Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    TllK IU;K: OMAHA. MONDAY. An.llST J4, l!U4.
German Fighters of the Air
Here are three of the German aviators upon whom Gerraazxy and the army TtHj for infcnnaca concerning the enemy and for other more aggressive work. Each of these
three men represents the highest type of German aviator; each is the winner in difficult air contests.
vT f J- ' .
3 i- . . f i ... .;: ' ii p
'"ME i .
... .
- V
Winner in Koatern Iloi-drr Might.
i L jx tr u ,
WEnxi:n mmolaxn,
Broke Ue World's Itocord for Durance with 21 Hours if) Minute.
1 If v Kitchtpcii lloim and Twelve Minutcn.
A Vagrant Mind
Copyright. 1314. by In ternatlonal News Service.
Since early this morning the world has seemed surging
With unworded rhythm, and rhyme without thought.
It may be the Muses take this way of urging
The patience and pains by which poems R.e wrought.
It may be some singer who passed into glory,
With songa all unfinished, is lingering near
And trying to tell me the rest of the story,
. Which I am. tQ dull of perception to hear.: ,;.-;1
I hear not, I see not; but feel the sweet swinging
And swaying of metre. In sunlight and shade,
The still arch of Space with music is ringing
As never an audible orchestra made.
The moments glide by me, and each one is dancing;
Aquiver with life is each leaf on the tree,
And out on the ocean is movement entrancing,
As billow with billow goes racing with glee.
With never a thought that is worthy the saying,
And never a theme to be put into song.
Since early this morning my mind has been straying,
A vagabond thing, with a vagabond throng.
With gay, Idle moments, and waves of the ocean,
With winds and with sunbeams, the treetops and birds.
It has lifted along in the joy of mere motion,
To songs without music and verse without words.
What Are the Wild Waves Saying?
On the Beach at Trouville, France, Where Hundreds of Americans Go to Enjoy the Superb Bathing and Incidentally
to Be in the Swim of Fashion.
The Cost of War
An analysis of tlif history of mankind,
Kkys tlM gietitest of military (inthurkles,
howB that from thp yoar J4H6 H. C. to
tho year 1U of our era that is, In a
cycle of ".Ho" years
t h e r.e wore 'i
yearn of peace ami
.'MM yeara. of war.
Jn other words, there
were thirteen years
uf war for every
ear of peace.
For the ancient
war figures are. of
course, lacking; but
for most of the
modern wars they
have been prterved
and stand tta if host I y
reminders of our
human folly and cruelty.
Krom the authorities it Is learned that
liie expenditure by T.nglard in conse
quence of the Frenc h wars of the reolu
t'on and of the ftr.t empire amounted
tc 4,3"0,iO,OOl). The tout of the war with
Fiance from 112 to IMS waa $4.O0O,0'A.
The Crimean war cost England, France,
I'.usHia and the other parties to the con-
fl'ct the grand total rt Jl. ,WMKM-
The war of IfS ot Austria, France
and Sardinia 2."5.n.0". and thr 1'rus-.lan-Austrian
war of 16 cost f.TJf,000,0iO.
The cist of tho Franco-rrusslun war
uf 1T0 was $J,U'.."jO,OiX, all of which had
tu be paid by France. To this mint be
adJed the losses from the Interruption
uf common! .aticn and work, which bring
the cost of the war up to douLlc the
turn givrn.
The Ruseo-Turklhh war of li'S cost the
two powers $l.21".H.sK
Thus we find that from lio to 187S, a
Itiiod of twenty-five years, the ex
penditure on the great wars of Kurope
the Crimean, that of 18G9; the Austro
Trusslan war of 18fr, the Franco-Prua-sian
war of ISi'O, and the Husso-Turklsh
war f 1877-" reaches th Immense sum
of $ti,HO.O0O,C0O.
The great Civil war In the Fulled
States cost the North and South together
14,(00.000,030. and probably double that
sum from loss of property and decline
In production.
It may be said t,hat the present war in
Europe will cost approximately, for every
day that It laats. over $35,000,000, to Kay
nothing of the loss from tho cessation
of production and commerce.
As to the number of human beings
who have fallen In the war game from
the hoary dawn down to the present, no ;
one can possibly know. The editor of
Haydn's "dictionary of dates," puge 1.4W,
says: "It has been computed that up to
the middle of the nineteenth century
6,S0.000,0O0.000 men have perished on the
field of battle.-1
In one year, nays Taine. 1,300.000 men
were called out. and moat of them
Derlshed In the campaign cf 114. Be
tween 1H and IMS Napoleon sent to their I
i death more than 1.700, Frenchmen, to'
whom must be added probably 2,0n0,000
of men born outside of France. From 1
first to last, this modem mlnotaur de
voured five million human beings.
And Napoleon waa enly one of the
mlnotaur who. scattered thickly about
the earth, were busy for 3,130 rut of the
3,ji7 years from H96, B. C, slaughtering
their kind thirt'jen days for every day
that they rested from their bloody work.
In the light of this fact, it may acem
quite probable that the awful figures
given In Haydn are correct, and that the
number slain in war would be equal to
more than four times the present popu
lation of the whole world.
fern,-,-: w-t'is
' f-D J r ' 1 V-"- M -iv ,;..v y
1 I 1 n t -wv riMn,, y . 1 -.nsnrri , , , v 1 t 1 1 - v i
I 1 v u sf ; wf t -a " "j! - 'i i" ' - ,v r A a
"'' " " tj,,u - itWIi 1 mmS ill ii 1 '
awo Iselelhs
2cauty Lessor
Til 1; J( 1 11 AMI SC A I.I PART III
Tho normal, healthy scalp Is fat. rather
than thin, Is well nourished by blood Ves
si I and moves lonaely over the scalp. In
ti-lur It Is faintly pink, or becomeu so at a
touch and is moist. A tight, dry. white
scalp Is deflc'ent In both hi nod and oil, a
...million that Is apt to lend to prematurei
urnyness as well as to falllns; hair. Surh
a scalp needs stimulating by means of
massaiie at least five minutes dally and a
thorough fhampoo not less than twice
Anaem'c and nervous people often have
a dry, lifeless scalp. In the case of an
animal we know bow quickly the peneral
health Is reflected In the coat, and It la
equally true of people that poor health,
menus dull, tusterlens hair. Improve the
health so we may get better blood with
whl.h to nourish the hair roots I the
f rst step. The massage movements which
1 shall give later will increase the ac
tivity of the fine capillaries and bring a
better blood supply; they will also make
the oil glands active so we can count on a
normal amount of luhricat'on, and regular
briiHhlng will distribute this throughout
the hair length, fntll we get the oil
glands to acting reglarly we can feed the
scalp by gently rubbing In a little castor
oil or vaseline. This should be put on the
scalp, not on the hair.
If the hair la dry and I'feleas, its appear
ance will be Improved by using a little
good brllllanline. Put a few drops on the
pnlm of the hand, rub the two palms to
gather and then pass them over the hair.
If the hair Is very dry do this after
shampoo while the hair is hanging, treat
tng each lock separately. If the condition
Is leas serious, hut hair prone to become
untidy and disordered on account of being
too dry. moisten the palms of the hands
with brilllantlne and touch them lightly to
the lialr. Do not abrae brilllantlne; a
drop of It properly applied will give a
natural gloss to the hair, but too much of
It will make the hair sticky and disagree
(To be continued.)
Advice to Lovelorn
(.uU,.,.,iu .., i '
One Mother's Record Uuder
Every Possible Disadvange
. 2b WfPEHbilt
' titsNrT WtnCUif 1 VsT m e
An Ideal Hotel with an Ideal Situation
Summer loiter
Copyright, 19H, by Star Company.)
Years ago, a busy wife of a country
physician was the mother of nine chil
dren. Two years was the greatest period
between the birth of any two.
There were no
electric lights in
those days, and no
running water or
team heat.
The lamps had to
be filled each day:
the wood had to be
brought for the
fire, and water was
drawn from a well.
Nevertheless. this
busy mother In
sisted upon finding
time to keep up her
prai tlce of music,
which she had been
taught before her
marriage. besides
this she Insisted tnat each one of her
children should become her pupil, and she
taught them all the rudiments of mulc
and directed their practice.
in consequence the home was a centei
of pleasure for the whole neighborhood
The children all enjoyed good limbic wlici
tliey went out into the taig'r world, and
were letter able to appreciate tho
achieve in' nts of celebrities because uf
their early education.
But the good woik of tl U cod mother
was not ended here.
he pahseJ ar. a, leaving her children,
with one exceptton, all here.
And amonK the giamlchihlreii she left
one musical genius.
A youiiK Kl'l hai flowered Into the per
fect culiiiination of the grandmothers
ideas und ideals; and siiu rei:ciitl re
turned from her third year of study with
the greatest living mantels In her par
ticular line in (Jermany and r.ussla, where
she received two prises, first and second,
for skill and technique. Without ques
tion this lovely woman who so wonder
fully performed her duties of motherhood
in a small country town so many year
ago la now able to watch over and iiupirc
And help this gifted young descendant,
who is carrying out her own tally am
bitions. Without doubt It was the granoniolhei s
enthusiasm and patience and persistence
which aro lesponsiblo for the gland
daughter. And without doubt the ego of this won
derful woman, who made ready the fur
r w for this flower harvest, will Incarnate
again In time to come, and herself come
to earth a great musician.
Ju.ft as we buihl and fashion
lives mentally and spiritually here, so will
we come hack to enjoy the l emit in the
new conditions.
Nothing we do is lost
Not only do the ctiildien and Kiand-
hlldri n of ui h parents derive benefit
from their peiaervertng efforts, but hns,
grandparents plfparu for themselves
beautiful harmonious conditions and
bodlec for the next Incarnation.
Il Is nevcir sensible to aav "1 am too
old to iKa'ln," when t-peuking of somo
loved study or line of pursuit.
Not only may we In our late maturity
B compli -di thinuM w hich will he a pleasure
and a gratification here on ar11i now.
1 I lit w e are pre oaring ourselves for hlgn
accomplishment!! in that line when we
visit earth attain. Visii it we must, and
will, while we have unttratlfied ihxliex.
Whether goo4 or had, those desires
must make themselves manifest. What
ever you wish you might have dune In
the beginning of your life, try to do now,
to sue h an extent us Is posihle with your
J net us the child who bus learned to
spell in three letters starts Into school
in a more advanced clum than one who
has not learned Ids letters, so will you
Mart la; t her along your desired way,
when you come anln, if you make a be
ginning here bcfuie you pass out of the
In the land and reaimu which lie he-
I tween this earth and your return, you
will guther new spiritual strength and
new powers of application.
We are building our heavens hour by
hour and day by day, und if you are long-
,ig to devote youmclf to music, or ai t, or
astrnnom), or chemistry, or any other
t-p.-clnl Hi- of pursuit, und If you give a
pel IP. n of every day to your chosen
study, win are building a pathway In I ho
world J ist beyond 0 where your f.-et will
lie bd after you drop this special eart:i
toil ay
If you are a parent, then you are help
ing your children, or your grandchildren
perhaps, to carry out your desires also.
Science for Workers.
'J.-"I the aula of a rapidly revolving
gyroscope absolutely fixed? Or la It fised
1 regarding other planets? Has science
j setll.-d thU?" C. A. Van KlrK, Oakland,
, A Suspend an exceedingly accurate
gyroscope In gimbals, the whole being
free to turn, and Imagine the gyroscope
to be ho delicately balanced that the at
tract ion of the earth Is precisely equal
on all parts. Then It will remain at rest
In any position whatever. Now set the
heavy w heM Into rapid rotation and point
tin- avis with great accuracy toward any
star. Then it will point exactly toward
th:s stur during the entire succeeding
year If the wheel ratates rapidly during
tho whole year
At end of half a year the earth and
gyroscope will be at the vast tistanco of
1;.i0,uou miles from where It wss on Its
orbit when the wheel started. This
proves that the lSii.OOO.otO miles, when
compared with any of the more distant
stuis, la not exactly nothing, but very
near to nothing
It requires a powerful telesc.ppe and
xcry accurate micrometer to detect the
amount of this shifting of the earth In
spui-e by the entire diameter of Its Im
mense orbit around the sun. Therefore,
fur all human purposes the axis of the
gyroscope Is fixed In space, although it
Is on a world moving eighteen and one
half miles per second on an ellipse
bue.UKl miles In diameter. And this ap
parent fixity of the axis of gyroscope has
bwn employed In r-tinwi experiments to
prove that the earth turns on Its axis.
For one ran see It turn by looking at a
minute-point on the glmbal of the
ki roscopci with a microscope. Yes, science
has settled every complex problem of the
gyroscopo xi. It I. mathematical accuracy.
And this refined computation has been
made because the whole earth really Is a
littlo toy. gyroscope In comparison with
tho stellar universe.
Tell Your Mather.
1ear .Miss Fairfax: I am a girl 17 and
have a number of admirers. My mother
has always objected to my going about
with any of my boy friends, but last Sun
day I went on a Mil up the Hudson with
a boy friend without my mother's knowl
edge. I'.ven on the sail I could not enjoy
my surroundings because of a reproach
fu conscience, and since then I have
worried constantly. 1 long to confess to
my mother, but cannot bring myself to
do so. as she will be terribly shocked.
Tell your mother of your disobedience
you will have no peace of mind, until
you have confessed. Kxplatu to her how
you long for a few Innocent pleasures
and how you yielded to your desire and
went on this sail up the Hudson without
her knowledge. When you tell her how
you have suffered I am sure she will come
to a better understanding of you and be
more Inclined to allow you a few outing
if you promise to do nothing of which
she would have the least cause to dis
approve. flhoald ot Remain After Elevew.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I live In a rooming
house and share my room with a girl
friend. I have been receiving attention
from a young man for more than a year.
Il rlla utmost every evening and stays
! sometimes till half-past one or two In the
morning. I protested several times. Din
his excuse Is that the evening Is the only
time ha has to see me, and therefore
stays till both my friend and I are tired
out I have asked him not to, but he
says that Is his only time to visit me, aa
he works all day. What shall I do?
Kven with your friend to act aa chap
eron, it would be better to receive your
friend in the living room of the house
where you live. In any event you must
not iiermit him to remutn after 11 o'clock.
When going to places of amusement It la
necei-sary to remain out late, but callera
who linger as late as your friend subject
you to unkind criticism.
Iavnport. Iowa, May 2, 114: "I had
a severe, torturing raae of ecsema on
my feet, hands, arms and body for about '
four montha, and I suffered untold mis
ery. The Itching was something; awfuL
In a couple uf days II spread all over
me with small blisters and then formed
a raw mass of sores. I tried . .
and many other remedies andj prescrip
tion!,, but I only grew worse. Finally
I r-jad of Iteslnol ointment and Real not
tioap and commenced using It. I got
relief from the first treatment Bestnol
and I could Bleep the first night. I
used four or five Jars of Ileal not Oint
ment and Houp also, and I am entirely
cured of that disease eczema, and I
tan cheerfully boost Iteslnol." (Signed)
U. W". Fuller, 713 F. lOlh Bt.
Iteslnol Ointment and! Kesioal Soap
also form a most valuable household,
treatment for pimples, sunburn, heat
rash. Insect bites, etc. For trial, free,
write to Iteslnol, Dept. S3-R, BUUna0r
Md. Sold by all drugglata. -i