tfik nr.r.: omaita. adjust 11114. WANT ADS Want ads .revived at ar time, but to Insure proper ciassKb al.on m'.nt pre sented bfor 12 o't'lix-K noon for nTinni edition and 7: p. m. for morning and Sunday edition Unt i r rtvnl aftr 'ic!i hours will b under the hcl,ng Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES. n time. 12 rent a in. Thr-a time within on weelc, 9 cent a. lln arh InacrUon. w consecutiva time. 7 cent a Una each insertion. rHATiar, rates. Three times within one week, 10 rants a lln a h Insertion. Seven consecutive, times, I cent a 1'na each tnrtlnn. Count six avarege word to a Una. Minimum churn. M o-nt. Ton ea Plana your want d In Tha Bee ey t'phon telft.tovt: ttlep. p Unclairnel Answers to tho "Swappers' Column" Hundred of oilier anaaara have l.n llad for and lllvrd during Ilia laat wek. It la reaaotiahl to auppoa Hu4t nil of tha people below have, mad the Jealred amapa therefore, do rot rail for Ui balani-a of their ana writ. He Wntit S ' t r. tit: s r, sr, f r 51 1t t"J una, 1:;.1 at M3 :i iiu t.'oi r-'i7 "1 Wi !W. 11W Una l-.'A pi 7 Wi 11.1 K'U l.M 11 :1 ' 11:1 l.'H l.'.l HI V7: loi lln U'.'S 17 ' H74 1U7 122j 1' T llf 117.. rr:j 1270 r: r. yft i7 1.':! 17,1 :i ina llss i:.i7 l.'7J : t 1(M ll'ri !: U4 4 !". HOit 1IM l.'ia l.'f) nr.ATiia ai h.m;ihi, mituks LKK- Mm. Mary T. M yrata old. I'uneral tlila afternoon at 4 So from tha ealdene uf her daiiKhtar, .Mra. VV A. Kll'.a, 'Iwil Amea avenue. Iuterinrul il Korel t.nyn rrmetery, lODAVS CXJMI'LK'fK MOVIE riMXillAM Kxcluklvely In The iiee CAMKKAPUONK. 1 POlTGIAil The 1'realdenl'a Hiieelal, 2-rwl Fdlaon. Bmniho lillly'a hataj joke, Eaaanay. Second Sight, Vlt a K rapU. F.IJTK Tfl K A T K KNO t. W1K FAKNAM. M'arfra In tha hklea. VltBKiaOij. , TaJe of Old 1 ueaon, Kxllauo. l,ova and Flnme. Jiihln. T A It NAM THKATKR, Hli FATtNAJd" Tlie IHamond Nip per a Joker t'otn. J. ura of the lielcha, ;-i'-l. Ulaon. Serlea No. 9 of Tn Mllllon-polUr Mya-t.-ry will ba ahown hera tonight. Two thrilling parta. KMTK llli;ATKH NO. 2. 1.11H Karnani.' rfllppery Kllm and Hi Tombaton. Ka. The Heart Rebellion. 2-rel. l.ub. The Ilorae Thlaf. Vita I'AHK TJltATKK. 1 -So. 1HTH tiT. Two-reel lonaJ faatura. Western uruma. Sterling comedy. 1'AIUAJK TJlKATEIt, 1408 liOCOUAS. Through Ih Flamea. 2-rel Flex. M I O'l'lork. Hterllng rumwly. PRINCESS. 1 sTTH Ih rHAlS. The lloie In the Garden Wall, featuring" Kmrt Julian. Tha Strain,-' ."mnal, weptcrn drama. A Rural At fair, Sterilnn. Aortal. AI.HAMBRA, 1S14 NO. 24TH Tha .Stolen t'od". J-rael Reliance. The lecalvcr, Komie comadv. King of the Pole. H lue Knob. IIAWONP THKATrR. 410 UKE 8T. Jte.acued by Wlrclaaa, 2-re.el Kiaon. Hehlnd the Veil, Rax drama. On Hia Honeymotm. I'nlv. Ik comedy. FR A N N'T H EA., 24T7rTFRANKLlN The Indian Agent, i-reel Kalem. Sophie Gets htung, Kaaanay. The Kalan and the True, Yttagrnph. IHPPOUHOMU. 36 I'll AND CUMINti. Trlnketa of Tragedy, two-real Kauuay. A Train of lncldanU. Vltagrapn. Unit I'on'a Treachery. Kaicm. i'l THbATKIl, 16TH AMi 1JCUHT Andy llaa a Toothache, hkllaon. Hread l'pm Ihe Water. 2-ree Vltagraph. Sweedle the Pwatter, htaanay. 3jti:roi', Tragedy of the Orient Our Mutual Girl. Th Fatal Mallet. XJU .NU. 34TH JJVAl. TH KATKR. Jk t'AUPWELJL Irene a Huay Pay, Victor comedy, olana of the South Seaa. 8-rl Hlxon. Vnlv. Ike In I'urault of I'.ni. I n. Ik com. PAi,A'K THKATKR. I3 DAVUNl'ORT Tha Runaway, Front. At Mexl.o' Mercy, Victor. Plain Mary, Hex. SI 'HI'KHA N, 24TH AND AMW Hv the Aid of a Film. F.dtaon. The Seventh F'relude. 2. reel Kxsanay. The ijueptlon and thr Anawer Man, Iuhln. Moatlt. APPtnJ. 2S24 LEAVKNWORTIL Tha Vainpire'a Trail, 2-rel Kalem. The Locked Koom. Vltagraph. Hllppery Sllm'a Pllemma. Kaaanay. I'ULl'MRIA. 1710 8. 10TH 8T. 1 leant Kelig. The Operator at Hlack Rix-k. I-r. Kalem. Hornet lilnK to a Poor. KdUoin. lfM FTrf"fTTKATKR. 2 A V lNTONi The Million lollar Myatery, 2-r. Serlea 7. .Inn Cameron' Wife, 2-reel Pon.eatlc. The Great Toe MyHterv, Keyatone. FAVORITK THKATKR. 171 Vinton 8U Tlie Man with a Flituie. 2-reel I.uhln. Jler Trip to New York. Kaaanav drama. Hia Kid Mister. Vltagraph comic. FAV AIRDOMF. AN. 17th and Vinton. Sunday. Aug. to. Pert la of Pauline, eerien No. 4. ii E M T HE A T K R. lxi-8TT3TH8T! Krannford In Arcadia, 3-reeI Rclalr 11ANSCX5M THKATFR. 2!th. A. Caatellar. 1'earl of the Sea. Powera drama. A Ragged Knight. 2-reel Flo I-awrenoe. 1.7 RIC THEATER, JOT-VINTON-BTT oubliette. S-reel Blaon. IHA6TIMH 231 A I.KAVKNWORT11. lead Men Tale, S-reel EolaJr, and a good comedy. &c Adlmlaalon Ac. VKNfcVIA TH EAT7 E R. U'irsoUTII KITH. Tray O' Heart No. 1 (Flower O Flame ), t-reel Gold Beai. A Strong Affair, Sterling comedy. weai. AIRDOMB THEATER. Farnam A Park. The Wheat and the Tare. 2-reel. Vita. The tvqukiiara Gal. Kaa. Bion t Monkey with the Buia Saw. Kal. MONROE. 2:. FARNAM 8T. Trey o' Heart p. third eplaode. What Happened to t hulu Joker Com IVInraa for a Pay. Vict. Pr. Brataoaj. RrTNBON THEATER. iS MAIN T. They o' Haarta. No. 1: tWhtta Water). Wife Bujy Pay. Joker Comedy. Her Grave MlMak. Neator Prama. (-aril b.effa. T.OPUR THEATER, a?, b ROAD WAY, A Lucky Ixi-pti0,, .'.rel. Neat. A Howl of Koe. flex. . Oeaaaux. 1 PES.OK THEATER, J4TH AND N. i Touch of N at ura. Kllon. A Gentleman of leisure, j-ral. Eaa Memorlea in Wen riuul. Vila. MAGIC TJiEYTER, :4Tfi AND Hia Wife'a Fllrtationa Kterl Dg Com. The Price Paid, -rei Ki lair. Vaaatwllt. ORPHEVM. XITH M. HOLT1I OMAHA hPECIAU Srrl feature every Saturday. A audev illa. A X X Ol'X CK.M2-N TS LI CKY wedding rings. Brooegaard'a Wedding announcements. Doug, pig (j0 rioTd Fiour; x lue., II. Wagner. iTn Ki. HAZ.LL leaf I'll Cones. Best rmwxiy for If l ing, bleeding or protruding pu... si. poetixl, samples free. llin.u fc ilt -Con:itil Dt ug Co . Omaba. AXXOl XCE.1F.NTS. ' iit-.T n priinit .... Hi In my ar r 1 1 room for mmn lunch. I'KTL IJK II. 31 S 17th sit. j MARPVY It kT ? ; ai o a . f i it life""" i i'l'ir nop Tor FHI :? i V Pollllcal HENRY P. HAZE. J4', North IMh St. Republican candidal for sheriff. oii; foi C J.. N.ihawav, ani l- orpor tton candidate Mate r!'rentallv dem ocratic tl k-1. Flor. ?r for my platform. II KM WANTED I EMALE llnairkrrprra and lamaal Ira. TIT E Rrrvant GPI problem Solved. The II" will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad 1 UK E until you get the desired result This applies to resident of Omaha, South omnhn and Coum-n Bluffs. Bring ad t j Tli Be office or telephone Tiler I1'. .VANTKP-F.xpTlen.-d dining loom"" girl while. Good lrc Nw Rtswlton Hotel, William Dri-apel, prop.. Mount Pleasant, la WANTI'-l'-fonipetcnt lr fOI (tieral houneaerk. Wl Iaej- Ae. II W'ANTI-'I' My September 1. rompeteTTt rnald In fxmlly of thrr; mint lw xell ttalped and alth Kood reference . lilith n aifoa paid. I 4??, He. MI'HT be tond cook; no laundry; hlgheat WHKea. 11. :)14 NI I KT i: NT "a hlta hmrrrialdfV!rM rii! il. V . .Mi c. ath, referencs r(Ulrrd. Ihine llrfrney 'ok.'HKKll.rFJIl wanted for farm. Ad dreaa S. 42i, Hee WANTKLi -A gitl for k'ih ral ho'jnwurk W Harney r-t, VA NTEI--(llrl for genet ai huuaeworic iti Htaiat Pt. ir. iro. Tliohoi-'OIII.Y reJIabla and experlenred woman for general houmwurk. Uox 41'J, I'lattamoiith, Neb. Ml ' Nl A I A ' ein-'il fatuilv, Kood maid. all at 114 N. pith St. ANTKI An esperienoed an ond air!. 1.17 Houth Kt i.'o M 1 ' KT h, N I anl fur general nouaewora :'' P Harney St. Gllll. tTit.i for general houwwork; hiiihII fnnilly, good pU. o fur ilst.t piuty. Jin n nrwii. WANTED--iilrl for general hougework; ni ii at be, good cook; good wane. Apply "111 a.tat WANTED An mierlenoed girl for ae'-ond work. Mra. id. U. Coloeix.-r. 4o H. Ullli Ft Hrfiey U. FX PKRI1.;Nt;En gill for general house work; brat wage; no waahing. lfl 8. 8?d rll. Harney UM Clerical pad (llllce, 6trio., $i0; fiteno. : mult. oper.. tM. Watt'a Ref. Co., 4f-42 Hrandela Theater. Factory aad Iradee, APPRENTICE gin, oppenhelm Parlora. DREflHMAKKR In Mm oln, Neb., want experienced aklrt draper to take rhatce of aklrt room by hpt. 1. Good aalary to right party. Addreca, Rutin, L, 8t , Lincoln. Neh. M lacellaneon. WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships; 170 month; Omaha examination soon; specimen iuptlona free. Franklin Institute. lept tink-o. IPs heater. N. Y. YOl'Ntl women coming to Omaha a aangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian Aapociation building at St. Mary Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable hoarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trsveler' guide at Union Station. HELP WA XTKD M ALTC Agenla, Holeamrji and Hollettora. BALF.H.VEN with ability to deliver the goods. Mint be willing to WORK. Cath commissions. Big new line Advertising, Specialties. Loral and ouimda territories. Call 226 fit. Main St, or Phone Red -702, Council Bluffs, Monday, for appoint mant. WANTBP Several experienced solicitors. 13 to In per day; chance for advance ment. Apply 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Monday, m Brand! Theater Bldg SALESMAN for old established manufac turing company; atuto age urd txperi ence. Addre Y 1H5, Bee. ANTED Two experienced solicitors for special proposition. 'l Neville block. in every town to represent na selling oil and kerosene to runmini. era. Peerless oil Company. Omaha, Neb. WANTED SA EESM EN To work two or Ihree counties. Prefer men who can furnlah tholr automobile, motorcycle or horse and buggy, to sell oils and paints direct to the consnimcr. .should he able. o make from HO to li per month clear We furnish sample outfit. Commissions Vald at the end of each week. Our com mercial rating i"AiM. Anyone who has worked store trade need not apply. Ad drees M. A. Hulburt A Co., Omaha. Neh. NEW houechold neceaslty, cleans silver ware (sterling or plated , Instantly. No work, last for year. Send money order for sample, M cents: hotel .-ie, fl. Aunt wanted. WUard Electric Coll o., P. O. Pox 1!T, Eos Angeles, Cal Clerical and (Ifflre. STENtHlHAl'HER - APPLY AT TATE HANK Bl.Iul. HTENOGRAl'HEK, 75; stenographer. J70; salesman. .v Wutt Ref. Co., H40-42 Htono., VI. Rteno.. J7c; salesman, $6. Watt's Ref. Co., MQ-42 Bramlels Theater. IF you are looking for a high grade posi tion see the CO-OPFRATIVF. REFERENCE) CO., 101,1-1 CITY NATION A 1, BANK Itljtl, Factory and Tradra. WANTED AT ONCEln account of the Eiiroian war. men to learn the barber trade and fill vacancies Thousand of foreigners barriering In the United States going back to fight for their country. Can prepare you Just now for good Jobs at exceptional wagea. Tools Included. Get the dupe on this today. MOl.ER BAR BER COLLEGE. 110 8 14th St. Plug store snaps: lob. Kueiat. bee Bldg. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, I'.'i; at of tools given ; wages Paid. Trl Clty College. 12th snd Pong las 3ta. Hurry! Hurry! Oet a full knowledge of the AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS such as only w sts equipped to give you. The auto season is on snd the demand Is great for such men as we turn out. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN., 111 No. 10th St.. Omaha. Neb. Mlscellnnena- PAXTON Plk.. Uetterlna School. Rm. flL WANTED-Names of men, IS to 4i. wlrh lng to he Omaha mail carriers. St7 month to begin. Y 104. Bee. PAFiTJKS deMring young men to woik (or their l-ard while attending school this winter should make application at once to Boyloe v'ollege, phone Douglas !('. The fall term open September 1. MEN with patentable ideaa writ Ran- lotpll A Co, V ashing ton. P. C. TJ1K NKlilUSKA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduates than any school In this country. "There's a resson." Write tiHiay for our catalogue tCi. 1417 Podge, Omaha. Neb. HKia-lffAXTKIf MALIC AMI FKHALK U.irx) GOVERNMENT lob open to men and l to ll.'s) month. Writa for list. Kiankhn Institute. lapt t-'l-O. R'W heter. N. V W A N T i: I W uahliig and Iror.lrg; ai7o day work. H. e.l WANTEI A position as stenographer and bookkeeper. Salary, till. Ella Higeman. Clarlnda. la. FIHr-(.LAS white woman cook wishes position in hotel or rataurant. Can give reieienoe. W rits or call. Also doe pastry work. hlate wages. Address, Margaret llarter, 17J 4th Ay., Council Bluffs, la. WHITE woman, experienced nurse in confinement cases; slso does the gen eral housework. Reference Writ or rail. State wage. Address, LJu 4th Alt , Council Bluffs. la. BUNDLE washing wanted; price t- please: woik guaranteed. Web. 479 YOUNG nian wante position where ther is s i 'taiu-e for gov ancenient ; can drive and take car of an auto: good recom .tiendations as lo abilitj ; willing to wojk. Call Halaay 40M, TL .TIOS W f 1 1 1 N I and . ... 1st !.. W . -' MN asm us" wutk aMl 1'jini!! " shlng 1 1 V. li'O'v vaiil- niiiill m ' 1 1 n ' i a.-'ilbg .- !" Veil i mm with year"' experience d- I rc ii htoiiosrnpl r or bonk-I Vft,fr ' i M t. Mff VV irBlty, laundrrlin P lilt I I" I A aopian no:'. I i a t-aimsm-nt (fl- tlon trool lii.ora of f a : ri to I D. 111. H'-i.t."i f.ji. ---- - --. -.- Cl.l.iM In Jii.tcl, turht or ilny, out t tov n an .f-rU (tent man ; Ik -at raf- aran-- AiiM H.-iH.m. i ) o l'l. '-nalia jM" h r.i: and ini inF'i lartr. out-of-toa n I HO! VI Ion Mirl 11 i fnn'l yilth om' Lira coni rn In im Rl.a a- offl' tnanar or ."iila manatar. I !. had II years iin'il'rifi'; inn fitrnlah het f.f r-f "rtir.)w : will coin to Omaha f'T lnlrlw. Aldr.a I'. 4"'. !'.. I ATTnACTIOXS. ri 'I.f.lillATli coMMlTTKKR W furnish sood, clean comedy, FREE ATTRACTION. balloon and moving pl 1'ires f InaranU-ed. Plenty of refer ence. .In-'kinxn Amupemetit Company, 4ll North 17th. Omaha, Neb. AtTOMOIUI.KB I'ull a hlK)' grade, ud car at a right price, pe llov.o. r.:in Farn.itn. P. 1:.:. oteenntigh Omaha Had It. p l o. ;fi20 Far. ( I T PRICK jrneutnatl1ilrei;jHor0tir IKK) fotfell for nny tuagneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Hiiyadorfer, 210 N. IS Ft iR.oAi.E- -IIU' u-paipenger-!- old. tire and machinery In beat of condition If'! No. Kith SI. ' I.lndherg" Fore door, body bldg..) A I sr. IndiiMrial Uarae Co., loth & Harney Sts. iim" ti'h n s a n u i oi7i.An n In good atiH k eompany tsi what I will tradn for auto, eipial .ilce p 41IS Mot orcyrlea. HARI,f. .liAVll'SuN .MOTOrtCYCr.KS. HniKMlriH in used mach.n. lctor Rook, "The Motor 'i b, Man," 2711.1 I,e enworth. Pope Motor Co.. ,7i Leavenworth. R. MUG. lfi INPIAN MOT iRCYCEE now ready; bai'taln In used machine. OMAHA BP YCi.l. CO . IUMi and Chicago. D. 37 I. in Bro.. 2672'l ylng Merklej. llLMIXKSH CHAXCKS C. J. CAN A N, Real Estale and Exchange DREG HTORE In a goodTrTwn for aTeT will invoice about '."'; only drug store. Addrnc Y 141. Bee. FOR SALE Up-to-date shoe repair hop, equipped with Goodyear machinery. Town of ,0no. Sbop doing $.-..i business annually. Snap for someone. Selling on account of health. Wrlt for particulars. Joseph Oswald. Mitchell, H. I). GoOp paying business In Omaha! Want modern A-room cottage not over t:t,rOo. Address, K 42'.. Be HI'lH-Ci.ASa business openings. Westeri. Ref A Bond Ass'n. 7iv Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg INVESTMENT-.svral good business men who have a small amount of capi tal, not woiklnp. to Join us In establish-In- In r'nllticll TibiM- n V- ..e ...... business, which Is a profitable Invest- ment, Full particulars furnished by ad dressing "P." Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs. JO H N BON. 22 HAXTON 111. K. RED 61.,. NEWS stand for sale; In good Iocs 1100, town of ,) population. Address R. i Hughes. Illgglnsvllle. Mo. RKHTAl-'R ANT For sale, cheap, good reeittturnnt in good town of 2 Mi. doing food business. Address F. I Dean, St? iroai'.way. Broken Row, Neb REAL. ESTATE! DEALERS and rental agents are In a time-saving location In the BUB BUILDINQ. because they are near tha Court House and City Hall, where so many matters of record and Information are found. Very desirable office for rent now, Inquire for the supcrtn Undent, Room luU. TO GET In or out of business, call on OANGSTAD, 4o4 He Hldg. D..1477. TO (jL'ldvLY sell your business or real estate, write Krnneheck Co., Omaha. TH EATERS Biiy Tease or sell your theater, n.achlno and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., Ho. Farnam t Douglas 1V7. WANTEI An Idea. Who csn think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; Ihcy may bring you wealth. Wrlto (or "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph A Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington, D. C. KDICATIOX.Uj FOR 8ALE at A discount, a full unllrn Ited scholarship Is Boyle Buatnesa col lege. Omaha; good for ellher shorthand or business courses. Apply at tb offlca of Oinaha Bee. li)14 FALL TERM OF B0YLES COLLEGE OPEN'S SE1TEMBEK 1, DAY AND NIGHT. The new catalogue Is ready. Call or fihone for it. Mustness practice, bookkeep ng, penmanship. alemanahip, banking, stenography, atenotypy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you her. You may work for board while attending. BOYLES COLLEGE, 11 h and Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb. MOSHEU-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1 Unsurpassed classes In all business and English branches, shorthand, stenotypy. teleraph and tyiwwrutng. Students admitted at any time. Graduate guar anteed good positions. Place provide.! for young people to work fur board. Fur a new. free catalogue address MOSIIER-LAMI'MAN COLLEGE Wi Farnam St. Omaha, Neb, The Van Sant School Stenography lay aclicail. :0O to 4:rti. Night school. t:i: to :15. ISth snd Farnatn K Douglas 6ot7. Farallare. New A 2d hand furnlt re, cash or term., reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co, tk'& N. liih. bKVF.RAL van loads of (urnitura and some pianos. Omaha Van and Stoiage co., tvo lih at THREE heating slovrs. Call Web. U7&. Typewriter. TTFEWRITKHS sold, rented, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. J7 . 17tl RKN'T an Oliver typewriter, 1 months for l. The Oliver Typewriter Co. D 2sl. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terma I-utts Typewriter. 1 Farnam. D. o81. RENT Remingtons. Monarch and bmlth Premiers cf their niakera. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1JM Rental credited It you purchase, and only vty newest and highest r.U ma- htae sent out Ratea. thru mouth (or to for undeaatruke machines or H per pi miii i-i iaeai inisji v u-iuie xv l iters. Omaha real estale Ts the btt iiiTe.uiieni on. could iukI. fcUatt The IKc s rial tttat (uluinus. WAXTE1 f oil wALK T paw rll rri. j Sp'i;il Vr v for This Y Typewriters. N Nil 5 rn iinn,. UtfK mil..'M No. .1 Mnarfh. hka n. mm No. 1 ',inTHh. Iikn n .V. ' Vo. 1 oilvar, tai torv t t.iillt . . r. No. n iil.ver Print liu1, lnt.ft modl .''7 .o No. 10 l:r-nilnaton lMt mnlnl 40 ft No. 1 . tor. a haiKaln . X. ' i 1 '"''rw i tri tin No. i Hmith l'rmlT N H M-mlnKtuii o 4 Hinitli lrnilfT ; Th(.,p mH,.hlnfs an- all Knarant.. ' '' ' j . - ... o.Tha,p cr tn,, 'O'oi o.... ,,,,, n inn i htne t'j uj In the horn Butts Typewriter Exchange lMij Fat nam St . Omaha. Nep Mualeal Inalrnu.eala. HlFhtH uaed high grade pluno. W. XTJfi. ri'RIGHT piano, kin South 71 h atreet. ' , f"Ur ninuntcd warrlora. two fighting -llnrou. I elk. t w o large elk hear), fl e-nch nin k "OH SALE at a dlwrount a full, tin- Pkln fringe Sir about 12: one in a limited prholarphlp In lloyle Rttalness thouaand. For pale or trade. Address college. Omaha; good for either phot t- I S. '. I.:4J. I'.ee m! ?f Ti! ",Zh'Z? AWly at th' MTTXimXKT. ETC -I have" 1U i'fThfl "Ll" large k.tchen eghlnet. dining room rug FOR PAI,E-Hli u-puaaenger Ford, tire and gas ranee. Will trade for good bc- and machinery in do ft oi vonuiuun. 1016 No. Ith St. 'M. RBICKH at ." per M ; alKo Xi.M. feet of lumber at work, liih and Jack pon Sts. Buildings bought arid wrecked. I'repter-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. -'"l. IVORY finish wicker baby buggy, used three montha Phone pbster Mfii. -hand nich. Gross Wreck Co., .1 A Paul. l'i-IM'll second-hand pipe at 2o per foot; good for fencing purpones. Call Douglas 2474. A NO. 1 HATH TLB, BHi ret. Kelly Wrecking Co. 'V. 4M. Trester Ftdl SALE New and second-hand carom ard pocket bllllnrd tables and bowling aily and acreesorlefi; bar flxtinas of all kinds; fpv Payment'. The Brunawlck-Halke-Collenlor Co.. 4f7-4nf S. loth St. I j WAftuN iimhr.illas Wagner. M'l N. Irttli. j Closing out 10 good sewing machines, by dressmaker, 4 to 11.1. W. 2l!i N. lilA'K STOCK I'OK HA LI', llorara and Vehicles. LARGFST stock or delivery wagon in the city; nil kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering .Inhnson-Panforth Co.. new location, l.'.m.H-.t N. 11th Pt. LOST AXD KOl'XD OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona hsvlng lost some article would do well to caII up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company lo ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many trtlcles each day are turned in and the company la anxious to restore them to tlie rig!. 'fill owner. Call Pouglug 4. LOST-Masonh' ring at Municipal bathing beach, Tuesday eve.; reward 1!4 Ijike. LOPrp 17 ducks, August :;). Return A. Ryckly. 21.1 Poppleton. Reward, 3. 1ST A small black purs. containln about , on Dundee car or 11th and Far nam, at 3 o'clock Thursday. H.2201. Re ward. MONEY TO IjOAX NEED MONEY? See us. yulck service. Half usual rat RELIABLE CREDIT CO . SWA Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed ana no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. DRUSE HOSPITAL A hospital opened to meet the needa of any case; strictly modern building, all conveniences; all outside rooms. 2Mb. St. and Dewey avo. Tel. Harney 7SW. PERSONAL ANYONE knowing the present address of Joseph Crawford, former resident of Omaha, will confer a great favor by aendlng It to his cousin, M. llayden, 2101 I .In wood Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. THE Salvation Arniy Industrial home so li Ita your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas linr and our waRon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 111U-1112-11M I odga St Yol'NO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and fit Mary's Ave., where thev will be directed In suitable hoarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' nld at the Union Station. rorLTUY AXD SITPLIES AGENTB, investigate; 1( per cnt profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Life Saver Co., Di'21 Cuming St STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses They are 17x21! Lichee, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7fc a hundred at The B,e office WANTED TO ltt'Y OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. C14& LIVE 8TOCR MAHhKt OF WEST -HIP live stock to Soutn Omaha. Save mileaga and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt arid careful atten tion. Llva Btoek I aaallon Mrrrkaala. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. EXL-bang Bids. - 8WAPPEKS' COLO IN AUTO i have one thousand dollars In stock of a good company, which I wish to trade for auto, e.iual value. Ad d reaa S. C. i:aCG. AUTO Want to swp lor a late data fully enulpped touring car. Income brick business property, well rented in South Omaha, cm prin Ipal buhlnea St , got h ami A W streets. S. C. '.314, Bee. Al ToMO BILES Have overland yai newly painted, lsl-class condition; will trdefor horses or lot. Address S v' 1346. A I'TOMoBl LhiS For other automobile bargains aee the "Automoblla ' clasain cstlon. AUTO WANT TO SWAP RUNABOUT aulo fvr cement blocks, building ma terial or contract work, for a cottage at Carter l-ake club. S. C. 1336, Bee a f"i7r 3d !Tu"sTn i: b.. f .iproperty in oinaha. Lincoln or Fremont; good t isiom new house, only five blocks fro.n postoff:ce; large level lot all In good tdiape. Address M. F. O SuHlvau, Fre mont, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCE-1 have a ...(? stock of goo.: that reiuin a woman a manager. This is a eplemild op.or limit; for a woman of business ability and will stand the close! investigation. Will exchange this for good land of same value, aa other interrsta rciulie my at tsntion. and will give a good deal. Give description of your land In first letter. Traders need not answer. Acdrt ss S. 1?7. Be. CARPENTER work. Yes. Iwlll do your carpenter work and take anything of value in exchange. Address b. C 13.. Bee CORN POPPING MACHINE M AUTO matic corn popping machine, similar to slecliic machine demonstrated in Omaha, only opt rated by gas. Clear IA5 vr month easily. N.e.l no attention. )Wner travels and ran t even be here lo lake out nickel Will swap machine for model 16, 17 or 19 Bulck auto. Might add cash if iar la rigbt. Address, 8 C. l:ltl. He. ELECTRIC FIX-I have a -inch lee. il' fan good aa new. W hat have ou? "d'trei l.y. Pee SWAI'PKIl'S HLtMX ! 'U K KNS or ..i;: k h.' U-fi5, J hnn. 1 r I t r i ) i 1' f 1 1 P t i l'.-fl for .."!. ..i apr.t.a kTii i ' hi f ! , :ili)'K n HP I'l'T 1 1 :ld. for ' olt.ix , i lofr in. HUM': in, mukiit tnt fin "i nr rMrii , tin " i hh Venn are f ull-lnonrir..) whit (oil. a ..-rpt j'jst ii ? ot th aprlnif r1'1' . 1 ral'l lor atitii.g r'il'v - i Addr . l.-to H f.lra S. i'. l.ift i;i'IS'iN I'l UiNi xiHA I'M and 4" iC'ird, .mvI .on.lition, to iial f ir diamond ilnn Addi S. ' t'i:!l. !'.'. I I'.M'I.I .KNT -I'li i" for lmnl"M- or bulld !. nr'i'ki"!. s c. io.i no I tl'ltMfriU'". KTIV-A fin nw oakl'-0"' prlM. ni at work, prompt aarvh'' ; iniiFi. i-ittilnet and :i lln Ji:r (;ito:1 1 ndlvarv f !. lii"-:. Marn v St Pour I M Mil. .11 I. u .).... O .. U. K...I 4..,ln....M i i ' Ad. i dr. s H. C. 11 If i. H.-. KIRMTCRE for a 4.'.-rootn hotel J n. ar Omaha. liw iwtt r. nt on ; thr ViM.Jing V hat have you to offer? Adifreup s. c i;k, i prc He. iHo KKV FIRST - CI-NH-. HIGH i grade grocery biiKinea for i heap Nc 'raKka 1;mhI or reddeut property. i.'Ii.qp fakers k.ep out. c iv.o, Re j i;Kiii'KHV-location, trade. r.ain" for I Hf lllna g-Mid. :i ati-k; liw r. pt. anap. S C. It'll. Hec. l i. veal, btirkakin. f'llTv ba.'.t-d; nurner amiip j s. i i::i2. He. K1BRAIO '-Private. vonsiHtini of history of t'nlted St'ite. Bai on Eight, P.ldpnth's history, Cooir and Pulwer works and (it her riit'eltaueou. boriks. These are all complete -nd In io. d xhape , 1 inupt (lispoe or ih ni. hnt have you'.' Address H C. i(?i, Hec MEAT MARKET-t ha romplt meat market outfit lornteil In eood o -n ' close to Omaha I will either trade it or will all to respopKlble pa.t and let him pav for it out of profits. Is that not r.ii enouah? I kttow It Is n moneymaker ' I wouhl not offer to do thit". Addrc? s C. 13Wt. Bee OFFICE I'TP.MTCBK - Win l,iTy ioin goort fecund l and oTflc rurmlure; mu -t , .he,,,, t, .... ...i .... j .. Bee. " ' Pool, HALL and barber shop for gooc mares or lot. S. C. loxi. Bee. PIANO Have dandy piano, will exchange for diamond or lumber. Address s. C 1110, Re. PIANO Elegant Hamilton for auto, lot, acreage or lumber, or land In Missouri or Virginia; will pay difference; also will exjcnange on a truck, s. c. 1012. SHETLAND pony an 1 outfit for tradTor sale. Phone 2l'i1, Council Bluff., la. SCALE Have a Toledo 2-lb. candy scale, nearly new, will exchange for anythini that can he used In a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address S. C. 12M, Bee. STEM 'GRAPHKR Hero is your chTnoc. I have a new etenotype which I must dispose ol Immediately. Address 8. C. 127S. Bee. TYI ..WHITER Small American writing machine, brand new. for mandolin, or what have you? Address S. C. 1P,IC, Bee. TALK IN G MAC II I N ll- I 'rac tTcaliy new Harmony talking machine with 40 double disc records; worth $;., will trade for good visible typewriter, or what have you? Address H. I'. 12f7, Be. A Ten WORKS-For trade a fin set of Rwisa watch works, 1.1 Jewel, 12 slue. The very best of works; make me an offer. Address S. C. 132K, Bee. FOIl IlEX'T Apartments and Flats. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment In the city. 'Phone us for further information. Doug las 4177, Fidelity Storage & Van Co. llu-1204 N. 54TH ST. CAN T BE BEAT. 8 rooms, bath. A. Maruwits Doug. 2U70. VERY' choice 4 or ri-rooin steam heated apartment on Went Fnrnam St. JOHN W. ROBBIXS, 1i2 FARNAM ST. A MOPERN, newly finished, S-room apartment, cant front on southwest cor ner 2!Hh and Douglas Sts. Inquire Frank Wilcox. 2f7 Douglas 6-RooM heated Heml-basment, oak and white enamal finish, Weirt Farnam dis trict. Snap. Call H. 1087. Five large rooma and bath, first floor. Ill Four rooms and Path, second floor. All modern. Bcmls Park, Phone Harney 041. 12ft 5-rm. mod, flat. r7 Cum'.ng. W. 489 CIili'AGO ST., 2l7o 7-room new modern jriat,harwood flnlsh.JM5. D.7556. GOOD location for doctor; 6-room modern flat on 1st floor: transfer point. W. 6701. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horbe van and 2 men. 11.25 per hr. ; storace J2 per mo. Satisfaction uar. D. 43 8 A Ty. 2'iO. Phone I 'ouylas aim. fse lice Hldg. BEAUTIFUL S-rooin apartments, t:C. 14L5 So. K'th. For i'arilculars phono Douglas 470. ALL kinds of fiat. 1501 Vinton. Tvler 1771. Gordon Van Co 1 Moving, racking Storage !!9 N llth St Phone l l or H. W.l STRICTLY modern, up-to-date St. Louis 1 list, e rooms; close In. call Red 3"3s. 9-KooM modern Hat, :S. 14 N. 2'.'d. DI'.SIRABLK apH-tment, 4 rooms and bath in Calllornia apartments. See Janitor. Call Douglas 0237. OGDKN ANNEX looms, witn kitchen t es oiinci Bmffa TLEASANT 4 and 5-room apartments; wa'king 401 No. 24th St. Housekeeping apt. liar. 21M. 4J43 Harney. THREE and 4-room, with bath, close in, in first-class condition; newly decorated and cleaned. K HO, SI Phono W. g.o o 212 N. 24TH ST., 7 rooms."" modern. I'.O. GROVER A SPAIN. Douglas 3K. 10-ROOM flat, modern Harney 647. 4-Roo.M flat, newly papered and var nished ; 2424 Ieavenworth St.; 115 per minth. Apply J. 1. Keniji. Douglas Hs7. LA VERSA, 1812 Capitol Ave., modern apartments. also furnished south rooms, private porch. Board uBd hoa ata. REEDHURST JH 2 YOUNG working men, private family, In walking distance; full particulars first letter. D 41ii. Bee. ON Farnam car line, large room; board optional; reasonable. CH Harney 27'. RooM and boatd for two; private resi dence; 11. park line. 1707 Park Ave. Karalaard Apartmenla. A BEAUTIFULLY" furnished 4-room apartment, close in. fur rent, beginning September 15; unusually well arranged, new furniture of excellent quality, f rst floor; large yard In front; --minute -uli, to 16th St Rent very reasonable. A big snap. Call Aiartnient 3, The 17'nis. 2-1th and Dewey Avep. Furnished lloneleepina Room. CLOSE in, mod , asonable. 7XK. I'arna' l. 3112 M .SoV, 2 nicely furn. tood house keeping rooms, nrlvat . f.imily. H. In2. Psrntanrd llooina. Five rooms ut .'s3 Cuas St.; only $10 00 6.7 N. 2-'d: elegantly furnished. itrictly moil., hoineiik. : n-asi n.ible; walkieK -Ii. R R. men. modern loom, private lam ilv, near depot, reasonable. Call Red :eil Hul . KktKI'lN'i. and furmshed-rva- onable. 40i North lath street. FURNISHED ioms. private family. walking distance, use of piano, large parlor, no children- 1J04 S. 35 Av. T. 2-3L M'. .MARY'S AVE., Jx. Pleasant loom tor gentleman El couple have desirable rooms TVT Jl CfTJl Y( Q age Co. Ksduced an and wife, or lauies. tall 'j.,,'uOO lates fr da) a "l j Large van. 2 men. 1123 por hr. ; dray, 1 MARK IK lor man N. FlSl fcl lTABI.E for 1 or 4. moarrn, cool it, vale home inquire :017 Pouglus. Uol'TH front room. slrhtlv nnslcrn, giasl location; If'' Corby. Web. TRB'TLY ii'-dcrn, rcbsonauie. Cali . ' N :-nii si. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha Alnaiiioiid niv u'i that pronroup look; l!t of q'lalitv, owt 'riis, Ijiki. t-ator and a monv. WmI-f-rn Wati-h A "o . 217 K'art arh. "HIIKTT, tin- Iiim.i that i Nhii v.. thin.. lint rloam-d and Mo. ki d. auctioneering of ail kinds of jewelry and general men handl'e, wrlie II . Roth. i";i Imugaa St 'oug S2o Twenty cars' experience. MI. I. HA Boiler Compound o . a boiler compound for ii k boll--., -ii?. jolvcp boiler acal. not boiler Iron .Melha .jne not ,,t iluep, only remocep old wenlc, adda efficienev and economy to onr boil-r plant. c,,l ,,r rite for eetl inatc. If.- Omaha Nut. I'ai.k P. ::i.'.7, iiU.r a p. m i Ht,d on Sundava P. r,lW. NEW and end n:otors. I.eRroi nd electric tana iron Electrlu Woika. l.'th Ponglaa ;'I7 Omaha pi!.i.o" Ooug. :ic;. j i oV Co. 17;il Cuming no'.atca feathra and niMttr9Hes L'f all kind, makes t'other Call or write for prices. PIANO tiitiltig. p.. Brandon, 1 vear at Ilavden. Recommended by le.-t niui inng w. 4t;:. m N. th Ave. M' ' I M cleanerK. ., V ' "s om. ouara your health. - J' rve Co.. XH R Hlcpr tyy r. rein, repair, sell needle and parte i,,..5!L Fpwln- machines. NI' el's.' iri...VA t.'YCEE co. "MlcX "''h and Harney. Douglas 1.'. tc.-oantanls. MriL,hP C' TnA.- COMPANY. i..i,-3o (ltyNat Bank Bldg. Tyler 1s;o smiln Mdrhlne Walton Adding Machine, -1 s. 15. D. Ui Adder .Vloh Co. Vm1cm w. (). w7T. 6.1iS. Aaio and Magneto Hepn.l.TriB Mi. crieto repalr work a specialty, p. 241K. A llel loneer. I P,iw,l Au.-iin. r I "'"'ion t o 112.1 W. O. W. Red 3-. Archllecl. Clarence W. Wlglngton. ??0 s. 1-h. P. 42S7. ': vertt S. Dodds. Ml' Paxtor. iTi Atlrarllon. OMAHA film ex., 14th anl Poug Motion Plctinnachlne and film bargains Harher. ?"-irM. IV shavo. neck phav. i6)7 Ktp --2iL'':..:1 ioc. .r sMih. Bloe Printing. ' 'S,,1;!.:'-"" new ..-inani P. at. HI;, p. 31S7. Rraas Fonndrle Paxton-Mitc.n ro j-,,, ....... Ilulllln and llrnnirl.. E. FRANTA. 611 Paxton Rile Ts- r-' California I. amis. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 Cltv Nal air rv nrd JlBns, Office door lefg. Mynster. Pag. Bk. p. 21.17. Caterers. MRS. F. A. WOOD, 34f. Parker. XV. rats hlroprnclors. ' J. a. Iiwrence. p. p. a;; fiWar.-. p. 4fii LGeddls. D. c., 22 Bee Bide. Doug 429.i? W E Purvlance. D C. 4i Pax. Blk. I.4M2. I- C. HAYES, D C. HfiO P,e Bldg. R. 3768." China Painting-, Ruth Letchfnrd, decorating, firing. R. 4942. Ivll Knulnerrs. M J. LACY. 7,1S BEE BLPf. D. 4715. Cream Separator. Tj.h.-e"rarator Co.. 12th A Farn. Dancing Instruction! Last mo. summer rates, Mackle's, P 5446. Turpln's Dancing Academy. 2Sth & Farn. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pgn. 15 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry, .13 Bran dels! Bailey, the Dentist. 706 City Nat'l Bank" Taft Dental Rooms, 1117 Douglas D. 215. Detect! tea. " JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Blk. T.vl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 113g. Dressmaking. Terry Dreasmak'g college, ?rtth A Farnam. Experience of all kinds, day work, reason able, guaranteed. 2J20 1 lodge. T. 1296. SUM ME R dresses a specialty! Web. S07o7 Hewing any kind reasonable. Doug.-S?1.1. Ilrnwa. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 ord-'i-s; catalogues free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co . Omaha. Neb. ..very body Reads Bee Want Ads. i on KENT Kuril. ard House. I-ROOM furnished houae from July 13 lo beptember 1. H. 77U- NICELY furnished southeast rooms', young men or business women preferred. 1136 S. 31st St. Phone Harney 3413 FRONT larlor or. first floor, single room on second floor, both suitable for 2 gen tlemen; modern, cool; board. Web. W7ft Room in private family, 1 or 2 gentlemen or man & wile; board if desired. D. 8071. 1 ARGK room for two, $10. W. 6!i6. 7-ROO.M modern house. ;14 Grand Ave. Ilosarkrrpiiig llooma. 72Ti S. ISTH St. -Housekeeping and sleep ing room; mod house. Phone T. l21-W. BO. mh. ST.. 72.1 Housekeeping room en suite; l'irst floor; also sleeping rooms. T y I e i :'. W. THREE nice second-noor rooms, modern house. Tel. Webster boJO. Hotel am) Apartment-. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly tatea $3 and up. Pougla 7iI. OiilJLN HOTEL, room ii per week. Council Bluff DolsiE ltOTEIc-Moderti. R.aeonablc. Lnforulahrd Ituoma. CLEAN, newly furnished. large, S room ensulte; housekeeping complete; splen did location; only $3.7i a week. Zi Parker St. THREE modern unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2M7 Poppleton Ave. llonaea and Cottages. 4 ROOMS, rart modern. I'O Tel. W 2361, 6-ROOM house; modern except bath; rent, $15. Tel. Doug. 34T 4-room; 112; Cor. 16th and Vinton; up stairs. 10 RO i.MS, modern exe.spt heat. $.- if rented soon. 43ni Burdette St. Phone Web 3716. -ROOM cottage, gas. fcood w:ilks. large lot, reasonable. P,..' Hlondo St. W. :'&:. I in all parts of tha city. . . FOR RENT We have a complete list of all hou.ea, cpurlmem and flat- that are for rent. This lift can l-e at-en free of charge ut cniaha Van A -torag Co.. Su6 S. '.'Uli St. Free Rental List Complete Informs tlon about every va- Ma i n,.k ui'Mrlmfnt in tha CltC. I This eeivice is tree. Tel. Dcuglus 4177. i Fidelity Storage A Van Co. ItOoM cottage. 7.4 Ohio. W. 4.1 TT.r.f-1 if-r tnrrirrp CY, X? lUCllLy vjLWlCliiC VW. Storage, moving, packing and .hipping id A Jackson Sts .hone. Doug U7ii. NONE, to compare, an mooern .-room bouse, also room nat. 20 No. 23d GilOP 7-room Meredith Ave tioilse, .Hi iiii.oi i , IJ7. Phone Web. men. $1 per hr. 1713 Webster Djus lot. i"-RiXjM mod. house. 151. Porcat. "D. 2lb7 .NEW "-rooiii house, lippiiic w'j S. t. Call llarnec .li. S-ROOM ot fane, l io-iern barn, nh e batii. 1". U'hio vcrpt bet. M. W. J.l. Klerlrle appll. EEHRoN Ei.c. Wli , m K l?th. T. TT. NEW and second-hand electric tan anl motor. I.eliron Electric Worka, IIS S. 12th Poiigia L'l 7. F. eryt hlna for Women. I'lumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Pert ha Kruger, 4.-9 Paxton Plk P kSK. "''liKSlSTlTcTlfNG Idral Button and Pleating Co.. 107 9. 1th Woi n a n E h an g e. ;; 'ax BlkrC 4jllT t oncrete Knginern. Gagrebln-W'clls Co. 410 State hank. T. 2?fJt. Farrlera. PEN l'ENSTFR. 1410 V. ?lth St. W. 7777. Florist. " U HENPERSON, 1715 Farnam. P. 12. Member Florist Telegraph Pel. Ass n. HESS A S W( ' BO P AT 141 5Fn""rnari"i St. " A. 1ioNAHt?K. 1HM 'liai-my Doug.' lni. BATIFS f lorlstp. 1WM FartiaTrTst ' I.Ito locU Reme.llea. o M A H X Ttemedv Co.. fii'7 S nth. Red 42?.;. T.alr Presslita. Harper Meihod. n. H. Ralrd PVlg P. S:i. LlgkUna, Kltlnm pari Wiring;. THOMAS DUKKIX Electric fixtures and supplies, contract 1 lug and repair work done reasonable, J 2410 CfMING. PQCGT.AS 2519. Maaaensea. Mia Jacoba. Mass.. Path. Klec,. Trt T. T1S. Rlttenr-v.ise Cc, 211 B;itrd Hldg., 17 A P. V iflv's-BATHSr SCIEnT -U.UI Ti-ric MASSAGE. 1M.3 Farnam St.. AptB. 31 floor. P. 6S Misa Rex, Mass", 2:1 Neville Blk. in to S. Mis Fi sher. mat. .., elect, tre a t ' t. Red WW. Massage, .Miss (Tibson. R. 'SlT Neville Blk7 MASSAOK. "( s" 17thPt MrsTRteefeT Mrs Snyder, elec. trt. 14i pT8th. P. "Ts."" i SN I ! K. Swedish movement- 41S j ' " '"- Bee Hide Douglas T:72. CLARA l,i:i:, massage. Douglas 7.71. HLKfT JJirMARSAGE." nATH.Mlsg - "' "TC1 Balrd Bldg. Masange, Miss Walton. R. JJirNevllle BlkT Manicuring, Kathleen Mack. Doug. 7..'. Meaaengcr and Tranafer. WHITE LINE, rtnn Sv-.. Iltti. Douglas M12. Millinery. SWITCHES from combings. 11. R0. Psvrh free. Mrs. If. M. Kck. 30i9 Marcr. H. fiM. Having, Stnrsge and (leaning. W. C. FERRIN, tlth and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Ocnllata. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as yoa can. Pis. McCarthy, 11U W. O. W. Bldg. Patents. H. A. Sturges63S Brandets Theater Bldg. d!0, Barncll, Pax7onBik!TcL RedTu7."" I'nlnllnv. PAINTING and papering. H. D. Gard ener, Phone Benson 7a6 J. l'nti-nt De vc lopmcnt. AMERICAN Machine Cm, 110 S. llth St. Printing:. WATEKS-BA RNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. lath bU DOUOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641 COREY A M'KEN .IK PTG. CO. D. 2644. KIES-H ALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 110-. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754." Hoacli Kilrrnilnator. P. B. B. Roac'.i Powder at your druggist. bale anil Tlmrloclt Expert. U AFE combinations changed, opened, ra- kJ paired. F.E.Davenport, 1 . DodecDlS.! hoe Repairing. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 Bt Mary's Av. REASO-IABLK Farnam Rep. Co. 313 S. 2" Steel telling;. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. 110 8. 10th. titore and Office CI it ares. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, eell. Omaha Fixture an Supply Co.. 414-16-18 s. 12th. D. 2724, Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. llth. D. 528. I ranks and Mil leases. FRELING A STEINLE, 160 Farnam SL V eterlnarlans. DR. O. R. YOUNG. 4603 Center. H. 6061 Window Scrrena. Om. Window Screen Co., 1822 Nicholas 8t. Wines nnd l.lQors. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. 13th BL Wine, liquors, cigars. 1'late dinner 11 to 3, 10c. GLOBE Lliptor House. 42TN0. 16th., 2 qls! cold beer, 15c. Write for price list. D.4K2. HENRY POLLOCIC"-LIQI70R IIOUSBr 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. FOU KENT Houses and Cottages. . V,. XVCPn Inking A storage. At wu 1-07 Farnam. D. 6146; 9-ROOM house, all modern, frea water. 'ii4 N. SOth. Tel. D. 1630. 6-Room house, mod. ex. bt., 63i Pari Av. D. 916. l. i .. ioth. 7 looms , aoi Pierce .t.. . room ., Al modern, flrst-clasg. CARL E. HERRING, 418 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 6.0 8-ROOM BRICK WEST FARNAM Attractive detach'd house on good corner; gamge. 16. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1.136. 2QS-IO-12-U Stale Bank Bldg. LARGE brick for two families or roomers', good location, reduced rent. H. 15E0. EIGHT room modern, llii 1'ark Ave! - 6 ROOMS modern, lH)throp St., 30. next door. Kountzo Place 212. Sco K, I Shepard, Slum ana offices. FOR RENT An office with reoeptloa room, reasonable. 614 State Hank Bldg. EXt 'ELLENT locati on, lart of store! suitable for millinery or hair dresslm; parlor; satisfactory terms. Address B. 402 He. Excellent Counter location For business needing Only small investment. Will help you start luyuirc of Superintendent. Room 103, The Re Building Co. Mores and lllflee. Fin cool room with vault, eleo. light snd tree; ii'tx27 tt. partltiontJ iit z urivaie rooms una retention rooni opecs -irectiy on'.ifu! court. 31 no or. Jpi'i room iv tee rla. baraa. GOOD barn, room to.- or 18 horsaa IJ17 Wp'jtt.r St. Cail Douglaa U REAL ESTATE J F H M A It i M H I. V M- FUR AI.F. I I Kansas. ! 1 1 1 I l U'l.' I.' ;.- 1 I. ............... I " ' ripuou t.f ...unto-, what i grow, clini-le, soil, valuable Information I ' -m.- lai.iiing and M.-a country, J:.mes liussell. Edna. Kan Ulssrauls.' FOR S.kt.Y-:) &cm t mlbs from Min neapol.s. urn mile fr.m town; 16u acres und ir . u.liv .tio. Lai. useo for piisiare; van prs ticsliv all be cultivated, heav ' bo:I. sood set of bulldli:., consisting of S-ioon liuie, laige barn, granary, corn cribs, etc.; (he land wul produce tu b'Jaii e.s .f coin er acre; ivlephun In ho us. ; country thb kly r-ttb; complete set of r.;a. Im vi y , .7 head of stock, consisting i,f 11 iuai. 1 alan' . i : d 3 years old; i gooj '.'0 tints, chickens, ' of this year .ioi ann ever thing on the farm goes st I Al ei- acre, half cah. Schwab Bro. 1 lyin uib l'lu , MiQU'irvlir, Minn.