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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1914)
10 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST ,;w, . 1JU. BRITISH DESTROY . GERHAHCRDISERS Two Are Sunk and Thrid St oa Fire in Action Off Heli goland. TWO DESTROYERS SENT UNDER Kagllsa Craft I.ast la Battle aat Llf aa Tkrm la Nat Ilrarr Maar Taaton Boats Damrr4 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHAInorris speaks against M'REYNOLDS' CONFIRMATION icmocrtic Jtaiton to Number of Forty-Four Meet in City. ARE SHOWN ABOUT THE TOWN . imbfr nf prakrn rrnmlnf al la r'aUh Krri Tot nallln at -sala Folloitlaa; Dlaarr at Kirkanar. LONDON. Aug. 19 It Is an aounced that, the British fleet has nnk two German cruisers and two German torpedo boat destroyers off Heligoland. A third cruiser was set afire and waa left sinking. No British ships were lost In the battle, It was added, and the British loss of life was not hear?. . In addition to the two torpedo boat destroyers and three cruisers many of the German torpedo boats were damaged. T ( riltrra aalt. Rear Admiral Sir David Beatty commanded the British forces and with a atrong array of torpedo boat destroyers, battle cruisers and light cruisers and submarines, attacked the Germans In Heligoland bight early this morning. The protected cruiser Mains was sent to the bot tom in an engagement with the light cruiser squadron, while the battle tqaadron sank another cruiser of the Coeln class. In the general fighting two of the German destroyers were riddled and eunk, while many others were badly damaged. ' One cruiser, battle-acarred and on fire, drifted away in a sinking con dition and was lost sight of. " The British cruiser squadron, ac cording to the semi-official report or the battle, although attacked by submarine boats and menaced by floating mines and the guns from the German warships, suffered no se rious losses. ; The cruiser Amethyst and the tor pedo boat destroyer Laertes, were damaged, but all the ships In the British floet were afloat at the end "of the engagement. The British loss of life waa not great. In the battle cruiser squadron were the flagship Lion, the New Zea land, the Queen Marie and the.Prln cess Royal, commanded by Rear Admiral- Beatty, while Rear Admiral Moore, Rear Admiral Christian, Commodore Goodnough and Commo dore Tyrwrttt had charge of other contingents. , A wireless . dtepatch received , to night from one of the cruisers said It wa making for port, with men wounded Ia. th ;nsagenieht. '"!' The Mains and the vessel of the Coeln class, were protected cruisers, , 403 feet long and dlsplacelng 4,280 tons. They had a speed of slightly over twenty-five knota an hour, flat la at Destroyers. CHEFOO. China. Aug. 28 The British torpedo boat destroyer Wel land bas engaged and sunk the Ger man topedo destroyer 8-90. Three German merchant ships, the steamer Frlsla, Itanameta! and Paklat, have been captured by the British fleet and taken to Wei-Hal-Wei. A number of refugee women and children from Tsing-Tau on hoard the Paklat were tranaf erred to another vessel and taken to Tien Tain,. Americans in Europe . Being Sent to War .WASHINGTON. Aug. It-Amarloan consul In Euro pa are being overwhelmed with appeals rr aid from claimants ot American citlscnatitp who have been forced to take up arma for their land of birth. ....... In Germany situation la mot com plicated, for the only treatlt the United feutes haa which touch on tlila aubjevt wtr. made with ssparat. statea and prln. dpalltles and before the confederation of the empire. None or theme rr,nt fin.. naturalisation papers a a valid obatacle asainen, repatriation. , Many Americana by admit Inn Wh aui'seona or physicians, mechanic, or at least material for able bodied soldiery, have been or are about to be aent to war. In the caaett ot thoae who are bona fide citizens the State department ! inukin. representation, but it Wa pointed out touar mat diplomatic bodies move Mower that recruiting aerseanta. RUSSIANS ARE ADVANCING RAPIDLY ON KOENIGSBURG 'LONDON. ,Au. S.-'The Rusalana are advancing rapidly on Leathers. Austria, their cavalry overcoming all Austrian .-.position." ears a dispatch from the Bt Vtteraburg correspondent of the Ex thange Telegraph company. The - mei tug. continues: "The Ruaelan troop, are marching on (Koenlgcburg and already have repulaed tbe advance guard of the garrison. The Kusslaii. now occupy Important position tin the river A lie. lit met n the rivers Vistula and Dnels tsr, tbe Russian are la cloae touch with the AUstrlans. whom they have already daiftated decisively at Temaschoff and Moiiasterxjrska." AMERICANS DO NOT CARE TO BE SENT TO HOLLAND I5KRIJX. Aug. .-Via London. Aug . S:40 a. m.) The special train for Americans, which left today, was not fully occupied. The next train will start in August Su tuiiiiiund r Ryan and his assistants, I lonianJers Kord and Martin and Cap tains Kenton, Miller. Cross and Knochs, .j instituted the relief buresn here, i.rj onidTt'le difficulty In persuading j.tjKan to go to Holland. South Omaha dpmnrnli r. nn .A yesWilay for the entertainment of the slate association of democratic editors. John M. Tanner was In the chair at AlrCrann'a hall when the e-lltors met at I o clock In the afternoon. President John M. Tanner welcomed the editors and spoke of the democratic hopes of the next few months. About forty-fotir were present from different parts of the mate. Those who spoke Included H. C. Rich mond of the Nehraxkan and Edgar How ard of the Columbus Telegram. Howard waa a r-onslrfmis figure at the meet and It was a noticeable fact that tha other democratic editors kowtowed to the long haired sage of Columbus. After a short meeting the- editors ad journed to take sn automobile rirta through tha city. About ten autos ac commodated the party. A number of Bouth Omaha business men of the demo cratic stripe accompanied the editors and supplied care for the occasion. Chief Brlggs, republican candidate for sheriff, was In the lead with the courtesies of his car. In the evening the editors nit at the Live Btock exchsnge and after a delight ful dinner a number of speakers ad dressed the meeting.. Among the speak ers of the evening were Ckn-crnor More head. John M. Tanner. Henry Richmond, Edgar Howard and a doxen other lights. Knrollment la Progress. Enrollment of new and old students Is In constant progress at the high school at tha present time. Principal 8. W. Moore Is receiving the students and par- : enta who accompany them and deciding ' upon the courses of study that will bring them the best advantages. All under graduate students should report at the principal's office today If possible and decide upon their courses of study. The freshman enrollment day will be next Monday, August 31. Iloa Prices Tasked. The price of hogs at the stock yards market yesterday went up abruptly from 10. rents to 15 cents per 100 pounds. . The packers started with a J cent raise ind other buyers quickly raised the mount to 10 cents and IK cents. Trices In other live stock remained unchanged and the buying and soiling was prao tlcally nor) 1. Johnston r'.nter Contest. - Frank Johnston, the blind newsdealer who haa hla stand at Twenty-fourth and N streets. Is making his second entry In the prlxe winning contest now being car ried on by the Buturday Evening Post A number of prises ranging from tioo down will be given to the newsman selling the Pott who decorates his news-stand the most beautifully. The stand waa decor ated by Johnston In a Dutch windmill atyle, braids of tissue paper, flowers ar tistically covering the stand. Interlaced with front pages of the Post On tbe ton of the stand was a miniature Dutch windmill decorated with a real wind wheel run by a small electric motor. The decorated stand presents a beautiful ap pearance on Twenty-fourth street anil haa brought much attention from local pedestrians. h. a--.,. t aarca' Notes. i ', first .McthocMst Knlnrohnl. Twenty-fifth and K. Rev. J. W. Kltkt-atrlck. Pastor Worship Hunday mornlntr at 11; preaching ty the paatjr; subject. "Our Prourqm for utumti. Mtnnay school at 9 i; Dcin ltlmtrr, superintendent. Kpworth league meeting at the church after veaner sctv- l-'ta. ... . . HI. John's Lutheran. Twentv "fifth . K. Rev. 8. II. Yerian." runtor Morning worship at 11: subject,. "The Higher Hock." Hun-lay school .at 9:ih. ("on are. gstlon will attend vesper cervices on high school lawn at :45. . First Mantlat. T went v. firth mnA IT n W. It Hill, Pastor Regular services at 11. rSunday school at 8:o. Union vesper services on the high school lawn at 6:4!V Rev. K Irk pni rick of the Klrst Methodist church will preach the sermon. First Presbyterian church. Twec.iv. third and J. Rev. Robert K Wheeler, I'HHtor Preaching at . 11 by the pastor; subject, "Why. Then. Is Not (he Health of the Daughter of My People Recovered'" e-unaay n nooi al :. Congregation will Jcin In at vesper services on hliih school ti a n. Union vesner services on the hluh achnnl lswn at 6: 4ii. Rev. J. W. Klrknatrtck of the Flrat Methodist Eptscopnl church will ireacn I tie sermon. He will be assisted y Rev. William R Hill of the First Wan. tfet church.. All Protectant church con gregations will attend and the neutral public Is welcome. . Maatle City t.oaalp. For Rent Six-room bouae 1111 Vnrih Twenty-second. Phone 8outh UK&'J. Lost on car between Albright and A street black watch fob with agate charm. Klialer telephone Mouth &! and claim ro ws rd. W. L, tnxet,berg t f vCarlaon. Neb . waa In South Omaha onSrt btiMm-ss trip yesiercay. tie returned rnrtne yesterday afternoon. Miss Monntha lee will return if tier home tu Dim city today after a suuuiMir's visit to Colorado Pprlura and other parts of Colorado. The Eagles of Sooth Omaha will give a 1 dae dance at the Kagle hall on Twenty filth and M streets this evening. Admis sion will be charged. 7 The Improved Order of Redmen will hold Its next merlins on Thursday ,v,n. !. September 3. at t o'clock at tha Red- men hall Twenty-fourth and O streets. All members please take notice. News from llohetnla brings the sorrow ful tiding that John flak and Henry Fik, brothers of Thomas Kink, of HU teenth and N streets, this city, were killed al Prague, llohetnla. by Oerinsn soldiers In battle. The American brother la mourn ing the death of hla brothers. The degree of Honor lodg a of South Omaha lll Jointly hold a district con vention al the Workmen t-niple at Twenty-fifth and M streets on eVptemher S and 1. All members are lnyltil lio-i.l... .. large program there will be offered a free rnicriainmeni to i i.e pui.ilc Wednesday evening, Heptember 2. WAflTtTNOTOW. Ang. . -abator ris of Nebraska sddre.aed the ,enat for nearly four hours In eect,ve session today tn opposition to the confirmation of Attorney General McRevnolds aa a justice of the supreme court. if dM not conclude hi. speech and action rm the nomlnaOoo again waa deferred until tomorrow. Democratic senators said tonight that tha rota would ha taken to morrow, and that there would be no democratic rotes against McReynotda. Mlalster Pralaee This Laxative Sfnvotl, Allison, la., pralaee Dr. Kings New Ijf. P for eon(rlJpi. tlon. Beet for liver and bowels. Se AH drugglsta.-Advertlaement ONE GENERAL AMONG THE FRENCH LIST OF SLAIN LONDON. Aug. M.e-A dispatch from Paris to the Renter Telegram compsny ays the French war office Is begin ning to publish lists of casualties araoag the. officers engaged In the fighting, and that already one general had been killed. Among the deaths announced today was that of Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Ml hon. who fell fighting In Alsace. He rame of old Irish stock and from the same family as the late Marshal Mac Mahon, once president of Franca. He waa a regular oontrlb it or to tbe Temps and an author of military works. Philippe MllkMt another writer, also figures In tha casual! ty list among the wounded. Everybody Reads Pee Want Ads. TO SEIZE BRUSSELS' WORKS OF ART IF RANS0M UNPAID LONDON. Aug. 29. -A dispatch to tha Reuter Telegram company from Often! says that of the German war levy of etn.O0O.O0O on the city of Brussels only $300,000 has been paid thus far. and tha Germans say that If tbe remainder Is not made good they will seise the pictures an4 works ot art In the museums. s&'&'W&siSi'iSisiS&tj One more day to secure picture framing at 25 discount. ar D. a r c . a .9 Boys' $5 Suits, $3.75 A Good looking, splendid wearing arhool suits for boys. Big variety of a Each suit haa two pairs full lined pants. Real $6.00 values a on 6econd Floor, Old Store, at 3.7a! OliMiSiiiiifsi lJ2f2mm "tm"tm'tnfm" sta-lasfTnslaasi Mil aatiaWI aadltfcslil i tl S)aags7iBaCaXi ill huaill if aw luawHaiatilliiS) ml una , I i Autumn Ope New Neckwear Many new and dainty thing ara constantly arriving In Uie neckwear section, making this a most Interest Ing place. We invite you to visit It tomorrow. ning Sale mi Display of Black Si AnJZyent That Emphasizes the Advantages of Purchasing Early and Selecting Here In fllMho wr'M T1?7 i WaCk ?Uks wU1 be a nvinn6 demonstration of the leadership of the Brandeis Silk Section. With stocks unrivaled wepi, wun styles of exceptional beauty, and qualities of superior excellence, we are in better position than ever to meet your wants. Black Satin Duchesse. Beautiful soft, lustrous silk of unusual wearing quality, for entire dresaea, coats and combination gar ments, yard wide. 11.23 quality, at g0 Y" J70C Swiss Satin Empire. Made especially for the costume trade. Deep black and soft chiffon finish. Yard wide. Thie quality aelia regularly for $2. Special for Monday Cf yard apl.OU No More Extras Can Be Issued at Paris LONDON. Aug. a -The prefect of no. flee at Paris haa prohibited the publica tion of all special editions of newspapers, according to a dispatch from- the French capital to the Ileuter Telegram company No Journal will be allowed to publish more than three editions dally. BRIEF CITY NEWS Oat Married -Minister. 1170 Cuming. Cava & Mat It Now Beacon ?resa neUty Storage aat Taa Ce. Doug, isle, UgaUaa- lUtares Purgeoa-Graadea company. - . i Today's Coaiplste afovte rrogTam" Beaatlful AU Mod era Homes Tor Sale oa the easy Daymcut irlan. Hankera' Kealty Investmvnt Co. Phone lKug.. tltte. may be found on the first page of the classified section today, and appear in The Bee EXCLLVIVKI.Y. Kind out what the various moving picture theatcra offer. Black Satin Meteor. jn entirely new fabric suitable for smart fall ffowns on account of its beautiful high lustre and finish. Full 40 inches wide. Worth $2.50, on sale Monday at $1.79. Black Crepe Tailleur. 0-inch black crepe Ullleur. specially adapted for auita and the new basque dresses. The weave Is one ofthe newest Lyons productions. Quality worth $3; on sale $2.89. Black Cachemire Satin 42-Inch black cachemire satin for dressy gowns. Has a natural lustre and just the right weight for entire dresses. Worth $2.25. arr.?r.u!...$i.69 Satin de Luxe. 42 Inch black costume satin de luxe, specially adapted for tailor made dresses and coats. Very popular for fall wear. Thla $2.50 quality QC at yard V 1 e0 Black Costume Satin. This satin Is made special ly, wide, 54 inches, for the new capes and coats. On account of width only a small quantity of the mate rial is required. Efs $3.25 quality.. jeeOU 42-Inch Black Crepe de Chine Beautiful quality and a rich deep black for dresses and waists. This Is the best crepe de chine ever offered by any house in Omaha. Worth $1.69 a yard; Monday, yard $1 Chiffon Taffeta Special Chiffon weight black Swiss taffeta, one of the leading black silks for fall dresses and in oexmbi- Imported Satin Majeste. BeauUfnl quality black satin majeste of soft, cling ing texture for the new basqoe dressee, K4-ln. wide. Worth $3.76 and $4.50, at $2.95 $3.50 S $3.25 Black Faille Sublime, $2.50 40-Inch black faille sublime, the height of fashion for smart silk suits. The material is very soft and Just the right weight to tailor splendidly. Regular $3.26 quality, yara, .ou. nation with Roman stripes. $1.96. at f and 139. Satin Messaline , Yard e blade satin face messafine of splendid wearing quality. Very lus trous finish. Regular price is $1. Special Monday, 09c. Yard wide. Worth $1.76 and Costume Crepe de Chine Cheney Bros. 46 Inch high grade $2.60 costume crepe de chine, the best ever of fered at this special price, yard, 91.93. Smart VI Fall ; Boots HE A Handsome Model New Things . in Dress Trimmings omen's now fall ktu 3. with soft patent kid vamp and cloth top, new Oaby heels, i The heels are of 3 leather, yet have all the style and finish of the wood heel. Xhese shoes arc handsomely finished throughout and per J feet fitting. All sizes and Hdtlrs at $4.95.t w V : ; ; Splendid Showing of New Autumn Dress Goodi These stocks are unquestionably the finest ever brought to Omaha. It will be of real satisfaction to select fabrics here for your fall needs. . a source Broadcloth. the popular weave for tailored aulta. preferred for their many points of excellence. Sponged and shrunk broadcloths of best qual ities at 9Hc to $2.95. Drap d'Alma. a new satin face fabric, some what different from gabardine, and very much liked for fall. All smart autumn shades. Special i quality, yard 91.30. Roman Stripe Suitings. the height of fashion now. These are here In complete va riety, as we have anticipated a atrong demand for them. Splendid values, COc to f2.50. . ' Broadcloth. Only 10 pieces of beau tiful quality c h I f fon broadcloth regularJy worth $3.50, specially priced for ff ayo Monday, yd. . J 1 47 French Plaids. Very special for Mon day 100 pieces of yard wide French plaids in a variety of excellent pat terns, worth 60c, rg ..... Sa7C at yard " Suitings.. Manlsh suitings and tailor weight serges, ga bardines, eptngle, granite suitings, crepe tailleur and novelties, f f r"fa 98c, 91.19 andaP l .OU Serges. Cleveland Mills celebrated costume serges In a com plete range of the leading shades. 54 Inches wide. $1.35 quality, yard 98c . , : Lining Specials . Excellent values Monday In silk finish aatines, brocade Venetians, Roman stripe and plain founda tion silks at 23c to 69c; - v Dress Goods Basement. , Our . enlarged basement dress goods section shows excellent new suitings, whipcords. Victoria suit ings; at 89c, 49c and. 79c. New Fall Coatings. A beautiful array of the newest Imported velours. Roman atrlpe coatings, monotone checks- - and mart plaids. $1. so to 3.PCv 7 7 Mop I ut Flown Trimmings are ex pected, to be very much In vogue, -and we have provided for every demand. Jet Trimmings such as but tons, pendants, sequins, buckles, apangled bands, etc., are pop ular. Many Tassels are ahown In silk, beaded, spangled, etc., and are very much In demand. Fur Trimmings Include mar ten, fitch, civet cat, ermine and monkey fur, the latter be ing quite new. Feather Trimmings in, deli cate shades are very smart for dainty net gowns. Plenty of these ready now. Pearl and Crystal are used in long pendants, with plaque tops, draped chain effects, but terflies and motifs. Spangled Net, also beaded nets. In widths of 18 to 37 Inches, used for tunics and flounces. Many Other Trimmings ' are to be found In these stocks; ev erything, in fact, that la re quired for fall use. A splendid lot of colored embroidered net bands, me dallion and galloon effects, colored silk braids, jet and beaded trimmings, gold, silver and steel braids, Per sian and Bulgarian bands, worth up to $1, on sale at. . . 39c litil The Touch of the Artist is , v Evident in Every Brandeis Hat for Fall An array of bewltchingly pretty hats such as whl be found in no other store In the west. Many have just been unboxed within the last few hours. They show their aristocratic orlgijjln every feature. Vet their prices are most reasonable. $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 Some Splendid Values in Laces aaaaaaaaBasBa mtmmm aaBBBBasaaBaaaBBjBBBBBaaaa aaaMaaa aaaBaaaaaMaBaaaaaaaMaBWm ." A large lot of shadow laces, net top and oriental laces in white, cream and ecru, 4 to 8 Inches wide, divided Into three low price groups for Monday's selling. Notion Boxes. 10c s V Cedar mops- lor oiled floors, regularly worth $1.60, together with a pint can of cedar " oil. all tomorrow for only f uV Sal of ' Each box - contains the following Items aa well aa acorea of other use ful articles: Duster Card of Clasps Buttons .Safety Pins Thread.-.'. . ......... fartlnn Cotton , Hair Plnsr. Tape Thimble Hair Net ., Hooka and Eyes Collar Kta-a. w. , t., And other Items. ...... All lor 10c i a. 1 .-V , Laces Worth to 25c. pi I Laces C P 15c-: xe25c VW WW a s Laceg Worth to 50c. Sale of Laces at 39c and 59c Silk shadow and silk chantllly laces, net top and maline laces in widths of 16 to 24 inches, also 45 inch black silk nets and 36 and 45 inch Breton neta in white, cream and flesh. These are very special values Monday, at yard, 89c and 89c. Shadow Laces Worth up to 12c 5c ' Shadow lace edges, 4 and 6 Inches wide, and French, German and English val. laces, Including matched sets, all good patterns, fine quality, worth to 12 V,t, at yard a s 1 September Opening Display of Blankets and Comforts p?fclal r-nJ)ih.aKV Uken a?lcu,r Pa,n !n toe assembling of these stocks of blankets and comforts, and are better OualU'ar lnv.rf.bil . I""" 0UT need' S,ockB are m08t tene,' d provide greater range of choice, yuaiiue jre invariably the best, and prices are much to your advantage. I vur 3wa. mciuue me oeai products of the highest grade mills VBaBlaaakfeaSaW T r 17 St. Mary' a Fiu Wool IUanketa. North Star tine Wool Blankets. Wallace tt Kmith Wool Ulankeu. Naahna Woolnap Blankets. Huston & Co., Onmforts. New Bremen Fine Wool Blankets. Peter Graff Fine Wool Blankets. Beacon Fine Cotton" Blanket. Chaa. Marsh A Co. Comforts. And Others Equally Good. We invite you to inspect our display tomorrow, s Good white baby blankets with dainty blue and pink borders. Size 30x40 Inches. Embroidered ends. Regular 25c blankets, Monday, each 15c. 25c Baby Blankets 15c Wool Blankets. Peter Graff and North Star fine all wool blankets are among the very best .wool blankets.. beng made from selected long fibre wool. All are full 11-4 size' and weight 4 4 .and. 5 lbs., to. pair. Blanketa well worth $6. Septem ber sale price; pair $5 $2.50 Blankets, .$1.98. Beacon and Woolnap blankets. Full size soft nap .blankets that feel like all wool. They are In plaids, plain colors and white. Thla is one of the best cotton blan ket bargains ever offered. Worth $2.50. During this . f h aq sale, at pair .'. a? 1 .tO ' ' Wool Finished Blankets. Full size, three-quarter and single size blankets with soft fH ed nap. Made of finest quality cot ton, In while, tan, grey, plaid and checks. Very specially priced. 69c, 8fic, $1, $1A $1.50 $1.75, fj and up to. $3 Fine Wool Blankets. Bath Robe Blankets. Extra large size, 72x90 inches. One makes robe or dressing eown. and axe known the world over for -j Warm and comfortable, but not ' " North Star and St. Mary's are tne nnest ail wool blankets made their wearing quality. - No bettvt blankets to. be had. White, gray, tan, scarlet, plaids and checks. Alt sizes from crib .size to the largest made, at, ,as $&,, ta to. j 1 0 too heavy. Floral, jacquard and Navajo patterns, in fast colors. Waist, girdle and neck frogs to match. - Would cost $6 ready made. Complete rj qq for ... . i ?aS .aO Special Values Monday Wash Goods and' Domestic ' - . ... , ' '. . ! " 1 is 3 f 15c Printed Fail Suitings in all the new 1914 designs and colorings. 27 inches wide. Kegular 25c values, at yard . . . Scotch 1'lald Suitings in all the wanted Highland shades. Faet colors. 27 inch es wide. Worth ir)1 15c. at yard ... la&2C Cotton Dreaa Goods for Fall. Yard wide materials In checks and broken tweed Very special lad 20 Mertftta Kimono Cloth. Highly lustrous satin finish in scores ot floral and orien tal printings. f r Worth 2 5c. at IOC 15c Imported Poplin. Excel lent quality. Haa highly mercerized permanent fin ish. Sella regularly for 25c; at. yard. . Genuine Renfrew Hour eU VoUe. Washable fabric for fall wear. Dainty strlpea and colored nub effects. ic value, at fol yard IZC Secial Ixt of Silk CVcDea. Dainty practical fabrics for evening gowns, blouses, etc. Floral dealgna on whita or tinted grounds. Yard wide and a 76c value nr at ajyC 8a Inch Plisse Oepe tn beautiful kimono atylea. peb ble weave. Choice colorings. These 19c crepes, ini at yard 1ZC Yard Wide Drees Percales. Light and dark colors In neat dots and figures. Extra quality, specially priced at yard DjC Yard Wide Bleached Mus lin. Fine soft finish and very desirable quality. 10c value, from the bolt, Monday, at yard O4C White Shaker Planuel. Extra weight with soft, warm nap. Full bleached. A regular le value, r t Monday, at yard.. O2C Fall Ginghams Are Here. Heavy weight for boya" waists, children and wont en's house wear. 27 Inches wide.- 12 He 1 grade at OgC Colored Outing FlanxteL These are of fine yet heavy weight in washable color ings, pink, blue, etc. 36-in, wide; 12 He. values. yard O4C Russian Cords for School Dreaaea. Very desirable wash fabrics of heavy weight and durable quality. About 35 shades to select from. 27 inchea wide. Very apeclal '. . . 25c lHc - 27 In. Genuine Ripplette. Standard quality, in all tbe fall atylea- for boya' waists and undergarments. 16c grade, at yard ....... Ottoman Dreaa Fabrics. A medium heavy weight ma terial for fall wear, in all the .wanted ahades. Yard wide. Regular 60c Q C value, at OOC Woven Fnglish Cotton Crepes. Plaids &nd Romau stripes in light and dark colors. Requires no ironing. 27 Inches wide. For women's house dresses and Q f children's wear, yard d C Duckling Fleece Flannel in beautiful daslfns for wrappers and kimonos.' 27 Inches wide. Regular 15c quality, at 1 Al - yard .......... 1UC White Pajaroa Chocks. Yard wide and a regular 20o value, Monday ini special, yard lasC White Pongee Hhirtiug In strlpea and neat jacquard ef fects. 32 Inches wide 1 J 25c quality, yard.. IOC Imperial Long Cloth. Soft finish for fine underinusllu. Yard wide, 12-yd. bolts for I 98c s Sn.a,w.naa,