Tears, Oak- Red Fide. The dinner hell rang. Nobody cams to dinner. "I am getting cold." said tha soup, "How dull It la." aald tha carving knife It'a talk," said tha bread. "We meet often, but don't know each other vary well." "Did you apk to me?" said the meat "No," aald tha bread, "t know you very well. Only a few days aro you ware walking about In tha grass." 'Tas," said ths meat "and you waa growing nearby In a wheat field." "Not I." aald the breed. "It Is a long time since I saw ths wheat field. I have been through the mill since than. That takea time." "I came from under tha ground," aald the potato. "It la dark there, but I Ilka dark places." 'So do I." ssld tha turnljv 'And ao do I," aald tha onion. I cams all the way from Spain," aald tha onion Tha cucumber beran to laugh. Visit to the Queen. By Ethelyn Beyer, Ma North Nlnteenth, South Omaha. Neb. Blue Biae. One day last week two girls and I went over to visit Mabel Hedgren, eur queen Mabel mat us at the gate and we had a nice time eating cherries off tha traea. In a little while wa went to the pasture land behind Mabel's house. Hare they keep tha horse and a lot of little chick ens. Arthur, Mabel's brother, put a blanket on Prince, tha horse, and helped Florence and I on his back. Florence and I went flrat. We did not have anything to hold on to, and ai wont down a small hill we Just Jumped up and down on the horse. When wa neared tha fence Prince jumped and threw ua about two feet from him. We walked up tha hill and Arthur put a bridle on Prince and we finished eur ride. Then Lillian and Maoel took their turn. Afterwards we went Into the house and played games. Then we sat on tha porch awing and drank pop and ate cherries un til we went home. About half past five we atarted homa and Mabel took ua to the bridge. We all had a good time and told Mabel wa would eoma over soma other time. ' I think If any of the Busy Bees would go to see Mabel they would ba aura to aay they had a good time. nlng into tha hnus to ask their mother If they could go to tha rrK with the other glrl. Their mother said they could go If they would take their little sister along with thorn. They did not want to take their little sister along. When mother left the room. Rose said. "It ua go now," so they went with the other girls. About ::W o'clock H began to rain very hard. When Rose and Mary got homa that nlrht they were very cold and wet. They, promised not to disobey their mother or anybody. 1 haven't writ, ten for a long tine. Will try and write oftener. 1 hope Mr. Waste Basket Is having a vacation. 1 hope to see 'my let ter In print. Thomas Makes Home Bun. By Alice Mahonev. 4100 Chicago Street, lime nice. Pay. ma, do 1 haa to wash these dishes?" came a shrill voire from the kitchen. Yes, Thomas. Indeed you do, and get right to work." answered his mother front' the rarlnr. "Well, wouldn't that cut the cake, though?" Thomas said to himself, "Scents kinder funny when a teller's got wo alstera." "Dear me. alx platea. two cups " Thomas picked up the plutea and started for tha dish pan. He dropped them In with one hand, when, "Uee. burnt tha flngr ofn me!" ha dashed for the cold wster anl dipped his fin ger In. Just then Mabel, Thomaa' alstet came running In. "Oh, Thomas," aha cried, you get right to work; Helen and I ara going to' make tome fudge. We'll ba ready In half an hour," and away she went. When aha went, Tom chanced to aee four boys coming with balls snd bsts. Teu might know what a temptation that was, seeing boys go by with bats and balls. "Pay, I guess I will run over and play a game. I ll be right tcn, sna away ba ran. Tha boys ware aoon having a very ax- citing game, ao Interesting that Tom for got his dishes. Tom waa on tha third base, Jut ready to make a homa run. Enjoys Party. By Rosalia Klein, 14 Hickory Street . Omaha, Neb. Blue Side. I received a latter from my couata from Missouri Valley to attend a party given In honor of Louis Newton. I accepted Leaving on the morning train I waa met at the depot with an automobile and was driven out to the lake where the party was te take Place. We played tames and had a dallcloue lunch and In the 'afternoon wa all want In awlmmlng. ' Wa stayed In the water for soma time. Aftei enjoying ourselves in the water we all got out and dressed, plokad up our leavings, put them In .the oar and rode home, most happy and tired. Disobedient Girls. By Esther Potasknlk, Aged 1t Teara, 2622 Caldwell Street, Omaha. Red Side. Rose and Mary were sisters and very good friends. One day they came run- when Mabel began her fudge. Oh, horroral" cried Mabel. Tom's father went out Into tha yard and called Tom In. Tom waa atlU on third base. Tha next morning Tom mat tha pitcher, who said, "Tom, we would have beat It you atayed." Oh," replied Tom, "Pa got tha atrap, ma tha paddle, ala tha .broom, and I want to tell you I made a homa run, and a mighty fast one, too." Our Spotted Colt. By Marv Iewls. Aged I Tears, Eeoeur, Nab., R. No. 90. Red Bide. I am going to tall you a story of our little spotted colt My mother aant me out to hunt tha hammer. Tha colt kept following ma around all tha time. Her name la Cupid, We all think a lot of her. She likes sugar well. She Is three and a half months old, We feed her sugar and then aha 'wants mora My little brother, Tommy, got on her back and she came over to papa for sugar, Bha will shake hands with us and lay down for us. . She goaa to the gate wun my big brother, Lester, at every meal time, ! X wish to loin the Bed Side. A Faithful Dog. By Ruth Bufflngton, Aged S Tears, 8404 Hawthorne Avenue. Red tilde. Once there waa a little girl named Mary. She had a dog named Spot Her father bought It when It waa a puppy, Mary loved the dog. Her father was a rich man. But ona day ha came home very sad. He had lost most of his money, They had to move from the beautiful home In whloh they lived. They aold most of their beautiful furniture and they sold the dog. But one day Mary went in a circus and tha animals did trlcka A dng came out snd did a trick. Mary said to her father: "I think that dog looks like my dog." She called It snd It came running to her. After the circus they got on the csr and went home, but the dog followed. Then Mary said: "That must be my dog." And It was. I hope my story geta away from Mr. Waatebasket. Each Pet Has Tricks. By Pearl Madison, Aed IS Teara. Horaee, Neb. Blue Side. Onra upon a time there waa a little girl whose name waa Minnie. She want to visit her cousins, John and Alice. They had a dog whose name waa "Bask." They called him thla because ha slept In a basket Minnie had a white eat whose name was Snowball. "Snowball knows a great deal," aald Minnie. 1 "Can aha play bllndman'a buff," aekei Alice. "No." said Minnie, "can Baskr "I will show you what aha can do," aald Alice. John tied a handkerchief over tha dog's eves. Then Alice took a lump of sugar and held It to hla nose, then she rubbed tha sugar agalnat the leg of tha table and then placed It In a workbssket en he table. Then they cried for him to find It. Bask scampered about the room aa fast aa If he had not been blinded. He smelled at the chalra and tha other furniture on tha aide of tha room. By and by he came to the table. He gave one anlff at tha leg snd than stood up with hla paws on the table. Ha tilted tha lid of the basket with hla nose and carefully picked out tha augar. Good dog," cried Alice. Minnie Beamed unhappy and looked at Snowball and cried: "You good tor nothing. I don't love you ona bit." "Why, what has Snowball dona?" asked Alice. "Rha can't find any augar In a box." aald Minnie, almost ready to cry. John and Alice began to laugh. "She can catch mica, can't she?" asked John. 'Oh, yes." saldi Minnie. Well Bask don't know how. to catch mine. It Snowball eatchea mice you ought to be proud of her." 'Tea. and she doaa aome other nice things." said Minnie, brightening up. Tou dear, dear old Snowball." Minnie Waa no longer jealous or unhappy. Busy Bee Rhymes. By Madeline Kenyon, Aged 1 Tears, Si.Tt uuming street. Omaha, Neb. Blue Bide, A boy one day bought a nice new pen. And the next day ha aaw hla little alstar give It to the hen. This made him very angrr. ror ne thought that hla pen was tha best In tha country. Than the boy ran up to the hen. But It waa gone! It was gone his nice new pen. This boy waa very, vary aad. And tha next day he wss quite mad. That day he told hla mother. But she said that ha was her brother And that ha ought to leave hla little sister alone. For she was even toe email to speak through a phone. That very asm day, as he was sitting near the hen. Why down below he aaw his nice new , pent , . i At m Prlee. Bobby had been naughty. At any rata, he had Incurred hla grandmother's wrath which comes to much the same thing and had then taken to his heels, hotly pursued for aome dlataaca by the Indig nant old woman. Finding it useless to continue the pur suit, tha old woman, hot, panting snd almost beside herself with rate, appealed for help to a number of small boys stand ing near. "I'll glvs anybody a quarter," aha cried, "who catches that little wretch!" Tha little wrtch referred to heard her words, and immediately came to stand still. Then, turning round, cried out: "Give ma the money and I'll come back!" TEE LAErXM BlU SEBUB6E 3C "TP" rin ic1 tp n? vv txtf nn re ft II ft M t sT ftJkl ft flfi I Utile, u W UlJlc, n i7r at the SHOWN FIRST IN OLVJAMA SSMliyLlJ J LAX U U V 1317 DOUGLAS fifth "TFISV A' FlimnTG" TUESDAY, EPISODE iU&l U il&tUild "SEPT. 1ST - V.' GEORGE LARKIN UWrASM'. MOV-! f:r: ,.f,. Starring ia "Trey o'llearti." Alamo Theater 24th and Fort Sta. "Trey o' Hearts" Episode No. 3, TUESDAY, SEPT. 1. Farnam Theater "Trey o' Hearts" TUESDAY, SEPT. 1, Fourth Episode, With Universal Ike, Jr., Comedy "DANCE AT L. 0." 1 22 mmma Roper Theater Council Bluffs, Ia. "Trey o' Hearts" Fifth Episode, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. Lyric Theater 16th and Vinton. "Trey o' Hearts" Serial No. 4. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Loyal Theater 24th and Caldwell. "Trey o' Hearts" Serial No. 4, SUNDAY, AUG. 30. Palace Theater 24th and Davenport. "Trey o' Hearts" - Commencing SUNDAY, SEPT. 6. And Each Week Every Sunday Following. Pastime Theater 23d and Leavenworth. "Trey o' Hearts" Third Episode, SATURDAY, SEPT. 5. Today's Feature "Lady of the Island." Two-lMl Imp. Gem Theater 13th and William "Trey o Hearts" Second Episode, SUNDAY, AUG. 30. Don't Miss It. Frolic Theater 24th and Sprague. "Trey o' Hearts" Fourth Episode, SATURDAY, SEPT. 5. Don't Miss It. Diamond Theater 24th and Lake. "Trey o' Hearts" EVERY FRIDAY Million Dollar Mystery EVERY ITEBDAY Don't mlse any of our shows. IDEAL Theater 16th and Dorcas. "Trey o Hearts" Episode No. 4. FRIDAY. SEPT. 4th The T.lonrco 26th and Farnam. . "Trey o' Hearts" Serial No. 4. Monday, Aug. 81st, Banda, An. 80th. WEIGHTS AXD MEASURES 2 reel, W. Kerrigan. agio Theater South Omaha. "Trey o' Hearts" , . Serial No. 5. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Dcnson Theater ' Benson, Neb. "Trey o' Hearts" THIRD EFISODH Monday, Aug. 81st. TODAY'S FEATURE, "Mexican Spy In AmerltM, 8 reel, 101 Bison. Soo "Troy fo Hearts" at Lothrop Thoator Begtiinln-; Thursday, September 8. See thla picture in com fort at the finest picture bouse In Omaha. Air Dome 40th and Hamilton. "Trey o' Hearts" First Shown. TUESDAY, SEPT. 1. Crystal Theater North Platte, Neb. "Trey o' Hearts" First Shown Monday. Sept. 7th Lyric Theater Osceola, Neb. Coming !' Coming It "Trey o' Hearts" Two-Reel Serial in Fifteen Installments. Tho Host Spoctacular and Interest ing Story Evor Filmod. You Can't Afford to Miss a Slnglo Numbor. LYRIC THEATER AVsvoaa. art. "Trey o1 Hearts" Watch This Space for Oats.