Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1914, Image 5

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    THE r.KK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY A1(H sT -jr.. 114.
I Qy-rr-ocucf J
Vulcan fits
the weather like a
rjove a thin
ove for mild
weather, a thick
one, for cold.
The weather has
played many
tricks on you
but it has neycrcaught
Vulcan napping. A
light, quick fire,
quickly kindled for
the little cold snap, or
a steady, hot fire for
the long cqld spell
it's all in the day's
work for Vulcan. The real
difference - between the
best hard coal and Vul
can Coke is that Vulcan
is a smokeless fuel does
the same work with less
dirt and ashes, less look
ing after, and charges
you less for the service.
Vulcan Coke' does not
burn out fire-pots or
grates and is adapted for
use wherever hard coal
can be burned.
rroduruiby , '
Coal Products Mfg. Co., Joliet, III.
Exclusive lmmestlc Sales Agents. .
Atwill-Mikemson Coil & Coke Co.
McCormlck Blflf ., Chicago,
Nebraska Fuel Co.
Dislril 'On
for tJmcha
So. Omaha
Council jffi
Lincoln Sanitarium
Newly Kebutit, Doubled Capacity.
Rlectrle Klevator, Modern
In every way.
Sulpho Sallns Springs
Located on eur premises and used In
' the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed In tlio treatment of
Heart. Stomach. Kidney ed Liver
Moderate charge. Write for rates.
I. O. W. RVE.RETT, Mgr.
140S M St L4COL!t. XEB.
OmanaNHEflLy Omaha
1602 S. 10th St,
Thone D. 7553
Player Pianos
lst PrTfsff.
e also have the $98
151.1 Douglas Street,
Rockford College for. Women
Accredited to tne Bortn Central As
sociation. BagTeea of B. A. and B.
S. Broad culture, with elective voca
tional courses that fit for life and
for self-support. Faculty la close
touch with the rlxls. Choaea body of
atudenta. Health and safety para
mount. Pure air, pure artesiaa
water, fine campus. Ke-ar fireproof
dormitory, electrto light, steam heat.
Oood table. Catalogue, Bos B".
Jl'UA H ULLlUa, t?b. U Ll. j. Prr.
Boarding School tor Boys l:; Zz:
Hifh MimI tnJ OH t.urB Ivrllns t
h4frr of Arti, ft li'4r o( letter
Hloimn-O otiMriiir at.iJ titta lt4'Uo oq
rt,u wt.
i!tphone aRpann I
Douglas I IsMlfffl
1 0 j II I lilnlilil
Kara Beot Fnit It Now Beacon rrea.
Life Koataly laoome- Oould. Rce BM.
Fidelity Storage aad Taa Co. Ponf. 1S1C.
Lla-atlae- fixtures nurtcas-urandeu
maT .mn'Vhe nr.!V.S i
clarified section today, ar.u triw" n
Tba Bn EXCT.l'fUVKl.T. una out nsi
lfa various mov1n picture theaters offer.
off race Bally rrlday A suffrage
rally will ho held Ktlrtay fvcnlne on Mr.
(irwvy i lawn, Twenty-ninth and Hickory
streets, when Mayor Pahlnisn will pre
side. Wants Maiden Mama Back Mi.
Emma M. Otncs hn hrouaht stilt In (lis.
trlrt court for divorce from Charles . H.
Clines an-1 for the restoration of her
maiden name of I'jnima M. Pnhaty
XtaUaas Betura To Ptfli Royal 1.
Miller, local steamship axent ha hooked i
twenty-two Italian reservists lor a,
steamer out of New York next week. They
return to thi-lr mother country to Join the
a i my.
Bmrta Bis Eye In a rail O. E. Clark,
Wl California street, slipped and fell
to the pavement in front of the postoffW
tuitMIng and sustained a had cut over his
left eye. Clark was. attended to by roller
Stinreon Edstrorn.
aTlnf Bid Bejectea Th e hid of
Hugh Murphy to pave Farnnm street
from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth street
haa been rejected by the city council be
cause It waa believed to, be too hlnh and
the city clerk haa been Instruct! to re
ad vertlse.
modfara Beld for Assault t W.
Ui dgcri". Hurt street, waa bound over
for trial In the district court on the charm
uf assault, the complainant yeina- Ills
dailfchter-ln-lnw. Hetectlve Ittcli took the
man Into custody In a small town In
North rnkota.
Information for Ittr Writer Be
cause of uncertainly of Kteamboat sched
ules, caused by the war, the Postofflce
department is furnlshlnfe to each post-
offlce a time table for lnnllinc foreign
letters and parcels. The time table w ill be
Issued weekly.
Ilim Bant to Jail 1 furry A. Kap
lan, who says his home is In Koaton and
that he la a salesman for a shoe firm In
that city, was sentenced to ninety days
for obtaining a check for Jltx) under false
pretenres. The check was issued on the
State bank of Omaha.
Auction Bale Postponed The sale of
the old Dr. Ira Van Camp homestead at
auction, which was to have been held
Wednesday afternoon, has been post
poned ,imill Vepteinber 2 at 3 o'clock In
the afternoon. This property Is located
at Twentieth and Webster streets.
Thleres Are OetUa' Uttrary Las t
nipht some one broke Into a display case
In Kicsor's book store in the Young: Men's
Christian association huildinir and took
away a dozen books, selecting different ! orders have been given. Heretofore no
tifies. They took tho padlock along with j tl'' of tn0 encampment and orders rela
them so they can come back and el j t,v tf maneuvers have been fcnt out
more. about a month In advance, but this year
Cannot Sleep on Left Side Inability
to sleep on his left side la one of the
reasons Joseph Madden seeks to recover
7,M0 damages from the street rallwov
company for injuries sustained when a
car in which he was riding on North
Thirteenth street ran Into another oar.
Madden says he was permanently bruised
and his left side was hurt so that he can
not now sleep.
The convention of the Fnlted Brothers I
of Friendship, an organization In masonry
among tne colored people. Is to hold its
national convention In Omaha next year.
The convention has just been held for
this year at Keokuk. Ia., and H. A. Chiles
of Omaha is given the credit for boosting
for Omaha hard enough to get the next
convention here. Chiles waa a delegate
from the local organization. It Is ex
pected that the convention will bring
some 1.500 here. There Is an auxiliary
organization that will meet at the same
time known as tho Sisters of. the Mys
torlous Tent.
At least four police raids were acci
dentally "tipped off" Monday night by
Police Commissioner A. C. KugM through
; the letter's zeal.
I Detectives u.r ...-.:.. , . .
. ni'ifniun i.u-ib.w viola
tors, when Mr. Kueel, acting alone
on hla Initiative, did the sumo k. !
known to the officers. Mr.' Kual
however, waa "spotted" by lookouts fori T INi'OI N A up. r..-Specla!.-The
the lawbreakers, and befor-- tho officers pl,e crop In Nebraska for 1!14 Is far
could get Into action, thlims were sud- from being a bumper crop such us has
denly closed tighter than drumhead. , been produced In the past, says Secre
Luter the officers learned the reason tor j tary .1. It. Imnoan of the State Horticul
tl.cir failure. i ., minni rnnker. the drouth
The lltmt,.Jr Test.
"Some twenty years ago iinxI Chain
lerlaina Colic, Cholera and f'larrhoea
Remedy," w rites George Brook, nub.
Usher of the Enterprise. Aberdeen, Md.
o.overra ml u was a HUlCk and
uf LUl'6 ,'or rrhoea. Since then fcr.
as good." During all these years I have
used it and recommended it many times,
end it has never disappointed anyone."
For sale by all diuslsts.-Advertlsement.
Chief Clerk C. F. Stenieka of th Htv
comptroller's office nun been appointed
deputy city comptroller by the city coun
cil at an Increase of salary of from $1,800
to $2,100 a year. W. F. Chambers, former
deputy, resigned. Mr. ftnieka will con
tinue to be head book-keeper oC the de.
par tment.
Vae Blanchard Ecumt Lotion
21 Years on th Market
sold at Drug stores
Write for fre Ilooklet describing
siii.A luisr.A.. and tneir CAI KKM.
'Address Prof. J. Q. Dlanchard, ssil
; Cottage Grovo Ave., Chicago.
Teething Badies
suffer in hot weather
HrSeWIdow'sSootting Syrup
?ort that lineoln Candidate Will j
KUn Against ffioreneaa.
Afljatant i;rnral Hall cd Oat
llrdrra for Mohllliatlnii on hort
ntlce l PrlcJ for
Mnlrk Action.
i f rom m tarf Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. 3- Special. -Tlicre Is
a t umor that Oe r W. H-rRe may run
In'k-pend'ntly for governor against fJov
ernor Morehead. Mr. Perno docs pot
seem to want to i.w much abo'it It and
hla law partner says he doesn't know
anything about It, but it la well known
that one of the gentleman's nuiniisers. of
whom he had several, haa N-en talking a
great deal and feeling sore over the re
sult. This, with tho fact that Mr. Herao
haa neglected to ' follow the customary
plan of sending A congratulatory message
to Governor Morehead, assuring him that
he l for him. has given much credence
to the report.
Kndraor to Break AY III.
Just how much there Is In a name will
have to ho decided by the supreme court
of the state, the rape coming on an ap
peal by Mrs. Margaret Cook nnd throe
others from a decree of the district court
of Hutler county In which the will of
Alexander S. Kltehio Is contested, or a
certain residuary clause in which Mr.
Hitchle left tho sum of $2.1,ft00 to certain
nieces and nephews, the clause reading;
"That what remains- to be equally di
vided among all my nephctvs and nVecea
that are known by the name of Illtehle."
The contestants who happen to be
nieces and nephews also but unfortunately
do not bear the name of "Ritchie," oh
ject to the last eight words of the clause
and on this tried to break the will. The
court held against them and they have
Itr. Klaln to Beatrice.
State Veterinarian Klgln has gone to
Reatrice, where he will take part In the.
government demonstrations for the pre
vention of hog i-nolera which are being
given In Gage county. From there Dr.
Klgln will go to Fremont and examine
seventy-five homes which are to be used
In the national guard maneuvers at Ash
land next week and then on to Ashland
and examine about 150 others which will
also be used In the same encampment.
v qnlrk Work with tinard.
General Vhll Hull h attempting to see
lust how quickly the companies of the
National Guard can be mobilized after
orders for transportation wero sent to
the dlffersnt companies on "Satutdsy and
they aro expected to get things to solng
so that th? whole time which will expire
before all the troops reach 'he camp at
Ashland will only be about four days.
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. 25. (Speclal.)-Candl-datea
for nomination to the different
offices, both successful and unsuccessful.
re sending In their expense accounts each
day and the supply does not seem to
diminish. . Following are those reaching
the office of the secretary of . state this
Conrad Hollcnbeck. candidate for the
nonpartisan nomination for supreme
Judge, spent $02.4. -
. H. Young, candidate for railway
commissioner on the republican ticket,
George W. Potts, candidate for lieuten
ant governor on the democratic ticket,
O. M. Pkiles, demjoratic cand,ldute for
regent, I2.".
R. W. ftan-lston, democratic candidate
lor railway commissioner, 11J.J.
O. S. Spillman, who lauded te repub
lican nomination for congress in the
Third district. $.".W.63. '
J. M. Teegarden, republican candidate
for state tressurer. J4;t "A.
J. H. Kemp, candidate for republican
nomination lor governor, .iio.
W. H. Lehr. candidate for railway com
missloner, $!e..5!i.
I . v Ki,.rr Corre.noodeiii l
of last year and the general ifegleet of
the orchards nre responsiblo for tho de.
creased production of last year and this.
This condition will become worse Instead
of better until the owners of the orchards
give their trees that still have a chance
! . k. m.i.,.h (. . r thev deserve and
: ,1(.w orchards cine Into bearing.
When the consumer ceases to buy
wormy and scabby fruit, then the 'grower
will give his orchard the care it de
serves and the average yield will be In
creased. The major part of the apple
crop In Nebraaka this year will be pro
duced In the following counties: Pawnee,
Richardson, Johnson, Otoe, Nemaha,
fl Cass. Sarpy. Douglas. Podge, ashlnf-
4Sn, uuri ana aunuera.
(From a Staff C'orreiondcnl.)
LINCOLN. Aug. 3S.-(flpe"ial.)-Two Ne
braskans, the only exhibitors from this
stale, took first and sis-ond premiums at
the Interstate fair at St. Joseph, Mo., last
week. Arnold Msrtln of Pawnee county
.. i..i w e i m Vt tat a ar rt n I .
,..., ,,ltnia,. Bd Geo.-ge ivming of Flll-
more county took second
These two exhibitors, and many others
witli exhibits of eiual merit, will contest
for supremacy at the Nebraska state
fair, September 7-11.
Aeeldent Proves Fatal.
FAIRHFRY, Neb., Aug. 25. iSpeeial.)
James McKerne, the young Beatrice man
who wss thrown under a car at the Rock
Island sandpit, three miles northwest of
this city, yesterday afternoon, died at
the general hospital late last night. He
was working for his father, who haa a
contract for loading sand for the Rock
Island. The body will be taken to Bea
trice for burial.
OHIOWA. Neb.. Aug. Ppe.-lal.v-The
village of fihiowa will install elec.
trie street llghta as soon as the work can
commence. The material U here. The
lights will he F-0-watt bulbs with inverted
i one reflu tors
The board of trustees of the vlllsj, of
Ohiowa have ordeird more ho.-, ladders,
etc.. fur the volunteer fire d pat tment.
Jansen Savs it Cost !
Him Nothing To ;
Get Nomination!
r.ATitu i:. Neb.. Au, .v--i -i c,-i.(i t ;
-TiLr Jaurrii n,.( , iti-in.-nt Momlay J
showing tliHt t o-t 1 t m tiotnliiii I" he i
nomin.ilcl regent n the n iulH sii
fik't not e .'u ,i 1 1. 1 - it i. e stnmi'. It cost
J. . McKfsHlck ! I .'.'i 10 nnik 1 lo lace
for the deuiiM r.itl.' pontin.itloii f,,r eom-nlssioni'l-
o( Ininl- :ied txnl-liims foi'
which offiei .Mr. I'.otnan wik iioimua-j
r Kll .hultr., iK-e.l i-l l-'aiioutv, uodj
Mis. Josephine M. I'd koln. a-eil ., neie
it n Illn.t .. VI...11I it ni.
.,-.... ...
J. II. West, a mourn- lenient or , Mr 1 tlimmi, r(u,. pre, inets
Keatrtce, died roiodiiy einri.g. i'K'dlKlvn(S ,r bM r,r x,,v, ,.,, tl. . .
Si years. He is survived by one son. J . puhll. an th act "
M. VArsr ot in.iwauta. kii hii-i two.
daughters, Misiin and Grae. of IIUh city. , mi ssune to U. 11. Ilonell. the siucersful
The funeral was held today under the i-.iiidldiitr:
auspices of the Mas nilc order.-id which, -Accept my congratulations on out
the deceased w us a nieinhei nimlnatlon for .gov ernor. I am wltil you
Word whs received I tie Mnd-iy from!,, the rninpii'g'n and my services arc at
St. Kranels, Kan., to tho effect that some' j,,ur coiiiinand."
of the articles taken from the postof fire i
there last week by robbers were found
under an old store building at that place
Sunday evening.
Crowd Quiet During
Held's Arraignment! :!Ll
-.rr- 1v of in
S Ht YLKR. Neb.," Aug. I-tprclM
Telegrnin l- Frank Held, accused of at
tni king and murdering lS-year-old 1oiilse
Mick, was arraigned hero today In a
crowded court room and pleaded not
guilty to the tw'o charges. Ho was bound
over to the district court for trial.
The spectatora made no demonstration,
but preserved Intense alienee. The sheriff
and twelve deputies) guarded Held.
Held declined the court's oTfer of an
attorney's nervtcus and waived prelimi
nary hearing.
An Ideal AVoinnn'a liStithr,
No better laxative than lr. King's Now
Life Fills. They help the liver a:nl bowels
to healthy action. &o. All druciilsU.
llEl'l'l'LICAN. ! I'KMHi'RAT.
Hammond IR.OoT'Uerge
Howell lft.ii.HI Metcalfe
Kemp Morehead
Shotwell M.I72I Pearson
Hoagland 17,71-! Potts
Albright 10.170 Hnavely
Van Alstine.:.. .l.fiiH:
Barnard'.i Shields
Walt :7.4tiii .,U1
Villi TV-l t
. . !!
. . IO.7S0
.. s.:'5
.1 ".!
Minor XJI'i'No opiKisltioa.
O'Neal ls,4:t
Hamer 28.."fi:i Hall i4.7WI
Teegarden a),Kl GuiiaKher 14, V.'i
Thomas 19.23;!' Whitehead ...
Hays ,N7i Monroe
lilliott n.mrtMlne
I Walker
Avers 12.6S4 lleed,
Wears ls.7:4 uiosed
Iievoe , ... 9,.1iO
Mcgulstion .... i,:t4Xi
LA N 1 ft ).M M ISSIONK1!.
Ueckinan. Illaslham
unopiiosed. I.VIcKlssl-k ....
I Marti
Hull IR.r.;V01M
Young Maupin
Huval S O'C'I Ralston
Kelfer 4,114! Ix-hr
Johnson 7 ;!u'ti
. .anssi
. .11.7S
.. ,9T'l
., XSril
..11, .KM
. ,ai:i
Peterson '8.2I2
Coilpland I9,2'.4i Nolilo 14MW1
Jansen IH. 4!M Miller 19 75H
Urown 21,J20!Skiles li 44s
-VP ?' 'rrt .'.S r U'V'
-..Cl,-. rPT'f .M.S. i ,. t
During the fall Is the best season of tho year to uee
Advertising Novelties
Our line embraces practically everything made in leather, cel
luloid, aluminum, cloth, felt, wood and metal, and hundreds of
upeclal artii'leu. Come in and see, or call Douglas 3530.
Xew loi-alion ltli and Kama,,, Streets.
I s - P '. -
J -.X. XS x.-, SO. Q1HA4Wtc' ;'- 7 , - -TZ.J". $
Mot Modern and Sanitary llrotvery in the Wel.
Family trade- supplied t : South tmaiia JKTTKK, tf.V)2 Sire;
Telephone Smith M:f. Iiuaha HI (,() V. HJI., 1,11 INtujrlas Kln-t;
I'boiie lk.uglaa 8t)0. tVuiull liluff OLli AUK UAH, 1512 SxitlUi Suth
Street; I'houe .Ui2t.
senator kemp pays visit
from a Mrf Correspondent
I.INCilN, A"g. ?.". .-ierlal.t-Senator
.1. II Kemp of l-'ulh rlon was in the
ly today and was the center of :nti:n-
t'on at the l.lmMl hotel, where l.e was
slopping tie re.elMd many congratula-1
tlons oil the fco. I 'Ml he ll:de f -t the)
republican nomlnnt'oii f'r and j
P'uny rgres were eip'ssed tliat 'n bad
pot Inn. led aft' r puttliiR up a flht no'ed :
for Its cleanness
"I pul up the Wst fltilit I Knew how." j
s;,ld the senator. "All of us eouh1 not)
win and 1 am prelt well satisfied with
j the vote. feel prett good over my voie
I In Fullerton. the city and the outsldci
- ... I
p'eiini'is nrounu H omy giving my oppn-
: iifiilM nine vole, nix l.i tr. Iloilelt .inil
Senator Kemp has sent the following!
i From a Staff Correspondent. 1
LINCOLN, Aug. . iSpcrlal.)-The
Slate Normal board Is holding a session
ito Iioiiso today, linking up mat-
importance to the normal schools
R"nerni wny going over inmn
of luteiest to the board.
The matter of the uncompleted condi
tion of the Chndron school's women a
dormitory wa.s taken up. President Sparks
saying that the conditions surroundlnit
the work were Very unsatisfactory, soma
of the work bring very poorly done and
a large amount being uncompleted and
l not nni'-h activity shown toward flulshlna
the building. The contract calls for the,
completion of the building Vrforo the fa'l
term shall In-Kin, but at the present rate
the president thought there was Utile
chance of getting It done.
It was finally decided to notify Archi
tect Mulholland of Soiilli Pakota that If
the work waa not completed hy Septem
ber 7 action would be tuken on his bond
for damages. Tho term will begin Sep
tember 14 and about yX will complete
the building. AJinut .',IOfi remains of the.
contract price yet to be paid.
The hoard derided to employ Mrs.
Katherlne McLean of Fremont as pre
ceptress at the new building at. a salary
of lien a month.
FA I RUHR Y, Neb., Aug. IV (Special
Telegram.) A tragic drowning took place
In a bayou of the Little Hlue river a
mile southwest of Falrbury when the
little .Vyoar-old son of Charles Roland
lost his Uf-. '
Ills father and helper went out to the
field near the river to do some plowing.
:ind while cng.iK 'd tho buy wandered
nwiiy and aeeldently fell In the water.
Slleued tlaralnr Held.
PLATTSMOFTH, Veh., Aug. 2.-(Sp,
clul.) In Justice AYcher'a court Monday
afternoon luney llellaney was bniin-l
i.ver to the diet i lit court on the chargj
ot burglary, and Ed. Wilson and George
l-ewls wero bound over as witnesses. On
day last weel; the three colored men broke
Inlo s bunk car at Murdock and stole a
jair of new shoes, It Is churg'-d. '
Hraves Mail A iinim.trra,
The Post en club lias Just signed two
yotuiK pin vers of much pioinlse. ono of
them 's W illiam Martin, a shortstop of
promise, who i omcs from Georgetown
ci llevn. The Cincinnati club put In a
ilalm for him, but the National commis
sion awaided him to Huston. The other
li Ponohue. a little catcher, who plaved
this yenr w Ifh the Washington and Lea
university team.
2:-Mjci f-! . a. V
'i'A it: - ui-T; " ' ., " -:itP
f Ki t
i Is.-i X
I I1 I ' .'J 'i
.. .
Find the
More New Fall Suits Arriving Daily
In Our Ready to Wear Section
SUITS in stunning cfTocls nml in the vovy unrest ma
fcrinls and colors for t ho coniinc: season.
TllliSl suits arc Inirirctl from a fine' of broatl
clolli, filo ololli, In-own granite clotli, mannish sergos,
etc. The long jacket seems to ho tho most favored, al
though we have point, box short jackets. All the jackets
are lined with a good quality of silk and satin, some have
velvet collars and cuffs, some bird velour effects, sonio
curded back and silk corded buttons. Skirts in Russian
tunic, drape, etc.
Burgess-Bash Ce. Second floor. .
Just Right for College Wear
SUMK beautiful creations that nre newly arrived from
the Knst, with that touch of individuality that ap
peals to the sweet girlish fancy, .lust as an idea:
AVKHV pretty model in Copenhagen bine broadcloth,
Roman stripe silk lining and lapels, brocaded velvet
collar. Skirt with tunic effect with filk braid trim.
ANOTHER style, tailored in green cheviot cloth, jacket
three-quarter length, velvet collar and cuffs of same
color ami silk drape back. Skirt yoke effect.
AVKRV pretty suit us shown in navy blue broadcloth,
black braid trim, piped (around collar and caiffa)
in red, short jacket, belt effect. Skirt yoke effect. '
Burgess-Hash Co. Stooud 11 oot.
Newest Pattern in SILK for Waists
V si
BY FAR the best hose in Omaha at 50c. It's really
beautiful hosiery.
When we buy this stocking from the manufacturer
it is never a question of profit with us. We pay the top
notch price pimply because we want Omaha women to
know that here in this store you can buy for f0e the best
looking and best wearing Iniot silk stocking sold in
Omalia todav
High spliced hwl and double sole toe, extra double
mercerized top in black, at, pair, oOe.
Burrese-Basa Co. Mala Tloor.
1'anev silk dress shields.
ler pair 10
JUmed dress belting, in all
widths, yard 10c
Large hair nets, all shades,
five for 10c
Mercerized tapes, five-yard
bolls, with bodkin 5c
t'hanviis jewel eases, 10c
Sink Strainers
ALUMIM'M sink strainer,
regular 3ne quality, Wed-,
nesday, In the basement,
each '. 25
Electric Irons
ELECTKIC nickel plated sad
iron, tho "Max" brand,
Wednesday, lu basement,
at 82.08
4TIK brooms, made from good
quality broom corn; regular
35c quality, sieclul for Wednes
day, at, each 20?
Outing Flannel, Yard 9c
YARD wide fancy outing llannel. This quality outing flannel l
very desirable for making night gowns,- pajamas, children's
sleepers and undergarments because of its soft fluffy, yet firmly
woven loxturo. Mill lengths pf the 12,ie quality, on sale Wednes
day in the economy basement, at, yard . o-
Shaker and Canton Flannel, Yard 5c
BMSACHKD and unbleached shaker and ronton flannel, in Tar
lous grades, ranging in value from S'ic to H'c yurd. Choice all
day Wednesday, In the economy haisemrnt, at, yard s-
Dress Flannels, Yard 7l2c
LKJHT. medium and dark colored dress flannels; very desirable
for bouse dresses and kimonos, regular 10c and 12 4c. quality,
Wednesday in the basement, at. ai-d
Burs-ess-Wash Co Basement. "
l.stabUske 18.
We Have
Built a
Well Deserved
on Suits
and Gowns
HKRF. is an exquisite material f6r
pretty and stylish waists that has
just, nrrivetl in the store. It is white
. croio de chine, A'2 inches wide with an
even black stripe. Jt is stunning when
made up. At a recent style show in
the East a waist of this material was
pronounced to be the most effective
waist exhibited.
42 inches wide, $2.3!) per yard.
. Bnrgess-Basta Co. Main lloor.
Kimono dress shields, sizes
.T and 4, for 25c
Embroidery edging, extra
wide, all colors, 6 vords to
bolt, for .'...15C
Human hair nets, all shades
-2 lor 25o
Dixie shoulder braces, $1
Mother's matemitv sun-
porters, all sizes, at $1.75
Co. Mala floor.
Clothes Pins
BKRT quality clothes ptni,
made of hard wood. The
kind that don't split or break,
special for Wednesday, 30 la
package, for gj
Oil of Cedar Mop and Oil
ONE can of regular 60c oedar
oil and one regular $1.50 oil
of cedar mop, specially priced
Wednesday, the combination
l 08
Tomato Cans
TIN tomato cans, 1-qjart sua,
Wednesday, per dozen
Co. Basement.
ttuulure trat.-i mm r... rniiw . n .
clntlflu niethotlc. The majority are cured
ltliout a sur glial operatlou. We have
tratil many hundreds of men, womea and
clillJi-cn. The cost lu determined after x
antinatloa, and time required to cure two
or three weeks. Call or rit for fartbar