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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1914)
2-B nre omatta cttntiay ree-. auoitst ao, 1914. MUST WEARPICME HATS Thii is the Lateit Decree from Peril Before the War. FIRST LARGE FALL WEDDIUG Mia Cnrella Ceasr) Mr. HrrWrl rrtiek Are t tr rlfl Thersar llesae tfce, Brle. geelal Calendar. MOKPAT-Mr. and Mr. Arthur f. Hog er. Orpheum theater party followed by supper for FTenrh-Cnngdon wedding party Mlae I.uella Allen, studio tea for Mm Hurry Blrkmler of rremont, . Children's dsnce at field and Car ter I-as elub. Tl EJSUAT-Mr. War Hall, dinner party at Country club for French-Onngdon wedding party. Mr. Oenrg F. Mlckel. children party at Happy Hollow Hub. Ctrur Lake rlub dinner dance. Mat Ine and dinner dance at Happy Hollow rlub. WKIXEflrAT Mr. and Mra. J C. French, dinner at Country Hub follow In wedding rehesraal for French-Con-gdon wedding party. Columbian circle entertainment. Matinee and dinner dance at Sevmour Country Huh. IMnner dsnces at Field and Country club. THfRSDAT l"renrh-Congdon wedding at him of Mr. and Mra. Congdon. Carter I-sVe Hub dinner danc. FRIDAY Women golfers at Country club. Heymour Lake Country club din ner dance. tAT CROAT Week-end dinner dance at Field, Happy Hollow and Country clubs. Members, night at Carter Lake olub. Huge theater hats are the rag In New Tork, and this was probably tha laat note to come from Paris. These large and becoming picture hata are to be worn at the theater with evening gowns, and will take the place of th large comb and feathery head dresae of th last dec ade. This new fad of wearing hat In tin evening la probably due to the fact that the theater patrons nearly always go to a cafe following tha performan and a hat Is In belter taste and more becoming. Gain-borough with his wonderful por ttalta probably started thla new mode, and although they are awkward at times, It ha been difficult to keep them out of fashion. Black velvet with pink flowers and pink plumes or the favorite. It la prophesied that there la to be a famine In black velvet, but all of the hats shown are In this popular material. Th small hats for motoring and street wear, the Georgette aallor trimmed for -ireaaler occasions, and the restaurant and theater hats all are of black velvet. Th beet of thla material comes frm Lyons, Franc, and when the present .nnniv la axhaueted. we will have to change to other materials. For French-Congrdon Party. Th weddlnf of Mlas Caroline Congdon, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Isaso Cong- u Uerhert Pranoh Thuraday veiling at the brldss home will be the first large social event of the season. Mr. I A cano cruls and steak roast was French arrived laat evening from Louis-1 held on the bank of Carter lake Frl viue. Kv. Two of hi uaher, Mr. Harry day evening. A large campflre was built, McLeod of Minneapolis and Mr. Ned I Sheridan of Chicago, will be here Tuesday, Many social affair ara being given for mi.. Conadon and Mr. French. Mrs. Ralph Peter gave a luncheon Frl-1 day at her home. The gueata were Mra. Ben "Wood. Jr., Mlsa BIWer, Mlsa Dinning, Mlsa Gladys Peters and Mlsa Caroline Congdon. , , ' . . Saturday evening Mr. Cedrln and Mr. Cuthbert Potter gave dinner at the Country club for Mlsa Congdon and th bridal party and Monday evening Mr. and Mr. Arthur 8. Roger will glv an Orpheum party, followed by supper at their horn. Tuesday Mr. War Halt will be th host at a dinner at the Coun try dub and Wednesday Mr. and Mr. J. C. French, parent of the groom, will en ter U In tha bridal party at dinner at the Country club. The ceremony Thursday evening will ke followed by a reoeptton. European Traveler!. Mr. Ckutd Dleta left Thursday for New York to meet hi brother. C. N. Diets, and! Mra. Dirt, who are expected to land to day or tomorrow from Europe. Mlsa Hsnscom and Miss Prance, who were abroad this summer, landed, last Saturday In New Tork on the Campania A letter Thuraday from the three Slb- bernsen boys. Clarence, Drexel and - Al bert, who with their tnother. Mr. I. 81 b beraen, are In Copenhagen,' Denmark, aaya that that city Is overrun with Americans, waiting to secure passage tot home. Mr. Slbbernaaa and her aona .have engaged passage on th Frederick VH I, sailing Bepiemoer a, ana in tne meantime enjoy ing Copenhagen. - A cable ha been received from Mra John N. Baldwin and Mrs. Chart Shlv erlck,. who are traveling abroad with Miss Ros of CouncU Bluff, that they hav reached Amsterdam from Berlin and were leaving Wednesday for London and ex pected to Ball September 1 on the "Las- conla' for home. Presumably Mr. Hoch- stetler and Mlsa Hochstetler. Mr. W. A Mauer and Mra and Mia Bereshelm of Council Bluffs are with them, a they were traveling In th same party. Mr. and Mr. Edwin Hull of Vlotoria, Tel., who landed In Nw Tork Saturday from th Baltle after a summer spent In Europe, are the gueata of Mr. MuU'a slater, Mra. Charles Blskely. Omaha Girl Home from Europe. Mlsa Hannah Logaas. one of the for tunate passenger on th Baltlo en It recent voyage from Europe, la a guest of her slater, Mr. L. I. Bogen.ln Lincoln. Miss Logasa was anjoylng a trip through Europe when the rumor of war oame. Fortunately aha arrived In England be fore any of the actual declaration were made. Her brother sailed some time be- fore on the Laconla. She waa forced to I take passage la the third class section of the Baltlo. She tell of th high bid vm Hon. l l'tUr to 'o' Bogen. 'UlLs' brother tells of the trouble in securing mooey. Many Engllahmea wanted to discount American gold M par cent. He finally succeeded In getting off with discount of U per cent Mlas Logasa waa formerly connected with the Omaha public library and plan to return te Omaha for a visit In a few dara. Tbls fall sh will tak up her work aa tltu-artan f the university high school la Chicago. Return from Summer Outinei. Mr. C. K. Coutast arrived horn Wednesday from Kingston, N. Y where he spent the summer. Mrs. Herman Kouatse la at the Edge- wood at Greenwich. Coan aad will be erne about September It. Mr p. g. CowglU and son, Winston. are expected home today from Michigan. where tb latur ha beea at a boy1 ramp. Mra J. R. Iehmer and Via Ida Sharp wm be home tomorrow from a month at Elkhorn Lodge In Park, , Mra. P. H. Parts and her daughtere. Mia Elizabeth and Mia Mellora Davla, ara expected horn th latter part of next week. Mr. P. H. rav1e and her daughters, Mia RUtabeth and Mia Mellora Davla, ara expected horn th latter part of neit week. Mr. and Mr. John A. McHhane arrived her Thuraday from Karragansett and AtlanUo City. Mr. Charle Met and Mia Gertrude Met ram horn today from their ranch at Cody. Mr. Joaeph Byrne ha returned from Atlantic City,' where aha ha been for everal week visiting at her uncle cot tage. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Connell, who hav been, at Atlantic City for a month, ara now in New York. Mr. Joaeph Marker. 2d, returned Wednesday from Estes Park. Mra. Bar ker la expected back early next week from Montreal, where aha stayed for tha wedding of her slater, which took plac laat Thuraday. , Mr. V. W. Clark and har daughter, Mlas Kntherln Davenport, arrived home yesterday from Denver and Colorado Hprlnga, wher they apent tha last week. having left Waller, Colo., laat Saturday. Return from Lukes. Mr. and Mra. r . A. Ttrngan and aona. Albert and Maurice, returned this week from Pine, W1. Mrs. Brogan stopped over In Chicago for a day or two while Mr. Brogan and M auric returned by motor. Mra. J. J. Brown returned Sunday from Chrlatmaa lake and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman are expected back from there to- ' ,.,.. u . , tnr home. Mies F.lale Kloberg, who la a graduate of the Omaha High school, Haea of 1113. mill enter the Mlnneeota uni versity this fall. Popular Matron to Go South. Mrs. C. T. Pmlth Is a popular young matron In society who will leave the first of October to spend the winter In the south, where her husband' business I Interests are. Mrs. Smith la a member of th Monday Rrldge club and of th Country club set, and will be much missed. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will spend most of the winter In Alexandria and New OTleans. At Snmmerville Farm. The 'following 'young women are spend ing the last week-end of th .year at Bumfnervllle farm. th ."Young Women's Christian, association camp: Misses Mlsae Reatora Neltv, Louise Klert. Frsneea Barton. Mary Ryenolds. Mabel Rackett. MeCHglie, Williams. "Jennie Buchanan, Clara Brewster. Ksthe Rawson. Margaret Lltard, Josephine Vogel sang. Minerva Fuller. Marguerite More- home. O'adva Currv. Meadamea Meadamss James Austin. Morehouse, Ellsworth. At Carter Lake Club. around which the twenty-four member of the party gathered. Rev. George ho Dougal and Mlsa Margaret Bcott told In- dlan stories around the camprire. Mra. L. P. Heeney entertained at luncheon and whist party at her cottage. Teddy's Rooat." Those present wr: Mesdsmas- Mesdamea Lee Vtt. A. M. Wendell, lerey Ollleaple, . - William BKaiie. Charles Bone, C. H. T. Klepen. irher. lr. :1m. f. Heeney. Mrs. Theodore Tlerney enienainea m. luncheon, when covere wore laid for: Mesdamea Meadamea Eusr fox, John Hogsn, H.rrv inaalls. Theodore Tlerney. Mr. K. R. Wilson wm nosiess lor an automobile party and luncheon at Carter Lake club Saturday. Those present were Meedames Meadames Louie Klllbourna. H. O. t'ox. Oklahoma City; Lejaa. K. L. Bridges. . Watson Townaena. a l 1.' Mr. and Mr.-t-nanea oiauciwy talned at dinner Saturday evening. Covers wera laid for: ' Mr. and Mr. Edward Hull. Victoria, Mr. end Mrs Franklin Shotwell. Dr. and Mra. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blskely. Members of the Ames Alumni associa tion dined together at Carter Lake club Saturday evening. Cover wre laid for: Dr.. and Mra. A. C. Stokea. Mr. and Mr. A. P. Whltmor. Mr. and Mrs. W. It Haselton. Mr. and Mra. K. R. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. 1 U Hiouffer . Mlaaea Misses L. F. Johnson, I R. Wood. C. J. Schneider. M. B. Wilder. W. f. Byrnes. At Happy Hollow. Other who entertained gueata at Jtn ner last evening were C. W, Pollard, who had eight gueata; H. S. Busman, lve; J. P. Aiken, twelve; W. D. McHugh, four; P. C. Bullta. four; 6. B. Darlow, seven; H. B. Lemere, eight; Albert Edholm, three; R. P. Howea, lx. Tuaday, September I. there will be a mueloeJ at the club; September 1 there will be a married folk' dinner dance; the harvest home dinner will be September tt and the club will close September tt. Mr. and Mr. N. H. Loomla entertained at one of the larger dinner parti at (Happy Hollow last evening In honor of their guests. Dr. and Mrs. & & Eatey of Topcka, Kaa, Cover were plaoed for twenty guests. Mr. Alexander Loom Is entertained tea gueata at dinner. At the Field Club. Among those who entertained at dinner last evening at tha Field club were Mr. and Mra C. B. liver, who had cover laid for sixteen guests; Ml's Houck of Lincoln, ten; H. M. Goulding, six! A. C, Troup, six; Frank Walters, four; A. B. Shotwell, seven: John Ivelt. six; Charles Crowley, four; W. C. Dean, two. Mra Charles Goaa will entertain at luncheon Tuesday, when she will hav cover laid for twelve gueata. At Seymour Lake Country Club. Miss Doris Berry, waa hoateae to the U. No. O. club at a plctilo party. Her guests were: Misses Ira Halgler. Gladys W right. Mabel Ie. Helen Dennla. Margaret Selvy, Doris Berry. Lucille Nltsche, Nell Banner, Dr. and Mra C. W. Pollard entertained at dinner Friday evening, when covers were laid for: Mlases Misses Simpson of Ryan. I liver, Colo ; Mr. and Mr. George Sumaer. ' Mr. and Mr. A. D. fmith, Mr. and Mr. A. P. Johnson, Mr. and Mr. Paul Wernher, Mr. end Mr. Hyson. Dr and Mr. H. R Lemere, Dr. and Mr. C. W, Pollard. Miss Vera King and Mia Margaret w.wui enienainea at luncneon Trlday for Mis Ulllan Refregler, who left yester - day for Columbia university, and for I Mia Hasel Carnea of Kanaaa Cltv I ,Mr. J, M, Taonsr waa host for the She Will Spend Winter in the South iV: ' ' -.V. J) N 6 V Democratlo State Editorial association at the club Friday afternoon. Mia Margie Beckett had as her guests Friday evening: Misses Mlaaea Helen Hatch, Sumner. Messrs. Messrs. Edward Altcheson, D. C. Altchlson. Andreason Btebblns, Mr. and Mr. C. A. Mangura bad the following guests with them: Misses Misses Monica Callaway of Alice Wagner Peterson. N. J.; of Lincoln. Elisabeth Mangum, Messrs. Messrs. Edward Crosby, Ruasell Crosby. JohnQallaway of Peterson, N. J Mr. and Mra. W. C. Crosby. Mr. J. B. Gallaway of Patorson, N. J. Mr. Willis Crosby. Th Business Girls' club of th Toung Women's Christian association entertained at dinner last evening, honoring' Miss Lora Halgler, who has been one of the association secretaries for some time and who leavea to take up the work In an Iowa field. Miss Edna Wilson was chair man and presented Miss Halgler with a fitting gift. The decorations were In the club colors, red and white. Those present were: Misses Ml Lora Halgler, Belle Bllaa. Anna Johnson, Augusta Bowen, Harriet Frahm, Mabel Nelaon, Btella Wilcox. Alvlna Behrens, Gerard. OUve-Grlffln. Nell Wold of Catherine Morrison. Ida Kaley, , Kin ma Farm, France Wllson.v , Ixa Angeles, Cal. The young ladleg ot the Universal Press Clipping bureau were guests or Mlas Worley at dinner Friday evening. Covers were laid for: Mlaaea Mlsae Beaste Pearson, Mary Pcanlon. Cecelia Carlln. Ma Kllle, Kittle Worley, Alma Darling. One dinner party Friday evening was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dudley, Mr. and Mr. James Trimble and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Roberts. , Other parties were a follow: Dr. M. L. King, four guests; 6. J. Bell, four; Gall Current three; Dr. William Berry, four; John Urlon, five; John Whltten, four. The members of the Mother' Culture club entertained their husband at a din ner party at Seymour Lake Country olub Friday evening. Th committee In charge Included Meadamea T. I Comb. W. W. Plaher, J. C. Aidrlch and C. J. Chapman. The guest of th club were: Mr. and Mr. Cart C. Wilson. Mr. and Mra, R. J. Southard. Mr. and Mr. W. O. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yohe. Mrs, J. 1. Moore of Lincoln. Mrs. Klllhmirne of Oklahoma City. Miss Ktelyn Lyon of Chicago. The member present were: Mr. and Mra. W. H. Indo. Mr. and Mra. W. W. Flatter. Mr. and Mra. J. O. Detweller. Mr. and Mra. G. B Lehnhoff. Mr. and Mre. W. G. Spain. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cameron. Mr. and Mra. A. G. Plnkerton. Mr. and Mra. C. J. Dutton. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Aidrlch. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kesne. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Craddock. Mr. and Mra. C. J. Chapman. Mr. and Mra. T. L. Combs. Mr. and Mra. George E. Mlckel. Mr. and Mr. Wauoa Townsend. At Fontenelle Park. The Light Bearer's club gave ptcclc and wienie roast Thursday erenlnT. Those present were:! Mlsae Mia Marguerite Bake, Alma Wheeles. Beulah Baker, Resale Guthrie, Vera Jennings, Mildred Othmer, Ulllan Nation, Alma Bakrr. Arllne Richards, Eleanor Palmn,utat, Mrs. R. F. Baker. Motor Tripe. Mr. and Mr, w. w. Fisher aava re turned from a motor trip through Iowa. I Women Qolfen I The. women anlfera met at tha Field jclub Friday and the low score was mads kv m i u- tiii., i. h ..., . Li. i.. . riii... ... offered a prise, the foilowla. have ou.ll. rv:,H -'lv -,''J- v v ' - j l: v';i;'1N!'';',,''V Ttjl y'etei Nat ore 1 4 MwLCT5nifli fled: Mesdamea Karl Llnlnger, E. V. Arnold, C. E. Sharer, C. H. Ashton, C. J. Merriam, Samuel Mattaon, J. W. Battln and W. D. Clark. Th women golfers will meet next Fri day at the Country olub. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Prank L Haller enter tained at dinner laat evening; when their guests were: Misses Anna Tlbbet of Lincoln, Messrs Lucius Wakeley, Randall Brown. Edith Thomas. Nellie Wakeley, Messrs. Dr. LeRoy Crummer Mr. and Mra. Charlea W. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Somers. Mr. and Mrs.Froderto W. Thomas. Mrs. J. M. Metcalfe. Mrs. Georg W. Llnlnger. Mr. Cedrto Potter and Mr. Cuthbert Potter entertained at dinner at th Coun try club laat evening for Mis Caroline Congdon and Mr. Herbert Frenoh. Cov ere were placed for: Misses Mlaaea Caroline Congdon, East Orange, N. J. iMixaoetn txtngoon, Josephine Congdon Katharine Silver of Messrs. Messrs. Herbert French, Cedrio Potter. Ware Hall, Cuthbert Potter. Mr. and Mr. Arthur 8. Roger. Mr. and Mr. Iaaao R. Congdon. Mr. and Mra, J. c. French. Mr. and Mr. Philip Potter. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burns had aa their guests at dinner laat evening at the club Mr. and Mra. John A. Mc Shane. Mr. and Mra. M. C. Peter. Mr. Josephine Hogan. ' ' Mr. W. J. Foye. Mr. and Mr. H. O. Edwards entertained at ainner, when covers were laid for thirteen gueata. Luther Drake ha six gueata For the Future. Mlsa Luella Allen will entertain at tudlo tea Monday afternoon, the first or a aerie or arrair la honor of her Ister, Mrs. Henry Bfrkmler of Fre mont, O. ' ' - Mra ueorge E. Mlckel will entertain the member of th Mother Culture club and their children at Happy Hollow club Tuesday afternoon. Mre. Mlckel Is president of the olub. With the Visiton. Mia dara Hauachildt of Lincoln I th guest of Mis Vollln Harms. Centurion Dancing; Party. Th centurion club gave a delightful dancing party at their club room Thur dy evening, after which refreshment were served. Thoss present were: Misses Mlaaea Vena Kavanaugh Anna Mauer Marcel I a KavanaughJennle Hall r'lorenc riolbrook Anna Hlckey Catherine Heafey Mary Ollleaple Anna Wardlan Anna McMahon Catherine Crawford Messrs Leo Cahlll Harold Chambers Ray Sulllvsn Lawrence Sullivan Arthur Markey Jack Cunningham Larry Curran Zeta Kavanaugh 1ms Aiuieahy Grace Hall Bertha Tobias iesars F. N. Minlth John Mulcahy J. F. Powera Kmmett McMahon Patrick McOovera Io Wardlan M J. Heafey. Jr. James MltchoU Tom O'Connor. Mr. and Mr. Them Smith. Breakfast Party. Mrs. IL P. McKnight and Mra H. Agor entertained at breakfast Friday at th horns of Mr. McKnight. In honor of Mra S. E. Solomon, who I moving to Mo- Cook. Neb. Those present were: Mesdamea Mesdamea E. K. Kmmett, De Molne. O. M. Iruc, S. E. Solomon. E. E. t'oshier, H. Agor, Dr. R. Bandy of H. P. McKnight. Alpha Tan Omega. A camp for Alpha Taus will be held at Crescent lodge at the Toung Men's Chris tian association park on Carter lake, next week end. under the a us pi res of the Omaha Alumni association of Alpha Tau Omega. The special events ar a lunch eon at the I'nlveralty club Thursday and a party at the Orpheum for the men. They will attend the regular dinner and dance at the Happy Hollow club Fatur day evening. The reel of tha time mill be spent at the lake. About tweity-flvs active men from Ames. Nebraska and flmpaon are ex pected to be prcaent, bealdcs a number of alumni from Omaha atid vlelrrlty. Mr. Charles H. Parks Is president of the local aaenclatlon; John W. Towle, vice president and Alfred C. Kennedy, Jr , secretary -treasurer. Entertains La Icoi Club. HIM Ethel Anderann and H iincn to entertained the La I Mr. Taul Icos club Thursday evening at the home jnt Mlas j Anderson. After the hualneas meeting t !the evening wss srent In dancing. Thos j j present were: Misses I Edna Thrane. '' Esther K'linhusen, i Allen Carr. Messrs. : Polon Alhach, ' . . n . . Misses Gladys Shsmp. Lthel Anderson. Messrs. Paul tlungate. Alfred SchurU Charles Morearty. Karl Fiarnoarn, Walter Thrane, Mark Schwerln, Columbian Circle. Th Columblsn Circle will entertain at j Us hall. Twenty-second and ictiirc j street. Wednesday afternoon. Mr. N. I F. Murphy and Mra. P. F. Denlson will be th hostesses. Birthday Party. A birthday party was given In honor of Alice Mathew. Recitations were given by Agnee Mathew and Dorothy Tellesen. Those present ivere Agnes Mathew, Mary Ollbroth, Loralna Tellesen. Clarice Vance, Orace Flnnlgan. Marls Louise Mstnew, Alice Mathew, Dorothy Tellesen. Myrtle Swanson, Rose Plcard. Kathryn Walker. Wedding: Anniveriary. Mr. and Mr. Noble u France enter tained at dinner at their home Friday evening In honor of the fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Mur ray. Garden flower were used for th table decoration. Cover were laid for: Mr. and Mr. G. T. Murray. Mr. and Mr. Charle Owens of Deca tur. 111. . , Mr. ana Mr. Max jreess oi uii. Mr. and Mr. 3. Noble De Franca. Ill Hall-Saylor Wedding. The marriage of Mlas Anna u. Kayior of Western, Neb., to Mr. Jay U Hall or Falrbury will take place October a. This announcement was made to eighteen young lady friends, who were entertained at her home Monday evening. An elaborate four-course dinner was served by the Misses Eva and Alta Bay- or, assisted by Mabel Hollenberger and Helen Burns. The tsble was decorated In pink and white, with candle and a centerpiece of roses. Each guest drew a rose bud attacned to a pinx ana wnite heart, which disclosed the secret. Williams Coleman Wedding. Mrs. George R. Coleman of Hugo, Colo., formerly of Omaha, announoe th mar riage of her daughter, Marie, and Mr. Thomas E. Williams of Limon, Colo., which was celebrated at Llmon th early part of th month. Mra. William Is a graduate of the Omaha High school, class of 1913. Shamberg-Lewii Engagement. Mr. and Mr 3. Lewi of South Omaha announce the engagement of their daugh tor. Bertha, and Mr. Harry Shamberg of Omaha. No data has been set for the wedding. Stromberg-Johnson Wedding. Mr. and Mra. Eoos Johnson of Creston, la., announce the marriage of their daughter, Elsie Lydia, and Mr. Raymond Joseph Stromberg of Omaha, which waa celebrated Wednesday, August 2. In Omaha. The young people will be at home at aooi South Thirty-second avenue, after October 1. Dnbnow-Shames Engagement Mr. B. Shames announce the engage? ment of his daughter, Anna, to Mr. Julius Dubnow. The wedding will take plaoe In the near future. In and Out of the Bee Hire. Mr. F. H. Col ha returned from Chicago and Warren, III., where she spent the aummer. Mrs. W. B. T. Belt and daughter, Dorothy, will return from Prior Lake, Minn., Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. B. E. Sandwall and family have returned from a two weeks' trip to ths Minnesota lakes.' Captain and Mra. C. C. Allen and eon, Charles, hav left Prior Lake and are now at Atlantte City. Mlsa Cora Schwarts has returned from an extended stay In Chicago and will reopen her studio September 1. Mr. E. J. McVann went Sunday to Eate Park to Join his family and return with them about September 7. Mr. and Mrs. Max Gladstone have re turned from Cherokee Park, Colorado, where they spent the summer. Mr. E. H. Henderson, who was the guest of her niece, Mrs. John Telser, has returned to her home In Red Cloud. Mrs, Percy S. Powell and daughter. Phyllis, have returned from Ananaaie, Minn., where they spent the month of August. Miss Anna Bishop, who spent the week with her niece, Mrs. Denlse Barkalow, on her way from Denver, left yesterday for the east. Mr. and Mrs. "Ward Burgeaa. who hsv been at Wlanno, M1a., hav gone to visit Mr. and Mrs. L F. Crofoot at North East Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. William Morris Gunlock, who hsv been visiting Mra. Gunlock' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy, leave Sunday evening for their home. Mrs. W. A. Fraeer and Mrs. John T. Tstee left Thursday te Join Mr. Praaer and Mr. Vatea in New York. They will also visit Washington, Baltimore and other eastern places. Mr. and Mrs. Auguat M. Borglum and son. George Paul, who have been the guest of Mr. and Mra Leonard Everett In Colorado for the last month, will ar rive home September L Dr. Palmer Plndley will arrive home Sunday morning after a four months' trip In Europe. Mra Ftndley and children ar- Beautify the Complexion D4 TEN DAYS Nadinola CREAM The Unequalcd Beautlficr VM.O AND INDOaSCO r TMOCIAMl Guaranteed to rtmov tan, freckles, pimples, livr spots, etc. Extreme cases sbout twenty days. Rids pore and tissues of impurities. Leaves tha skin clear, soft, healthy. Two tbes, 50c. and $1.00. By toilet counter or mall. ItATtoNAL rotxsr comtant. fW4 rea ol kr ha,iaa aUCeaaan On atana. ttw-i- Dri4 . rj,4L Dru OsbC aa4 ar. I rived home today from Fetes Tark. whre thpy apent the summer. Mr. and Mra. Charles Harding have Tt- turned from a vlett wit their daughter, Mra Juetua Ixe of Mltvauke'e, who re - turned with them and is now with her alater, Mr, tamuel Rees, Jr. lieutenant and Mr. Stuart Howard are spending a month with her mother. Mrs. will Crarj-. Lieutenant Howard Is Jut hack from Alnnka with his regiment, tha Thirtieth Infantry, and Is stationed at the Presidio. Ran Francisco. Mrs. Harry Doorlv expects to leave i thla week for White Sulphur Prrlnpa, Va., i to meet her mother, Mra. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, and MIjs Ruth Hitchcock. who go from Washington to the springs. Mr. Doorly wn Join them later. Ansa mancne corenon has returned i from Chicago where aiie spent the Hum-; nier studying mualc. fr-he alirn visited sev-' eral summer resorts In Michigan. MIfs Sorenaon will open her studio about the ' m'ddle of September. Mrs. Robert B. H. Bell and children, who were guests of her fnther, Mr. E. j P. Peck, last week, has gone to Denver I to Join her husband, the Rev. Rnhert R. H who ha, rec,tIy rPSignPi n)B j rnarge of the Kearney Milltarv- academv and expects to make Denver hla home. ! Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Nash, who have been In New York, will leave this even- 1 Ing. Mlas Claire Helonc Woodard. who hss been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ia F. ' Crofoot at their summer home at North east Harbor, planned to go to New York ' and may return with Mr. and Mrs. Nash, i Mr. Phillip Morgan McCullough returned ! Saturday morning from Ioa, where he ! hss spent the summer In field engineering work for the Pell Telephone company, i Ho will remain with his parents till the opening of the University- of Nebraska, when he will begin his senior yesr's work In the engineering department. Personal Mention. Miss Lorna and Miss Winifred Bourke. daughters of Mrs. Charles McMsrtin, will enter a private school in La Grange, 111., next week. A son was born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Edw'n Morrison of Kansas City. Mr. Morrison wss formerly Miss Louise Tukey of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Buckingham, for merly of Dundee, who had been In Omaha several months, left Wednesday to make their home In California. Miss Fern Solomon, kindergarten In structor In the South Omaha schools, returns today from her work as super visor of the Junior department In Chau tauqua work in Kansas City. A son was born Wednesday to Lieu tenant and Mrs. Thomas J. Haves. 1r Mrs. Hayes ha been here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rlngwalt, Blnee spring, when her husband was or dered with his regiment to Vera Crux, where he Is still on duty. He Is expected here some time next month. An Offhand txeatlog, "A man Is fortunate when his wife re gards him as a man whose wisdom can always be depended on." yes, replied Mr. Growcher; "but that its BBC DO YOU KNOW that we can reline your Jacket with any kind of ma terial you desire for about V to what the regular Tailors would charge you! DO YOU KNOW that we make any kind of alteration or repairs on either Men's or "Women's C'othingT DO YOU KNOW that we put on silk or velvet collars and cuffs, put in new linings or sleeve linings, put on new buttons, put in new pockets, etc! We do and do it right, guaranteeing satisfaction or no pay. Autos everywhere. THE PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners and Dyers." 1515-17 Jones St. Phone Doug. 963. ' ' ' 1,111,11 1 1 """''""'""I ' hi in..' , , FACTORY RICES pKy.CQNVgNIENTTRHS .1 II I n.n,..i,.ml....l II II II. ..I... .in Hill. . A Lady's Suit Man Tailored to Your Order by Cot Scarcely Any More Than the Ordinary ltead-to-Ver Suit of the Department Store. LOHRi-lAN Tn rtlbl Boom 33os rawi ! raoae ANNOUNCEMENT This is to announce that MRS. H. M. ECK, formerly in W. O. Y. Bldg., has opened an up-to-the-minute millin ery 6tore at 18th and Farnam (formerly Kohl & Johnston) where the latest and most correct styles in Fall and Winter Millinery will be shown We will be pleased to terve our former as well as new customers. Formal opening THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Open Saturday Evening. Phone Douglas 657. rnnfl(lin fnith ran 1 atti ! to fir Its eiularrn-slnif tn lnr p'i;- ho tl' the I'ompanv that i pit " ill l" filt-'n r twenty miruit.'s Lite, nnl tl'et whll" thev hip WHttinv nii ilt iNputln a'i !1' cur- mm mm wmmm BUY FURS BY COMPARISON We suggest that you call at our etore and notice First, that our prices are no higher than else where. Then take note of the ex clusive designs created here In our shop the superior workmanship and finish, the quality of the skits and linings. When you realize that our custom furs cost no more than the common factory-made product, it does not seem possible that you would be satisfied with anything less than Auiabaugh Furs. Cor. 19th and Farnarfl (Continued from Page One.) GUY. LIGGETT, Pres. XadUa Tailor , Dongla out the tariff ami rnnMn and I ' - vi. ....... I j ,rrmihTBnara 7&.V$1 ' tw,tr;i S. i