Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1914, Page 2, Image 2
Tin: iu:k: omaha. RATrnnAY, august 20. ion. THE STORE FOR SHIRTWAISTS Saturday, 8:30 A. M. A Most Unusual Sale of All Summer Waists Left in Stock We must make room for the New Fall Waists. It is against our policy to carry any garment over from one season to another. Thompson & Belden's Store for Shirtwaists has earned an enviable reputation for quality, variety and reasonable prices. The waists offered are all from our regular stock. There are two offerings $1.35 and $2.75 255 waists of plain voile, embroided voile, organdie and novelty blouses, of fered formerly for $2.95, $3.25, $3.75 and or $4.25; Saturday. $ I -OO On account of the low prices, we cannot accept the return of the waists or send 0. 0. D or on approval. An Important Advance Showing of New Fall Hats Saturday Hats of the Unusual Sort. We specialize in the production of high-grade Tailored and Semi-Tailored Hats. A Special Showing for Saturday. $75 HOWARD GERMANS SAY ALLIES ARE IN FULLRETREAT (Continued from Tag One.) and satisfaction In Berlin than Ridings of the fall of I'arls. , It Is reported here today that a' portion of tha British (ore ta at present shut up In Maubeuge. The Berlin popular. Inspired by tha an nouncement from military headquarters that tha "Iron ting" is making Its way around tha French. Hrltlsh and Belgian force -from Camera! to tn. Yoagea, ax. hlbita little concern regarding tha situa tion on the eastern frontier of Germany. It has full confidence that tha task on tha west Una "wilt ba speedily finished and that the victorious German armies will then. wake aharpewark of clearing Oar man seal of the.Husslana. A correspond ent of I be Berlin Tageblatt reports that luvalo. )n Belgium, btterly punished for tha uprising of Us clvjllan population, has almon ceased .to exist , . Way to Paris Open. , LONDON, Aug.. 2S. ):U a. nv)-Tha ChrotWe,. . commenting today on "tha war's prgres," says: "blaca the -great disaster which befell tha allies In Belgium' a silence deeper than ever has been Imposed by tha cen sorship. - Trum a message sent out twenty-four hour ago by tha French embassy, show ing fighting on tha Una betvaen MembraJ and Larateau, It Is apparent that the French ha a been driven back pest their Una of frontier fortresses . to a point twenty miles beyond that line. "There la no longer any serious fortifi cation obstacle between the Qerman ad vance and Pari. Vnder tha circumstances It Is not surprising that tha French ministry has recommended Itself as a committee of public safety. ' Meanwhile, aa if a siege of Parte was now looming foremost In their minds, their first step has litr to appoint a general In supreme '.omii.aii'i of I'arls and lis troops." Both Sldra Lm Heavily. LONDON. Aug. rs (IS 46 p. m.)-Pre-mler Asgutth announced In tha Hjase of Common today that tha British troops In Wednesday's fighting were exposed to the attack of five Qerman army corpa The losses on both sides, he said, were great. Premier Aaqulth said: "We have heard from Field Marshal Sir John French, cornraajidcr-ln-chief of tha British ex peditlonary force, that In the fighting which took' place between his army and tba enemy en Wednesday. August M. and which appears from French official re ports ta have been la tha neighborhood of Cambrel and LeCateau, our troops were exposed to tha attack of rive German army corps, two divisions of cavalry and a reserve corpa of cavalry, and a second cavalry division. "Our second corps in tha fourth division bore tha brunt of tha cavalry attack, while ur first army corpa was attacked sa the right and Inflicted a very' heavy losa on the enemy. "I regret to aay that our casualties were heavy, but the exact numbers are not yet known. Tha behavior at our troops was in all respects admirable. General Joffre, 87 MaiNtA of rrre de chine, georgette crepe, black lax-e, fin voile ami organdie and hand kerchief linen In color, cotton rrepe and other clunlve. not el ites offered formerly for ft.YMA to 2l.ftO 0 - Saturday p. O 9 SIXTEENTH tha French commander-in-chief. In a mes sage publishtd this morning, conveys his Congratulation and sincere thanks-for the protection so affectively given by our army to tha French flank." Germans Retake Mallnes. LONDON. Aug. 2.-: a. m.)-The Mall's correspondent at Rotterdam sends a telegram from Antwerp dated Thursday night which says: "After a magnificent defense of two days by the Belgian army. Mallnes was retaken by the Germans. "On tha first day JO.00O Uermana op posed tha Belgians and on the second day 0.000 flung their might against a greatly Inferior force. In the end the Belgians retired on Antwerp, leaving the enemy In possession of the town. The Oermans immediately entrenched after ordering the Inhabitants to leave Waehten and Heln. doniek were destroyed by the retreating Belgians to prevent, their being used as a cover by the enemy In -their operations against Antwerp. "Refugees at Itoosendaal say the' ifler mans . possessed amaslng knowledge of the roads. The German attack on Mallnes was furious and inspired by a desire to end the sortlra which the Belgians were' making from ,h, ,ow MaJntt lhelr trenches and around Brussels. ' The Belgians had made successful at tacks on the tlerman lines of communlcav tlon and had seriously hampered their1 operations. This necessitated the return of the Fourth fiermsn army corps which had already started for the aouth. Wxty thousand Belgian refugees fled from the town. "The Germans are furious at the Bel glan derations and declare they will rase Antwerp to the ground In revenge. "Entile Vandervelde. the Belgian social ist, waa one of the most prominent fig urvs in the battle, encouraging tha Bel gians. Vho he said, were fighting for the most righteous cause in the world." " t-'rawa. la ,llf, LONDON. Aua. 2s. Thai rrsva.e.M-j..-4 of the Daily News, telegraphing from ' Tourcolnir a.v. . t "1 visited Lille today. Wednesday. I expected to find It occupied by Oermans. as It waa made an open town and aban doned by the raaor and the local guards two days ago. Not so. however. I found the mayor and the local . turned, that the trains and business had ' ...u.uea ana ,,,,1 ,n, authorities were a-suing me arrival of the allied troopa" Spokane State Bank is Robbed at Noon SPOKANE. Wash.. Aua . a.Tk. bank of Spokane, near tha heart .v.;. c!ty was robbed In th noon hour today uy a lono nighwayman, who locked the assistant cashier In the safe, obtained H.OW q caah and escaped. SHIP REGISTERED UNDER PROVISIONS OF NEW LAW NEW YORK, Aug. .-The first ship to be registered the American flag under the provisions of the recently re acted ahlp registry law is the Molde- gaard, built In Norway In 19U6 and owned by the Ocean freight line of this city. The papers of regUtry acre a gned today. life Our Ready-to-Wear Section Is Presenting a Complete Offering of Dresses, Suits, Coats and Separate Skirts For 1914 Autumn Wear. The prices are very reasonable. SHOES Final Clearance of all our Broken Lots of Oxford and Pumps, $4, $4.50 and $5 fo nr values at LoO International Shoes In Patent and Dull Leather Colonial Pumps, and Dull Leather Regular Pumps, $3.00 and $3.50 values $1.95 Saturday Toilet Goods Specials Powder de Rla Face Powder, Special 25c Wild Root Shampoo Soap, 2 for 25c Sachet Powder 10c S CZAR'S ADVANCE INTO PRUSSIA IS UNCHECKED (Continued trom Pagr One.) that fled. the garrison and population Tha Russians have established a postal service In East Prussia and Russian stamps are used. Uermana Itetreat t Koenlarabara. LONDON, Aug. 2J.-(B: n. m.)-The 8t. Petersburg correspondent of the Post, in describing the operations In Kast Prus sia, tells of the difficulties which nature has plaoed In the way of the Russian advance and aays tha Uermana have en ormously multiplied these difficulties by modern adaption of old methods. Lake lets and marshes were sown with rlflo pits, and wherever practicable of felled timber were placed. Kvyywhere vryv nta mere were formidable wire ngl. n tents. "We have no exact information," the correspondent continues, "of how many army corps Germany had left to oppose the Russian advance. Terhups there were seven, and possibly onlv five Wh.t. aver their number, three are retreating under cover of the fortress of Koenlgs beig. and one is In full flight on Ostei ode. "All four flung away In retreat their arms and ammunition and jven their food, Raealaaa Drive, Wrdae. Th Ituaolan armiea by forced marches have driven a wedge between the German forces. Ho demoralising waa the Russian commander's strategy that the Oerman forces abandoned their entrenched post tlon on the Angerapp without a fight. The authorities of East Prussia have caught the panic feeling from Germany's army. It ia reported that the com mandant of Marlenberg has ordered the Inhabitants to evacuate the country, while at Elbtng the sluices were opened with the object of flooding the country to prevent the Uuaslan advance. Theae ere methods of despair and Indicate pretty certainly that Germany has no more trained troops to oppose the Rus sians. "With true eyes for strategy, which mark the bora commander .if m..n n...j . - .... 11, y,, MIVJ Duke Nicholas has abandoned to Its fate everything everywhere which did not lend uaeir to me attainment of the single aim of locating, attacking and crushing tha enemy's main force. "In accordance with this policy half of Poland was left bare of Ruaalan troops and all public servants of the Russian state were warned to quit betimes when the Germans advanced. "Both tha Austrlans and Germans ac cepted the Invitation to this easy con quest. There are no soldiers anywhere to meet the German Invaders, whose cav. airy raided as fsr as Loda, but they have elnca bren swept baek again." Twelve lajared la Wrtrk. PORT SMITH, Art . Aug. S. -Twelve persons were Injured, none fatally, today when Kansaa City A Southern paasenger train No. t, southbound, was derailed near Marble City, OWL A broken rail caused the accider' BELGIANS DISCOVER UHLANS ON THE JOB Make Sally at Malinet and Draw Fire from Batteries of the Invaders. ' BRAVE TEED OF GENDARME orreepondent Telli How Appear nrr of drrman (iralrrinri Struck Terror Into Mrn of Onlpunt t.aarcl. Hr Au;x47iDr.n rowRLL. I (.Mr. I'nwell In the orly correspondent 1 In Aitvci-p ho la not a Itelglan. He l le-n officially :1t'(lgntit".l hy Hel Kliiin an the medium cf communication vl;h the American teoilc nI Is the only i-oriespondent to accompany ih army.) fopyright, 1914. iTei mbllKhing Co.) ANTWKHP, Alia. 2S. -(Special fable i gram t,i New York World and Omaha ll'ri..) The holmeted legions which were I driven out of Mallnes Tuesday were re jlnforced yeaterilay, nntl before their overwhelming onset the Belgians aurely way. retreating with china shoulder, i j I write of what I aaw with my own eye. I had the diatln t!on of lelng the J only American correspondent permitted I to accompany the forces, the govern- "Ainia mints; tai I iKh ai niy dloponal. Rclalaaa Make ftally. Tuesday the Re I gland, believing th German communications to be poorly guarded and the IlrusKela garrison too (weak to analet them, ra'hly sallied from , the shelter of the Antwerp defenses and took the offensive like a terrier rtrlklng i a bulldog. Tliey drove the Germane from Mallnes, .but the German broiglit up a fresh army corpa and yesterday numing tha j Belgians found themselves in a perilous I position. The buttlo hinged on the possession of j the embankment and was fought along a three-mile Trout. It began at Dacln with an artillery duel across the em bankment, by noon the cannonade was j terrific. Tha Germans got tha range and a rain of shrapnel burst about the I Uclglan batteries, which limbered up and retired at a trot In perfect order. (irndarme'a Brave Act. Through a mistake, two battalions of carbineers did not receive the order to retire and were In Imminent danger of destruction. To reach them a messenger would have had to traverse u mile of open road swept by shrieking shrapnel. A colonel summoned a gendarme and gave him the orders and ho set spurs to tila hoi so and tore down the road, an archaic figure in towering bearskin. It was a ride Into the Jaws of death, lie saved Ms troops, but as they fell I back the German gunners got the range and dropped shell upon shell Into the running column. Road and fields were dotted with bodies In Belgian blue. By 4 o'clock all the Belgian troops were withdrawn excopt a thin screen to cover the retreat I was anxious to witness the Gorman advance and remained on the railway embankment on the outskirts of Sempst after all tha Belgians had withdrawn ex cept a picket of ten meu. . I had my car waiting with the motor running. The Germane prefaced their advance with a -terrible fire. Tba nir waa .filled with whining shrapnel. Farm houses collapsed . amid puffs of brown, smoke. The sky was smeared In a dosen places with the smoke of burning dwellings.' Suddenly a soldier crouching beside ma cried: ''Lea Amemanda; Los Amemanda.'' From a screen of woods along the em bankment burst a long line of gray fig ures hoarsely cheering. At the same mo ment I heard a splutter of shots In the village below mo and my chauffeur screamed: "Hurry, for your life, mon sieur, the Uhlans are upon us." I think I broke the world's record for the distance In getting to my car. As we shot down tha road which leads to Antwerp at fifty miles an hour the Uhlans entered Into the village. BRITAINSFLEET DESTROYS THREE GERMAN CRUISERS (Continued from Page One.) on the Indian army, the Indian frontiers will be fully and adequately secured. AltoRftifr Impossible, "Aa regards the tiak of Internal troubles, I believe that the enthusiasm, which prevades all classes and races in India, will make anything of . the sort altogether Impossible. "That enthusiasm has found vent In many different ways In some cafes by gifts of great liberality for Uiu service of the troops in the field. I waa told only yesterday by the viceroy of India, that some'of the principal Indian prlnoea had sent a gift of fifty lac aupees (about li,Ii0,iXW) for tha use of tho troops In the field and there aa been on varying scales, a number of offers of the kind. "I feel confident, therefore that the action we take will nit-ct with a most enthusiastic reception In India and tt will be approved by your lordship, te House of Commons and public ..opinion here generally." Kaiser Will Seize Japanese Deposits in All German Banks LONDON. Aug. i8 -t4:a0 p. m.)-A dis patch received here from Amsterdam says that the Telegraph, a local newspa per, declares that the German exchequer has taken steps to seise all Japanese bal ances In German banks. NORRIS SPEAKS AGAINST M'REYNOLDS CONFIRMATION WAblUNGTON, Aug. 2g.-8enator Nor ris of Nebraska addressed the sonata for nearly four hours in executive session today. In oppvstllon to tho confirmation of Attorney General McReynolds as a justice of the supreme court. He did not conclude his speech end action on tha nomination again was deferred until tomorrow. Democratic aenators said tonight that tho vote would be taken to morrow, end that there would b no democrat lo votes against McReynolds. Hepartaerat Ordftn. WASHINGTON. Aug. -(Special Tel egram.) Fannie Bowney haa been nomi nated postmaaler at Huck Grove. Craw ford county, Iowa. The poatmaster general has re-leaaed V. T,prT",t quarters for tha poetofttce et Mil turd, Neb., beginning October 2j. SIDE FEAIURESOF THE WAR Soldieri Recount Incidents in Vari ous Mixes at the Front. GERMANS' AIM IS NOT GOOD Are Nt Able to lilt Taak, Wblrh W'MliI Have tanned it Large Lose llnd It Been "track. LONDON. Aug. (S:3 a. m.)-"Snms curious rumors are current In the British lines." the Daily Mall's Kouen corre spondent Rys. One of the soldiers told him, he says, that the Kuaxiann had reached Berlin and were driving the Oer mens onto the British links, "so that we can crumple them up." Some of the soldiers are highly Irritated because they did not se enough of fighting. One said: "I hardly saw a German. I came on one German Infantryman while murching through a village and he began talking to me, saying 'Yah. yah,' or something like that. What did I do? I ran my bayonet through htm and would do So again." There is much difference of opinion Imnnr the Rrlttuhera um In th aprnrirv 0n!of the German gunnery. One of the sol diers said regarding this: "They had a bunch of their big guns trained on the gaa works at Mona, but they shot badly. If they had shot straight I would not be here, for we were posted right under the big tank. Bhell after shell whirled overhead. Every time they missed we cheered, but each time we waited for the next shot pretty anx iously," Telia of Street Klafct. A f usllller told the Mall's correspondent of street fighting In a colliery town. He said: "It waa mostly desultory fighting, hut there were stirring bayonet charges by the British. The Germans don't like that sort of thing. They quit the neighborhood aa soon as we started. "One time we ran up within seeing distance of a huge mass of the enemy in close formation. ' Our machine guns did them up properly. When we catch them like that they don't ask for two helpings." One of tha hussars spoke enthusiastic ally of the work of the British artillery. "There was one battery, or rather halt a battery. In rather an exposed position," he said, "which was doing a lot of dam age to the Germans, so they trained sev eral of their batteries on It In an en deavor to silence It. It was a fight be tween one David and half a dosen ' Oollaths. The gtina were not silenced until j a single gun and punner remained. Ho went on doing the best he could, working steadily and calmly, and would have gone on until he dropped except that an of ficer called him back, and you can bet he went back unwillingly." BRITISH FEAR ! AIRSHIP ATTACK ! (Continued from Page One.) with aehrchllghta and anti-air craft guns. Bportsmen should make up practice par ties for airship shooting. "Tha Germans also will mount their heaviest guns at any port they selie and onoe more there will be an army en camped on tha heights of Uoulogne. "Let us. however, be grateful for one mercy, -The International financiers, doc trinaires and lunatics who wish to fit us out with a channel tunnel are silenced for i good and all. .. I Preach -and Enarllsht goeronndeal. WASHINGTON. Aug. 88. "The French .; and English north armies on tho Sombre and Mouse rivers have been surrounded by German troops on all sides as a result of the latest fighting." says a wlrelesa , from Berlin today to the German embassy. The message adds that the "French east i army has been partly driven to the south. This has prevented communication be tween the French east and north armies, while all the German armies .are tn con tact from Cambrel through upper Alsace. The German cavalry has advanced to Ostend. "The appearance of a 7-eppelln at Ant werp," the message continues, "has caused a panic In London. "Reports to Berlin from Copenhagen and Stockholm announce that there Is grave crisis in the French government. Tho Spanish ambassador at Vienna has called the situation In France very serious. "Tha Danish colony In Berlin has warned foreigners to beware of fictitious news. "A meeting today of all foreign colonies in Berlin was held, at which e resolution was passed thanking the German govern ment for the kind treatment of foreigners and to express admiration for the won derful spirit and enthusiasm shown by the German people. "Civilians of tha Belgian town of Lou vain made a perfidious attack on German troops whilo fighting. Louvain was pun ished by the' destruction of the city." FOUR MEN KILLED BY - GASOLINE EXPLOSION EUNICE, La.. Aug. .-Four persons were killed and three probably fatally Injured today near favole, Lv, when gasoline In a tank car of the New Or leans, Texas and Mexico railroad ex ploded. The explosion occurred several hours after the tank car had been de railed in a wreck. You Will Appreciate tho way we prepare and serve the choicest meats, pastry and all seasonable foods at the BEL M O X T RESTAIKAXT. The enthusiastic recommenda tion of satisfied patrons has brought us more trade and fame than all our advertising. Table d'Hote Dinner Sunday, 11. a. m. to 8 p. ni., 50c. 1816 iHxlge St. Open All Night. t X. BALI Proprietor. Omaha LIQUOR and D RUG Treatment 1503 S. 10th St Phono D. 7556 OMAHA FIRST SHOWING NEW FALL SUITS and DRESSES Thpy are here now in all their newness. Delightfully different from the ptyles of the past seasons and becoming to all women. Inas much as there Is no set otyle for all. but Instead, scores of different types to suit every Individual requirement. THE FALL SUITS A splendid stock of the new styles in suits repre sent ing every typ that is good for the fall. Wa have tha popular long coat tuiti in btltmd Redtn got afftctt and a to tha lata baiqua tuilt and wa thow many modification of aath. Wa ahow numaroua military affaett, popular oceans of tha pratan war, and wa alio ahow tha t hotter soils raraontinsAa ai not tall. Tha eolora era r'ark sfa pla that at black, t.aiy, brown, graan and plum. Tha bait matariala ara broade'eth, file, gabardine, targe and dicgonalt. " Wa offar tor Saturday traly axeaptio tat valuta at J17.50$19.50-J21.50J25 HKltK'M THK WIMM.I' OK Neither Cost Nor Can lou Afford to Miss this Sale? 26 Summer Wash Dresses, worth to $15.00 10 Separate Wash Skirts, worth to $5.00 4 Summer Wash Suits, worth to $12.50 5 Long Linen Coats, worth to $6.00 138 Rummer Wash Waists, worth to $3.50 119 Women's Tailored Skirts, worth to $3.75 Kejtutar fl.50 WASH WAISTS, Open Till 0:00 CLOAKS, SUITS, DRKSSKS, WAISTS. 2d Floor You'll Find Real Economy By Doing Your Buying at Beaton's 60e Charles Flesh Food i0 1.25 Bath Sprays...: $1.00 Thermos Hetties . 'e7o 12.00 Fountain Pena '930 25n Carter's Little Liver Pills 12o 11.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey 750 50c Peneco Tooth Paste 390 $1.00 Plnaud's Lilac Vegetule 'eso $1.00 Plnaud's Hair Tonic 'e9, 2oo Mermen's Talcum Powder 'lao 50c Doan's Kldnev Pills 340 50c Fitch's Hair Tonic '. 990 2.'.c. 4711 White Rose Soa.p i"l5o 1 5c .lad SaJts , '53o KRc Promo Seltzer ''l6o 25c Sloan's Liniment I60 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder .' js0 25C Beaton's Chlorate Tooth Paste 13o Horllck s Malted Milk k 34o, 67c and $2.74 Z5c Mentholatum 14a $1.00 Newhroa Herplcide v ..'.' 63c Traveling Toilet Cases, in all alzea. from SOo to $40 - Although Bristles have advanced in price 100 since the European war started, we are still offer ing all klnda of hair brushes, tooth brushes and bnth brushes, and, in fart, all toilet requisites at our regular cut prices, which are lower than the market price today. "Follow the Beaton Path" Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Farnam E A o ML 1 Order Your Fall Suit Now And get the full benefit of a long season. Dependable Tailoring, i5i2y2 dodge: street AMI SKMEXTS. BRAriDEISKIS ANNETTE KELLERMANN Direct from Globe Theater, New York. In a Weird, Wonderful Production NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER Prices- Iaily Mats. 15c-23c: Ev., ioc COMING M1LE STOXES HI XT XO. 3 hows yon how quickly disappear the footprints we leave on the sands of time. MOSE TOMORROW THE SENSATION ol I HOPE gad AMEUtt Hot weather sense Eat cooling foocta in clean sanitary places. Tl;e Pure Food Sign. Quickserv Cafeteria Basement l-'ity Katl Hank I21df. Or Bom too Luucbea. 210 South Kith 8b MOO Ifouglas KL 1408 Fa roam HI. REAPS BEE WANT ADS! THE FALL DRESSES What a world of dif ference in the dresses for fa I, and how much mora becoming than tha drtttei were thia ap ing. many diitinct type are ahown, and lhat'a what will make drtttei popular this i tat on. Hare ara baa cues a-plenty with becom ing modificationa; hara ara the leti aevare aurplica ef fect!, and here alto are the Moyenage mcdela ao at tractive and becoming. Satin are vary itylith, ttpecially in bh ck. So alio ere the drenea in combina tion of aerge with latin. We thow many of theie for either street or afternoon wear. The exceptional talue for Saturday are at $12.50-S16.50-$20-$25 ALL Ol U SIMM Kit (JAKMENT3 Profit Is Considered. $ Slightly Soiled, Saturday at 35 Open Till 0:00 Yet Modest in Price AMISKMEM1 Lake f.lanawa DANCING, BOATING, ROLLER COASTER AND MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS. FREE MOVING PIC TURES EVERY EVENING (Jim LhuT494 Advanced Vaudeville CVMTAVX TOjnOXT 8:10 Frices: Gallery, 10c; Best Seats, -50-75c "OMAHA IVM CXsTTEB" jatjcZij sa.' Mat- 15-gS-eoo. i-a-ao-7ic. LAST TIMES TODAY ?;!55 ED. LEE WROTH &. GINGER GIRLS Beat of All rai Shows. Beanty Chorus of 30 Oiagery, Snappy Maids. X.adie' Dims Mat- Every Wees Day. Tomorrow ind V e k : I ora KM Uus Kay. BASE BALL BOVBKS PA at. Omaha vs. Wichita august 37. aa, ta, so, 30. rrtrtay August 88, X,adisa Day Sub. Aug. 30, t games 1st called illt Oamee called 9 I g.