Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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The Bee Publishing rompsny, Proprietor.
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ft. Ix)ul M3 New Hank of Commerce.
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Ad1r rofnrronlciitlona relating to news and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
' State of Xehraaka, County of Douglas, a.
f- Dwlght TVIIIisms, circulation minmitr o The Baa
i' Publishing company.- nin duly .worn, cava that
the everase dally circulation for the) month of July.
J 1311 was U.O.
T , . DWI-iHT WILUAMK, Circulation Manager.
jiibacrlhel In my preaence and aworn to before
.' ma, thia 4th dav of Augiiat, 114.
;i KOUKKT HLNTL1L Notary Public.
j; Buburribrrd leaving, the city temporarily
saould hay Trio lle mailed to them. Art
r drM will b changed aa often aa requested.
'" No royal palace la complete these days wlth
j; qut a bomb-proof norm cellar.
jl ' "Stalpa that pass In the night" slide along
; 'with gllrns doused In these times ot war.
Let the poet laureate restrain hi rhythmic
soul, (or there la enough of prosaic war aa It In.
The weather man and the theater man must
be co-operating under a gentlemen's agreement.
The mobilization In which the western
farmer i most interested la that of freight cam
to haul his crops.
So long aa the iron cross factory holds nut,'
the German esprit de corps will be in no danger
of flagging or sagging.
South Carolina baa retrieved itseJt for elect
ing Cole JJleaae governor to the extent of tie
fcaUng him for aenator.
;j If reports be true that "Little Lord Fauntle-
jiroy la going to marry, he evidently haa de
cided to give up his lordship.
It would seem that the Turk is manifesting
altogether too many signs of activity tor a man
as sick as he la supposed to bo.
jjj. Agents of the French government are said
,i.te be buying horses In Indiana. Here Is 'a
It'casus belli for the Missouri mule.
j; If we had an election every week, delivery
of the ahort ballot would ' be Insisted on, not
'jnext month, nor next year, but now.
j; I The philanthropic Sugar trust has advanced
.anotner new reason Tor the increase In prices,
jiot yet admitting any profitable manipulation.
i! . The German kaiser has conferred the Iron
jjCroas on the crown prince, while he seoms to
think the mikado is handing him the double
t icross.
- The joke is on Brand Whltlock. bo was
given the ministry to Belgium so he might have
the aid' of tjulet surroundings In writing a new
. Aa the poet said, "He Is thrice armed who
hath bis quarrel Just." But he Is much more
comfortable, who also has the biggest and best
equipped army. 1
'Lord Kitchener has forbidden the use of in
toxicating liquor by any British soldier.; He
does not Intend to fight John Barleycorn .along
wi;h the Germans and Austrians.
.Returning from a month's outing. Police
Commissioner Kugel expresses fear that a few
screwa la the lid may have worked loose during
his absence. Well, when the cafe away the
mice will play. . ,
. Dispatches say the kaiser Is making ' a
strong Ui for the friendship of the United
States. He does riot have to; be has always had
the friendship of this country, even more than
the other nations at. war. All he need do Is to
retain our friendship by deserving it.
T4ie republican Mate convention held tha boards
at -Words opera house and. renominated Governor
rawa at the.; bead of the atata ticket. The only
Omaha candidate for nomination, Oeorge tk
lor state superintendent, lost out. Hon. C. II. tKr.i
of Lincoln presided.
Tha republican Judicial convention nominated lo
Hstelle of BlaJt for CUtrict attorney, (he uomlnatlon
belna made unanimous on motion of O. M. Hitch
lock. i
City MarahU fumlngs lost , his . pocketbook, the
root valuable contents beln a pass to tho state fair
and a annual over the Union Pacific
C. F. Goodman of Omaha haa been . electa vice
preaidant of the American Pharmaceutical aaaocla
Uon, James Btephtnaon has tne to Hot Rprlnas.
At the fair for tha benefit of ett. Joacpk'a hospital.
soxn to be held in Falconcr'a hall, a number of vol
Ina eontaau will be pulled off, amon them a ria.
staff to be voted to the moat popular or democratic
i'or cam palm whips so to Moore's, where the
lion roars.
, T. IL GtantoB Is'adverUatna- for a house
i. lh eit-at or aJna rooms, with slaiile and modem
i n.enlficfa. ia an cUrlule iart of the city.
Opening for Good Publicity Agents.
It will f'rang'? If our astute and recouree
f ii 1 American publicity agents do not find lucra
tive employment during the war in Europe,
where the demand and opportunity for their
service ?erm to lie running neck and neck.
.Inciting from the rhaimodle finding their
way out of the various seats of war throuph the
official renvrKulp, one may misprct that some
of thee opportunities have already been em
braced. Thus, for example, runs a report of one
of the allies' commanders:
Tn this attack fmr trooie allowed admltahle ila'h.
The Hlth fr rmtnbly Inflicted punifhmrnt on the
enemy clow to Virion.
The. Fifteenth ri n executed a hrllliHnt cf.imtcr
stta.'k In the Valley of Veiouse. The attitude of th
troop was splendid, cffm-lna; all metnorlfn of thlr
conduct on Aiisunt jn.
NotalthMnndln the fatis'ie of the three lay
I'Stlle and tho Infec they have undersone. the morale
of the trnr.p I excellent and they are anxloua to
raeume tho fluhtlnf.
Our Afrlisn soldiers hurled themeelves with un
hlldled fury asaJnNt the enemy.
Our arms will f ntlnue their magnificent efftut,
In the knowledge thst they are flKhtlnif for civilisa
tion, i j
The on-the-spot war correspondent. It Is
quite agreed, has become an anachronism, and
by the name token the modern publicity agent.
In the role of official censor, seems to have
stepped Into th breech. If the same care used
in shaping these florid accounts Is exercised in
seeing that they reach the eyes of the soldiers,
then surely It will be found that advertising
pays In the business of war as well as in the pur
suit of peace.
Socking the Abienteei.
The house's adoption of the I'nderwood mo
tion deducting the pay for time members are
absent unless 111 will encounter no disapproval
from the folks at home. Possibly It might have
been as well to allow a maximum number of
days for alienee, but the plan adopted will
answer the purpose.
This action was taken after several inef
fectual efforts to get a quorum for the transac
tion of business. Many members were at home
patching up their fences, looking out for their
personal Interests in the primary election and
getting ready for the final balloting. From
time ImmeniorlHl this has been done and re
garded as entirely legitimate. As a matter of
fact, It amounts In tho long a manifesta
tion of the Kentle art of graft.
When the public business demands a session
of congress, there is no Justification for Us
members to go gallivanting over the country. If
they are not needed In their seats, then congress
should sdjourn and cut off the expense of con
tinuing In session. One sure way of stopping thin
abuse, If the docking system falls. Is for tho
voters to retire the man who putsxlnto campaign
ing time hich, when he accepted the Job, he
engaged to devote to the affairs of government.
Land and Food.
Hegardlens of the fact that the wpectacle of
able-bodied gentlemen pursuing golf balls for
pleasure and recreation at a time when patriots
of all classes are responding to their cuuntry's
call to arniK, would hardly be edifying, the pro
l.otal lo plow up 2.000 English golf links and
hum'ng preerves to relievo the pressure for
food directs intention to a vital question. Many
experts believe shortage of food will -yet end
the war In any event, it will have much to do
with It. Kvery warring nation Is sacrificing Its
producing powers to the struggle, prance is said
to have summoned every man In city and country
able to bear arms and Germany all of military
age. Russia, Austria. England. Servla and the
rest are steadily enlarging their operations.
Fields, factories, marts and mills are deserted,
Industry and agriculture waits whllo the battle
rages. It will not take long to exhaust supplies
on hand and to experience difficulty In buying
But with England the need of land for farm
ing Is pressing In peiic or war. The entire area
of England und Wales Is only GS.D75 square
miles, as compared, for example, with Ne
braska's 77,510. Including Scotland and Ireland,
the aren- Is only 131.891 square miles.' True,
there was, even before the war, some vacant
farming land in England as a result of emigra
tion and diversion of the tido of population city
ward, but this docs not mitigate the problem of
land and food supply, which, serious enough
ordinarily, becomes alarming in war.
The Most Promiting Solution.
The ridiculous feature ut the primary law, which
probably lends to excite nivre disfavor for It than
any other, Is the Invitation It extends to the'tlowna
ttnd crooks to inn for office. It Imposes no require
ments as to qualification or popularity. Any fool can
run for the highest office within the atft of tho peo
pie If he can raise the amount of the filing fee. No
body need want him to run. Nobody need think that
lie would make a good officer. Ho may he crooked,
disreputahlo and without senao enough to wad a gun.
It la a fact that n good many men now tun for office
under our Ulrevt primary law simply for the adver
tising they mu- get out of It, and there la no lnw
ti protect the purity of udvertlaln- of that kind. A
fool or a crook can jump Into the primary simply In
order to JcvpurdUo Hit- proepacts of a good man and
help nominate and elect another crook or fooL Lin
coln Ftur.
The most promising solution of this prob
lem that we know of Is the ahort ballot. No
law will transform clowns Into statesmen, nor
make crooks Into honest men. No law has yet
been written, and no method devised, that will
prevent anyone otherwise possessed of the legal
qualifications (rom running for office if really
beut on doing so, no matter what his purpose
or how certainly futile his quest. The short
ballot, however, will help the voters distinguish
the fool and crook who, cloaked by the present
confusion attendant on multiplied 'elective of
fices, have belter than a gambler's chance of
winning out by the votes of people who do not
know them.
Ag the bull moose director general, the
colonel has rescinded his fusion program in
New York and will insist on hla followers go
ing it alone as a third party. The vital ques
tion out here, however, la. what will he urge
his followers to do in Nebraska?
"Don't take chances, the odds art against
you," reads a sign posted In Bt. Louis street
cars. Of course, it refers to the chances In
volved In carelessly getting oft cars, not In beat
ing the company In a suit for damages.
It Is estimated that the recent primary cost
the taxpayers ot Douglas county about 1 11,000.
The people must not only rule, but also foot the
Brief oonttthatloao oa Uself
topi os a1te. The Boo aawaasae
ae respeaatMlrty for oplsaoms of
aorreaweaaeate. AO looters sV
eot to eoateaeaMea f eettto.
Man to have Taxpayer Honey.
OMAHA, Aus. .-To the Editor of The
Bee: The workmen's rompennatlon la',
enacted by the lent leglnlature, M, In
all prnhabillty. go Into effect tit the next
November election. And when It does, it
will put an end to all personal Injury lit 1
Satlnn as between the employer snd em
ploye. In other words. It will do away
with at least 60 per cent of the litigation
that has occupied the time of our seven
district Judges.
It would seem to follow necHarlly
that with this class of lltlgntlon dono
away with, the next leglslaturn should
see to It that the rumber of Judges should
N? decreased to correpond with the de
crease In litigation.
If the compensation law goes Into ef
fect, what reason can there be why the
net legislature should not redme tlie
number of Judaea In this district from
iscvcn to four. This would effect a saving
to the tsxpsyers of Douglas county vt
approximately Inn,) a year.
A TAX PAY tilt.
Fonda for the Red f rona.
WASHINGTON. August 24,-To tho
Editor of The Iiee: The Red Croas is
greatly In need of funds for Its war re
lief work. It is ending surgeons, trained
nursen, etinrlcal equipment and hoapltal
supplies over to nil tho count vl'w Involved
In tho war.
There are alre'idy thousands ef sick
and wounded men. Their numbors a
growing dally and any great battle will
add Its tens of thousands to the number.
Our people have not yet appreciated
the great need for assistance. The Red
Cross would be very israteful If your
paper could help It to arouse public in
terest and urge people to contribute to
Its fund.
Fund could be sent to the Red Cioes.
Washington. D. C, or to your local
treaaiirer. Donors may dealgnute. If they
so desire, for whst countries they wish
their contributions usotl.
Please help the Red Croas.
Chairman on American Red Cross relief
Prices of Peace
Fait Lake Tribune: Wonder if we are
facing a famine of llofbrau In this
Detroit Free Prcea. The ultimate, con
sumer Is now bearing tho expense of the
high cost of fighting.
Philadelphia Record: Famine prices
amid plenty may be anomalous, but they
d'j not Justify the proclamation of a state
of siege.
Baltimore American: Even gnashing of
teeth Is to be more expensive, el nee the
price of platinum, used In making arti
ficial molars, is going up.
Indianapolis New; Nor would the stop
page of Imports bo such a serious' blow
to the Dutch lunch were not the pure
food law so pernickety about labels.
New Tork WoVld: Of course our fellow
rltlsena who are not Americana, but Ger
mans, will pay the Increased prices for
food resulting- from the kaiser's war not
only with pleasure, but with sincere
Washington Star: , A scarcity of im
ported tsblo luxuries Is spoken of aa a
calamity. Its effect on tho United States
tressury, however. Is more Important
than any dlaappolntments experienced
by the nation's epicures.
Kansas City Journal: The master
butchers at Chicago have asked President
Wilson to forbid exportation of meats, la
the Interests ef home consumers, no mat
ter what Inducements may be offered by
the master butchers of Europe.
Around the World
Moat of the ostriches on tho ranches
ot 8outh Africa are hatched In Incuba
tors. From tho waters of the northweet eownt
of western Australia,' a' total of ft.440
hundredweight of mother-of-pearl shell
was fished, at an average selling price
last year of IL30 per ton.
A Norwegian scientist haa advanced the
theory that Saturn's rings are 'electri
cal phenomena, produced by the radia
tion of luminous particles from the
planet, which constantly renews them.
To solve the problem ot UlHjKialiv of
the dead, a famous Germus architect
proposes to erect in the chief cities lm
mnnae pyramid, each of which would
hold the ashes of 1,000,000 cremated bodies.
In Italy electricity used for lighting
la taxed and that uswl for besting la
not and to prevent persons using heat
ing circuits for lights, there haa beea
Invented apparatus periodically to Inter
rupt the current.
The rate of growth Of mahogany Is
shown In southern Nigeria, where tha
site of a town destroyed sixty years ago
haa been covered with a forest contain
ing mahogany trees, some of which are
more than ten feet In diameter. :
When the Germans
Marched on Paris
(Managing Editor of. New Standard Dictionary.)
On the day following Hedan. Napoleon wrote a
short autograph letter to the king of Trussla:
"Sire, My Brother:
"Not having hern allowed to die In the midst of
my troops, all that Is left for me to do la to place my
sw'ord In y ur majesty a hands.
With the surrender of the fortress M,Y1 men laid
down their arms. X,fe In addition having been cap
tured during the fighting. With them 79 mltrail
leuaea, too field funs, snd 159 fortress guns were given
t:p. Three thousand men cscsped Into Belgium and
laid down their arms.
The king's reply was equally brief: .
"My Brother: '
"I accept your sword, and ask you to appoint a
Plenipotentiary with whom the negotiations pertain
ing to the capitulations may be concluded.
Then to Von Moltke he gave full power to dictate
terms and directed FHmarrk to settle all political
q'teatlona. De. wtmptfen came to represent France.
The terms demanded were unconditional enxrender.
On hearing this, Nspvleon determined to attempt In
tercession with the king, i He left Sedan at & o'clock
In the morning and alighted on the roadside near
Ivmehery. Here Rlsmarck met him, cap In hand, and
under the walls of , little house hy the wayside the
two conferred about an hour. Napoleon's efforts to
get mro favorable terms were uselees. niamarck
declined to discuss the matter, and during the Inter
view received word from Von Moltke that the fallen
emperor could see the king only after tho capitula
tion had been algnod. This dissipated all hopes of
milder terms. goon after, De Wimpffen was met hy
Von Moltke, bearing the. articles of capitulation,
which were eventually signed. This paper w-aa then
taken to King William, who Immediately on Its re
ceipt set out bo call upon the emperor. "We were
both," said the king In his letter to his wife, "deeply
moved at thua meeting again. What I felt, having
seen Napoleon three years ago In the very summit
of his power, I can not describe."
Four days after theae events, Napoleon III, em
peror In name only, now a prisoner of war, was
lodged at Wllhelmshohe, a castle near Tassel, to be
detained until the termination of the war.
Washington Poet: The anti-noise so
ciety la making small headway In. Europe.
FaJtlinore American: Keeping neutral
In Kurope la about as easy aa keeping
from scratching a inokoulto bite. I
..Wall rHrert Journal: Refusing France a
loan and buying Oerman ahips hardly
seems consistent with Mr. Wilson's neu
trality pledge.
Huston Transcript: What's delaying the
furniture man from announcing that in
view of the capture ot UruMels the price
of carpet has advanced 60 per cent. I
Baa Francisco Chronicle: "I don't
know what American neutrality means."
said the housewife, "but It see ma to have
had an awfully tad effurt on the prices
Of provlaione."
Skrn 1ke Sllsw tended.
Kansas City Journal.
Thoae mho Imagine that Henry Allan
Is diaappoinUki at the sraallneas of hla
vote In the primaries are misinformed.
Henry didn't ex-pect any votes to apoak
of. He Is running merely to obligw those
wbo forced his candidacy upon him, end
tha joke la u:i thai
Hut how was the surrender of MacMahon's army
received In Paris? On the night preceding the omln
ouh 4th or Peptember, vagus rumors of Impending
disaster were afloat; but the bulk of Paris went to
bed that night In bllssfull Ignorance of the catas
trophe which had befallen France. On the following
morning the Place de la Concorde fairly glittered with
bayonets, and the French realized that something out
of the ordinary was to take place. Tho National
Ciuard had massed rlor to advancing on the Corps
Leplslatlf. Marching to the Pont de la Concorde, the
troops faced the gendarmes posted to hold the bridge.
A short parley ensued, and the bridge was clear to
advancing battalions, which, with cries of "Vive U
Repiibllque.:" hastened to the Palais Bourbon, whero
they fraternized with the troops on guard, and the
revolution was accomplished.
In the face of the enemy, the French were not
particularly concerned about their position. They
delighted in demonstrating to each other the Impossi
bility of a complete Investment, and with the boom
ing of the enemy's guns tn the distance they kept on
singing the "Marseillaise" and shouting "A Berlin!"
But the Inhabitants and the refugees, as the Ger
mans drew closer, soon realised the siege was to' be
more than child's play. Three days after the Invest
ment of the city, a Party of Englishmen, anxious to
return home, attempted to run the blockade in com
puny In a' conventional traveling carriage and pcir.
To the roof of their vehicle they tied the British flag
and a white banner, and, as though setting out for
a picnic, Inside they plied up hampers with provisions
to last three days. Setting out from the Grande hotel
In the direction of Neullly, they got aa far as the
French outposts, where, for want of a permit signed
by the governor of Paris, they were turned back.
Baffled by red tape and routine, but not disheartened,
they managed to obtain the necessary pass, but too
late to set out again that day, and they renewed tholr
attempt on the morrow.
Getting clear of the French lines, they met with a
series of melodramatic adventures In their endeavors
to penetrate those of the enemy. Continually stopped
at the German outposts, at one time they were flying
from the flie of neodle guns on to face the chasse
pots of the French pickets, and when they succeeded
in parleying with a German cavalry officer, nothing
but a special permit from the crown prinoe of Prus
sia, to whom they a-ldiessed a written appeal, enabled
them to proceed to Versailles. Thither they were led,
ell blindfolded, by a troop of cavalry, and aftr
being searched snd examined by General von Blumen
thai, they were allowed to proceed to England by way
of .Holms, ftedau and Belgium. Other attempts to
pass through the lln.a were made, but only one xras
suoceaaful. This was permitted as a. special ' favor
to the British government Ovys of the queen'a mes
sengers had been caught in the city, and' endeavored
to get out. and it waa only through the courtesy of
Oeneral von Blumenthal that he was allowed to go on.
For' four months the Germans endeavored to starve
Paris Into submisakm. Then they 'decided to bombard
the city. The first shell, which was fired on tha
afternoon of January b. 1ST1, fell In the Rue Lata ode.
A clock Power lo this vicinity waa the objective, and
soon shells began to fall thick and fast in the neiga
borhood. As night drew on, the cannonade became
more violent, and the range of the hostile artlllory
expanded. During the first night twenty-sla houses
were destroyed. Early the next day shot and shell
fell continuously, especially In the Latin Quarter, and
several persona wero killed. Having ascertained the
range of their artillery, the Germans thereafter de
cided on a continuous bombardnment at night, hoplnir
thus to terminate tho siege speedily. But they were
mistaken snd compelled to keep up an Incessant fire.
From sunrise to sunset, from the rising of the moon
till its shining splendor waa dimmed by the bright
ness if the day, Herr Krupp's messengers of death
sped on their course from the German batteries. On
thtiy came, frequently at the rate of 100 an hour,
plunging- with a crash thiough house roofs, now
bunting Into bedrooms, disturbing the slumbers ef
their tiied Inmates. "Moltke's music," ss the French
facetiously called It. wss heard on every side, yet
the deluded Inhabitant kept t-'p their cries of "Vive
la France!" and "Vive Paris!"
And Paris did live, but held cut only Just ss long
as its provisions would permit. When the end came,
the city had powder left, but there wss no more
bread, and It must bow Its head In the presence of a
victorious foe.
The empire was overthrown. The 1st of March,
ln.. saw the official deposition of Napoleon HI and
tho triumphal-entry of the Germans Into Peris. Bonn
time before, the Empress Eugenie, whose safety had
been menaced, with the help of an American dentist.
Dr. Evans, waa quietly removed from the Tullerles.
AVlthla forty-eight hours of their entry Into the city,
the Germans withdrew to Versailles, which they left,
taktrg up their march for home on the lith.
Hut an event of great historic nlmlficance had
taken place some time before at the PaJaee ef Ver
sailles. Here, on th UUi of January, 1371. a solemn
litany was read In the preaenoe of tha iwtncee and
generals of the Fathertamd, and as the laat notes of
an Impressive choral died away, rTllhelm. king vt
jruela, mounted a rrimaoa covered platform above
which gleamed the apear-polated ah arts ef many
standards. Then came great rush, aad amid deaf
eolna cheers, rlaah cf steel, aad ww rina of helmets,
Wllhrtm, the Hoheaaallern. the victor of tVsdoww and
Sedan, was proclaimed "lienmut emperor is the name
of Uod"'
"Prince of Peace"
New Tork World: Secretary Bryan has
ehautauquaed the senate by mail by sand
ing to each senator two volumes ef his
speeches on peace.
Philadelphia Press; What is happening
In Europe now shows that those Bryan
pesee treaties might be worth ss much as
I cents a bushel if snd disturbance should
Spring up. . , ,
nttaburgh Dispatch: The wholesale
confirmation of the Bryan treaties may
not have been "grape Juice diplomacy,"
but It wss evident that the senate waa
stimulated Into action by something or
Buffalo Express: Inasmuch as the
Bryan peace treaties up to date include
no power more Important than Italy and
are mostly with petty ststes, they are
hardly worth the heavy attack which
Mr. Roosevelt made upon them.
femed by people who wouldn't ask you t-
j dinner, Chrletlsn Register.
I Counsel How do you kno-w this night
letter was forged bv a man at.1 not wrlr-
' ten by a woman whose name is signed
to It?
Expert Because t contains Just forfv
elght word, and a woman would have
used two more to get her money's worth.
uirmingnam Age-Herald.
Millie Why, Chollie, you have a cell',
haven't yoo? '
Choi He Oh, res; I forgot and left eff
my wrist-watch yesterday. Yonkers
"Does your dog love ymi, little boy?"
"Well, I gueas he loves me, mister. He
knows I'd lick him if he dldn t.' Wudr.
The Old One Ton should slways defer
to your husband's wishes, my dear.
The New One I've done so ever since
he told me that his one wish was to see
me happy. Puck.
"1 was outspoken In my sentiments at
the club this afternoon," said Mrs. Gar
rulous to other husband the other cvenlnx
With a look of astonishment he re
plied. "I can't believe It. mv dear! Who
outspoke you 7" National Monthiy.
"ies, I may say I have sn Ideal hus
band." "An Apollo for looks, a Oiesterfleld
for manners," rhapsodized the girl.
"Three things don't count In huebsnds,
my dear. Mine stays fairly sober and
brings moat of his salary home." Pitts
burgh Post.
Pnobley Aw aw It must be very un
pleasant for you Americans to be gov
erned br people sw whom you wouldn't
ask to dinner.
American Belle Well, not more so. rer
hapa, than for you In England to be gov-
Oh. David, when t turned the pasr
And thy quaint verses smote mine eye
My heart Jumpt msdlv to my throat.
I thoupht that I of Joy should die.
To think thou had'st a change of heart-
I sesree can credit thst 'tis true
I fear I'll wake and find I've dresmed
I read thst printed verse from you.
But no, I'm really wide awake
And wide awake am dreaming row '
Of a hovel and a pot ef mush
Also a Jug of nitlk and thou.
No clinirlng vine I am, thou ssyest;
Aye, thou say'st well, and 'tis no Joko
Why, David, should t be a vine
When thou art so unlike an oakT
Perhaps I have o'erstepped the mark
In ma kin r- that first bold advanos;
Perhaps t should have left my heart
A football on the field ef chance,
For unkind fete to kick about;
Ferhaps, perhaps, yet on the whole
I think 'twas worth the fatal plunge
Since thou, oh David, wert the goaL
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Telephone Tfler 1000
Through Service
Electric lighted drawing-room sleeping car and coach
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