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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1914)
10 THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. Lri4. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Foreigner Rapidly Gaining Control of Wheat Market. LXORTS ARE BEING KEPT QUIET (ask hril oH far sjlpmeat 4krol la Mfcroadeal la ctcr as Mirk as Possible 4e Ats-14 Ball Preeeare. OMAHA. All. V.. 114 Porlner are rapidly and mi r civ gain. Ing complete control of the. wheat mar ked Tne htivlna lor of the naat ten riava ha demonstrated th fart that the specu lators of Ihe old world believe that the oar now waging la likely to be rontinued Indefinitely ant that breadstuff am to sen to a much higher level in ionp- IjUenr-e. The foreign btirtni orders received day to day are centered In not more than mo hours. These huvlng order roine dirert rrora me old world and are fairly w;i scattered throughout the nallona now engaged In the greatest war ever known. Some of these purchase of wheat ate purely ape ulstlve. but many of them are man with the Idea of the grain being de live red. The n'imher of wheat hears, aa well aa other pointa. are decreasing rlelly, whlie Ihe number of bulla are Increasing. We have hid an abnormally strong wheal market of late, and at the close of everv day there are many who ak the nuesnon aa to the Identity of buyers The felling haa been led by those having pronts Any export business In caah wheat that fcas bean done of lais waa withheld from h public aa It waa certain to become an Infhienra and a bull help. There are dally sataa of haid wheat to abroad and It la siid that the money condition favor the holders on thla aide of tha water. The seaboard reported forty loada of hard wheat aa sold to Franoe yeoter day and in adiltlon to thla tha continent T'lrchaecn acme rye. There were no hedging aalea at the koi thweit or In thla market, and tha of fet'lngil were light In eonaeo,ttnre; The producer of grain in all sections of the country believes that the war will be a long drawn out affair, and that there will be but one cmnae for hreedetnf fa, and ihet much higher pi-toes will be teen. Vbeat off the Kngllah coaai waa firmly held, and apot privet were generally Id higher It waa a slesdy, itregular market In r revisions yesterday, with lard occupying he center of the atage aa far aa activity waa concerned. !ong lines of Keptember product waa a feature. , Wheat a as ."fw higher. ora waa 1'iVlWc higher Ileporta confirm the alUe of daniaaa to com crop due to - hoi westlier. Through aectlops cf low. Ncbrnaka ad Kanaaa thera hs leen Irrepara ble 'damage to the crop, and the rains of Die pat few dnya eervd more to refresh paamrei than to aid tha grow Ing corn. There waa good buying of deferred corn futon a at thla market yeaterday. The market waa a Wo affected by the profound strength In wheat and by amaller offer lng from th rountry. The fcNtiit (Viimnd for oats fell down aharply yeaterday, selea from here to go abroad being reported at only M.COn biiah ela There were rumors that much mora business than thla haa been done. Clearances of wheat and flour were not reported. T.lverpool closed: Wheat 8'fd higher, corn Id higher.; prices nominal. , Primary wheat recelpla were 1.7M.0O9 bushels and shipments l,Ol,00l biiahela, era I mt' receipts of 1.4HO.0UU huahela and elilpments of 7 biiaiicla laat year. Primary corn receipt, were I.3.14.0M bualielH anJ shipments of 4n,(KPl huahela. agalnat receipts of CO.flOO bushels and shipments of M&.QDU biiahela laat year. Primary oala recclpta were l.."V,00n bjahela and ahlpmenla of 882,00 buehcln, airalnst receipts of 1 .778,000 buahela and hlpmenta of 1II,000 buahela laat year. CAKLiOT RKCKIPTS. V hem. corn. oale Rye. 1W SS7 tt4 474 ... 19 Chicago Minneapolla ...... Puluth Omaha ............ Kanaaa City r't. Louie n JHI 4 .14 14 21 2 Winnipeg i Theae aalet were reported toiiay: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, 11.01". No. t hard winter: 1 car, tl.4; 1 car. II. ftj; 3 rart, C.01; 1 car, 11.00'; J cart, (Wo. llya: N'o. 2: cart. M!. Oata No. .1 white: I car, 4c; 14 care, 44"c: 1 cart, 44ie. No. 4 white: 4 cart. 44H". 3 cara, No. t lnlxftd: 1 car, 4SSc. No grade: 1 car, 44Vic; 2 cara, 44c. Corn No. 1 white: l car, 'He. No. 1 yellow: i cara, "Sc. No. t yellow: cara, T74c. No. & yellow: 1 car, 7714c; 1 car. 77c' No. yellow: 1 car. 77Uc; 4 cara, 77c. No. 1 mixed: 1 cara, 77c No.' 2 inlxed: 1 car. T7c. No. S mixed: 1 car (near white'), TTMsc; 2 cara, Tfc. No. mixed: 1 car. 7V. . Pample: 1 car (white), 74c; car, '7Hc. Omaha v'ash Prleee Wheat: Na. t hard,'rt-I.cny. No. 3 hard, l-ol4: No. 4 hard, fMT.M,o: No. S spring. ;ifiv7'-: No. aprng, HS'ii'; No. 4 spring, tovtuflasv.; v'o. 2 durum. Str!c: No. 3 durum. i ( -Sc. Corn: No. 2 white. T?Hi7V: No. S write. -777Wc: No. 4 whita. lS(;Tc; Na I yellow. T7if7c: No. 3 yellow. iiV.4r7Wr: No. 4 yellow. 77n77ic: No. 3 mixed, UW T7: No. 3 mixed. 7HrT74c; .No. 4 mixed. TtS7c. Oats: No. 1 white, - 4wW4.'-Vc; otandard. 4o4i4u(i: No. -white, 44W4i-.c; No. 4 white. 4't)44W'-. tarley: Malting, Wlfci No. 1 feed, fsJ'OfiSc. ityt: MWI4c; No. - U. .'iMHc. , (Mil tl.O 4.HI AMD PROVIalOXH Fee I area of the Tradlnar and 4 losing; ' - I'rloea or- Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. K.-Uoard of Trade tnarkela. allected by the war, aoared to .new blKh levels today, led bv wheat, s.liloli ...loacd ic. lo tc over yesterday. fl",m e-ivitnveJ r.e lt 2rl ohIs. m.1 lo 'i.s wiiiln Itroi'litiona were T'.a down In 11 t.?-..- higher " , I Whi'.e fluctuations In wheat were spec- ta; ilar the atory behind them waa simple . -nuii.tlv. Hie Ixllef that the war tn-ana ' , .v Ti. "'""" ""T ouoted. u Keying the alllva wcro prepared for tmee year of the truKHl and nilli ei wc-.'e b.iylnc wheat aaid to be for the jP.rpoi-c of failnlj liig tiie foreign demand for floiir. A cent l.uUe early biouKhl out -oiialdrrable profit taking, l',! )iiires were not lil.neituliy affecled and atop loss ordera were uncovered w'lilnii r; of the top and the price waa b:J up on u mark el practii-Hlly bare of t.-fi clings. AdvamN In torn, oata and provisions i.i due muinlv lo Ihe war ax reflex led 1n wheat and the tone waa sliung. Coun try olferuiKs of corn and oats were small and the eaati rn shipping demand good. 'Crime waa eonie liquidation of Keptomber hog prooucta. There waa a good demand for January delivrrlee, and a fair one for apot. Art'clel pu. I lllah. I T ow Close ITea'y. Wheat- lilt . ept I J'cM! 1 10' t 04 I t fl&V 101 rec.. I MvAi 115 I OvV 111'.! 107 flay.! 1 IVetj 1 ;iS I H'a 1 1 H'i ! I uv I i I torn II, .", au4! Kt !f TSUI Vl'V 7;'V70-,(fi71 7M 73,' 4'i! 7Jx fU,' 0"i! K I 30 5t',! 4 I kUI4J.'-t)' W MV &3'. uii'B Kec.J'n'iTT.' May.;iiTtV Oata I Sept'si's'M tec..t4'041 May.lil'l',' F-rk- Spt.'21 OO-Kll 21 S:"V rl ( 21 43 I 21 X Jnn..i:-1 70-iS S 1SV 21 ii 22 i:V 21 6i 1-ard- III Mept I ( to I M 10 ! 10 10 1U fict.. W U-121 10 27V 1" W I 10 Hi I 10 2'S Jan.. 1 5;", JO 7i I 10 id) il 70-7:- 10 u F.'b- 111 Pept. 12 '!- 12 2i' 12 60 12 e lj J7I, mi.. I ii .. . u ju i i: it, i; it1,! 12 oo .'ap-l II n I 11 87'.- 11 U I II S. U WMLAT-t llh oricea No M, tl lH fJllSU; No. 2 hard, tl 07Wrl1S;. CORN No. 2 yellow, lii'jtjoc; No. 3 yellow. KJ'.C-uue. I'l TTtR-nrm: creameriea. 24"ttr. ' - tUG. 1'ucbanged; recelpla. lO.fcj cases; at mark, raaee included, I7ac; ordinary firsts. lMiJnc: f Irate, as.iiHc PtTAToliK fcitads ; reeeipta, ii caia, Jerae cobblera. bulk, So-Wc; Jersey -ob-tuert, tacks, l-'1J"Cc, Mlnneaota, Ohloa. S5--H7C PUIXTRY-Allva. firm, fowia. He; eprings, lvl7c. New Vork General Market. r'.i:TTER--Steady; recelpta. I0.fc. tubt; rreimery extraa. llS-il'c; firata. MaWr,; ee..nJs. a'vu'-W : proceaa exiiaa, i'ra ledb-t. current inase. No. 3. -4 t-Cr;s-dtK(iy; .ti't. ll.KOw caat. fresh Hihetffl axt-.iV extra firsts. .H:7'r : firs! s, '' '; second. Z:v:if. atale'. Pennsylvania an.l nearby hennery whites, ?4 : elate. Pennsyl vania and nearbv gathered wMln. 27ft Xlc; atate, IVnnevh entrt nnd neat by hen nery brown. ai.T0r': atate, lYnnrylvania and nearbv gathered hroe. na and mlaed colore. Ktuf. IXlUtTRV-Pressed. quiet; weetern chickens, broilers. l'a ; foe. la. 17r 17'c: turke,, 14'iMV. OMA H dCM'RtL MARK FT. Itl'TTKR-No. 1, I-lb.. arton. Mc. No 1, -lh. tuba. 3'. rUKKSK Imported Kwlas. 4or; Ameri can Kwlas, ;t; blo-k Swlee, Jo; twins, 17'ic; datrlee. UV; triplets. He; Young Amerlcaa, l!c; blue label brick. :tn; llm butger. '-lb., lc; 1-b., 20r; .Sew Vol k white. lc; imported Fiench Itoquefort, c I r irii - i rout . jic; I4.rge rrappieM, nw iik. saimon. uqw. jiauoui, !: c.nannei catfish, loc; pike. 17c; pickerel, 10c. roUl.THY Hrotlera. 2ir; liena. 12.: Corks, Mc; dncka, o; gevse. (; lurkeys 1f.-; plegons. per doaen. ! : ducks. lull feathered. K ;. geese, full feathered, 8t ; tquaba. No. 1, l.Si; No ?. .i"c . FIF:i:F (TT.Un I ribs 20l -: No i flV'; No. . IV.-; No. Kchuck. 13 ; No. a, I24c; No. S, ll',c; No. 1 loin. 2J'ic; No. 2, IM,; No. 3. 14v; No. 1 platea, 1-; No. t, ; No. II lV,c: No. 1 round, ltiVjc; No. 2, tc; No. S, Ti4. MlrJI T.M.ANKl'B - cougar walnut datea, tl .'." per Imx. Iinies, 11. u ner basket t'rackerjack, l'!60 tier caae. rrenkerja- li. fer half r-ae, ll.TS. ' 'hei kers, tTW pr-r cue. i heckora. per half caao, IL'h. Kanaaa City liraln and TrOTlslona. KANSAH (1TY. Aug. K-WHBAT-No. 2 hard. ll.norl No. 2 red, ll.0W1.0i; HeptemU:r, l.0"'i; te ember, ll.OS'i; May,,. COI'.N No. 2 mixed, 7V ; No 2 white. JW-; Septcmhet, 7l,ir; Perember, TO'ilT lOHcr Mav. 74iV74'4C. OATS-No. 2 white, i7J47V4c: No. ! mixed, 44c. HI -Creamery. flrala. 'V; aeconda, i4c; i.acking, ilc. KIX18 Klrsta, Z'jr.; seconds. 17'c. r'OI.'IniY-llenx, Wic; brollera, 1f.4c I Mlnaeaaolta Cirmln Market. W II r.VT (September dvanied rapidly to tl 1714 and I ecembcr to 11 14- today. Flour advanced IIARI.RY .VSf.lPc , nvK mme. HR ANIK! 60. COIlN-.V'i). 8 yellow, 7itMc, No. 3 whit. a.Ht4;,ic. n.AX-ll 7Ji1. II. I.onla Vraln Market. ST. lyO'TlH. Aug 2,-WHKAT-N. ' reel,; No. 2 hard, I1.o7tfl.l0; Beip teniber. $1 W; December. Il.tlS. CVIRN-No 2, !?Vs No. a white, tic; Heotemher, FJr.; fember. 7Jc. OATS-Nol 2, 4rr4o; No. 3 white, 60c. Liverpool tirmln Market. t.IVmPOOt Aug. K.-WHUAT-Rpot, firm; No. 1 Manitoba. id;" No I, da 114, l'VtureB, firm; October, f IHd; Ieoember, a 7d. ('URN Spot, nominal; American mixed, st. ruturea, nrrn; reptemner, ea d. rillCAGO LITK UTOCK M.tRKKT (attle Ktroa to lligber lloga Five t Ten Lower. CHICAfiO. Aug. 26-CATTI-K-Recelpta. 1S.0H0 head: market strong to 10c higher: beevea, I'. TOti lo.ff.; ateer. tt.arr.40; atock- era and feeders, 3Ti.3Mrli.10; cowa and helf ere, 3S.yi3.2S; calves. I7.5ft8-ll.00. HOOS-llecelptt, 2TI.00O head; market Mf inc lower: bulk of aalea. Jk.Mj.IS: light. SUPIVdft.S?: mixed. IH.6MfO.32H; heavy, (H.4& rough, W 46 H . : pigs, lU.KrirS.M. HltKKH ANU I.AM I1H Reoeipta, Ji.000 head: market steady to I0o lower: sh'-ep. M.WWii.Sii: yearllnga, KI.70ti.7O; latnl, ii.25 ttH.m. - Kanaaa City Lire atock Market. , KANHAK CITT. Aug. -28.-CATTI.FJ-R- Cfipta. H.iOU head: market atrornr: tirlinc fed afeera, Sft.fc'tild SO; dreased beef eteera. 37.7fi'b9.M; weetern eteera, WWft.(i0; stock- era anil reeuei-a. bulla. .7K; calves. o.?iixolo.50. IIODH- Recelpla. 7,000 head; market lower; bulk, ) heavy, t9.l'.i- ; packers and butchers, 8.309.35; light. W 'llSlft; pigs l7.7oti A. . CHEEP ANt UAMBS-Recelpts. .(W0 head; market Weak; lambs. 7.rf(-7.70; yearllnga, wethera. I5.K1.7S: ewea, H.Xfub.X,. HI. Loala I.lTe atok Market. BT. It'IS. Aug. ! -CATTLB-Re. celpta 8, WO head: market higher: native beef steers, 37.MXifl0.M; cowa and heifers xr. nttiv m; atockera ami feeders. rs.'KHi 7.W: aouthern ateera, jl.iHpn.nn-, cowa and I. cirert, t.winjiw; nwtlva calves, II. 00. . HOOf Recelpla. m head; market Bteady: plga and lights, 7.(W1i0..rVt; mixed nd butcher. tf.OOnj-3.40;. aiod heavy, t.l.'i .35. tiHKKP AND IMBS Receipts 4.400 head; market steady; native muttons, W.JO lift 00; lambs, IJ.(wa7.M. - lone City Mtl atoek Market. PIIOI'X (TTY, la. Aug. J6.-CATTIJ'-JUceliils. 70U heaaj; market alow; native ateera, H.2H 25; butchera, 35.7MW W; cowa and helfcra. ttvvn.(0: oannera, H006 8; atockera and feedera, - tt.tW?.40; bulla, atags. etc., t3.4Otn.0O. 11UO.S Receipts, .M head; no tone; heavy, .ntial; mixed. t.7fi80; light. i.t.t?tl 70: bulk of aalea. .;otiS.7l. HHKKP AND LAMBH- Recelpta, 1,300 bead; niaruet ateady: no quotations. I ' Bt. Joeepk LlTO Btoek Market. ST. JOSKPH. Aug. .-CATTI.E-Re- reipla, 2.H00 head; market ateady; eteera 7toIIOSO; cowa and heifera. J4.iB.W calves, tt flftSlO M. IIOUS-Recelpta, 3.0M head; market tc to 10c lower: bulk of aalea. fcvs.4m.l0. 81IEEH AND , LA MBM-Receipt a. 3.740 head; market alow; lambs, J,.iu ,.o. Coffee. Market. NKW TORK, Aug. waa repoiled n coffee tradu clrclea louav that rapid ,,,ogr.-as had been made In evening up ot old commltiuenia ln the formatinn of the liqulduting committee and that the inurket was fuVy prepared for suc-b Sep. tember nottcea aa mla-ht be iseuej tomor row. Nil predlotlona were ventured, how ever, a to when the exchange might be re opened for bualneaa and the a put. situation apiwared to be without any muterlai vhanire. flnmi little bualncsa waa again icpoitrd In the cost and freight market nd well described coffeea are aaid to unve sold at alight advance, but uuota ttona romlimlly unchanged at TVo for Rio " and l."f. for tantoa 4s. Today'a rat-lea from Kraxll reported clearances of 0.000 tali Ne Orle.ina and Increaaed recalpta at rianto Taulo. registered, and that cof fee la again beginning to leave from the Interior. York Money Market, NEW YORK. Aug. W.-COMMKRCIAli BILI.rl-4V0c. BTK.RL.lSc. KXCIIANGB Nominal: for cablet,'BO.oiliO; for demand, $i04 flLiVER Har, otVic. ttanoraled Appleaiaad Urled Frnlta NKW YORK. Aug. 24 KVAf "ORATKD APl'i.F-l)lllet. imit'li KRI IT-Prunea. fair; aorlcota, dull and eeav: peaches, quiet, but fliin; raislna. ateady. Dry Gooda Market. NEW YORK. Aug. -lemaiid for bleached and brown cottons ahowed aignt of reviving today. Hheels and pillow taaea weie in steady demand. Worsted rna firm Cotton Market. IVKRPOOI, Aug. 3e,-COTTON-ttpot n good demand at unchanged pike. . Rank I lenrlna. OMAHA. Aug. at -Hank rjearinga for Omaha tcslay were .1,0.'.1,041.87. and for the corresponding day laat year t2.7lsi.IV 77. I agar Market. NKW YORK, Aug. ai.-Sl'O AR-Raw, Iteady; molasaet. Idle; centrifugal, 1 Refined, ateady. London nllyer Market. a I.ONPON. ' Aug. 36 -SILVKn-Bar, ateady at d per ounce. Metal Market. T. I.OCIS, Aug. ,JL-MKTAL-Iad: Firm- at l.7i. spelter: Higlter at The Be Want Adx Are the Beat Businesa Boortara. v' nUini 1TVT CrtrV yiDVrTI Cattle Receipts Moderate and Prices on All Kindt Steady. H0CS SLOW, .BARELY STEADY ftfcrea Strong and Fat l.anahe ateady to Ten eata Higher aed trtlre Feedera In Demand at Steady Pricea. SOCTIf OMAHA, Aug. -. 1 orrn lal . Monday a Official - Tueslay i .fiiO F.ttlmate W diic?day.. !.( Throe d a this fame days IhM week...l4.r4 ftttlt days 2 w ks ago.. -.1.1:11 ' fanie daa 3 wks ago.. MCI " me dsys 4 w ks ago. .to.Olii . Hame days laat year...l!..Wt The followltis Iwl.le ,.!. Ihe rei-einlal of ..attle. hoea and sheep at the Houth Omnna live aior-k market for the year to flgte. aa compared with last year: 1914. 11', Inc. t'r. Cattle .V.I.7U :c.m ST. 1W "oils l.a,1: l.i.2.2M 1S2,4.iS MhP i.iwi.AKt i..w).;no ie,is ....... The following table shows tha priret Tot hoga at the South Omaha live atock market for, the Iat few dayg, with torn - Pa it Aug 7.. IS I I 1: 7 aO1 T 1 7 , I' 3.. t 13 T S3 7l 7 HI. vui. AU 3 13 7 7 371 T :' 7 4M A 10.1 3 t hi 91 J 1 7 41 441 IA A ii.i 02; 3 1: If. 3 7Vi 7 tj 13. 3 " 7 jt 7 21! 7 K-l! 7 M Aug 3 04, 7 Hi 7 M 12, li 1 A lit Aug. Aug, Aug. Aug. Aug. AU(T. Aug, Ant: 3 i i . 05' 3 lJi7 1! I li 7 3 11 14 7 17' 24' 3 , 7 171 3 20! 7 47 T ai s 7 Ml 7 i.7i 7 72, 7 B4 7 :x 7 4l 22 041 7-7 at a a i a. m - 3 17 to s 44 41 t 21 8 3! S 84 171 3 U 1! 8 n; 3 1., 04. 7 27 041 7 fe S M Aug. i) 7 (13- 8 lOl 7 If ) S 6l 7 63 Aug. '4. A Ug. . jK. 3 7V 3 7!'k 8 7W 4, I 1U tl M; 7 S1 i :!2 7 10 S 70l 7 711 .14 7 Hi 8 X"7 12i 8 K7 7 o) 38 Hunday. ... Rajelpu and deposition of live ttock . ? J. till' ","r bo"r ""1I"H at 3 o cl k p. rn.-yeBteMite: k .' i RI JKIPTB CARK Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. . M." AS St.- P........ Wabaah ,..., Vlssnurl Pacific- I'nlon I'aclfic C. N: W., east t:. K. W.,: weet..... C.,. Bt. P.. M. O.... C. H. Q , eaat:.... J..H-A Q., weal..... C.,;lt..l. A l. eaat.. 1 II l s 17 4 r,i a .-4 '. 7 . 34 . 8 .: l 10 C.R P., west.. Total receipts ......128 IS Dlfi POSITION- ,EAI. CatlJe. Hogs. Hheep. Morrla Co 417 1.4M 2.S4I .twin- A Co Cndahy lacking ,Co.... Armour & Co Hchwtrtx A Co.... J. W, Murphy Morrell Mnooln Parking . Co.... Kay Parkin Co... Omaha L. Cp . W. II. Vansant Co Beritdri, Vansant A U Mill Hon F. ; B. Iewta Huston at Co J. R. Root A Co..' .1. If. Bulla- Rnsenstock llroa.. Mct'reary A Kellogg., w erthelmer' A legen.. H. K. Hamilton Hulllvan Hroa Mo. A Kan. Calf Co... 4 714 i) l.M1 1,5 8.24 L'4:i 2,1178 S.1-H4 3.Sri! 4.4'J.i 10 31 'J7u 82 . 41 2lil K ' ; ix 3 14 3 10 M 21 7 7 6 U H5 3 n H6 ; ana Chrlntle Htgglns Huffman Ildtri Meyera Kreba OlaaHberg .' Haker.-Jonea A H. Tanner Bros John Harvey Inwd A Kief fer Other buyera .... J 17.K18 j ' Tiilala ..' ....S.7K1 3,707 32.6AS rATTI.K Uerelpts were quite moderate, only 117 cars all told being reportedin the yards. For the three oays tn'.a week re celpta are very large ga compared with recant weeka, belnu; In fact double the re ceipts for the corresponding period two and: three weeka ago. Aa compared with a year ago there la a falling oft of only a few hundred head. -There was a very fair demand for beef teere, and the market aa a result waa generally steady with yesterday. Among the offerings today were yearlings good enough to bring 310.10, with some heavy rattle good enough to bring better than $10 (10. . Cows and heifers were In active demand and the market fully ateady. In fact, if anything, the feeling was a little stronger In spots than yesterday. A few of the best feedera were firm nd In active demand. On tha other hand', there are a good .many medium gradea ot feedera and atnrkea atlll In the rtands of speculators, and the feeling on that kind of cuttle Is weak, with the trade low and at the best no more than steady with yesterday. - Quotations on cattle: Good to choice tornfed beeves, $.6o10.10; fair to good coinfed beeves, 3-ixti(i.50-, common to fair corn Ced beeves, $7.iu4 7B; good to Choice range steers. In. it a . 00; fair to good range steers, 37fi()76o; good to choice grass heifers, $ MW7.78; good to choice. grass cows, lift's;. 23; fair to good trades. I&o0j6.2fi; common to fair trades. 33.tufii.jO; good to choice atock era and feeders, ti.74).3o. ralr to good atockera and feedera. 3r.(KijT.75; common to fair atockera and feeders, ti'o7.00; stick cows and heifers, 3S.Z47.3; stock rah as, uMilS.M;v veal calves. 37.0UV li'.X; bulls, stags, etc., SLTbOT.W Hepresentatlve ealeer ' N Kbit ASK A. 3 r-edert.. 453 6 Is) 1 bull... ti feeders.. W m 1 bull... 1 calf.' 100 in 50 1 bull... 16 steers. ...14T3 7 70 steers. . fuo ..UivO , IO 6 75 t lid 6 6) 3 00 00 7 OS TTi 5 So :o t is) 10 7 M 6 M b bO 1 60 40 6 7 M 6 60 ti 75 6 36 3 cows..,. li cowa f feeders. 1 bull 10 feeders. H feeders. 14 cows 10 feeders. I calf 4 SO li 10 40 5 ." C 10 7 Ou 00 6 TV a- 6 0 10 no s oo w u 6 4U 7 l ! 00 T J 0 tl I rows ll id 1 feedera.. 7-'1 20 feeders. .10:44 3 cowa MS 144U , 14S . K Mi 714 SO 1ft feeders.. 311 7 COWS.... 3 cows...., 14 feeders., in stuckeir ICS t SSI 13 atockera (71 1 bull lMi 11 feeders.. MO 6 heifera... ! 3 cowa IJ'S 10 feeders. 1 calf calves . 16 feedera. 3 cows.... IS 10 ht Iters. 3 cnlvea. 1 bull 9 feedera VI cows... 12 calves., 13 vows., . 444 . .ll .101 . Ku7 431 744 1 hull vro I calves... 4.M 3 calves... He) Jl feeders.. l:i4 M 14 heifera... I7 18 cowa h78 3 00 .HMO 6 35 7 00 T oo c 7 SO C 60 7 0 S 7J fc. 75 76 : 7 15 75 1 ateera.. ..114 7 feed era.. 11 4i cows luKi C 70 H steers ...146S WYOMIMO. 3 ateera ... 103 60 T cowa 4 1 3 feedera.. 1U 7 00 13 etreis....UitiO .". 47 atei-is.... JI 40 1 steer U4i a 7:, 32 ateera.... !) t ' 1 steer lOisi li 30 6s feedera.. 1M T 15 Jt leedcrs.. M7 3 So ai ateera.... .; II) feedei a. .V1 feeilera.. f70 13 eteera., ; strcia.. 7 atwrs.. 4 ateera.. 4 feedera 10 feedera W7 1001 (Wtl 4U 1;;4 SOLTH ( vows Hi.Vi k-i JIAKOTA. 14 feeders. 7 feedera. I bull 14 feedera. .llcO .lU- . f1 ; o5 7 If. 6 X 4 ti HO 7 7i i r ( 10 :& feeders.. lvC 3 feeders.. 11 ." I ktal. UMO 10 ieeuera.. K 12 feeders.. 7ti0 feeders.. 642 s 7 . i v. 7 10 ( to I f eedera i feedera.. L'4 IDAHO. !4 feeders.. lf"40 3 heifers ... 1 steer ti 1 cow hew ti cs hfrs.10i.' i cow r-) S feeders.. luW 7 0-1 1 cow K i 10 4 cows..... 1017 V VOM1NO 7 o J heifer.. ..1S30 7 60 6 li s U 10 IS cows 1(M3 U 1 bull 1XV i 0 heifers... 4MI 7 00 3 feeders.. lOia! 7 A t cowa M WKSTERNS Pstin Land and LJve Stock Company. Wyoming. 31 f.-eC ... . iS 3 00 feedera... Kt i r) fce.ivia .. kM 3 0" V. V. Mill, Nebraaka. 13 cows 10J S 7j 12 ow KTJ i K. t. Banghn, Wyoming. &e sleei-a 771 i 4ti steers 776 COO 14 cowa...... 70.. i it' W. K. r-hepherd. Nebraaka I heiier 'J r ; lu ifci a . . 11 js t ) 3 heifers.. U2H '. H7.SU 1 .4 II'S t 71 K'M .T7 :,4S I T " iA i-.' M 11' " 21 OS1 !"0.l!SJ 1K1 :").; a. ......... .ion I7,4 ij,4ij I 1 .'.". rr. 11 10 M.I ( 1-1 la.f -1 7-77 ll a.u- - t-iI 11 R-3pU i 77 ' g o ro.i ; ;m lit i 8 7 W. 3 i Ne. i ra s ' f- Homalnphaueen. Nebraska F. M-I-adden. Nebraska. II com rv . if) .1 r-owi ) 3 cowa 77S 30 4 cowa inr.j .lames Flattery. Nebraaka. 11 feeders... 11 11 75 2 heifera.... V) Ben Wrirht, Nebraska. . ...: i HO 4 steers l.TSii M feedera. L. Doyle, Nebraska 1.1 cowa . oo A. Scott, Wyoming. oO steers. 45 8. Nl'-holson. Nebraska. .1044 7 10 feeders... -s . !.i; tl 8" .M feeders... fefi BKEI' .STbEKc. No. A. Pr. ... M07 in ....l-tt n ....1.14 40 .... 77 M ...1441 HI 20 . . US.. ?a . . IT. . 19. .1411 19 BTfcKRS ANIJ HEIFERS. I lu steers. W l.i fee-lers 9 feeders I Nn. At. Pr 7r t ro nu oi in r4 10 io COW "4. i ? S 5 ir. 1010 t 71 I m S 7! 1 n:. s M .V lint t M i i III.. ( no 4 II! t ;-o 4 i 4 S 4 76 i Ml -. t li I f-s ..1014 ..111 .. 7'4 .. ttt .. af-ii . IV" ..1141 ..infi ..!: MKIr'F.nS no t a j .. . 1S ... ...IxM ...107S . . . 1 1 an ...U4 4 ft I 75 t it I on 4 IS HI I.TJt. t 4i J 'Jl IV. I 70 1 I 71 c.u.vnp. T on 7 on 8 K i ft t i .... i lis Vin oo S Ml .. tin 10 m no 140 in no 2J STOCK r Mrt AND FEKPFRF I Vt V. i 47 t TO 14 y f Ml F.1 7 04 I i "7 w vet 7 I ii .... iii tn HOtJU Trier was a lather moderate run on hand Hgetn Ihia morning, about' 134 cara or Str) head being reported In. : For th three dys the run totals 2I.0M head, being a gain cf more than .V0 1 over last week, an I about the snme num ber heavier thun for the correapondlru? (erlod of last year. All other markets were tepcrted na ojienlng dull, and In splto of the fact that the local supply waa far from heavy, buyers were verv alow In starting out. i First bids made were all of a nickel . lower bjt aa the -cllera were asking stronger prices nnthlnir waa done for some littlo time. Things dragged alon 1 until towards 11 o'clock, when with offere almost ateady vlth Tuesday sellers finally I liegan to cut loose slowly, and In spite 1 of the beariehnena of the buyera managed ! to land the big end of the supply nt prices that were anywhere irom ateady Ui a thaxle lower. From this time on the market moved 1 along sluggishly wlthuot showing much change until tows Ma the close, when ! with twenty-five or more loada still un- sold values weakened, and bids dropped back to their early level, that la a flat nickel lower Tuesday. At thla trade, which had been very slow all morning, came almost to a stand- . still. A few sellers cssherl In as soon aa prices began to allp, but most of them I held" on for a return to the earlier I figures. Instead of regaining wht they had lost however, bids If anything be came weaker still, who wing In some In- 1 atances a decline of fully iVfj'lOc. The I market failed to show any life after this time, and while buyers were gradually cleaning up tn balance ot the aupply at their own figures, there wen several loada atlll unsold at mid-day. Taking the trade all the way through, pricea are anywhere from stendv to a nickel lower, and 'n the caee of some of the closing aalea M10c lower. The average market Is Just a shade lower than Tuesday. The nig- end of the sales landed ' at .38.7a, with a fair sprinkling around 38.80, and some of the later ones at 38.70, and bolow. The few hogs bought early by shiaers were, fully steady, and In the, rase of tops a nickel higher, the hlgfh price reaching 39.10 today. Representative sales: Na. !......, Ar. ,341 111 Hh. 110 No. T... St... l... 10... At. ..m ..1ST ..JM ..4 86. Tr. I TS 37? I 76 I 76 I 76 I To 3 76 I TT. I 77S I 771, 3 771, I 77. I 10 . I 10 I 10 I 10 I M I DO I 10 I 10 3 10 I no i an l to -. I is l n 3 as u I T I Ti I 71 I II I II I 71 I II I Tl I To I 76 I 71 I TS I 71 3 71 I 71 a it I 76 71 I Tl I 7 3 n I 75 3 71 73 3 76 3 71 I 71 3 71 .1,0 .u .1.17 .ta 4... 24... 7., .176 4 371 67 tit a m bt ....Vi II. l. lit .31 .290 Ml 10 to 'ii 10 J20 64.... as..,. II. . .. 31.... 4 41 5:.... 40 ...., ...., ti 4...., 47..,,.. l 7S III. ... si!!.'.'! IS 71 71 TO...., 40 71 TO (4 IK1 K.... .in ...341 ...S4I ,..238 ..Jl ..311 ..fW ,.30a ..i;m ..HI ..T74 ..! ..Sol ..340 . .2J1 ..KT . .J4 ..Kl ..SOI ..221 ..Ml 41.... S3.... .... 44.... 2t.... 44.... 6T.... St.... m 41.... I.... ..M4 ..m ..1M .. 44 ...VI ....m ....sio ....tST ...:t4 ....Ml ,...8 ....Ml ....t0 .... .... ...-. ...U ... r in ...) ....ii ti.. M. M. 30 411 0 3 I 71 I 75 I Tl I 75 I Tl n n i n 3 73 I ITS 9 OO I 00 oo I ! I OS oj t 10 ... t.. at.. as. . ... i.n 104 ITS 7 Ml 111 1 311 8HEnP-KH-iuta took , a drop thla rnorrilr.s- compared with the formor days or the week ana were light avalnst a week ago and a year ago. The eupptv amounted to only aome lS.yoO head, hulf of mem coin ft feedera. Oenerairy speaking quality waa a little off In comparison with Monday s and Tueaday'a supplies, though there were one or two strlntra of Iftmba In allht today which belonged to the same flocks as some on aale yeater day. Tha-lamb market presented an active appearance contrasted with the firat two days of the week and the result was verv few lambs were unsold after 10:36 o'clock a complete clearance being fairly early at pricea fully ateady to a dime higher. In some cases the aort was a little heavier than yesterday, but in others it was tighter. Jn the neighborhood of fifteen rara made up the aged sheep supply and with the exception of about half a dozen rara everything was en the feeder on'er. being moail yewes. .Mutton waa quota My strong, being alow to move earlv, but artlvo later on In the forenoon. Nothing rhulra was on sale. The ewes sold around tS.lVXir 6 lf and some wethers were good enough to bring to 50. No yearlings were In siKht. The leeder trade waa almllar to that on the former rtays of tho week, the de mand being atill keen at good, btrons; piioea for the iwst feeding lambs avail able and fully rteady on the common kinda. There was alxo a good inquiry for t-reil nn ewea and aa a fairly good supply was on hand ouite a few sold for that purpose. Feedlntr iambs changed hands at MjTT.i.'o, ai'tordlng to weight and quality. Quotations on ratrge shrep and lambs: Lam be, good to rholre. 3"-r-W.T0; lambs, fslr to good. 3T SOW-W; lambs, feeders. ,&7Mj7.2G; yearlings, good to choice. 3V75 yearllnga. fair to go.d, f3.5Uio.7;; yearlings, feedera. 3.W-a ;.'; wethers, good to choir. 3.V7HIO.90: wethers. Isir to good. Io.a0fio.7i; m. thera, feeders. 34 4G 4 SO; ewes, good to choice. loxio 4o : sire, fslr to good, 3t .9C?J3.!S; owes, feeders. $3 iO 1W00. Her.ieen1atlve aatea: No. Idaho feeiler lanba t-' Idaho feeder iamba 1 .9 yomliig lambs 207 Wyoming lamba Sio Idaho Av. ... &i ... M .. in ... 74 ... Tl) ... ti ... ... m ... ... t ... I . .. 7 ... ... :o ... 9 ... 70 ... ... NU .. 70 ... o7 .. S7 .. 17 .. 7 .. 67 .. Ml .. 1 .. as .. 70 .. i .. 8 ..114 ..101 .. ; .. VI .. 41 .. .. 17 I io-u ..., 7; kt Pr I 7 'Si 7 4i 7 4 l 7 ti 7 S) T ai 7 So 7 So 7 ' 7 H) 7 M 7 50 7 50 7 SO 7 60 7 M T JO 7 .v t) 7 7 3 7 S 7 7 :s 7 :i 7 w r- 7 so 7 W T 60 f 5 i) i Ou as 7 15 M - 7 r. b Idaho lamtv : Idaho lambs 17 Klahj lambs IfT Idaho lainbs If Idaho lamba lbl Idaho lambs 14S Idaho lamb? Hit Idaho lamba ill Idaho lamba Ma Idaho lamia I'M Idaho lamba 1HI Idnhu lariba 4 Idaho lamba 1K Idaho lambs 1M Idaho feeder Ismbe.. Jy Wyomlac feedrr lambs... 4 M'yomlns feder lamba... 71 Wyoming feeder lamba... Wyoming feeder lamba... KM Idaho feeder lambs Is! Idaho feeder lambs , 11 Idaho lambs 1H Idaho lambs l Idaho lambs 1"4 Idaho Ismbs H Wyoming ewes 4 Wyoming emea 1!:4 Wyoming felp lambs.,.. MS Wyoming ee.ler lambs lUTVyonlng reder lambs.... i.T N'oinii.a freler laiui.... i.D Wyuming feeder Umlu I 3C T V t Is l p) Thursday A5 Friday Saturday I 1 IH T kjr I v. .. - v.w Garments All Authentic New Styles in Every Wanted Fur and Both the Manufac turers' and Our Own Guarantee. Make a small deposit on Furs now and we will hold them for you till called for. To buy now means a big saving. Act quickly. Fur Coats $25.00. S35.00, to $250.00 With off low marked price. Fur Muffs $2.95, $5.00 up to $100.00 AVith 2ro reduction for this sale. The choicest assortment of fine Fur (iarmouts we have ever shown is now hero for your inspection and selection. Our Annual August Sale cf Sample Tailored Suits continues three more days, Thurs-, day Friday and Saturday. - new Fall IVjillinery Styles Most Attractively Priced. Jf you want a hat to finish out the season or for early fall wear, here's your opportunity. Trimmed Hats Like cut and sev eral other cleverly trimmed styles; special for Thursday, your choice, at $4.98 $1.50 Silk Velvet Shapes Black and colors, minor defect, new fall blocks; on sale now 98c Milan K(lK VHve-t Shapes, $1.60. A shipment of classy black silk velvet shapeR. with milan edge Just received and will be placed on sale Thursday choice S1.69 Try Hayden'fl First It Always Pays. fleiv Fall Goods At Specially Attractive Prices in the Big Do mestic Room. Cotton BlankfHs, Wool Blan ket, California Blankets, Auto ltobes, Bath Robes, Bed Spreads broadest assortment ever shown, bought early; priced low. Wash Dress Fab rics and Linens at 20 to 50 ! Than Usual Retail Prices. 15 POUNDS BEST aemerabr This ia Cans, JTot Beat Sugar. 4S-lb. sacks best high grade Diamond 11 Flour nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, rack 31.18 10 bars Heat-'hlm-AU or Diamond C Soap for B5o 3 cans Oil Hardines 36o 8 Ihs. best -Rolled White D reek fa ft Oatmeal 9 So Advo Jell for dessart nothing like it. Pkg Tjo Tall cans Alaska Salmon loo H-os. cans Condensed Milk TiO 4 Ihs. best No. 1 Jiand Picked Navy Bean a 86a The best Domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pkg 7Vo g A TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST MONEY WAITSN For the war to end; money waiting for a change in financial conditions; money waiting for bargains should be kept in Investments with "the worry left out." Our offerings are of this class "the worry left out" kind. They don't pay the highest rate of Interest, but they assure the return of your principal. We own and offer: 910,000 Lincoln City Warrant, payable In 4 to 6 months, denominations $100, interest 0 per cent if held until due. We cash them any day before due and pay 4 per cent interest tor time held. Where else can you keep jour money so safely and get It any time, with ft fair rate of Interest for every day Invested? We have sold such warrants for over 1 years and no Investor ever lost a cent of principal or Interest or waited one day for hit money. $ 4,000 First Mortgage Farm Loan, due March 1st next, interest 5 per cent, secured by 160 acres in Otoe county that sold for $2U,"00. 5.000 First Mortgage Iammi cm Flats inside property valued by owner at $15,000, with rental value above $100 per month; Insured for $11,000; interest 6 per cent, time 5 years, tax free. 1,.K0 First Mortgage UonoN, part of $37,000 loan on inside business property valued at above $80,000: bonds in denomination of $100 and $500; $1,000 of this loan matures every six months, thus reducing the principal and making the remaining bonds stronger from year to year; insurance $00,000; interest i'a Per cent semi-annually; free from taxation. 1,000 First Mortgage Loan, payable in one year. Interest G per cent, semi-annually, tax-free: insurance $2,100; a corner with ti-rooiu residence valued at $3,500. This loan will save the Investor about $20 taxes next spring, besides paying him $60 interest for the year. I.OtK) Firat Mortgage Inan on 3 acres adjoining a town In this county; house, barn and other Improvements, nearly new; valued by owner at $4,000; interest 6 per cent semi annually, tax-free. 8tK -First Mortgage Loan on S acres with good G-room house, hog pens, alfalfa and other Improvements, nearly new; valued by owner at $4,000; near Lincoln; loan rung 3 years at 6 per cent. eml-annually, tax-free, and carries $1,300 insurance with it. 4(K) First Mortgage1 Loan on 5 acres with nice cottage, barn and other Improvements, near Lincoln, valued by owner at $2,300 up; loan 2 years, 6 per cent, semi-annually, tax-free J50 First Mortgage lxan on 2-story modern dwelling on paved street, valued by owner at , sj.duu; 111 surra tor ,vu"; toaa runs j years at t per cent, semi-annually, tax-free avjo.OOO School and ttty Itomls of Lincoln, Geneva, Beatrice, Milford, Adams, iioldrege and other places in Nebraska: denominations of $100. $500 and $1,000, Interest 4 to 5 per cent. Such bonds do not depend for their safety upon any individual or institution but are paid from taxes, which must be paid. We cash them any day before due for a com mission of 1 month's interest and have been doing so for over 16 years. If you have $100 or more which you desire to keep saMy. buy investments with "the worry left out." Over 10,000 others have bought our bonds and warrants, why not you? W. E. BARKLEY, Pros. LINC OLN SAFE DEPOSIT CO LINCOLN, NED. Get into Several Hundred Sample Garments Sent us ly llio MPiuifapturers for comparison and spleotion of our winter stocks; on stile at 2hrc Less Than Usual Retail Prices; vhicli means 40 to 50rc less than .irarments of like quality could ho retailed for if purchases were made since the stiff advance in makers' prices on fur garments. See these splendid special values dis played on second floor Thursday. jiffy Unequaled Linen Values Hemstitched or hemmed Table Cloths, full size, assorted, $1.75 values, each $1.00 Pure linen Huckaback Towels; also large bath towels; 3.9c values, each 25c Huckaback Toweling for fancy towel"., pure flax, values to 75c, yard , , 5QC Uiihemmed Pattern Table Cloths. German silver bleached worth $2.98 each $1.98 PURE CANE GRANULATED SUGAR for $1.00 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice .fl5o Corn Flakes, pkic The bent Soda Crackers, lb. 1-lb. rans Assorted Soups.. The best Tea Slftinns. lb.. . McLaren's Peanut Hutter, lb. irolUa-n Santos Coffee, lb. .. So . ..?Ho . . .74o ..191,0 . .13MiO M0 fhla Put TJd Tour Bartlett Tsars Weak Kxtra fancy Waahinaton Itartlett Pears, bushel boxes,. $1.78 Zztra Fane? Colorado Bartlett Bears Huahel boxes, per hox Cl.SS The Bast Oraamary Batter, carton or bulk. lb. 33o Fancy Creamery Butter, lb 39a Uood Dairy Table Butter, lb S5o The best strictly fresh, guaranteed Kirirs. per doxen B4o business via the "Business ,ivyr 4 i Thursday Friday Saturday '4t--:-.-.'.!i E ar ril? - .'1 Bat " rvfaa, . mm isa . : J. . -a n 3$ Fur Sets $5 00, $10 00 up to $200 00 With 2ocr reduction in this Nile. Fur Scarfs $2.95, S5.00 up to $100.00 With discount for three days. Special Sale of Boys' Blouse Waists and Shirts Thursday Bojrs' 50c Blouse Waists Madras chambrays, sat-, eens, percales, with mili tary collars, button cuffs, plain colors or stripes, light,, medium or dark, for ..25c Hoys' Bloune Waists All new est styles and bent fabrics, to I. 00 values; on sale Thurs day at Men' and Boys' shlrt-H Manu facturer's samples, made to sell boys to $1.00, men's to $1.50; all styles and good col ors; at, choice 40 Many other rousing specials In Furnishing Goods Thursday. F"'' Vr Wisconsin Cheese, lb. iOc ..r,, n bi noi conrroued bv the gutter trust. Try Haydens firit. it TBB TBOZTAB&B aUBKZT TOIL lo lbs. new Potatoes to the peck. 98o i. ,bl tr"h Apples to the peck, a So New Cabbas-e, lb u0 Ked or Yellow Onions, lb - aUj 4 bunches fresh Beets or Carrots. So Yesh Turnips, lb , 8c I.arite market basket Cucumbers Vj Large market basket Ripe Tomatoes , tor i6o Irse market basket CsntaliupeH 30c Fancy Sweet Corn, per dosen . 7s Fancy Rip Tomatoes, lb SVie r& Chances