THE HKK: OMAHA, MONDAY, A I T( IT ST J4. 1914. Vim ItKNT Stores inn nrflcea. FOR RENT An offlr with reoeptloa room, reasonable t!4 Slate Hank llldg Excellent Counter Location For business reeding Only small Investment. Will help you start. Inquire of Superintendent. Room 10S, Th Bn Bulldln- Co. Store and Offices. F1n cool room with vault, elac. light and wiWr free; 14x77 ft. partition, d for 2 private rooma and reception room. Opens directly on beautiful court &1 floor. Apply room 103, Be Hldg. GOOD barn, room for t or 10 horse 1917 Webster St. Call Douglas U REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LA.VUS FOR SALE Kaaaii. HOMESEEKER. attention. AVrlto for list. Description of country, what we grow, climate, soil, valuable Information free. Fina tanning and stock country. James Russell, Edna. Kan. Minnesota. FOR SALE 260 acrea 4d mllea from Min neapolis, ono mile from town; 1CU acres undsr cultivutlo, bal. usea for paatore; can practically all be cultivated; heay nil; good set of buildings, consisting of 8-roo a house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, etc.; the land will produce tio bush els of corn per acre; telephone In house; country thickly eettled; complete set of machinery; 27 head of stock, consisting of U cows, balance 1 and 2 years old; 6 good horses, 25 hogs, chickens; V of this year's crop and everything on the farm goes at lf0 per acre; half cash. Schwab Bros, 10-t Plymouth Bltlg.. Minneapolis. Minn. FOR SALK -By owner, 252 acres wild land, with buildings and some broke, in northern Minnesota, running water on place; will make fine stock farm. Ad dress Wm. C. I'ennlnian, Hitlmun, Minn. NO FAILURES In Pine county, Mlnne sota; close to best markets; choice lands, easily cleared, $20 per acre; easy terms. Hunt-Johnson, Hinckley, Minn. ALFALFA, Clover and Corn land In the James River valley. North Dakota. Buy before land goes higher. Come and see us. We maka a specialty of getting buyer and seller together. H. .T. Johnson Land and Cattle Co., Oakea, N. D. Nebraska. FOUND 820-acre tiomestead In settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you $200 filing fees and alL J. A. Tracey. Kimball. Neb. SCOTTSBLUFF, NEB., IRRIGATED LAND, NO DROUGHTS FULL CROP EVERY YEAR No. 517 One of the smoothest, choicest Irrigated farms in the whole North Platte valley; there la a nice, com fortable 6-room home, with porches and good cellar; the barn la well built, room for 10 head of stock; the house, barn and other outbuild ings are nicely painted; the farm la well fenced; this year's crops are 80 acres of corn, 15 acres of oata and all the balance la In a splendid stand of alfalfa. This fine farm Is In a good neighborhood and only S miles to town. Owner Is a ranchman and has more land than he can handle. Price, $110 per acre, on easy terms. No. 513 A very sightly 80 acres. Very smooth and easy to Irrigate. It has just been broken and Is In fine shape for fall wheat or for oata and ulfalfa next spring; 6 miles from town in well settled neigh borhood; a snap at 966 per acre. Write for "Land Owner." It tells all about, the country. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block, Omaha. CHEYENNE county. Nebraska lands, for aale and exchange. Write for free booklet. Chris Hickey & Co., Fairbury, Neb., or H. C. Casselman, Lodge Pole, Cheyenne county. Nebraska. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book, let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant State acres wanted. Write about our erasing lands. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. Son Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTEN TO THIS We have a buver with $150 cash who wants a 6 or 6-room cottage east of 20th, south of Leavenworth. Has a good posi tion and can pay $20 per month payments. The Vogel Realty Agency 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. RRAL estate loans WANTED City loans Peters Trust CO. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101$ Omaha Nat. Douglas ITU. MONEY on hand for city and farm loan. H. W Binder. City Nat. Bk. Bldg. OARVTT BROS Lo". nd up. UAliV-. Omalu Nt. HanK. 6 0 I10-3U Brandeia Theater Bldg. WANTED City loans and warranta W. Farnam Smith aV Co.. 1320 Farnara. HARR13CN A MORTON. ltt Om Nat. CITY property. Large iohoi a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 2' State Bank Hldg. $J00 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead B'dg.. 18th and Farnam. CITY and farm loans, 6,5!, 6 per cent. J.H.Dumont & Co., 1603 Farnam, Omaha. BEE us first If you want farm loan. United States Trust Co., Onaaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE IX) R BALE 10-room house, attic and full basement; all modern; not water heat; automobile garage and drive, large lot. Inquire owner, &10 Webster. C-ROOM house, all modern; full lot, east front, second lot from corner, 3132 N. !3d; block to car; easy terms; call owner, Webster 6372. NEW, modern bungalow, oh paved street. 4iu n, m h. EAIEST.EolTHrjlDlE" Buy Now Owner Must Sell Seven-room strictly modern, two-story dwelling, having reception hall with ' window seat: living room with built-in bcokcases. dining room with built-in buffet, burlap walls, panel strips and rlate rail. These rooms all finished in oak, dandy pantry, large kitchen and entry way. Upstair has three nice bed rooms (one In white enamel), elegant sleeping porch, nice bath room with tiled floor and walla, also built-in linen closet. Iest grade of plumbing fixtures, oak floors throughout entire house; full cemented baaament under enure house with rrullt-in fruit cellar and coal bins, floor drain; guaranteed Fox furnace. This house built for a home, by dav labor, Meld club district, an elegant location. Owner will sell for small iyment down, balance like rent. JTor further Information see Scott & Hill Co. Ioug. 1CMM. 30.-7-K MoCartJe rildg 14. Sort FOR quick rash sale. Income prop erty, 12 per cent. Call owner, Harnty 17. 4,600. ALL modern. 8 rooma, ah-eping porch and sun room, finest neighbor hood. Deal direct and save. Come out and see how reaaonabie the price and -. tp aaifi I kuAum hit REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE WEST FAlvNAM BARGAIN. At 116 So. 3ah St. This home ia very beautiful, or. raved troot; larc shade trees; strictly modern house i rooms, Itloi k to car line; small payment din, balance monthly payments 6 per cent interest This house must be scon to be appreciated. Call Harney .. for further information or (nil at ahov nildrenit. ARE you looking for n nice. new, niodrrn home, 7 rooms, corner lot, walking tils, tanet? I will sell mine for $.11'. Silt 8. 2Mh St. Red WIS. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Close In 517 So. 25th Ave. Six Large Rooms. $4,500 WEST FARNAM BARGAIN At 116 So. 36th St. TMs home Is very beautiful, on paved street; largo shade trees; strictly modern house, 9 rooms; Block to car line; small payment down, balance monthly payments 8 per cent interest. Thin holme must be seen to be appreciated. Call Harney 30W for further information or call at above address R. H. LAN DERToTj "reafTsTa te, insur anee; moved to 2H1 Neville. l. 3tlo. t-ROOli house, rents for tlS.ov, must be sold at once; fao will hamile it H. 471L "LET 'EH obALTAalikRr Going to Spring Something! WATCH STWllAYK REM. estate COLUMNS FOR ARTHUR MAKOWITZ. ABSTRACTS OK TITI.R. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract ro., a modern abstract office. 305 So. 17tn St. Thonc Douglas M37. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Branriela Theater. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE Pianos for other musical Instructs. i- :!0I7 100 ACRES, all Improved, in Park county, Wyoming; 140 acres In crops. Call house, K.' N. i: It hi St., South Omaha. Phone South 1489. RAILWAY TIME CARD UMON STATION Tenth & Mason. Missouri Pacific nrrt. ..a S:K am . .all .15 pm ..a 2:00 pm ArrlT. a ):11 m a 4 .60 pm I K) ;m K. C. A S. t Exprem K. t". St. 1.. Expn K. C. St. Paul ( hlcago lirent Wfitera Tin (Mtv Limited a 8 pm a 8 SO am Twin City Kxpreaa Chtcna-o Eipreaa I n Ion l'aclfle Ov.rland Limited . Hnllt'nrtitfi Mall ..a 9 30 am a 9 to pm ..a 6:05 pin a 3:50 put ..a I 00 am a :4 pm ..a 4.80 pm 1:46 am Omaha Kxpraa a 6:30 pm Atlanta Kipreaa a :60 am la Angelea Limited tl:68 am a:40pm IXinTfr Hpwlal 7:86 am a 2:80 am Colorado Kxpreat, 4:20 pm a 4 00 pm Colorado Bpoclal all. 01 am a J:00 am San Frani laco Limited io:30 am Haclflo Limited all 80 am 7:8fpm Oregon-Waahlagtan Limit.. .alO SO am a 8:15 pm North Piatt. lcal a 8:15 am a 4:16 pm Clrand Inland Local a 6:80 pm al0 30 am Btromaburg Local bl2:41pm b 1:20 pm Illinois Central Chicago Limited Chicago Eipreaa .a 3:00 pm .a :60 am a 8 20 am a 3:80 pm Chlcaaro, Milwaukee A St. laal raclflo Limited a 7:50 pm Cbloaso Special a 5 60 pm Ban iVanclaca Limited alii 54 am Chicago Daylight Special a 7:10 am Manila Local a 5 00 pm Wabaah 12:16 am 7:28 am 8:25 pm 11:46 pm 11:50 am Omaha-St. Lou I a Sxpreas a 8:80 pm Mail and Kxpreea a 7:08 am Bunberry Local Irora C B.-b 6:00 pm Chicago St JVortb w ea t er n NOHTH. Twin City Bipreas a 7:4! am Dakota Paaseiignr b 7:46 am Sioux City Looal a 8:25 pm Mlnneapolia Bxpreaa a 0:45 pm Dakota Eipreaa a 8:46 pm a 9:15 am all :16 pm b!0:16 am alO 80 pm a 9:46 am a 8 46 pm all:10 am bl0:80 pm Twin City Limited a 9:05 pm a 7.31 am Act. DenTar 8peclal a 2 48 am Carroll Local a 7:00 am Hawkey Express a 7:40 am Chicago I coal al2 SO pm Carroll Local ..a 4:30 pm Chicago Special a 8:00 pm dan Francisco Limited a 8:66 am Overland Limited a :d0 pm Oregon-Waahlnirton Limited, .a 8:82 pm Los Angeles Limited a 9:at pm a 7:20 am a :00 pm all:69 pm a 1:46 pm al0:00 urn a 7:20 pm alO 15 am a 7 30 am al0:16 am all 40 am WEST. Chadron local Lincoln-Dallas Lincoln-Long Pine . Haatlnira-Superlor .... lMadwood-tlot Spring Caaper-Lander Alblon-Oakdale .a 9:00 pm ....a 8 00 pm ....a 2:15 pm a 6:20 pm al0:16 pm ....b 2:16 pm b 6:20 pm ... .a 8 :tH pm a 6 :20 Pm ....a 8:65 pm all:00 am .b 6:80 pm b 1:36 pm Chicago, Rock Island fc I'aclflc EAST. Rocky Mountain Limited all:SS am Chicago Local Passenger ,...bl0:00 am Chicago Day Kxpresa a 6:30 am Chicago Night Bxpreae a 4:10 pm Dca Molaes Local Paaaenger.a 4:27 pm Chicago Nebraaka Limited. .a 6:08 pm all:05 pm M0 68 pm a 4:40 pm a 1:29 pm all 36 am a 8 .30 am WEST. Chi. -Neb. Llm. to Lincoln. ...a 8:46 am a 5:47 pm Colorado c California Kip. .a 1 40 pm a 4 00 pm Oiiaboma & Texaa Express... a 4:00 pm all 80 am Hocky Mountain Limited all 17 pm al2 27 am BI RH.1GTON STATION .Tenth and ifaaos. Burlington Denver Limited Chlcato Omaha Denver and California ... Puget Round Expreaa Nebraaka Points Black Hllle Lincoln Mall Northweat Rxprena Nebraaka Kxpreaa Lincoln Teal Re huyler-Plattsmeutb Plattamouth-lowa Bcllevue Plattamouth Chicago Hpectal Denver Hpeclal Chicago Rxpreaa Chicago Kaet. Eipreaa .... Creaton Local ft. U ft K. C. Special. K. C & Si. Joseph K. C St. Joneph Llnroln-Plattamuuth Depart. . a 8:40 am ..a 4:10 pm ..a 410 pm ..a 810 am ..a 4 10 pm .b 3:10 pm ,.all:86 pm ..a 9:16 am . a 7 26 pm ..b 3 f pm ..a 9:18 am ..al2 .30 pm ..a 715 am ..all 46 pm ..a 8 45 pm .va 8 .80 pm ..b 8:36 pm ..a 4 30 pm . .al0:46 pm . a 9 15 am ..a 8.30 pm Arrive. a 7:00 am a I SO am a 1:30 pra a 8 80 pm a 8:10 pm a 8 80 pm al2:la pm a 7-00 am a 8:10 pm b 9 50 am bio 80 am a 8:60 am a 1 .40 pm all 20 pm a 8-65 pm a 8 00 am Ml 00 am all 60 am a am a 8 oo pm a 7 :50 pm WEBSTER STREET STATION Flf. teenth and Webster. Missouri' Pacific-- Depart Arrive. Falls City Passenger b 3 30 pm bio 60 am Local Freight b 9:40 am b 4 30 pm (hirago, St. I'aal, Minneapolis Jt Omaha Twin City Paeeenger b 8 36 am b 3 is pm gloux City Eipreaa b 2 26 pm bll 66 em Stoui City Paa&cnger o 8 25 am Emerson Local b 8:00 pm b 9 10 am Good Goods Tell Their Own Story Reader of The Bern have exeluiive New York World Spe cial war new cable eervice in addition to the fall report of Associated Press. Up-to-the-minute Extras Bay The Bee Every Time GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bull News Plentiful in Wheat Tit Among Traders. CORN IS KEPT STIRRED UP lCtpurt Iminirle Keep Ip Strength of Arllotv t ercel and tavsare Its Reattna; Spots Co elderably. OMAHA. Aug. 12. 1914. News of a bullish character waa plenti ful in the wheat ijiarkct yesterday. News was of a kind to receive attention, and It wss the lending Influence of tl-.e day, an the Items on the bear aide were brushed away like so much chaff. Recount, In an estimate of tho w licat crop of the lBkotas and Minnesota, lowered the yield to lHi.tmn.OiiU bushels, compared with 17!.000,in hUHhelH laat year. Offielala of the Cnnadlan Pacific esti mate the northwestern Canada crop at U0.iMH) bushels, or 4f..000.titit bushels less than lust year. These figures were con sidered as near the fact and wheat was bought on them. There were many complications In the market that were looked upon aa quite bullish, one of which was an extraordinary flour trade with the output of the nulls. There were net gains In wheat yester- ( day of 2'mo-'c and advances were fairly i well held, although there was consider able wheal sold late, In the way of profit ! taking. The feature of the market waa j the buying of September by a large ex- vimciii, v iiu autu j-'vcciuurr iu nw place. Reporta of export Inquiries at the sea board kept the corn trade stirred up yes terday and had much to do with the display of strength. Heating spots were V lc higher th.m Thiitsuav n mi ll tm ures. Tho bulge In wheat helped corn values in the lattor part of the session yesterday, hh there was a tendency among holders to unload part of their grain In view of the limited demand for cash corn here and Illienil rountry of ferings. Cash corn held ateady in apita of the advance In futures and aalea here were only SA.WO bu. the smallest in some time. Kxport sales of oats from hero were very heavy yeeterday. the total being re ported as high aa Tini.ixiu bushels. In ad dition thore were lSO.tKW buaheln caah oats suld here for domestic account and tin: seaboard Is reported to have disposed of futures and the market acored a aharp advance. One of the local crop experts Issued a very bullish report on tills year's oats crop, and estimated the yield to be the lightest lit years In portions of the states of production. Lard again atood out prominently In the provision market, closing with fair ad vancea, while pork and riba were easier. Wheat was 2c higher. Corn was c higher to Vic lower. Oata were lc higher, Clearances of wheat and flour ware equal to 1,622,(X0 bushels; corn, 4,000 bush e!e; oatB, 10.000 bushels. Wheat at Liverpool closed 1V40 higher; corn, ic higher. Primary wheat receipts were 1.3SR.000 bushels and ahlpments 797,0(10 bushels, agulnat receipts of 8.6.0IW bushels and shipments of K22,0iK) bushels last year. Primary corn receipts wero 1,-5,000 bushels and shipments 32.S.OHO bushels, against recelpta of 4U,0ot bushels and shipments of 28H.00,) buahcla last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,236,0X1 bushels and shipments A23,000 bushels, against receipla of l.lHfj.OOO hutdicla and shipments of 46,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Ilye. Minneapolis . Chicago Huluth Omaha Kansas City. Bt. Inuis ... 2!8 ..212 .. W .. 42 .. 1'7 449 100 IS 71 3Xi "s 22 84 Winnipeg ..1S1 Omaha Caah Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, 4',4(o97c; No. 3 hard, 9m&9ic; No. 4 hard, 91V4fi92V4c; No. 2 spring, 92"4igi 924o nominal; No. S spring. VlhiWl'io nominal; No. 4 spring, 90in(9IVc, nominal. No. 2 durum, auVaSlHc nominal; No. 3 durum, 79ijW4c nominal. Corn: No. 2 white, 77VaT8c; No. S white, 77(277Vxc: No. 4 white, 7Mr'ff7iic; No. 2 yellow. 77V478c; No. S yellow, 77H'q778c: No. 4 yellow, TrraT7V4c; No. 2 mixed, 7VMr7M;c ; No. 3 mixed, 7ft37S4c; No. 4 mixed, 74V4 (u16v. Oats: No. 2 white, 41V(i-t2c nomi nal; standard. 41Ht&'4H.c; No. 3 white, 41 Splice; No. 4 white. Wdic. Barley: Malting, Bfrrttiic; No. 1 feed. 4iK&'50e. Rye: No. 2, 77(a7lc; No. I, 7a'77Hc. These sales were reported today Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 car (dark), 97c; 2 cars, 94l4c No. 3 hard winter. 2 cars, 94c; 4 cars, 3tye; 1 car, 93c; 2 cars, 92V4c. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car. 8)iV4c. Rejected, 1 car, 8Vc. No. S durum,- 1 car, 91c, Rye: No. 2, 9-5 car, 77c. No. 3, 1 car, 77c. Oats: No. 2 white, standard, 1 ear, 41c. No. 3 white, 1 cars. 4Hc; I can, 41c. No. 4 white, 3 cars, 41c; 1 car, 4u-vc; 1 car, 40Mru- No grade, 1 car .(white), 40V4cVi 8 cars, VSAc. Corn: No. 1 white, 4 cars, "Sc. No. 2 white, 1 car, 78c. No. 3 white. 2 cars, 7714c No. b white, 3-6 car, 7tiHc. No. 1 yellow, 5 cars, 78c; 2 cars, 774c No. I yellow, 1 car, 78c; 3 cars, 77V4c. No. 3 yellow, 4 cars, 78c; 7 cars, 77',jc. No. 6 yellow, 1 car, TiVtc; 1 car, 77c. No. 6 yellow, 1 car, 77e. No. 1 mixed, 3 cars, 76',4 No. 2 mixed, 4 cars, 7tHe. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 7tic. No. b mixed, 1 car (mostly white), 76V4c; 1 car, "tic; 2 cars, 7fMic; 1 car, 71'Sc. No. 8 mixed, 1 car, 76 Vic CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of tbe Trndlna; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 22. There waa another war time flurry, led by wheat, on the board of trade today, and advances were scored all along the line. The advance In wheat was violent and the close was at the top 2!i to 3c over yesterday. Corn advanced V4 to lVc; oata, to lV.c, and provisions to 16c, Wheat opened steady, bulged sharply, reacted a bit and then moved to the beat prices early in the war when the market was awinglng over a range of 6 and 6c a day. The Influences were the govern mental and financial arrangements made or In tho malting, looking to the expor tation of American foodstuffa, notably the government insurance plan. A statement that certain of the warring nations would have to Import In the neighborhood of SOO.OOO.OtX) bushels of cereals wa another factor. There waa no great demand, but what there waa found sellers chary. Caah wheat waa even scarcer, with an active demand from millers. Favorable weather conditions prevented corn from getting the full Influence of the wheat market, but that factor sent prices up for a net gain of half a cent In September to 1V4 In May. Volume of business waa small. Oats were strong all day on the de mand frcm exporters. Half a million bushela were reported bought here for the foreign account. A demand for lard strengthened pro visions. Chicago future prices: Article! Open. I High. Low, Close. Yes'y. Wheat- Kept.97W97 Dec.l 03Vif I 1 024if May.l OSVtlll Corn I Sept. IWVfl 74 I)ee..(7iVi ll May.72ty71? Oata Sept. 44Vfri I Dec..!47viiVi May-joOU-to! Pork- Pf-pt.l 22 45 i Jan.. 21 60 Lard -Sept.! 10 07H! 94 Mi 79 70 71 43 44 49 23 27 22 50 I 21 0 10 17V4 10 32j 97 MVt 1 04 1 021 1 04 I HI 1 08V 1 101 wj 79H 79 71 70. 1 7i 72 71 72 45 V 44 45HI 47 47' 47, 60- 49, 60 22 40 I 22 50 21 60 21 66 10 07V4 10 WH 10 20 10 32', 10 66 10 67 12 70 I 12 72 12 2R 12 27 11 26 11 32 63 9 77 10 06 12 72 12 27 11 07 10 25-2J) 10 2Vsl 12 75 Mlneapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 22 -WHEAT September, 91. 0b; No. 1 hard. 91.14: No. 1 northern. 9108'tfL13; No. t northern. 91041.11. WHEAT Advanced 9c today, but later declined. FLoi'R 15c higher. CORN No. 3 yellow, T7eTUc. OATS No. S white. 42ijj43c- F1.AX 91 Wil . I4AKLKY AojjtioC RYE 72l'7Hc. RRAN-922.60. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug 22.-CCFFEE Owing to report of frost In Sato Paulo the local colfee inarhet was flnn and Oct.. Jan.. I Rihs Sept. 12 77, Oct.. 12 25 Jan.. U 30 the bids before ;he xoluntaiy committee were shMhtlv h'K'ier t'or lie int.. posi tions. lecembT selling at lis-, w hile September wits i!.7.V. bid. with no offers Spot coffee was stcadv iind uf.chanaed n '.'kc lor Rio No Htid t-';,'' tvr Santos No. 4. SRW YORK I.KNKIIII, M IIHI'.T (taotatlnna of the Ditr on Carinas I 'omninrl 1 1 les. NEW YORK, Aug. Si -KI.OVR-Market firmer: apnng patents, ffr.h'tn 4t; winter sttaights, 14 !M4'; winter patent. 14 0if 4 tin. sprint.- clears. 1?in4M; extra No. 1 w inter, n.7.v,j; extra No. 3 winter, la.tO WHEAT- Spot market strong; No 2 ted. $1 (V, elevator, domestic; new No. 2 hard, 91 !:,. e. I. f . New York; new, No. 1 northern. iMilutu, 91 14't. and No. 1 Northern. Manitoba. II. In. c. I. f , Rtiffalo, all nominal. Futures without trausnctiona; September, lit1; l'ecem ber. II to', CtiltN'-Spot eflsy: No. 2 yellow, Vv, c. I. f.. to arrive; Argentine, 's;4f9.1c, aa to qualltv delivered. OATS- Spot, firm: standard white; No. S, tuMfHi'vc, fancy clipped white. l.2tj,W. HOPS -iju'et ; state, common t. choice. 19K'. l.v'ultic; Pacific roaat, UH.1, KJflSc; 1P1" i;V(j I tic. HIl'ES-Sleadv. WoolSteady. LEATHER-Firm; hemlock firsts, aiirf .Tfic; seconds, StV(i.tlc. HAY steady; shipping. ICiiOtic; No. 1, fi ami.-A; No. 8, f Lltny l.2T, new. No. 3, SVr,cf7jl rt. PROVIFIONS-Pcrk. firm; mess, 92475 ?t2f.2r; family, JT.tas(iys t; short cleat s I'.'.t.tHVirZfi .00. Ueef. unsettloil; mess, il tk(i $L'4(i0; family. I' all nominal. I.ard. firm; middle west. 91" ei'n lo ,M. re fined, firm; continent, 11 tXt; South America. 911. (T: compound, firm. 9s.:ii'iyli'V,. TAl.T.OW Firm; city r,r, nominal; Country, RHjvjc; special. v. OM A 11 .i:m.ral market. MATTER No. 1. Mb., cartons, ,10c No. 1, no-tn. tubs. 300. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 4iV: Ameri can Swiss, 2iic; block Swlsx, "2c; twins, 17Vio; daisies, ISc; triplets. 18c; Young Anierlcus. li'c; blue label brick. 18c; lim btirger, 2-lb., ISc; 1-lb.. 2dc: New York white, life; Imported French Ruquefort, 48c. FISH-Trout 17e; large crapples, ltf 16c; salmon. IL'ulBc; halibut, :i ; channel catfish, lBc; pike, 17c; pickerel. lc. Poiri.TR Y ltrollers, Aic; honn. 12o: cocks, 8c; ducks, 8c; geese. V: turkeys, )6c; plegons, per Ilc; ducks, full feathered, 8c; geese, full feathered, Sc; quail, No. 1, $1.50; No. 2, 50u. HOtvS Receipts, ,13,'HtO head; market, dull; bulk, v 2i478 tlfi; lluht. $S.4tku8 90; mixed. $s lOJfS.U0; heavv, JS.OtS.70; rough $8.(HiiH 10; pigs. $7.2f(8.W. BEEF CCTS-No 1 ribs, 20c; 18V: No. 3, 1c; No. 1 chuck. 18c 12V; No.-3, llc; No. 1 loin, 22c lf-c; No. S. 14c: No. 1 tilatea. 9c No. No. No. No. !; No. 3 piSe: No. 1 round. ItiUjc: No, 8c; No. 3, 7i!. Pricea furnished by the Olllnsky Fruit Co.: NUTS Suited peanuts, 9150 per case; No. 1 California .walnuts. lSc ier U. ; pecans. 12c er lb.; filberts, 15c ptr lb.; aluioiKls. 20: per lb. M ISC ELLA NEOl'S Sugar walnut dates, 91. 21 per box; limes, $1.76 per basket; cmckertack, 93.50 per case; crarkerjack, per half case, 917; checkers. :i .50 per case; checkers, per half case, 1.76. VEGETABLES Cauliflower: P-enver. per lb., 12c; cabbage, 2c per lb.; onions, 2c per lb.; peppers. f0c per baa ket; fancy tomatoea, tf.K er basket; cu cumbers, hut-house, 2-doz. basket, 76c; new beets, carrots and turnips, 26c per doz. ; celery, Michigan, 860 per dos. ; celery, Ienver, large Jumbo, 91 per dog.: head lettuce, 6O0 to $1.;0 per (log.; leaf lettuce, 40c per doz.; onions, homo grown, 16c per doz.; radishes, 60o per dos.; garlic, Italian, 20e per lb.; horse radish, 91.6 per case; shelled popcorn, 4c per lb.; as paragus, home grown, per dot., market price about 30c per dos.; potatoes, new, 7Du per bu. Corn aud Wheat Region Bulletin, Corn and wheat region bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four houra ending at 8 a. m., 7th meridian time, Saturday, AugUHt 22: OMAHA DISTRICT. -Temp. Ha In flation. High. Low. fall. Ashland 93 72 .t Auburn 93 70 .00 Broken Bow ..84 .00 Columbus 89 t3 .00 Culberteon .... 80 64 .00 Fairbury 80 69 .00 Fairmont Sti r .00 Grand Island... 80 7? .00 Hartlngton .... 93 62 .00 Hastings 84 06 . 00 Holdrege 86 Of! .00 Lincoln 90 74 .00 North Platte .. 8 W .00 Oakdale 8ti ! . Omaha 91 70 .00 Tekamah 92 68 .00 Valentine 84 04 .10 Alta. la Hil fit .00 Carroll, la 8S 4 .Oil Clarinda 89 71 .01 Sihley. la 80 (14 .Of. Sioux City, la.. 88 74 .00 Sky. I't. cloudy Clear Clear I't. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear I't. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAOES. No. of - Temp. Rain full. .40 .20 District. Stations. High. Low. Columbus, 0 18 82 M Louisville, Ky... 22 88 (it Indla'polia, Ind., U 8t; t;2 Chicago, 111 24 XI f;0 Bt. Louis, Mo.... 23 92 S Des Moines, la.. 24 88 Mi Minneapolis 62 84 68 Kan. City, Mo.. 34 94 70 Omaha, Neb 17 88 I8 .00 .00 .00 .20 .40 .40 .10 Temperatures are somewhat higher in the northern and western districts of the corn and wheat region. Showers occurred In the wesern and extreme eastern dis tricts. I.. A. WKUSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Clearing: House Bank Statement. NEW YORi:. Aug. 22.-The etatement of the average condition of the clearing banks and trust companies for the week shows that the cash reserve decreased 6.i72,8r, leaving a deficit of $42,719,900 be low the legal requirements. The statement fulluwa: Amount. ..$2,12!(.OJli,000 .. 412,2il,OnO 76,232 000 .. 1,9J1,6jO,00 Increase. $ 7,029.00) Loans SDecie 3,4',O(10 iLcgal tender .... Net deposits Circulation l.Cf.OOO -99,010 J 4. 622,000 6.272 .3.71 88,639,000 Ief. cah reserve.. 42,719,900 Banks' cash reserve In vault... Truttt companies' cash reserve. $321, 684.0ii0 , Wi.OlO.OUO Aggregate cash reserve $187,694,000 Trust companies reserve with clearing house members carrying 26 per cent cash reserve, 9M.968.00u. nummary of state banks and trust com panies in Greater New York, not in cluded in clearing house statement: Amount, increase. Ioana and Invst. . .9 41.M9.lou 11,4x1, wxi Currency and bknts. 11,h3,6ii0 61,000 Total deposits ')4,1I6, jo) t,Pii,4o0 Oils and Hosln. NEW YORK, Aug. 22. TURPENTINE (Julet. ROSIN Quiet. SAVANNAH. Ga , Aug. 22 TLRPEN TINE Nominal, 4.ric; no aales; receipts, 384 bbls ; shipments, 68 tilde ; stocks, 28,611 bills ROSIN Nominal; no sales; receipts. 1.0C5 bbls.; shipments, 71,3 bbls.; stocks, 119.22i bbls. Quotations: A and B, 930, C and r. $3.52; E. F, G, 11 and I. 91. .v.; K. 94.16 M, 9100; N, $6 30; WO, $6.25: WW, Rloax City Live Stock Market. SIOI.X CITY', la., Aug. 22. CA TT LE - Receipts. WK head; no market. HOGri-Receipts, 4,000 head; market M$ 10c higher; heavy. $.8tfr9 00; mixed. $8.76t( 1 xo; light, i.;w.a; bulk. i(xi 80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 head, no market. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 22,-Cotton goods quiet; print cloths easy. Fine goods steady. linens firm. Burlaps firm. Knit goods firmer. Men's wear for fall Inactive but pricea steady. Grocery Stock Destroyed by Fire Fire of unknown origin broke out in the grocery store of M. Llppert at Twenty-sixth and Leavenworth streets, early this morning and destroyed the entire stock and materially Injured the two-story frame building In which the store Is located. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak to Twenty-Five Cents Lower for the Week. HOGS FIFTEEN OFF FOR WEEK Ka heep Stead All Meek and Vmi Lamb Fifteen to Qaarter l.o-rer Than l.nst eek Feeder Otrndy to Ten 4ff. SOCTH OMAII , Aug., 22, 1914 neceipts were: Otitiial Mi.n.liiv Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday..., Offlrlal Ftl.liy Estimate Saturday. Cattle. Hois. Btirep. .. 8.1.;; 4.Ti S4.;M3 4,327 '.8S8 2.. "0 2.1. N7 60 6, 'MH n.axt 8.r.;s 7. W 20.143 1.1.111 Ml Six days this week. .IS.l.-O 4", 801 88,343 Same days last week.. 11. 284 M.310 6S,V!t Same days i wka ago,.IO.Ml 11,364 64,3:'.". Same days 8 wks ago..ll.WH tt.lofi ,tV.i;2 Same days 4 wks ago. .11.391 4,M7 W.4: aine days last 1 year. .1H.H.J ;tti.4J2 72.X9 The following table snns the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with lost year: 1914. 1913 Inc. Dee Cattle 483.031 Ril.Si'4 38.3S3 Hogs 1.K49.O09 l.K,t.' 249 86,240 Sheep 1.47H.69S 1,293.2a 18.1, It The following table shows the prices for hega at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with com parisons Date Aug. 7 Aug. 8 N914. 11918. I19IS. 11911 qjlO l:a.ll9t. S92 fi.iV 9 19 7 ) 7 li 7 f 8 lj 7 61 7 281 7 90 ( 80 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. A "K. I 9 181 7 -V 7 2;l 7 79l 7 49 90i I 7 9 7 2,1. T Ml 7 41 8 40 I 02l 3 191 17 91 7 BUll 7 34 $ (4) 8 79 7 Sail 8 04 7 Hi 7 91., 7 6 41 8 sV 7 k"i S 01 1 8 06 ; 7 4;: tl 22 . in. 11 1J 13 1 I V 04'v 16. 1 8 94 :n: k i h 7 101 I 7 49 6 17 7 73) 8 12 , 7 09 7 77 1 8 14 7 17 I 8 081 7 17 7 75 7 1 T t 7 77 8 mi 7 191 7 sti I 8 09 7 no; 11 041 7 r? 8 0.t 8 04' 7 261 8 Itil 1 I 6 30 lt. 17 18. 19 20 21 2J I 72l 8 ',! 8 8'.t 8 94 8 82 8 24, 7 4i 8 30 7 7 0 41 8 24 1. 7 72; 6 41 8 23 1 7 64, 31 8 371 7 63 8 .1, I 7 49 (I X 8 M I 32 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Receipts and disposition of live etock at the I'nlon Stock Yards. South Omaha. Neb., for twenlv-four hours en. Una at 8 o'clock p. m , yesterday: HECKIPTS-CA1H. Cattle. Hogs. Horses. (. M A st. P.. 8 1 Wabash Missouri Pacific i I'nlon Pacific 18 14 42 1 14 8 6 116 C. A N.-W.. east C. a N.-W.. west 1 C, St. P., M. A O C, H. & Q . east C, H. A Q , west C. R. 1. A P.. east C R. I. &v P., west Total receipts 9 21 Hoga. .. 1.064 .. 1.2H1 .. 2.4.(2 .. 1,823 .. 193 81 DISPOSITION HEAD. Morris A Co Swift and Cotnpi ny co.npany. t udahy Packing Armour & Co Schwarti & Co.... Com. State Serum Co. Total 6.8W CATTLE-There were no cattle here today, at leaat none of any Importance. Fop the week receipts have been larger than for any recent week, but smaller than fur the corresponding week last year by almost 2,000 head. Not because of large receipts, but largely by reaaun of u reduced consum ing demand Incidental to agitation against high priced beef, prices on all kinds of cattle have had a downward tendency this week. The choicest corn fed beeves potslbly have shown little change because of their scarcity, but the medium grades of cornfeds are around KiOt'&c lower than last week! close, while range steers show about the same decline. Cows and helfera are fully 26a lower than lust week, the trade toward the Inst two or three days Having been very dulL Dry pastures have reduced the demand for stock cattle and the trade In that department showed more or less weak ness, especially during the last few days. Cattle of that description are fully 26c lower and In some cases Inos- slhly mure than that. Good feeders are i around 15y2fo lower. I Quotatlous on cattle: Good to choice oornfed beeves, $9.6010.10; fair to good ! cornfed beeves, $8.7ikJi.60; common to fair cornfed beeves, 97.76iff8.76: apod to choice range steers, 98.26'( 00; lair to good rango steers, $tt.76m'7.60; aood to '. choice grass heifers, $06O(t7.76; good to choice grass rows, $ti.26(ij 7.26; fair to good griides, $6.60u.26: common to fair i grades. $3.5oti6.60; good to choice stock- ' era and feeders, $7.7I48.90, fair to good Blockers and feeders, fl .Wifl .lb; common to fair stockers and feeders, 9254y7.0U; stock cows and heifers, $6.2fvt7.35; stock calves, $'1.&0"08.50; veal calves, $7.0Oy 10.26; bulla, stags, etc., $1.74(7.00. COWS. No- Ar. l'r. No. At. Pt. I DUO 4 W 1 100 t 3 1 1120 4 9 760 f 00 2 7S6 6 IS 1 U70 il HEIFERS. 1 0 00 1..., 1040 I 60 2 40 & HOGS A very fair Saturday showed up, something like 110 cars or 7,000 head being reported In. For the week receipts amounted to 40,8ol, being over 7,000 larger than a week ago, and a little more than 4,000 heavier than for the same week last year. This la the first time for several weeks that receipts have shown a gain over 1913. The market opened dull again today, eurly bids being In must cases 'ully a dime lower than Friday. Hhlppers bought several loads that were quoted anywhere from steady In a few Instances to as much as a dime lower. The killer trade was very slow throughout the early part of the forenoon but the early offers were gradually raised so that when first sales were made they did not look to be over a nickel off, and some of them did not show quite that much decline. On the whole, values are steady to a nickel lower than yesterday's average. Prices were uneven, rangt-- from a flat nickel lower to fully steady and In tome Instances Individual sales were quoted as strong. Trade failed to become very ac tive even at the best time, and the fore noon waa well advanced before a clear ance was made. Hulk of the sales was mude at $8.7.Vh.80, as against yesterday's long string at the latter figure. Of course there was a sprinkling on either side of this spread, quite a number selling at 98.86. Tops landed at 99.00, just a nickel under yesterday. The week's trade shows a decline of fully 16c. The quarter decline of Monday and Tuesday was all regained In the next li days, but Friday and Saturday show a break of 16c, which Just about covers the difference between prices at the close of last week and today. Killing demand has been fairly consistent all week, but shippers have been uncertain. One day they would buy freely and the next have no orders st all, according to the trend of tho market. As a result of this uncer tain condition shipping hoga show the big end of the week's decline, being all of 20c lower, and In tho case of tups a flat quarter lower. No At. Kh. Pr. No. At. Bh. No. to... 61... 70.. St.. tL. 67.. 4... 67... ... 74... 74... 47... tl... n'.'.'. 45 ... 41... 70.., IK... 4... CO... 64... t4... 41 ., 7? .. 71... At. ..lo .279 . .26 .14 .291 .271 ..J2 ,.3 . ..230 .247 ..24 .240 . .M .211 ..363 . t: ..24 Ik! . .K'H M .224 . Ili . . 2:47 ..211 ..m ,.2ul ..HI .214 . i'it .ii Pr. 9 40 I 40 0 u 0 SO HO I tit 24, 4 8 ( 2V I W I (4 I 46 16 I M I to I 46 W I 46 I W I a to 10 I M to I M t 6 I 44 8 M t on no , 2 t, 40 li U,ti 44 41.. S'.ll 40 l, t2U 40 70 am tii d irra 4i I 70 70 a 70 I 70 U 70 ,0 7t t 7S 0 76 1 76 I 711 I 71 II i 78 t 74 I 771, I 7714 I T7 t 77i I 77., I 77 W I 80 I 80 40 ao m m I 10 1 ao 1 10 t Ml an a oil :i4& Ml . M . t.. 41.. 1 . Ml . et . 67.. 41 . 41.. 44.. 44 . 4. . 74.. 70 . 2 . !... I.. 62.. 64 . M.. 4 . 7 . IS . 71. . ...i;,S .i. ...28 ....M ....2iit ...tbi ....1J ....9M ...2't ....Ik ... ja ....3"7 ...3K ....134 ...244 ....? . . . I4 tlT . . . 260 ... til ... SD ....164 . . . . it 80 lbu 40 bO VO S 80 0 Itil 20 Wl ln 110 ISO 124 to 10 no no 120 ISO to M 1 to 40 an SO 40 24 812 M fit M 14 10J ... I SO 77 rum. tl 41 ... T Ta 81IKKP-There were no fresh recelpta here this morning. For the week, how ever, tho receipts have been liberal, being 88 343 head, against 68 89M last week and 72.260 for the rorrtaWindlng time a year ago. The swelling of the receipts was due to the Increased number of offerings from Wyoming, most of which were on the feeder orrer iird gave tbe fee.ler hpyets tin opportunity they hnve been looking for to fill t'ulr numerous order I'.it Until are quotable fiillv-' '' lower for th week ntid mutt'. iim n til the bent grades of feeding sin ep and lunibs are about slraily. The less desirable Kinus of reeiiing sncep tin, I mniM are wens ann ntosuy a ninte on. on ,iion itny. Tuesday and Wednesday, owing to a generous supply of killer on everv ilsy, 'he packer ninnnrtil to t:lte off pimhs l.iirt.V, while on Thuidity n little Itn provetnent t In. but this was all lost on Friday, leaving the market practically In the same noiches us on Weiliiesduv. or, as already noted, IMr'.'ee lower than lh close of ino previous week. It Is genetally roncer.e.l If the Week's recelits had not Included a lare per rentiiise of feeih-r offerings, prices on fnt still r would have shown a still greater decline. Liberal runs are looked for ::et reek, which will Include another good share of offerings from Wyominn. n;i well as from Idaho, i'lnli and Nevada. Quotations on range sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice. $8 11047 8. 20; lit ni fair to good, 97.8."iff.15; lambs, feedeie 'i T',t?.S0; yearllnga, good 10 rhoiie. ft if'. 60; yearllng i. fair to good, 9aiKi!t; i.'i. I yearlings, feeders, 9V7V(irt 00; wethr I good to choice, 9,"i (ii.16 wethers, fair ti good, 95 664f( 90; wethers, teeilers. 94.iV(g 4 !J; ewes, good to choice, $1 30i(T..tiO; ewes, fair to good, 9u.lOiii4.30; ewes, feeders, $J.6O?4.O0. ( lll((.0 1,1 VH STOCK MARKET tattle Weak Hog Steady to ftfcaria lllaher. CIMCAOO. Aug 22.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 401 head; market weak; beeves, $i.i6f 10.110; steers. t)3tv,n4M; Blockers and feed era, $ft.40r0.10: cows and helfera, $i.t!OtiH.aO; calves, $7.76iil0 e HOGS Receipts, 10.000 head; market steady to a shade higher- bulk. .20; light, t .; mixed. 98..V.,1 96; heavv. $8Mli!2:.; rough, $8.6v,iS (&; plas, $7.(air!t 70 8IIEKI' ANI l.AMHS-ltecelpts, ," head; market slow and weak: sheep. 96 10 m 10; yearlings, 9 .Otto 7.00; lambs, 6.ti0iT 8. no. Into St. Paul and Minneapolis Leave Omaha 8:30 p. m. Leave Council Bluffs 8:50 p. m. Arrive St. Paul 7:30 a. m. Arrive Minneapolis 8:05 a.m. Dine at home or take luncheon in the Buffet Club car, go to bed in a steel sleeping car and arrive in the Twin Cities ahead of the fel low whoisn'tan up-to-date hustler. Your telephone is handycall Douglas 260. Dny train with civfe-parlor car and coaches leaves Omaha 9:30 m. m., Co. Bluffs 9:50 a. m. ASK P. F. B0N0RDEN, 0. P. & T. A. 1522 Farnam Street, Omaha. Phone Doug. 260. s piWWWSfiiiiMWI. itmns mil To get in or out of business Read the "Business Chances" column of The Bee. Below are are a few of the opportunities offered in last Sunday's Bee: Substantial corporation, investment of $300 to $1,500. Choice 34 millinery shops, investment of $300 to $600. Choice farm mortgages, 7, $300 to $5,000. General merchandise business of $30,000 a . year, invoice $8,000 to $9,000. Furniture and undertaking, invest $3,000. Blacksmith and wagon shop in thrifty farm ing community. Garage in county seat. Drug store in Omaha, doing business of $12, 000 a year, sale price $4,200. Two good restaurants and candy store. Four good moving picture shows. Lumber, coal and cement business. Bakeries, etc. Why not get into a btisineps of your own and be Inde pendent? Work for yourself and put the results of your labor in your own pocket. The 4 'Business Chances" columns of The Bee offer a large number of good honest opportunities every day. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads BRIEF CITY NBWS Hat Root Frtnt It Now Reacon ?rea Life Monthly Income Gould, Rce Bldg. Fidelity Storage and Vaa Cs. Doug-. 181ft, lighting rivtnrea fiurgens-Oranden company. "Today's Complete More rrorram'' may be tound on the lirst page, of tb , classified section todiy. and appears I" The Peo EXCH'Sl VELY. Find out what the various moving l L-tare theaters offer. Musical Entertainment Alpha ramp No. 1, Woodmen of the World, will give a musical entertainment for Us members, their families and friends Friday evening at Myrtle hull. Continental block. Fif teenth a-iil 1 Mucins streets. Some Locomotive on Erie flinging the praises of the Erie railroad's new "Centl l etle" locomotive, the largest In the World, T. R. Pa Hon of Chicago, traveling pas senger agent of the Erie, wag In Omaha Saturday. The locomotive Is 1T feet long, weighs R6S.0fi0 pounds and la. capable of hauling OH) loaded freight care, equal to a train four and three-quarter milca long, weighing Jit.nro.ono pounds. MGR. COLANERI WRITES LETTER FROM RHEIMS Monslgnor A. M. Colanerl ha been heard from by Rev. Father Gannon of th True Voice. The former was at Rhelms August 2, and wrote that traffic waa ao congested that he had not been able to go farther. He had got that far from Antwerp, where he was July 30, before the war broke out and spoiled the remainder of hla continental trip.