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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1914)
A French Forces Suffer Another epulse The Omaha ' Daily EXCLISIVK X. V. WOULD War News Cables In Addition to ASSOCIATION PKKSH THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XLIV NO. GO. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOKX1XU, AUdUsT J7, 1!,14-TKX PAUKS. Om Yralas an at lotsl Wswa Btenia, fto. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. R Bee ( CZAR ANNOUNCES FRESH VICTORIES OVER BOTH FOES Message Says Russian Troops Now 'Occupy large Portion of Eastern and Southeastern Prussia. LEFT WINQ ENTERS GALACIA General Staff Says Main Army it Ad vancing Steadily and Silently on Posen. AUSTRIAN ACCOUNT DIFFERENT It Says Russians Were Repulsed in Three Days' Battle at Krasnik and Are Retreating. GERMANS LOSE AT NEIDENBURG Russian Report Tells of Capture of Point by Assault. CZAR'S ARMY NEAR MARIENBURG Advance Toward Vlitil Threatens DansisT and SffTemt Other Stroncly Fortified Points Rnsslana K.nthoslastlc. BlLLfcTI. PARIS, Aug. 26 (2:50 p. m.) A report was in circulation this aft ernoon that Russian troops yester day occupied Marlonburg, in East Prussia, twenty-rseven wiiles south east of Danzig. This news , has not been confirmed. BVLLETIJ!. LONDON, Aug. 26 (1:16 p. m.) The Russian embassy is In re ceipt of telegrams from the general staff at St. Petersburg which an nounce fresh Russian victories against both Germany and Austria. The messages declare that Rus sian troops now occupy the " whole of tha eastern and southern half of eastern Prvssia. '-...- Rasslans Continue Advance. LONDON, AUg. 26 (8:50 a. m.) A dispatch. to the Exchange Tele graph company from St. Petersburg says the Russian chief of staff an nounces that since Sunday the Rus sian invasion of Galicia and Prussia continued uninterruptedly along a wide front. While the Russian right wing is invading Prussia and the loft wing entering Galicia the Russian center, composed . of the great bulk of the army, is believed to be marching silently, but xwith terrible force, on Posen, the corre spondent adds. . According to a dispatch from St. Petersburg to the Exchange Tele graph company, German troops, re treating In the direction of Osterode, East Prussia, left behind them about 100 pieces of artillery. Austrian. Resort Raaalaa DrJeat. BERLIN, Aug. 26 (By Wireless to the Associated Press Via Nauen and Sayvtlle,' L. I.) Official re ports made public in Vienna and re ceived here by telegraph say that a battle of three-vdays' duration at Krasnik (in Russian Poland, twen tContinued on rage Two, Column Four.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Thursday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity r'alr today; warmer. Tenaneratare at Omana rterday Hour. Deg. 56 a , 57 M ....68 ....61 . m 61 :i TJ .....74 ..!. 6 a. m 6 a. m T a, m 8 a. in 9 a. m In a. m 11 a. m U rn 1 p. m 2 p. m 3 p. m 4 p. m 5 p. m p. m 7 p. m 8 p. m. .1.7 Comparative Local Record. 19U. 1913. 1912. 111. Highest yeaterday lowest yeaterday..... Mean t&riperature.... Precipitation T4 97 72 SS so 65 64 .00 8 60 77 7 .00 . M .ori Temperature and precipitation depar tures from he normal: Normal temperature Ptfictonoy for the day Total egress since March 1.. Normal pre lunation 73 9 CIJ .12 Inch I 'i 'dem-y rnr tne oav 12 inch Total rainfall since March 1...U.76 im-hea lienclency since March 1 3.fi3 inches deficiency for cor. period", 1913- 5.71 inches deficiency for cor. period. 1912. t.fn Inches Reports front Stations at 7 I', M. Station and Stats. Temp. High- ILaliv of Weather. 7 p.m. est. fall. Oieyenne. cloudy S3 ffi Iiavenport. cloudy TS 7 .00 fenver, rain SO W .14 We Moines, cloudy 72 . Tode City, clear TS S4 .00 1-endVr, cloudy 7. T .00 North Plat'e, cloudy 8 70 l.ic Omaha, (fear 74 o Pueblo. irtlv cloudy f 4 tt npid 4'lty, louay oli &f .C ra It Lake, cloudy 74 78 .40 Santa Ke, cloudy ' 7 00 rtbrtdau, clear 74 7 .00 Valer-tlr.e. cloudy i4 M V T Indicates trace if pie. ipitatinn. J A. IVtLSIl, Lucl rerccasitr. WARMEfi Prawn for The Hro by rowell. germans occupy ;townof namor Well Directed ShoU of Kaiser's Ar tillery Silence Forts of the . Belgian Stronghold. MASTER TWO BANKS OF MEUSE Invader Make Remarkable Proar ress In Faee of Klaboratejy Pre pared Defense French. Retake Cbarlerol. LONDON, Aug., IS (5 a. m.)-Th PAria. correspondent of the Timca, ,Who waa on the ttattlcflald earlier in the flht-. Ins, says tlmt he met a fe w milri rtstrta of Philippine, -a' Belgian officer and the paymaster sncral of Namur, who told him the town of Namur ad been occupjod by the Germans. It had been subjected to a furious bombardment and the German fire was m well regulated that the first few shots silenced Fort Marchovelettc on the northeast and Fort Malzaeret on the oast. Fort Aildoy also suffered badly and was almost out of action. The story continues: "The Qermana'cntered the town with out encountering much resistance. . Fort Dave at the southeast of the town and Fort Wepion on the op)Mslte aide of the Meuso and the line of fort to the north still reals. Germans Overcome Obataeleo "In spite of tti3 elaborate preparations with wire entanglements through which was passed an electrical current of 1,600 volts and the liberal use of broken glaas, Namur fell Into the hands of the Ger mans Sunday. "The Belgians evacuated the town In an orderly manner., .All rolling stock and motor cars were removed and the station master left on the lat locomotive With the railway cash box under his arm. The Belgian troops numbering about 3,000 pasted under the protection of a French cavalry screen, within the French lines." The correspondent aids: ' "Thus the Germans have done much to win mastery over the two banks of the Meusc, almost as far aa Dlnant. They, however, left behind them six of the right forts of Namur which, It is expected, will yet cause them considerable annoyance. "Later on Sunday the French artillery in Its turn opened fire on the stricken town of Charlerol. The Germana in the earlier stages of the engagement had (Continued on Pajte Two Column Throe.) First All-Water Voyage Through Canal Finished NEW YORK. Aug., 26. The fiist all water voyage from San Francisco to New York by way of the Panama canal was completed here -today on the arrival of the Pleiades, of the Luckenbach steam ship company. The Pleiades which files an American flag sailed from fun Fran cisco on July 34, and passed through the canal August 1. UHLANS TAKE RAILROAD STATION NEAR 0STEND PARIS, Aug., M. (2:30 p. m.) A dis r a tcli to tiie lis. as agency fruut Ostend suya that a squad. oi of I'hlans with quick firing guns have seized a railroad station near Owttn.1. They carried away the btatlon safe, blew up a portion of the track and left in the direction of Ostend. At Snaeskerke bridge, Belgian gendarmes In automobiles and en bloy cles came up with and engaged them. After an hour's lighting the I'hlans fled, carrying away seven dead. Tha Belgians had six men killed and two wounded. Tha wounded gendarmes have been placed aboard the steamer Pi incest Elizabeth, which I kept at the dock with steam up, rea'ly lo leave at a mo ments notice for Iunkirk. France. A number of German prisoners ala. are on board the Princess rJlixabeth. They in clude an officer and 'lilny nun who are suffering fivm auund Is it Going or Coming? i VXr.-: : s y . - Prince Frederick of Saxe-Meiningen Killed by Shell in Battle at Namur BERLIN. Aug. J6.-(By Wtnfrss to Tho Associated Tress by Way of Nauen and fayvllle, L. I.) According to official an nouncement made here today Lieutenant General Prince Frederick, of Paxe-Meln-Ingen wua killed by a shell !efore Namur, Augubt 1, '. No news of the situation on the eastern and western fronts of Germany has been given out toduy. . PAIUS, Aug. W.-It la officially an- AIHHF BRITISH SOLDIERS DEADLY Marksmanship of English Infantry men in Battle Like That Seen in Target Practice. FINE COOLNESS AND DARING When Uolck Action la. Necessary Men hjtow No Nervousness, N Kscttenicnt, hat Methodical Efficiency of T. Atkins. LONDON, Aug. 26.-(J a. m.) Tha cor respondent of the Central News at Parts sends tho following: "I have been talking with British of ficers, from the front, . who tell of the wonderful coolness and daring of the British soldiers In the fighting aroJnd Mons. "The shooting of the British Infantry men on tlm firing line was wonderful. Kvery time a German's head showed above a trench, and every time the Ger man Infantry attempted to rush a posi tion, there came a stoady withering rifle fire from the khaki clad men lying In extended formation along the wide battle rront. Their firing was not the usual firing of nervous men shooting without timing; rather It was tho calm and care ful marksmanship of men one- sees In Knglish rifle ranges firing with all the artificial aids permitted to the match expert. "When quick action was necessary the men showed no nervousness, no excite ment; they showed cool, methodical of flclency for which the British army Is noted. "If tha Uritlsh lost heavily, the Ger mans must have lost terribly. One of tho Uurman prisoners said: 'We had never expected anything like It; it was stag gering.1 " German Papers Are Without News LONDON. Aug. 86. (3:15 p. m.)-That the Germans areln almost utter Ignorance of any newa from the outside wort-i tr even of important domestic happenings Is emphasized by a copy of the Berlin Tageblatt, dated August 22. whi-vi ar rived here today by way of Holland. The Tageblatt contains a "rumor" cf Mrs. Wood row Wilson's death, but the paper declares that It Is unable to con firm it. The escape of the German cruisers Co ben and Breslau from Messina N i n nounced, but tho people of the German capital still believe that the ships are ready for action In the Sledltteri anean. Not a whlhper has been heard of tie leal fate of the warships. The Germans also are ignorant of the destruction of any Zeppelin dirigible bal loons. . The National Capital Tbe Senate. Met at 11 a. m. Iebaie resumed on the Clayton trust ' bill. 'I ke lloasc. Met at r.oon retia(e continued on bill lu odif film ing lan ( nounced that a German mince has been niiicn m name ana tne ministry or warl J " .imi. ..Ml. r I III. 1' Allert of SchleHwig-SundcrliiirK-Ulut'ks-burg. An earlier announcement had given the name of General Prime Adalbert, wlm was described as tho emperor's uni-lo. This was obviously an error, and the ministry of war now states that Adalbert, "was probably a telegraphic error, 'Al-i bert' having been intended." GERMANS TO USE -OSTENDJS BASE English Papers Beliere They Desire it as Strategic Point Against Great Britain. WOULD SUBJUGATE ENGLAND Germans Appoint a .Military Oov rnor for Peopled Part' of BeJ glum and He Is Already at Ills Post. LONDON. Aug. 26 (4:10 a. m.) The Dally Mall believe tbat tbe Germana will occupy Ostend for use later as a base of operation against England. The German movement against Ostend la of greater Impor tance and la dictated possibly by naval as well .a? military considera tions, says the paper. Ostend la only sixty miles off the Brit ish coast. If the Germans establish themselves there and bring up heavy ar tillery they may render a dangerous base of operations against England. Airships acting from It could watch the channel and the Thames and carry out raids against Great Britain. From a naval standpoint Ostend Is well equipped to servo as a refuge and harbor. If it were strongly held by land several German warships might attempt a dash thither from Wllhelinshaven and Heligo land. They then could carry out a haras sing warfare against shipping In the channel, and await a favorable oppor tunity for disembarking expeditionary forces for the British Isles. To Sabjogate Kiislnnd. LONDON, Aug. 36-(6 a. m.)-The mili tary correspondent of the Times today says: "Wo and tho Dutch need have no doubt that tho annexation of all the North sea ports from the Straits of Dover to Km den will follow a German auccess in the war a success which would only be pre liminary to the concentration of all Ger man effort on the subjugation of Eng land." Military .oernor la llelaiaiu. LONDON, Aug. S6-lt:15 a. m.)-A dia patch to the Iteuter Telegram company from Berlin, via Amsterdam, says Field Marshal Baron Kolmar von d?r Goltz has been appointed military governor of the occupied part of Belgium and has proceeded to his post. The governor of the district of Alx I. a Chappelle has be -n appointed civil administrator of the same region. Wheat Market in Chicago Rises on War News Account Excited bv predictions that tbe Euro pean war would be long-drawn-out, the wheat market soared today and a half hour before the cloae waa 7 to S cents higher than yesterday's close. December wheat sold at ILK. and that for delivery next May at $1.SJ"V Very little grain was actually bought and sold. The purchase of J0.OM bushels of May wheat alone was mfflr-ient to advance tho pi li e S cents n-ar the. close. None carrd to sell the cereal short, and longs acre In nj hurry to l.-ike profits. ARMY MAIN MISS ARMY RUSHED TOWARD POSEN FORTRESS Great Body of Czar's Forces Being Hurried Against Strongly De fended Place. MAY ACCOUNT FOR FOE RETIRING Believed it Probably is Reason for Falling Back of Germans in East Prussia. NO DETAILS OF BRITISH LOSSES Delay Increases Distress of Anxious Relatives of Soldiers at the Front ! ENGLISHMEN ARE NOT DAUNTED Announcement of Casualties Inten sifies Determination. BELGIANS SEEK TO GET FACTS vernmcnt of Little Stale Takes Mrpa to Secure P.vldcnce of Alleged Atmclllea of the lirrmsH, LONDON. Aug. 26. (4:40 p. m.) Since the withdrawal of the alllod armies to the defenses of tho French frontier, virtually no news has reached the public of the military operations In southern Belgium. The rush of' the main Ruaslan army toward the fortress of Tosen, In the German province of Posen, if true, In regarded as the sensational news of the day. It might account for tbe Germans falling back to eastern Prussia. The report that the French havo abandoned their positions In Alsace has not been confirmed, although It! Is labelled as official by the news agency which carried It. Other ver-' along of the same official statement) do not contain this reference and ' the French embassy today declared that It knew nothing of tb matter. eJar Increases Distress. Owing to the difficulty of eompll-l Ing a correct list along such an ex tended front, no details of the Brit ish casualties, which Premier As qultti yesterday placed at 2,000, yet have been received. This delay is Increasing the distress of anxious relatives of men at the front. The announcement of losses, however, only seems to have Intensified British de termination, Judging from the extra work being performed by the recruiting officers today. This tenacity of purpose waa fur ther evidenced by Premier Aaqulth in th House of Commons this afternoon In making tho announcement that proposed to ask King George to convey to the king 'of the Belglana the admiration with which (treat Britain regarded "the heroic re . ststance of his army and people to the wanton Invasion of their territory and art assurance of the determination of this country to support In every way the ef forts of Belgium to vindicate Its Inde pendence and the public law of Kuroie," Seeking Facts. The premier further declared that tho Belgian government was taking steps to get the established facts of German atrocities, as related in the statement given out yesterday by the Belgian mln lstr here, to the knowledge of the wholo civilized world. The opponents' of compulsory mllitsry service In Great Britain momentarily raised their heada In the House of Com mons today, but the premier reassured them. He said there was no Intention of Introducing this system. He sdd'd. how ever, that fecretary of War Kitchener needed all the recrulta he could get. It was a grent mlvtake to think. Premier Asqulth declared, that Great Britain wanted only 100.0s men. Austrian Cruiser in Far East Will Assist the Germans MANCHESTER. N. II.. Aug.. Ju.-Dr. K. T. Immba, the Austro-Hiiiigarlan ambassador tn the I'nited Slat today announced that lie had received a wire less message via hsyvilin, 1,. I . from the Hungarian secrntury of foreign affairs, saying that "fie emperor has commanded the Austrian cr.ilM-r Kalserin Klizaheth st Tslng-Tau to take up the fight to g ther with the German navy. Diplo matic relations mlth Japanese are broken off." Jenter, Mechanician for Wishart, is Dead i;UJIN. III., Aug M.-John O. Jenter. inc. lianlcUn for Spencer Wishart. the automobile racing driver, who was killed In an a'-cldent In tho Elgin national trophy ra last Saturday, died today lo a local hospital of his Injuries. OF CZAR MOVES War Summary Official reports made public, In Vienna and transmitted from Berlin by wireless to New York declare that a battle of three days' duration at Krasulk, in Kutwlan Poland, ended Tuesday in a complete Austrian victory. The Russian forres w-ere re pulsed along tho entire front and are in lull flight In the direction of Lublin. This is the first Indi cation of an Austrian advance Info KuFslan territory. Krasnik Is about twenty miles north of the (la'klan frontier. It was announced officially in Merlin yesterday that Lieutenant General Prince Frederic of Saxe Melnlngen had been killed by a shell before Namur August 23. This statement apparently clears up the Identity of the German no bleman who was reported Wednes day and today as having lost his life In battle. A news dispatch received in London from Antwerp conveys the report that the American minister" to Belgium, Brand Whit lock, has sent an energetic pro test to the German government against the hurling of bombs Into Antwerp from a Zeppelin airship. London yesterday received a news dispatch from Antwerp saying that another raid on the city by a Zeppelin had been at tempted last night. Measures taken by the Antwerp garrison, however, caused the airship to re tire. The French War office was silent yesterday, the usual of ficial announcement not being tunde.' Unofficial military opin ion, however, Is that the fighting along the French-Belgian frontier continues. A news- dispatch from Paris says that in Lorraine the allied armies have taken up a combined offensive movement and tbat tho. situation in the'Vosges Is- un changed. Th battle' continues in the region of Luncvllle, but tha French - troops are said to be making progress. ' . A dispatch from Antwerp sets forth tbat all German troops are believed to have left Brussels and that tbe Belgians expect to re occupy the city Immediately. This news, however, lacks confirma tion from any official source. A dispatch received in Rome from Vienna declares tbat Austria-Hungary hag declared war on Japan. According to telegrams from Nlsh, Servla, the losses of the Austrlans In tbe battle of the Drtna continue to grow. They are now given as 16,000 killed, 30,000 wounded and 15,000 prisoners. Three hundred thou sand Austrlans are said to have taken part In this engagement. Dispatches from the general staff at 8t. Petersburg announce fresh victories for Russia against both Germany and Austria. Rus sian troops are now said to oc cupy tbe whole of the eastern and southern half of eastern PruKsla. The Russian armies are declared officially to be con tinuing on the offensive. A news dispatch received In London from the Russian capital de scribes the Russian center, com posed of the great bulk of the Russian army, as marching "si lently, but with terrible force," on Posen, In Prussia. Austrian Loss at Battle of Drina is Sixty Thousand LONDON. Aug. 3. (Il ti a. m ) A dis patch from Psris to the Renter's Tele gram company uajs: "The losses of the Austrlans in the battle or tha Drina con tinue to grow, according to telegrams from Nlh. The latest uver that out of 3UO.0OO Austrisns engaged lj.000 were killed, :,000 wounded and 16,uft) made priKoners. Seventy-five guns were captured." House Members Must Get Back on the Job WASHINGTON. Aug. 26. Immediate appearanre of new facea in the house was anticipated by democratic leader today as the sequel to the cancellation of all leaves of absence except those baaed on Illness. The summary house order di rected that 121 a day be deducted from salaries of members who fail to return to their work immediately. The aergeanl-at-arma and lila assistant today were forwarding the orders to ab. sent members sll over the '.ountry. A few of the representstlves have remained In their horns districts almost the entire session, their checks being forwarded to them. Several are In'Kurope and other are detained by Illness ON POSEtJ LINES OF ALLIES IN NORTH RETIRE SHORT DISTANCE Paris War Office Admits . thai Franco-British Front Has Been Moved Back. GALLIC BIGHT ALSO RETREATS In General Way Offensive Between Nancy and Vosges Makes Head way Ag-ainst Foe. Battle Between Maubcuge and Do non, on Which Fate of Republic Depends, Being- Fought. ALSACE SOLDIERS ARE NEEDED Allies Holding Adversaries . and Sharply Checking Attacks. OFFENSIVE ON RIGHT RESUMED Joffre Stops Toranlt of Tentnna After They llarn Been DrlT Dark by Vlgoroas Os. alaagat. HtM.KTIV PARIS, Auk. (11:60 p. !.) The official Ntatctiient issued by the war dcMUlinont tonight says: "In the north the Franco-British lln have beon moved back m short tllHtAIH'P. I "In a general way our offensive Itetween Xaiwy and Voeges make headway. Our rlht, however, baa been obliged to fall back slightly In the region of Ht. Die. B11.LETIN. LONDON, Aug. 26 (6:J p. m.) German forces delivered an . at tack on the French southern Iron tier yesterday (Tuesday). They were repulsed and retired all along the line. BILLKTl.V. LONDON, Aug. 26 (4:02 p. m.) A dispatch from Antwerp to the Exchange Telegraph company saya the Belgian operations beyond Ma lines were continued throughout last night. Tbe Belgian forces suc ceeded In destroying defensive. works constructed, by the Germans, LONDON. Aug. 26 (7:30 a. m.) A dispatch to the Exchange Tele graph company from Parla saya the French War office baa Issued the ' following communication: "In Lorraine the allied armies have taken up a combined offensive . , movement. Tbe battle recom- menced yesterday la still raging at the time tbe bulletin la Issued." ' ' BILLETIV LONDON. Aug. 28 (4:42 a., m.) A Havas agency dispatch from Paris says: "Tbo situation In the Vosgea is unchanged. The battle continues in the region of Lunevllle and the French troops are making progress. "On the Luxembourg frontier and In the district of the' Sambre rlver several unimportant engage ments bsve occurred, the situation In tbe northern districts, give no raune for anxiety. No Germana. . . were seen toduy (probably Tues day) in tbe neighborhood of Lille yr Tourcolng (in tbe department .of Nord, France), where measures have been taken with a view to subse quent operations." Bl LLKTIK. LONDON, Aug. 26 (4:08 a. m.) A dispatch to Router's Telegram company from Ghent says: "A violent combat ' raged at Tournai on Monday, the cannonade lasting from 4 o'clock in the after (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) : rr Production and Profit No article is worth while considering as a product unless It can be marketed at a profit. v That means finding satisfac tory sales at the lowest pos sible cost. It means the elimination of waste the reduction of over bead expenses. Newspaper advertising la tha national market maker becauo it reaches a definite, concrete, compact purchasing power. It eliminates waste and Its costs are low. It has a double pull for the manufacturer because It Influ ences the local dealer as well as tha great purchasing public.