Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1914, Page 11, Image 11
TIIK BEE : OMAHA, SATURDAY. Al'(UsT !.'!. 1U. 11 FOU RENT llnnsra and ( nltn(ri 4 Tl ., new, mod , 1M4. Fpruec, j.-o v. $."-7 HlKi.MS, parlor extending across the entire front of the house; oak fin ish, colonnade oprnlnns, four bed rooms und hsth; fine neighborhood ; near ear. AMKR1CAN PKCi'RlTY COMPANY. ITth and Ivniglas Sta, Doug as 501 3. 1W So. 2.1th St., 6-r., part model li7.7tiToil So. tith St., 5-r., city water 12 ml 2922 Dupont St.. 6-r.. part modern.... 110" 1054 S. 22d St., 6-r., city water 11 00 1412 Westcrfleld, 4-r., ettv water 6. in) 3M0 S. P'.th St., 4-r.. cistern M" 3.W3 S. liith St., 4-r., cur water 9(t :4"! S. 8th St., 4-r . cltv water 1 '0 2KS Center St., 4-r., well 6 Oo CRE1G11, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 1K. 50S Hee Hid. 2.129 Uurdette St., 6-r., (colored I. SIX 1 11 j S. 29tli, 6-r., all modern. tJ7 60. 21". N 14th, -r, modern, 125. f.. 8. 2Mb Ave., 6-r., all modern. 130. 2121 I.eavenworth, 0-r , mod. ex. ht.. t2v. l.'JII'l S. J.ith, 6-r., all modern. 27.50. 3139 Mason. 7-r., all modern, $37 60. 31.11 Farnam, 7-r., all modern. 220 N. litth. all modern. 12-r., loo. 2216 I.eaveuworth, 10-r., mod. ex heat. THK BYRON RKKP COMPANY. Douglas 297, 211 S. 17th St. Kight-room. all modern; fine big yard, nlre shade: ( lone to church and school, 2773 California St. Gallagher & Nelson, 644 Brandela MA. FOLK-ROOM HCNGALOW 112 50 per month. Full-size lot, one block to ear, nice front porch, coiy living room, wtde mlnston opening to nice dinluK room Convenient kitchen and pantry, full eel lar, good-ailed bed room, bath room, low down water closet, city water, electric lights, gas, hardwood floors. A Well-built and neat little home that you can own. For Immediate sale, offer for only $160 cash and $12.50 per month. Planned so that another room can be added at any time with small cost. Let your rent pay for this home. See me tonight after 6 o'clock or any evening this week. Phone Penson 122.- Take Benson car, set off at 61st. In Benson, come south one-half block to No. 2805. F. S. TRULLINGEH. 2529 Cass St., 6 rins., all mod 136.00 3H0 Jones St.. 8 rms., all mod ft). 00 1006 So. 22d St., 5 rms., all mod 21 50 817 So. 23d St., 6 rms., mod ex. ht.... 23 00 1506 Yates St.. S mis. and b. all mod. 21. oo S17 So. 2.1th St., 3 rms., part: mod... 9.00 BIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug, 633, DETACHED HOME FOR RUNT. Seven rooms and hall, strictly modern; hardwood finish In first story; three bed rooms upstairs, one bedroom and bath on first floor, 132.60. This house fronts on a paved street and boulevard, 2 blocks from car line. J. II. DUMONT & CO., Farnam St. Phone Douglas 990. See This Double House. If you want a good, clean, handy place to live, CALL US. we will make the rent right. PETERS TRUST CO.. 4202 Cuming St. Douglas R9S. 2913 WOOLWORTH AVE., rooms, mod, $25. 2220 Chicago. 8 rooms, mod., $;S0; or 16 rooms, $H0; light housekeeping If desired. 1560 N. 2oth, 6 rooms, mod., 12o. 2706 Karnam, 8 rooms, mod., $50. RINOWALT. HRANDEIS TMEA. BLDG. FOR BENT W have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co., 806 S. ltith St. Urinaria ln 11 Parts of the city. llOUSeS 6ons A Co.. Bee Bids Free Rental List Complete Information about every va cant house and apartment In the city. This service Is free. Tel. Douglas 4477. Fidelity Storage & Van Co. 6-KOOM collate. zVil Ohio. W. 4533. MODERN 6-room house. Call Doug. 1628. NONE to compare, all modern 7-rooin house, also 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. GOOD 7-room house, all Modern. 2202 Meredith Ave. $27. Phone Web. 3335. NEW 5-room house. Inquire 60) So. 62d St. Call Harney 6807. FlNlv neven-room house and garage;. good location; house all modern, with fine quarter-cawed oak finish; $42.50. Coll Web, 9). o ,., See Our liental List. Bunkers' Realty Investment Co. Ground floor Bee tildg. Tol. Doug. 2S26. o Fidelity Storage Co. Stcrage, moving, packing and shipping, ltith &. Jackson Sts. Phone Doug. 1616. MaggarcTs Van and Stor age Co. Reduced Lurgo , i men, $126 per hr.; dray, 2 men. 01 jwr hr. 1713 Webster. Doug, i486. ii-KOOM mod, house. 1610 Dorcas. D. 62107 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat barn, nice bath. liMl Ohio St. W. $71. J. C. Reed KinKJo'i Lu moving storage. . 6 Ho, s-ROOAt nouac, an juuuern, irte wator. ij4 N. Will. Tel. D. t-ll. house, mod, ex. ht., 836 h'k. Ay. D. 9lti. iuu 4h. mm, i toums io.VU 'AM) I'ierce St., 6 rooms ;a,.uu Al modern, first-class. CAKL llt.KRiNO. 418 Omaha National tan. Bldg. LAROli brick lor two tamilms or roomer, good location, reduced rem. M. liuO. k (urea aitu offices. FOR KENT An oftice with rsoeptloa room, ruasonauie. ui4 stale IJauk aiiig. FARNAM or 17TH STREKT OFFICE LOCATION." AVAILABLE NOW. THE BEE BUILDING CO.. . Office Room 103. ' Umram. GOOD barn, room for 8 or 10 horses. 11)17 WeOster bU Cull UOUglas 4i KKAL KSTATK IfAKM A Ka.hii i.AAus f'OU SALE; f tulursuu, SiAN LUId VALLb i-io quarter tec liona wuhin lour linica oi .uamuoa, eacn uas waitr ritut m oau uu.a u.,..', win li low to bciiie an eaiuiu. . . i. tJlu.ltl CO., 1111 tlljr .U. ualli, Omaha. O Minnesota. FOR SALE ai-rci U. utiles from Mln Ccapoi.s. tu4; utii roi.i iwu; itn aorea Utiuii, oai. batu lor pAbtaif, cau irnci.eaiiy all La t-uiuvaleu. ne.vy aui.; "ou set ol ouudiu, oouaisliua ol k ioou tiouM, iare uaiu, Kraiiaiy, com iriLm, eic; uim latiu win prouuue u busti cis uf ootu pw muixj, iciapiiuiie in house; kuunu-y luukiy uetuoc; coinineia Mel of iiittcmi.ery ; t, ucad ol bloca, uuiisuiliiui ol U cows, baianco i and year Uiu; good horses, 4 nogs, ctticauiia, V ul In is yer ci op ami ver tiling on the larm goes at ju per; hu,i cash. o;umu liiua, lu-5 riyniouiii liiuK., Miuueauoiis, Mma. liAUUAlN 11 acres, near &i. leier Mtnu., well Improved: price per acre terms. Jim ray. moux City. NO tfAiicikiMa :ii I'uia cuut.,, Aiiua. sot; clok to best marKaia; tuoica lauas, easily cleared. lAt i,er acru; taay lerms. liunt-Juanson, il::ickiey, Minn. Nebraska. FOUND 3-0-acre homestead In- settled neighborhood; tine (arm land, not aand hills, cost you tJuu tiling leva and all. J A. Tracey, Kimball. Neb. Wlsvouala. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state in tin. union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on eaiy terms. Ask for book let tt on WiiiconMn Central Land Uiant. Mate acres wanted. Write about our gmzing lands. If laierested in fruit lanJs. ask lor booklet on Apple Orcharus in ihcoiwin. Addiets Land Lcpt., Soo Llus Ky.. MluncuLolis, Minn. 15K.I, l.STATK FARM A nt( M I. AMI Fon S.tLK Nebraska. MR. FA KM EH, HOW MUCH DID YOU LOSE FKOM DRY WEATHEK LAST YEAR AND THIS YEAR! Wouldn't it make a good hie paymen; on a Scott's Bluff Irrigated farm. WIIKRE Fl LI, CROPS AH10 RAISED EVERY TEAR? Mere are two money tuakeis: No. 451 A fine, smooth lying lik-a re Im proved farm 3i miles from a VOOfi ton tl A nli'A ..rrtrr, u-ill hull! hrtiiBM' Har. f,-,. 1,1 I, I ..f ! stock; granary, corn crib, etc. Buildings nicely painted. The farm is all fenced; there le n (rood hos-tlKht alfalfa rasture. 1c0 acres in alfalfa that cut 140 tons the first cutting this year, balance Is In corn and oats. This land Is level as any farm ought to be. Is easy to Irrigate, and the soil as rich as ran be. Trice, $110 per acre; good terms. No. 514 Sji acres of rich, productive land. There isn't any better soil In Ne braska, and it is as smooth as a floor, with Just enough slope for easy Irrigation and proper drain age. One-third was broken this year. The verv best crops on the adjoining farms show just what this place will do. Only 4 miles to town. Price, $H5 per acre and very eay terms. PAYXE INVESTMENT CO. Ware Block. Tel. Douglas 1781. Omahn, Nebraska. THK K. C. RANCH FOR SALF. Com prising S.OW acres of first-class clay land. 9 miles southwest of Sargent. Custer county. Nebraska. Hood Improvements, good water: 40.) acres In crop. Have cut price very low: easy terms. Must sell at om-e. F. T. Walker Co.. Omaha Neb o CH1 VENN E county, Nebranka lands, for Balo and exchange. Write for free booklet Chris Hlckey & Co., Fairbm-y, Neb., or K. C. Casselman, Loi'-se Pole, Cheyenne county, Nebraska. For Sale A bargain; 1TO acres Douglas county; fair Improvements; land gently rolling; good roads; $1 per acre. GALLAGHER & NELSON 644 Brandels Rldg. Oresrun. COMK to central Oregon, gooo climate, good water, plenty timber cheap land, easy termw; irrigated land, 40 acres, $l,:ti0; 40 acres, well improved, 2,1'X); small cash payment, balance easy; write mo for list. ). W. Oray, Redmond, Ore. Miscellaneous. IF INTER BSTKD in land In southern Iowa and southern Minnesota write the F. L. Jones Land company, Winterset, la , for their list of 2.r0 farms FOR HAL12 OR KENT. FOR SALK or .rent, 5-rooiii modern house, at 2T15 Mristol St. W. 4228. UEA iTl-fsTATK XORTIl" SI I)K " MUST sell my modern home on Ames Ave. at sacrifice; rented at $25 per month; $ftM cash. O 266, I-ee. FOR SALElO-room house, attic and full basement; all modern; hot wator heat; automobile garage and drive, larg lot. Inquire owner, 2210 Webster. HE AJL KSTATE NORTH SIDE " &a A fV 'itP. ' " M JUST FINISHED BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. ALL MODERN.. . SMALL CASH PAYMENT DOWN; BALANCE LIKE RENT. i Thla neat and conveniently arranged bungalow la located within one block of a car Una ln one of Omaha's beat 'New Building Additions. Oak in prin cipal rooms witn nice large aun room. ! Kitcben ha tiled walla, full cement ; .basement; guaranteed furnace. , i Telephone Doug. 2926 for appointment, i Bankers Realty Investment Company ; I Omund Floor Bea Uldg. ; $750 Six-Room Cottage Not far out, on the north aide; lot 25x 100; house la ln fine repair, but buyer could Improve at small cost and sell for double the price. This Is a real bargain. Rents now for $3 per month. Kasy terms. Armstrong-Waish Co. Tyler lu36. 20S-U-12-11 State liank Bldg. KKAL KSTATE SOUTH SIDE Big Bargain Fpr Hale by Owner G-Iioom House and reception hull, gas, electric llKht, bath, lar e basement and vegetable cellar, best furnace made, alley paved, small barn. Close In, walking Jistance. More new apartment buildings than in any Other part of the city. t!7 8. 25th Ave. Telephone Douglas 5985. Price $4,500 SNAP-SMALL HOME. Must sell at great sacrifice, small cash payment, balance long time, south aide, walking distance, nearly new, everything riKht. Address I! Hee. 1706 Spring St. New Five-Room Bungalow Strictly Modern Five rooms and bath, all on onrt floor, nicely cemented basement and InrKe attic. Entirely modern In every way. Hltuated on south front lot. convenient to both Omaha and South Omaha. Can arrange reasonable terms. Will be open today for Inspection. Call nr.-i look it over. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. &jo Omaha Nunuiim i.iuk iilua. Phone- OuiiKlaa 4!. KKAL KWTATK WKST 81DK This Beautiful Bungabw In Bemis Park District JUST FINISHED Can Be Bought on Monthly Payments 5 rooms all modern principal rooms finished In oak with oak buf fet built ln dining room; full cement basement, furnace beat. Be sure to see this quick. It is located on cor ner lot and paved streets, 2 blocka from Harney car line. Telephone D. 2 928 for appointment Bankers Realty Investment Company, "mind Iclnnr Raa ttldsr ItKAL KSTATK SV HI" KHAN Trade for Benson Home This will sell for cash, but owners will take Omaha cot t sue as part pay. If you ba p some moiit y. Built for a Home Ninr-room. cry modem, square, nearly new, eact front, three TM. lots, parage, barn: only ; blocks to car and school. $ii.rt is casli price; will carry back 6 per cent. Pend or bring numbers of your property. O'Keefe KYal Estate Co. 101n Omahe National. Phone Poiiklaa 2715. Kvenlngs or Sundays. II. RIM or II. MS. 4-Room Bungalow I12.."ii per month. K"ull slie lot, one blo k to car. nice front porch, cosy living room, w ide mission opening to nice dlnlns; room, convenient kitchen ami pantry, full cellar. Rood sized ldrooin. bath room, lowdown water closet, city water, electric lights, aas. hardwood floors. A well built and neat Utile homo that you can own. For Immediate sale offer for only $1W csjih and $12.50 per month. Planned so that another room can be added at any time with Kmall l ost. Let your rent pay for this homo. See me tonight after 8 o'clock or any evening- this week. I'hone rtensnn 1--'. Take Honson care, get off at 61st at. ln Henson. Come south half block to 2W6. F. S. TRCLLlNliKK. Dnadee. Dundee, $4,950 Owner transferred from city, must sac rifice his nev home. Has large living room, with fireplace, dining room and kitchen; three nice bedrooms and large sleeping porch; best white oak floors throughout: house 1 year old and thor well built and modern. Large garage, with driveway, one block from car. 1.54rt caash required. We want to show you this house. Glover & Spmn 91910 City National. Phone Douglas 392. UEA L KSTATE MISCELLANEOUS v. nf1 umi :ial One of the Most Beautiful and Best Constructed Bungalows in Omaha JUST FINISHED Can Be Bought on Eaay Payments. This house Is block from car. Principal rooms and vestlble fin ished ln oak, with mirror door ln coat closet. Full cement basement, guaranteed furnace. If you want a high grade home 1st us take you to see thla. telephone Doug 292 for appointment 1 Bankers liealty Investment i Compan-, I Ground Floor Bee Bldg. ' I HOW'S TII1ST, WKST FARNAM DISTRICT. 8-ROOM HOITSK, FULL LOT, S2.K ANY REASONABLE TERMS. House has mantel, furnace, bath, gas, etc. Beautiful, large east front lot, paved street, sightly view, select and valuable location. Ixt alone worth $2,O0. If you want u snap that will make money, here It Is. See us about this at once. TWO BIG REDUCTIONS. Nine-room modern home, choice corner lot, space for another house; streets paved; select location, near Lowe Ave.; 1 block to Karnam and Cuming cars. Cut to $3,600; best terms. $1,000 SACRIFICK. New 8-room Btrictly modern home In restricted, choice residence section near 26th and Meredith; fine south front lot, paved street, etc. Price cut for Imme diate sale to $3,65(1:. less than cost of house alone. Very best of terms. McKITHICK REAL ESTATE CO., W Uamge Bldg. D. 14S2. 16th & Harney. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT New, modern frame and stucco, oak anJ birch finish, three bedrooms and Bleep ing porch; corner lot; a completo home, very cheap. Owner, Douglas ln2. 7-ROOM house, rent, tor lllbu, must bt sold at once: $3v0 will bundle It H. 4711, A 1S I'll ACTS OK T1TLK. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., u modern abstract office. 806 B. 17th 8L P hose Iiouglaa 54S7. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract ofT fice in Nebraska. 206 Urandels Theater. HEAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans. I'eters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms? O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat l. Douglaa 2713. GARVIN JUfUS..1"8; up- Omaha Nat 1 liank. MONEY on hand for city and farm loaiisT H. W. Hinder. CityNatlbank Rldg. (Xi f CITY LOANS. Remls-Carlbe'rg CoT v v 310-312 Hi ntidela Theater Hid. W A NTED City loans and warrant!. W. Farnam Smith At Co., 1320 Earn a m. HARRISON & MQRTOX. 91a Om. Nat'h CITY property. Lame loans a aidsTtyT Vjl. Thomas. 2,'H state Hank illdg. iW to $10, 000 made pronipUyT F.d7 WeadT Wead Hhlg., 1Mb and Karnam Kts. CITY and farm loans, 5, f',4, d per cent J.H. Dumon t & Co., lft3 Farn am, Om aha! BEE us first If you want afarin Toanl United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. KEAL ESTATE rOK EXCHANGE Pianos (or otner musical lnslru is. i.. tttil. KE ALEST AT E'TltAN SF EKS. I)eli filed tor rtrord Ausust :7. 1M4: Bjrma Hel Co. to AniHIa Ornnk, of lot 1, Cuiumtng.s' Helshtb $ 12$ Gui Netolg anil w Ita tn M. Katiman, n of lot 40 block tu, South Omaha 290 Cliarlea Impay and lf to W. H. (,atci, lot 10, block 2. collier Plate j.oj S. :. Hrcuster and lte lo Charles Impar, lot 10. blo.k t. t'olllar Fla.a 1,400 Anton Kcmln and wlfa to Mary bcmln, lot S, Malonry'a sd, &uth flmaha 1 H. U Kohisson to W. II. Wll.on, t$: trt lot 5, Karatt'sa I'ourt ft.OCO i. II. buma and William Burna to O. M. Uuma, of lot 4, block 2, Laks'a sdd.... C.ra W. bharp and huMbaud to J. A. Cbunga- taoo. pan of la 11 lit :a. 21 16-13 i Charlea tioraey and wlfa to Anna Id, - Kenna. 40 tet lota V and 10, Terrac add 1 K '. Sutxr to W. J Hnnlck, loU 2 and I. block 4. Lincoln Helahla j Dundea Kfalty Co. to O, lots 4 and ft. block 10, Dundee Placa i W. I. Harach to KTtona llarach, lot 4, block 2. tiherldan Plac 1 M 1 Mnrtln and wlf to W B. Froaaar, tl (art of !S lot II. Him' add.. to J. 1. Iludrrrk to A. Hudak, at lot 18, block 2. Kounlte'a 4ih add jy) Arthur HJnrt to J. H. Ixvlnaon. of lot I. block a, fhmn'a add j Belma Janaen and huabind to J. H. Levi- son. w' lot I, block a, Shlnn's add .... 1 C. W. Mai-lln and l(a u II. U Kokjsr, lot :S, block 2. Il'lle lla Xt) C. O. Tola an4 alii to H O. Itlca. aft uf lot i, block Kl. houih Oicaiia l.tos Jacob Armbruat and Vila to C. J. Carlbcri. lot t. Carlbarg's Rcplal i.laO O. K Krumpf and wlta to Margaret Hoyd and Carrla A. Naah. lot i. blKk to. Dundea ria Best Sporting News Right ln The Bee day by day. Full box tcorea of all big" league. Sport cartoona that hit the bullaey. HEAL KSTATE Si' III' HliAN W'ursr I'nrk. There is a Beautiful High Class Residence District in Omaha Today Where Lots are Selling for as Much as $3,500. Ten Years Ago the Best Lot in This District Could Have Been Bought For $250. Think of It WEARNE PARK Offers Homemakers a Very Similar Opportunity Today Whether You Want a Home Or An Investment You Will Never Make a Mistake Buying in Wearne Park Because This Company is Not Selling These Lots in the Usual Way JUST THE LOTS WITH NO IMPROVEMENTS. We Have Installed and Paid for Modern Improvements. This Compnny has brought streets to permanent srade and ter raced the building lots. We have planted trees We have built lennnnent Cement walks. We have Installed and paid for city water and gas. Cement gutter divide the parkings from tb Klreot on both sides and are installed to carry away all surface water through an under-ground drainage sewer system. WEARNE PARK lots are nil within two blocks of a car line furnishing n 10-mtnute service. WEARNE PARK has building restrictions that Insure a high class of homes, and these, restrictions are within reach of people of moderate means. WEARNE PARK Is ln the direct path of Omaha's growth. These Lots nre Keasonahle in Price. Tliey Can He Hough t on Kasy Payments. "We'll build and Finance Your Home here ou Easy Monthly Pay ments. Telephone Doug. 2926 Today. Let us take you out to see WEARNE PARK and show you that In developing thla beautiful building addition, that nothing has been overlooked to make WEARNE PARK one of the highest grade building additions ln Omaha. We have built many beautiful homes In WfCARNE PARK and will be pleased to have you go through them and Judgo for yourself. Bankers Realty Investment Company Ground Floor Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 2926 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Fit Exciting: Place aa May Grain Goei to High Level. CORN GOES SHARPLY -HIGHER TabiM Kllaht I'pwtrd, bat Dropi nark a I.lttle to More Solid Ground When Wbeit Loan Ita Strength. OMAHA, Aur. 2D. 1914. The $1.2.) level for May wheat waa reached amid a flurry of excited bidding by shorts and Investors on the Hoard of Trd yesterday. The eleventh-hour bull caused the sen sational upturn In May wheat from ILIM to $l.a In less time than It takes to tell It. The market was chock full of excite ment and nervousness. The oldest speculator was at sea as to the course to pursue because of the rapid advances, which were followed by down turns of equal rapidity. Conditions surrounding the wheat mar ket are must abnormal. The present sen- satlonHl market, with Its anvances and declines, doubtless found many of the lnrfrer concerns In the trade on the bear side. Kveryuody knows exactly what has happened ln the mutter of grain prices and every one In the trade knows that some of the export concerns here and ut the aeaboaid have suffered tremendous loxscs. 1 hose who were short In the pit doubt lessly over stayed the time limit and they must now een up their positions In the pit. President C. II. Canby of the bis; trade mart la not only anxious for a reduction In the volume of business, but he is also anxious aa far as possible to restrain the buylnir power so that normal conditions may again be reached. i om was .uri icu suarply higher by ex citement In wheat, but when the latter broke, tlie market for thi. yellow cereal likewise collapsed. Renting spola for tue day were tyc lower for the feptember de livery and t'0&f higher for deferred months. It Is evident that the corn mar ket at present Is mora dependent upon wheal Uis.Ii usual, displaying little strength of Ita own yesterdsy. Buyers sem reluctant to take hold at these prices and are evidently waiting for a good reaction. Kansas continued to send In bad reports. Oats prices In the pit, after advancing sharply wilh wheat early, reacted and closed Nc lower for Beptember and e higher for deferred deliveries. Liquidation In Heptember pork carried the price of that product down a dollar a barrel yesterday, but the deferred deliv ery closed firmer. Iwird and riba were raster, feeling the weight of the weak grain markets and a little local selling. There was good Investment buying on inn tirciniif. Wheat was S'ofcc. lower. Corn waa 1i1Vc lower. Oats were Vale lower. Omaha fash Price Wheat : No. 3 hard, No. i hard. I "4; No. 4 hard, HbVuiH'r; No. 2 spring. $1 2'q 1.02'i! No. ft amine, tl 01 Will .01 . No. 4 i spring, tl-Apft1 H: No. t durum, 9Vfil fli; No. 3 durum, DsWtttc. Pom: No 2 white, 77fj77V; No. 3 white, 7Mc77c: No. 4 while, ' VdTif. No. 1 vellow. 7S'MiT7c: No. 3 yel low, V,trtinr : No. yeltow, ii'va'cc ; io. t mixed, 7-Wt'fiWc; No. 3 mixed. "iWw TEVc; No. 4 mixed. 74Vr7T1V-- Oats: No. I white. 4tl,4'fi41V", standard. 45'ffKic: No. white, tf.H'&'tUc; No. 4 white. 45We. Barley: Mailing, txVoc: No. 1 feed, taVfli Swift & Company Onion Block Yard a. C'hieag.. Aug .29, 1914. Dividend No. 112 DWidsnd of ONE DOLLAR and SEVENTY- I HVt CENTS (S1.7j) per shara oa Ilia capital I stock of Swift A Company, will ba paid on Ot. lat, 1914, to stock holders uf record. Sept. 10, 1914. as shawa oa tue bor.m m tnnmpan. F. b. WAYWARD, Sssreiary KKAL ESTATE SlHlHKAN Wrsrna 1'ark. c. Rye; No. 2, S8Hc; No. 3, Clearencea were: Wheat and flour equal to l.StW.OOO bushels; corn, 2.000 bushels; oats, 27,(100 bushels. Trlmary wheat receipts were 1,493,1X10 busheus and shipments 1,072,000 bushels, amilnst recelrts of 9S0.000 bushels and shipments of fi27,O0O bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were nS9,00D bush els and shipments K7,000 bushels, against receipts of Iil2.l0ii bushels and shipment of Soii.Ouo bushels last. year. Primary oats receipts were 1.129,000 bushels and shipments 397,000 bushels, against receipts or 1,178,0110 bushels and shipment of M2.0HI bushels Inst year. CAHI.OT HECK1PTM. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Rye.B'r'ly Chicago ..1(6 2il 842 Minneapolis .. Duluth Omnha Kansas city.. . HI. l.ouls .274 .112 . 46 . 73 08 7 50 21 40 Winnipeg ..200 These cash aales were renorteri tnriav Wheat .No. 2 hard winter: 4 cars, t'.01(; No. 3 bard winter: 1 car, 91.04; 1 car. tl.03; 2 cars, tl.01; 1 car, !c. No. 4 hard win ter, 1 cnr. 7c. No. 3 spring: car, tl 02 No. H mixed: I car, tl 04. No. 4 mixed: 1 cur, Italic, 4 car, 97c. Corn No. 1 white: 2 cars. 77Hc. No. t white: 1 car. 77e; car. 7c; No. 8 white: l car, 77c. No. 1 yellow: 3 care. 77; 4 ' cars. 7ay.c. No. 3 yellow: &',i cars, 7o; No. 5 yellow: 1 car, 7r.,e; 3 cars, 7."Vc. No. yellow: 1 car, 7.rVii!. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 7iic; 4 eara, 7f.Hc No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 7(1 V,c; 3 cars, itic; 1 car. 761V'. No. 3 mixed: 4 curs, 7&V4e; 2 cars, 7.r.'i,r. No. 6 mixed: 2 cars, 7f.Hc; 2 cars, 7."c. No. 6 mixed: I car, 74V; 1 car. 74'i. Sample: 1 car (yellow), 7r,c; 1 car, 74',c. Oats Standard: 3 cars, 4'; No. 3 white: 3 cars. 4c; 2 cars. 4iice; l2Vi cars, 4!i!ic. No. 4 white: 2 cars, 4o!ic; 1 car, 4.")ytc; 1 cars, 4Gc. Rye No. i: 1 cur, We. New York Orneral Market. NEW YORK, Aug. . HVd A R-Raw, firm; molasses, 6.27c; centrifugal, .02c; refined, firm. RI'TTKR Steady ; receipts, 9,300 tubs: creamery firsts, WWtM". seconds, 2;tj28c; ladles, current make, firsts, Zlti24i 'HKBHIJ-t5teady; receipts, 7' boxes: state whole milk, while and colored spe cials, Jii'c; state whole milk average fancy, lti'&W.ic IXJUS Firm; receipts, 9,0i,0 cases; fresh g-athered extras, '-VrtSIr: seionds, 23fi 24'c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, 3Ku-.'c; gathered whites, ycji3.1c; nearby hennei y browns, 3o32c; nearby gathered browns and mixed col ors. 2:ii29c. ITU'LTRY Dreasel. firm; western chickens, frozen. 14'uJOc; fowls, l-j; i'J'ic; turkeys, lrj26c. Alive, Irregular; western chickens, broilers, 18f20c; fowls, 17?(l'4c; turkeys, lt'OWic. Kansas f'ltr Oraln and Provisions. KANHAK flTY Aug. 2S. WHKAT No. 2 hard, tl 01il Ot: No. 2 red, tl.OMfrl 06; Pepternber, ktlic; December, ll.tKllii:; May. tl 10 CORN No. 2 mixed. 79HV; No. 2 white. 8iOMie; Hi ptember, Kic; Decem ber, (WTi'titV; May, 72Tc. OATS No. 2 white, 4m&'4uVlc ; No. 2 mixed, 46c. Bt, I.onla Urnln Market. 8T. I)t'I8. Aug. 2S.-WHEAT-No. 2 red. I1.U7&1 10; No. 2 hard, II Owi1 10 Keplember, tl.On'A; December, tl 0?H. CORN No. 2. HOVtc; No. 2 white, 82Hc, September, 82c; December, 70V. OATS No. 2, 48c; No. 2 white, 5010. Liverpool Oral a Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug W.-WMEAT-fipot. quiet; No. 1 Manitoba, ta 4Sd. Futures, weak; October, s fid; December, 8a 7d. CORN Spot, nominal. Futures, quiet; October, s 7d. Minneapolis firala Market. MINNKAPOI.IS. Aug. 28 WHEAT September. 1 101: December. 11.12: No 1 hard, tl 20Vi: No. 1 northern. tl,12H 1 li'i; .io. nunnern, i.wii'I.m'. Cotton Market. LIVKRPOOU Aug. M.-COTTON Hpot In moderate demand at unchanged prices Pules, 3,100 bales. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cuttle in Wry Light Supply and Trice i Nominally Steady. ' HOGS FIVE TO FIFTEEN HIGHER hers and l.ambs of Ml Kinds Very Mow nml lloll at About 4rad Prleea Itrcrlnta Only Moderate. SOl'TM OMAHA. August X 1914. Receipts were: I'nttle.l logs Sheep. Official Monday 9 9vS ;i.V! .17. MS official Tuesday .Vsio V.'.94 Hi. Ms official Wedneaday.... 3.110 s.;n: 14.M4 Official Thursday S.oiir 10.27 'A1"1 "'ire nmy isi .a ear. , The following table shows the receipts of cruiir. noss ami Miei'i' at tne routn imiaiis live stock market for the year to date, as ctmpared with last year: 1tl4. 1913. Inc. Dec I'sttle 50.1.11 M".41 ;i.:iii.' Hogs Vex.: .W7u1i lSl.ap Sheep 1,6ns. 70S l,3)',;lnl 320,402 The following table shows the prices for hogs at the Hon Ih Omaha live slock mar ket for the last lew' days, with compart- sons: "Date. 1914. (1913. '1912. 11911. I910 '190.1. ,1911s. Aug. U Aug. 13. Aug. 14. Aug. 15. Aug 1. Aug. 17 Aug. H Aug. 19 Aug. 20. Aug. 21 Aug. 23 Aug. tl. Aug. 4. Aug. tiv Aug. i Aug. 2. Aug. 28 7 m, 7 g'M 7 701 T 7:1 04 1 7 11 g 01 I i i;i i W I I2 7 i S 14, 7 171 7 95, 7 4-' 8 0l; 7 47 I 7 4S 9 41 9 2J 6 17 M'.i I MS .A in' 9 24' t 301 9 00 a C 44 9 41 31 9 37 9 :l t A H2 a ! 32 7 77 7 To 7 tM' 7 97 1 7 721 7 S4; 7 Ml 7 4. s a I I li a I I 0 17 7 1 9 24 R 89SI 94S I 6-"i TT7 7 M 7 W! 08, I 9H, 7 PI 7 7 7 91 7 92j 7 19 9 2.1 9 3,. 9 09; t 04 7 8 9041 i II 79V.I 1 041 t 101 ft id, ,! 9 31! 9 31 1 7 2o 7 161 7 7 loi 7 12 7d tH I e 7 f,3; s K4 7 2' 9 7 7 71! 9 t7 7 tsi 9 Kl 7 63 "(Ul t 79' 9 7" 74 '.) 34 9 39 41 K 4 Sunday. CATTLK Receipts were very small today, only eight cars being reported In, and they consisted of odds and ends, a Utile of everything and not much of anything. The feeling on the' market waa steady with yesterday. The best cornfed cattle have been In good demand all the week and prices have shown little or no change, the best here having Bold at tlO.26. On the other hand, the medium grades of cornfeds and grass western are around 29c lower than last week, or IMHOo lower than ten days ago. Cowl and heifers have been working lower and they are around 36o lower than last weok'g close. j Oood feeders have been fully steady, In! fact, they might be quoted firm aa com- pared with last week's close. On the other hand, the medium to common kinds are lotilSo lowor than last week. Quotations on cattle; (1d to choice cornfed beeves, tOfcoa 10.25; fair to good cornfed beeves, IN.76M4t.50; common to fair cornfed beeves, f7 7uH 7b; good to choice range steers,; fair to good range steers, t7 2Mf7.50; common to fair range steers, t9 2Wn7.25; good to choice grasi cows, ft .35137.76; fair to good grades, VIM) .25; common to fair grades, t3.Mtv5.6o; good to choice stackers and feeders, 4rs.fl0; fslr to good stockera and feeder. t7. 0O5C7.60; common to fair Blockers and feeders, t6.2tr7.0O; stork cows and heif ers, t5.2&'ciU5; stock calves. KUkXunoo; vel calves, W.OkQ 10.M); bulla, stags, etc., 15.25(87.00. HOD9-Receipt were rather light for a Frldsjr, and trade opened stinng. al though the early rounds were rather dull. Parker' first bids were anyway a nickel higher, but nothing much moved at this time, a seller were asking prices that were all of a dime, and In many cases 16c higher than yesterday. Hy the time first sales were made offer had Improved lightly, so that the supply started mov ing at 6'tlOo higher figures. In fad, a very fair 'iare of the receipt sold on this basis, but after close tn a hair of the offering had changed hand sharp com petition brought value up to a flat 10o high level. Quite a number of hog moved at thla advance, but toward the close one or two buyer who had failed to fill their orders pushed prices up anomer notch, so thnt hog old on the last end reached the high point of the day, being fully 105fil5o, und In soino Instances a flat 15o higher than yeaterday'a average. The general market shows an advance of right at 10c. Hulk of the gale wa made at $ and a number or hog sold at the best time reached t9.HO and tl.95. In fart, there wa a fair showing as high a 19.00, and top touched t9.0.i. Movement, while dull at times, was fairly active in spots, and everything wa cleaned up by 10 o'clock. Receipt amounted to 101 ear, or 6,600 hnad. hrlrmlnn the week' supply up to 37,579 head. This Is more than 4.000 larger than last week, and Is a gain of .500 head a compared with tne aama aay iasi year. WHKKP The wlndup of the market yes terday wns worse than at the opening, there being some . salts at the close showing a decline of 2Cu36o from Wed nesduya' trade. There were verv fair aupplle for a Friday, both here and at Chicago, thi mornlna. the local receipt being some 9,000 head, against 6,010 head a week ago, 7,906 two weeks ago and 12.246 on the same day a year ago. Thl bring the total for the week to dale up lO neaa, aa compared with K,343 for the same time last week. 59.Mi two week ago, ana iS.M during the corresponding period a year Rgao. Owing to the wetnesa of the fleece thla morning trade was somewhat delayed In lambs, hut about the middle of the fore noon the bulk of the offering began to move at a level showing no material change from yesterday'a bad close. The market wa slow, however, and It was late before a clearanoo was made. A to mutton offerings there were not enough on hand to try out values, the market on what few ewes and yearling were here being nominally steady. The feeder trade wa lightly upplied and price showed no quotable change For the week all kinds of feeder have been In good demand and closing quota lion are steady to strong as compared with a week ago on the best grades of feeding lambs carrying a lit tin flesh, and stesdy to a little easier un the common kinds. Feeding sheep have been scarce all the week and are quotable steady with a week ago. On account of the llherul supply of kill er here thla week the packers have suc ceeded In taking off lamb aa much a 7iv and half a dollar off mutton. Quotations on range sheep and lambs: Iimlis, good to choice, ti.4ofi7.50; lumba, fair to good, t7.3iKp7.40; lambs, feeders, til..VKcr7.30; yearlings, good to choice, to 5(fo 6.00; yearlings, fair to good, I6.254i5.60; yearlings, feeders, 91506 90; wethers. good to choice, to. loi. 26 ; wethers, fair to good, t4.907I.VIo; wethers, feeders, 14 40tf r .ll; ewes, good to choice. 14 901(400; ewes, fair to good, t4.76t)4.90; ewe, feed ers, tl.&ofl 4 .00. I ' Kansas lly Live Stock Market. KAN. SAD CITV. Aug. 29. CATTLK Re ceipts, head; market steady; prime fed steers, 19 75'fi'10.50; dressed beef steer, 7.80r9 60; western steers, t.509.2G; Block ers and feeders, 5.76tX.25; bulls, t5.2fj44.75; calves, 6.6(iylO 60. HOGS Receipts, 2,fioO head; market higher; bulk of vales, tt.UVuS.2o; heavy, t9 10rfi.M: packer and butchers, t't.lij.; light. t 9C9.15; pigs, Xtftli.75. HHEEH AND LA M US Receipts, l.CSX) head; market steady; lambs, t7.ara7.60; yearlings. t550i4t., wethers, t'l.'Uj'j, ewes, t4.7.'x?;1.aO. ' Ht. Lonls Live Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 2S. CATTLE Re ceipt, 7UU head: market steady; native beef steers, J7..W 10.50, cows and heifers, ti.j0'ai.50; stockers and feeders, t6.0ora7.50; southern steers, fi.0u'd.25; cows and heif ers, 14 (KKan.Vi; native calve. f00) 10.26. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head: market higher; pig and light, t7U's9.40; mixed and butcher. KMOUtt.40; good heavy, 13.25 9 4(1. SHICEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 8,500 head; market steady: native muttons, tt.OO 'jjj.2.V. lambs, t7.0i"y 7.70. il " Klong lltf Live Block Market. SIOCX CITV. la., Aug. 29. CATTLK Receipts 200 head; market steady: na tive ateers, to 4Wua.40; butchors, $6 7oitf 1.00. HOGS Receipts, 3,500 head; market lOo Klve days this week. 21. 9M 37.f7 110 010 Same days Isst week . . H.OTO ;U.201 SS.343 Same days 2 veeks ao 11 ;'P 2:i.A70 iA.Siii Same days 3 weeks 9. sin lil.l! Same days 4 weeks ngo.ll.'t :tv.?ti ;i;.9I9 tr SIIM:i AMI I.AM B!4 Receipts, HA lna.1, no uuntatlons. I Mil Alio I MF. 91U4 K MARKET tallle 9tradv to Strong Hogs trona, lllathe. CHIC.MIO. Auk. :9.-CATTM:-Re-cen. ts, ,r,ii heinl; market steady to etrimv; beeves. tH7MiluS; steers. IK.Snfl) 9 40. sloi keri and feeders, t.VScps cows, and hellers, t-t."V?l!l.: calves. ti.tVMTII.'J. Hi it s-Receipt a, U'.OiiO hed: market ftrong; .V higher; bulk, $1.7.Vd9.20; light, 9 Kali 9. 31; mixed. 9 01i9 .3.1; heavy. tS.4.Vf .3o: rough. 99 4C.iiiS.il1 pigs. $.1.5OCiH.0. Slll;i:i" AND I.AMHK- Receipts, 9.09s) he. ul: market wrsk: sheep. $4.7i:liO.iO; yearlings, t7.MMit.40; lambs, t. 75?j?.7fi. Kl. Jose pli l.lie Mock Markel. ST JOSKPII. Aug. 2S. OATTL.K Re ceipt ion head: market stedy; steer, tl'.oO"! 10.90: cow and heifer. t0"fa9.i0; cahrs, t-1.7iiti lO .m. IUHR9 Receipts. 2,t0fl head; market strong; bulk of sales. In 0ii9 .15. SIIKKP AND l.AM US Receipts. 100 head, market slow, Isinhs, l7.fV7.7f. ' ( III! AGO 4. RAIN Ann rROVI9IO Kralnres of the Tradlac nn1 1'loalnv I'rlee on Hoard of Tralr. t H M'Ado, Aug. 2 -The hysteria of re cent M'sslon was absent from the wheat market todav and that cereal led others to a lower level. Wheat dropped 2V)ir39e, coin l'sli'lSe and oats Sli-Sc. Provisions closed from 5c higher to 12'so lower. Hhat selling there ws In the nature; of a narrow wheat market waa done hy scattered longs and much of the buying1 also was credited to Ihem on the theory" "' that a long with a profit secured rn ncarcely leslst buying In at a decline In hope ol another hulge. A wa the case -yeMerCav when prices were soaring the . mine paid no attention to the new, such as It was. Most of the trading was done In the flm half hour. At 1:1.1 May wa lOo under yesterday' ton. It reacted Hi2r from thl , and llnaeied In the neighborhood of the , closing pries the remainder of the ees- slon. Alt he close the tone was heavy. Commission houses made an effort to at tract legit Imate trading, but 15 and Hit-cent margins demanded In some cases did not prove Inviting. Country offerings were reported decidedly larger In response to the bid of millers In the northwest. Rains In the crop belt and the Influ ence of wheat depressed corn prices. There was a I'nlr eastern shipping de mand. Sample were 9c lower. Tha de cline In oats wan due to profit taking, in tluenced by wheat and the slowing; of th" sealioard oemand. r September provisions rased off on con-, , tinned scattered liquidation, while Janu- ary gained modestly on Investment de- f niand, ' ' , Grain prices furnished by Logan Rrven, offl-e 316 flouth Sixteenth treet: ' Artlclel open. I High, i 1iw. Cloe.Ts'y. Wheat Hept. Dec. May. Corn Sept. I Dec. May. 1 ftiffOS 1 1L"tl 1 0!Hi, 1 IW 1 1.1'. 1 094 t 12 I 1 04 1 09 1 15 1 1 13 1 19'i 1 04 1 ISVal 90 711(fi71 7441731 909 79m 70V 774il 71 ws 74W 4S4! 60S 77P 4fiV 73S(74aH 474,sl 4TV41 60 4F4' 50- 63 y. Dec.49V1l '! 49 51!, M 2ViH S 63 20 471 A. S' I 1SVU 4 Pept. Jan.. l.srrt Sept. let.. Jan.. Ribs He pt. Oct.. Jan.. 20 47V :2 a-201: 20 00 23 10 9 90 10 10 an 10 23 20 20 4S 22 26 . 10 00 10 17V 10 60 . 11 47'4 ' 12 02 ' 11 36 !2 77-30 9 97 10 15 10 06 12 41 13 02' t 10 00 97H io rvi 10 17H1 10 70 10 67 10 4)6 12 96 It 0 12 45 12 06 12 36 11 97 11 37SI 11 2iVt! 11 90 11 86 Chicago Cash, Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. Corn: l.U7; No. t hard, tl.06ttrl.W. No. 2 vellow tiynRJUe; No- s ye'low. 12c. Oats: No. 3 white, 47H4sc; itandard, 47(fi 1914c. Rye. No. t. 96V097C. Barley: tVMiXOc. Secda: Timothy, September, tH.l i.R1; clover, October. t!9.50. -lYovlslons: Pork, none; lard, 110.02; rib. ij.niusi, Hl'TTKR Creamery, 2Ho; firsts, 28c;, seconds, 24c; packing stock. 21c. j.: uit F'rsts. 2'ic; seconds. 17. I'OTATOV78-Lower; receipt, 45 car-, Jrey cobblers, bulk, li2c; Jersey cob bler, sacks, r2S.c; Giant, bulk, 74P76c; tllanta, sacka, 79Oc; Minnesota fcany Ohlos, 3(l,7c. 1 l-ol'LTRY-Aiive, higner; iowii, idw prlngs, 1fi19c POULTRV Hens, 14o- brollerg, 18c Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 2.-No material, change was reported In the coffee market ; hero today The process of evening up 1 old commitment through the voluntary committee wa said to be making progii . ; at slightly lower prices today, but the spot market continued (teady. Cont and freight offer from Rraxll were unchanged and Importer are till hampered by tha , absence of adequate foreign exchange facilities Rio 7 were quoted at 7o and Rant oh in at 12T4c. Receipt at two Bra- ' xlllan port yesterday were 20.000 bags; : 8ao Paulo receipts 33,000 and Jundlahr re- , relpts 32,000 bags. Clearance of 17,000 . bags were reported from Mraiil for Vnlted 1 States porta. Omaha Grain Market. HAT rralrle: Choice, upland, t11.508 12.00; No. 1, ttl.OfW 11.50; No. 2, tS.0uf1LOO; No. 3, t7.00(fi0.fl0. Choice, midland, tH 60; No. 1. tlOMKa 11.00; No. 3, t8.oO131ll.OO; No. 3, trooiiiV.OO. No. 1 to choice, lowland. lO.OOftlo.tiO; No, 2, t7.00ig9.00; No. S, $5.01X07.00. STRAW Wheat straw I quotable at tl 5ori6.00: oat and rye, t5.0OQ5.6a ALFALFA Choice alfalfa i quotable at tis.60fi14.00; No. J, lt.SOfiHJ.60; No. I. tlO.UXrtll.60; No. 1. B.OOKIftoO. Minneapolis tiratn Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 28. Wheat opened . 2c under yesterday' ' close and thee dropped '2c more today, FLOU R 1 Inchanged. HARl.KV 114t73c. 1 1 Y K Xifh 93c. URA N 122.50. CORN No. 3 yellow. T7tr7a, OATS No 3 white,, 45(8450. Fl.AX-tl.(iOftl.62. Dry tioods Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 29 New low prices caused an active buying mo jnent In' print cloths today. Several lines of colored heavy cotton goods were withdrawn from, sale because of the scarcity of dyestuffa. Domestic fine wool sold freely at slight advance. Evaporated Apple and Dried Frails . NF.W YORK, Aug. 28. EVAPORATED . ' A PPLKK Oulet. DRIED FIU'ITSPrunes firm. Peache quiet. Raisins dull. Apricot dull and ' eauv. Metal Market. ST. I.OI IS, Aug. 28.-METALS-Led ' . quiet al 1X75; apelter, quiet at to.lKXvOu. LONDON. Aug. 29.-SlLVER-Bar weak. -at 23 15 ldd per ounce. , Bank Clearing. OMAHA. Aug. 29. Bank clearing for Omaha today were 12.S24. 402.31. and for tha corresponding day last year 12,411,964.71. LIGHT GERMANY CRUISER MAGDEBURG IS BLOWN UP ; AMSTERDAM. Aug. J8.-(Vla London. 7:o0 p. m ) An official dispatch from Ber lin say that the light German crulaer ' Mageburg, while ashore on the 11 of Odensbucg. ln the Gulf of Finland, was fired on by Russian ship. Seventeen of the cruiser' crew were killed nJ twenty-five wounded. The other of tha 2rw were rescued by a torpedo boat, whlla ' under fire. The Mageburg wa blown tip. HENRY CLAY FRICK IS ILL AT SUMMER HOME BEVERLY. Mas.. Aug. 29,-Henry Clay Flick, the New York and Pittsburgh mil lionaire, I 111 at hi summer home at I'rlde . Crossing, s-ordlng to Informa tion given out by servant there tonight. A report that he wa seriously 111 of In-, flammatory rheumatism waa denied. Dr. James M. Jackson, who attended him, aid he wa only "slightly Indisposed, but waa getting- better."