Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1914, Image 10
f I IK HKE: OMAHA. AUGUST 1014. WANT ADS Want a 'le rcc.-ived at any time, but to ir.sure proper classification must be pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for pvenlng edition and T:tO p. rn. for morning iinil SiAidsy editions Want ads recelveo after eich hours will be under the heading "Too Late to Classify." CAM! RATES. . one time. 12 ,-cnts a liaje Three t'rrea within one wk, 9 cents line esch insertion. Seven coneecutHe timra, T cents a line uin insertion. CHARGE RATES. Three times within ine wee. 10 tenia a line earh InserMon. Seven consecutive ilmis. 1 cents a line, cah insertion. Count six .i vera words to a, line. Minimum charge. 20 irnta. Ton ran place your want ad In The Bee by telephone telephone ttler mov Unclaimed Answ ers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of ..ther answers have been called for and delivered durlnir the laat week. It la reasonable to euprs'se that all of tha people brlnw have mada tlie desired swaps therefore, do not call for tha bal ance of their anawera. Ilea Want Ada sure get result. f. C. f-'. ('. 8 O. S f. PC 8. C. XW 941 3 If lAi 1J13 POt 942 API 111! 15H 1.V.7 wi :s ii in i?m uss SOW K7 H 11?1 1211 l?l M 9 9f 112.1 lit 13R4 W- ATI Uril 1I29 12:.". 1JK7 i 974 inn:. iik7 ira i&is ar: i ir,h 12.12 irrn K: 974 inoj ht 12.. 1271 9) liZS Rug 12.(7 1272 K3 9i 1j' 1IJ 124(1 ' l4 k4 m nno ir i34j v.-m 91 9s 1104 11!& 1261 U04 Kf9 DEATHI AND Fl'iKH 4 L W4Tir". MAHRIAI.R LIC-y;!K(i. Tha following oonptee have aeeured licenses towed: Name ard Rerideno An BIHTI19 AM DKATIUt. Res Wilson. Arlington . 24 Nellie Baldwin Dale. Arlington 30 Ralph Manxer, Omaha 23 Sena Uehardt. Omaha 24 Albert Btapletm. Omaha........... 39 Addle H. Meggltt, Omaha U Emeat T. Turner, Omaha.. 11 Ethel Mar Carter, Omaha 17 Jan Woilnak. Roufh Omaha 37 bteflnta Machorvciyk, teuth Omaha., ii Hlrtha Miller and Stella HaJTls, 20iil) North Twenty-fifth atreet, IkV; K. w. and Elsa II. Feteraon. TJ6 rinulh Flgli teenlh, girl; Morrla and Kdlth I'errlne. '21 Military avenue, boy; Frank and Martha Tuchman. 2124 Oasa. girl; Ham and Knely, i Kouth Mneaeenth. hoy. Deaths Mary McHurnpy, 49 years, FT. Washington; VVIlhelmlna Iiurntt, 44 years. sSI south Twenty-ninth; Mra. Kate Collins. J7 yVara, hoapltal; Mra. ILannah H. Fdholm, 62 yeara, 2fto Cliarlea; John Lewis. 2S yeara. IMS North Twenty-flrat; Sophie Mlnnlck, 41 years, three miles north of Benson. BIILUI!V44 PKHMITH. O. A. Iloluulat, 2427 North Fourth ave nue, frame dwelling. HtSOn; Alamito Sani tary Ialry company. WOI-8 Icavenwonh, brick dairy and creamery. IM.4JQ0; Amoa Orant, 2820 Iavenport, frame dwelling, 12. KO; Dr. Harold Clifford. 62 to 70D South Sixteenth, fireproof hotel. USO.OOO. TODAT'S CXJMrLETH MOV IK PROGRAM KxcltiaJvwlr la The Bm Iwwsiaws- CAMKRAPIIONE. 140S DOCQUAS. The Bond internal. 2-reel Kalem. Broncho Billy Wine Out, Laaanay. A Fatal l ard, Lubln. K1.1TK THEATEK NO. 1 nil FARNAM. The Glided Kldd, l-reel Kdlaon. Broncho Billy's Fatal Joke, Daeanay. The 8torm at Pea, Kalem. FARNAM TIIKATKIC 1416 FARNAM, Jim Webb, Senator, -reel Imp. KUTK THEATER NO. 1. 1JI8 FARNAM. An Innocent Iialllah. 2-reel Vltagraph. The Reveler, Hells;. The Black Signal, Kaaanay. fAKK THKATKR. kit MO. 16TH ST. Two-reel sensational feature, drama. Mterllng comedy. Western PAHLOH THICA-TtR. lf DOUOUA& Through the Flames. 2-reel Rex. At I O'clock. Sterling comedy. PRJNClSt TIIKA., 1S17-1J19 OOUGUAH, For the Sacret Service, featuring Bob Leonard and Klla Hall, 2 reels Universal Boy In the Chlneae Mystery. HIPP THEATER. UTU a HARNfciY. Tha Man on tha Bos. five-reel tea tor. Jsrts A AM BRA, 1814 NO. MTH ST. FYontler Mother, J-reel drama. Taffy aod tha Hlness, 2-reel Keystone comedy. I'lAMOND THEATF.R. i410 UKU1 ST. Trey O Hearts." No. t tDead Reckon ing), 2-reel Uold Seal. Tha Diamond Nippers, Joker comedy. One more. FRANKLIN THE.. 24T7iftFRANKX.IN. The Lure of tha Car Wheels, 2-reel Lubln. The Jungle Samaritan, Sellg.. Bronoho Billy and tha Gambler. Essanay. HIPPODROME, MTH AND CUMINCk TnnkKta of Traged), two-reel Kaaaaay. A Train of Inddeiila. Vllagraph. Lame Dog's Treachery, kalem. IT THEATER. 1TH AND LOOL ST BTS, Tha Vampire s Trail, 2-reel Kalem. Tha Laat Assignment, Edison. Jane. Esaanay. LOTHROP THEATER. 21J NO. 24TH ST. Helen Uardner In "Prlnceaa of Bagdad," seven retla. Two shows, i and o'clock. All aeata 10 cents. LO YA iTtHKATEK. TH A tAlJiWKLU Won In the Cloudaj 3-reel Special Univer sal. Triangle Marriage, comedy. PALACE, J3uJ DAVENPORT sopl'le of the Films, Neetor comedy. In the Vidian's Garden, Imp. By the Sua's Flays. Nestor. XL Bl'KRAN, 24TH AND AME8. The Wheat and the Tares, 2-reel Vila. Tim the Terror, Biograph. The Family Record. cig. alki. APPOLLO. 2K4 LEA VRN WORTH The Vampire's Trail, 2-reel Kalem. The Locked Room, Vitagreph. uppery Silm's I'Ucmnu. Eaaanay. vXiLLMBIA THEATER. 171u BO. ivril Private Bunny, Vltaa-raph. The cross of Crime, I'-reel Lubln. A Tale of Old Tucson. Edison. COMFORT THEATER, 24 A V1NTO.V The Million Dollar Mystery, t-r. Series 7. Jim Cameron's Wife. 2-rtel Domestic. The Great Toe Mystery. Keyalone. FAVORITE TH E A X Eli! ItuTvInTON A Matter of Minutes, Kdluon. Tread Upon the Waters, 2-reel Vita. The Show Busters, Biograph. Favorite Airdome Annex, 17th and Vlnton SLNPAV. AL'ai'ST . Perils of Pauline, Series No. 4. UEM THEATER. llji eO. liTH bl Circle 17. 2-reel Reg. What Happened to Schultg. Joker com. HNSCOM THEA.. 1 A tiABT ELLaK Lucllls Ive No. 10. 2-reel Gold Seal 1 . Ike. Jr., Bearly Won Her I.'. Ike coin . LYRIC THEATER. 11 7 VINTC-n'sT! 'aa and Hla Brother, 2-reel Kerrigan A Btrong Affair, Birring comedy. PAfeTIMB THKA.. 2J LEAVENWR H Lucjlle Jxve No. 4. 2-reel Gold SeaX Almost Married, fwerllng comedy. se Admission ac. ENEZIA THEATER12J1 SOUTH 1JTII Tray O Hearts No. 1 (r lower O Flamai. l-reel Gold beL ' A Strong Affair. Sterling comedy. A IKrOUK THEA., FARNAM PARK The Opeiator s Flack Rock, Kalem. Siecond Cighl. Vitagraph. Iw'tiuvhu Bii'y's ratal Joke, Eaaanay. TODAY'S COMPLETB MOVIE rnOtiKAMS Exclusively The Itpe. u cat. MONRK TMKATKTI. I.Vw FARNAM ST. On the llieh Seas. 2 reel. Alexander iad din. Animated Weeklv, latent current event At 3n'rlnrk. Ford Sterling BKNHOX Til KATKI1. MAIN ST. In AXI Thlnta .Mm, rnll.m. rnlvereal Ike In "The Imnmn of a Oreat City." Irene'a Uney 1 si y. Victor comedv 4 oiin.'ll h.affa IU-PI- R TIIKATKR, .VTT BHUA DWAT. Jim Webb, Senator. 3-red Imp. koatk Uiualia. HKSrtK TMKATEIt, 24T1I AND N. Mearat-Sellg. Willie, 2-r. pclla rrtvate Itpnla Houan, Mlaaraph. MAOir TIIKATKR. 24TH AND O. There la a lpatlnv, Victor. Rural Affair, Hlerlln comedy. Mlner a t'.otiiance, Nrator Vai4rllir, OnrHKl."M, 24TH M. fOUTH OMAHA. K2fT-nA r-flAI. KKATIRR F.VKRT SATL UDA V. ' AXNOUNCKMETS BATHS hot an r cfu. ary, l.V up to ahave, ! . 320 lfilh HI. l.l'I'KV wedding rtnits. Ilrndcgaard'. Wedding announcement. I oiik. Itg. Co. .nod Flour; 48 Iba., II. Wagner. "l N. I'itli. MA7,i:l, Ieaf Pile I'onca. Hnat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrudltiB pllea; 5fc poatpaloi aamplea free. bhrinan ft Mcf'iuincll 1'riig 'o , Omaha. OKT a private booth In my grill room for noonjunch. IMiTH I.Of'U. H. 17lh 8U H K hV XT A S TKU FKM A LK Asjenta anal Nlnnomri, 11 A NO MUiSWOMKN. F.xperlpnoed; Kood tipportimlty to the, rlnht party. I'lano L'cpt , d floor., J. Taylor. lUntUKS.S-N A.M f CO. IlnaMkeepert and Uameatlca. THK Sprvant Oirl I'roblena Solved. The Hee will run a Servant Girl VS anted Ad mr.fc until you get the desired naulta. I hla appllpa to reaidcnla of Omaha, Houtei fimahu and I'ouncll llluffa. Rrtng ad to j tie iieectiloe or telephone Tyler 1J00. WANTF.D-A girl for general housework iUW Harney Kt. E.X PERI KNt'EI) gill ror general house- worn. ,virs. A. Kinlib. mo Dewey a veniie. Harney 2)i. CO M I ' K T K N T housekperforrniiUnam" lly. 24HI N. 19th. Well. Mil. WHITE girl for genernl housework; small house. iX Case. Phone Unrney K.12. WANTKlMliiod, exiierienced cook, white woman, referencea. steady position to right pai-ty. Harney lr.. Mrs. E. W. Nash, .ISOK Burt Ht. W A NT EI flood while second girl; steady position to right part). Mrs. E. W. .Nash, asotl Burt Ht. GOOD cook desired, jeterenc l N. 4Mb Ht. required. WANTED Two conuetent girls for cook snd housemaid; references required. Phone Harney 3014. WANTED An Jackson St. experienced cook. 1014 WAN'JJEI- Experienced cook, Mra. Victor Caldwell. 2I7 WANTED A middle-aged woman aa housekeeper In family of four; three children school age. Apply evenings, Ml 8. 22d St. -WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework; three In family. Mrs. W. D. MclluKh. 2fiu St. Mary's Ave. WANTED A girl to work three hours each week for music lessons and car fare. Webster 4208. OIRLe For general housework; week. Tel. afteg 1:30 p. tn. H. per 6K4.V WANTED Olrl for general housework, small family. 10JP H. Xth Ave. H. 2104. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework; no washing or cooking. Phone Harney fd7i. WANTED A competent girl; small family, good Wages, lis N. 3th avenue. Ilarney-2-tM, WANTED Competent girl for general housework. (l Dowey Ave. II. Va. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mis. James Richardson, bJi P. .16th Ave. Telephono Harney 907. W A NTED Three experienced waitresses; 120 per month, room and board; tips about equal wages; American plan; refer ence necessary. Addrtsa Royal Hotel, Excelsior Springs. Mo. Clerical and 4fflr. WANTED Experienced young lady as bookkeeper. Call at once. Pulace Cloth ing Co., 14th and Douglas. STENOGRAPHER and billing clerk with drug experience preferred. Excellent position with good futuie. tftale salary expected. Address 8 412, Bee. ST E N MjTltA PIIER. no;stctiographer snd bookkeeper, $bo; stenographer, loo, typist and clerk, u0; stenographer, $0; atenog raphvr. 145. Watts Ref. Co., B40-42 Bran deia Thee. WANTED High-grade stenographer and saleslady. Must be able to handle cor respondence and manage department. Give experlenoe, age, etc., for Interview. Address Remington Typewriter company, tilth and Douglaa.- S..AMBW 1 A T P RK N T H ' Kg r I. O p r. h el in Parlor. APPRENTICE, hair goods. Call H. o Mlacellasieaas. WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships; 1741 month; Omaha examinations soon; specimen questions free. Franklin Institute. Dcpl 6M-0. Rochester. N. Y. YOl'NO women coming to Omaha as etangers are Invited to visit the Young Wumen'a Christian Association building at St. Mary's Avo. and ltth St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union Station. HELP WANTED MALE Asjeate, Oaleanrw aa4 olleltaea. SALF:SMKN In every town to represent us selling oil and kerosene to consum ers, peerless Oil Company. Omaha, Neb. Vv ANTED SALESMEN To work two or three counties. prefer men who can furnish their uutouioblle, motorcycle or horse and buggy, to sell oils anj paints direct lo the consumer. Should be able to make from flu) to $2ii0 pur month clear. We furnish sample outfit. Commissions laid at the end of each week. Our com mercial rating liVO.CW. Anyone who has worked store trans need not apply. Ad dress M. A. Hulbuit & Co., Omaha. Neb. PIANO SALESMAN. Experienced, good opportunity to the right party. Piano Dept., Id floor, J. Taylor. Bl'RO ESS. NASH CO. Clerical s4 Office. IK VOL' are looking for a high-grade po sition, ace the CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1014-14 City National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, I. .. stenographer. :0, bookkeeper, tco. salesman with furnish ing goods, exiierteiice. Watts Ref. Co., ktO-42 p.randela Thfater. W ANTEl oung man aa cashier for new bank; must invest; splendid opening with future. Address I. R. Myers, Gen eral Delivery, Neosho. Mo. Factory a ad Traera. Drug store snaps; juba. Knelst. Bee Bldg W A NT E D E x iwrtenced f lie sellers. et (h per day: Fonteticlle hotel. Walter Hess. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of the AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS such as only we are equipped lo fc'Ko you. The auto 'easou is open and the demand U great iur such men ss ws turn out. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN Wit No. 2Wh St.. Omaha. Neh. WANTED An all-around country punier. Boozers, ssve your stamps. The Re prrter. Red Oak. la. WANTED Swift putty giatie . Steady iK.sllMn. good salary. Bluff City Glasa snd Mirror Worsts. Muuw.,lhl.p,-l',"",' t1"". rn '"! uulph ac ty. -AasiUMgiui,. D. C. HKM' V.TKI MAI.K Mlaretiaarwaa. r.M'.TII if"irliiK youiia men to wotk 'nr their ail while Htten'llns mhuol thla wln'cr should make application ncc In I'.oylia 'iIprc, phone I'ouglaa l.'i'ij. The fall term op n Sppleinh-r 1 lo learn li e !M-ber trarfe, tuition, .pt of tools e en; r. aiex pwlil 'i rl ''liy ' 'uIIpkp. IJth a-id Poiiftlna Sta. of men, IS to 4. wish ing to he Omaha nviil cacrlcn. J7 1 iiioiuii io ojfin 104. lice. V A N T r' I - I.umi no ii lo eat round Meak. l.-.e, I'offep Jiihn'n, Mth Htid I Hpltol. FAXTON Rlk i.ettertha School, ton. L TJJK NKIiHASKA AUTO MOBILE SCIIOUL hBB turned out more euc cennful gradua'ea than any school In tbla country. ' There a a reaaon " rite todny for our catalogue H'l. 1417 rode, Onuha, Neb. MA IK AMI 1KMAI.K 15,4) ikjv I.RNM KNT Joha on to and w.nien: 16 to li.V) month. Write for Hat. Franklin loatltuto. Ixpt. UJ-o. Rochester. N. V. WANTL'O SITUATIONS ' fTOCKIHH.HF.I' and sales manaifr of large out-of-town corporation w'ahea to connect with some large concern In Omaha aa office mantcger or sales man ager; have had 14 years' oxiierleneo; tan fi.rnlsh best of references; will come to mia ha for Jnlervtew. Address l ktis. Hee FIRST class cook (whitn w7oiiid"Tike steaily iKisltinn In reatuiirant, hotel or hospital. aJso does pastry work; ran give refercniea; write or call and Stat - wages. Matxaret Harter, 17J0 4th Ave., Council Rluffs, la- WANTKO-A position aa companion or hnusekeeoer by a refined elderly widow; HVT"".. ?Wcctlon leaving the cit i; H. Ilth HI. Hlenographr r desires work, rvgs. Trans" crlblng at home. Rest refer. O. 2jfi. Hee. Fl IOT-CI.AHS chauffeur wants . col ion, private or truck: steady and reliable. Rhone WpIi. after 6 p. m. H ANTKIJ-Hy man of "wiile huslneea ex perience, position of tmat; havo traveled niany years, hut must liavo city position. Address, 1 'JiVS, Fee. TWO Indies desire to koep house In ex crmngo lor board and room. Address A 4KI, Bee. WANT position aa housekeeper on farm or ranch where my son of l.'i years finds work also . A. II. Edward, viriicr.!! Ik.--; livery, Harlan. la I YOl'NO man of wood hnhlia wishes posi tion as chauffeur, either private or truck: steadv and reliable. Can give ref erenceB. Harney 4W. YOrNfl man wanta work of any kind wneri mere ib i nance or advancement; well recommended as to ability. Call Harney 4'sk). YOl'NO married man wauls good, steady position with some business firm; am of good habits and steaf.y norkcr; flrat clasa rcferencea furnlhcd. I'honc Web. TX..H after I p. rn. YOl'NO man wanta place to work for board while attending Boylen College. Telephone Douglas IMSi. EXPErTeNCKI chailffeur wishes posi tion with private family, willing to do other work around house; reterences furnished. Phone Douglas 7n. Wanted Washing and Ironing by exper ienced woman; reasonable prices. VV. 2Ki7. WANTED Position on riairv farm bv young man, sober and reliable. Address ,- i - , .. t,, tr ' , ,.n..K..iiT iijru" Air. x noiia A jihii, V.UUUVU Blurts, la. WANTED- Position as maid or house keeper. Call Annie Jones, W. tiS7. YOUNG marrfed man. with good ex perience, wishes position as house- cleaner; reasonable charge. II. 737)1. MY specialty, laundering shirtwaists. W DAY WORK, bundle washing.H. 7379. DAY work wanted. Phone Douglas 8278. LAUNDRY to take home. Webster 6S08. ATTRACTIONS." CELEBRATION (UMM ITTEES. We furnish good, clean comedy, FREE ATTRACTIONS, balloon and moving pictures, una ran teen. Plenty of refer ences. Jack man Amuanmont Company, 4611 North 87th. Omaha, Neb. CARNIVAL company wantea for Modern vtooaman street Inir September i)-2t. B. W. Henry, Secretary, Glasgow. Mo. AUTOMOBILE! FOR a high grade, used car at a right price, see Howes, 2ilti Farnam. D. 15:1. FOR SAu K'14 Cadillac seven-passenger car, has been out since the first day of ratty, ivit. it. . itattenoorg, Atlantic, la. Greenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co. 203) Far. 1100 forfeit tor any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Bayadorfer, 210 N. II ONE THOUSAND DOLdARS In good stock company is what I will trade for auto, equal value. Douglas 4113. 1!13 FORD roadalcr, perfect condition. Inquire F, S. Agn. r. Heuahaw hotel. 'lndberg" Fore door, body btcig.,40 & Far. Induatriul Gara&e Co. 2th fc Harney bta. Motorvyclea. HARLEY-DA VI DSO N AlOTORC Y C LES. Cargalna In uaed machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Lfaenworth. Pole Motor Co., 21.72 Leavenworth. R. 33'J6. UH JND1AN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargaltia in ued machines. OMAHA BiCi CLE CO.. Hiih and Chicago. D. J7-JS Liuuburg Bros., j72 Leav.tFiylng Markiei. BUSINESS CHANCES AN EASTERN manufacturer will be In city lor tew Qavs only to secure wide awake man for general agency for ataple repeat order article showing enormous proms; will clear kHM per month or better. .Have first-class Indorsements; nut a nov elty, Dut good, sound, letftlmate article. Small investment required. Give phone uumber. Address General Agent, Y l.o, l'.ee. C. J. i.'A.NAN, Heal Estate and Exchanges. DRUG STORE In a good town for sale; will Invoice about !j,:ov; only drug store. Address Y 141. Bee. DRUG STORE, suburban; best In city; terms. Call Webster Js-. ELECTRIC tiHOE bHOP Fully equipped for two workmen; 2jU cash and terms. J. M. Faulk, 1U N. Emporia Ave., Wich ita. Kan FOR SALE Up-to-date shoe repair shop, equipped with Uoodyear inachtnerv. Town of I.Ono. Shop doing fc,ta business annually. Snap for aomaone. Selling on account of health. Write for particulars. Joseph Oswald. Mitchell, S. D. FOR SALE A "live g e i e r aT sTo i ebTii I neis In a small town In central Nebraska: sales average about U t a month; atouk will Invoice about l.0u; must sell quick aa firm la going Into a wholesale busi ness. Addrisa V loH, Bee. FOR SALE My pool room, bowling alley and barber shop. Will sell at once. M lite now to Geo. Stockeland, Lu verne, N. D. GOLD MINK Only bowling ailea, live town Aloe, clears ti.uou ir month; 3.ii; terms. Jim Wray, Sioux City. HARDWARE Small stock, fixtures and repair shop for sale. 3t2u N. jotu. w co ster 1J. HIGH-CLASS buslneaa openings. Wester, Bf a Bond Assjl io4 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg JOHNSN. ist PAX tJnb L K. REDtTrr LAWYERS llJ that location, prestige and service mean much to them In building up their business. Offices In the BEE BUILDING fulfill all these requirameaLs add more. Office Room 103. ONLY ennre-'ttonery, live southeasterly South Dakota town, fixture iu, stock about $2 Jim Wray, Sioux City. ONLY l4idaie r ml o"'it;..u burning, RiHi' tu,n. luu ray. ii.ilileinent wuh'of d poutti Dakota ; eiuu ctQ. I'l.l MHINO eliop In town of .; otir older ehop. no trades. 2,ffl caah. Ad- ile.. V Ilf' RAKK oi'l'i iRTt'NITV for (jckm! buolneaa man w IUi to p'.."i0 Invixtlcate this. Addrea 1 1 J".f T" '" I" or out of oueinrex. call on OANOSTAl'. 4o4 Ree l:ida. P S477. TAII.Ol: Slliil". ciomlUK, r'Kinn. rikkI town l.. ient !-. incluillnR llvlnij naiina f'rice f .Tint Wruv, Sioux f 'ltv. Til EATKKS-- Muy, lease or aeli your tlicaier. n. amnio and auppllea through Tli eater Ficibiik Co.. lto Farnam St. I'oUglllS lk',.7. To cji n K I.Y aeli your hunesa or real pFiaic, wroe iscniicoecR i o , omana. WANTFll-An idea Wli.. can think f some simple tlilnn to patent? Protect Vnilr i 'I a Ih.v , n l.rhio . no w '."".l-l-J . ol" it bn(n'cs or real estate quickly loux City. sold. Write Jim Wrav, ; Rooming llooara tor ale. -ROOM mod. flat, excellent furnltur.- goon roomers for sale cheap If taken at once, mis Chicago St. Ioug. H4K. EDUCATION Ab 1914 FALL TKBM OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 1, DAY AND NIGHT. The new catalogue la ready. Csll or rihnne for It. Business practice, book keep, nil. penmanship, salesmanahlp. banking, stenography, stenotypy, typewriting, telcrraphy. accounting, filing, private secretarial work and ninny other couraea are open to yon here. You may work for l.oard bll...,.rtl. BOYLES COLLEGE, I'th and Unrney Sta. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE at a illscouct. a f ujru"nll7rT lted echolarship Is i!oyes Business col lege. Omaha; good for either shorthand or business courses. Appiy at the office of Omana Pee. MOSHEB-LAMPilAN COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1 Unsurpassed classes In nil business and English branches, shorthand, stenotypv, telegraphy and tyiwritiiir. Students admitted at any time. Graduates guar anteed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a new. free catalogue address M0SI1ER-LA M I 'MAN COLLEGE Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. IMS The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, "!:) to 4:00. Night school. 8:1.) to 8:15. lfcth and Farnam at. Douglas 6647. FOR SALE raraltare. Auction Sale Another lot of first-class furniture will be sold at public auction Saturday. Au- I Ki:t "'th. sale beginning at 10 a. m. and lasting all day. We will sell several good ruga, several rockers as Rood aa new, bird's-eye maple dressers and chirfonlers. dining room buffet, round dining room tahln and dining i hairs, china closet, brass beda, parlor Beta; uUo some more good bargains In trunks and boxes of household goods. We will also sell a motorcycle, which la practically new and In good run ning order. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder. Don t mlaa this oppor tunity to buy goods at your own price. Omaha Van & Storage Co., S06 S. St. Dowd Sale & Auction Co., Auctioneers. New b ?d hand furtilt're, cash or terms, reasonable. Amcr. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 18th, S E V ERAL van load a of ' furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and fctorage v u., issi no. inn el. Maslcal Iaalraaaenf a. Sllghtly used high gruia piano. v. 3726. Typewriter. TTPEWRIKIUS sold, rented, repaired. Central TvnewHte- Exchange. 807 S. 17th. RENT an ollver typewriior, 3 mo..ina for 44 The Oliver Tyuewrlter Co. D. 2919. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. 1W Farnam. D. H31. RENT Remingtons, Munarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers, The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 124. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for lo for understroke machines or 13 per month for latest model visible writers. FOR SALE Factory rebuilt typewriters. Work and look like new. Bargain. Remington Typewriter company. Huh and Douglas o liurllsursua, FOR SALE At 3320 Burt street-Barn, Used Lumber, Oak Flooring. Bids received until Saturday night. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the oft tee of The Omaha Bee. 400M. BRICKS at K M) per M.; also 300M. feet of lumber at works. Ilth and .lack son r'ta. Buildings bouKi.t and wrecked. Trster-Klly Wrecking Co. Web. 4!i08. H-hand nich. Gross Wreck Co., 21 & Paul. IVi-INCH se-ond-hand pipe at 2c per toot; good for fencing purposes. Call Douglas 4, 4. A NO. 1 BATH TUB, i's leet Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 4SOS. Treaier FOU SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling allejs and accessories; bar fixtures of all klnda; easy naymontr. The Brunswick-Halav-Collen ler Co., 4f7-4c,9 S. loth St WAGON umbrellas. Wsgner. oi N. Kith. Clcsliig out 10 good sewing machines, by dressmaker. (4 to Hi. W. .I5 219 N. Mth. "LIVE STtx:K fXJlTlsALU. lieraes a ad Vehicles. L-RGEST stock of delivery wagons tn tie city; ull -kinds of blacksmith work, palntlUK and lettering. Johnaon-Danfonh Co., new location. locSe-.U-.I3 N. ISth St. LOST AND r OC.ND LOST-Slring of coral beads. South Omaha car. between 7 and k a. ru. Tues day. Reward If returned to M. W. tioerne, 14'J9 N. 24th, South Omaha. OMAHA i COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loat aom article would do well to cill up tiie office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway coniuanv to ascertalu whether they left It In tha sirrei care. Many artlclea each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rigMful owner. Call Douglas LOST Solid 4-leaf closer pUr emerald setting. Reward. 61 1". N. 21st St. MONET TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us, guk'k service. Half usual rate RELIAMUK CliVlnx CO.. S Paxton Block. Douglas Hll. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tsrry cures biles fistula h Other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Our guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for booW on rectal diseases with testlirvonl.l. r.u E. R. TARRY. 240 Be. Bldg. PRRNONAi, ANYONE knowing the present address" of Joseph 1 ru w ford for,,..,- ..iT Oni.ilii will . n.r . . . .177" . acrid. ng It to hU cousin. M Havden -mi Liu wood Blvd. Kansas City, JUo. n;nsoAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home ao Helta your old clothing, furniture, maga zine" We rolbct. Wp distribute, l'hon I'oiiglas tutj and our waaon will call. Call and tnrpect o'jr new home, 1111-1112-111 I iodize .-.t VOI'.NO women coming to Omaha as Mranaera aie Invited to vtail the Young onen'a Christian Aih lalion building at 17th M and rH Mnry'a Ave., where thev will be directed to suitable, boarding place or otherwise a -listed. Look for our trav i lei a' ild it the I'nlon station F I! Y.K Modern mom for clderlv gent. Vh. "is. yard work. I , lOt LTHV AND StTPLIKS i AO F.NT8 nvestlgMte- t) per ent profit: season now on; aet h'iy. Chicken Lite I v,r ' . "-1 "uming 8L " - , fireproof, 75c a hundred at The Ree offle ly c office. WANTKU TO BUY" j OFFICE furniture bought and sold. I - '' Reed. 1207 Farnam. long 614S. J. WE HI V 2l-hand clothes. 1421 nT 2Uh. IIVi; sTOfK MARKET F WEST on 1 1- live stock to South Omaha. Snve mileage and shrlnkripe. Your consign, ments receive prompt and careful atten tion e atock 4 nmmtaalon Merchants. MARTIN BROS. 4 CO., Exchanre BMr WANTED TO KENT W ANTE!) Pome one to erect a building In West Farnam for commercial pur poses: will eas for term of years. Ad dress M 4y. Pep. SWAPPER'S IX)IAMN Al'TO-l have one thousand dollars In stock of a good company, which I wish to trade for auto, equal value. Ad dress S. C. IKlS. A NEW Anseo folding kodak, 21x4's. leather tourist ease for sHme anil por trslt attachments Will swap for hard coal burner'or ranpe with hot water at tachment, or good bicycle. Address S. C. 10W. AUTO White Hteam-r Auto. Best of condition. What have you? Address 8.. C. 13 pi Bee. A V TO Want to swap fur a late date fully equipped touring car. Income brick business property, well rented in South Omaha, on principal business St., 25th and & U streets. S. C. 1344, Bee. AUTOMOBILES Have Overland car, newly painted, lst-class condition; will trade for horses or lot. Address S. o. 1344. AUTOMOBII.ES-For other automobile bargains ace the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTO WANT TO SWAP RUNABOUT auto for cement blocks, building ma terial or contract work, for a cottage at Carter Iake club. 8. V. la:, Bee BUSINESS CHANCE I have a tt.Onf) stock of goods that require a woman as manager. Thla Is a splendid oppor tunity for a woman of business aridity and will atand the closest Investigation. Will exchange this for good land of same value, as other Interest" reoulrp my at tention, and will give a good deal. Oive (leacrlption of your land In first letter. Traders need not answer. Address S. C. 1267. Bee. COUCH To trade for something else mi. nen caoinei. vv net nave you .- Address S. C. 1357. Bee. CORN POPPl' NGidXciV UN E-jifii " A CTO- niatlo corn noDlini: machine, similar to riei iric maenine demonstrated Is In Omaha, "".tfentlC only operated by gns. Clears month easilv. Needs no Owner travels and can't even be hero to J mse 0111 nicaeiB. win swap machine for model W, 17 or 19 Bulck auto. Might add cash if tar Is right. Address. S C. 1311. Be- EDISON PHONOGRAPH and 40 records. goo.1 condition, to trade for diamond j Ttlrpln's Dancing Academy 2Sth & Farn ring. Addieaa S. C. Bee. j l(tt "' ENCYCLOPEDIA Have a fine set "ofnr BriLrv.i. -Brttannlca. Will sell cheap or trade. - Ury" N" l"ln' 1" Tarnam. What have yon? Address s. ( l:li3. Bee. EQUITY IN SEVERAL GOOD NOTEgi niii.ju.ointi 10 iiuiiui st.wv. V.111 trane for land or buUdings. Address S. C. U'GI. Bee. EXCELLENT PU:o lor lumber or build ing to be wrecked. S. C. 1013. Bee FOR EXCHANGE One 40-sO Garr-SoOtt I u.r"kaT. Raa tractor, run about six dava; uWn-iTr,y Pramah'g; college, tflth A Farnam. ?hMlPwta Tor1 ;Pfrie" "11 kinds, day work, rea.on- lhW"M?liZl& 'Sff.o'on- "rntecd. g25 Dodge. T. 129& Nicholas & Hhcphei-d separator, run about! BV MMER dresses a specialty. Web. S070. h. Wdman.fBge;ohwPMiJnllre!, V'"llm i g'"' reasonable. DoU,,.Cii FURNITURE for c 4o-room hotel near Omana. t.t00. Low nu rem on!t'Kl:os the building. What have you to offer'.' Address S. C. 12ns. care Bee. INDIAN vest, buckskin, fully beaded: four mounted warriors, two fighting elk, two lurge elk heads, five-inch buck skin friiike. Size about 42; one In a thousand. For salo or trade. Addres.11 S. C. 1S42. Bee. KODAK A new Anaco folding kodait, 2Sx44. leather tourist case toi' same and portrait attachments. Will owa? for hard coal burner or range with Lot water attachment, or good bicycle. Address S. C. 10P1. MUSIC FOR iR pi ivrn PlAVi'i-ilavs L. Tn.i.Hn i.A ZZi ,?. nonula?- J tiasalcal mu-in pPayera'plino. tiPnt!C..S.V'. choice libra rolls latest for SS-note almost new. none of the rolls or boxes soiled or torn about half of it la "hand played." Want late model motorcycle In good order, or might add cash for run about auto 'In good condition. - S. C. 13S. Bee. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some good second-hand office furniture: must be cheap (or cash.- Address 8. C. 1240. Bee. ONE S-Yf.A R-OLD DRIVING MARE with fine colt, rubber-tired, hand-made buggy, harness, wagon. 2 Incubators, 3 registered piga, flock of Buff Orpington chickens. Want automobile. Address S. C, 1C47. 1 rUUU SOU I ' I. ' ' t I.HUU 1 II 1 HUIH'I mares or lot. is. C. 10s6. Bee. . . I pnTNfV-Kl.a..t Ha-nIoTT-fo, l. ! acreage or lumber, or land lrr Missouri or Virginia; will pay difference; also will exchange on a truck. S. C. 1012 PIANO Fine high-grade piano, will ex change for diamond, or sell cheap for cash or might conaUer small auto. Ad dress a C. 15, Bee. PIANO Party leaving city c.ffera good used upright Hunter piarto for K-V A bargain here for some one. Address 8. C. lofa9 Be. PIANO PLAYER Will trade for auto. Player In good condition, practically new, was 1760. Address S. C. 1240, Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade or sale. Phone ;wi, Council Bluffs, la. - SCALE Have aToTedo 2-10. candy HTale nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used In a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address 8. C. 1SKS. Bee. STENOGRAPHER Here Is your chance. I have a new stenotype which I must dispose of Immediately. Address 8. C. irs. Bee. STA.MPS Have collection of 10,000 of dif- fcrent dates and countries; ver' valu able: can't be duplicated. Will trade for runabout or what have you. Address. S. C. 13t'. Fee. TYPEWRITER Small American writing . machine, brand new, for mandolin, or what have you! Address S. C. 134i, Bee. UN I iKRVI)01""tv PE WRITER W III trade almost new. iMtest model Unri..r. wood worth l for good motorcycle t Might add cash If wanajiled C. 1,1 Bee. WATCH What will you exchsnfse for fine Swiss watch with solid gold case lis) years old., and a beauty; also have pearl ring about S karat. Addieas S. C. US4. Bee. FOR RENT A start ute it Is cs4 Flara. DESIRABLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath In California apartments. Janitor. Call Douglas br.T.. STRATFORD TERRACE. PARK AVE. AND JACKSON' ST. The choicest i-room ateam-heated apart ments tn the city with additional maids' rooms. If you wish excluaiveness and conveniences iu a new apartment build ing se these. References required. '. B. Mosei, I'.'Jl Underwood Ate. Tel Harney I7j7. e LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha Al'iamond gives 'u that prosperous look; twHt of quality, lowest prices; take elevator and save money. West ern Watch A Jewelry Co, 217 Karbach CORRKTT. tlia man tliat ileans evei thlnfc. Hats cleaned and blocked. i tict your fall clothca cleaned now jw prices, neat work, prompt srlce r'ellvery free. iy3 Hirmy St. Poug. r,2. FOR auction Jewelry a: neeiin of ail kltidn of and Kenersl merchandise. write if A. Roth. 1311 Douglas bt. '"'ic. J-TO Twenty vears' experience M LI.BA Roller Compound Co.. a boiler compoui d for sick bolle-s. dls- Sollea ImlL, I nnf I.IU. "ij oes not pit flues, only removes old scale, adds efficiency and economy to yor boiler plant. Call or write for ehti innte. .Tfi2 Omaha Nat. Bank. P. 31i7, alter 1 p. m., and on S tndays V. MS? Nl'1 d cond-hand electric fans inntora. IeBron Electric Works, 31 H S. ivth.. I'oueIhs 2I7R. 0 "AHA PILLOW CO. 171 (Aiming Doug. 24t7. Renovates feathers snd ....... i - ri-rm D n, HinUS. UTS leather tnatiresses and down covers. mattresses of ail kinds, makes PIANO tuning. R. Rrandon, 1 years Ht Harden',. Recommended bv best tTlul''lan W. 4'Jit. fili N. SSth Ave VACUUM cl few days Sanitary cleaners, $? , I7.S'. a is only. Ousrd your health ry service Co.. 3e Re, Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needle and parts . Si' . machines. NE- el's ,7. L,lLB c. "Mick hth ,n,t Harnev Douglas 1662. A Penan facts. M' w cV.15 C AAS COMPANT. j-?-gClty,at. Bank Bldg. Tyler 1K10 Addlncr Machines. ; Dal ton Adding Machines. 41! S. IS. D. 144. AduWfco(Walesl W. O W. D. 633.S. Auto and Matnrin it ... i - Megneto repair work a anecl.lty 'p ;41t Aacttonepra. Dowd Auction Co., lira W. O.'w Red 32S5; Architects, Clnrence W. Wlglngton !20lSth. D. 47. Everett S. Dodds. 12 Paxton d. arm. Attraetlona. OMAHA film ex.. 14M, 'and TV.,. vt..... -.i t . : niiui. inncuine and film bargains. nn . . - . ..lotion Barbers. 12 Chairs, 18c shaerieeksh. ja7 Fr BATHS. l.V; PH A V K. Wc. ;to N; ith. Bine Print In, liJLSW .Tinting. hder new Braae Funadrles. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. g7th and Marths Sts. Bnlldlnar ad KrilrU. E. FRANTA, 611 Paxton Blk. Eoiik. 21S7. California Lands. W. T. Smith Co.. mi city Nat. Bk D. 2S19. Card Rlgrns. Office door lefg. Mynster. Pax. Bk. P. !1S7 4 aterers. MRS. F. A. WOOD, 3401 Parker. W. 29? C hlropractora. J. C. lwrence, p. c. T3?2 'Howard. P. MRU L Geddls. D. C, 2:'s nida. Doua cai" W.E.Pnrv inn., nc in r mi. -." a, rrnv D.4.04; ! l"..C- HAYES, D c. tfO Bee Bldg. R 37. I ( hlna Palntluir. Ruth Itrhford, decoratlntf, firing R 414" i ?--. ' ' " J. LACY. SIS BEK BLDO. D. 4TU. ('ream I the Sharnl.. K. .-" . 1 T-n-S-"Ar-Ple Separator Co.. 12th A Farn. I Dancing? InstrnctloV! I Lst "" summer rates. Mackle s.' P.5446. t)r. Todd's alveolar dentistry, 403 Brandels galley, the Dentist 7Q1 City Nat l BanIZ Taft Dental unnm. r. ; '"'"I Rooms, D17 Douglas D. 21Hg. J Detect! tps. Jrt.Mca Alvi.A.f, 312 Neville Blk Hvl oence secured In all cases. Tyler 113s. it cut prices; freight paid, on 210 orders: catalogues free Sherman McConnell Drug Co-. Omaha. Neb. FOU HE NT Apartments and Flats, VERY choice RY choke 4 or Ti-room steam heated irfT RQBB.i,Ii,yAAM BT. pa JOI l) i 1 O -!' T JACllldl OCl VlUC r ICC Why worry where to find a lioute or apartment when we have hated every 4'srimeiii w ncn e nave naien every -int house and apartment in the c.ty. 1,f'one us f"r furth,T nrntion. Doufc - M "dellty Storage A Van Co. Cu'ICAGO ST.. 2110 "-room nesv modern flat, hardwood finish, $4o. D. 'ZSi. 1 "i ciy Globe Van&Storage K Stores, moves, peeks, ships; 3-horse van and i men. il.A per nr.; storage ii per mo. Satisfaction guar.. D. 433 & Ty. ZM. Phone Douglas -JUO. &o. Bee Uldg Housekeeping apt. Har. zmi. 4243 liainey. OODEN ANNEX looms, wim kllciieu- I - O0O.1. piuna . I Gordon Van Co : Moraae. ! lis N ll'h fet. Phone D. tot or ii. LPU . PLEASANT 4 and i-room apartmenu, walking dl.Ur.ce. 401 No. 2ltl, St. 7-ROOM. "modern brick flat, tine condt- ! lion. 2614 Dooge. IV-1H.0O. D. 440. I.UIS&1X SPECIALS. Heated apartment near Creighton, lines, easy walk. I37.W. r,- rm;at9j t losc-tn f ame, detached: roomers rooms snd lnrr hall:' hot wstee sn.l best uu. 1 O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. ! isic ........v.- v-.i..ui ri,.., 0-1: : v.. - .....i...... ,u. IN looking lor a desirable 3 or 4-room I Br.. -v. ...v.j ... vuvu in the Wrisht R ock. 318 No. 16th St. CREIGH. SONS A C'O.. ' Phone Douglas 200. ,!0S Bee Bldg. MlV-lillSsk S. 2STH ST. Two all modern flats, located S block from school, 1 'i Mocks from street car, 6 and rooms; a bargain at l'-"7.6o THE BYRON REED CO.. Phone D. 297. J12 S. 17th 6t. Se"v'EN rooms; furnaie, electric lights, modern plumbing; just one block to car line. located 1005 Ncrth 2Mb St.: rental I'.'o a month, should be fii. C. G. Cgri-bergJJlO-. Brandris Thcaler Bldg. MODERN 4-ro in flat, water, gas and toilet. 12, 24' l.eave.nworti St. Apply, J I. KEMP. Douglas 9i7. 4-ROOM flat, newly papered and var nished: 24J4 Leavenworth St ; fla per month. Apply J. I. Kemp. Douglas 9J7. C-ROOM t st . moil. ex. :,tsl, iov -utn. Conrad Young, Zi Brandels Theater. Douglaa U71 ; lu o FIVE-ROOM apartment. Tha Chu! Vis a. 0th and poppleton. Conrad Young. 1!7I 3: BranOel. Tneatsr. e St. Clare Apartm'ts :3d and Harney, Just completed. 2. 3 and 4 rooms. Harney 447 or Douglas io o. 2 YOUNG working men, private family. In walking distance; full particulars first letter. D 41c. Bee. t-ROOM modem Hal. H6. 614 N. 2-Jd. 4-ROOM FI ATS, IW. T YLt TTl7Tl" J BTRIUTLT modem, up-to-date st Lou 4 Cat rooms, close In. Call Red 30&. I-Kuuil modern flat. toi. ul4 N. 2ud. LA VERNA, 1S12 Capitol Ave , modern apartments. also furnished south rooms, private porch. F.lectrlo tiappllpa. I.ERROV Floe. Wk , V S Uth. n. 2171 F.verjthlna for Women. f'lumes made over, cleaneid, dyed, purled. Bert h4t K ru g e r 0Pax ionF. Ik. D. SH. HEMSTITCHING Id' si Button and Pirating Co.. 107 P. lth. IVo:nin'ii Kxe,a"nge.43f Pax. Blk. R. 491 C toncrete Engineers. Gsgnebln-Wells Co. 420 State bank. TJV RSS. Farriers. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. Mth St W. 7777. Florists. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. 126. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HEPS' gWOBOUA, lTg Farnam Ft. A. DONAHUE. 1:2 Hainey. Doug. 100L BATH'S florists. 1R04 Farnam St live atopic Remedies. QMA HA-Remedy Co.. 6T7 S. 13th. Red 42. Hair Dresslnc Harper Method. R. C. Balrd B!dg T Ml LI ah tin. Fixtnres and Wiring;. r TJT0MAS DITRKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract Ing snd repair work done reaaonable. 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2S19. Mnssrases. Miss Ja-ohs. Maas.. Patt. Elec. Trt P. TiX Rlttenhose Co.. 214 Bilrd Bldg.. 17 & IX AVV M ARRS BATHS. PCIEN A i A .MAima TIFIC MASSAGE. 102 Farnam Pt Apt S. 3d floor. V. SU Miss RexTMaws . 24 Neville Blk. 10 to H. MTss Fl s h er. muss., elect, treat't Red SQ3. MassageTIIsB Gliison. It. 2:4. Neville Blk. MESSAGE. 1W P17th St. Mrs. Steeie. Mrs. Snyder, else, trt. 1408 S. 8th. D. 43sOT I vs: A i'iV Swedish movement 418 ClJtRA LEE, massage. Douglas 8751. FT Pi 'TTiTlMASAGErBATrT. Miss" jlaUs t'-'Lpcliurcli. 214 Balrd Bldg. Massage, Miss Walton. R. 224. Neville Blk. Msnlrurinr. Kathleen Msck. Doug. V-S".. Messenarer and Transfer. WHITE LINK. Bvi Utn. Dourlss S31J. MllllnerT. SWITCHES from combings. SI. GO. Psvcha free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 3009 Marcy. H. 5e4i Mos'lnar. Mora arc nod firanlas. W. C. FERRIN. 15th and Cpitol. Ty. liOH ocollsts. Eyes examined, plasres fitted, pay aa you can. Drs. McCarthy. 111! W. O. W. Bldg. Patents. II. A. Sturgee. 3fi Brandels Theater Bldg. DToT Barneil. "Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117? Palatlsg. PAINTING' and papering, if. D. ener. Phone Benson 75B J. Gard- Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. Uth EU Prlntlnir. WATERS-BARNHART Ptf. Co., quality printing.Tel. Doug- 2190. j24 6. U'th St lOUOiJAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44. COREY ei M; PTO. CO. D. 2644, RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 13) Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PR1NTINO CO. DOUG. 374.' Roach Extrxmtnator. B . B. B. Roac'.i Powder at your druggist bsis asil IliuelocU Experts. S AFE combinations changed, opened, re 0 paired. 1406 Dodga-Dll hoe Rpnalrlua. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1907 St. Mary's Av. REASONABLE. Farnam Rep. Co. 813 8. 24. Steel 4 pilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. Mtore and Office Flxterea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture nd Supply Co.. 414-18-18 S. 12th. D. 274. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 g. Ilth. D. iM. Traaks and swl teases. FRELING & STEIN LE. 1S06 Farnam St Vetr rlnarlana. DR. O. R. YOUNG, 4002 Center. II. BOO. Wlaea and Liqoora. ALEX JETES, 201-3 B. 13th St Wines, liquora. cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c GLOBE Liquor House, 422 No. 16th., 2 qta. cold beo, '.'5c. Write for price list. D. 43.) HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSED Uth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. everybody Reads Bee Want Ada. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. 4 T""j a ; 4-Koom Apartments I Close In cozy rooms In the Athlone at i .rvlce " ee0". l"': VaCUUm Llan'' ! PETERS TRUST COMPANY Farnam 81. Phnii.ii.Mi,.m jr.. "2 Fa I j KE tt , tkooasa. Try our meals lcfi No. ?5th t. DJvrl uJ KElCiJHUJiST WANTtU by !;; ember 1.".. board hv ' n,an nd wile In pru ! iwzri j ON ,"ar,11an, u' p. man and wile in private family; two tin- e location ami rales II 4,. Bee. '"Willi ' 1,,.', i ,l "t""""1' teuaonaom. 1 hii itarncv ,'o9. ROOM and hoard lorTw"oiTvaie""reir j pence; H. park li,, L.f7 pirk Ave. Faralabed llusseLeem lag Rooaaa. CIX1SE In. mod., reasonable. V?Qi Farnam. lisja lioi,K.-h. r.usekcepuig rms, sieam hi. x. Fnrnlshrd hoona O ST. .Moivn 1001 ,i for ffentiA. men or high school studenla. 1 1. 4i. . , , "'t"M ; 1 V", .Tk''ePin rooms and -1: REDDEX419 r01". mod. rooms. . team neal, rcaaonabio. I LEASANT. cozy room for laJy. reason icsrl . b'e-110 N. 4oth. Cail Harnev ZM. . ii00" ri't' ",'tJ modern house to a """" Pnvate family Phone Harney tMST: 1 I nmiM lin, I , ...... ... . r '-, hivjic lamuy for 3 or gentlemen: board, referem-en D. 8071 t..-.. ainn,ltjv modern room, in fgmil , near Re.l asi. private t Ln.iiuntu rooms. LirivatA t. ..u,. w.ikir.. hi.. " .... K.' fJmly. Use nf rtlunn 1.. parlor, no children. lm 8. 2 A v. T. 22I4T FRONT farlor on first Dour, single rocmt on second floor, both sultaine for 2 sen. tlemen; modern, coca; boarj. Web. sW 8TeAlAR.r(t AVK - 1'ieaw.nt room for gentleman. t.LLAN, newly furnished, large, t rooms ensulte; housekeeping complete; SDlen dld location; only I2.7J weak. lxj larker Si. ald'sT"' W"h cl0t4 balhl jafaralaaea Uooina. TW O connecting front rms , private llans.-oni park district. Call Har rea., D64. Famished llooaea. WEST FARNAM district, furnished house: 1 year, -:t Harney st. H liVl 7K S. ISTH bT-.-lirusekeeprnTrnd sleep Ing rooms; mod, house. Phone T. 1021-W auii. f r..'' '-"0"ePin rooms en Tyler I'.vt' w. ; 1Piu rooma THREE nice seconc-m-ur rooms, modern houte. Tel. Webster W0. ra llatele llO Ami rlaspw Is. CALIFlRNIA Hotel. ltb and CallfortUa. ejlyjrat tm jjand up. Douglaa 7Ca3 OGDEN HOTEL, rooms U per week! Council Bluffa " DODiE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable Meases and tottaaea. 10 ROOMS, modern except heat t30 f rented soon. 43US Burdens St Paona W eb. 3,oq 7 . HOUSE. -rocm. modern, rood neighbor. 11 JSSsi nC4"" n1 Cr" 5106 6' S4h lltOOMsTlTorDeaf last car. xHTTiTTrr