nil; i;kk: omaha. ilt.siay. ai'wst ::. um. 8 BRIEF CITY NEWS Root PTlat It Now cn rres Juif Mont hly Income Gould, Hc Blrtf ridellty Btorf bA To Co. Dou. 161. Llfbtlaf Fixtures urct-s-GrnJea Tor Compute Mot rrorT"" may be (ound on the Iirt page of tho J classified faction tnday, and appear in , Tfie Bee LXCIA'SIVKUT. Flrd out wfat I the various mo-ins pl.-ture theaters ot'.rr. Carey Back Home Frank .1. Carey uri'i tainily hnvi returned from V els'o.- Weld lor Inaultinr WoraiD -IHivn . Mi Piij, .T.'t North N inrtcrnth utrcct. is in .tall f"r insiiltin wonin on tl ulrfol it FtnrtMn1h nn.1 Capitol avenue. Berg- Back from Haw Tork . K.. Hera. : i :i. i nf the Hern ClethlnK company. Iihs r- t jrnl from New York, whirc It Iih km with tl.o manHCorv and bi.yei "Hi-imia id put tmcnts of his store By MELLIFICIA. Monday, August 24, 1914. T UK popularity of farter Lake club is fostering water pon of vari ous Kinds ami the members of the club are becoming expert swim mers, sailors anil also adept at paililltriR ranoes. I tine of the greatest advantage of the lake is tne met mat young Omha is learning to swim and the rlub is justly proud of Its youth ful Annette Krllermann, little Miss liorothy I'ardun. A large crowd gath ered on the beach Sunday afternoon to watch 5 year-old Porothy Tardun, s of the I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Tardun. swim across the lake ami Darn. ! It is estlmted that the distance across is "00 feet. rind for Crualtr to Animals -! 1 n z tutor In tha aftornnnn llorothT s mother. Mr. I'arflun. .Miss uiau)s ?::;:;r'zl7z :z K:;. Mr. h. w. w. ,. from the cub to the ii.p.i beach and back. Two boats accompanied mom an me insmmr. Pardun used the Australian crawl mostly. The swim across the lake was made Thursday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. H. h. fnderwood. Mrs. H. H. Wbitehouso and Mr. C. P. Hayes. Sunday evening ten canoes made a cruise about the lake and then had T .rrVl C! OTl Pni'Tin TT " "iP"ie" rot across the lake, the w Monies being provided ny t,oorgo .x. Ullllb UU J.tUiltUU Aulabaugh. The party had such a pood time that a steak roast is being arranged for Friday evening, when a number of canoes will take the party to the other side of the lake. KrAtzor, i;ilrnM in police court for crurlty to nlmJs. Fisher a given :.. ami cosu mil Kiatzer was discharged. Decorative Street for Four Blocks Prenratlve trit lights along Faniam street from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth streets will probuMy he installed by the Icislncs men and maintained at their ex rnbA t I, a r'niTimlnKliin 1ih.s been .isKed t- grant the requisite perml.-Mon ! Follow Ing the matinee I here w as i !.m -n fur a chance of the lishtlnit system. At the Orplienm. Mrs. A. ratlin eiit'rtuinrd at '"'N party nt the Orpheum this ifterrino.i in honor of her daughter Helen's btrihhiy. lioiild TefJ! alpered before the coun cil, representing about twenty-five bnl men, mid asked that the council riermlt prorxTty owners t pay the dif ference between the cost of the oxl.-Ulnti arc llKlits and t'ue doeoratinn lights. When the conn 'il refused tlilf. ha PUB srsted that the deooraiivo lights do ui-ed in addition to the ar . as Is (loin oil the rT block on Sixteenth street Sir 1 icU I aid tiie arrangements for the decorative eystem would be carried on roiiardleeB of thi council's position on the iicllnn of fcelplng to defray the cost. eon, wlm rovers were lain roi . IS-ies - At ls.05 - Margaret Fallon. largrt Sargent. Until Ma&cnvll, .lanet Sullivan, Helen Sirgent, HeL ti 'a!tin Ales'lamrs Mesi'.anier- .T. r. fllon. "'atttn. thiee; Renn-t.T Hatch, three; Hr. V. C. Shlplierd, two; (irant Peters, two Seymour Lake Country Club. Mr. T,. M. Tird entertained nt dinner yesterday. Inning as Ills kuchIs the em ployes of the tjive Stork National hank. The alternooii was spent In hoatrm and Imtliing. fovorsi were laid for: "M isses Sara Manga n Cidtli. two; .1. A. Kussoll. two. I. II I PrlFh.iiist. t"o. V TIiomii, two; Vtr.l iMlc. two; ". l: I'.u-"ivi.-'er, six. II I;. Ne.-l.-y, th i M "r.aMt. two, t'harh's ti. tluco. W. M 1 namheis. (two; n. r. stair two. I 1: .11 hnston. two; 1'. S. Foil it 1 .1. two i:il fuck. two. 1.. I. Willis, time; W. 11 ilaint'. ton i'. .1 Parrot t, .. .1. F. nson, two: Im lioin.irl four; Simeon .l.-ni -. l "ii j i:. Ml ii( y, four. I. .1 Mtlln-d. tour. 1 " I At the Country Club. i Miss l.iise l'.cnii ruter' 1 i.t the. Country club Siin.l.o f -r . nun-ber of, out-of-town guests. Those piesent wele Misses Marv l.-mian of I Vs Moines.' I.olse Pinning. '-ts MPton penman of lvs Moines, Pi.-.i tt'.ibbell of Pes Moines. j Paul Chapen of New York 'illard P.utlct. Mr and Mis llaroM Pi lb l-.-tt. i Plliers at the , lull Siitulm were 'I I.. I'limings who had covers plic-ed for five. V. A Meyer, four; It. W. P ill. five. A .1. l.oe, three; W. F Smith, five. v . T , Mums, three At Happy Hollow. F.titei-titiiiinK at tho cluh .-s.utd'ty e ru ing weie F. W. Austin, who n,i I guests; li M Pui'kio. three: W 1.. Selhy. , two; II. v . .lohnnon, two; 1. 1.. .vaoier. 1 four, M . It. Watson, fle; A. I'. Howard. 1 four; ". F. Junod. two; A. B. " irrle. j two; Kugene Pinal, two; '. S Miller, j fuir; II. 1. Strelght. five: H. I'. Carpni-; tor. throe; Pr Manning, six; 11 Civrr. two; i". F. Paulson, two; J. J. Ftti. raid, three: It .1. Williams, two: .1. W F.ll- j cl. two; W. 11. dates, two, '. X. ilob-! Inson, two; 1". S. Folsom, six. W. T lloss, five; P. P. Williams, two. W. M five: F S. Howe, two; F It Aidotis, four; 11 S. Curtis, tro SILK HOSE AT 77c A PAIR IN COLORS AND BLACK AND WHITE AND UNUSUALLY GOJD VALUES THIS hose is truly an extra value. One of the bar gains that our buyer found when in New York recently. High spliced heel and double sole and toe. extra double lisle garter top. In about 15 colors and black. A big value at 77c a pair; regular $1 quality. Bttra-Nih Co. Main floor, OTHER TUESDAY BARGAINS Corn Holders At Carter Lake. Misses Ann ana. Tcresia Smith, Me.ssi s. l.loyd Coibett. 1 I j 1 - W - I Among those dining, at Caiter . , rl ,'v Porothy l ord. Messrs.- -A. 11. .lohnson. lenrg" Seo llle. Harry Me 'smllesa, Louis Kill-". Family Reunion. A family leuntou was hehl nt Hi., home of yr I rink Ululia in honor .:' Mir. l'ranlt lasto :;' birthday. Those pres ent were-: Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Earl Haves Admits He is Auto Bandit!".- club Saturday evening were Mrs. .1 w . Hmld Poliam fon,.nald n hn entertained nine quests: F W. Thomas r. H. Mullin, four; F. Axtord. three; .1. n. flood, two: H. II. .tones, two; i; t I Srhlwht, tw-o; Miss Jean Mc ornii'-k. i live: Miss IVagy tlafford. two; Miss I Zelda Harris, two; Glenn Moulin, two: I, ,lt Jlnliri. f0r Miss Alma 1'eU-rs, who was II. IV Waul, six; 1 C. Fowler, two; H. j thir housa niirst. R. ZininiBti. four: Henry nichmond, three; riiii,K vilth Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Frye Nagley, two; A. A. Arnoia, four, wpr), Mr an(1 Nr T. K, Anspach and Foltek. Mr and Mrs. William kiiiuiui. .dr. Hiu'. Mrs. W. S. llogue. Mi. and Mrs Iloyt I'reeman. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Irfird. Mr and Mrsi. C. A. Jlellua enteriaineu ! blisses Mollie Holuo el; . Clara Piown. ) nilly Itrown. .Mary Urown. I Anna Fixu, Messrs.-- Adolpb tsrowii, Julia Urown. Talbot Potter. Flank I'ospli hal, i l.arles 1 uisek. llliHin Lastovlea, unack two; Ceorge P. Terrell, two; rf 0,(1 Anspach. Jack Puchart. three: O. F. jihipherd, two. Anntl,or dinner party included: ' , " ,, I Fred Hadra. two; .1. A. Woodman, two: M,,pR. . Mlsses- Larl Hayes has admitted to Acting William Reese, four; ! Ixittie Worley. Ltnlly lti.ber, A liter ol Potecuvcs "evereese tnai ne is i ..-. ir- is,,t ; I. J. ni iiniitri, i,n.-., ,... . . one of throe auto bandits who committed 7. Hayes, two: A. X. Jeffries, two; Vln- fcveral hold-uj in this city ebotlt 1- ltHCR three; r. U Potter, two. H crninor'.i. i'-i.. ana man successiuuy ma-ie K Vlir,nf,rni two, their .seal to Pioux City and Pes rvPnll Mr. Thomas Waters Moines, where they repeated their uto- . . . . ,,.,... nt dinner: F. T. mobile exploits. Kayos grlves his homo Jason four; Roy M Scott four. c u llhindy. eleven; F.. F. Hoffmasler. three; rw. F.. Ptroup, five; Miss H. Klla Wood, s-lx; Miss F.lla J. Brown, six; Mlaa Helen Howell, rlx: W. D. rralghead, two; J. P. Fallon, two; Thomaa O. Wood, two; R. A. Hayman, two; J. T. Pollard, two; K. T. JRrailey, seven: F. J. Urown. two; William Nelson, six: Walter Wharton, lour; Vincent Hascall. two; Al Lierck, two; Dr. Bailey, two; Kdward L. Schlecht, two; C. E. Maloney. two; C. H. Hard, two; Philip Horan, two; Clark Sheney, two: H. A. Freeland, two; A. Jetes. two; John Sorenson, two; A. P. Whltmore, three; A. J. Kcsers, seven; A. I Vnderland, three; A. J. Jackson, two; K. F. Fowler, two; 5L .11 North xwentiotn etreei The other men connected with the hlshway robbery are Alfred Barton, now serving a eenlenceHn the county jail and a lad named Joe, whose last name Hayes did not know, but who lives In Chicago. Hayes served six months in .Sioux City, and upon his return here was captured by Motorcycle Officer Wheeler. He was bound over to the district court under m. bond for 1.350. Shooting Season Opens October 1 Messrs. Wlllard lliiber. Phillip Kaber. Mr. and Mrs. L, Messrs.. W. P. Current. L. Ttalwr. Miasrs nncs 1 lu.-ck. Matilda Vol ak. Antonhi N'o ni,. Mary I .iistm I' a. Ilelfii l.astov l a Mesisrs - - Frank N'ovnK, John FUa. Frank 1 ,asto lea. I eo l.astovloa. Adolph 1 astoi li Charles l.iistovica. Mr. and Mrs. Kurinlph Hohacek, Mr, and Mrs. I'" rank Hohacek, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Hohacek, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Flxa, Mr. und Mrs. A. Novak. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk. Mr. and Mr.-;. Frank l.astovien, Mrs J. P. Itrown, Mrs Henry Haoh of Cleveland. (. .Mrs William Carney. COIJX i- surely ilclicioiis lint it 's In in": ;it tinips to t'jit it p-jKM-ially wIipu "nici" ctiiiiiaiiv is annnitl. Tui'sday in our jwlry sci'tii'ii siher plalctl corn holders very specially priced at 125 tirrosa-Nnah Co. Main Floor. Ice Tea Spoons 'pills i the time l' the X year for ice tea. Kvery lody is drnikinir it. Nickel silver quadruple plated ice tea spoons in the jewelry section Tuesday, $1.0) val ues for Tl'C per set, or heavy silver plated ice tea spoons, 7.V values for ."!c er set. Burg-Nh Co. Main Floor. Roman Stripe Serges l NT received, n now shipment of Roman striped serges. Tho kind that is so popular now, und w ill lie more so later on. If you want somethiPK that is de cidedly different und new thin la your opportunity. Tuesday very specially priced t, per 5rd Bnnraaa-Kash Co. Mala Floor. Tuesday is an especially good day for "just looking." We invite ycu to shop on the new and beautiful things we ars shout ng in suits, gowns, coats, millinery, linens, shoes, dress goods, etc. Just get one or two of your friends and make I SOMETHING NEW: vnTZ' ill . 't lieantiliil. I' iv Mil $1.19 to $4.50 a sot. Bargains In the Basement Tomorrow l r M.'furfliv entertained ten BUest"! at dinner last imht, and Miss Itertha j Motor Trips. Llchnovsky had four Kuesls. At I'ontenelle Park. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olds, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. do Winter, .Mlss.s Poi-othy Parsons, May Austin, Mar.lorlo I'arsons. Anna Prague, Frances Olds and Masters Bruce Olds and Billy do Wintor, Jr. spent an enjoyable evening at Fonteneilo park. The new wiener master was ustd for boiling coffee and makina; fudu-. Mis Mildred Jessop has been enter taining Mrs. Roy Maxwell of Lincoln. Mrs. Maxwell returned nome Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Haniel Bantu, Jr.; Miss ! Cornelia. Matim and Mrs. Roy Oonnal "f i I At the Field Club. Sunday evening George T. Wiight had Pittsburgh are expei led home 1 1 1 1 :- a'ter niion Ironi a motor trip to Lake ikobojl, i' lure thf" spent the week-end with Mr. and .Mrs. Harley Moorhead. Mr .Moor hend reliirnrd this morning by train Mr. William J. Coad. Miss Henlrtce 'oad and Mrs Mark J. Coad left last Tuesday In Mr. Coad's car for Minneapolis and Bald Kagle lake, where Mrs. W. J. Coad and children have hon spending tho summer. Mr. Cond and Beatrice Cond will ret'irn the latter part of 'ho week I and tie others will return Hepteniher 1 I 12ic Zephyrs, Yard, 6c THK colorings Hie the licst. The tliecks, stripes, plaids Rnd corded effects are juft the tiling for boys' nulla or plrls' school drosses. All 27 nl il inchea wlt!e. It Is hardly necessary to urge you to ho on hand to tnke advantage of such a dosiralilo bargain. He;utarly sold for 12'jc per jard. Sale price Tuesday, yard J Curtain Madras, Yard, 5c MILL loiiKthH til' printed curtain madras, also white and cream colored scrim. The selling price Is less than half tlie actual value. Thousands of yards to choose from, Tuesday, at, yard . . . . 18c Lisle Thread Tissues at 1 lc 17 ANl'Y checks, stripes nud plnlds, deslraMa color combinations, many two-toned ef reels, regularly sold for ISc, very specially priced Mon day at, yard 11J Outing Flannel 1 4c yuallty nt IV. YARD wide fancy striped, checked nd plaid light colored outing flannel, an extra quality on sale for the first time Tuesday in mill length" or the lie crude, at, yard 9 Shaker Flannel, 5c. 10 in wide unbleached Shaker flannel, sold la mill lougths, rcsular XV quality, Tuesday, yard at, o? URGESS-NASH CO. EVERYBODY'S STORE H. C. Mason, four: Paul Tenney, five; i two guests at the Field club; J. A. Kuhn, H. W. Van Mehren. eight; Al Hanson, two; If. F. Milllkon, two; W. A. Yonson. four; Willlsm H. Gould. Jr., three; Pr. F. two: J. II. Reynolds, two: John Lavelb Kmmett HigKina. government inapectpr, chartered under the migratory bird law, ha arrived. In Omaha and will remain I n0lovtchlner. three: William Holzman, lour; A. A. McLaughlin, two; A. B. Jo. here durinsc th fall hunting season. Be- i causa of the general misunderstanding among porlsmen through this part of the middle west many shooters believe that the season on wild fowl opens Sep tember 1. Mr. Hlggins wishes to correct that Impression, as the season does not open until October 1 unless l'reeident Wilson signs the proposed amendment row before him. Mr. Higglns will co operate wrlth the state department to aa list in all -ways the enforcement of the Kama laws of this state and this country. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. tlreen and sons, P.oliert and Herbert, left Friday evening for Louisville. Ky. Miss Kloise tireen, who has hern upending the summer n the south, will return with them. Mohler Hears that His Family is Safe Tresldent Mohler of the Union Pacific lias received a cablegram from Mrs. Moh er, stating that she and their daughter, Marie, are safe at Milan, Italy, outside th war one. The cable from Mrs. Mohler brought the additional Information that the mar riage of their daughter, Marie, was Sun day, at Milan, to Mario Fauna. No in formation was conveyed as to their fu ture movements. To secure the desired Information, Mr. Mohler has sent a cable to his wife, asking whether the members of the family contemplate leaving Italy and coming to tho United States. DROWNED MAN IDENTIFIED AS CARL WEHLEN BY COUSIN That the body of the drowned man found in Carter lake over a week ago was that of Carl Wehlen, wheelright living at !outh Omaha, has len vouched for by a cousin, A. T. Martin, FoutH Omaha. The body was exhumed from the potter's 1 field at Forest Lawn and re-interred in a provided lot. War Food. NEW PUBLIC SCHOOLS INSTRUCTOR ARRIVES .1 A. Da vase, who u elected to the position of supervisor of writing In the piihllc schools here to succeed O. 11. Feed, has arrived to begin work, which must be lone before schools open, September S. lie held a position at Grand Island last yesr. NAVIGATION OFFICIALS INSPECTING IN VICINITY IV J, la! ste.iiihuiit Inspectors Bowers aiii 1'i'w n-. ate in Omaha to see that own ers of power boats opcratins f'T hire have proper licenses, huTety precautions, etc. They will spend a d.i at Lake Man aw i :n:i another at Caiter lake. RECRUITING OFFICER RECALLED TO SERVICE W. W. I-ornhbouch. for the la?t to year navy reuniting in 'iiarus .f Ibc federal building offj, e and who i anks as captain, has received ifOilc ol his recall to cti,- service. Captain T. M. Tinton. wt.ii ban lieen on sea duty for I the. lat-t siv yai. wii corn heie n-..t wk and Loirhbuunh's pl' . Kidur) and I hrr Irnulilrt .1' iiicwd by Fl'drr Hitiei. I:.. ,t i 'il'"Jy lor ilali-c. t ion. d .sj iiM.i. I.t .irt .in .uid i:al Md.i'V trou, .h .-. . ., iu.,J ! .Ml d. t:. A-lv- r'i. i ic Already the great European war is making itself felt right here at home. With production at a standstill abroad and Europe Calling for Food prices of edibles here in America are going up by leaps and bounds- The war has just begun What will the end be? There's one food that will not advance in price a food Europe is now calling for Made from wheat and barley, Grape-Nuts has for 20 years proved itself a dependable food for body and brain. It contains all the rich nutriment of the grain, including the invaluable min eral phosphates lacking in white bread, but necessary for sturdy health A food for War and Peace Grape-Nuts is every family's friend delicious to taste, easily digested, richly nourishing, economical. Packed in seaved cartons dust and germ proof this food is always crisp and appetizing and Price Same As always everywhere With Grape-Nuts food, you can laugh at high prices and live well- "There's a Reason" HENRY COX VIOLINIST KlIlKtTOK OMAHA SYMPHONY STl'HY OUCHKSTKA Phone llnriiev .'tIMVI. Vi'lncshiy .MorniiiKN. : - mm - w. ,r,lliMiBIBt iii.i.iMAiM.n wii'i UU I' t" in il i il i i iiyi.j mm irZr- ff? sXI SO. OMAHA, NEB Most Moilern anil Sanitary llrewery in tlie Wml. I amily trmlo uplifl ly: SoiUh Omaha VM. JKTTKIl, X Street; Telephone South N(ll. thimhn III (iO l lilli, ItougluN Strict; Phono loiiKlas iUMO. Council Muff OLD Mil'. HA It, 13J2 Sililli SUth Street; Phone MiZ.i. If eppcd is what you want in the delivery of outs, w ran satisfy your wants.. We have plates going through our plant which must be turned out for ttee in our own publication and in ro8t oases your work could be made at the same time. Our own cuts show up well in the paper, why not have your made un der the sarrv; conditions? In. Urination and estimate frmiaW. upon request -140 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Save Time and Shoe Leather to say nothing of nerves and carfare, by reading the "For Rent" columns of The Bee. Then if you want any style or type of home or business property in Omaha or its suburbs, you can learn at once what vacancies are in the market and at what rentals. You can also learn who the agents are, and as their telephone calls are given, there need be no delay in talking business to them. The renting season is very near, so begin reading these columns now and be sure of getting just what you want. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ada